Exceptional Learner

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Which of these statements about prevalence figures is true?

A high percentage of special education students are from culturally divergent backgrounds.

Which of the following principles should guide adult services for people with disabilities?

Collaboration with the school in establishing transition goals

_____ occurs when professionals come together to meet the needs of all students, including those with disabilities.

Collaborative ethic

Peter received individualized care (IC). On what essential principles is it based?

Coordinated, flexible approaches to integrated, family-centered care

Fred's teacher has noticed that he is often not able to complete one digit addition problems due to difficulty with number sequencing. Before making a referral for special education services she decides to try and use

Instructional adaptation and an instructional modification

Jimmy, a student with autism, can instantly perform complex math calculations in his head, including the multiplication of seven digit numbers. The following can be said about this splinter skill:

It is unusual as most people with autism do not have savant-type splinter skills.

The phrase "No matter how hard I try I will not succeed" is most closely associated with which of the following?

Learned helplessness

_____ is concerned with the form and internal structure of words (e.g., past tense singular form).


Which court decision in the 1970s held that the state was responsible for providing a free public education to all children with mental retardation between six and twenty-one years of age?

PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Samuel, a student with disabilities, receives most of his instruction in his third grade general education classroom with some pullout for speech and language services. This is an example of

Partial inclusion

In terms of support, the principle of normalization stresses

the availability of supports that facilitate an individual's inclusion in his or her community.

The term "visual acuity" refers to

the distance at which an object may be recognized.

An integral part of the systems-of-care for children with behavior disorders is

the provision of school-wide programs.

The definition of severe disabilities as proposed by TASH includes

the relationship of the individual to the environment.

The National Association of School Psychologists (2009) defines inclusive education as the opportunity for students with disabilities to attend _____.

the same school they would attend if not disabled

According to the text, determining the prevalence of learning disabilities is complicated because

there are differing definitions, theoretical perspectives, and assessment procedures used.

Overrepresentation means

there is a higher percentage of students in special education from minorities than expected based on the population.

The authors emphasize that one of the strengths of behavior intervention is

they can be applied to a wide variety of needs.

The developmental approach to labeling

uses statistics to describe what characteristics occur most frequently at a given age.

"Typical" as defined by the cultural perspective is determined by

values that are established within a given society.

When the pitch, loudness, and quality of a person's speech interfere with the listener's attention to the message, the speaker may be experiencing a(n)

voice disorder.

Eric has 20/30 vision. This means that Eric

can see at twenty feet what a normally sighted person can see at thirty feet.

Effective programs for infants and toddlers with severe and multiple disabilities are

child and family-centered.

Developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) emphasizes

child exploration and play.

An oral malformation in which a reduced division of the nasal and mouth cavities occurs is known as a(n)

cleft palate.

Mohammed has just arrived at O'Hare Airport and is being greeted by Ms. Storm, a top executive of the Lakeshore Development Company. Ms. Storm extends her hand to Mohammed, and he becomes embarrassed and agitated. Where he lives shaking hands with a woman is considered to be inappropriate behavior. This difference is best described by the _____ to labeling.

cultural perspective

A deficit in communication ability, in which a person speaks like someone much younger, is known as

delayed speech.

Parents who effectively use cognitive coping strategies in dealing with their children with disabilities do the following:

develop ways of thinking about their children's conditions that help them respond positively to the child's needs.

Intervention based on normal patterns of growth is referred to as the

developmental milestones approach.

The term "exceptional" describes individuals who

deviate either higher or lower from the norm and may require specialized services.

Davis's teacher has assigned the class to complete some two digit addition problems. The assignment is to complete each of the problems on the board, to draw a picture representation of four of the problems, and to create an addition problem. After assigning the task to the class, David's teacher quietly tells him to complete half of the problems on the board and not to worry if his pictures are not colored; the important thing is to work the math calculations. This is an example of

differentiated instruction

Available research indicates that students with disabilities are

dropping out of high school at a high rate.

Between nine and fourteen months, much of a baby's production of words involves

echoing or mimic responses.

General education attempts to

encourage a base of literacy or bring most to a similar point in knowledge.

Characteristics of autism include _____.

engagement in repetitive activities

IDEA mandates that students who bring a dangerous weapon to school are

entitled to continue receiving services although there may be a change in educational placement.

Mario needs continual daily support in at least some environments, including work and home. To be effective these supports must not be time-limited. AAIDD would classify Mario's needed supports as


The savant characteristics portrayed in the movie Rain Man may represent

extraordinarily focus and gifted skills.

Special education attempts to

focus on individual strengths, needs, and preferences.

Proponents of pull out programs argue that the available research does not support _________for all students with disabilities.

full-time placement in a general education class

An approach emphasizing the relationship between individual functioning and the environment is known as

functional assessment

The Regular Teacher Initiative is characterized by

general and special education teachers working as partners to achieve a common goal.

In recent years, the focus on educational placement for students with intellectual disabilities has been on

general education settings.

Most identifiable causes of severe intellectual disabilities are

genetic in origin.

A person who is partially sighted

has visual acuity greater than 20/200, but not greater than 20/70 in the better eye after correction.

Learning disabilities

have long been associated with controversy.

Response to intervention, as it is currently being used by teachers and investigated by researchers, refers to

how a student responds to instructional interventions that are scientifically (evidence) based.

The purpose of a functional behavioral assessment is to

identify the functions of a student's behavior in relationship to various school or home settings.

What is the primary focus of an IEP for a student from a culturally diverse background?

individual needs of the child

One of the most common causes of hearing loss in the postnatal period is


Most current research on the causation of autism points to a(n) _____ perspective.


For most persons with severe and multiple disabilities, _____ is a primary symptom.

intellectual disability

Opponents of the current IDEA definition of serious emotional disturbance have criticized its

lack of clarity, incompleteness, and exclusion of persons described as being socially maladjusted.

Jenny, a Speech and Language Pathologist, was assessing a student's expressive language ability. The student was known to have limited English proficiency, so Jenny must ensure that _____ are not masking the child's true abilities or the assessment would be invalid.

language differences

José is a second grader with limited English proficiency, and he has begun to show serious academic difficulties as the year progresses. The overall population of English language learners at his school is low. He is ________to receive special education.

less likely

The term "pathology" would most often be used by professionals in the field of


Parental imitation of the baby talk of very young children may be a powerful influence resulting in strengthening of the behavior. This is an example of a child learning from


The focus of adult-service agencies should be

monitoring and tracking students after leaving school to ensure that they have appropriate services available during adulthood.

Ajla, a non-English-speaking student has just been moved into your resource classroom. Reading through her file, which indicates she has a moderate learning disability, you notice that her language diversity was not considered during her assessment or educational planning. Ajla has

not been appropriately placed.

In the early twentieth century, Watson shifted the content of psychology to

observable behavior and mental events.

The most essential part of early intervention programming for children with disabilities is

parent training

James's teachers have made it clear that his specific needs, preferences, and values should come first in the transition planning process. This is an example of a

person-centered approach.

Geni reports that her twelve-year-old son has, for the past year, been persistently eating paint chips and plaster. This is an example of


An important goal in preschool programs for children with severe and multiple disabilities is to

prepare the child for inclusive school placements.

The ultimate goal in educational programming for students with autism is to

prepare the student for a high quality life in their home communities.

A fundamental purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act is to

prevent discrimination against people with disabilities.

Behavioral treatment has been used effectively for

prompting decreases in problem behaviors and potential improvement of survival skills.

The intent of a reasonable accommodation for a person with a disability is to

provide an opportunity to achieve the same level of performance and enjoy benefits equal to an average, similarly situated person without a disability.

In general, the weakest academic area for students with intellectual disabilities is

reading comprehension.

Researchers question whether children with a learning disability commit handwriting errors more often than their nondisabled peers who are at the same

reading level.

The support needs of individuals with severe and multiple disabilities _____.

require the involvement of many different professional disciplines

In the early 1900s, special education meant

segregated education.

Mark has difficulty with reading comprehension. His teacher has determined that Mark often is confused about the central theme of the passage he has read, focusing instead on peripheral information. It is possible that Mark has a

selective attention problem.

Researchers have found that youth characterized as ________ experience the greatest number of positive adult outcomes.


Which of the following is an important characteristic of an effective consulting teacher?

serve as a resource to general educators and to parents

Vivian has a problem with figure - ground discrimination. This means Vivian may have trouble reading because she

she has difficulty distinguishing words from the rest of the page.

For many years, the potential of adults with disabilities has been ________.

significantly underestimated

Spasticity is a classification of cerebral palsy in which an individual experiences

stiff and difficult movement.

Drew is a student with autism who is having great difficulty with routines at home and school. One method that research has shown to be effective in helping Drew with transitions is

structured visual cues.

Successful efforts to include students with severe and multiple disabilities in general education schools and classrooms involve

systematic organization of opportunities for interaction.

Nearly ____ percent of students with disabilities go on to further education, such as college, university, or applied technical school


It wasn't until _____ that the value of full educational participation for all was put into practice in the United States.


ADHD is often associated with LD with estimates as high as


_____ is the act or sense of hearing.


Approximately ________ infants with Down syndrome are born each year.


At what age should parents become concerned if their child has consistent problems with bowel and bladder control that is not a function of any physical disorder?

4 or 5

At what stage are parents best able to receive and comprehend information concerning their child who has a disability?

Acknowledgment stage

Which stage of parental response is characterized by involvement, comprehension, acceptance, and/or adjustment?

Acknowledgment stage

One concern regarding the prevalence of EBD is the disproportionate number of young _____ males who are identified.

African American

A major goal of medical treatment for spinal cord injury is to

All of the above

Children with disabilities whose fathers are involved in their education

All of the above

Which of the following is a provision of IDEA?

All of the above

A functional approach to the assessment of vision loss focuses on an individual's

All of the above.

Children with intellectual disabilities will often need to be taught ________ skills that lead to more positive social relationships and personal competence

All of the above.

Family-centered support focuses on

All of the above.

In addition to behaviorally oriented interventions, children with behavior disorders may receive

All of the above.

Suggested support for people with disabilities should

All of the above.

Training in understanding of the nature of the disability is suggested for

All of the above.

At about what age does a child begin to use reasonably accurate syntax using subject-verb-object?

Eighteen to twenty-four months.

Students who have difficulty with language production may be experiencing what type of disorder?

Expressive language disorder.

Which of the following characteristics may suggest to parents that their child has ASD?

Extreme staring at others

_____ is an approach characterized by all supports and services coming to the student in a general education classroom.

Full inclusion

Delayed speech may be associated with which of the following?

Hearing impairment.

A condition in which an excess of cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the skull is


Which law assured a free and appropriate public education to every eligible child with a disability between three and five years of age?

Public Law 99-457

This provision of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in federally assisted programs.

Section 504.

________ is the ability of an individual with disabilities to consider options and make appropriate choices.


People with aphasia have occasional difficulty comprehending what is said to them or understanding its meaning. What component of language is affected in such circumstances?


During which stage do parents experience the greatest need for support?

Shock stage

Ray has been an extremely supportive spouse, and the day-to-day physical and psychological support he provides his wife is invaluable. Which is true?

Support is predictive of satisfaction and contentment.

Which federal law provides students with disabilities greater access to vocational education experiences?

The Carl Perkins Act

Which disorder is characterized by involuntary, rapid repetitions of words or phrases?

Tic disorder

Which infection is carried by raw meat and fecal material?


Transition services are

a coordinated set of activities that are outcome-oriented.

According to IDEA 2004, the term "learning disabilities" includes students who have learning problems resulting from

a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes.

IDEA requirements for nondiscriminatory and multidisciplinary assessment testing procedures include

a team approach to assessment

You are beginning the assessment process on May, a student new to your district. To get a better insight into the student, you should seek out valuable information including languages spoken at home, care outside of school and languages they speak, and activities. These can all

aid in assessment administration and aid in assessment interpretation.

Andrew has suffered a conductive loss that doctors tell him might be improved by

all of the above.

Nondiscriminatory assessment seeks to eliminate

all of the above.

People with severe and multiple disabilities often have a higher incidence of

all of the above.

Significant deficits and delays in speech and language skills for persons with severe and multiple disabilities involve

all of the above.

Treatment for young people with cystic fibrosis should include

all of the above.

IDEA is based on the principle that

all students are able to benefit from education.

A principle that characterizes school accountability under the No Child Left Behind Act and IDEA 2004 is

an emphasis on challenging academic standards for all students.

Learning disabilities can be considered _______________ because it includes such varied characteristics.

an umbrella term

A student who is inordinately fearful about future events, and has difficulty separating from a parent or another close relationship is likely to be experiencing

anxiety disorders.

Mothers may become overprotective of a child with a disability. This is a concern because

as the child grows, he or she may lack skills necessary for independence.

Most current researchers see autism as a(n) _____.

assortment of symptoms that will require varied treatments

Josh has begun to exhibit deficiencies in language, interpersonal skills, affective behavior, and intellectual functioning. Most of his symptoms were evident before he was three, and his parents report an increased amount of self-stimulating behavior. It is likely that Josh has been diagnosed as having


According to the U.S. Department of Education, how many students with disabilities between the ages of three and twenty-one receive special education?

between 6 and 7 million

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