final examen criminal justice

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Cyber crime consists of at least three features. the act was committed using:

a computer a "victim" computer and an intermediary network

Extreme Nationalism

anti castro groups

left wing extremism (1960)

anti technology, social


appears species of plants white powder substances

order maintenance

arranging your community to be better place to live neighborhood watch out

drug related crimes

behaviors or actually usage of drugs

other drugs

cannabis- marijuana- creates restlessness, mellowness, sensory perceptions may be elevated and memory and rational thought are impaired steriods- inhalants- vapors hallucinogens-


color from black and white: - A derivative of opium found in a poppy plant - highly addictive drug that can be smoked or injected - produces intense euphoria and relieves pain - tolerance for the drug increases with each use - withdraws include: watery eyes, vomiting, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, tremors

Social Disorganization Theory

contemporaries- shaw and McKay theory that deviant behavior is more likely in communities where social institutions such as the family, schools, and the criminal justice system fails to exert control over that population

We are a society organized for crime:

corrections and public safety,

5 characteristics associated with organized crime groups

corruption- violence- continuity- multiple enterprises- structure and involvement in legitimate business-


creates of energy


effects to take a little longer for pleasures

"American Dream"

everything is possible: the goal of accumulating material goods and wealth through in individual competition, the process of being socialized to purse material success and to believe it is achievable. there is a dark side to the american dream

extremist groups

extreme ideology

By any means necessary

getting the American dream no matter what it takes

popular explanations of violence

guns inequality and homicides urban violence the drug trade the code on the streets

Gun related Crimes

guns involve with crime

anti hate crime legislation

hate crime statistics act of 1990 violent crime control and law enforcement act of 1994 church arson prevention act of 1996 campus hate crimes rights to know of 1997 Matthew shepard and james byrd, jr. hate crimes prevention act of 2009

the politics of crime

help from government reduce to do crime and refuse to work poor were dangerous and cause problems what rich people think abusing government help

what are human rights?

incarceration- death penalty-

Micro level

individual: approaches to crime control that are more isolated geographically

crimes associated with drugs

involve illegal drugs being influences by them


lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group

Criminal Deviance Theory

lower class provides more crimes:

Ships in the night

miss communication result to violent

Serious Crime of America

more immediate danger by gangs violence then terrorist attacks

crime as entertainment

movies- involving crime, violence TV shows (soap operas, series)-greater tv rating the greater profit (teasiers clip) reality based on cop shows- prison stories (500 shows) combine reality not real

6 characteristics shared by terrorists

no rules no innocents economy publicity individual therapy varied objectives

White Collar Crime

offenses committed by the middle class and upper middle class people in their business and social activities. examples: goods company, theft or property by computer software, fraudulent use of credit card, automatic teller machines social response to white collar crimes serious crime and quality of life


produces in a labertory for pain to relief

trends of drug/alcohol use

prohibition- marijuana tax act-effect the countercultural movement- lead huge increase in crimes war of drugs-

local institutions

provides order, protection

types of terrorism

revolutionary political nationalist cause based

juvenile incentives

rewards that materials bring dropping out of school little family values

drug defined crime

sell or persecution of drugs

Religiously Motivated extremism

smaller religious sex

Crime Control

solution- the means to an end outcome- that which is likely to be affected by the solution a model of the criminal justices system that assumes freedom is so important that every effort must be made to repress crime..

Race and Criminal Violence

someone committing a crime against a person of color

Fear of Crime

the actual odds of being victimized or the subjective or perceived risk of victimization: refers to the fear of being a victim of crime as opposed to the actual probability of being a victim of crime.

return of capital punishment

the death penalty

Issues related to civil liberties

the torture debate human rights U.S.A Patriot Act of 2001

An attitudinal concept

where the community forms a general attitude that it can work and:

A Structural concept

where the community takes the belief (or attitude) to do something about it.

what is the answer to crime and drugs?

"get tough"


(meth) common form amphetamine crystal come variety forms poison gas

4 interrelated factors underline the unusually high rate of interpersonal homicides in America

* a profusion of guns makes assaultive behavior much more likely to result in death. *high levels of economic and racial inequality, die drunk partially in areas of concentrated urban poverty driving *the illegal drug trade (drug turf and deals gone bad) *meager job opportunities and a code on the street that prizes respect and regards violence as a necessary means

drugs and violence are related to each other through 3 different ways

1. Psychopharmacological- commit a crime or is under the influence 2. Economic Compulsive Violence- commit crime for drugs 3. Systemic Violence-

Three strikes and you're out

26 states have this, third offenses you get a severer punishment such as life sentences

Identify Churches

Aryon the posse comitatus the covenant, the sword and the arm of the lord (CSA) The Christian-Patriot Defense League

Differential Learning Theory

Cressey & Sutherland: social mechanism whereby we learn criminal behavior

types of crimes

Crime against People -direct violence or threat of violence * assault, robbery Crimes against Property - the taking of money or property from another without force, the threat of force or the destruction of property. *crime occurs when an individual is removed: burglary Street Crimes - drug, property: where their property is snatched and the victim is not assaulted. * typical crime that occurs every day Violent Crimes-the act of using force or the threat of force against others *sexual assault, arm robbery, violence occur or pental violence Drug Crimes - drug trafficking, selling drugs or being influences and committing a crime Juvenile Crimes-violation of the law by young people try to help kids, usually only punished until 18. *crimes committed by juveniles 1980's growth of youth gangs: combinations of youth committing crimes. White Collar Crimes-person of high social position *non-violent crime, committed by people who are in a leadership role. Organized Crimes -business supply illegal goods or services gambling and drugs *illegal acts Hate Crimes-criminals offense against a person, property or society motivated by the offender's biases against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or ethnicity. *a crime comes first and look at the person why he/she do it. going to towards individual group Terrorism - Violent act or act dangerous to human life in violation of the criminal laws of the U.S. or of any state, that is committed to intimidate or coerce a govt, the civilian PPP, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives *one or more by one person against a country or government dislike whats going on. Minor Crimes - is a crime that is not serious littering. it's not that important in the world

2 basic dimensions of social organization are

Culture -an integrated pattern of learned human behavior traits including thoughts, communication, actions beliefs, values, the institutions of an ethnic, religious, or social group. social structure-then pattern of social organization and the interrelationship among institutions characteristic of a society social learning theory- central concept is cognitive functioning: the ability to think and make choices--people learn new behaviors through modeling vicarious learning by watching others. strain theory-theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve these goals by legitimate means

Commonly abused drugs

Depressants- slow down or depress nerves activity Alcohol- down to your bloodstream Binge Drinking- overload drinking Barbiturates- to a comma Tranquilizers-sleep Narcotics- Morphine- relief of physical pain

Typologies of Terrorism

Domestic terrorism- international terrorism- state sponsored terrorism- dissident terrorism-agaisnt the government rebellions groups religious terrorism-modivating terrorism acts of a belief the national counter terrorism center-information about terrorism criminal terrorism- groups against each other

There are 4 social structure that comprise the central focus of crime

Economy- consist organizations the good of sources Political System-goverment provide for us Family-provides initial social organization process Education-embrace cultural standards

the death penalty cases

GA v. Furman- Gregg v. GA-rewrote preciers

the social distribution of Crime

Gender-females are more engaged in their family provides care. compassionate to help someone else. Race-overall reason general level Poverty- lack of opportunities juveniles-young people finding group to organize

Macro Level

Group: approaches to crime control that are intended to have dramatic and desirable effect on crime in an entire neighborhood. city, state, or even across the nation.

Types of Offenses

Hacking- Identity Theft- Child Pornography- Internet Fraud- Cyber Talking-

International Extremist Groups

Hamas- Hezbollah- Islamic Jihad- Al Qaeda- ISIS-

Modern polices related to reducing drug use

Interdiction- The interception of drug traffic at the nation's borders. Interdiction is one of the many strategies used to stem the flow of illegal drugs into the United States. Eradication- getting rid of drugs: mechanical where drugs come from burning to get rid of drugs Drug Courts-A special state, county or municipal court that offers first-time substance abuse offenders judicially mandated and court-supervised treatment alternatives Maintenance- Decriminalization- The redefinition of certain previously criminal behaviors into regulated activities that could produce a fine rather than incarceration Harm Reduction-

Crime and Public Opinion

Is incarceration working?

Types of Criminal Organizations


Mafia Code

Omerta- loyalty-indivduals before family Respect-respect one another Discipline-orders are carry out

there are physical and behavioral manifestations

Physical Manifestation- Behavioral Manifestation-

Street Crime vs. White Collar Crime

Street-Murder, Drug, property, violent crimes: non-violent crime committed by business or government professional for financial gain. White Collar-committed by people with high social status opportunities includes cybercrime *

Hate Crime laws in most states fall into one of 3 categories

Substantive hate crime sentence reporting statutes

Hate Crimes has been categorized into three types which reflect motives:

Thrill-Seeking hate crimes Reactive hate crimes mission hate crimes

Agencies responsible for homeland security

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) U.S Customs and Boarder Protection U.S Citizenship and Immigration Service U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) U.S Secret Services Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) U.S Coast Guard

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