EXSC 221 Hager Midterm

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Materialism claims that the reality of human life is ________.

only the body

What is a belief that people and life are the way they are and there is no freedom to choose to be another way?


Remember - range of healthy weight you can be is what?

- 60 pounds variation for most weight ranges and still be healthy

Know the ranges for healthy steps in a day.

0 - 3,000 INACTIVE 3,000 - 6,000 LOW ACTIVE 6,000 - 10,000 MODERATELY ACTIVE 10,000 - 14,000 ACTIVE 15,000 VERY ACTIVE

What things does Wellness include?

1. Wellness includes 2. optimal energy. 3. health, fitness and overall well-being. 4. feelings of peace and harmony of being. 5. the desire and capacity to thrive

Remember - what % of disease is contributed to lifestyle factors?


A healthy approach to improving cardiorespiratory wellness includes which of the following? A. Correct! awareness of the effects of hot and humid conditions B. pushing yourself as hard as you can C. wearing extra clothes to make you sweat off weight D. running or jogging rather than just walking

A healthy approach to improving cardiorespiratory wellness includes which of the following? A. awareness of the effects of hot and humid conditions B. pushing yourself as hard as you can C. wearing extra clothes to make you sweat off weight D. running or jogging rather than just walking

A pedometer reading of 10,000-14,000 steps a day is considered to be ________. A. active B. low active C. moderately active D. inactive E. very active

A pedometer reading of 10,000-14,000 steps a day is considered to be ________. A. Correct! active B. low active C. moderately active D. inactive E. very active

A person is considered obese when his or her BMI is ________. A. 29.0 or more B. 28.0 or more C. 26.0 or more D. 30.0 or more E. 27.0 or more

A person is considered obese when his or her BMI is ________. A. 29.0 or more B. 28.0 or more C. 26.0 or more D. Correct! 30.0 or more E. 27.0 or more

A good feeling about yourself that comes as a result of approval from others, money, appearance, competence, or some other contingency is commonly referred to as what?

Achievement self-esteem: A good feeling about yourself that comes as a result of approval from others, money, appearance, competence, or some other contingency

How should you work out your muscles when going for endurance? Strength?

Activities that build muscular endurance include long-distance running, cycling, or swimming, along with circuit training and bodyweight exercises. You can improve muscular strength and endurance by doing repetitive movements until the point of exhaustion

Anorexia nervosa is a mental illness in which a person ________. A. overdoses on prescription drugs B. has a nervous breakdown C. engages in binge-purge cycles D. starves herself or himself E. has shingles

Anorexia nervosa is a mental illness in which a person ________. A. overdoses on prescription drugs B. has a nervous breakdown C. engages in binge-purge cycles D. Correct! starves herself or himself E. has shingles

What are the pros and cons of the different types of stretching.

BALLISTIC: Although this type of stretching has been shown to increase flexibility, it is not typically recommended because of the force generated by the momentum of the moving limbs and the potential for exceeding the extensibility of the muscle tendon units. This results in a greater potential for injury and muscle soreness. However, after a more conservative stretching routine, ballistic stretching may help to prepare the muscles for the type of movement executed during the ballistic stretch. DYNAMIC: dynamic stretching is most appropriate for the warm-up component of exercise/activity preparation, and during the cool-down period. There is some evidence that dynamic stretching may improve performance more than static stretching (discussed next), especially in activities that require agility and balance.

___________ involves rapid or bouncing-type limb movements through a full range of motion. This is done by actively contracting muscle groups opposite the muscle to be stretched, resulting in quick stretching of target muscle groups.

Ballistic stretching

Behaviorism and operant conditioning work on people but may result in ________. A. only the body changing B. competition C. manipulation D. resentment toward authority E. only the mind changing

Behaviorism and operant conditioning work on people but may result in ________. A. only the body changing B. competition C. manipulation D. Correct! resentment toward authority E. only the mind changing

Body tissue that can generate force is called ________. A. nerve B. muscle C. cartilage D. tendon

Body tissue that can generate force is called ________. A. nerve B. Correct! muscle C. cartilage D. tendon

What are the benefits of functional fitness?

Build a foundation in muscle strength and endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, and flexibility of muscles and joints. In addition, developing your functional fitness produces important by-products, such as improved balance, coordination, and posture

Cardiorespiratory fitness contributes to ________. A. physical fitness B. only development of the heart and lungs C. overall well-being including neurogenesis D. athletic performance mainly

Cardiorespiratory fitness contributes to ________. A. physical fitness B. only development of the heart and lungs C. Correct! overall well-being including neurogenesis D. athletic performance mainly

Know the physiology of the cardiovascular system - what is it composed of?

Cardiorespiratory fitness is the ability of the heart to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and remove waste by-products produced during metabolism and during physical activity. Cardiorespiratory fitness involves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and their ability to adapt to increased workloads. These systems include the heart, the blood vessels, nasal passages, trachea, bronchi, lungs, rib muscles, and diaphragm The cardiorespiratory system is comprised of the blood vessels, the lungs, and the heart. Each plays important and unique roles in proper body function. The circulatory system is what allows for the transport of oxygen and other nutrients throughout the body. These blood vessels also facilitate the removal of waste by-products of cell metabolism such as CO 2 . Exchange of oxygen and CO 2 occur in the lungs through a series of small air sacs called alveoli. Each alveolus is surrounded by capillaries which are the smaller vessels that branch off from the arteries and veins. In essence, the exchange of these gasses in an efficient manner is directly related to cardiorespiratory fitness

Changing to living a healthy lifestyle is ________. A. dependent on how others are living B. facilitated by a fixed mindset C. the most difficult change to make D. None of these E. dependent on determinism

Changing to living a healthy lifestyle is ________. A. dependent on how others are living B. facilitated by a fixed mindset C. the most difficult change to make D. Correct! None of these E. dependent on determinism

Know the leading causes of death in the United States

Chronic disease conditions that are acquired in part due to lifestyle habits such as diet and physical activity. Diseases typically include some forms of #2 cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and #1 cardiovascular diseases.

is flexibility that facilitates the movements needed for everyday activities and is important for maintaining proper posture

Dynamic flexibility

Dynamic flexibility helps to maintain ________. A. more attention to the muscles B. better posture C. ligament soreness D. more oxygen in the lungs cartilage in the joints

Dynamic flexibility helps to maintain ________. A. more attention to the muscles B. Correct! better posture C. ligament soreness D. more oxygen in the lungs cartilage in the joints

Why are amino acids considered high-quality proteins?

Essential amino acids: The nine amino acids that the body cannot make and that we must get from food. Protein: A nutrient made up of amino acids that is need to build, repair, and maintain body tissues. Complete protein: A protein that contains all of the essential amino acids. Incomplete protein: A protein lacking one or more of the essential amino acids.

Know which nutrients are the macronutrients and how much energy per gram you get.

Fats 9 kcal Protein 4 kcal Carb 4 kcal Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and water are further classified as macronutrients because they are needed by the body in large amounts.

Understand muscular fitness and its relationship with blood pressure

Fitness goes up and blood pressure goes down

Functional fitness helps correct dysfunction by ________. A. doing weight training B. exercising the cardiorespiratory system C. creating a solid foundation of physical ability D. orthopedic surgery E. participating in a sport

Functional fitness helps correct dysfunction by ________. A. doing weight training B. exercising the cardiorespiratory system C. Correct! creating a solid foundation of physical ability D. orthopedic surgery E. participating in a sport

Functional fitness improves real-life movements by ________. A. focusing mainly on muscle endurance B. teaching lifetime sports skills. C. focusing mainly on muscle bulk D. strengthening muscles by isolating a muscle D. teaching muscles to work together

Functional fitness improves real-life movements by ________. A. focusing mainly on muscle endurance B. teaching lifetime sports skills. C. focusing mainly on muscle bulk D. strengthening muscles by isolating a muscle D. Correct! teaching muscles to work together

The levels of fitness that allow you to perform real-life daily activities such as walking, bending, lifting, and climbing stairs. The primary purpose of ________ is to enhance quality of life, reduce chronic pain, and avoid suffering.

Functional fitness: The levels of fitness that allow you to perform real-life daily activities such as walking, bending, lifting, and climbing stairs. The primary purpose of functional fitness is to enhance quality of life, reduce chronic pain, and avoid suffering. Functional fitness teaches the muscles to work together instead of in isolation.

Ghrelin and leptin are two hormones that control ________. A. anger B. stress C. happiness D. body weight E. appetite

Ghrelin and leptin are two hormones that control ________. A. anger B. stress C. happiness D. body weight E. Correct! appetite

A sensory receptor located in the musculotendinous junction that, when stimulated, causes the stretched muscle to relax through the inverse myotatic reflex is what?

Golgi tendon organ:

Good posture contributes to _________. A. good relationships B. good functioning of many systems of the body C. All of these D. a better supply of oxygen to the lungs E. communicating confidence

Good posture contributes to _________. A. good relationships B. good functioning of many systems of the body C. Correct! All of these D. a better supply of oxygen to the lungs E. communicating confidence

If a person thinks, "I am my body and I am my mind," then that person has been influenced by what?


How can you can estimate your current cardiorespiratory fitness level? A. by assessing how much weight you can move B. by measuring how far you can move in a given time C. only by taking a treadmill stress test D. by counting how many breaths you take per minute

How can you can estimate your current cardiorespiratory fitness level? A. by assessing how much weight you can move B. Correct! by measuring how far you can move in a given time C. only by taking a treadmill stress test D. by counting how many breaths you take per minute

Hydrogenation converts unsaturated fats to a semisolid or solid form, and they become ________. A. bad carbs B. none of these C. trans fats D. hydrogenated oil E. monounsaturated vegetable oils

Hydrogenation converts unsaturated fats to a semisolid or solid form, and they become ________. A. bad carbs B. none of these C. Correct! trans fats D. hydrogenated oil E. monounsaturated vegetable oils

What is the difference between hypertrophy v. atrophy?

Hypertrophy: An increase in muscle size due to an increase in the amount of protein myofibrils (contractile filaments) within a muscle cell, and not to an increase in the number of muscle cells (which is called hyperplasia). Atrophy: (of body tissue or an organ) waste away, especially as a result of the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution.

If one thinks "The reality of my being is the mind only; the body is some entity that is not really who I am," then this person has been influenced by the philosophy called what?


In 2011, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) replaced the Food Guide Pyramid, government guidelines for healthy eating, with ________. A. the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate. B. Livestrong plate. C. MyPyramid D. the Oldways pyramid E. MyPlate

In 2011, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) replaced the Food Guide Pyramid, government guidelines for healthy eating, with ________. A. the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate. B. Livestrong plate. C. MyPyramid D. the Oldways pyramid E. Correct! MyPlate

______ means that we initiate an action or behavior because we want to and because it is interesting or satisfying to us. _______ means that our behavior is controlled or motivated by others.

Intrinsic motivation is space 1 Extrinsic motivation is space 2

The automatic response that causes a stretched muscle to relax when the Golgi tendon organ is stimulated is what?

Inverse myotatic reflex:

If a person thinks "The reality of my being is my body only," then that person has been influenced by what?


What are the psychological needs that result in greater health and wellness?

Motivation for healthy living develops from deep within us when we are able to act according to our own will. This is the psychological need of autonomy. Facilitated by autonomy is the psychological need of competence, the confidence and ability to make the changes. This is the second basic psychological need for healthy motivation identified in SDT Next comes relatedness. No one is an island; life is to be shared with others. Healthy relationships are key to healthy living.Positive relationships affect our minds and our bodies, even supporting cellular health as we discussed in Chapter 1.

A sensory receptor located in the belly of the muscle that, when stimulated, causes a myotatic reflex that contracts the stretched muscle is what?

Muscle spindle

Muscle strength and endurance benefits the body by ________. A. reducing back pain B. All of these C. helping a person avoid osteoporosis D. None of these E. improving balance

Muscle strength and endurance benefits the body by ________. A. reducing back pain B. Correct! All of these C. helping a person avoid osteoporosis D. None of these E. improving balance

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to ________. A. align the body B. exert force C. contract repeatedly over time D. maintain stability

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to ________. A. align the body B. exert force C. Correct! contract repeatedly over time D. maintain stability

Muscular fitness can help hypertensive individuals lower their ________. A. systolic and diastolic blood pressure B. None of these C. diastolic blood pressure D. systolic blood pressure

Muscular fitness can help hypertensive individuals lower their ________. A. Correct! systolic and diastolic blood pressure B. None of these C. diastolic blood pressure D. systolic blood pressure

______ is a mixed sensory category and includes all sensation received from the skin and mucous membranes, as well from as the limbs and joints. ______ is also known as tactile sense, or more familiarly, as the sense of touch.


One of the best ways to regulate ghrelin and leptin is with ________. A. anti-depressants B. fasting C. glucose D. exercise E. positive attitudes

One of the best ways to regulate ghrelin and leptin is with ________. A. anti-depressants B. fasting C. glucose D. Correct! exercise E. positive attitudes

There are two methods of _____________, and both involve first maximally contracting the muscle to be stretched. After a maximal contraction, the muscle is allowed to relax and is then either passively stretched with assistance, or actively stretched by contracting the opposing muscle group. Either way, this type of stretching usually involves a partner and is, therefore, not always as convenient as dynamic or static stretching

PNF stretching-proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF).

What is sensory information that comes from within the body?


________ is the best way to improve cardiovascular health.

Remember - Exercise

What are the dimensions of the whole person? Harmony of those dimensions is known as what?

Remember - Physical, mental, social, and emotional are dimensions of the whole person, while "wellness" is the overall harmony of those dimensions

The belief that you are able to succeed at what you set out to do is known as what?

Self Efficacy

A good feeling about yourself that comes as you accept your intrinsic value is what?

Self-acceptance self-esteem: A good feeling about yourself that comes as you accept your intrinsic value.

The opinion we hold of the worth or value of our whole being, mind and body is what?

Self-esteem is the opinion we hold of the worth or value of our whole being, mind and body.

Review the principles of goal setting.

Set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

____________primarily considers the range of motion of a joint without regard for the time it takes to go through that range of motion. ___________ on the other hand, is a more functional assessment that considers both the speed and ease with which a joint can move through a range of motion. ________________applies particularly to the "on-demand" movements that a person performs in everyday activities or as part of regular exercise and sports participation

Static and dynamic flexibility. Dynamic flexibility

Stressors release hormones that slow down digestion, resulting in ________. A. food stagnating and sending toxins into the bloodstream B. food not being digested C. decreased appetite D. decreased energy E. food staying in the thoracic cavity too long

Stressors release hormones that slow down digestion, resulting in ________. A. Correct! food stagnating and sending toxins into the bloodstream B. food not being digested C. decreased appetite D. decreased energy E. food staying in the thoracic cavity too long

What is BMI?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body composition based on one's height and weight, and it is used by the National

Know what the exercise prescription model is.

The Exercise Prescription Model (EPM) is a guideline used to determine frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise needed to achieve cardiorespiratory fitness. The EPM traditionally states that an individual perform cardiorespiratory exercise at least 3-5 times per week at an approximate intensity of 40-85 percent of heart rate reserve (HRR) in one continuous bout of 20-60 minutes' duration. The primary benefit of using heart rate reserve to calculate exercise intensity is that it accounts for the individual variability in a person's resting heart rate.

The behavior and the value of each individual can be kept distinct from each other. This is best accomplished by having ________. A. any kind of self-esteem B. low self-esteem C. self-acceptance self-esteem D. high self-esteem E. achievement self-esteem

The behavior and the value of each individual can be kept distinct from each other. This is best accomplished by having ________. A. any kind of self-esteem B. low self-esteem C. Correct! self-acceptance self-esteem D. high self-esteem E. achievement self-esteem

The capacity to move a joint through its full range of motion is called ________. A. dynamic flexibility B. functional flexibility C. flexibility D. ligament flexibility

The capacity to move a joint through its full range of motion is called ________. A. dynamic flexibility B. functional flexibility C. Correct! flexibility D. ligament flexibility

Know the risks of abdominal fat connected with Type II Diabetes

The cortisol increases the capacity of the omentum to store intra-abdominal fat. Therefore chronic stress tends to increase the size of the waist The stress hormones also adversely affect insulin and blood glucose levels, leading to type 2 diabetes. It is not just excess weight in general, but abdominal weight in particular that increases the risk for developing type 2 diabetes—up to 10 or more times greater than does fat in other areas of the body.

What is considered the second brain?

The enteric nervous system (ENS) is the "brain in the belly" and neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, play a role in digestion. Over 80 percent of the body's serotonin (a neurotransmitter often associated with feelings of wellbeing and known as the "happiness hormone") is actually found in the bowels. Gershon actually named his findings the "second brain."

The fat-storing fold of the peritoneum, the lining of the abdominal cavity, is called the ________. A. None of these B. diaphragm C. omentum D. rectus abdominus E. abdominal fold

The fat-storing fold of the peritoneum, the lining of the abdominal cavity, is called the ________. A. None of these B. diaphragm C. Correct! omentum D. rectus abdominus E. abdominal fold

The nutrient most needed for survival is A. water. B. carbohydrates. C. fats. D. vitamins. E. protein.

The nutrient most needed for survival is A. Correct! water. B. carbohydrates. C. fats. D. vitamins. E. protein.

The principle of progression, when applied to flexibility, means what? A. Everyone should be able to sit with legs extended and reach the arms beyond the toes. B. Everyone should ease into flexibility exercises and do some every day. C. Everyone should bounce and stretch as far as possible. D. Everyone needs to become as flexible as possible.

The principle of progression, when applied to flexibility, means what? A. Everyone should be able to sit with legs extended and reach the arms beyond the toes. B. Correct! Everyone should ease into flexibility exercises and do some every day. C. Everyone should bounce and stretch as far as possible. D. Everyone needs to become as flexible as possible.

The relationship between flexibility and muscle strength dictates that ________. A. maintaining muscle strength limits dynamic flexibility B. flexibility is most effective when muscles are strong C. muscles cannot be strong if they are flexible D. muscles cannot be flexible if they are strong

The relationship between flexibility and muscle strength dictates that ________. A. maintaining muscle strength limits dynamic flexibility B. Correct! flexibility is most effective when muscles are strong C. muscles cannot be strong if they are flexible D. muscles cannot be flexible if they are strong

Which is known as the stretch reflex? The Golgi tendon or the muscle spindle?

The stretch reflex can be a monosynaptic reflex which provides automatic regulation of skeletal muscle length, whereby the signal entering the spinal cord arises from a change in muscle length or velocity. When a muscle lengthens, the muscle spindle is stretched and its nerve activity increases.

Ch. 6 Remember - What is the difference between muscle strength and endurance?


Know VO2 max and the different ways to calculate VO2 max

VO 2 max: Maximum volume of oxygen consumed. Typically described per unit of time and relative to an individual's body mass as mL·kg -1 ·min -1 (milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body mass per minute

VO2 max is a good predictor of ________. A. mental toughness B. cardiorespiratory fitness C. type II diabetes D. heart disease

VO2 max is a good predictor of ________. A. mental toughness B. Correct! cardiorespiratory fitness C. type II diabetes D. heart disease

Remember - _______ is a nutrient.


_______ is a state of being that maximizes quality of life. ______ is internal harmony, optimal energy, and aliveness.


What are the three types of muscle tissue in the body? A. cardiac, smooth, and skeletal B. cardiac, pulmonary, and skeletal C. cardiac, digestive, and skeletal D. cardiac, skeletal, and postural

What are the three types of muscle tissue in the body? A. Correct! cardiac, smooth, and skeletal B. cardiac, pulmonary, and skeletal C. cardiac, digestive, and skeletal D. cardiac, skeletal, and postural

What are the two types of flexibility? A. muscular and strength flexibility B. static and muscular flexibility C. dynamic and functional flexibility D. static and dynamic flexibility

What are the two types of flexibility? A. muscular and strength flexibility B. static and muscular flexibility C. dynamic and functional flexibility D. Correct! static and dynamic flexibility

What do the glycemic index and glycemic load affect? A. omega-3 and omega-6 levels in the blood B. insulin levels in the blood C. triglyceride levels in the blood D. micronutrient levels in the blood E. macronutrient levels in the blood

What do the glycemic index and glycemic load affect? A. omega-3 and omega-6 levels in the blood B. Correct! insulin levels in the blood C. triglyceride levels in the blood D. micronutrient levels in the blood E. macronutrient levels in the blood

What is good posture? A. proper alignment of the head and back B. balance of the left and right hips C. proper alignment of the musculoskeletal system D. balance of the left and right shoulders E. proper alignment that feels stiff

What is good posture? A. proper alignment of the head and back B. balance of the left and right hips C. Correct! proper alignment of the musculoskeletal system D. balance of the left and right shoulders E. proper alignment that feels stiff

Understand the value in stretching and how it can prevent injury, etc.

When muscles become inflexible, range of motion is limited and may lead to chronic pain and dysfunction. Musculoskeletal function can be maintained only by specifically using muscles to move joint lever systems. It is easier and more efficient to move the body when it has dynamic flexibility. Being able to bend, twist, and stretch enhances daily function for school, work, recreation, and any other activity. Tight muscles may increase the risk of injury. Tight muscles restrict movement and therefore movements beyond a limited range of motion due to inflexibility increase the likelihood of musculoskeletal injury. For example, tight muscles on the back of the thigh can result in a strain of the hamstring muscles during rapid knee extension.

When trying to adopt new healthy behaviors, it is important to ________. A. do all of these B. recognize that this involves your whole being C. be patient D. be flexible E. respect how complex a thorough change can be

When trying to adopt new healthy behaviors, it is important to ________. A. Correct! do all of these B. recognize that this involves your whole being C. be patient D. be flexible E. respect how complex a thorough change can be

Which of the following is most important for wise goal setting? A. All of these B. setting goals as high as possible C. accomplishing goals quickly D. giving yourself rewards E. stating goals generally and avoiding specifics

Which of the following is most important for wise goal setting? A. All of these B. Correct! setting goals as high as possible C. accomplishing goals quickly D. giving yourself rewards E. stating goals generally and avoiding specifics

Which of these is a health benefit of being flexible? A. increased stress B. increased psychological flexibility C. improved endurance D. improved posture and reduce risk of injury

Which of these is a health benefit of being flexible? A. increased stress B. increased psychological flexibility C. improved endurance D. Correct! improved posture and reduce risk of injury

How does having a good cardiorespiratory fitness help with diabetes, heart health, etc.?

You will be preventing these common problems because as you continue to do cardiorespiratory activities, you will make your circulatory and respiratory systems more efficient and effective. Your resting pulse rate will slow down and for each heartbeat, more blood will be sent throughout your body because your heart muscle is stronger and more efficient. You will develop more blood vessels allowing blood and oxygen to reach more cells. As a result of exercise, your blood pressure can be lower, which will significantly decrease your risk for stroke. Your good cholesterol (HDL) can increase and you may benefit from a more healthy total cholesterol level as well. Doing cardiorespiratory activities will help you increase your metabolism and contribute to a healthy body weight. The functioning within your body as well as the practical functioning of your whole being will be healthier as you incorporate cardiorespiratory activities into your lifestyle.

Understand the benefits of calcium

Your body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Your heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium to function properly. Some studies suggest that calcium, along with vitamin D, may have benefits beyond bone health: perhaps protecting against cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Know the trends of blood pressure due to exercise.

Your resting pulse rate will slow down and for each heartbeat, more blood will be sent throughout your body because your heart muscle is stronger and more efficient. You will develop more blood vessels allowing blood and oxygen to reach more cells. As a result of exercise, your blood pressure can be lower, which will significantly decrease your risk for stroke. Your good cholesterol (HDL) can increase and you may benefit from a more healthy total cholesterol level as well.

What are the health benefits of flexibility?

benefits of flexibility, such as reducing the risk of muscle strain, come from being more, rather than less, flexible. However, there is some evidence that hyper-mobility—being extremely flexible—can also lead to laxity in the joints and contribute to potential risk of musculoskeletal injury.

Proper breathing techniques while lifting weights - eccentric, concentric, etc. But remember that, when in doubt, it is better to just breathe normally during an exercise than to hold your breath at any given time

general guideline is to inhale during the eccentric phase of the lift and exhale during the concentric phase of the lift.

Holism claims that the reality of human life is ________.

mind and body

Immaterialism claims that the reality of human life is ________.

not matter

Ratios of overweight and obese people - specifically regarding school age children

overweight and obese adults have reached epic proportions—about 70 percent of the population. A great concern is that approximately one-third of school-age children and adolescents are also overweight or obese, and in some minority groups the proportion approaches 1 in every 2

Thoughts and feelings affect how the cells function, according to ________.


Remember - ___________ in men can increase the ability for men to build muscle.


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