Spanish Challenge Exam

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Preposiciones before, after, during, until, to, with, of,

antes de, despues de, durante, hasta, a, con, de

reflexive verbs

me, te, se, nos, os

El pretérito de los verbos terminados en -car, -gar y -zar

Car (qué*, caste, có, camos, casteis, caron), Gar (gué*, gaste, gó, gamos, gasteis, garon) Zar (cé*, zaste, zó, zamos, zasteis, zaron)

Saber vs. conocer

Saber is used to talk about facts or learned skills. You can use it to talk about information you've memorized or to say you know how to swim, draw, speak a language, etc. Conocer is used to express familiarity or acquaintance (or lack thereof) with a person, place, or thing. For example you can know, or be acquainted with, a book, a movie, a country, or a certain person.

Ser vs. Estar

Ser - For permanent things *D*escription - Physical and Moral Attributes *O*rigin - Usually paired with de *N*ationality *O*ccupation *T*ime *C*olor *R*eligion *A*ge *P*ersonality Estar - For temporary things *P*resent progressive *L*ocation *A*ction *C*ondition *E*motion

préterito dar, hacer, ver, ir y ser

Ser/Ir (fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron) Dar (Di Diste Dio Dimos Disteis Dieron) Hacer (hice hiciste hizo hicimos hicisteis hicieron) Ver (vi viste vio vimos visteis vieron)

Que, Quien, Cuando, Donde, Cual, Por que, Como, Cuanto

What, who, when, where, which, why, how, how many

Pretérito Regular

ar: é, aste, ó, amos, asteis, aron er/ir: í, iste, ió, imos, isteis, ieron

telling time: 15/30 minutes past or before

cuarto y media

los verbos como gustar

encantar. interesar. importar.

Telling Time and Dates

es la (one) son las

Presente Progresivo

estar + ando/iendo

El pretérito irregular de los verbos estar, poner, poder, saber, etc.

etuv-, pus-, pud-, sup- (all end w -e -iste -o -imos -isteis -ieron)

indirect object pronouns

me, te, le, nos, os, les (I gave it to THEM last week)

direct object pronouns

me, te, lo/la, nos, os, los/las (I gave IT to them last week)

possesive adjectives

mi, mis, tu, tus, su, sus, nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras, vuestro

ir + a + infinitive

voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, va

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