Excel Scavenger Hunt
Give one reason using a computer is better than paper and pencil.
computers can check your spelling and help you arrange information easier
What is a spreadsheet
electronic document in which data is arranged
What 3 types of data can be entered in a spreadsheet?
labels, values, formulas
What does the average function find?
return the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguements
What will the MAX function find
the max function is a built in function in excel that is catergorized as a satistical function. it can be used asa worksheet function , the max function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet
How are formulas created
using functions
What are constants used for?
values that rarely change
How can you change the column width?
1. select the cloumn or columns that you want to change 2. on the home tab, in the cells group, click format 3. under cell size, click autofit collumn width
What 3 types of data can be entered in a spreadsheet?
What formula would you create to find the average of Cells A1, A2, and A4?
= average(A1,A2,A4)
What is the formula to find the sum of cells A1, A2, and A3?
What Basic Mathematics rule do the functions follow?
How should you name a cell
Select the cell, range of cells, or nonadjacent selections that you want to name. Click the Name box at the left end of the formula bar. Name box. Type the name that you want to use to refer to your selection. Names can be up to 255 characters in length. Press ENTER.
What type of data may be found in a cell
labels, values, formulas
What function will show the smallest value in the selected range of cells?