Final Exam 2 (second half)

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People who identified with the 1960's counterculture. Mind altering drugs, communal living, new forms of music.

Lend-Lease Act (1941)

Permitted the United States to lend or lease arms and other supplies to the Allies, signifying increasing likelihood of American involvement in the Second World War.


Poland is an eastern European country on the Baltic Sea known for its medieval architecture and Jewish heritage

Black Panthers

Political party formed by African Americans to fight police brutality. They urged violent resistance against whites. Many whites and moderate African Americans feared the group.


President Carter brokers the Camp David Accords.

Truman Doctrine

President Harry S. Truman's program of post-Second World War aid to European countries--particularly Greece and Turkey--in danger of being undermined by communism.

War on Poverty

President Lyndon B. Johnson's program in the 1960's to provide greater social services for the poor and elderly


President Reagan fires members of PATCO for illegally striking


President Reagan fires members of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization for illegally striking.

Harry Truman

President from 1945-1953. He required "equality of treatment (integration) and opportunity" in the armed forces. His point of view on the issue was one of the first ex. of the federal government's support for integration.

Dwight Eisenhower

President from 1953-1961, and he federalized Arkansas' National Guard . Then sent 1,000 paratroopers to enforce integration, and to protect the "Little Rock Nine"

"good neighbor" policy

Proclaimed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his first inaugural address in 1933, it sought improved diplomatic relations between the United States and its Latin American neighbors

"Seward's folly" involved

Purchase of Alaska

Purchase of Alaska

Purchased from the Russian Empire. They wanted to sell Alaska because they feared a war with British that would allow the British to seize Alaska, they were also in a difficult financial position. It cost 7.2 million dollars.

Queen Elizabeth

Queen of the United Kingdom

In 1948, the States' Rights Democratic party stood for

Racial Segregaion

de jure segregation

Racial segregation that occurs because of laws or administrative decisions by public agencies.


Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man is published


Ratification of the 26th Amendment gives 18 yr olds the right to vote in all elections.


Reagan delivers his famous Berlin Wall speech; the Tower Commission issues a report on the Iran-Contra Affair.

The Tower Commission placed much of the blame for the Iran-Contra affair on

Reagan's aloofness and ignorance.

The Tower Commission placed much of the blame for the Iran-Contra affair on

Reagan's lack of close management of his administration.

The Port Huron Statement

Reflected the ideals of the New Left, was drafted by Tom Hayden, and was influenced by African American activists in the South.

Because of the rising number of immigrants to the United States, this political party found itself in becoming a minority party.


Senator Barry Goldwater

Republican Senator from Arizona who ran for president in 1964 but lost to Johnson.

Joseph McCarthy was a

Republican senator from Wisconsin who led an anti-Communist crusade

Joseph R. McCarthy was a

Republican senator from Wisconsin who led an anti-Communist crusade.

For the first time since the 1950s, this party captured control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate in 1994.



Republicans promote the contract within America

In 1968, the candidate who claimed to speak for the "silent majority" and "Middle America" was

Richard Nixon

In 1968, the candidate who clamied to speak for the "silent majority" and "middle america" was

Richard Nixon

In 1968, the candidate who claimed to speak for the "silent majority" and "Middle America" was

Richard Nixon.


Riots break out in the African American community of Watts, California

June 1968

Robert Kennedy is assassinated

In the 1924 presidential election, many progressives rallied behind third-party candidate

Robert La Follette.


Roosevelt and Churchill meet Stalin in Tehran

January 1943

Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Combined Chiefs of Staff meet Casablanca

The Montgomery Alabama NAACP Buss boycott secretary of the NAACP...

Rosa Parks

The New Deal program which created utility cooperatives for rural Americans was the

Rural Electrification Administration

August 1990

Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait

In the 1890s, anti-imperialists included

Samuel Gompers, Andrew Carnegie, and William James.

The election of 2008 was historic for all of the following reasons except that

Sarah Palin was the first woman to run for president

To oversee activities in the stock market in 1934, Congress established the

Securities and Exchange Commission

Which New Deal program was chiefly designed to correct abuses in the stock market?

Securities and Exchange Commission

de facto segregation

Segregation resulting from economic or social conditions or personal choice.

The Iran-Contra affair involved

Selling arms to Iran to secure the release of hostages, Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, and secretly supporting rebels in Nicaragua.

German troops invade Poland.

September 1939

Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact.

September 1940

The Japanese surrender.

September 2, 1945

The Chicago Seven

Seven defendants charged with conspiracy, inciting to riot, and other charges related to protest

President Wilson argues that women's suffrage

Should be enacted by the states

Nixon sought to lessen criticism of the Vietnam War by

Slowly reducing the number of American troops there, creating a lottery to determine who would be drafted, and using more air strikes rather than ground warfare.


Soviet Union agrees to a nonaggression pact with Germany

The United States boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow because of the

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

The Suez War of 1956 occurred at the same time as the

Soviet repression of an uprising in Hungary.


Soviets erect the Berlin Wall

Theodore Roosevelt's motto

Speak softly, and carry a big stick


Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, college kids participate in Civil Rights, stage sit-ins and such


Students in Greensboro, North Carolina, stage a sit-in to demand service at a "whites-only" lunch counter

Demographic forces favorable to Reagan and conservatism included growth in the

Sunbelt population.


Supreme Court issues Bush v. Gore decision

Tet offensive

Surprise attack by the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese during the Vietnamese New Year of 1968; turned American public opinion strongly against the war in Vietnam.

Yellow Press

Tabloid journalists and newspapers that reported sensationalist stories with a stron emotional component during the Spanish-American War.

Great Society

Term coined by President Lyndon B. Johnson in his 1965 State of the Union address, in which he proposed legislation to address problems of voting rights, poverty, diseases, education, immigration, and the environment.

Iron Curtain

Term coined by Winston Churchill to describe the cold war divide between western Europe and the Soviet Union's Eastern European satellites.

Silent Majority

Term used by President Nixon to describe Americans who disapproved of the counterculture.


Terrorists hijack 4 commercial jets to carry out deadliest terrorist attacks in the nation's history


The 9/11 attacks take place.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

The Act is an extensive statute which funds primary and secondary education. This allowed the government to help those who cannot achieve a good education.

Operation Overlord

The Allies' assault on Hitler's "Atlantic Wall," a seemingly impregnable series of fortifications and minefields along the French coastline that German forces had created using captive Europeans for laborers.

Axis Powers

The Axis powers, also known as the Axis and the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis, were the nations that fought in World War II against the Allied forces

Battle of Britain

The Battle of Britain was a military campaign of the Second World War, in which the Royal Air Force defended the United Kingdom against large-scale attacks by the German Air Force

Battle of Stalingrad

The Battle of Stalingrad was a major confrontation of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in Southern Russia

Battle of the Bulge

The Battle of the Bulge was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II

Battle of Coral Sea

The Battle of the Coral Sea, fought from 4 to 8 May 1942, was a major naval battle between the Imperial Japanese Navy and naval and air forces from the United States and Australia, taking place in the Pacific Theatre of the Second World War

November 1989

The Berlin Wall is torn down

"Final Solution to the Jewish Question"

The Final Solution or the Final Solution to the Jewish Question was a Nazi plan for the extermination of the Jews during World War II

Blitzkrieg (the Blitz)

The German "lightening war" strategy used during the Second World War; the Germans invaded Poland, France, Russia, and other countries with fast-moving, well-coordinated attacks using aircraft, tanks, and other armored vehicles, followed by infantry.

Grand Alliance

The Grand Alliance, also known as The Big Three, was a military alliance consisting of the three major Allied powers of World War II: the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom

"final solution"

The Nazi party's systematic murder of some 6 million Jews along with more than a million other people including, bur nor limited to, gypsies, homosexuals, and handicap individuals.


The Holocaust, also referred to as the Shoah, was a genocide during World War II in which Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, aided by its collaborators, systematically murdered some six million European Jews

House Committee on UN-American Activities (HUAC)

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having Communist ties.


The Iraq War begins with Operation Iraqi Freedom.


The Normandy landings were the landing operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.


The Occupy Wall Street movement begins; U.S. troops return from Iraq.


The Republicans promote the Contract with America.


The Rhineland is the name used for a loosely defined area of Western Germany along the Rhine, chiefly its middle section.

"Long March"

The Long March was a military retreat undertaken by the Red Army of the Communist Party of China, the forerunner of the People's Liberation Army, to evade the pursuit of the Kuomintang army

Maginot Line

The Maginot Line, named after the French Minister of War André Maginot, was a line of concrete fortifications, obstacles, and weapon installations built by France

Manhattan Project

The Manhattan Project was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada

Battle of El Alamein

The Second Battle of El Alamein was a battle of the Second World War that took place near the Egyptian railway halt of El Alamein. With the Allies victorious, it was the watershed of the Western Desert Campaign

Civil Rights Act of 1964

This act made racial, religious, and sex discrimination by employers illegal and gave the government the power to enforce all laws governing civil rights, including desegregation of schools and public places.

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

This gave the president authority to take "all neccessary measures to repel any armed attack against forces of the United States."

Joseph Stalin

To ensure that the Soviet Union did not interfere with his plans to conquer Poland, Hitler, on August 23, 1939, contradicted his frequent denunciations of communism and signed a Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact with Soviet premier Joseph Stalin in which the two totalitarian tyrants secretly agreed to divide up northern and eastern Europe between them.

"Dynamic conservatism" meant being conservative about money but liberal about people.


A major blow to Bush and his war against Saddam Hussein was the absence of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq.


A major catalyst for the Suez War in 1956 was the cancelation by the United States of a major dam project in Egypt.


A major catalyst for the Suez War in 1956 was the cancellation by the United States of a major dam project in Egypt.


A major challenge to European countries was repaying their war debts to the United States.


A recession occurred in 1937 when FDR ordered sharp cuts in federal expenditure.


According to Eisenhower, "dynamic conservatism" meant being "conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings."


According to president Dwight D. Eisenhower, "dynamic conservatism" meant being "conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings."


African American pilots were trained in a segregated facility at Tuskegee in Alabama.


Although Americans emerged from World War II proud of their military stature, there was an overwhelming fear of atomic war.


Although he campaigned on a platform that promoted unity between the two national parties, the end of his first term polls found Obama to be the most polarizing president in modern history


As a result of the Little Rock crisis, the city's high schools closed rather than allow integration.


As a result of the Little Rock crisis, the city's high schools closed.


As blacks moved into northern cities, many white residents moved to suburbs, which created racial ghettos in these large urban centers.


At Kent State University in Ohio, and Jackson State in Mississippi, students were killed by members of the National Guard who were present to quell anti-war protests.


Before World War II began in Europe, the conflict had already started in Asia.


Benito Mussolini had emerged as the virtual dictator of Italy as early as 1925.


Betty Friedan was a leading feminist and a founder of the the National Organization for Women (NOW)


Betty Friedan was a leading feminist who helped to launch the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966.


Between 1980 and 1989, the federal debt grew and was much higher than when Reagan became president.


By 2005, Hispanics comprised the largest minority group in the nation.


By 2005, Hispanics were the largest minority group in the nation


By the end of 1936, the Supreme Court had ruled against New Deal programs in seven out of nine major cases.


Challenges to the Plessy decision's separate-but-equal doctrine were led by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).


Detente was an easing of tensions between the United States and the Communist powers initiated by Richard Nixion


During his first term, Obama's most pressing challenge was preventing the Great Recession from becoming a prolonged depression


Détente was an easing of tensions between the United States and the Communist powers initiated by Richard Nixon.


Ending Prohibition was one of FDR's campaign promises.


FDR ended the Civil Works Administration (CWA) because of its high costs and because he feared people would become dependent on the government.


Former secretary of state and presidential contender William Jennings Bryan was a fundamentalist.


Franklin D. Roosevelt's (FDR's) talented pool of advisers was called the "brain trust."


Franklin Roosevelt's talented pool of advisers was called the "brain trust."


George F. Kennan devised the concept of containment.


George W. Bush discarded cold war policies of containment and deterrence and adopted an new policy of preemptive military action


George W. Bush discarded cold war policies of containment and deterrence for a new policy of preemptive military action.


Harry Truman was a strong believer in the need for civil rights for blacks


Harry Truman was a strong believer in the need for civil rights for blacks.


In 1918, the United States sent troops to fight the Bolsheviks in Russia.


In 1922, delegates of five nations met and signed a treaty limiting the size of their navies.


In 1947, George F Kennan advocated a policy of containment toward the Soviet Union


In 1947, George F. Kennan advocated a policy of containment toward the Soviet Union.


In 1948, Truman banned racial discrimination in federal employment.


In 1948, the Dixiecrats nominated Strom Thurmond for president, thereby splitting the Democratic party.


In 1948, the Dixiecrats nominated Strom Thurmond for presidents, thereby splitting the Democratic party


In 1968, George C. Wallace, a defender of segregation, received over 13 percent of the popular vote for president as the nominee of the American Independent party.


In 1968, George Wallace, A defender of segregation, received over 13 percent of the popular vote for president as the nominee of the American Independent Party


In 1990, with the collapse of Soviet domination in Eastern Europe, Germany was reunited as one country for the first time since World War II.


In 1990, with the collapse of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, Germany was reunited as one country for the first time since World War II.


In 2005, President Bush was blamed for the inept federal response to human suffering in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.


In 2007, President Bush was blamed for the inept federal response to human suffering in the wake of Hurricane Katrina


In the 1960 presidential election, Nixon carried more states than Kennedy did.


In the 1960 presidential election, Richard M. Nixon carried more states than Kennedy did


In the 1960 presidential election, Richard M. Nixon carried more states than Kennedy did.


Jackie Robinson became the first black major league baseball player in 1947.


Jerry Falwell founded the Moral Majority, a movement of the religious right.


Jimmy Carter created the Departments of Energy and Education.


Jimmy Carter created the departments of Energy and Education.


Jimmy Carter succeeded in negotiating a treaty to return the Panama Canal to Panama.


John Foster Dulles advocated more than containment in foreign policy, namely the liberation of Eastern Europe.


John Foster Dulles advocated the liberation of Eastern Europe


John Kennedy's religion played a significant role in the 1960 election; he overcame the traditional American bias against Roman Catholicism to become the nation's first Catholic president.


Joseph R. McCarthy even called war hero General George C. Marshall a traitor.


Joseph R. McCarthy had even implied that war hero General George C. Marshall a traitor.


Joseph R. McCarthy had even implied that war hero general George C. Marshall was a traitor.


Kuwait was invaded by Iraq when it raised its price for oil in opposition to OPEC policy.


Kuwait was invaded by Iraq when it raised its price for oil in opposition to the policy of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).


Langston Hughes and James Weldon Johnson were part of the Harlem Renaissance.


Malcolm X was a leader in the Black Muslim movement


Malcolm X was a leader in the Black Muslim movement.


Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.


More people worldwide died in the flu pandemic of 1918-1919 than during World War I.


Most Republicans and Bill Clinton supported the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)


Most Republicans and Bill Clinton supported the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).


Nancy Pelosi became the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives in 2007.


Nancy Pelosi became the first female speaker of the House of Representatives in 2007.


Nixon's announcement that the United States would pursue partnerships with Communist countries in areas of mutual interest shocked many people because he was an ardent anti-communist


Nixon's vice-president, Spiro Agnew, had resigned before the Watergate scandal was concluded because it was discovered that he had been accepting bribes from contractors.


Of all minorities in the 1960s, the plight of the Native Americans was the most desperate


Of all the minorities in the 1960s, the plight of the Native Americans was desperate.


One legislative victory for President Clinton came when Congress approved NAFTA.


One of Bill Clinton's major achievements was comprehensive reform of the welfare system


One of the leading black novelists of the Depression was Richard Wright.


One part of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) was the Federal Writers' Project.


Perhaps the most enduring voting change brought by FDR was the shift of the black vote to the Democratic party.


President Kennedy's program to help Latin America was called the Alliance for Progress.


President Kennedy's program to help Latin America was called the Alliance for progress


President Lyndon B. Johnson was truly committed to civil rights.


Probably the decisive reason the United States entered World War I was the issue of submarine warfare.


Proponents of literary and artistic change included T. S. Eliot and James Joyce.


Racial violence erupted after the end of the war, with twenty-five riots and over eighty lynchings.


Reagan argued that cutting taxes and domestic federal spending would increase government revenues.


Reagan was unsuccessful at curbing the federal deficit, and it nearly tripled during his eight years in office.


Sandra Day O'Connor was the first female justice on the Supreme Court.


Secretary of State John Foster Dulles advocated the liberation of Eastern Europe.


Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath depicted "dust bowl" migrations to California.


The "Good Neighbor" policy applied to Latin America.


The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) of 1933 tried to help farmers by getting them to reduce production.


The Beats originated in Greenwich Village in New York City.


The Cambodian "incursion" led to widespread rioting on U.S. college campuses


The Catholic, "wet" (anti-Prohibition) candidate for president in 1928 was Alfred E. Smith, a Democrat.


The Charter of the United Nations was drawn up in San Francisco by delegates from fifty nations, even before the fighting in Europe had ended.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 barred racial discrimination in hotels and restaurants.


The Diem government of South Vietnam, endorsed by Eisenhower, refused to hold the free elections promised for all Vietnamese in the Geneva Accords of 1954.


The Ngo Dinh Diem government of South Vietnam, endorsed by Eisenhower, refused to hold the free elections promised for all Vietnamese in the Geneva Accords of 1954.


The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) used its oil reserves as a political and economic weapon after the Yom Kippur War of 1973.


The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) used its oil reserves as a political and economical weapon after the Yom Kippur War of 1973


The Port Huron Statement launched Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), which adopted the term "New Left" for their efforts at grassroots democracy.


The Port Huron Statement launched the Students for a Democratic Society, which adopted the term "New Left" for their efforts at grassroots democracy


The Tet offensive had a great effect on U.S. public opinion as opposition to the Vietnam War grew.


The Tet offensive had a great effect on the U.S. public opinion as opposition to the Vietnam war grew


The Tonkin Gulf resolution sanctioned America's escalation of the Vietnam conflict


The Tonkin Gulf resolution sanctioned America's escalation of the Vietnam conflict.


The Truman Doctrine extended economic aid to Greece and Turkey, in the hope that it would contain the spread of Soviet Influence in the Mediterranean


The Truman Doctrine extended economic aid to Greece and Turkey, in the hope that it would contain the spread of Soviet influence in the Mediterranean.


The Truman Doctrine extended economic aid to Greece and Turkey, in the hope that it would halt any attraction that communism might have to their citizens.


The Twenty-First Amendment to the Constitution brought an end to Prohibition.


The U-2 incident revealed that Eisenhower had lied to Nikita Khrushchev about the true nature of a spy plane over the Soviet Union and was a major crisis during the cold war.


The United Nations (UN) was organized in San Francisco even before the second world war had ended.


The United Nations Charter was drawn up in San Francisco by delegates from fifty nations, even before the fighting in Europe had ended.


The United States gave diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union (USSR) in 1933.


The Wagner Act, passed in 1935, gave workers the right to organize and bargain in unions.


The Wagner Act, passed in 1935, gave workers the right to organize unions.


The War Industries Board was the most important agency mobilizing the nation for war.


The War Powers Act requires a president to withdraw troops sent abroad after sixty days, unless Congress specifically authorizes a longer stay


The War Powers Act requires a president to withdraw troops sent abroad after sixty days, unless Congress specifically authorizes a longer stay.


The baby boomers were an essential ingredient in the rebellions of the 1960s


The civil rights act of 1964 barred racial discrimination in hotels and restaurants


The economic stimulus bill was also called the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.


The founder of the United Farm Workers was Cesar Chavez


The great migration of African Americans from the South to the cities of the North continued into the 1930s.


The inequality between the wealthy "1 percent" and poor "99 percent" became the foremost social issue of the twenty-first century


The leader of Iraq who precipitated the Gulf War was Saddam Hussein.


The leader of the North Vietnamese was Ho Chi Minh.


The leader of the South Vietnamese was Ho Chi Minh.


The military part of Operation Iraqi Freedom went surprisingly smoothly and quickly.


The sit-ins in 1960 ignited the first mass movement in African American history.


Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act dealt with affirmative action for women


Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act dealt with affirmative action for women.


Under Operation Enduring Freedom, the United States and Britain bombed Taliban sites in Afghanistan


Under Operation Enduring Freedom, the United States and Britain bombed Taliban sites in Afghanistan.


V-E day was celebrated before the fall of Japan, in May 1945.


V-E day was celebrated before the fall of Japan, in ay 1945


When it came to the Arab-Israeli conflict, President Clinton followed the path established by his predecessor, George H.W. Bush.


When the Germans sued for peace, they wanted the negotiations to focus around the Fourteen Points.


William Levitt's homes were not initially available to blacks.


William Levitt's houses were not initially available to blacks.


Wilson's decision to attend the Paris Peace Conference was a political blunder in the eyes of many Americans.


With the future uncertain, the birthrate plummeted during the Depression.


World War I began soon after a Serbian nationalist assassinated the archduke Franz Ferdinand.


World War II caused the deaths of 50 million people worldwide.


November 1948

Truman defeats Dewey in the presidential election

July 1948

Truman issues an executive order ending segregation in the U.S. armed forces

Miranda v. Arizona

U.S. Supreme Court decision required police to advise persons in custody of their rights to legal counsel and against self-incrimination.

December 1989

U.S. Troops invade Panama and capture Manuel Noriega.

Marshall Plan

U.S. program for the reconstruction of post-Second World War Europe through massive aid to former enemy nations as well as allies; proposed by General George C. Marshall in 1947.


U.S. strategy in the cold war that called for containing Soviet expansion; originally devised in 1947 by U.S. diplomat George F. Kennan.


United States & other UN members go to war in Korea


United States and other UN members go to war in Korea

James Meredith

United States civil rights leader whose college registration caused riots in traditionally segregated Mississippi (born in 1933)

In response to the Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover

Urged the American people to remain optimistic, signed into law the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and pushed Congress to pass the Revenue Act of 1932.

May 8, 1945

V-E day

Spiro T. Agnew

VP under Nixon, resigned for extortion and bribery charges

Vichy France

Vichy France is the common name of the French State headed by Marshal Philippe Pétain during World War II

The Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall in the aftermath of the

Vienna SUmmit

The Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall in the aftermath of the

Vienna Summit

The Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall in the aftermath of the

Vienna Summit.

January 1968

Viet Cong stages the Tet offensive

The march from Selma to Montgomery emphasized

Voting Rights.

The march from Selma to Montgomery emphasized

Voting rights

Michael Harrington's The Other America influenced the

War on Poverty.

"I have no trouble with my enemies, I can take care of my enemies all right. But my damn friends . . . They're the ones that keep me walking the floor nights!" said

Warren G. Harding.

The Tennessee Valley Authority

Was a bold attempt at regional planning, fostered soil conservation and forestry, and built dams to create electricity.

Richard Milhaus Nixon

Watergate Scandal & End to Vietnam War


Watergate scandal unfolds

In 1940, Roosevelt ran for a third term as president against

Wendell L. Willkie

In 1940, Roosevelt ran for president against

Wendell L. Willkie.

Reconcentration in Cuba

Were inflicted by the Spanish, to try to control rebels and the country as a whole. The concentration camps were horrendous and left many ill and dead.

Winston Churchill

a British statesman, army officer, and writer, who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955


a bar of magnetic material (as soft iron) that passes through a coil and serves to increase the inductance of the coil

Peace Corps

a civilian organization sponsored by the United States government

Students for a Democratic Society

a group of college students who joined together to protest the war

Nation of Islam

a group of militant Black Americans who profess Islamic religious beliefs and advocate independence for Black Americans

Voting Rights Act 1965

a law designed to help end formal and informal barriers to African-American suffrage

Tet Offensive

a massive surprise attack by the Vietcong on South Vietnamese towns and cities in early 1968.

In the 1930's, the director Frank Capra typically displayed in his films

a populist admiration for ordinary Americans

Head Start

a preschool program for children from low-income families that also provides healthcare, nutrition services, and social services

Labor Camps

a prison camp in which a regime of hard labor is enforced

Alliance for Progress

a program in which the United States tried to help Latin American countries overcome poverty and other problems

In the Cuban missile crisis, President Kennedy ordered

a quarantine of Cuba

In the Cuban missile crisis, President Kennedy ordered

a quarantine of Cuba.

The Court-packing scheme of 1937 was all of the following except

a successful attempt to gain popularity among progressives.

The Court-packing scheme of 1937 was all of the following except FDR's attempt to stop the Supreme Court from declaring New Deal legislation unconstitutional. an action that lost FDR much of his popularity. an unprecedented attempt to add to the number of justices on the Supreme Court. Correct Response a successful attempt to gain popularity among progressives.

a successful attempt to gain popularity among progressives.

Ho Chi Minh Trial

a supply route used by the nirth vietnamese wich was a network of paths and tunnels that led from north vietnam through laos and cambodia and into south vietnam

Berlin Wall

a wall separating East and West Berlin built by East Germany in 1961 to keep citizens from escaping to the West

The ideal for middle-class women in the 1950s was to be

a wife and mother.

In the 1930s prior to World War II, actual conflict broke out first in

a. Asia between Japan and China

The Watergate was

a. an office building in Washington, D.C b. The headquarters of the Democratic National Committee headquarters during the 1972 election c. a massive cover-up of a break-in whereby it became clear that President Nixon was lying to the American People. d. all of these all of these

Among other terms, the Atlantic Charter of 1941

a. outlined the ideals of anti-Axis nations

The Battle of Midway was the turning point of the war in the Pacific because it

a. stopped the eastward advance of the Japanese

Which of the following was not a motive of reformers?

abolish slavery

In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that

abortion in the first three months of pregnancy was legal

In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that

abortion within the first three months of pregnancy was a constitutionally protected right.

A common occurrence during the Gilded Age of politics was that members of Congress often

accepted bribes

The case of Hopwood v. Texas involved

affirmative action

The subject of the Supreme Court decision in Hopwood v Texas (1996) was

affirmative action

The case of Hopwood v. Texas involved

affirmative action.

The suburbs boomed because of

affordable, Levitt-style houses; government-backed mortgages; improved roads and cars.

A key element in the postwar consumer revolution was

all of the above

Causes of increased homelessness in the 1980s included

all of the above

Germany took priority in the fighting because

all of the above

In fighting Iraq in Desert Storm, the Bush administration

all of the above

The Iran-Contra affair involved

all of the above

The suburbs boomed because of

all of the above

U.S. officials were slow to aid Jewish refugees because

all of the above

The "Sputnik syndrome" led to

all of these

The Tennessee Valley Authority was a bold attempt at regional planning. fostered soil conservation and forestry. built dams to create electricity. Correct Response all of these

all of these

During the first year of the National Recovery Administration

all of these answers are correct (industry prices rise, industry production declined, large producers consistently dominated the code writing process)

During the 1930's the radical left in the US

all of these answers is correct (found broad acceptance among both the working class and intellectuals, experienced intense government hostility, saw a widening of the ideological range of mainstream art and politics,

The federal governments response to the Bonus Army included

all of these are correct (the use of six tanks to rout the veterans from Washington , General MacArthur exceeding his orders to remove the veterans, the injuring of 100 marchers)


- February: Yalta Conference - April: FDR dies, Hitler commits suicide, 50 nations at war with Axis powers sign the UN's charter - May 8: V-E day - August: Atomic bombs dropped on the Hiroshima & Nagasaki - September 2: Japanese surrender

Stalin "Uncle Joe"

"Uncle Joe" is what Americans thought of Joseph Stalin before and after World War II

In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that

"separate but equal" in public education was unconstitutional.

The National Industrial Recovery Act provided for

$3.3 billion in spending through the Public Works Administration (PWA), codes of fair practice for industries, and the right of workers to form unions.

Immigration and Nationality Act

(1965) This law made it easier for entire families to migrate and established "special categories" for political refugees. This act increased the amount of immigration.

Women made major and lasting gains as workers when they entered the workforce in large numbers during World War I.

) False


- August: Congress passes the Tonkin Gulf Resolution -Congress passes the Civil Rights Act


- August: March on Washington for jobs & freedom - November: JFK is assassinated in Dallas, Texas


- Bay of Pigs fiasco - Soviets erect the Berlin Wall


- Congress passes the Taft-Hartley Labor Act - National Security Council (NSC) is established


- January: In Paris, US, North & South Vietnam, & the Viet Cong agree to restore peace in Vietnam - Congress passes the War Powers Act


- January: Viet Cong stages the Tet Offensive - April: MLK jr. is assassinated - June: Robert Kennedy is assassinated


- June 6: D-day - Congress passes the Serviceman's Readjustment Act (Gi Bill of Rights)


- June: Ethel & Julius Rosenberg are executed - July: Armistice is reached in Korea


- Kenneth Star issues his report on the Whitewater Investigation - Bill Clinton brokers the Wye Mills Accord with Israel, the Palestine Liberation Organization, & Jordan


- Malcolm X is assassinated by a rival group of black Muslims - Riots break out in the African American community of Watts, California


- March: US planes begin a 14 month long bombing campaign aimed at a Communist sanctuaries in Cambodia


- May: Israel is proclaimed an Independent nation - July: Truman issues an executive order ending segregation in US armed forces - October: Allied forces begin airlifting supplies to West Berlin - November: Truman defeats Dewey in presidential election


- November: Islamic militants storm the US embassy in Tehran & take more than 50 Americans hostage


- Occupy Wall Street movement begins - US troops return from Iraq


- President Carter brokers the Camp David Accords - SC issues the Bakke Decision


- SC issues ruling in Brown v. Board of Ed in Topeka, Kansas -Geneva Accords adopted


- Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait


- Suez War, Israel, Britain, & France attack Egypt - Hungarian revolt against the Warsaw Pact suppressed - Allen Ginsberg's Howl is published


- Tiananmen Square protests in China - Pat Robertson forms the Christian Coalition - November: Berlin Wall is torn down - December: US troops invade Panama & capture manual Noriega


- Tower Commission issues report on Iran-Contra affair - Reagan delivers his famous Berlin Wall Speech - October: Stock Market experiences Black Monday


- U-2 incident reveals that the US is flying spy planes over SU - Students in Greensboro, NC stage a sit-in to demand service at a "whites-only" lunch counter -US food & drug Administration approves Birth Control Pill

My Lai Massacre

1968, in which American troops had brutally massacred innocent women and children in the village of My Lai, also led to more opposition to the war.

Ratification of the Twenty-Sixth Amendment gives eighteen year-olds the right to vote in all elections.


The Watergate scandal unfolds.


Congress passes the War Powers Act.


By 1900, what percentage of the residents in major cities was foreign born?


The death toll in the September 11, 2001, attacks was approximately


In 2014 Hispanics made up a growing population in how many states?


How many men roughly did the United States lose in combat in the course of its involvement in the Great War?


What percentage of voter turnout was typical during the Gilded Age?

70 to 80

In 1932, the unemployment rate in Toledo, Ohio was the worst in the nation at


During George W. Bush's presidency, what event boosted his public approval rate the most?


Sirhan Sirhan

Assassinated Robert Kennedy on June 6, 1968 in Chicago after hearing pro-Israeli remarks in his victory statement after having won the California primaries.

August 1945

Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Senator Robert F. Kennedy

Attorney General under his brother, JFK, he was assassinated in June 1968 while campaigning for the Democratic party nomination.

Atomic bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

August 1945

The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is held.

August 1963

Congress passes the Tonkin Gulf resolution.

August 1964


August: Hurricane Katrina

Which widely read book captured the frustrations of many suburban women after WW2?

B- The feminine mystique

Which is correct chronological order of events?

B- Will J Cliff impeached, Trade Center Attack, Barack Obama President


Barack Obama becomes nations 1st African American President


Barack Obama becomes the nation's first African American president.

'I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice'

Barry Goldwater

"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice" said

Barry Goldwater.

"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice," said

Barry Goldwater.


Battle of Britain

June 1942

Battle of Midway

The Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall in the aftermath of the

Bay of Pigs invasion.


Bay of Pugs fiasco

Benjamin Davis

Became first African American in U.S. Air Force.

The biggest stumbling block to progressivism during the Progressive Era was

Big business


Bill Clinton brokers the Wye River Accord; Kenneth Star issues the Whitewater report.


Bill Clinton is impeached and acquitted.

"Don't ask, don't tell" was

Bill Clinton's policy on gays in the military

"Don't ask, don't tell" was

Bill Clinton's policy on gays in the military.

Eugene "Bull" Conner

Birmingham police chief who promised that "blood would run in the streets of Birmingham" before he would allow the city to be integrated, and obtained a court order banning all demonstrations of protest there, and he arrested those who defied the order. 900 high school and college students joined the protest, and he arrested all of them on May 2nd.

The postwar Red Scare was aimed at

Bolsheviks, radicals, and aliens.

In fighting Iraq in Desert Storm, the Bush administration

Built an alliance of over thirty countries, fought a relatively short campaign of just six weeks, and failed to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

As a result of the publication of the influence of sea power upon history, the us

Built eleven new steel battleships

Nixon's Vietnam Policy included all of the following except

C- Continued buildup of armed forces

Chronological Order

C- Korean War, Kennedy elected, Iraq invaded

The freedom rides were organized by


In the 1930's, the largest Japanese and Chinese American populations were found in


Clinton's health-care initiative

Called for large businesses to pay for the bulk of their employees' health insurance,was heavily influenced by his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and was defeated in Congress.

Cuban missile crisis

Caused when the United States discovered Soviet offensive missile sites in Cuba in October 1962; the U.S.--Soviet confrontation was the cold war's closest brush with nuclear war.

Chiang Kai-shek

Chiang Kai-shek, also romanized as Chiang Chieh-shih and known as Chiang Chungcheng, was a political and military leader who served as the leader of the Republic of China between 1928 and 1975

Brown Power

Chicano Movement - young Mex-Am students emphasize pride in Mexican culture and heritage


China "falls" to communism

The first large-scale experiment with federal work relief was the

Civil Works Administration.

During the1930's, the most important group within the Popular Front was the

Communist Party


Congress passes the Civil Rights Act


Congress passes the Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Act


Congress passes the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act.


Congress passes the Serviceman's Readjustment Act (GI Bill of Rights)


Congress passes the Taft-Hartley Labor ACt

August 1964

Congress passes the Tonkin Gulf resolution

During the recession of 1937,

Congressional Republicans took most of the blame

Teller Amendment

Congressional promise "to leave the government and control of the [Cuban] Island to its people" as the end of the Spanish-American War.

U.S. military forces halted Japanese advances at the Battles of

Coral Sea and Midway

Roosevelt Corollary (1904)

Corollary to the 1823 Monroe Doctrine that announced the U.S. intention to act as an "international police power" in Latin America.

Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA)

Created by Montgomery, Alabama's African American community to direct the non-violent protest by Martin Luther King. Made a "first come first served" policy so that African Americans could sit in back of the bus but didn't have to give up their seat.

October 1962

Cuban missile crisis

The Civil Rights Act...

D- All of the above

June 6, 1944


The Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott begins.

December 1955

The Japanese launch surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

December 7, 1941


December 7: Japanese launch surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii


December: Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott begins


Deep South delegates who walked our of the 1948 Democratic National Convention in protest of the party's support for civil rights legislation and later formed the States' Rights (Dixiecrat) party, which nominated Strom Thurmond of South Carolina for president.

In 1940, in calling for the United States to be the "arsenal of democracy," Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) wanted to provide assistance to the Soviet Union.


In 1941, the lend-lease program concentrated on stopping Italian conquests in eastern Europe.


In Bill Clinton's impeachment trial, the Supreme Court acquitted him


In Bill Clinton's impeachment trial, the Supreme Court acquitted him.


In December 1954, the Senate voted 67 to 22 to expel Senator Joseph McCarthy.


In his "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Police Commissioner "Bull" Connor criticized the civil rights protesters.


In his "Letter from Birmingham Jail," police commissioner "Bull" Connor criticized the civil rights protesters.


In retaliation for the formation of NATO, the Soviet Union blockaded Berlin


In retaliation for the formation of NATO, the Soviet Union blockaded Berlin.


In the 1988 election, George H. W. Bush defeated Jimmy Carter.


In the 1990s, the Supreme Court defended affirmative-action programs in employment and education


In the 1992 election, Bill Clinton won with about 50 percent of the vote.


In the Spanish Civil War, the United States intervened militarily on the side of the pro-Franco Catholics against the Communists.


In the elections of 1946, the Democrats won majorities in both houses of Congress.


Italian Americans and German Americans were interned in camps in Arizona for the duration of the war


Italian Americans and German Americans were interned in camps in Arizona for the duration of the war.


J. Strom Thurmond ran for president in 1948 on the Progressive party ticket.


John F. Kennedy constantly worked hard to achieve full civil rights for African Americans


John F. Kennedy constantly worked hard to achieve full civil rights for African Americans.


Labor unions experienced phenomenal growth in the twenties.


Most blacks who migrated to the North lived in the suburbs.


Mussolini's Nazi party promised a growth of national pride and a return to law and order.


NATO members included both East and West Germany.


National Security Council memorandum number 68 (NSC-68) called for the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


Native Americans were segregated in the military.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) mambers included both East Germany and West Germany


North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members included both East Germany and West Germany.


Obama's health-care initiative was passed quickly by Congress


Obama's health-care initiative was passed quickly by Congress.


Operation Desert Storm involved sending U.S. troops into Romania to support democratic, anti-Communist forces.


Organized crime began during the Great Depression of the 1930s.


President Bill Clinton had enormous success achieving his domestic goals in his first two years in office.


President Eisenhower strongly supported enforcement of the Brown decision.


President Gerald Ford's full pardon of Nixon was a popular act that ended the nightmare of Watergate.


President Nixon vetoed both the Endangered Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act.


President Nixon vetoed by the Endangered Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act


Reagan's attack on Grenada was called "Star Wars."


Richard J. Daley urged people to "tune in, turn on, drop out"


Richard J. Daley urged people to "tune in, turn on, drop out."


Ronald Reagan led the crusade to find a cure for AIDS.


Ronald Reagan led the crusade to find a cure for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS.)


The "Hundred Days" refers to the long waiting period between FDR's election and his inauguration.


The "Hundred Days" refers to the long waiting period between Roosevelt's election and his inauguration


The "Hundred Days" refers to the long waiting period between Roosevelt's election and his inauguration.


The 1968 Republican convention in Chicago was the scene of tumultuous riots


The 1968 Republican convention in Chicago was the scene of tumultuous riots.


The American Indian Movement occupied the village of Wounded Knee in 1973 to show its support for the desegregation of schools.


The Boston police strike of 1919 helped launch Warren G. Harding's political career.


The Carter administration supported a fundamentalist Muslim leader in Iran against the westernized shah of Persia.


The Contract with America was Bill Clinton's domestic program.


The Dixiecrats were followers of Henry Wallace who were scared by Truman's confrontational attitude toward the Soviet Union.


The GI Bill guaranteed every former soldier a job.


The GI Bill helped eliminate differences in the opportunities for blacks and whites in higher education.


The Iran-Contra affair involved using Sandinistas to fight Saddam Hussein.


The Korean War was conducted by the United States against China.


The Ku Klux Klan targeted blacks, Jews, and Catholics.


The New Deal's programs ended the Great Depression.


The Nixon administration's most innovative domestic proposal was the use of busing for school integration.


The Reconstruction Finance Corporation assisted farmers, homeowners, and labor unions.


The Scottsboro case in 1931 involved efforts to organize workers in the Southwest.


The Truman Doctrine aided in the rebuilding of Japan after World War II.


The War Refugee Board was amazingly successful at rescuing Jews from Europe.


The Yalta agreements succeeded in establishing free governments in Eastern Europe


The Yalta agreements succeeded in establishing free governments in Eastern Europe.


The Zimmerman telegram revealed Germany's policy of unrestricted submarine warfare.


The attack on Pearl Harbor was a complete success for the Japanese.


The baby boom began in the late 1950's.


The baby boom began in the late 1950s.


The contract with America was Bill Clinton's domestic program


The end of World War II led to another period of isolationism in the United States.


The first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese island of Okinawa


The first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese island of Okinawa.


The ideal woman in 1956 according to Life magazine was one who balanced home and career.


The ideal woman in 1956, according to Life magazine, was one who balanced home and career.


The invasion of Sicily came only six weeks after the Normandy invasion.


The largest naval battle in history occurred at the Coral Sea.


The largest naval battle in history occurred at the coral sea


The leader of the South Vietnamese was Ho Chi Minh


The leader of the South Vietnamese was Ho Chi Minh.


The most popular household product after World War II was the air conditioner.


The outcome of the 2004 presidential election depended on Florida


The sinking of the Titanic off Ireland by U-boats made many Americans anti-German.


The stock market crash caused the Great Depression.


Truman coined the phrase "iron curtain."


Two years after the Vietnam War ended, South Vietnam took control of the North


Two years after the Vietnam War ended, South Vietnam took control of the North.


Upon becoming president, Bill Clinton quickly developed a strong foreign policy that reflected his lifelong interest in global affairs.


Wilson thought Germany's admission of war guilt was the most necessary part of the peace negotiations.


During World War II, the fastest rate of urban growth occurred in the

Far West

What was a major reason American farmers failed to obtain a fair share of the economic prosperity of the 1920s?

Farm crops were overproduced

The Yalta Conference takes place.

February 1945

April 1945

Fifty nations at war with the Axis Powers sign the United Nations Charter

Berkeley Free Speech movement

First major campus protest. A coalition of student groups insisted on the right to campus political activity.

National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) party

Founded in the 1920s, this party gained control over Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler in 1933 and continued in power until Germany's defeat at the end of the Second World War. It advocated a violent anti-Semitic, anti-Marxist, pan-German ideology. The Nazi party systematically murdered some 6 million Jews along with more than a million others.

April 1945

Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies; Hitler commits suicide

The Stonewall riots sparked a movement for

Gay rights

George C. Marshall

George Catlett Marshall, Jr. was an American statesman and soldier, famous for his leadership roles during World War II and the Cold War.

George F. Kennan

George Frost Kennan was an American diplomat, political scientist, and historian. He was known best as an advocate of a policy of containment of Soviet expansion during the Cold War on which he later reversed himself.

In the Sussex Pledge, the Germans promised what?

German U-boats would not fire merchant of passenger ships

September 1939

German troops invade Poland

Roosevelt decided Hitler had to be stopped after

Germany occupied Czechoslovakia in 1939.

September 1940

Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact

I have a Dream speech

Given August 1963 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Global financial markets collapse


Global financial markets collapse.

Governor George Wallace

Governor of Alabama; pledged to oppose integration and to prevent enrollment of blacks at state university;; won popularity for his views.

Orval Faubus

Governor of Arkansas in 1957 resisted enrollment of "Little Rock Nine." Said no schools would mix races while he was governor. Defied a Supreme Court order and challenged authority of Federal government by calling Arkansas National Guard to prevent "Little Rock Nine" from attending the school. Closed all of Little Rock's high schools and built private schools so African Americans couldn't attend.

Freedom Summer

In 1964, when blacks and whites together challenged segregation and led a massive drive to register blacks to vote.

March on Washington

The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the March on Washington, or The Great March on Washington, was one of the largest political rallies for human rights in United States history and demanded civil and economic rights for African Americans.

Josip Broz

Josip Broz, commonly known as Tito, was a Yugoslav communist revolutionary and political leader, serving in various roles from 1943 until his death in 1980

A joint resolution of Congress officially ends the war among the United States, Germany, and Austria-Hungary.

July 1921

Allied forces land on Sicily.

July 1943

Truman issues an executive order ending segregation in the U.S. armed forces.

July 1948

Armistice is reached in Korea.

July 1953

The Geneva Accords are adopted.

July 1954

The Battle of Midway occurs.

June 1942

Robert Kennedy is assassinated.

June 1968

D-day occurs.

June 6, 1944


June: Battle of Midway

Philippine-American War

Lasted from June 2nd, 1899 - July 4th 1902. Resulted in an United States Victory and occupation of the Philippines, and the Philippines becomes an unincorporated territory of the United States.

In 1960 election, JFK chose his running mate, this powerful Senate majority leader & his opponent for Presidential Nomination...

Lindon Johnson (LBJ)

Lyndon B. Johnson

Lyndon Baines Johnson, often referred to as LBJ, was the 36th President of the United States from 1963 to 1969, assuming the office after serving as the 37th Vice President of the United States under President John F. Kennedy, from 1961 to 1963.


Malcolm X is assassinated by the rival group of black Muslims

Malcolm X

Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little and also known as el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, was an American Muslim minister and human rights activist.

Port Huron Statement

Manifesto of the Students for a Democratic Society, which criticized the federal government for racial inequality, poverty, and also the Cold War and international peace.


Okinawa is a Japanese prefecture comprising more than 150 islands in the East China Sea between Taiwan and Japan's mainland. It's known for its tropical climate

Rosa Parks

On Dec. 1, 1955 this African American woman refused to give her seat on the bus to a white man and was arrested and sent to jail for violating Montgomery's segregation laws

Dwight D. Eisenhower

On November 8, 1942, British and American forces commanded by U.S. general Dwight D. Eisenhower landed in Morocco and Algeria on the North African coast.

"Little Rock Nine"

On Sept. 23rd the first nine African Americans who went into a white school (Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas)

Nazi-Soviet Pact

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, also known as the Nazi-Soviet Pact, the German-Soviet Non-aggression Pact or the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression, was a neutrality pact

Munich Pact

The Munich Agreement was a settlement permitting Nazi Germany's annexation of portions of Czechoslovakia along the country's borders mainly inhabited by German speakers, for which a new territorial designation, the "Sudetenland", was coined

Rape of Nanjing (Nanking)

The Nanking Massacre was an episode of mass murder and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing, then the capital of the Republic of China, during the Second Sino-Japanese War

Operation Barbarossa

Operation Barbarossa was the code name for the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union, starting Sunday, 22 June 1941, during World War II

Bobby Seale

Organized the militant group the Black Panthers & Hugh Newton wanted black rights through violence.

The leader of a major Islamic terrorist network, who was killed in 2011, was

Osama bin Laden

The leader of a major Islamic terrorist network, who was killed in 2011, was

Osama bin Laden.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Outlawed discrimination in public accommodations and employment.

Which statement most accurately describes conditions of American farmers during the economic boom of the mid-1920s?

Overproduction helped keep farmers from participating in the prosperity of the times

The George H. W. Bush administration sent American troops into


The Bush administration sent American troops into


The George H. W. Bush administration sent American troops into



Panay incident

Tonkin Gulf resolution

Passes by Congress in reaction to supposedly unprovoked attacks on American warships off the coast of North Vietnam; it gave the president unlimited authority to defend U.S. forces and members of SEATO.

Senator Joseph McCarthy went too far when he

charged that the army was "soft" on communism.

Agent Orange

chemical that kills plants; used in Vietnam to expose Viet Cong hideouts

In 1882, Congress passed legislation to exclude immigrants from


After World War II, a significant migration occurred from

cities to suburbs.

In 1933, two days after he took office, President Roosevelt

closed all banks

A major cause of the 2008 economic collapse was the

collapse of the housing market from unreal prices and irresponsible mortgage practices

A major cause of the 2008 economic collapse was

collapse of the housing market from unreal prices and irresponsible mortgage practices.

The Hungarian revolt of 1956 was a victory for


Causes of the economic malaise of the 1970s included

competition in international markets.

Causes of the economic malaise of the 1970s include

competition in the international markets

All of the following factors were causes of the great depression Except

conservative banking polices that restricted the availability of loans

Young Americans for Freedom

conservative new right; youth organization critical of liberal public policy, gvt. economic involvement, changes in social mores, and containment foreign policy

In the 1930's, industrial unionism was

considerably strengthened by the New Deal Legislation

As Herbert Hoover began his presidency, he

considered the country to have bright economic future

Critics charged that President Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to increase the number of Supreme Court Justices was clearly in conflict with the

constitutional principle of checks and balances

Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan had

control of Manchuria, Shanghai, and French Indochina

James Earl Ray

convicted of killing Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 and sentenced to 99 years in jail

Kerner Commission

created in July, 1967 by President Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the causes of the 1967 race riots in the United States

The Civilian Conservation Corps

created jobs for unemployed men aged eighteen to twenty-five.


cultural patterns that strongly oppose those widely accepted within a society

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 dealt with

curbing the power of labor unions

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 dealt with

curbing the power of labor unions.

Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon

cut taxes on the wealthy.

One reason Operation Overlord succeeded was

d. Eisenhower surprised Germans by attacking at Normandy

Roosevelt decided Hitler had to be stopped after

d. Germany occupied Czechoslovakia

When it came to financing the war, the federal government resorted to

d. all of these

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

d. missed vital shore installations and oil tanks

"Anschluss" refers to

d. the German annexation of Austria

Put the following events in the correct chronological order.

de lome letter, sinking of the maine, teller amendment, battles around santiago

In the late 1920's, the European demand for agriculture and manufacturing goods from the US was


After World War I, the Senate

defeated the Treaty of Versailles.

The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. preached a philosophy of nonviolent disobedience, which meant

defying unjust laws through peaceful actions.

Reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Empire included all of the following, except

demonstrations in Tiananmen Square.

The main purpose of New Deal measures such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was to

develop rules to limit speculation and safeguard savings

The economic boom of the 1920s was primarily caused by

development of new consumer goods industries

Nixon's freeze of wages and prices in 1971

did little to reinvigorate the economy.

The Social Security Act of 1935

did not begin making payments to participants for years

In the American West, New Deal programs

disproportionately benefited the region in funding

Volunteers in Service to America

domestic version of the Peace Corps. Helped bring jobs to poor communities and performed community service.

In order to wage the Great War, the United States government did all of the following except

draft millions of young women

Enacted in 1944, The GI Bill of Rights provided

educational, job, and housing benefits for veterans.

Enacted in 1944, the GI Bill of Rights provided

educational, job, and housing benefits for veterans.

In 1987, Reagan signed a treaty with Gorbachev

eliminating intermediate-range nuclear weapons.

In 1987, Reagan signed a treaty with Mikhail Gorbachev

eliminating intermediate-range nuclear weapons.

In response to Truman's Fair Deal proposals, Congress

enlarged many New Deal programs.

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

established a national minimum wage

Which situation helped cause the stock market crash of 1929?

excessive speculation and buying on margin

A major result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was an

expansion of the power of the Federal Government

Bay of Pigs Invasion

failed invasion of Cuba in 1961 when a force of 1,200 Cuban exiles, backed by the United States, landed at the Bay of Pigs.

After the Civil War, population growth was stronger on the rural frontier than in the cities.


By 1920, both Cuba and the Philippines had gained complete independence from the United States.


Charles Darwin supported Herbert Spencer's application of his ideas regarding evolution to human social relations.


Cuba had been controlled by Spain for only a decade in 1898.


High tariffs on imported goods helped farmers by raising the price they received for their agriculture products.


Nativists believed that immigrants could, and should, be Americanized quickly.


The Open Door policy described America's approach to Cuba after 1900.


The Pendleton Act mandated that the federal government must buy silver for coins.


The Populist party fused with the Republicans during the election of 1896 in an attempt to gain free and unlimited coinage of silver.


Ceasar Chavez

farm worker who started the great boycott. started the United Farm Workers which is the union for farm workers

Which group of Americans generally failed to experience the economic prosperity of the 1920s?


Unlike today, citizens during the Gilded Age expected the ___________ to have little to no effect on their daily lives.

federal government

In response to President Roosevelt's first days in office, the American people

felt a mixture of relief and hope

Fear of foreign terrorists and radicalism led to the ______________ at the end of the 1910s.

first red scare

President Cleveland's decision to support the gold standard

fractured the democrat party into pro-gold, pro-silver wings

During the Great War, what countries made up the Allied Powers?

france, great britain, russia

How long did the conflict known as the Great War last?

from 1914 to 1918

In the trial of John T. Scopes in 1925,

fundamentalists won the conviction of Scopes.

During the period of postwar prosperity, the

gap between the average incomes for blacks and whites increased.

During the postwar prosperity, the

gap between the average incomes for blacks and whites increased.

The National Labor Relations Act of 1935

gave the government the authority to force employers to accept labor unions

The Stonewall riots sparked a movement for

gay rights

The Stonewall riots sparked a movement for

gay rights.

A major activity of Hispanic workers was a strike against

grape farmers in California

Although publicly President Wilson urged Americans to remain neutral regarding the Great War, he personally favored

great britain and france

One likely cause of juvenile delinquency during the 1950s was the

greater mobility provided by cars.

As the depression deepened, President Herbert Hoover

grew less willing to increase federal spending

In the 1930's the industrial union movement

grew more militant and powerful

In the 1930's, the Congress of Industrial Organization

grew out of a dispute within the American Federation of Labor

In 1935, Senator Huey Long

had a strong record of progressive accomplishments

The Civil Rights Act of 1957

had the support of President Eisenhower.

During the Great Depression, Asian Americans

had trouble competing got jobs with poor white migrants from the Midwest

Because of President Arthur's reform programs

he was not chosen by the Republicans as their candidate for a second term

Stokely Carmichael

head of the SNCC making a separatist philosophy of black power as the official objective of the organization

March on Washington

held in 1963 to show support for the Civil Rights Bill in Congress. Martin Luther King gave his famous "I have a dream..." speech. 250,000 people attended the rally

In 1934, Dr. Francis Townsend attracted widespread national support for a plan that

helped pave the way for the Social Security system

Social Darwinism had its roots in the work of

herbert spencer

The concept of "survival of the fittest" being applied to human society was introduced by

herbert spencer

The direct descendants of the Beats were the


Reagan won the election of 1980 because of all of the following except

his deep intellectual abilities.

In 1937, President Roosevelt's call to expand the Supreme Court came from

his desire to change the ideological balance of the court

Jimmy Carter's 1976 victory can be attributed to

his strong support among southern African Americans

Jimmy Carter's 1976 victory can be attributed to

his strong support among southern African Americans.

Fears of revolution were so widespread in post-war America that the U.S. attorney general created a government division to collect information on radicals headed by


What organization was formed to prevent the Anglo-Saxon "race" from being "contaminated"?

immigration restriction league

All of the following statements regarding the New Deal and women are true except

in general, women were major critics of the New Deal

William Jennings Bryan resigned as secretary of state

in the uproar after the sinking of the Lusitania.

Women fighting for equal rights focused on issues

in the workplace

The National Recovery Administration of 1933 did all of the following except

increase competition between companies

In the United States, the decade of the 1920's was characterized by

increased consumer borrowing and spending

The most serious economic problem that Truman faced was


The economic boom and the financial speculation of the 1920's were caused in part by

installment buying and an unregulated stock market

Two monuments to the Eisenhower presidency were

interstate highways and the St. Lawrence Seaway.

One of the major effects the New Deal had on the United States was

it fostered stronger and more varied interest groups

By 1971, the New Left had declined as a political movement because

it had abandoned its democratic and pacifist principles.

A crucial factor in the 1960 presidential campaign involved the

jailing of Martin Luther King Jr.

Frances Perkins, the first female cabinet member in American history, was secretary of commerce


President Wilson believed that the keystone to ensuring lasting world peace was

league of nations

American Indian Movement

led by Dennis Banks and Russell Means; purpose was to obtain equal rights for Native Americans; protested at the site of the Wounded Knee massacre

In response to the Great Depression, many Mexican Americans

left the US entirely

After World War II, black Americans

left the rural South for the urban North.

_____________ led the ________________ a group of determined Communist revolutionaries in Russia in 1917.

lenin, bolsheviks

In 1932, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

lent funds only to financial institutions with sufficient collateral

During the Great War, Wilson's administration organized the sale of _________, which guaranteed a fixed rate of return to fund the war.

liberty bonds

The purpose of the 1924 immigration law was to

limit immigration from eastern and southern Europe.

During the 1930's, regarding radio

listening was often a community experience

The typical tenement apartment building

little or no natural light

In 1939, after the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact with the Nazi Germany, the American Communist Party

lost a significant portion of its membership

On Oct. 29, 1929, the American stock market

lost all the gains of the previous year

In his impeachment proceedings, Bill Clinton was charged with

lying under oath to a grand jury

The main reason President Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted to increase the number of Justices on the United States Supreme Court was to

make the Court more supportive of New Deal programs

An early and major American victory in the Spanish-American War occurred at

manila bay

As a result of the dust storms on the plains,

many farmers could not pay their mortgages and lost their farms.

The Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) led the campaign to organize workers in

mass-production industries.

The Spanish-American War occurred during the presidency of


In the 1920's, the depressed situation of United States agriculture was chiefly caused by

mechanization and overproduction

The counterculture supporters were mainly

middle-class whites alienated by the Vietnam War and political corruption

The irreconcilables were primarily

midwestern and western progressives.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

missed vital shore installations and oil tanks.

In 2000, for the first time

most immigrants did not come from Europe

After World War II, the economy avoided severe dislocations due to demobilization because

pent-up demand for consumer goods spurred production.

The Platt Amendment

placed restrictions on the Cuban government's independence.

Until early 1918, U.S. forces in Europe

played only a token role.

Eugene Bull Connor

police commissioner personally supervised a brutal effort to break up the peaceful marches Martin Luther King Jr. led, arresting hundreds of demonstrators and using attack dogs, tear gas, electric cattle prods, and fire hoses, all in view of TV cameras.

La Raza Unida

political party started by Jose Angel Gutierrez, worked for better housing and jobs, and also backed latino political candidates

Cholera, typhoid fever, and yellow fever were often the result in urban areas of

poor sanitation

Norman Vincent Peale was a leading exponent of

positive thinking.

All of the following occurred as a result of the Tennessee Valley Authority except

poverty in the region was significantly reduced

In political and economic matters, FDR was


General Nguyen Van Thieu

president of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) from 1967 until the republic fell to the forces of North Vietnam in 1975.

The election of 1936

produced a new and enduring coalition of voters for the Democratic Party

Limited Test Ban Treaty

prohibits nuclear weapons tests "or any other nuclear explosion" in the atmosphere, in outer space, and under water

In 1968, Nixon's "southern strategy" involved

promising to go slowly on enforcing civil rights laws

In 1968, Nixon's "southern strategy" involved

promising to proceed slowly when enforcing civil rights laws.

In 1948, Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey

proposed the governments to run the government more efficiently

The Economy Act of 1933

proposed to balance the federal budget and cut government workers salaries

In 1948, Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey

proposed to run the government more efficiently.

During President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration, which situation was viewed by critics as a threat to the principle of separation of powers?

proposing the expansion of Supreme Court membership

In 1933, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

protected the assets of small bank depositors

Immigrants who arrived before 1890 to the United States were primarily


During its first year, the Civil Works Administration

put four million people to work

The Civilian Conservation Corps

put the unemployed to work on rural and wilderness areas

Harding was more progressive than Wilson in matters dealing with


In 1948, the States' Rights Democratic party stood for

racial segregation.

In 1931, the severity of the depression increased when the Federal Reserve Board

raised interest rates

When it came to financing the war the federal government resorted to

raising income tax rates, making most workers income taxpayers, and borrowing money mostly through selling bonds.

Under the New Deal, African Americans

received more sympathy than under most previous administrations

The Port Huron Statement

reflected the ideals of the New Left; was drafted by Tom Hayden; was influenced by African American activists in the South.

Because of the excesses of the Gilded Age, a major period of ________ occurred to _______ it.

reform, counter

After 1929, in the face of the worsening global economic crisis, the US

refused to alter the payment schedule of all debts owed by the European nations to America

During the 1937 sit down strike of General Motors, the federal government

refused to intervene in the dispute

Between his election in 1932 and the inauguration of 1933, Franklin Roosevelt

refused to make any deals with the outgoing president, Herbert Hoover

After Democrats won control of the Congress in the 1930 elections, President Herbert Hoover

refused to support a more vigorous public spending program for relief

One of the main reasons why the Allies pushed for opening a second front in Western Europe was to

relieve pressure on the Soviet Union by forcing the Germans to fight on two fronts.

Wilson's Fourteen Points included all the following except freedom of the seas. Correct Response replacing the czar on the Russian throne. the League of Nations. an independent Poland.

replacing the czar on the Russian throne.

Which political party was associated with the temperance movement?


the hawaiian ruler queen liluokalani tried to do what in the early 1890s

restrict the growing political power of america in the islands

What step did President Cleveland take to address the economic depression that began in 1893?

return to gold standard

Rock-and-roll music was directly related to

rhythm and blues.

Watts Riots

riot which lasted six days in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, California

The Treaty of Portsmouth resulted from American intervention in the

russo-jap war

Which president described himself, near the end of his term, as a president without a party?

rutherford b hayes

Republican Protestants during the Gilded Age had a tendency to consider __________ the central social evil in the United States.


What did one journalist call "the social and intellectual center of the neighborhood" during the Gilded Age in large cities?


Among the reasons the atomic bomb was used against Japan was the belief that it would

save the lives of American soldiers.

For women, the economic pressures caused by the Great Depression

saw men move to jobs traditionally held by women

Throughout 1928, the American stock market

saw the number of shares traded daily soar

In the 1952 campaign, Eisenhower promised to

secure peace in Korea.

As a result of the Great Depression, the social values in the US

seemed to change relatively little

The Iran-Contra affair involved

selling arms to Iran to secure the release of hostages; Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North; secretly supporting rebels in Nicaragua.

Mayor Richard J. Daley

served for 21 years as the mayor and undisputed Democratic boss of Chicago and is considered by historians to be the "last of the big city bosses." He played a major role in the history of the Democratic Party, especially with his support of John F. Kennedy in 1960 and of Hubert Humphrey in 1968

Tom Hayden

set up the students for a Democratic Society SOS in 1960. This was a very liberal group. They set up the new left a political movement to chang poverty & racism by radical means.

In response to the weakening economy in 2001, President Bush

signed into law a massive tax cut.

Nixon sought to lessen criticism of the Vietnam War by

slowly reducing the number of American troops there; creating a lottery to determine who would be drafted; using more air strikes rather than ground warfare.

During the 1930's, the Southern Tenant Farmers Union

sought to organize the rural poor across racial lines

The Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1933

sought to raise crop process by paying farmers not to plant

The faction of the Republican party during the Gilded Age that was not concerned with the excesses of the time was known as the


During the Watergate crisis Nixon was not accused of

stealing funds from his reelection campaign.

During the Watergate crisis, Nixon was NOT accused of

stealing funds from the reelection campaign

Which economic practice became significantly more widespread during the 1920s?

stock market speculation

The Tea Party movement

stood for limiting government and taxes

The Tea Party movement

stood for limiting government and taxes.

The Battle of Midway was the turning point of the war in the Pacific because it

stopped the eastward advance of the Japanese.

John Keats' The Crack in the Picture Window was a stinging critique of

suburban life.

Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia,

successfully invaded the Crimea, a disputed part of the Ukraine

Under President Reagan, organized labor

suffered from the defeat of the Air Traffic Controllers' Union.

Wartime rationing included

sugar, coffee, and gasoline

Wartime rationing included

sugar, coffee, and gasoline.

Demographic forces favorable to Reagan and conservatism included growth in the

sunbelt population.

By 1953, the United States involvement in Vietnam consisted of

supporting over two-thirds of the cost of the French war effort.

By 1953, the United States involvement in Vietnam consisted of

supporting two thirds of the cost of the French war effort.

After Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba, Eisenhower

suspended diplomatic relations with Cuba.

Eleanor Roosevelt helped the president by

taking political risks by making alliances with black, labor, and women's groups.

In the 1930's, Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People

taught that individual initiative could help people to restore themselves financially

Which of the following was not a reason to move to the cities during the Gilded Age?

tenant farming removed prime land from the agricultural economy, thus causing the loss of jobs

After the attack on 9/11, President Bush launched a war on


In 1937, President Roosevelt decided

that he should try and balance the federal budget

Which of the following statement's regarding President Wilson's Fourteen Points is incorrect?

the 14 points called for racial equality

Cuban Missile Crisis

the 1962 confrontation bewteen US and the Soviet Union over Soviet missiles in Cuba

The Hoover administration addressed the economic situation of American farmers with

the Agriculture Marketing Act

Germany lost the Battle of the Atlantic because

the Allies had broken the Germans' secret code

The many scandals in Harding's administration touched all of the following except the Veterans Administration. Teapot Dome. Correct Response the Bonus Army. the attorney general, Harry Daugherty.

the Bonus Army.

The greatest protests against Nixon's Vietnam policy came after

the Cambodian incursion.

The freedom rides were organized by

the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

President Truman's domestic program to initiate domestic reforms is known as

the Fair Deal

President Truman's domestic program to initiate domestic reforms is known as

the Fair Deal.

The Glass-Stegall Act of 1933 established

the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

All of the following programs were a part of the "Second New Deal" except

the Federal Emergency Relief Administration

"Anschluss" refers to

the German annexation of Austria.

For Wilson, the most important part of the peace negotiations involved

the League of Nations.

Truman's program for the economic recovery of Europe was called

the Marshall Plan

Truman's program for the economic recovery of Europe was called

the Marshall Plan.

By the end of 1938

the New Deal had largely come to an end

The difference between the Old Left and New Left was that

the New Left's goal was to remake the United States into a more democratic society

Wilson's failure to take a major Republican to the postwar peace conference was a mistake because

the Republicans controlled Congress.

By December 1991,

the Soviet Union was no longer in existence; The United States was the only dominant military power in the world; Saddam Hussein still controlled Iraq.

From April 1948 to May 1949,

the Soviets blockaded Berlin

From April 1948 to May 1949,

the Soviets blockaded Berlin.

The "Abraham Lincoln Brigade" is associated with

the Spanish Civil War

In 1968 the correct order of events was

the Tet offensive, LBJ's withdrawal from the presidential race, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., and the Democratic convention in Chicago

In 1968, the correct order of events was

the Tet offensive, LBJ's withdrawal from the presidential race, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., and the Democratic convention in Chicago.

The Nye committee investigations concluded that

the United States allowed munitions manufacturers to make huge profits from WWI

The Jobs Corps, Head Start, and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) were all part of

the War on Poverty.

Which of these was an important manifestation of the counterculture?

the Woodstock music festival in 1969


the action or process of appeasing

All of the following statements regarding the 1932 "Bonus Army" are true except

the army demanded Congress create relief programs for WWI veterans

What invention did not ease the ability of people to live outside of major urban areas yet still work there?

the automobile

Black Power

the belief that blacks should fight back if attacked. it urged blacks to achieve economic independence by starting and supporting their own business.

Flexible response

the buildup of conventional troops and weapons to allow a nation to fight a limited war without using nuclear weapons

The first federal law passed to restrict immigration on the basis of race was

the chinese exclusion act

A major cause of the 2008 economic collapse was

the collapse of the housing market from unreal prices and irresponsible mortgage practices.

Eisenhower's farewell address dealt with

the dangers of a military-industrial complex.


the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation

One major effect of the GI Bill of Rights was

the democratization of higher education.

During the Great Depression

the divorce rate declined

In 1995, 60,000 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) peacekeeping troops were sent to maintain peace in

the former Yugoslavia

In 1995, 60,000 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) peacekeeping troops were sent to maintain peace in

the former Yugoslavia.

In 1937, regarding the organization of industrial labor

the great majority of strikes were settled in favor of the unions

The "Second New Deal" was launched in response to

the growth of popular protests across the nation

A key element in the postwar consumer revolution was

the increase in advertising, especially on television;the growth of consumer credit,the development of shopping as a form of recreation.

Racial conflict among Americans during and after World War I resulted from

the mass movement of southern blacks to northern cities.

Green Berets

the military branch created by President John Kennedy to be able to wage counter-insurgency campaigns better

The free-speech movement attacked

the modern university.

One long term consequence of the New Deal was

the national government assumed a responsibility for the basic welfare of the people

President Johnson said that "we have just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come" after

the passage of the Civil Right Act of 1964

President Johnson said that "we have just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come" after

the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

President Johnson said that "we have just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come" after

the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that

the policy of "separate but equal" in public education was unconstitutional.

Domino Theory

the political theory that if one nation comes under Communist control then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control

Much of the economic growth of the 1920s was based on

the production of new consumer goods

Reagan won the election of 1980 because of all of the following except

the resurgence of Great Society liberalism.

The Fair Labor Standards Act provided for all of the following for interstate businesses except

the right of workers to form unions.

The Fair Labor Standards Act provided for all of the following for interstate businesses except a minimum wage. the prohibition of child labor. a maximum work week of forty hours. Correct Response the right of workers to form unions.

the right of workers to form unions.

In Miranda v. Arizona, the Supreme Court ruled on

the rights of a person accused of a crime.

______________ killed roughly 100 million people worldwide in 1918.

the spanish flu

In United States v. Butler, the Supreme Court overturned the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) because

the tax on food processors was unconstitutional.

Great Society

the term for the domestic programs of the Johnson administration


the territory that a state or nation believes is needed for its natural development, especially associated with Nazi Germany

The Jobs Corps, Head Start, and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) were all part of

the war on poverty.

"Big-Stick" diplomacy refers to

theodore roosevelt's foreign policy

As a result of the Great Recession

there was a sharp decline in Mexican immigration to the United States

How did the Wilson administration use women to aid the war effort?

they were told to take jobs previously held by men

Civil Rights Act of 1968

this law banned discrimination in housing, the segregation of education, transprotation, and employment, it helped African Americans gain their full votin rights.

Dr. Timothy Leary

this man popularized LSD in the 60's and said, "Tune in, turn on, drop out"

President Johnson decided to escalate the war in Vietnam

to contain communism in the Far East

President Johnson decided to escalate the war in Vietnam

to contain communism in the Far East.

To deal with labor strikes after World War II, Truman

took control of the coal mines.

A major catalyst for the Suez War in 1956 was the cancellation by the United States of a major dam project in Egypt.


After 1890, most immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe.


Alfred Thayer Mahan was a leading advocate of American sea power and imperialism.


By 1900, the United States had more saloons than grocery stores.


Emilio Aguinaldo at first aided George Dewey against the Spanish in the Philippines.


In 1890, 80 percent of New Yorkers were foreign born.


Lester F. Ward stressed humankind's basic compassion.


Support for civil service reform rose following the assassination of President James A. Garfield.


President Herbert Hoover responded to the onset of the Great Depression by

urging voluntary cooperation from business leaders

Prior to 1932, Franklin Roosevelt had been all of the following except

vice president of the US

One of the ways politics in the Gilded Age was different than today was that

voters voted for the same parties regardless of candidate

The march from Selma to Montgomery emphasized

voting rights

The march from Selma to Montgomery emphasized

voting rights.

Michael Harrington's The Other America influenced the

war on poverty.

Charles de Gaulle

was a French general and statesman. He was the leader of Free France and the head of the Provisional Government of the French Republic

The Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890

was a boon to western states with silver mines

Franklin Roosevelt's victory over Herbert Hoover in 1932

was a convincing mandate

Battle of Midway

was a decisive naval battle in the Pacific Theater of World War II which occurred between 4 and 7 June 1942, only six months after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor and one month after the Battle of the Coral Sea

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

all of these is correct (was to provide federal loans to troubled banks and businesses, was created in the last year of Hoovers administration, included a $1.5 billion public works budget)


allow each person to have only a fixed amount

Elijah Muhammed

an African American religious leader and activist and was the leader of the Nation of Islam organization

The election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Presidency in 1932 reflected the desire of many Americans to have government take

an active role in solving economic problems

Turn on, Tune In, Drop Out

an album credited to Timothy Leary. It consists of a narrated meditation mixed with freeform psychedelic rock music.

The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) involved

an anti-missile defense system.

For the first Bush administration, the major problem in the early 1990s was

an economic recession

Which of the following is true about the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

an effort to limit the size of business

The decisions made at the Yalta Conference did not include agreement that

c. both the Soviet Union and The United States would reduce their armaments by half after the war ended

One of the main reasons why the Allies pushed for an opening a second front in Western Europe was to

c. relieve pressure on the Soviet Union by forcing the Germans to fight on two fronts

Among the reasons the atomic bomb was used against Japan was the belief that it would

c. save the lives of American soldiers

The Geneva Accords involving Southeast Asia

called for elections to unify Vietnam.

Clinton's health-care initiative

called for large businesses to pay for the bulk of their employees' health insurance; was heavily influenced by his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton; was defeated in Congress.

With the Nixon Doctrine, the United States

called for revising the containment policy

Phyllis Schlafly was a leader in the

campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment.

In the Birmingham campaign in 1963, Martin Luther King Jr., signaled a change in strategy from

changing southern white attitudes to confrontation and civil disobedience

In the Birmingham campaign in 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. signaled a change in strategy from

changing southern white attitudes to confrontation and civil disobedience.

Much of Father Coughlin's outspoken criticism of the Roosevelt administration revolved around the issue of

changing the banking and currency system

What was an example of the new types of entertainment that became popular during the Gilded Age?

wild west traveling shows

In the 1930's, the New Deal generally gave

work relief to men and cash assistance to women

Hideki Tojo

was a general of the Imperial Japanese Army, the leader of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association, and the 27th Prime Minister of Japan during much of World War II, from October 17, 1941, to July 22, 1944

During the 1930's the sit down strike

was a new and controversial labor tactic

In the 1930's, the Dust Bowl,

was a product of changing environmental conditions


was a sovereign state in Central Europe

"Phony war"

was an eight-month period at the start of World War II, during which there was only one limited military land operations on the Western Front, when French troops invaded Germany's Saar district

The Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1933

was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

In 1932, the Farmers Holiday Association

was essentially a farmers strike

President Roosevelt's proposal to expand the Supreme Court

was eventually defeated in Congress

New Deal policy toward American Indians

was grounded in a commitment to cultural relativism

The Tennessee Valley Authority of 1933

was headed by former electricity magnate Samuel Insull

The Works Progress Administration of 1935

was much larger than previous programs of its kind

Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey

was now the sole Democrat with the credentials to succeed Johnson. His campaign "Politics of Joy"

The New Deal's "cornerstone" and "supreme achievement," according to FDR,

was social security.

The practice by Republicans of reminding voters who caused the Civil War was known as

waving the bloody shirt

One of the Clinton administration's major legislative accomplishments was

welfare reform.

As a result of the Immigration Act of 1965, the majority of future immigrants

were Hispanics and Asians

African Americans employed by the New Deal relief programs

were among the first to be released when funds

Many of the reforms pushed by the Populists

were implemented by the progressives

Most women in the twenties

were not flappers.

"Massive resistance" is the term used for

white resistance to court-ordered integration of the schools.

Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression?

widening income gap between the rich and the poor

The Supreme Court issues the Schenck v. United States decision.


F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise is published


Prohibition begins.


Albert Einstein receives the Nobel Prize in physics.


Congress passes the Emergency Immigration Act; representatives of the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan attend the Washington Naval Congress.


The United States begins sending observers to the League of Nations; Benito Mussolini comes to power in Italy.


The first radio commercial is aired.


President Warren G. Harding dies in office.


Congress passes the Immigration Act.


The Scopes "monkey trial" tests the teaching of evolution in Tennessee public schools.


Charles Lindbergh Jr. makes the first solo transatlantic flight.


Herbert Hoover is elected president.


Congress passes the Hawley-Smoot Tariff.


The Bonus Expeditionary Force converges on Washington to demand payment of bonuses promised to war veterans.


Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany.


Emergency Banking Act


Hitler forces the Anschluss (union) of Austria and Germany.


The Soviet Union agrees to a nonaggression pact with Germany.


The Battle of Britain takes place.


Roosevelt and Churchill meet Stalin in Tehran.


Congress passes the Servicemen's Readjustment Act (GI Bill of Rights).


Congress passes the Taft-Hartley Labor Act; the National Security Council (NSC) is established.


China "falls" to communism; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is created.


The Communists gained control of China in


The Communists gained control of China in


The United States and other UN members go to war in Korea.


Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man is published.


The Supreme Court issues a ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas.


The Hungarian revolt against the Warsaw Pact is quickly suppressed; in the Suez War, Israel, Britain, and France attack Egypt.


Soviet Union launches Sputnik I; the baby boom peaks; Jack Kerouac's On the Road is published; federal troops are ordered to protect students attempting to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.


Students in Greensboro, North Carolina, stage a sit-in to demand service at a "whites-only" lunch counter.


The U-2 spy plane incident reveals that the United States is flying spy planes over the Soviet Union.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves the birth control pill.


Bay of Pigs fiasco takes place; the Soviets erect the Berlin Wall.


Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique is published.


Congress passes the Civil Rights Act.


In the 1930s, prior to World War II, actual conflict broke out first in

Asia between Japan and China.

In 1939, the U.S. Army was the third largest in the world, behind only Germany and Russia.


Dollar Diplomacy

The use of a country's financial power to extend its international influence.

Riots break out in the African American community of Watts, California; Malcolm X is assassinated by a rival group of black Muslims.


During World War II, Congress readily renewed and extended such New Deal programs as the National Youth Administration.


Eisenhower always fought hard for civil rights causes.


Eisenhower failed in his objective to abolish the Social Security program.


Eisenhower failed in his objective to abolish the social security program.


Ford's full pardon of Nixon was a popular act that ended the nightmare of Watergate


General Douglas MacArthur led the U.S. Military action in the Korean conflict until he was fired by president Dwight Eisenhower.


General Douglas MacArthur led the U.S. military action in the Korean conflict until he was fired by President Eisenhower.


General Douglas MacArthur led the U.S. military action in the Korean conflict until he was fired by president Dwight Eisenhower.


George W. Bush received more popular votes than Al Gore in the 2000 election.


H. L. Mencken dubbed the twenties the "Jazz Age."


Ford Motor Company is founded; the Wright brothers fly the first airplane.


Panamanians revolt against Colombia.


The Russo-Japanese War begins.


The first movie house opens.


The Great White Fleet begins to circumnavigate the globe in a demonstration of America's rise to world-power status.


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is founded.


The Panama Canal opens.


World War I begins in Europe.


The British liner Lusitania, with Americans aboard, is torpedoed without warning by a German submarine.


Congress passes the National Defense Act.


Marcus Garvey brings the Universal Negro Improvement Association to New York.


Woodstock '69

-1969 concert in upstate new york -3 days of peace and music -new style of being (Grateful Dead) -sign of cultural face of the 60s -a-political turning away, rebellion in lifestyle, ..., -1969 concert in upstate new york -3 days of peace and music -new style of being (Grateful Dead) -sign of cultural face of the 60s -a-political turning away, rebellion in lifestyle


-Battle of Britain -September: Germany, Italy, & Japan sign the Tripartite Pact


-Federal troops ordered to protect students attempting to integrate central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas - Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1 - Jack Kerouac's On the Road is published - Baby boom peaks


-Hitler forces the Anschluss (union) of Austria & Germany


-January: Roosevelt, Churchill, & the combined chiefs of staff meet at Casablanca -July: Allied Forces land on Sicily -Roosevelt & Churchill meet Stalin in Tehran


-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is created - China "falls" to communism


-Soviet Union agrees to a nonaggression pact with Germany -September: German troops invade Poland

By the end of 2005, U.S. involvement in Iraq suffered from

1) guerilla attacks in Iraq. 2) revelations of torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners. 3) the admission that weapons of mass destruction had not been found. 4) all of the answer choices are correct All of the above

During the Great Depression, in the rural US

1/3 of all farmers lost their land

In 1900 ______ of 82 million Americans lived in poverty.

10 million

Darwin's On the Origin of Species is published.


The National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry (Grange) founded.


San Francisco begins using cable cars for mass transit.


Rutherford B. Hayes is inaugurated president.


James A. Garfield is assassinated.


Congress passes the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act.


The Supreme Court issues the decision in the case of Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific Railroad Company v. Illinois.


The Interstate Commerce Commission is created.


Otis Elevator Company installs the first electric elevator.


Congress passes the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, and the McKinley Tariff.


Economic panic begins the worst depression the nation had ever experienced.


The Republic of Hawaii is proclaimed.


The Cuban insurrection breaks out against Spanish rule.


The U.S. battleship Maine explodes in Havana Harbor.


The U.S. Senate ratifies the Treaty of Paris.


Filipino insurgents resist U.S. domination.


An international alliance quells the Boxer Rebellion.


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

A 26-year-old minister who graduated from Morehouse College. Outspoken supporter of the movement to win civil rights for African Americans. Believed in Nonviolent protests. President of MIA. Gave "I Have A Dream" speech which is a landmark of U.S history

Open Door Policy

A U.S. sponsored nonbinding international agreement that kept the Chinese market open to all foreign nations.

The Spanish-American War (1898)

A conflict between Spain and the United States, it was a result of the United States' intervention in the Cuban War of Independence, and a result of America's intervention with the Philippine's fight for independence from Spain. The United States officially entered the conflict with the Battleship Maine exploding in Havana harbor. Evidence points to poor engineering, but because of sensational media, and poor investigational techniques at the time they concluded that the Spanish planted a bomb in the ship. It only lasted three months due to the United States economic and technological advantage. It resulted in the Treaty of Paris and an American victory. April 25th - August 12th.

Thurgood Marshall

A lawyer who specialized in civil rights cases, hired by Oliver Brown. For over ten years, served as legal director of NAACP. Presented Brown v. Board of Education and argued the fact that a school was segregated meant it was unequal. Produced testimony from psychologists showing segregation lowered self-esteem of African Americans, and it violated 14th amendment. Won the case and changed american history.

Macolm X

A leader of the black power movement

Theodore Roosevelt maintained that Indians were

A lesser race

Senator Eugene McCarthy

A liberal senator; was a strong anti-war supporter and decided to challenge LBJ for the presidential nomination

Panama Canal

A manmade waterway through Panama completed in 1914 to link the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.

black power movement

A more militant form of protest for civil rights that originated in urban communities, where nonviolent tactics were less effective than in the South. Black power encouraged African Americans to take pride in their racial heritage and forced black leaders and organizations to focus attention on the plight of poor inner-city blacks,

Rough Riders

A volunteer unit of cowboys, Ivy League athletes, city police officers, and Pawnee scouts led by Theodore Roosevelt that gained fame by charging up the San Juan Heights during the Spanish-American War.

What was not a problem that President Obama inherited when he was inaugurated?

A war in Libya

1959 Revolutionary that overthrew Cuban dictator?

A- Fidel Castro

22nd Amendment

A- Limited Presidents to two terms bc of FDR


Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

Adolf Hitler, "Fuhrer"

Adolf Hitler was a German politician who was the leader of the Nazi Party, Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and Führer of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945.

Alger Hiss

Alger Hiss was an American government official who was accused of being a Soviet spy in 1948 and convicted of perjury in connection with this charge in 1950.

The Works Progress Administration provided federal assistance to

All of these are correct (artist and sculptors, actors and directors, writers and musicians)

In response to the Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover urged the American people to remain optimistic. signed into law the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. pushed Congress to pass the Revenue Act of 1932. Correct Response All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

In the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan stood for 100 percent Americanism. was prejudiced against Jews and Catholics. was a force in national politics. Correct Response All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

The National Industrial Recovery Act provided for $3.3 billion in spending through the Public Works Administration (PWA). codes of fair practice for industries. the right of workers to form unions. Correct Response All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

The Revenue Act of 1916 taxed excess profits of corporations. added a tax on munitions makers. doubled the basic income tax rate. Correct Response All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

The Warren Harding administration tried to overturn progressive reforms by appointing conservatives to the Supreme Court. following pro-business policies. reducing income taxes and raising tariffs. Correct Response All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

The suburbs boomed because of

All of these are correct.

The wartime Espionage and Sedition Acts were upheld by the Supreme Court. led to the persecution of more than 1,500 people. hit hard at socialists and radicals. Correct Response All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

When it came to financing the war the federal government resorted to raising income tax rates. making most workers income taxpayers. borrowing money mostly through selling bonds. Correct Response All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

Which of the following best describes how the outbreak of the Great War impacted the American people? The majority of white Americans supported the Allied Powers. The Allies need for food and other material led to an economic boom. American banks loans heavily favored Great Britain and France over Germany. Correct Response All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

October 1948

Allied forces begin airlifting supplies to West Berlin

July 1943

Allied forces land on Sicily

Harry Belafonte

An African American Jazz and pop singer

Linda Brown

An African American third grader who had to walk almost a mile and take a dangerous route to get to her segregated school when a white school was only seven blocks from her house

16th Amendment provides for

An income tax

The Watergate was

An office building in Washington, D.C., the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee during the 1972 election, and a massive cover-up of break-in whereby it became clear that President Nixon was lying to the American people.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

An organization founded by MLK Jr., to direct the crusade against segregation. Its weapon was passive resistance that stressed nonviolence and love, and its tactic direct, though peaceful, confrontation.

Many Americans in the late 19th century assumed some races like __ were superior and other races like ___ were inferior

Anglo-saxon, Indians


Anschluss refers to the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany on 12 March 1938. The word's German spelling, until the German orthography reform of 1996, was Anschluß and it was also known as the Anschluss Österreichs

In the 1930's, all of the following books offered criticism of American society Except

Anthony Adverseby Hervy Allen

The United States enters the Great War.

April 1917

Fifty nations at war with the Axis Powers sign the United Nations Charter.

April 1945

Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies; Hitler commits suicide.

April 1945

Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated.

April 1968

Saigon falls to the North Vietnamese.

April 1975


April: Saigon falls to the North Vietnamese

Neville Chamberlain

Arthur Neville Chamberlain FRS was a British statesman of the Conservative Party who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May 1937 to May 1940

General Douglas MacArthur

Douglas MacArthur was an American five-star general and Field Marshal of the Philippine Army. He was Chief of Staff of the United States Army during the 1930s and played a prominent role in the Pacific theater during World War II.

Tuskegee Airmen

During the Second World War, African Americans in the armed forces usually served in segregated units. African American pilots were trained at a separate flight school in Tuskegee, Alabama, and were known as Tuskegee Airmen.

Women's Army Corps (WAC)

During the Second World War, the increased demand for labor shook up old prejudices about gender roles in workplace and in the military. Nearly 200,000 women served in the Women's Army Corps or its naval equivalent, Women accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES)

General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower was an American Army general and statesman who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961

One reason Operation Overlord succeeded was

Eisenhower surprised the Germans by attacking at Normandy.

One reason Operation Overlord succeeded was that

Eisenhower surprised the Germans by attacking in Normandy

The election of 1952 was a turning point in politics because

Eisenhower won several southern states.

The most influential advocate for the African Americans was

Eleanor Roosevelt

John F. Kennedy

Elected president in 1960, he was interested in bringing new ideas to the White House. Despite the difficulties he had in getting his legislation through Congress, he did establish the Alliance for Progress programs to help Latin America, the Peace Corps, the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, and funding for urban renewal projects and the space program. He mistakenly proceeded with the Bay of Pigs invasion, but he successfully handled the Cuban missile crisis. In Indochina, his administration became increasingly involved in supporting local governments through aid, advisors, and covert operations. In 1963, he was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas.


Ethnic conflict explodes in Yugoslavia


Ethnic conflict explodes in Yugoslavia.

"He kept us out of war" was the 1916 Republican campaign cry against Wilson.


"One nation under God" was added to all U.S. currency in 1955.


A great concern to the United States and Britain was the rise of China as a militaristic power.


Andrew W. Mellon said, "The chief business of the American people is business."


As head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, John Collier hoped to eliminate tribes and fully assimilate Native Americans into the national culture.


Basketball became the national sport in the 1920s.


Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler's troops invaded the Sudetenland


Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler's troops invaded the Sudetenland.


Buying stocks on margin helped restrain speculation in the stock market.


By 1942, the Axis Powers included the Soviet Union.


By 1942, the Axis powers included the Soviet Union


By 1966, participants in the black power movement demanded voting rights and declared they would burn the cities until that was accomplished.


Congress passed the Emergency Banking Act in only three days.


Douglas MacArthur believed fighting Red China would involve the United States "in the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time and with the wrong enemy."


In 1910, the largest group of "hyphenated" Americans was from Ireland.


Platt Amendment

Granted the United States the right to maintain a naval base at Guantanamo Bay, to intervene militarily in Cuban domestic affairs, and a privileged trading relationship with Cuba. The Cuban government also needed permission from the United States before entering into treaties with other nations.

In Operation Iraqi Freedom, the United States had the support of troops from

Great Britain

RAF (Royal Air Force)

Great Britain's powerful airforce

In Operation Iraqi Freedom, the United States had the support of troops from

Great Britain.

Medicare / Medicaid

Great Society programs to have the government provide medical aid to the elderly (Medicare) and the poor (Medicaid).

Freedom Riders

Group of civil rights workers who took bus trips through southern states in 1961 to protest illegal bus segregation

Indian Civil Rights Act

Guaranteed Indians the rights granted to other citizens in the Bill of Rights while at the same time recognizing the legitimacy of tribal laws.

Clinton's most successful departure in foreign policy was in



Haven for young people seeking an alternative to the straight world in 1965. Was located in San Francisco

Jackie Robinson

He was signed to Brooklyn Dodgers in 1945. The first African American to play in Major League Baseball. Became first African American elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame (1962), and made a way for other African Americans to play in professional sports

Heinrich Himmler

Heinrich Luitpold Himmler was Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel, and a leading member of the Nazi Party of Germany. Himmler was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany and one of the people most directly responsible for the Holocaust


Highly flammable chemical dropped from US planes in firebombing attacks during the Vietnam War.

Who developed President Clinton's health care plan?

Hillary Clinton

The 2008 election was historic for all of these reasons, except:

Hillary Clinton was the first woman to run for vice-president.

As a result of the Immigration Act of 1965, the majority of future immigrants were

Hispanics and Asians.

In the Hiss-Chambers case,

Hiss was convicted of perjury

In the Hiss-Chambers case,

Hiss was convicted of perjury.


Hitler forces the Anschluss (union) of Austria and Germany

Individuals labeled Mugwumps were best associated with which concept?

Honest government

The Share the Wealth program was proposed by

Huey P. Long.


Hurricane Katrina hits.

Benito Mussolini

In 1922, the bombastic journalist Benito Mussolini had seized power in Italy.

freedom riders

In 1961, the Congress of Racial Equality had this group of black white demonstrators ride buses to test the federal court ruling that had banned segregation on buses and trains and in terminals. Despite being attacked, they never gave up. Their actions drew national attention and generated respect and support for their cause.

March on Washington

In August 1963, civil rights leaders organized a massive rally in Washington to urge passage of President Kennedy's civil rights bill. The high point came when MLK Jr., gave his "I Have a Dream" speech to more than 200,000 marchers in front of the Lincoln Memorial.E


In May 1940, Germany advanced into France, trapping Allied troops on the beaches of Dunkirk

John Collier is associated with New Deal

Indians policies

On March 19, 2003, the United States invaded



Iraq War begins with operation Iraqi Freedom

Weather Underground

Is a commercial weather service that provides real time weather inf.

November 1979

Islamic militants storm the U.S. embassy in Tehran and take more than fifty American hostages.

May 1948

Israel is proclaimed an independent nation


Israeli troops invade Lebanon


Israeli troops invade Lebanon.

Atlantic Charter

Issued August 12, 1941, following meetings in the Newfoundland between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the charter signaled the allies' cooperation and stated their war aims.

In the 1930's, all of following films offered social commentary on the US and the Great Depression Except

It Happened One Night


It is synonymous with a key moment during World War II, after suffering an Allied nuclear attack in August 1945. The event is memorialized at the city's Atomic Bomb Museum and Peace Park

Jackie Robinson

Jack Roosevelt "Jackie" Robinson was an American Major League Baseball second baseman who became the first African American to play in the major leagues in the modern era.

James Meredith

James Howard Meredith is a Civil Rights Movement figure, writer, political adviser and Air Force veteran.

Woodrow Wilson delivers his Fourteen Points address.

January 1918

Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Combined Chiefs of Staff meet at Casablanca.

January 1943

The Viet Cong stage the Tet offensive.

January 1968

In Paris, the United States, North and South Vietnam, and the Viet Cong agree to restore peace in Vietnam.

January 1973

September 2, 1945

Japanese Surrender

Gentlemen's Agreement (1907-1908)

Japanese agreement to deny passports to Japanese workers intending to immigrate to the United States.

In the Panay incident in 1937,

Japanese airplanes sank an American warship

December 7, 1941

Japanese launch surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

November 1963

John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas

New Frontier

John F. Kennedy's program, stymied by a Republican Congress and his abbreviated; his successor Lyndol B. Johnson had greater success with many of the same concepts.

Open Door Policy

John hay

Senator Joseph R. McCarthy

Joseph Raymond "Joe" McCarthy was an American politician who served as a U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957.

Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong, commonly known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary, poet, political theorist and founding father of the People's Republic of China

The Zimmermann telegram reveals that Germany is attempting to incite Mexico to enter the war against the United States.

March 1917

U.S. planes begin a fourteen-month-long bombing campaign aimed at Communist sanctuaries in Cambodia.

March 1969

August 1963

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

April 1968

Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated

The Treaty of Versailles is presented to the Germans.

May 1919

Israel is proclaimed an independent nation.

May 1948

V-E day takes place.

May 8, 1945

Yalta Conference

Meeting of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin at a Crimean resort to discuss the postwar world on February 4-11, 1945; Soviet leader Joseph Stalin claimed large areas in eastern Europe for soviet domination.


Nancy Pelosi becomes the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Nancy Pelosi becomes the first female Speaker of the House of Reps


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People focused attention on integrating elementary, junior and high schools, and they fought legal segregation in educational institutions, They helped Oliver Brown sue Topeka Board of Education, but they lost. NAACP organized a one-day bus boycott of the city buses in Montgomery.


National Security Council (NSC) is established


Nazi airforce


Nazi bombing over France and Great Britain at night

Concentration camps

Nazi work camps for Jews and other enemies of Hitler. Torture and burning of the victims took place.

Kennedy called his political program the

New Frontier

Kennedy called his political program the

New Frontier.

Southern Strategy

Nixon's plan to persuade conservative southern white voters away from the Democratic party

During the 1930's, southern rural blacks who moved to northern urban areas

None of these answers are correct

Critics of conformity and complacency in the 1950s included

Norman Mailer

Critics of conformity and complacency in the 1950s included

Norman Mailer.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is created

Representatives of warring nations sign an armistice.

November 11, 1918

Truman defeats Dewey in the presidential election.

November 1948

John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

November 1963

In 1998, President Clinton was impeached for

Obstructing Justice

Allied forces begin airlifting supplies to West Berlin.

October 1948

The Cuban missile crisis occurs.

October 1962

The stock market crashes.

October 29, 1929


October: Cuban Missile Crisis

Security Council

The Security Council is the United Nations' most powerful body, with "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security." Five powerful countries sit as "permanent members" along with ten elected members who two-year terms.

In World War II, the greatest number of casualties were suffered by

The Soviet Union

By December 1991,

The Soviet Union was no longer in existence, The United States was the only dominant military power in the world, and Saddam Hussein still controlled Iraq.


The Sudetenland is the name for the northern, southern, and western areas of former Czechoslovakia which were inhabited primarily by Sudeten Germans


The Supreme Court issues the Bush v. Gore decision.

Robert McNamara

The US Secretary of Defense during the battles in Vietnam. He was the architech for the Vietnam war and promptly resigned after the US lost badly

Pearl Harbour

The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory, on the morning of December 7, 1941

Consequence of the war of 1898 is most accurate

The boosted Americans confidence and reinforced racist attitudes

New Frontier

The campaign program advocated by JFK in the 1960 election. He promised to revitalize the stagnant economy and enact reform legislation in education, health care, and civil rights.

A key element in the postwar consumer revolution was

The development of shopping as a form of recreation, the growth of consumer credit, and the increase in advertising, especially on television.


The late nineteenth-century term for colonizing foreign nations and lands, relying primarily on business, political, and military structures rather than settlers to rule colonized people and exploit their resources.

Lend-Lease Program

The lend-lease policy, formally titled "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States", was a program by which the United States supplied Free France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China


The microprocessor (computer chip) is invented.

October 1987

The stock market experiences Black Monday.

The long time censor of Hollywood films in the 1920's and 1930's was

Will Hays

The chief justice of the Supreme Court appointed by President Harding was

William Howard Taft.

"You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns," said

William Jennings Bryan

What president was responsible for annexation of Hawaii

William McKinley

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill, who would become the British prime minister in 1940, described the Munich Pact as "a defeat without a war."

"Sometimes people call me an idealist, but that's how I know I'm an American," declared

Woodrow Wilson

February 1945

Yalta Conference

Which of the following was not an example of a group created during the progressive era to promote social justice?

Young women's Christian association

The Watergate was

an office building in Washington, D.C; the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee during the 1972 election; a massive cover-up of break-in whereby it became clear that President Nixon was lying to the American people.

James Hosmer and John Fiske justified American imperialism by stressing

anglo-saxon superiority

Eisenhower said that the "biggest damn fool mistake I ever made" was

appointing Earl Warren chief justice of the Supreme Court.

At the conference in Casablanca, Churchill and Roosevelt decided to

assault Sicily and Italy

At the conference in Casablanca, Winston Churchill and Roosevelt decided to

assault Sicily and Italy

At the conference in Casablanca, Winston Churchill and Roosevelt decided to

assault Sicily and Italy.

A lasting result of the New Deal in the United States has been the

assumption by the Federal Government of greater responsibility for the nation's well-being

At the conference of Casablanca, Winston Churchill and Roosevelt decided to

b. assault Sicily and Italy

Wartime rationing included

b. sugar, coffee , and gasoline

Crucial ingredients of Reaganomics did not involve

balancing the budget.

Which of the following would favor the policy of sound money?


The Troubled Asset Relief Program was aimed at assisting ailing


During the "Second New Deal" President Roosevelt

became more willing to attack corporate interests only

Battleship Maine

because of the explosion of the Battleship Maine it caused many to have hatred towards the Spanish because we thought they planted a bomb in the USS Maine, due to the sensational press and poor investigation. The actual cause is thought to be because of poor engineering. A phrase that became popular was, "Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!"

Lend-lease was part of the United States' policy aimed at

becoming the arsenal of democracy

The construction of the Panama Canal

began even as Congress still debated the US acquisition of the Canal Zone.

Admiral George Dewey

best known for his victory at the Battle of Manila Bay during Spanish-American War, where he didn't sustain a single death and destroyed Montojo's entire fleet of warships. He became a national hero after this event. He is also the only person in history of the United States to have attained the rank of Admiral of the Navy.

All of the following groups were part of the New Deal political coalition except

big business owners

In 1931 Scottsboro court case saw

black teenager accused of rape by two white women

Operation Rolling Thunder

bombing campaign over North Vietnam, supposed to weaken enemy's ability and will to fight

The decisions made at the Yalta Conference did not include the agreement that

both the Soviet Union and the United States would reduce their armaments by half after the war ended

The decisions made at the Yalta Conference did not include agreement that

both the Soviet Union and the United States would reduce their armaments by half after the war ended.

In1934, the strong criticism of the New Deal came from

both the political far right and the political far left

Carter's most significant accomplishment in foreign policy was

brokering a treaty between Israel and Egypt.

In fighting Iraq in Desert Storm, the Bush administration

built an alliance of over thirty countries; fought a relatively short campaign of just six weeks; failed to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

In 1934,the American Liberty League was formed

by wealthy conservatives who strongly opposed the New Deal

In 1940, Roosevelt ran for president against

c. Wendell Willkie

All of the following statements about post-World War I America are correct except most working women kept their wartime industrial jobs. racial violence broke out in Chicago. the police went on strike in Boston. a Red Scare erupted against radicals.

most working women kept their wartime industrial jobs.

By 2000, immigration to the United States was

mostly from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

The free-speech movement attacked

movie and book censorship

Bipartisan cooperation characterized relations between Congress and Truman on

national security.

For two years after the war began in Europe, the Wilson administration pursued a policy that stressed


As secretary of commerce, Herbert Hoover promoted

new markets for business.

New Left

new political movement of the late 1960s that called for radical changes to fight poverty and racism

The Hawley Smoot Tariff on 1930

none of these answers is correct

In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt's promise of a "new deal" for America included a commitment to

none of these is correct (spend billions of dollars to assist in the economic recovery, provide relief jobs to millions of unemployed Americans, pass legislation establishing a nationwide program of social security)

In the 1880s, the source of foreign immigration to the United States shifted from

northwestern europe and southeastern europe

The Eisenhower administration's policy of brinksmanship called for reliance on

nuclear weapons.

In 1998, President Clinton was impeached for

obstructing justice.

During the 1930's, American literature

offered a greater degree of social commentary that did either radio or movies

When the United States entered the Great War, American troops were most needed

on the western front

In Bush v. Gore, the Supreme Court

ordered Florida to halt its vote recount.

Walter Reuther was a leader in

organizing automobile workers.

Among other items, the Atlantic Charter of 1941

outlined the ideals of anti-Axis nations.

A major problem facing farmers in the late nineteenth century was

overpopulation of ag products and decline in commodity prices

Which combination of factors contributed most to the start of the Great Depression of the 1930's?

overproduction and the excessive use of credit

During the second half of the 1920s, which economic trend was a major cause of the Great Depression?

overproduction and under consumption

During most of the 1920s, which group experienced the most severe economic problems?

owners of small family farms

Perhaps Gerald Ford's most memorable act as president was

pardoning Richard Nixon

The peace negotiations to end the Great War were held in ______________ in ________________.

paris, 1919

After World War II, the economy avoided severe dislocation due to demobilization because

pent-up demand for consumer goods spurred production

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