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What were the national government and state government responsibilities under Dual Federalism?

(National)- Internal improvements like the interstate roads, and canals, subsidies to the states, and tariffs, owns public lands, regulates patents, controls currency (State)-Property Laws, Inheritance laws, commercial laws, banking laws, corporate laws, insurance, family law, morality codes, public health, education, criminal law, land use (esp. For water and mineral rights), Elections, local gov't, and licensing of professions and occupations

How long did Dual Federalism last?


What is the Commerce Clause?

Article 1, Section 8 (U.S. Constitution) Where nation gets its power to do anything that has to do with the states "To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes" Way it has been interpreted has formed the basis of dual federalism and cooperative federalism

What are Grants-in-Aid?

Federal money the national government gives to states Encourages states to adopt certain policies or to work like a stick if the fed gov't withholds funds because the state won't do what the national government wants Usually called categorical b/c they are given to the states for specific purposes

Do they share any responsibilities? If so, list them here as well.


Who has more jurisdiction under Dual Federalism?


What are the 3 things New Federalism focuses on?

Block Grants- Allow states discretion on what to do with federal money, Devolution- Process of giving states and local governments the power to enforce regulations, devolving power from the national government to the states Emphasis on 10th Amendment- Powers not delegated to the fed gov't or prohibited from the states are reserved for the states

Cooperative federalism is also called _____ because it mixes up the state and federal governments in ways that makes it impossible to separate the two. Dual federalism is called ___ because of its strict division between national and state governments.

CF: Marble Cake Federalism DF: Layered Cake Federalism

What type of Federalism do we currently live under?

Cooperative Federalism

What are the state governments responsible for?

Driver's Licenses, Hunters Licenses, Barbers Licenses, Dentists Licenses

What are the two types of Federalism?

Dual and Cooperative

What are the two types of categorical grants-in-aid?

Formula Grants- A state gets aid in a certain amt of $ based on a mathematical formula Ex. The more poor people a state had, the more money it received Project Grants- Require states to submit proposals in order to receive aid The states compete for a limited pool of $ More common than formula grants

Nixon Reagan, HW Bush, and Clinton favored New Federalism, but ____ prefered regulated federalism.

George W. Bush

Discuss the characteristics of Dual Federalism.

Government power was strictly divided between the state and national governments

What is Federalism?

Governmental power is divided by the government of the United States and the governments of the individual states.

What is a block grant?

Most popular National gov't gives the state a huge chunk of money for something big Like infrastructure State is allowed to decide how to spend the $

What is Regulated Federalism? What are examples of mandates (funded or unfunded) set up the federal government?

National gov't sets up regulations and rules the states must follow. Funded Mandates Fed. gov't gives states the money to fund the mandates/rules EPA regulations Civil rights standards Rules set up by the American Disabilities Act Unfunded Mandates Fed gov't does not give states the money to fund the mandates/rules, but they're expected to comply with the rules anyways OSHA regulations that employers must follow

What "Deal" brought us Cooperative Federalism?

New Deal under FDR, Cooperative Federalism: National gov't encourages states and localities to pursue nationally-defined goals Persuade through the opportunity of money

What form of Federalism did Nixon and Reagan popularize?

New Federalism

In the US Federal System, what is the Federal government responsible for?

Wars, mail delivery

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