Fall of the Roman Empire

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Describe one way that the two disasters contributed to the fall of Rome?

The resulting diseases decimated the Roman population and recruitment of troops became more difficult so the empire was reduced to hiring Germanic soldiers to guard its frontiers which caused taxes to rise.

How did the change in breastplates and helmets contribute to the decline of Rome?

The troops in battle were exposed to wounds because they had no armor and some thought about running and not fighting.

What was the political reason for the fall of the empire?

There was no written rule about the succession to the Emperors throne.

How many different emperors were therefrom 27 BC to 476 AD?

There were 78 different emperors.

What phrase describes the Huns?

They exceed any definition of savagery.

Why were the Huns "glued to their horses"?

They fought in battles on horses.

Who were the Germanic Tribes?

They were primitive, warlike people from Germany/Poland area such as the Huns, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, and Vandals.

Why were legions fighting legions?

To get their emperor on the throne.

What was the rule of divine right?

an emperor was chosen by gods.

Where did the Germanic Tribes settle?

near borders and attracted to Empire's fertile lands, wealth and culture.

Why else did Taxes rise?

Because needed money to pay for bread and the troop's salary.

When was Rome extremely weak?

By 400 AD

What is conscription?

Drafting of soldiers

Why did the Germanic Tribes cross the Danube and Rhine Rivers?

For protection from the Huns, who were very brutal invaders from Asia.

What were the Economic reasons for the fall?

HIgher taxes for the citizens, rising unemployment, and inflation.

What did the emperor do to stay in office?

He had to keep the soldiers happy, but paying them high wages, which meant more money needed to come from the people.

Who was Priscus?

He is a Roman ambassador to the Huns in 449 CE.

Who was Ammianus Marcellinus?

He is a Roman historian who wrote the ancient book "The Huns from Roman History".

In what ways could the failure of enforcing conscription weaken Rome?

It caused the Roman empire to have a small and weak army.

What led of the changes in the Roman military armor?

It is due to negligence and laziness and the abandonment of parade ground drills.

What does it mean by "The climax of misery is to have to pay for justice?

It means that a rich person can buy the help of politicians to do their deeds.

What were the social reasons for the fall of the roman empire?

Many romans became lazy and luxury loving.

Did the Germanic Tribes intend to destroy the Roman empire?


What ideals vanished?

Patriotism, morality and service, and the hatred between poor and rich even bigger. The poor have nothing, and the rich has everything.

What were the five reasons that the empire fell?

Political, economic, foreign invasion, social and military reasons.

How many Roman emperors ruled during the 50-year period (235 CE to 285 CE)


What deadly illness arrived from southern Asia?

A series of plagues swept over the empire.

What natural disaster struck the Roman Empire in 366 CE?

A violent and destructive earthquake struck and it was followed by a Tsunami.

What are the military reasons for the fall?

Army was not loyal to country; it was loyal to person who pays them. They had barbarians serve in the Army as mercenaries, who were not loyal.

Why were some Romans happy to be conquered by the Huns?

The condition of people in time of peace is worse than war because of severe taxes, wealthy lawbreakers were not punished, and injustice done to the poor.

What was another political reason for the fall?

The empire was too large to govern by one person. They covered 44 modern day countries

What happened in 410 AD?

The germanic tribes invaded Rome, burned and looted the city.

Which invaders were the first to reach the city of Rome?


What were some of the foreign invasion Reasons?

While the Romans fought each other over politics and money, they left their frontiers open for attack.

What did the Roman senate tell the people in 410 AD?

You can no longer rely on Rome for finance or direction, as you are on your own.

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