Final Exam
You are beginning a semester as a study-abroad student. You have been instructed that in the culture you'll be living in, you should always address your professor by proper title (e.g., "Professor Z"), rather than by first name. This instruction illustrates
a cultural relationship norm
As his assignment wound down and his time to return came nearer, Doug realized that he was both excited to return home and also sad. He is in which stage of the revised W-shaped adjustment model?
When you are very concerned about how to engage in a proper and polite Finnish dinner conversation, you are working hard to address the process *** criterion of competent intercultural communication
As a Filipino American, you have internalized both small and larger power distance value dimensions: at home you communicate respectfully with your grandpa and at work you interact informally with your boss, since your boss prefers casual style, Your identity reflects *** identity tendency
You can code-switch fluently between acting very individualistic and assertive to very collectivistic and diplomatic. Your behaviors reflect a(n) *** identity
The *** mode of conflict is energetic and emotionally expressive; in comparison, the *** mode of conflict is low-keyed and emotionally restrained
The *** attitude layer refers to the willingness to suspend ethnocentrism and the readiness to be open-minded in learning about cross-cultural difference issues
Thom spends a lot of time with his fraternity brothers. The more time he spends with this ingroup, the greater the expectations of
Mayor Denton's reaction to a flood in her small town in Georgia is to call for a town meeting at which she assigns various townspeople to jobs, such as reinforcing the dam and cleaning up debris. What density value orientation is Mayor Denton endorsing?
controlling their environment
When you check out your bilingual English-Spanish dictionary for the word "compassion," the dictionary meaning refers to the *** meaning of a word
Mariko experiences a sudden "racially shattering" experience for the first time in her class when her classmate tells her to "go back to where you belong." She is likely at which identity stage of the racial-ethnic identity development model?
Samantha has lived in the United States all her life. She has been socialized into U.S. American culture and internalized its primary cultural values. She has been *** into an "American" identity
When asked if he thought a certain behavior which is commonly practiced in another country was right or wrong, Sven responded by stating that no matter what country or culture it takes place in, it's always wrong. Sven is most likely operating from the position of
ethical absolutism
Naomi returns from a vacation in France and announces that French people are unfriendly and aloof because they won't strike up conversations with her on the subways as is often done in the U.S. What mindset is Naomi using in evaluating the French behavior?
Lilia grew up in a close family consisting of her parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. What type of family is this?
extended family
An ethnocentric mindset means understanding a communication behavior from the other person's cultural frame of reference
Content goals include both relational and identity-based goals
Excessive use of technology enhances academic performance because students become up to date on the latest online information
In the immersion-emersion stage of the racial-ethnic identity development model, an individual experiences a "racially shattering" event
One of the limitations of the ethical relativism position is that it uses fixed standards in judging all actions across all cultures
Social identity can include information such as a person's unique characteristic of being very sociable
Television dramas, such as Breaking Bad, are examples of intermediate-level culture since they depict serious issues and toxic relationships
According to research, the reported top-ranked public self-disclosure topic on college campuses across cultures was
favorite tastes and interests
The self-humbling verbal style is reflective of *** communicators
*** goals refer to face-saving and face-honoring issues, such as self-respect and other-consideration issues
Regarding a cultural value clash, the *** position tends to reflect an individualistic small power distance worldview and the *** position tends to reflect a collectivistic, large power distance worldview
impartial; particularistic
You've decided to take on personal responsibility to advocate for social justice and genuine treatment for all cultural/racial groups in your campus community; you're at the *** stage of the racial-ethnic identity development model
inclusive internalization-commitment
*** reasoning refers to the importance of facts and evidence to make a claim, whereas *** reasoning refers to the importance of conceptual models and big principles and then moves to specific points of implication
inductive; deductive
An *** construal of self involves an emphasis on the importance of fitting in with relevant others and ingroup connectedness
A person who has moderately strong ties to the internet and also ties with local communities is which'er identity?
Bianca decides to come up with various possible explanations why the foreigner she just spoke to stood very close to her while conversing ("They do this in his culture;" "He had trouble hearing my quiet voice," "He was talking about a topic that he considers private"). Which aspect of the O.D.I.S. method is she practicing?
*** refers to the need for information privacy or psychological silence between the self and others
intrapersonal space
When you use a straightforward "no" to refuse a request, your direct communication approach is reflective of a *** communication style
When we behave *** in an intercultural situation, we tend to judge the other person's behavior based on our own cultural standards and personal preferences
When an individual performs many technological tasks simultaneously, this is known as a(n) *** focus
*** messages are often the primary means of signaling emotions, attitudes, and the nature of our relationships with others
*** refers to the sounds and tones we use in conversation that accompanies the verbal message
*** adjustment refers to the feelings of well-being and satisfaction during cross-cultural transitions
Regarding self-disclosure, our *** self involves facets of ourselves that are easily shared with others, whereas our *** self involves facets of ourselves not usually shared with others
public; private
Much of Jay's prejudice toward a particular minority group in his culture involves seeing himself as a victim and blaming the minority group of taking all the jobs. This illustrates which theory or approach to prejudice?
scapegoating theory
When we group our perceptions and label these groupings with a symbol or name, we partake in the process of human perception known as
selective organization and labeling
Emma's *** identity can include that facts that she is outgoing and disorganized
social; personal
You really want your family to approve of your interracial dating partner, while your partner thinks as long as both of you are in love, that's good enough for them. You emphasize *** commitment, and your partner emphasizes *** commitment
structural; voluntary
A gliding'er has surface-level attachment to the Internet and uses it only as a hobby or to gather information
According to the AUM theory, collectivists tend to use more active uncertainty reduction strategies than individualists
Alienators are always the first ones ready to pack and go for an abroad assignment and the most dissatisfied in their re-entry home process
Ethnocentrism is a defense mechanism used to view one's own culture as superior to others
Subjective culture refers to the fact that individuals' beliefs and values are based on their own particular life experiences or personality traits
White U.S. Americans have a symbolic ethnicity and can choose to either identify with their European heritage or be an individual, apart from their ethnic heritage group.
In the staircase model of intercultural communication, the stage at which an individual is "mindlessly mindful" and can code-switch effortlessly between the two different intercultural communication systems is the *** stage
unconscious competence