final exam CMST 2061

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What are the 5 speech/presentation planning strategies and how do you use these to identify a topic?

- Determined the general and specific purpose, can you cove the topic in time, will your topic be interesting to your audience, how much information about my topic is readily available, and putting it all together - All of these things will help to identify a topic because they will help you to plan in a productive way to help narrow down what your topic will be and help you to find the key points.

How can you narrow the topic and focus on key points and why is this important?

- To narrow down your topic and find your key points you should determine how specific your topic is. To do this you can edit your topic and figure out what information can be cut out of your speech and what is essential information. This will bring you to your key points and reduce the risk of covering too much information. - Having key points and narrowing down your topic is important because you must work with a time limit and not overflow your audience with too much information that they are not able to take in.

What are the 3 visual cues you should observe in the audience and how will this help you?

- the three visual cues are watching reactions, enroll an observer, and focus on a specific type of nonverbal communication - this will help you learn more about how people communicate which will help you to be able to determine the best way to present your speech and grasp their attention

What is specific purpose ?

A specific purpose is what you are going to specifically inform, persuade, demonstrate, or entertain your audience with

What is a thesis statement ?

A thesis statement is a short, specific sentence capturing the central idea of your speech.

What type of business presentation should we prepare ahead of time ?

All presentations require some type of preparation, especially speeches. Organization, key points, presentation prep and how the speech will be presented all needs to be prepared ahead of time.

What are emotions, emotional resistance ?

Emotions are psychological, and physical reactions such as fear or anger to stimuli that we experience as a feeling.

What are the 6 rhetorical strategies ?

Exordium, narration, proposition, confirmation, refutation and peroration.

What are the 4 types of presentations to inform?

Explanation, report, description, and demonstration

What are fallacies ?

Fallacies are another way of saying false logic.

Why is it important to know yourself and your audience?

It is important to know yourself and your audience because you will need to choose a topic that interests yourself and will interest your audience. Finding a topic that interests you will help you to connect more to the speech and be able to talk about your topic for longer with more knowledge. Knowing your audience and their interests will help to keep them interested and more focused on the speech material you are presenting.

What are Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and how do they relate to persuasive presentations?

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs provides seven basic categories for human needs, and arranges them in order or priority, from the most basic to most advanced. This is related to persuasive presentation because the steps he mentions should be used in every persuasive presentation as a guide to successfully persuade your audience to take a call to action.

What are interpersonal needs - Maslow's version ?

Maslow's theory of interpersonal needs forms in a pyramis. Once we have the resources listed in level one we are able to move to level two and then to level three and so on. We need to feel a level of safety and security before moving up to the next level. Maslow recognizes our innate need to know that drives us to grow and learn, explore out environment, or engage in new experiences. You will move through Maslow's hierarchy as your reevaluate what you need to survive.

What is measurable gain and why is it the goal for a presentation?

Measurable gain is a system of assessing the extent to which audience members respond to a persuasive message. It is the goal for a presentation because it will be able to move the audience towards your position. This will make for an effective presentation.

Why are outlines helpful ?

Outlines help the speaker to organize ideas and tie them to the main structural elements of the speech

How do outlines help us organize a presentation ?

Outlines help us organize a presentation by helping us to put together the five finger model and sorting out which information goes where in your speech.

What is Aristotle's rhetorical proof ?

Pathos, Logos and Ethos

What is persuasion and how does it differ from motivation?

Persuasion is an act or process of presenting arguments to move, motivate or change your audience. Motivation is distinct from persuasion in that it involves the force, stimulus or influence to bring about change.

Why do we prepare and organize ?

Preparation and organization, when well developed prior to an oral presentation, significantly contributes to reducing your level of speech anxiety. You will be more relaxed and be able to give an effective speech.

What are the 6 principles of persuasion?

Reciprocity, scarcity, authority, commitment and consistency, consensus, and liking

What are interpersonal needs - Schutz's version ?

Schultz's version offers an alternate version where he considers the universal aspects of out needs but he outlines how they operate within a range of continuum for each person. According to Schutz the need for affection, or appreciation is basic to all humans. He describes under personals as people who seek limited interactions and over personals as people who have a strong need to be like and constantly seek attention from others. The person who strikes a healthy balance is called a personal individual.

How does your self-inventory help with topic choice?

Self inventory will help with topic choice because it is related to the things you already know. This can act as a guide to a topic that will fit your speech and audience.

What are the 7 steps of compiling information ?

Sensitivity, exposure, assimilation and accommodation, incubation, incorporation, production and revision

What are the 8 functions of informative ?

Share, increase understanding, change perceptions, gain skills, exposition vs interpretation, exposition, interpretation and bias, and point of view.

What is social penetration and how does it help us link to the audience?

Social penetration theory describes how we move from superficial talk to intimate and revealing talk. This helps link us to the audience by being able to reach them at a more intimate and personal level.

What are the 5 general purposes for presentations?

Speech to inform, speech to demonstrate, speech to persuade, speech to entertain and ceremonial speech

What are the 8 types of fallacies to avoid ?

The 8 types to avoid include red herring, straw man, begging the question, circular argument, and finish answer !!

What are the 3 best ways to incorporate nonverbal into a presentation?

The best ways to incorporate nonverbal communication such as movement is to use the three step sequence, facial gestures, and eye contact.

What are the 5 presentation components ?

The five components are the attention statement, introduction, body, conclusion, and residual message.

What is the 5-finger model of public speaking?

The five finger model includes the attention statement, introduction, body, conclusion and residual message.

what are the 5 principles for using emotions successfully?

The five principles include emotions are universal, feelings and emotional expression are not the same, emotions are communicated verbally and nonverbally, emotional expression can be good and bad, and emotions are often contagious.

What are the 14 types of transitions ?

The fourteen types include internal previews, signposts, internal summaries, sequence transition, time, addition, similarity, comparison, contrast, cause and effect or result, examples, place, clarification, and concession.

What are the functions of persuasion?

The functions of persuasion include, stimulating, convincing, calling to action, increasing consideration and developing tolerance of alternate perspectives.

What are the goals of call to action?

The goals of call to action serve to guide you in development of solution stels.

What is the organizing principle ?

The organizing principle is a core assumption around which everything else is arranged, depending on the subject matter, the rhetorical situation and many other factors including your preference as a speaker.

What are the 7 argument strategies ?

The seven argument strategies are argument by generalization, analogy, sign, consequence, authority, principle and testimony.

What are the 7 types of learning styles ?

The seven types are linguistic, logical/mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily/kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal

What are the steps you should take to prepare an informative presentation?

The steps to prepare an informative presentation include starting with what you know, consider your audience's prior knowledge, adapting jargon and technical terms, using outside information, presenting information ethically, reciprocity, mutuality, non judgmentalism, honesty, respect, trust, and avoid exploitation.

What are the theories of learning styles ?

The theory of learning styles is the idea that people learn better if the message is presented in a strategy that fits with the types of intelligence in which they are strongest.

What are the 3 components of rhetorical situations?

The three components of rhetorical situations include the set of expectations inherent in the context, audience, and the purpose of your speech or presentation.

What are the 3 guidelines for evidence?

The three guidelines for evidence include supportive, relevant and effective.

What are the 3 parts of Toulmin's rhetorical strategy?

The three parts of Toulmin's rhetorical strategy includes claim, data, and warrant.

How do we overcome the obstacles of ethnocentrism ?

To overcome ethnocentrism, you must first know what it is. Ethnocentrism means you go beyond pride in your culture, heritage or background and hold the conviction that you know more and are better than those in different cultures. To avoid this, you must stay humble and recognize that no one is better than another. This too differs by culture. Some nations may be raised to be more ethnocentrism rather than another nation.

How do we overcome the obstacles of language ?

To overcome the obstacle of language, you must understand language and the co-languages, jargons, and slang that come with each language. These may all differ depending on the culture one is surrounded by and their languages.

How do we overcome the obstacles of perception ?

To overcome the obstacles of perception, you must recognize that other people's perceptions may be different than out own. You will need to understand your cultural value system, role identities and goals that you value and are willing to work for. You must also avoid stereotypes and prejudice that may interfere with commuting with others. This can also differ depending on culture. What may be offensive to one nation may be normal to another. This is exactly why as a speaker you must understand perspective in an attempt to avoid any conflict of offensive behavior.

What is the best way to prepare your information search ?

To prepare information searches you should gather information from books, magainzines, newspapers, electronic sources, interviews etc. To help prepare read a number of sources and consider several sides of an issue. This will help to determine more specific sides that you could focus on with your key points. You should also always question the credibility of the information to be sure you are getting your information from a trustworthy place.

How can you save time?

To save time you can consider information close at hand and that you are interested in or can research. Second you will have to search for the topic so knowing some information prior will help cut research time down.

How do you stay organized?

To stay organized you should make sure you have a designated space to keep materials you will need. This will make everything easily accessible and will save you time: rather than sifting through documents looking for your information you will need. You should also avoid committing to information early on. As a speaker, it is your job to find the most accurate information to present and provide your audience with a number of key points.

What role do transitions play in presentations ?

Transitions are words, phrases or visual devices that help the audience follow the speaker's ideas, connect the main points to each other, and see the relationshi[s you've created in the information you are presenting.

What are the 2 ways visual aids can help your presentation?

Visual aids can provide necessary support for your position. Visual aids can draw in the audience to better pay attention and comprehend what you are saying better.

How can we use PowerPoint, Videos, and color in visual aids ?

We can incorporate Power Points, videos, and color into visual aids as long as they are kept simple. Having too many slides, sound effects or drastic colors can distract the audience and make it harder to pay attention.

What happens when we compile information ?

When we compile information, you are composing your speech out of materials from the documents and other sources you have collected.

What things should you avoid in order to speak ethically ?

You should avoid using false evidence, misleading reasoning, representing yourself as an expert, using irrelevant appeals to divert attention, deceive your audience by concealing your real purpose, distort or misrepresenting the number, using emotional appeals that lack evidence, oversimplifying complex situations, pretending certainty, and advocating something which you do not believe in.

What are the different types of expressions ?

adaptors, affect displays, complementing, contradicting, emblems, illustrators, masking, object-adaptors, regulators, repeating, replacing, and self-adaptors

body functions to ...

address the key points.

What are the 3 main factors to consider when choosing a topic and how are they helpful?

appeal, appropriateness, and ability.

What are the 17 ways to organize a presentation ?

by time, comparison, contrast, cause and effect, problem and situation, classification, biographical, space, ascending and descending, psychological, elimination, ceremonial: events, ceremonies or celebrations, awards, toast: wedding or similar gatherings, speaker introductions, after-dinner speech, and oral interpretation.

defensive communication

characterized by control, evaluation and judgements which supportive communication focuses on the points not personalities

introduction functions to ...

communicate a point and common ground.

residual message functions to ...

communicate the central theme, moral of story, or main points.

Define conflict at work

conflict at work is the physical or psychological struggle associated with the perception of opposing or incompatible goals, desires, demands, wants, or needs

How is conversation a ritual ?

conversation is a ritual because it is one of the main ways we interact in the business environment and it is ripe for misunderstanding

interpersonal communication

defined as communication with one's self and that may include self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization, and even recall and memory

What are the 3 dos/don'ts for visual aids ?

do make a clear connection between your words and the visual aid for the audience. do not distract the audience with your visual aid, blocking their view of you or adjusting the visual aid repeatedly while trying to speak. do speak to your audience- not to the whiteboard, the video, or other visual aids.

What are employment interviews ?

employment interviews are an exchange between a candidate and prospective employer

What are the 3 original cognate strategies ?

framing, expressing, and representing a message to an audience.

Why is interpersonal communication important in business ?

important in the business environment as you can create a sense of safety and belonging and predict those within our proximity. this is important as many workplace friendships can grow as close as friendships with family members.

what are the rules of self disclosure ?

include self disclosure moves in small steps, moves from impersonal to intimate information, is reciprocal, involves risk, and involves trust.

dimensions of self

includes known to me and to others, known to others but not to me, not known to me or to others, and known to me but not to others

self disclosure

information, thoughts, or feelings we tell others about ourselves that they would not otherwise know.

How do you evaluate sources ?

inspect the documents to be sure they represent a clearly articulated purpose and goal, a question, problem or issue, information, data and evidence that is clearly relevant to states purpose and pals, inferences of interpretations that lead to conclusions based on the presented information, data and evidence, a frame of reference or point of view that is clear, assumptions, concepts and idea that are clearly articulated. You should also make sure your source is credible.

Define interpersonal relationships

interpersonal communication can be defined as communication between two people, but the definition fails to capture the essence of a relationship

face detracting strategies

involve messages or statements that take away from the respect, integrity or credibility or a person. face saving strategies protect credibility and separate message from messenger


involves a topics that is especially suitable or compatible with your audience's interest, expectations, norms or customs. This is important because depending on your audience, you will need to have a good understanding of what would be an appropriate topic.

empathetic listening

involves listening to both the literal and implied meanings within a message


involves the attractive power of arousing a sympathetic, stimulated response from the audience. This will help your audience stay connected and listen to what you are saying.


involves the natural aptitude or acquired proficiency to be able to perform. This is important because it will help the delivery of your speech and help to keep your audience following along smoothly.


is politely avoiding the situation by choosing to change the subject, leaving the room or not entering the room in the first place

self- concept

is what we perceive ourselves to be and involves aspects of image and esteem

How is Aristotle's rhetorical proof helpful ?

it provides areas on which to focus your attention as you design your message. This helps with cognate strategies and gives insight on what you should focus on depending on your goal of the speech.

Why is presentation organization important?

it will lead you to present a more effective speech. Your audience will also appreciate hearing the information in an organized way. You will be able to stay on track better and your audience will take you more seriously. You will also be able to link your key points to the audience which will result in a more effective speech.

What are the principles of nonverbal communication ?

nonverbal communication is fluid and fast, universal, confusing, and contextual. it can also be intentional or unintentional

What should we do post performance of an employment interview ?

post performance you need to remember the feedback parts of the communication process such as following up with a thank you for their time and interest. you also need to move on after you communicate with your interviewer or committee and look for back up options to better your chances of securing a position.

attention statement functions to ...

raise interest and motivate the listener.

What are the 8 types of nonverbal communication?

space, time, physical characteristics, body movements, touch, paralanguage, artifacts, and environment

What are the 4 myths of speaking in public?

speaking in public is not like killing lions, you don't have to be perfect, organization is the key to success, and speaking in public is like participating in a conversation.

social penetration theory

states that people go from superficial to intimate conversations as trust develops through repeated positive interactions.

conclusion functions to ...

summarize key points.

What are the 4 criteria for visual aids ?

the 4 criteria includes that visual aids should be big, clear, simple and consistent

connection to predictive outcome value theory

the connection to predictive outcome value theory assets that not only do we want to reduce uncertainty, we also want to maximize our possible benefits from the association.

What are the 5 stages of a conversation ?

the five stages include initiation, preview, talking points, feedback, and closing.


the imaginary bag we all carry into which we place unresolved conflicts or grievances over time

Why is it important to speak ethically ?

to better be able to persuade your audience to follow what you are saying. Your audience will appreciate your honesty and be more inclined to take action.

Explain the ways to manage conflict

to manage conflict you can use avoidance, defensiveness verses supportiveness, face detracting and face saving, empathy, gunnysacking, and managing your emotions.

What 9 expanded strategies discussed in the book?

tone, emphasis, engagement, clarity, consciousness, arrangement, credibility, expectation, and reference.

What is the best way to search on the internet ?

understand where to go for information. You should also fully understand what you are looking for to narrow down your topic information.

What are helpful hints for visual aids ?

use one key idea per slide, avoid clutter, noise, and overwhelming slides, use large bold fonts that the audience can read from at least 20 feet from the screen, use contrasting colors to create a dynamic effect, use analogous colors to unify your presentation, use clip art with permission and sparingly, edit and proofread each slide with care and caution, use copies of your visuals available as handouts after your presentation, check the presentation room beforehand, with a PowerPoint presentation, or any involving technology, have a backup plan such as your visuals printed on transparencies, should unexpected equipment or interface compatibility problems arise

How can we prepare for employment interviews ?

we can prepare by focusing on how your talents and experience can contribute to the organizations' need to solve their problems. you need to know details of their current challenges and how you can better them. you also need to be prepared to answer standard questions you may be asked.

Hhow can you present a neutral presentation?

you must not be biased. You will need to remain neutral and present a speech that is well put together and helpful to your audience to keep them interested and wanting to learn more.

How do you make your information search ethical ?

you should present honest information and omit information that may only be one sided. You should also avoid plagiarism. This is illegal and can lead to embarrassment if noticed by someone else in your audience.

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