Final Exam Review

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People often have expectations about another person that influence how they act toward that person. Such expectations in turn cause that person to behave consistently with the original expectations. The phenomenon is known as.. a. a self-fulfilling prophecy b. mental set c. the mere-exposure effect d. hindsight bias e. social facilitation

a. a self-fulfilling prophecy

jimmy's parasympathetic division of this autonomic nervous system just activated. this means he will... a. activate processes to conserve bodily resources and save energy b. establish a fight or flight response c. prepare the body to exert energy d. promote rapid cognitive processing e. prompt the body to use up its resources in responding to environmental stimuli

a. activate processes to conserve bodily resources and save energy

a dog retrieves the newspaper every day because in the past it received a food reward for this behavior. the dog's behavior is an example of which of the following? a. an operant response b. a discriminative stimulus c. an unconditioned response d. an unconditioned stimulus e. a classically conditioned response

a. an operant response

jung's description of a storehouse of ancestral memories within the unconscious best describes his concepts of the ... a. collective unconscious b. id c. personal unconscious d. psychosexual stages e. superego

a. collective unconscious

Reliability refers to the ____ of a measuring device such as a test. a. consistency b. predictability c. accuracy of inference d. representativeness e. significance

a. consistency

which of the following research approaches would be best for testing the hypothesis that the presence of certain colors causes people to spend more money? a. experimental b. observational c. correlational d. survey e. case study

a. experimental

Omar's wife conceived a baby seven days ago, and does not yet know she is pregnant. His wife's pregnancy is currently in the... a. germinal stage b. embryonic stage c. fetal stage d. placental stage e. postnatal stage

a. germinal stage

your friend is a cognitive therapist like Albert Ellis. This means your friend's primary goal is to a. identify the client's irrational beliefs and provide alternative ways of believing b. provide unconditional positive regard so that the healthy growth-promoting tendencies of the client may be activated c. interpret the client's dreams and guide the client through the processes of resistance and transference d. provide a model of effective functioning and reinforce the client for positive changes e. prescribe psychoactive drugs that can reduce the level of psychotic ideation

a. identify the client's irrational beliefs and provide alternative ways of believing

nathaniel believes that dreams are consolidation of memories during sleep, but earl believes that dreams are random signals sent to the brain from the pons. nathaniel's theory supports which actual dream theory? a. information process b. psychodynamic c. activation synthesis d. insomnia e. trace transformation

a. information process

you are giving a lecture on alcohol abuse. which of the following would you likely say about the effects of alcohol? a. it depresses the central nervous system b. it increases alertness and enhances perception c. it facilitates the release of norepinephrine d. it depresses the thyroid system e. it distorts auditory perception

a. it depresses the central nervous system

in the dark, an object is more clearly seen when viewed in peripheral vision than when viewed directly. this phenomenon occurs because the rods located in the retina are a. more sensitive in the dark than cones and are not found in the fovea b. less sensitive in the dark than cones and are not found in the fovea c. as sensitive in the dark as cones and are few in number in the fovea d. more numerous than cones are in the fovea e. as numerous as cones are all over the retina

a. more sensitive in the dark than cones and are not found in the fovea

which of the following sets of concepts is central to social learning theory? a. observation, imitation, modeling b. fixed interval, variable interval, and fixed ratio c. generalization, spontaneous recovery, and discrimination d. acquisition, extinction, and counterconditioning e. higher-order learning, negative reinforcement, variable ratio

a. observation, imitation, modeling

carly and tamara are lab partners assigned to research whether females are friendlier than males. after conversing with their first 10 participants, they find that their friendliness ratings often differ. which of the following should they be most concerned with? a. reliability b. cofounding variables c. ethics d. validity e. random assignment

a. reliability

According to the fundamental attribution error, which of the following is most likely to be a student's explanation for a classmate's failing exam grade? a. the classmate was too lazy to study hard b. there were too many picky questions on the exam c. the classmate was not well d. the classmate missed class too often e. the classmate had no quiet place to study

a. the classmate was too lazy to study hard

In the experiments of Solomon Asch, the tendency of group members to conform was reduced most by which of the following factors? a. the presence of a single dissenter b. frequent interaction among the group members c. the appointment of a democratic leader d. a decentralized communication network e. the threat of punishment

a. the presence of a single dissenter

a laboratory rat had has part of its hypothalamus destroyed by lesioning. the rat doesn't seem to know when to stop eating and has ballooned to several times its normal size. in this case, it would appear that proportions of the .... a. ventromedial hypothalamus have been destroyed b. lateral hypothalamus have been destroyed c. parvocellular hypothalamus have been destroyed d. magnocellular hypothalamus have been destroyed e. paraventicular hypothalamus have been destroyed

a. ventromedial hypothalamus have been destroyed

which of these theorist was criticized for using nonsense syllables and testing himself during experimentation to prove his theory? a. George Miller b. Hermann Ebbinghaus c. B.F. Skinner d. Signmund Freud e. John Watson

b. Hermann Ebbinghaus

merlin has a personal memory of an accident. when he recalls the incident, he feels as if he can recall every detail of it. right down to the brand name printed on the tires of one of the cars. this type of memory is called.. a. amnesia b. a flashbulb memory c. an implicit memory d. procedural memory e. sensory memory

b. a flashbulb memory

a client whose improvement during therapy is the result of his or her expectation of improvement rather than the result of the therapy itself is showing... a. tardive dyskinesia b. a placebo effect c. a disorder in remission d. negative transference e. catharsis

b. a placebo effect

reuptake of a neurotransmitter refers to a. absorption of the neurotransmitter into the dendrites of the receiving neuron b. absorption of the neurotransmitter into the terminal buttons at the sending neuron c. release of the neurotransmitter by the soma of the originating neuron d. the rate at which a neurotransmitter is created for use by a neuron e. the rate at which a neurotransmitter is broken down metabolically in the neuron

b. absorption of the neurotransmitter into the terminal buttons at the sending neuron

when he was a child, harvey often stole belongings and vandalized his school. now an adult, he was found guilty of embezzling thousands from the elderly. the most likely diagnosis for harvey's current behavior is a. narcissistic personality disorder b. antisocial personality disorder c. borderline personality disorder d. dissociative identity disorder c. oppositional defiant disorder

b. antisocial personality disorder

jimmy and jenny were involved in an automobile collision that resulted in both of them suffering brain injuries. jimmy lost the ability to speak and jenny lost the ability to understand spoken language. it would seem jimmy's injury was to ____, and jenny's injury was to ______. a. the temporal lobe; occipital lobe b. broca's area; wernicke's area c. wernicke's area; broca's area d. broca's area; the occipital lobe e. the parietal lobe; the frontal lobe

b. broca's area; wernicke's area

Ten-year-old Shirley watches as you flatten one of two equal-size balls of playdoh into a flat circle. shirley says they both still have the same amount of clay, demonstrating that she understands a. seriation b. conversion c. inductive reasoning d. hierarchical classification e. object permanence

b. conversion

if you are thirsty, you are likely to actively search for something to quench the thirst. this best explains which theory? a. instinct theory b. drive theory c. arousal theory d. incentive theory e. hierarchy of needs

b. drive theory

during the admission process to a prestigious college, the applying student was given a standardize test intended to predict performance and the applicant's success at the university. unfortunately, the school informed the student that her score was below the college's cutoff score for admission. an influential alumnus of the college intervened on the student's behalf and the student was admitted. four years later the student graduated with honors and became a brain surgeon. this results indicates that the test she was given four years earlier... a. contained some degree of bias against women b. has less than perfect validity c. was partly an achievement test d. was not standardized e. has less than perfect reliability

b. has less than perfect validity

a group of friends watched a recent episode of a crime investigation show and concluded that they would have been able to figure out who was responsible for a crime more proficiently than did the television investigators. the friends overestimation of their ability to determine who committed the crime is most likely due to a reasoning error known as... a. the availability heuristic b. hindsight bias c. confirmation bias d. cognitive dissonance e. actor-observer bias

b. hindsight bias

avery is about to choose which college to attend in the fall. what part of his brain will be most active as he tries to remember the information he is gathering? a. pituitary gland b. hippocampus c. corpus callosum d. hypothalamus e. reticular formation

b. hippocampus

according to erik erikson, in late adulthood the individual reviews and evaluates one's life and the choices one has made. erikson labled this stage.. a. initiative versus guilt b. integrity versus dispair c. generativity versus stagnation d. identity versus role confusion e. intimacy versus isolation

b. integrity versus dispair

When Mary was young, her father was trying to learn how to speak German and would listen to German tapes for hours in her presence. Mary paid very little attention to the tapes. Many years later, when Mary was in Germany, she was able to say a few German words in order to make herself understood. This is an example of: a. procedural memory b. latent learning c. regression d. telegraphic speech e. retroactive interference

b. latent learning

a conscientious objector refuses to engage in combat because he cannot support the taking of human life. his reasoning best illustrates which stage in Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development? a. authoritative b. postconventional c. concrete operational d. conventional e. egocentric

b. postconventional

a personality measure that asks you to respond freely to an ambiguous stimulus such as a picture or an inkblot is called a.... a. self-report personality inventory b. projective test c. behavior rating d. deceptive test e. perceptual test

b. projective test

your best friend just told you her new phone number and repeat the number silently in your head until you find a pad of paper to write it down. you have just preformed a memory aid technique called... a. reterival b. rehearsal c. encoding d. forgetting e. chunking

b. rehearsal

when confronted with the sequence "_N_" at the end of a word in a crossword puzzle, tony inserts the letters "I" and "G" in the two blanks because that procedure has often lead to the correct answer in previous puzzles. this example illustrates the use of... a. mental rotation b. elaboratie rehearsal c. a heuristic d. a prototype e. a syllogism

c. a heuristic

the bystander effect or, diffusion of responsibility explained by which of the following statements? a. people often conform because of peer pressure b. people in a group lose their individual identity and become more cohesive c. a person who is alone while witnessing an emergency is more likely to help than if he were part of a group d. people often perform better when working in a group than when working alone e. many participants obey a researcher even if the researcher's instructions might lead to harm for another participant

c. a person who is alone while witnessing an emergency is more likely to help than if he were part of a group

Mark, a flight attendant, began his workday in a bad mood. However, by the end of the day, he felt much happier. According to the facial feedback hypothesis, what may have influenced Mark's mood? a. the flight was so full that mark did not have time to reflect on events that were troubling b. the change in flight altitude helped decrease mark's stress c. because it is his job to be courteous to customers, mark smiled at passengers frequently d. mark helped several passengers who then told his supervisor how nice he was e. mark is good friends with some of the other flight attendants, and they cheered him up during the flight

c. because it is his job to be courteous to customers, mark smiled at passengers frequently

libby is connected to an EEG machine while being asked questions about her childhood and she is answering those questions with detail. her EEG will show which pattern of brain waves? a. gamma b. delta c. beta d. theta e. alpha

c. beta

all of the following are anxiety disorders EXCEPT a. agoraphobia b. posttraumatic stress disorder c. conversion disorder d. obsessive-compulsive disorder e. panic disorder

c. conversion disorder

your neighbor is an industrial-organized psychologist. your neighbor would most likely research the... a. cognitive development of adults b. recreational activities in a community center c. effectiveness of management training d. industrialization of the united states e. career development of high school students

c. effectiveness of management training

six-year old Scott fell down the stairs at his grandmothers house. although he was not badly hurt, he was very frightened. now, whenever his parents mention visiting his grandmothers house, he feels anxious and fearful. in classical conditioning terms, what are the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) and the conditioned stimulus (CS) in the scenario, respectively? a. grandmothers house; fear b. grandmothers house; falling c. falling; grandmothers house d. falling; anxiety e. anxiety; fear

c. falling; grandmothers house

The component of intelligence described by Raymond Cattell as involving the ability to understand logical relationships, reason abstractly, and learn quickly is related to which of the following? a. mental age b. intelligence quotient c. fluid intelligence d. emotional intelligence e. crystallized intelligence

c. fluid intelligence

a research shows the same video of an automobile accident to two different groups of participants. participants in group one are asked, "did you see a broken headlight?" participants in group two are asked, "did you see the broken headlight?" the researcher finds that participants in group two are much more likely to recall having seen a broken headlight, even though there actually was no broken headlight in the video. the researcher is investigating the effects of which of the following on recall? a. algorithms b. heuristics c. framing d. proactive interference e. the primacy effect

c. framing

which of the following concepts explains motivation in terms of an organism seeking to maintain its biological equilibrium? a. opponent-process theory b. plasticity c. homeostasis d. incentive e. natural selection

c. homeostasis

Research on electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has shown that it is most effective for treating which of the following disorders? a. conversion b. obsessive-compulsive c. major depression d. antisocial e. posttraumatic stress

c. major depression

your uncle is a cognitive psychologist. this means your uncle would most likely research the ... a. conformity behavior of college students b. genetic determinants of behavior c. problem-solving strategies in chess d. personnel selection problems e. maturational processes in adolescent development

c. problem-solving strategies in chess

delusional thinking is central to which of the following? a. fugue states b. panic attacks c. schizophrenic disorders d. dissociative disorders e. affective disorders

c. schizophrenic disorders

a person is asked to listen to a series of tones in a headset. the experimenter is recording hits, misses, false alarms and correct rejections. the experimenter is essentially conducting a test to measure a. place theory b. dichotic listening ability c. signal detection theory d. echoic memory e. frequency theory

c. signal detection theory

new theories regarding classical conditioning offer contingencies. which statement below explains a contingency. a. they remain relatively unchanged from earlier interpretations by people like E.L. Thorndike b. they are primarily based on the theory of contiguity c. they take into account cognitive processes like expectancy d. they are in agreement with the interpretations of behaviorists like B.F. Skinner e. they make a clear distinction between long-term and short-term memory

c. they take into account cognitive processes like expectancy

research finds that, in general, the higher an incoming college student scores on a given test, the higher the student's college grade point average (GPA). which of the following best describes this relationship? a. a bimodal distribution b. a normal distribution c. a skewed distribution d. a positive correlation e. a negative correlation

d. a positive correlation

which of the following are the stages in Han Selye's general adaptation syndrome? a. appraisal, stress response, coping b. shock, anger, self-control c. anxiety, fighting, adapting d. alarm, resistance, exhaustion e. attack, flight, defense

d. alarm, resistance, exhaustion

which of the following situations describes an approach-avoidance conflict? a. mark must decide which of two attractive job offers to accept b. nine-year old carl must decide which of two distasteful chores to do to avoid being punished by his parents c. fred mist select one menu item from among several at a popular restaurant d. anna must decide whether to buy a used car that is in her price ranger but it has several mechanical problems e. sarah must decide how to spend the money she recently won in a lottery

d. anna must decide whether to buy a used car that is in her price ranger but it has several mechanical problems

a college professor is trying to develop an experiment measuring the emotional response to date rape. he advertises for participants in the school newspaper, informs them of the nature of the experiment, gets their consent, conducts an interview, and debrief's them about the result of the experiment when it is over. if you were on the IRB about to approve this study, with which of the following would you have the moth ethical concern? a. coercion b. deception c. cofounding variables d. confidentiality e. clear scientific purpose

d. confidentiality

Marie has to assemble a shelf but cannot find her screwdriver. Which of the following would help her complete this task? a. confirmation bias b. functional fixedness c. rigidity d. divergent thought e. mental set

d. divergent thought

Whenever Sarah's mother answered the phone, Sarah would yell for her mother's attention and her mother would end the phone conversation. Then Sarah's mother began ignoring Sarah's yelling and eventually Sarah stopped behaving that way. The change in Sarah's behavior is an example of a. discrimination b. response generalization c. systematic desensitization d. extinction e. spontaneous recovery

d. extinction

an amazon employee get paid for every ten trucks he loads. he is being paid on a _____ schedule. a. none of these b. variable-ratio c. fixed-interval d. fixed-ratio e. variable-interval

d. fixed-ratio

research on physical attractiveness has shown that a. most people disregard physical attractiveness when forming first impressions of others b. judgements of women's personalities are affected by their physical attractiveness, but judgements of men's personalities are not c. desirable personality characteristics are typically ascribed to good looking people d. good-looking people tend to be viewed as less intelligent competent e. men are less likely than women to make biased judgements of other's based on physical appearance

d. good-looking people tend to be viewed as less intelligent competent

carol tutors other students because she likes to be helpful, whereas julie tutors classmates strictly for pay. their behaviors demonstrate the difference between: a. primary and secondary drives b. instinctive and derived drives c. appetitive and aversive motivation d. intrinsic and extrinsic motivation e. positive and negative reinforcement

d. intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

in a normal distribution, which of the following statements is true about the area that falls between one standard deviation above and one standard deviation below the mean? a. it contains the bottom 50% of the distribution b. it contains the middle 50% of the distribution c. it contains the bottom 68% of the distribution d. it contains the middle 68% of the distribution e. it is the same as the square of the average deviation

d. it contains the middle 68% of the distribution

The results of Stanley Milgram's studies on obedience suggested that a. obedient people are unable to empathize with others b. most people resist social coercion c. most people will not physically harm others even if ordered to do so d. most people will obey perceived authority figures' instructions to harm others e. people usually obey their consciences when allowed to decide whether to follow orders

d. most people will obey perceived authority figures' instructions to harm others

vivian scored only 10 percent on a recent exam while the rest of her class scored an average of 80 percent. if the teacher graphed this result, the curve would be a. symmetrical b. normal c. positively skewed d. negatively skewed e. a straight line

d. negatively skewed

which of the following is required for a psychological experiment? a. more than one independent variable b. sophisticated equipment c. highly generalizable results d. precise operational definitions e. a longitudinal design

d. precise operational definitions

which of the following types of disorders is characterized by complaints of bodily symptoms that do not have a detectible medical cause but rather are cause by psychological factors? a. anxiety b. organic c. psychophysiological d. somatoform e. personality

d. somatoform

Kenneth recently suffered a stroke, and now he constantly hears a humming sound in his ears. in this case, it is likely that the stroke occurred in homer's a. right parietal lobe b. occipital lobes c. right frontal lobes d. temporal lobes e. left parietal lobes

d. temporal lobes

a reason that one typically does not notice a blind spot in the visual field is that.. a. the blind spot is very small, and no visual stimuli are likely to be so small that the blind spot completely obscures them b. most visual stimuli affect only one visual hemisphere, and one hemisphere can cover for the other c. visual stimuli usually affect the occipital cortex in both hemisphere d. the blind spot habituates to a stimulus when the head is still e. the brain fills in missing information so there is no awareness that the visual field is incomplete

d. the blind spot habituates to a stimulus when the head is still

lisa, a math major, sees the drawing above as a venn diagram. her brother, an art major, sees it as two circles. the difference in perception is an example of.. a. synesthesia b. stereotyping c. stimulus variables d. top-down processing e. feature detection

d. top-down processing

a parent is informed that her child is scored three standard deviations above the mean on an IQ test. this means the child would be seen as a. impaired b. profoundly retarded c. gifted d. normal in comparison to other children e. a genius

e. a genius

which of the following characterizes a behavioral approach to psychology? a. a study of the unconscious motives involved in behavior b. an introspective study of the mental imagery used in problem solving c. an analysis of the neurons involved in memory storage d. the use of a projective test to assess personality e. a study of how reinforcement affects learning

e. a study of how reinforcement affects learning

while driving, dani swerves her vehicle in order to avoid hitting a cow. she slams her car into a tree and suffers a head injury resulting in loss of memory for events that occurred after the accident. this is an example of... a. motivated forgetting b. retrograde amnesia c. retroactive interference d. proactive interference e. anterograde amnesia

e. anterograde amnesia

the theories of Lawrence Kohlberg can be best described by which of the following? a. personal conscience is innate and all human beings developed it at the same rate b. by adulthood, all people judge moral issues in terms of self-chosen principle c. ethical principles are defined by ideals of reciprocity and human equality in individualistic societies, but by ideas of law and order in collectivistic societies d. children grow up with morals similar to those of their parents e. children progress from a morality based on punishment and reward to one defined by convention, and ultimately to one defined by abstract ethical principles

e. children progress from a morality based on punishment and reward to one defined by convention, and ultimately to one defined by abstract ethical principles

when a person experiences two thoughts that are incompatible, psychological tension may be produced, leading to an attempt to reconcile the discrepant thoughts. which of the following concepts best characterizes this response? a. approach-avoidance conflict b. drive reduction c. self-actualization d. opponent processes e. cognitive dissonance

e. cognitive dissonance

Sigmund Frued believed that dream analysis was a useful device for a. decreasing repression b. sublimating the id c. strengthening the superego d. displacing instinctual forces e. gaining insight into unconscious motives

e. gaining insight into unconscious motives

newborn duck hatchlings identify the first organism they see as its mother. this phenomena illustrates the concept of .. a. assimilation b. modeling c. priming d. cone saturation e. imprinting

e. imprinting

a survey shows that children who have encyclopedias in their homes earn better grades in school than children whose homes lack encyclopedias. the researchers concludes that having encyclopedias at home improves grades. this conclusion is erroneous primarily because the researcher has incorrectly... a. failed to allow for experimenter bias b. identified the independent variable c. identified the dependent variable d. inferred correlation from causation e. inferred causation from correlation

e. inferred causation from correlation

Which monocular depth cue is illustrated in the figure above? a. accommodation b. texture gradient c. relative size d. interposition e. linear perpective

e. linear perpective

which of the following individually would most likely be classified as exhibiting hypochondria? a. pablo, who is afraid of snakes b. prissi, who is afraid of being humiliated when giving a speech c. chrissie, who avoids long flights on airplanes d. lisa, who is afraid of giving blood e. masato, who is always worried about her health

e. masato, who is always worried about her health

A sudden inability to remember how to tie a certain kind of knot indicates a deficit in which kind of memory? a. declarative b. semantic c. iconic d. episodic e. procedural

e. procedural

alice just bought a new cell phone. she quickly memorizes her new number, however, her old phone number is now not easily recalled. this is an example of ... a. proactive interference b. motivated forgetting c. retrograde amnesia d. semantic encoding e. retroactive interference

e. retroactive interference

individuals who exhibit strong moral sense, accept themselves as they are, are deeply democratic in nature, and are willing to act independently of social and cultural pressures would be described by abraham maslow as a. real selves b. ideal selves c. fully functioning d. humanistic e. self-actualized

e. self-actualized

a patient reports constant sleepiness. a series of tests that the patient's sleep is frequently disrupted by periods of interrupted breathing and brief awakenings. which of the following diagnosis would account for such symptoms? a. somnambulism b. sleep terrors c. narcolepsy d. REM behavior disorder e. sleep apnea

e. sleep apnea

transforming frustrated urges, especially sexual urges, into more socially acceptable forms of behavior is the defense mechanism known as... a. rationalization b. displacement c. intellectualization d. suppression e. sublimation

e. sublimation

the prenatal period refers to a. the period from conception to implantation b. nine months after birth c. the period of time immediately after birth d. the time period before conception takes place e. the nine months before birth

e. the nine months before birth

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