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How might an ecologist test whether a species is occupying its realized or its fundamental niche?

Examine changes in the species range upon removal of a competitor

The spring time is mating season for song bird. American Tree sparrow and White-crowned sparrow parents search and collect insects such as grasshoppers, ants, beetles, and earthworms to feed their baby chicks. If these species are close competitors, and one species is experimentally removed from the community, the other species would be expected to....

Expand it's realized niche

True or False, Hormones are secreted by specialized cells called exocrine glands?


Why is it more difficult to treat fungal infections than bacterial infections in humans?

Fungi and animals are closely related. Thus, drugs that disrupt fungal cell or protein function may also disrupt human cell or protein function.

Which of the following is an important role for fungi in the carbon cycle?

Fungi release fixed carbon back to the environment for other plants and photosynthetic

Ecosystem services include processes that increase the quality of the abiotic environment. What natural process would fall under this category?

Green plants and phytoplankton produce the oxygen we breathe.

Tardigrades and arthropods both ______.

Grow in conjunction with shedding of their exoskeleton

Sponges (Porifera)

Level of Organization: Cellular--lack tissues and organs No Germ layers, cephalization, or symmetry Body Cavity: absent Segmentation: absent Digestive system: Intracellular No Circulatory, Nervous, and Respiratory System Reproduction: Sexual; asexual (budding) Support: Endoskeleton of spicules

Which of the following criteria have to be met for the for a species to qualify as invasive?

Introduced to a new area, spreads rapidly, and displaces native species

The competitive exclusion principle states

It is not possible for two species with the same niche to coexist in the same region

a cation that is more abundant as a solution in the cytosol of a neuron it is in the interstitial fluid outside the neuron is


in invertebrates, the bending of hair cells in response to pressure changes results in the opening of channels allowing

K+ to flow into the cells, causing the sensory receptor cell to depolarize

Which of the following statements concerning animal taxonomy is TRUE?

Kingdom Animalia is monophyletic

Researchers hypothesized that the ants would protect the tree hoppers from spiders. In an experiment, researchers observed plants with ants removed from the system and compared them to control plants with ants. What can you conclude?

Ants do somehow protect the treehoppers from spiders

Which organism would you classify as an animal?

Appearance - Hard and branched, multicellular, covered in a sticky coating Habitat/Activity- Attached to rocky surfaces Nutrient Acquisition- Traps insects in sticky coating and dissolves them Reproduction- No mating; releases winged young that fly off and affix to bare rocks

Which protostome phylum is distinguished by having body segments organized into tagmata?


The veins of leaves are ________________. A) composed of xylem and phloem B) continuous with vascular bundles in the stem and roots C) finely branched to be in close contact with photosynthesizing cells D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Which of the following statements about essential nutrients are TRUE? Essential nutrients ______________. A) are necessary for plant growth and reproduction B) are required for a specific structure or metabolic function C) cannot be synthesized by a plant D) all of the above

D) all of the above

Which marine zone would have the lowest rates of primary productivity (photosynthesis)? A) intertidal zone B) abyssal C) aphotic D) continental shelf E) sea floor

D) aphotic

Consider the global water cycle depicted in the figure above. Which one of the reserves contains the smallest percentage of global water? A) rivers and lakes B) polar ice caps C) glaciers D) atmosphere

D) atmosphere

Consider the global nitrogen cycle depicted in the figure above. What is the limiting portion of the cycle for plants? A) industrial nitrogen fixation B) nitrogen lost to the atmosphere C) reduction of nitrogen available to terrestrial ecosystems D) nitrogen fixation by bacteria

D) nitrogen fixation by bacteria

ADH promotes re-absorption of H2O into the kidneys and aldosterone increases the re-absorption of Na+ into the kidneys. If ADH hormone is released, which of the following would you expect to happen?

Decrease urine production

Which of the following is true? Echinoderms

Digest their food outside of the organism

Which of the following are important biotic factors that can affect the distribution and range of species? I. Precipitation, wind II. Predation, competition III. Light intensity, seasonality IV. Temp, water

Predation, competition

what are important biotic factors that can affect the structure and organization of biological communities?

Predation, competition

Why are vascular plants considered a monophyletic group and not a paraphyletic group?

The group includes their common ancestor plus the seedless and seeded descendants of that same ancestor.

In examining an unknown animal species during its embryonic development, how can you be sure what you are looking at is a protostome and not a deuterostome?

The mouth develops first, and the anus develops later

Why are leaves thin and flat?

To maximize sunlight capture and carbon dioxide absorption

What is a consequence of bio-magnification?

Toxic chemicals in the environment pose greater risk to top-level predators than to primary consumers

resource partitioning would be most likely to occur between BLANK

Two species with similar niches that have overlapping distribution and ranges

Which of the following is a not a characteristic of arthropods (e.g. grasshoppers or crayfish)?

a closed circulatory system

The sun shining on a tidal pool during a hot day heats the water. As some water evaporates, the pool becomes saltier, causing

a decrease in its oxygen content.


a group of free-living unicellular and colonial flagellate eukaryotes considered to be the closest living relatives of the animals.

Oxytocin is a hormone that helps initiate labor in mammals. During labor and delivery, the contraction of uterine muscles increases the release of oxytocin. This is an example of

a hormone that is involved in a positive feedback loop

which of these animals is an example of a fluid feeder?

a hummingbird feeding on nectar from a flower

what is an example of the batesian mimicry?

a non-ppisonous snake that looks like a venomous rattlesnake

what describes the neuroendocrine-to-endocrine pathway of the hormone actin?

a structure within the nervous system produces and releases neurohormones that regulate the activity of an endocrine gland

Ingested dietary substances must cross cell membranes to be used by the body, a process known as


the small intestine has a very large surface area that directly facilitates high rates of


axons carrying sensory information from receptor cells deliver---to specific parts if the brain to process

action potential

mechanoreceptors of the ear converts

air pressure waves to nerve impulses

which of the following would be most significant in understanding the structure of an ecological community? I. determining how many species are present overall II. determining which particular species are present III. determining the kinds of interactions that occur among organisms of different species IV. determining the relative abundance of species

all of the above

The adaptive advantage associated with the filamentous nature of fungal mycelia is primarily related to...

an extensive surface area well suited for invasive growth and absorptive nutrition

damage to sensory receptor cells would most likely result in

an inability to detect sensory information

What is a sessile organism?

an organism that remains attached to a surface for its entire life and does not move


an organism who's blastopore forms the mouth (worms, arthopods, and mollusks)

In plants, spores and gametes ____________.

are both haploid

Compared to neural signaling endocrine signals

are carried to distant cells by blood or other body fluids

inducible defenses are defenses that:

are produced or grown only in response to predator cues

A common feature of action potentials is that they

are triggered by a depolarization that reaches the threshold.

What is biomagnification?

buildup of pollutants at higher levels of the food chain

Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) are born in freshwater environments and then migrate to the sea. Near the end of their lives, they return to the freshwater stream where they were born to spawn. In freshwater, water constantly diffuses into the body and ions are lost from the body. In salt water, body water diffuses out of the body and excess ions are gained from the water. A salmon's gills have special cells to pump salt in or out of the body to maintain homeostasis. In response to the salmon's moves between freshwater and salt water, some cells in the gills are produced and others are destroyed. These changes made in the cells of the gills during the lifetime of an individual salmon are an example of which of the following? A) evolution B) trade-off C) acclimatization D) adaptation

c) acclimatization

Which ions bind to troponin to move tropomyosin away from actin?

calcium ions

What process uses intracellular oxygen?

cellular respiration

The larvae of some insects are merely small versions of the adults, whereas the larvae of other insects look completely different from adults, eat different foods, and may live in different habitats. Which of the following is most directly involved in the evolution of these variations in metamorphosis?

changes in the toolkit genes controlling early development

The fact that choanoflagellates and collar cells of sponges resemble each other supports the interference that _______.

choanoflagellates and sponges are sister groups

You observe the gametes of a fungal species under the microscope and realize that they resemble animal sperm. To which of the following group does the fungus belong?


Epiphytic orchids grow harmlessly on their host trees, and derive their resources from the air and from rain, rather than from their host plant. What describes this species interaction?


Some birds follow moving swarms of army ants in the tropics. As the ants march along the forest floor hunting insects and small vertebrates, birds follow and pick off any insects or small vertebrates that fly or jump out of the way of the ants. This situation is an example of what kind of species interaction between the birds and the ants? I. Consumption II. Commensalism III. Competition IV. Mutualism


assuming that these populations are density dependent regulation of populations?

competition between members of the same species for nutrients

the force driving simple diffusion is --- , while the energy source for active transport is ---

concentration gradient, ATP

If most individuals in a population are old, why is the population likely to rapidly decline growth in the future?

death rates will be high

life history

defines how the individual organism allocates resources to growth reproduction, and activities or structures related survival

what is the correct direction of information flow in a neuron?

dendrtie--cell body--axon

An ecologist recorded 12 white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, per square mile in one woodlot and 20 per square mile in another woodlot. What was the ecologist comparing?


Why do populations grow more slowly as they approach their carrying capacity?

density-dependent factors lead to fewer births and increased mortality

Which of the following describes secondary growth in plants?

development of wood and dark

events such as fire, earthquakes, and severe storms that cause dramatic changes in ecological communities are called


The vertebrate spinal cord develops from the embryonic _______.

dorsal hollow nerve cord

example of deuterostomes

echinoderms and chordates; humans

If an ecologist were studying the regional interactions among multiple populations of different species and how they influence the exchange of materials between their various environments, then this would be an example of which kind of research? I. community ecology II. population ecology III. global ecology IV. ecosystem ecology

ecosystem ecology

amylase is the digestive enzyme that helps break down starches. people who live in agrarian societies eat more starch and have extra copies of the amylase gene compared with people who live in societies that depend on hunting or fishing. this is an example of

evolutionary adaptations to differences in diet

Fruits have contributed to the success of angiosperms by ________.

facilitating dispersal of seeds

true or false, action potentials begin with hyperpolarization phase, lowering the membrane potential below the resting membrane potential


true or false, the electromagnetic receptor correlates with the olfactory


cheetahs depend on speed to catch their prey. They likely have more of which of the following types of muscle fibers?


Animals that migrate great distances would obtain the greatest energetic benefit of storing chemical energy as


Sponges are

filter feeders: captures food particles suspended in the water that passes through their body asymmetric sessile

Organisms categorized as osmoconformers are most likely

found in marine environments

Angiosperms are the most successful terrestrial plants. Which of the following features is unique to them and helps account for their success?

fruits enclosing seeds

The water vascular system of echinoderms

functions in locomotion, feeding, and gas exchange

the most direct ancestors of land plants were probably

green algae

When climbing a mountain, we can observe transitions in biological communities that are analogous to the changes I. in biomes at different latitudes II. in a community through different seasons III. across the United States from east to west IV. in an ecosystem as it evolves over time

in biomes at different latitudes

Root hairs are most important to a plant because they _

increase the surface area for absorption of water and nutrients

what are the four steps of animal nutrition/taking in food into the digestive tract?

ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination

the body fluids of an osmoconformer would be--- with its--- environment

isoosmotic; saltwater

what important role does lignin play in vascular plants?

it forms the tough rigid cell walls of water-conducting plants

when a membrane is in its refractory period

it is not possible to generate a second action potential

Blood is best classified as connective tissue because...

its cells are separated from each other by an extracellular matrix

mechanoreceptors that react to changes in pressure are part of the

lateral line systems in fish

Example of Annelida

leeches and (segmented) earthworms

Which of the following is/are unique to animals?

nervous conduction and muscular movement

the interrelationships between the endocrine and the nervous systems are especially apparent in a

neurosecretory cell in the hypothalamus

During the Ordovician Period, about 450 mya, the terrestrial landscape on earth would have

non vascular green plants similar to liverworts forming green mats on rock

the regular fluctuations in size of animal populations are termed I. population cycles II. population dynamics III. growth factors

only I

in multiple sclerosis the myelin sheaths around the axons of the brain and apinal cord are damaged and demyeloination results. how does this disease manifest at the level of action potential? I. action potentials move in the opposite direction on the axon II. action potentials move slowly along the axon III. no action potentials are transmitted

only II

What is assimilation?

organism incorporates nutrients from outside its body to the more complex structures needed inside of it.

Why is energy lost to the environment during respiration?

organism use energy for cellular respiration and other body and cell functions

Both marine bony fishes and terrestrial animals lose water to the environment. However, a difference is that the bony fishes lose water by ________, while the terrestrial animals lose it by ________.

osmosis; simple diffusion

What would be the consequences if we were to reverse the direction of water flow over the gills of a fish- moving water inward past the operculum, past the gills, then out the mouth? The reversal of water would

reduce the efficiency of gas exchange

Pine trees have needlelike leaves that have a decreased surface area. The adaptive advantage having small, needlelike leaves is ________________, but the disadvantages include ________________.

reducing water loss; decreased efficiency of light capture

Microspores from angiosperm produced male gametophytes that are haploid. These male gametophytes are called ________ and each one divides t produce two haploid sperm cells via ___________.

pollen; mitosis

what is an assumption of the logistic model of population growth?

populations eventually adjust to growth

In septate fungi, what structures allow cytoplasmic streaming to distribute needed nutrients, synthesized compounds, and organelles throughout the hyphae

pores in septa

Example of Echinodermata

sand dollars, star fish

the smallest contractile unit in skeletal muscle is the


Which of these are spore-producing structure?

sporophyte (capsule) of a moss

In the process of alternation of generations, the ___________.

sporophyte is diploid and produces spores

what is an example of paracrine signaling?

steroids, such as testosterone, are secreted by the testes and stimulate spermatogenesis

cardiac muscle cells are both

striated and interconnected by intercalated disks

All skeletal muscle fibers are _____.

striated and under voluntary control

preparation for the fight-or-flight response includes activation of the--- nervous system


During puberty, the development of sex-specific traits results from a surge of----in boys and----in girls

testosterone; estradiol

in a relaxed skeletal muscle

the Z lines are farthest apart

Why have biologists hypothesized that the first land plants had a low, sprawling growth habit?

the ancestors of land plants, green algae, lacked the structural support to stand erect in air

Turnover of water in temperate lakes during the spring and fall is made possible because...

the changes in the density of water as seasonal temperature change

Which of the following is a characteristic of all chordates at some point during their life cycle?

post-anal tail

What drives the flow of water through the xylem?

the evaporation of water from the leaves

the caterpillars would have eaten much of the foliage of the trees where flycatchers would have nested, rendering their nests more open to predation

the flycatcher nestlings in 2000 would miss the peak caterpillar season and might not be as well fed, leading to population reductions

Why are seedless vascular plants considered paraphyletic rather than monophyletic?

the group includes their common ancestor but also the seeded descendants of that same ancestor

global warming refers to

the increase in the average temperature of the whole planet

when a receptor cell depolarizes in response to detecting stimuli, what happens to the membrane potential of the receptor cell?

the membrane potential decreases

An elephant and a mouse are running in full sunlight, and both overheat by the same amount above their normal body temperatures. When they move into the shade and rest, which animal will cool down faster?

the mouse will because it has the higher surface-area-to-volume ratio

when ATP binds to the myosin head

the myosin head is released from the actin thin filament

what happens when a resting neuron's membrane depolarizes?

the neuron's membrane voltage becomes more positive

urea is

the primary nitrogenous waste product of humans

You find a worm-like animal in your garden and want to determine if it is a Nematode (Roundworm) or an Annelid (Segmented worm). You observed the animal for several days. Which of the following traits will help you definitively determine the group it belongs to?

whether it molts or not

which characteristics are used to define the three main categories into which land plants are classified?

whether or not the plants contain vascular tissue, and whether or not they produce seeds

which of the following were benefits to algae in the early oceans of earth, compared to the first plants that colonized land 1. no scarcity of water 2. less solar damage to tissues 3. the need for structural support 4. more plentiful dissolved CO2

1 and 2 only

All arthropods _____. 1) have jointed appendages 2) molt 3) have segmented bodies 4) have an exoskeleton or cuticle

1,2,3, and 4

when estimating the size of wildlife populations, a fundamental assumption for the mark-recapture method is that marked individuals have the same probability of being recaptured as unmarked individuals during the recapture phase. suppose researchers marked 800 turtles and later were able to trap a total of 300 individuals in that population, of which 150 were already marked. What is the estimate for total population?


Lophotrochozoans and Ecdysozoans

2 protostome groups

Bar headed goose hemoglobin can bind the same of oxygen molecules as human hemoglobin, but its affinities for binding oxygen are different. What is the maximum number of molecules of oxygen that bar headed goose hemoglobin can bind to?


How does a flaccid cell differ from a turgid cell?

A flaccid cell has lower pressure potential.

Phloem transport of sucrose is often described as going from source to sink. Which of the following is most likely to function as a source?

A mature leaf

An organism that is broadly referred to as a "yeast" is simply...

A single celled fungus

As climate changes because of global warming, speciesʹ ranges in the northern hemisphere may move northward. The trees that are most likely to avoid extinction in such an environment are those that A) have larger, more contiguous established populations to begin with B) produce well-provisioned seeds. C) have seeds that become viable only after a forest fire. D) disperse many seeds in close proximity to the parent tree.

A) have larger, more contiguous established populations to begin with B) produce well-provisioned seeds

After looking at the figure above, what can be said about productivity in this ecosystem?

About 90% of energy is lost between most trophic level

Which of the following is not an advantage of breathing air over breathing water?

Air breathing leads to high evaporation rates from the respiratory surface.

If in the future the current molecular evidence regarding animal origins is further substantiated, what will be true of any contrary evidence regarding the origin of animals derived from the fossil record? A) The contrary fossil evidence will be seen as a hoax. B) The fossil evidence will be understood to have been interpreted incorrectly because it is incomplete. C) The fossil record will henceforth be ignored. D) Phylogenies involving even the smallest bit of fossil evidence will need to be discarded.

B) The fossil evidence will be understood to have been interpreted incorrectly because it is incomplete.

which of these events, based on plant fossils, came last(most recently)? a) colonization of land by early liverworts and mosses b) rise and diversification of angiosperms c) extensive growth of gymnosperms forests d) carboniferous swamps with giant horsetails and lycophytes

B- rise and diversification of angiosperms

A developmental trait that is shared by both Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa is

Both are heterotrophic

What do fungi and arthropods have in common?

Both groups use chitin for support.

In vertebrate animals, breathing is primarily regulated by

CO2 concentration and pH sensors

Which of the following is a characteristic of larval echinoderms?

Chordates are more closely related to echinoderms than to arthropods?

Which level of ecology bed describes the tree hopper and ant scenario?


The surface area of a plant's root system is substantially larger than the surface area of its shoot system. the extensive surface area of roots is an adaptation associated with ________.

Contact with soil particles for mineral and water absorption.

The protostome developmental sequence arose just once in evolutionary history, resulting in two main subgroups-Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa. What does this finding suggest?

Division of these two groups occurred after the protostome developmental sequence appeared.

The feeding relationships among the species in a community determine the community's A) secondary succession. B) ecological niche. C) species richness. D) species-area curve. E) trophic structure.

E) trophic structure

In order to fly over mount everest, bar headed geese must fly at a very high altitude. What will happen in the bar headed geese body as they fly higher and increase their altitude?

Fewer oxygen molecules will bind to hemoglobin

Which of the following statements best supports the hypothesis that flowers are adaptations increasing fertilization success in terrestrial environments?

Flowers attract pollinators to increase pollination success.

Most of the dry mass of a plant is derived from _____.

H20 and CO2

A population is correctly defined as having a following characteristics? I. inhabiting the same general area II. belonging to the same species III. possessing a constant and uniform density and dispersion

I and II only

Based on the idea that fungi have pores between their cell walls, which allow cytoplasm to move from one end of the mycelium to the other, which of the following hypotheses is the most plausible?

If a single mycorrhizal fungus formed symbiotic associations with more than one tree, carbon could travel from one plant to another.

The specific abiotic factors defining a biome are _____. I. annual variation in temperature and precipitation II. average annual temperature and moisture levels III. maximum annual temperature and moisture levels IV. maximum annual temperatures, moisture levels, and average annual temperature

I. Average annual temperature and moisture levels

Food moves along the digestive tract as the result of contractions by... I. smooth muscle II. voluntary muscle III. striated muscle IV. skeletal muscle

I. Smooth muscle

Which of the following are the negative biological consequences of climate change? I. changes in geographic ranges of species II. changes in the timing of abiotic and biotic events III. extinctions

I. changes in geographic ranges of species II. changes in timing of abiotic and biotic events III. extinctions

Which of the following have contributed to increase to the increase in the emission of CO2? I. increases in the human population II. increases in per capita fossil-fuel use III. land use changes

I. increases in the human population II. increases in per capita fossil-fuel use III. land-use changes

What trait(s) define(s) vertebrate animals? I. vertebrae column II. cranium III. four-chambered heart IV. post-anal tail or jaws

I. vertebrae column and II. cranium

What fraction of total solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface actually gets into food webs through primary producers? I. 10 percent II. 0.8 percent III. 25 percent IV. 5 percent

II. 0.8 percent

the composition of CT determines its physical properties. If you gently bend your ear, and then let go, the shape of your ear will return. This can best be explained by the presence of what tissue type in your ear? I. loose CT II. cartilage with elastic fibers III. bone IV. dense CT

II. cartilage with elastic fibers

The vegetative (nutritionally active) bodies of most fungi are ________. I. composed of hyphae II. referred to as a mycelium III. usually underground

II. referred to as a mycelium

Which of the following consume other living organisms? I. primary producers II. secondary producers III. herbivores IV. carnivores

III) herbivores IV) carnivores

Two moths with similar markings each produce a chemical that makes their bird predators sick to their stomach if eaten. What type of defense of this? I. Parasite resistance II. Inducible defense III. Mullerian mimicry IV. Batesian mimicry

III. Mullerian mimicry

You discover a new species of microscopic invertebrates that grow in aquatic environments with high salt levels. While studying these microscopic invertebrates, you note that their internal environment is similar to the salt concentrations in their surroundings. You also discover that the internal salt concentrations of the microscopic invertebrate change as the salt concentrations in their environment changes. The new species can tolerate small changes in this way but dies from large changes because it has no mechanism for altering its own internal salt levels. What type of homeostatic mechanism is this species using to regulate its internal salt levels? I. conformation II. integration III. assimilation IV. All of the listed responses

III. assimilation

Why are anionic nutrients generally mobile in soils, and thus easily leached, while cationic nutrients are relatively immobile?

In clay soil and humus, cations attach more strongly to the soil or organic matter.

Compared to most animals, the growth of most plant structure is best described as _____.


What nuclear division helps transition the sporophyte to a spore


If you were looking for cells undergoing mitosis in a plant, what part of the plant would be the best place to look?


removing--- from the extracellular fluid surrounding the axon abolishes the production of action potentials


Cellulose is fermented in which of the following structures in rabbits?


Which of the following structural features of plants can help limit water loss in plants that occupy dry habitats?

Needle-like leaves

Dwarf mistletoes are flowering plants that grow on certain forest trees. They obtain nutrients and water from the vascular tissues of the trees. The trees derive no known benefits from the dwarf mistletoes and can be harmed if resources are scarce. Which of the following best describes the interactions between dwarf mistletoes and trees? A) mutualism B) parasitism C) commensalism D) facilitation E) competition


Suppose you completely removed the bark from around the base of a growing fruit tree but you did not completely cut the tree down. The leaves retained their normal appearance for several weeks, but the tree eventually died. The tissue(s) that you damaged was the ______.


Which of the following best describes the physical relationship of the partners involved in lichens?

Photosynthetic cells are surrounded by fungal hyphae.

The cohesion-tension theory of water movement in the xylem states that, as water evaporates through the stomata, additional water is pulled up in xylem vessel elements or tracheids due to water's cohesive nature. The resulting tension in the xylem _________.

Pulls water up from the roots

It has been hypothesized that fungi and plants have a mutualistic relationship because plants make sugars available for the fungi's use. What is the best evidence in support of this hypothesis?

Radioactively labeled sugars produced by plants eventually show up in the fungi with which they are associated.

Organsims evolve over generations to become adapted to the environmental conditions to which they are exposed. The diversity of organisms that occurs in any particular area thus may be largely determined by abiotic factors limiting survivorship and reproduction of organisms in a region. Which of the following abiotic factors limit the range of milkweed plants of North America?

Sunlight, precipitation, temperature

Stomata allow for gas exchange between the tissues of a leaf and the atmosphere. One gas that exits the leaf is water vapor. Which of the following situations would a leaf lose the most water?

Sunny, windy day

Which of the following T. adhaerens traits is different from all other known animals?

T. adhaerens lacks muscle and nerve cells

Which of the following statements best describes the effect of climate on biome distribution? I. Average annual temperature and precipitation are sufficient to predict which biome will be found in an area. II. Correlation of climate with biome distribution is sufficient to determine the cause of biome patterns III. The average climate and pattern of climate are important in determining biome distribution IV. Temperature forests and grasslands are different biomes because they receive a different quality and quantity of sunlight, even though they have essentially the same annual temperature and precipitation.

The average climate and pattern of climate are important in determining biome distribution

The common ancestor of the protostomes had a coelom. What does this suggest?

The body cavity evolved before the lophophore

Which characteristics also apply to chordates?

The development of an anus from the blastopore

Osculum (Porifera)

The opening at the top of the sponge (though which water is expelled)

A rabbit from a meadow near sea level and moved to a meadow high on a moutainside would have some trouble breathing. Why?

The partial pressure of oxygen in the air at high elevations is lower than at sea level.

Which criteria allow biologists to divide chemicals into macronutrients and micronutrients?

The quantities of each required by plants

If the difference in partial pressure of gas on either side of the barrier to diffusion is 0, what event would occur?

The rate of diffusion would be 0

Why are N, P, and K considered limiting nutrients?

Their availability tends to limit plant growth.

What is the role of companion cells in the movement of sugars through plants?

They accumulate sucrose, which is then transferred to adjacent sieve-tube elements

Why are proton pumps in root-hair plasma membranes important for plants?

They set up an electrochemical gradient that makes it possible for roots to absorb cations and anions.

Food made at source is translocated to nearby sinks that are often on the same side of the plant. Why does this happen?

Vascular tissue in the leaf and stem is organized into discrete bundles that run the length of the organ.

Where does most nutrient uptake occur in roots?

Via the root hairs

For most terrestrial ecosystems, pyramids composed of species abundances, biomass, and energy are similar in that they have a broad base and a narrow top. The primary reason for this pattern is that...

at each step, energy is lost from system

An organism that exhibits cephalization probably also __________.

bilateral symmetry

to maintain adequate nutrition, animals require dietary access to certain amino acids. An amino acid that is referred to as "nonessential" would be described as one that

can be synthesized by the animals body from other substances

the finals species in an area-usually a variety of animals and large plants that takes many years of no disturbances to create

climax community

Most of the absorption surfaces of multi-cellular animals are lined with...

connective tissue

which of the following most accurately describes selective permeability? a) an input of energy is required for transport b) lipid-soluble molecules pass through membrane c) there must be a concentration gradient for molecules to pass through a membrane d) only certain molecules can cross a cell membrane

d- only certain molecules can cross a cell membrane

Elephants are not the most dominant species in African grasslands, yet they influence community structure. The grasslands contain scattered woody plants, but they are kept in check by the uprooting activities of the elephants. Take away the elephants, and the grasslands convert to forests or to shrublands. The newly growing forests support fewer species than the previous grasslands. Why are elephants the keystone species in this scenario?

elephants have a disaparate influence on communities relative to their abundance

Compared to ectotherms, endotherms animals are likely to be at the greatest disadvantage in...

environments with variable and limited food sources

During exponential growth, a population always

grows at its maximum per capita rate

the appearance of cuticle and stomata correlated with what event in the evolution of green plants?

growth on land

In plants, which of the following are produced by meiosis?

haploid spores

Arthropod exoskeletons and mollusk shells both ________.

help retain moisture in terrestrial habitats

natural selection involves energetic trade-offs between

high survival rates of offspring and the cost of parental care

in the gills of freshwater fishes, epithelial cells have a--- solute concentration than the freshwater outside; thus the freshwater is-- to the fishes' tissues

higher; hyposmotic

rigor mortis is the stiffening of the joints and muscles of a body a few hours after death, usually lasting from one to four days. what is the best explanation for why this occurs?

lack of ATP in dead tissue

If you think of the earthworm body plan as a drinking straw within a pipe, where would you expect to find most of the tissues that developed from endoderm?

limiting the inside of the straw

marine fishes that are osmoregulators actively regulate their osmolarity by--- water by osmosis and-- electrolytes by diffusion

losing; gaining

Which choice set below contains the most closely related terms?

megasporangium, megaspore, egg, ovule

sensory inputs change the----of sensory receptor cells

membrane potential

a keystone species is one that has a much greater impact on the distribution and abundance of surrounding species than its abundance or total biomass would suggest. as a result, keystone species:

might be anywhere on the food chain

A mineral deficiency is likely to affect older leaves more than younger leaves if the

mineral is very mobile within the plant

Gametophytes produces gametes by a process known as


Gametophytes produces gametes by a process known as __________.


the concentration of skeletal muscles is based on

myosin cross-bridges binding to actin and undergoing a powerstroke

Characteristics of Life including the following key traits: a) Organization and order b) Grow and develop c) Reproduces, adapts, at the species level, regulates internal environment d) Responds to stimuli Which characteristics of life is missing?

needs energy

Fruits develop from ______.


which nutrients are chemically digested in the stomach?


A woman standing and watching the stars on a cool, calm night will lose most of her body heat by...


a human who has no access to freshwater but is forced to drink seawater instead will

risk becoming dehydrated because they excrete more water molecules than taken in due to the high load of ions ingested

which of the following was a challenge to the survival of the first land plants? a) no habitats to occupy b) a shortage of CO2 c) risk of desiccation d) animal predation

risk of desiccation

If a kelp farmer wanted to maximize her harvest, which type of echinoderm would she be most concerned about in the habitat?

sea urchins

what muscle type is branched, unstriated, contains a single nucleus, and is involuntary?

smooth muscle

what happens during peristalsis in the digestive system?

smooth muscle contracts to move food along alimentary canal

chemoreceptors are varied in that some receptors can detect only----stimuli


Which of the following can be found on the osculum of a sponge?


Example of Arthropoda

spider, lobster, crab, insects

Global climate change refers to...

the sum of the changes in local precipitation and temperature patterns that result from global warming

Molecular phylogenies show all land plants are a monophyletic group. This suggests ___________.

there was single transition from aquatic to terrestrial habitats

Long-term studies of Beldingʹs ground squirrels show that immigrants move nearly 2 km from where they are born and make up 1 to 8% of the males and 0.7 to 6% of the females in other populations. On an evolutionary scale, why is this significant?

these immigrants provide a source of genetic diversity for the newly formed squirrel populations

What are spicules?

tiny needles within sponges for support and are made by silica

which process describes the conversion of an external stimulus to an internal action potential?


the waste product that requires the most energy to make is

uric acid

Fick's law of diffusion describes the factors that influence the diffusion of respiratory gases across biological membranes like gills and lungs. Natural selection is LEAST likely to act upon which variable in Fick's law?

variable "k"

Example of Chordata

vertebrates: humans, frogs

what evidence do paleobotanists look for that indicated the movement of plants from water to land?

waxy cuticle to decrease evaporation from leaves

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