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Which of the following illustrates Arlie Hochschild's concept of the "second shift"?

A woman has a career as a stockbroker, and she is also responsible for maintaining the apartment, doing the shopping, and cooking for herself and her husband.

There is a price of conformity to gender norms. Which of these is NOT a negative consequence for men that results from conformity to gender roles?

Gender norms that demand thinness have resulted in men being diagnosed with eating disorders as often as women.

Functionalists view gender roles in which of the following ways?

Gender roles are necessary to keep the family in balance.

In the majority of commercials that advertise household cleaners, a women is shown using the product, even though the high percentage of men who live alone indicates that many men must also clean. This shows that:

Gender roles are portrayed in highly stereotypical ways by the media.

the result of individual characteristics of workers.

Human capital theory explains gender differences in wages as:

Transgendered persons:

May believe strongly that that their bodies do not match their gender identity & Are pressured to fit within the usual gender roles & Often feel pressure to maintain one of the identities of the binary system.

Which of the following is true regarding men in our society, which is run by male-dominated institutions?

Men feel intense competitive stress from pressure to succeed at work.

____ is the process of treating people as if they were things, rather than human beings. This occurs when we judge people on the basis of their physical appearance rather than on the basis of their individual qualities or actions._


how do sociologists differentiate between sex and gender?

Sex is biological; gender is social.

According to the text, individual people do not need to be sexist in order for there to be sexism. How do sociologists explain this?

Sexism has become embedded in the structure and rules of social institutions.

Which of the following statements about the status of women throughout the world is true?

Women grow half the world's food, but they rarely own land.

The expectation that a woman will be nurturing is an example of

a gender role

Conflict theorists view gender differences as

a reflection of the subjugation of one group, such as women, by another group, such as men.

Women do the majority of housework in which of the following?

all countries

Male nurses, grade school teachers, and librarians may experience some scorn in the larger society. Within the position, they

are more encouraged to become administrators.

Although male dominance in cross-sex conversations is an example of a micro-level analysis, it is also a reflection of macro-level relationships. Which sociological perspective(s) would focus on the macro-level forces that influence these male-female conversations?

conflict and functionalist

Which perspective suggests that men may originally have become powerful in preindustrial times because their size, physical strength, and freedom from childbearing duties allowed them to dominate women physically, but in contemporary societies such considerations are not so important?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective has influenced the creation of the feminist perspective the most?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective views the closure of clinics that would perform abortions in rural areas another instance of an extra financial burden and possible deterrent for lower income women to have an abortion due to the extra expense of traveling to an out-of-town clinic as their best option?

conflict perspective

Which of the following terms is used by Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales to refer to concern for the maintenance of harmony and the internal emotional affairs of the family?


The belief in social, economic, and political equality for women is referred to as


Although it does not explicitly endorse traditional gender roles, which sociological perspective implies that dividing tasks between spouses is beneficial for the family unit?

functionalist perspective

What is the sociological term for the physical, behavioral, and personality traits that a group considers normal for its male and female members?


Which of the following terms refers to expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females?

gender roles

The process of learning the expectations for behavior associated with each sex is called _____.

gender socialization

Which of the following terms refers to an advantage that men have when employed in female-dominated occupations?

glass escalator

Fear of and prejudice against homosexuality is called


Some radical feminist theorists view the oppression of women in male-dominated societies as


Which of the following terms refers to the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals or groups that results from the normal operations of a society?

institutional discrimination

A scientific company lays off employees by seniority, retaining those that have been employed the longest. The majority of the female employees had been hired in the last 10 years and were educated as part of the push to get more females into math and sciences. This situation is an example of

institutional discrimination.

Which of the following terms is used by Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales to refer to an emphasis on tasks, a focus on more distant goals, and a concern for the external relationship between one's family and other social institutions?


Educators are concerned about the reasons girls and young women are affected by the verbal dominance of males in classroom settings. Which sociological perspective would be most likely to address this issue?

interactionist perspective

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that patterns of male dominance in cross-sex conversations that express themselves in day-to-day exchanges represent one more battlegrounds in the struggle for gender equality as women try to get a word in edgewise?

interactionist perspective

The condition of having mixed biological sex characteristics is called _____.


A man doing which of the following would be a violation of the male gender role?

joining a knitting circle

Which of the following would be an example of men traditionally "doing masculinity"?

opening a door for a female

Which of the following would be an example of a man "redoing" traditional gender?

organizing a birthday lunch at work

Using an analogy to Marx's analysis of class conflict, conflict theorists would argue that women are in a position comparable to that of the


At puberty, an increased production of hormones results in the development of _____: the physical traits (other than reproductive organs) that identify a person's sex.

secondary sex characteristics

The ideology that one sex is superior to the other one component of


_____ is a set of beliefs, norms, and values used to justify sexual inequality.


The veil may be seen as a rejection of ________ prevalent in Western societies.

the beauty myth

One of the most serious indicators of economic inequality between men and women in the United States is that the majority of poor families have female heads of household. Sociologists refer to this situation as _____.

the feminization of poverty

Women are more likely than men to live in poverty, a situation often referred to as:

the feminization of poverty

An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity is called

the glass ceiling.

Even when husbands and wives are both employed outside the home, the bulk of the domestic responsibilities fall on women. The sociological term for this is _____.

the second shift

The term for people who deviate from the binary system of gender is _____.


According to Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales, the expressive role is performed by


According to Muslim traditions,

women are permitted to wear revealing garments when they are with their families.

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