film: editing video
Smash cut
abrupt transitions; someone waking up from an intense dream
audio based transition; audio from the current shot carries over to the next shot
could manually open and close the iris to transition in black now days used as a style choice
Match cuts
cuts from one shot to a similar shot by either matching the action or the composition; "jumping from one place to another"
Cutting on the action
cutting from one shot to another while the subject is still in motion
Cut away
cutting to an insert shot of something to an insert shot of something and then back
Fade in/ fade out
dissolving to or from black
The cut
going from one shot to another, changing perspective, advancing the story
Invisible cut
used to give the impression of a single take, however there is a change hidden in blackness
J cut
when the audio from the next shot starts before you get to it you hear whats going on before you see it
Jump cuts
when the editor cuts between the same shot and they are often used to deliberately show that passing of time also used to add a level of urgency to the screen
Cross cut
when the editor inter cuts back and forth between locations. i.e phone convos also used to show what's going on in a characters head
when you blend one shot into another
wiping the screen of one image to another