Fill in the blank

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The last family of elements to be discovered where the blank

Noble gases

Helium rather than flammable hydrogen is used in blimps because helium is blank

Non flammable

Elements can be divided into three groups: metals, blank and blank

Nonmetals and metalloids

A horizontal row on the periodic table is called a blank


Blank was named for the special property it has - it glows in the dark


When blue copper 11 chloride crystals spread out evenly in water a blank change has occurred


In a gas, an increase in energy causes an increase in blank as the particles hit the walls of the container with more speed


Early chemists believed that if a substance broke down into components with fixed blank it was a compound


Metalloids can also be called blank

Semi metals

The particles in liquid vibrate, as they do in solids, but they also blank

Slide/move past each other

U is the symbol for the element blank


Matter is anything that has blank and blank

Volume and mass

Two naturally occurring substances that are non-flammable and able to cool and smother fires are blank and blank

Water and carbon dioxide

A blank is a pure substance composed of two or more elements chemically combined


Gold, compared to all other metals, is the best blank of electricity


A molecule of methane CH4 contains blank parts carbon and blank parts hydrogen

1 and 4

Mendeleev grouped elements with similar properties into blank


Magnesium flares are used to provide a bright light in emergencies. Magnesium reacts with oxygen in a blank reaction


Pumice floats in water because it has a lower blank


Sam soft metals are blank because they can be drawn into thin wires


Nonmetals generally have a blank lustre


Pure substances composed of identical atoms are termed blank


Hot water dissolves materials more quickly than cold water. As the water particles are traveling more rapidly they are able to give more blank to the dissolving material


A vertical column of elements on the periodic table with similar properties is called a blank


Many nonmetals are in the blank state at room temperature


Three examples of the noble gases are blank, blank, and blank

Helium, neon, and argon

Sodium reacts with water to produce blank, a flammable gas


Zinc and magnesium react with acids to produce blank gas


Blank is the symbol for the element iodine


Most medals did not react violently when they get wet. Group blank metals, however do


Moving from top to bottom down any group, atomic mass blank


The symbol for the element blank is Fe


Sodium has the symbol Na taken from the blank word natrium


The temperature at which a substance changes from a solid into a liquid is the same temperature at which it changes from a blank into a blank

Liquid into a solid

Particles in blank and blank move in straight lines until they bump into each other or the walls of the container

Liquids and gases

Iron, cobalt, and nickel share a property the other metals do not have. They are blank


Blank are found along the staircase of the periodic table of the elements


The first elements to be discovered were blank


The element nitrogen has the symbol blank


A homogeneous mixture of metals like steel is called a blank


An alloy of mercury and other metals is called a blank


Blank and blank sit side-by-side on the periodic table, but are unusual because their atomic masses do not increase from left to right

Argon and potassium

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