Fallacy Examples

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Tu Quoque

"Recently, we highlighted a British journalist's story about the underside of Dubai's startling ascent. Some in Dubai called foul, including one writer who wants to remind Britons that their own country has a dark side. After all, what to think of a country in which one-fifth of the population lives in poverty?"


A warm beer is better than a cold beer. After all, nothing is better than a cold beer, and a warm beer is better than nothing.

begging the question

Abortion is murder. So abortion is wrong

Red Herring

Andy: "Hey, what's with all this junk food you bought? You're always railing at me about eating healthy." Aunt Bea: "Don't fuss -- it was on sale."

circumstantial ad hominem

Big business owners always complain about the GST and other high taxes. Here they go again! Of course they think we all pay too many taxes—they just want to increase their own profit and pretend they are fighting for the taxpayer.

Two wrongs make a right

But Mom! She hit me first!

two wrongs make a right

But officer, everyone else was speeding too!

Begging the Question

Celibacy is an unnatural and unhealthy practice, since it is neither natural nor healthy to exclude sexual activity from one's life.

False Dilemma

Death is nothing to fear. It is either annihilation or migration.

abusive ad hominem

Don't believe anything Nietzsche wrote in his philosophy books. He went crazy before he died, you know.

circumstantial ad hominem

Don't believe the city planner when she says that we can't put in a bike lane on Main Street. She's just afraid that if we put in the bike lane, she'll lose her parking space next to City Hall!

tu quoque

Don't tell me the neighbours will complain about the noise if I don't shut down this party! Yesterday you were practicing the drums at 3 a.m.!

composition fallacy

Drinking a glass of beer from this keg made me feel really good. Therefore, if l drink the whole keg, I will feel great!

false dilemma

Either you are with us or you are against us

Abusive Ad Hominem

Elsa: It seems to me that suffering is often caused by a lack of social engagement; so if we wish to eliminate suffering, we should encourage socializing. Dave:What do you know about suffering? Look at you you're beautiful!

Appeal to Popularity

Everyone like Justin Bieber. He must be a great musician!

Appeal to Tradition

For three generations, the men in our family went to U of Toronto and became doctors, while the women got married and raised children. Therefore, it is my duty to become a doctor.

hasty generalization

Four out of five dentists recommend Happy Glossy Smiley toothpaste brand. Therefore, it must be great.

appeal to pity

He's not a very good player, but he tries really hard and I'd hate to disappoint him, so I'd say he's earned a spot on the team

Tu Quoque

Helga: You should not be eating that... it has been scientifically proven that eating fat burgers are no good for your health. Hugh: You eat fat burgers all the time so that can't be true.

division fallacy

Her team won the national baseball championship, so she must be a great player.

Abusive Ad Hominem

Hey, Professor, we shouldn't have to read this book by Freud. Everyone knows he used cocaine.


Hey, let's all go downhill skiing this weekend. I know you hate skiing and my wife doesn't like to go out in the cold, but it will be fun for us all!

faulty analogy

Hitler was very charismatic and popular when he was elected. US President Obama is also very charismatic and was popular when he was elected. Clearly, Obama is a Nazi!

red herring

How can you accuse me of taking steroids to promote my career in baseball? I give money to charities. I volunteer at the local food bank. I regularly speak at schools about the benefits of giving back to the community!

Composition Fallacy

Hydrogen is not wet. Oxygen is not wet. Therefore, water (H2O) is not wet.

Improper appeal to authority

I agree with Trump's stance on global warming. He must know what he's talking about, being the president of the USA.

hasty generalization

I asked everybody in my Ancient Greek Philosophy class whether they had read Plato and Aristotle, and all of them have. Plato and Aristotle must be the most widely read writers in the world!


I believe that everyone has the right to express their opinions. People who think otherwise shouldn't be allowed to say so!

appeal to pity

I can't be guilty of robbery, your Honour! I have a family that needs me out of prison so I can work and put food on the table.

red herring

I can't believe you're saying cigarettes cause cancer. Radiation causes cancer! Asbestos causes cancer! Besides, I think smoking makes you look cool.

appeal to tradition

I come from a family with a long history of trapping animals for fur. I don't see anything wrong with it.


I don't see how you can say you're an ethical person. It's so hard to get you to do anything; your work ethic is so bad.

division fallacy

I heard that the Catholic Church was involved in a sex scandal cover-up. Therefore, my 102-year-old Catholic neighbor, who frequently attends Church, is guilty as well!

begging the question

I know she loves me because she told me so and you don't lie to someone you love.

division fallacy

I really like the Beatles. Since Ringo Starr was one of the Beatles, I'll really like his solo album.

two wrongs make a right

I shouldn't be removed from office just because I've engaged in a few criminal activities. Other politicians get away with such things all the time!

appeal to force

I think you'll agree that the terms of this new contract are fair; otherwise you may find yourself looking for work elsewhere in these difficult economic times

slippery slope

I'd love to help you out and give you an extension on your essay assignment, given that you've broken your writing hand. But if people find out that you got extra time, then everyone will be demanding the same treatment for all sorts of outrageous reasons.


I'm a strong believer in freedom of speech and think artists should never be censored. However, when musicians like Rage Against the Machine influence the youth, you have to draw a line and say no more.

Two Wrongs Make a Right

I'm tailgating him because he cut me off!

slippery slope

If Customs Canada and the Canadian government start demanding that everyone have a passport, sooner or later, people will have to carry identification papers with them everywhere they go, be it Halifax or rural Manitoba. Anytime a person is stopped, he or she will be expected to show these papers. Do you want to live in a police state like that?

appeal to force

If I am injured when I wear a seatbelt, I will sue the province; let's see how much that will cost you, the taxpayer! Seatbelts should be optional.

Composition Fallacy

If I finish school, then I improve my chances in the labor market. Therefore mandatory and subsidized education reduces unemployment.

false dilemma

If you don't believe in Heaven and Hell, you must think it doesn't matter whether or not people lead morally good lives.

slippery slope

If you legalize marijuana, more people will start using it. Soon, everyone will be using it. Then those people will start experimenting with harder drugs, and before you know it the government will be pressured to legalize drugs like heroin and cocaine.

appeal to tradition

In Western civilization, men have been the heads of their households for thousands of years. Clearly, that's the way families are supposed to be.

appeal to pity

It wouldn't be fair for you to give me an F on this essay. I now it's not written in complete sentences, but if you fail me you'll crush my dream of becoming a philosophy professor!

Tu Quoque

Jimmy Swaggart argued strongly against sexual immorality, yet he has had several affairs with prostitutes; therefore, sexual immorality is acceptable.

appeal to popularity

Justin Bieber has sold more than 15 million albums. He must be a great musician!

appeal to popularity

Many honest people claim to have had out-of-body experiences, so there is good reason to believe in life after death.

Appeal to Tradition

Marriage has traditionally been between a man and a woman; therefore, gay marriage should not be allowed.

Appeal to Force

Melvin: Boss, why do I have to work weekends when nobody else in the company does? Boss: Am I sensing insubordination? I can find another employee very quickly, thanks to Kijiji, you know.

Appeal to Popularity

Most people are opposed the new environmental policies. So, those policies must not be appropriate.

improper appeal to authority

Mothers know best. That's why they serve our brand of rice dishes more than any other.

appeal to ignorance

No one has disproven the existence of Ogopogo, so there must be some prehistoric creature living in the lake near Kelowna.

appeal to ignorance

No one has proven that ghosts are a figment of our imaginations. And given that so many people have claimed to see them, they must be out there.


Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.


Of course consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want. We are in a free country. But some things violate the laws of nature, and if people get caught doing those things, we should send them to jail.

Improper appeal to authority

Pacifism is a good idea because the brilliant scientist Einstein advocated it.

faulty analogy

Parents in emerging nations don't have the luxury of receiving a monthly allowance, so why should the Canadian government give childcare allowances to parents here, especially given that the government is running a deficit?

Guilt by Association

Pol Pot, the Cambodian Maoist revolutionary, was against religion, and he was a very bad man. Frankie is against religion; therefore, Frankie also must be a very bad man.

Straw Person Argument

Pro-choice is absurd. How could anyone support killing an innocent human being?

Straw Person Argument

Richard: Studies have shown that the teaching of abstinence is the most effective way to reduce rates of teenage pregnancy. This should be the standard practice in our schools, not contraceptive education. Suzette: I want our children to learn about safe sex practices; you want them to believe that sex is a sin!

begging the question

Same-sex marriage is wrong because marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman

appeal to force

Since I'm the teacher and have the power to give you detention at any time, I think you'll agree with me that high school gym class is the most fun you've ever had

False Dilemma

Since there is nothing good on TV tonight, I will just have to get drunk.

Appeal to Ignorance

Since you haven't been able to prove your innocence, I must assume you're guilty.

Straw Person Argument

Socialism is wrong because it is the same as communism.

improper appeal to authority

Stanley is a great veterinarian. He told me that my skin condition doesn't look serious, so I don't think I'll bother going to my physician

Guilt by Association

Sure, Canada has socialized medicine, but so did the old Soviet Union.

division fallacy

The 2nd grade at my elementary school buys the most popsicles at lunch. Your brother is in 2nd grade at my school, so he must like to eat a lot of popsicles.

Composition Fallacy

The National Hockey League selected the best players to be on the All-Star team. So if that team were to play against any regular team, it would easily win.

Begging the Question

The bible is divinely inspired because the bible states that all scripture is given by the divine inspiration of God.


The jury found me innocent. Therefore, as an innocent man, I did nothing wrong

hasty generalization

The television news reporter asked all the people waiting at the bus stop who they were going to vote for next week in the national election, and it looks like New Democratic Party (NDP) will definitely win a majority of seats.

Appeal to Popularity

There has to be life after death. Millions of people from cultures across the world believe in an afterlife!

appeal to ignorance

There's so much we don't know about the human brain! That's why I think extra-sensory perception is real.

Improper appeal to authority

This new phone app tells me that you and I are not a good match, so I think it's best that we just end our date now


Though basic human liberty is inviolable, a person like Smith has forfeited his right to be a human by committing such a heinous crime. He deserves to be tortured to death.

Begging the Question

Thoughts are not part of the physical world, since thoughts are in their nature non-physical.

Appeal to Pity

Tom: Your dog just ran into our house and ransacked our kitchen! Mary: He would never do that, look at how adorable he is with those puppy eyes!

appeal to tradition

We are more aware now of the problems of animal abuse, but there have always been dog fights, especially in the poorer parts of the Country. It's hard for people to change the views they grew up with. So it wouldn't be fair to ban dog fights

Abusive Ad Hominem

We cannot approve of this recycling idea. It was thought of by a bunch of hippie communist weirdos.

appeal to tradition

We have never had a referendum in Ontario before so I see no reason to change that now.

abusive ad hominem

When my esteemed opponent argues against the new provincial legislation, she only reveals her ignorance of how the world works. Maybe if she spent some time working with real people instead of living in the land of fairies and magic, she'd realize how-silly her view is

Appeal to Ignorance

Why are you always so skeptical of telekinesis? Can you prove it doesn't exist?

ad hominem tu quoque

Why should I listen to your lessons about abstaining from smoking? You started smoking when you were 12!

Guilt by Association

Why should we believe someone who has a friendship with a convicted criminal?

Guilt by Association

You can't expect me to consider becoming a vegetarian. Hitler was a vegetarian

appeal to popularity

You could tell that the movie was great by the fact that it was sold out again

Circumstantial Ad Hominem

You only think that taxes should be increased because you are on welfare!

Two Wrongs Make a Right

You tell me it's unpatriotic to cheat on federal income tax reports. Well, you should know. You've never once listed your gargantuan bonuses.

hasty generalization

You visit a new country and the first person you meet in the airport is rude. You send a message to a friend back home that everyone in this new country is rude.

faulty analogy

You want the government to ban guns because guns can kill. Well, I can kill a man by shoving a pencil into his ear. Do you want the government to ban pencils too?

circumstantial ad hominem

You want to remove the gas tax just because you know that doing so will help you get re-elected

Tu Quoque

Your claims about the health problems associated with smoking must not be true - you're arguing with me while having a cigarette!

straw person argument

Zoe: The military shouldn't execute suspected terrorists without a trial because the right to a fair trial is guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Walter: My opponent doesn't want the government to punish terrorists for their crimes!

improper appeal to authority

the physician I go to is really smart. I think her views on the morality of plastic surgery should be listened to


you say you love only me, but that can't be true. Just yesterday you told me you loved ice cream!

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