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- Population ecology

- The study of population ecology focuses on how the number and distribution of individuals in a population change over time. This generally requires mathematical models.

can species interactions affect abundance. do they affect nat del.

1. Species interactions can affect abundance and distributinon. 2. species act as agents of natural selection when they interact. Ex deer are fast agile in response to their predators. So inturn the speed of deer promotes predators that are fast. This is coevolution- when two species influence wach others adaptions overtime. As species react like this overtime a coeve arms race can occur - aprepeating cycle of reciprol adaption. Think about the cold war. Two species that interact gaining fitness as a result of the opposite species fitness. 3..The out come of species interaxn are dnamic and conditional the interactions of species change over time and space.

Plant growth maximized?

NPP, and photosynthesis in terrestrial environments are maximized in moist warm conditions.


Niche a range of resource that an specie can use or range of conditions it can tolerate.

resource partioning

competition within species for a limiting resource. they use the same limiting resource in different ways.

Phenology shifts affect.,

Spring arrives earlier than it did just 20 years ago. Species do not change their timing however. Mismatching times can disrupt trophic interaxns

Howwill global climate change affect the overall distribution of life on earth.

Arctic regions are expected to experience dramatic changes in temp and precipitation. These experiments show a decreae in species diversity

Important terrestrial biomes-

Arctic tundra, boreal forest, tropical wet forests, temperate grasslands, temperate forests, subtropical deserts

Why are the tropics wet. Why does this oocur

Areas around the equator reive the most moisture, 30 degrees latitude north and south of the equator reive the most dry conditions. a ,ajor cycle in global air circulation is called the Hadley cell.


As water flows across things it picks up solutes as it is a solvent. Seawater has more solutes.

Tissues of organsisms contain

C,N,P,S,Ca and other nutrients that are essential for growth

- Sometimes abiotic factors are similar in one region like the Mediterranean to another like California. But each area has different oganisms living there why?

Biotic factors

The number of individuals present in a population depends on four processes Analyzing these rates is all part of demography

Birth deat imi and emigration

cold date oxygen levels? fast stream levels?

Fast streams o2 hight slow opposite cold water has more o2 than warm slow streams more nutrient rich than fast. Small photosynthetic organisms are not usually presenti nfast moving strems. Most organic matter falls from out side the stream into it. Wider and slower streams are more favorable for plants to grow. As a result species are different toward the mout h and the beginning of the stream of the stream.


form of resoucce portioning where there is little niche overlap.

- Distribution of organisms is affected by events today and ? how?

in the past. : past abiotic/biotic factos influence present patterns

normal temp ?

depends on where u are.

disturbance regime

disturbances occur with predictable frees

intermediate disturbace hypo

diversity is greatest at intermediate levels of disturbance. it is low enough where species can survive bu it is high enough to knock off superior competitors.

This is logistic growth Modified exponential growth equation

dn.dt=r*n 1-n/k the density of oraganisms reduces resources. Dn and dt change with density 1-n/k is the same as k-n/k

Top-down control

control is when higher trophic levels limit lower levels distribution and abundance When changes in top-down control occur we say a trophic cascade has occurred. Think wolves eat deer remove wolves and there is more deer to eat more plants so there is less plants. This is usually a bad thing because it disrupts balance. Usually it affects the abundance of different species at diff levels the underlying cause is energy flow

Density-dependent factors

factors change in intensity as a fnction of pop size. They are usually biotic. Ex when trees crowd together they usually have less resources per tree. Also if prey stays close together predators are more lokely to target them ..

Fundamental niche

niche is the total range that a species can theoretically occupy

realized niche

niche occurs due to its competitiors nich overlapping. They could live in ther competitiors area but don't due to the fact the competitor is present.

climate changed has affected NPP?

ntly declined.

are humans adding anything to species

nutrients and energy.

Exponential growth what does it depend on

r is constant. It does not change over time. Key point: Growth rate does not depend on the number of individuals in the population Exponential growth is density dependent.

what can nap represent

represents the total amount of chemical potential energy that is stored in organic material or biomass

Population ecology

the study of how and why a number of individuals in a pop change over time and space. Space can change a population

- -Bio geography

the study of how organsims are distributed geographically - abiotic factors

Competitive exclusion principle

two species that occupy the same niche cant coexist they use the same resources and one will eventually win.

When air rises over mointain ranges it? do all?

cools and releases large amount of water. Once it has passed through the crest of the mountains and exhausted it water. it is said to be in rain shadow. d all?

Most NPP in tropics come from

coral reefs wetlands and estuaries.

neuritic zone in tropical areas may have what

coral reefs. - they provide habitats for animals.

. Habitat fragmentation has two parts:

(1) The decrease in habitat type (2) The apportionment of the remaining habitat into smaller pieces

Logistic Growth

). It presupposes that the growth rate is dependant on population density and restricted by carrying capacity (limit to growth). Such growth is typically represented by an S-curve, whereby the growth rate declines as the population increases

biotic factors? how do they affect species range.. types of biotic factors are? how can they limit range.

- - Biotic factors are the interactions with other organisms. The ability of an orgaism to persist in a given area is often limited by biotic factors -competition, mutualism.-If one organism is entirely dependent on its mutualistic partner and its partner does not exist in a particular area then that organism will not exist there either. Parasitism can limit range as well. If the presence of or the lack of presence of a particular parasite.

- Eco system ecology

- -ecosystem ecology is an extention of organismal ecology, population, and ci=ommunity ecology. - At an ecosystem level biologists study nutrients and energy move among organisms and through the surrounding atmosphere and soil or water. Some organisms can live in multiple ecosystems and act as a link between them.

- Community ecology

- A biological community consists of populations of different species that interact with each other within a particular area. researchers ask questions about the nature of the interactions between species and the consequences of those interactions. For example they study predation, parasitism, competition, or study how communities respond to natural disasters.

can species live any where.

- No one species can survive anywhere and eberywhere throughout earth

Arctic tundra

- Occurs throughout the arctic regions of the northern hemisphere. Low species diversity, ;ow productivity, and low above ground bimass- treeless as well. Permas frost is very common-soils that are permanently frozen, permafrost limits both release and uptake of nutrients. Unlike deserts the ground is completely covered with plants or lichens. Low animal diversity, with a high insect abundance-many biting flies Temperature:frowing season is short 10-12 weeks at most. The rest of the year temperatures are below freezing.


- cinsists of the SHORT TERM atmospheric conditions such as precipitation, temperature, sunlight and wind

Carrying compacity depends on many factors

- food space, water, soil quality and resting or nesting sites. K can change from yeart to year contingent on conditions


- is fully decayed detrituts it is rich in nutrients

Population density does it vary in species?

- number of individuals per unit per area. Population density of a specific species varies throughout its range.

keystone species

- species that have a much greater impact on the distribution and abundance of the surrounding species than its abundance and total biomass would suggest

Water movement? how does it challenge species?

- water movement is a critical factor in aquatic ecosystems because it presents a physical challenge. It can literally sweep organisms away. Species have adapted stream line adaptaions to help them maintain position preventing being seapt down stream .


-consists of all organisms in a particular region along with non living components. Including physical, chemical or Abiotic(non-living) components include air water and nonliving parts of soil.

Why is climate changing rapidly.

. 1The humand pop has exploded in size 2. Resource use. Also consider land changes like deforestation

Nutrient availability good bad ? why or why not what do notes do

. In many Nutrients such as N and P are low in quantity. Nutrients move with fast water and wash away in slow they fall to the bottom and collect in the form of debris. Nutrient levels affect the growth rate of photosynthetic organisms that provide food for other organisms.

That is a key difference between logistic and exponential growth

. Logistic is has the change in growth rate as a function as pop size whereas exponential growth does not not depend on pop size

The global N cycle.

. N builds up in soil soil and water slowly overtime, then it rpidly cycles among soil, microorganisms, fungi plants and animals. Then bacteria will digest N containing molecules and return N2 to the atmosphere. .N can be lost through denitifacation

Intraspecific comp is comp in the same species. intensifies

. This intensifies as pop density increase.

symmetric competiton

. When both species experience a decrease in fitness due to niche overlap

- Conservation biologists prescribe remedies to preserve biodiversity, clean air/h2o, productive soils. - 52.2


-The range of every species is affected by the interaxn of biotic and abiotic factors that occur in the past and the present


. Large pops can endure distasters.


. Melting of ice caps affects other parts of climate like ocean currents and cloud cover.


Age structure is involved in predicting future structures of a pop- how many indivs of each age aare alive. Also they need to know offspring rates, life expectancy, and immi/emi rates of ages in each generation


Aphotic zones of the ocean are very unproductive


But it is not possible for exponential growth to continue indefinitely.




Communties are not predictable assemblages


Energy flows from autotrophs to other organisms in the form of biomass


Environments are changing more rapidly now than they have ever,(exception mass extinctions


Eventually decomposition converts nutrients in soils to inorganic form


Global productivity of ecosystems is limited by a combo of temp and availability of water and sunlight. At a local level nutrient availability mixes in with these fagors. N is a limiting nutrient.


Global warming and global climate change refer to the same phenonomen but with different emphasis.


Human land use and climate change cause dramatic alternations of the compostioion and distribution of terrestrial biomes.


Human pop siz projections are affected by


Humans effect the distribution of eco systems directly and indirectly : directly by physically changing them such as deforestation. Indiectyly: co2 emmision assisting in global climate change. Describing biomes


Immigration can reestablish fragmentes populations This cause metapopullations to be balanced between thriving and extinction over time


In aquatic environments we can utilize trophic levels to describe things similar to this.


Increases in average global temperature are increasing variability in temperature and precipitation.


Ions and molecules that are nutrients can be though of as well as being part of one large global biogeochemical cycle. They move from ecosystem to ecosystem they are essentially linking all of the ecosystems of the world together.


K is not fixed it is important to realize that K varies among specie and populations. K varies because for any particular species some habitats are better than other habitats due to differences in food availability, space and other density dependant factors.


K varys with space it also varys with time because conditions are better some years than others.


Marine productivity is highest along coastline and can be as high near the poles as in the tropics


Metapopulation depend on extinction and recolonization.


Npp gets eaten alive in aquatic environments morer often this is because decomposer are less of a factor here.


Nutrients are constantly cycling within one ecosystem but they ca also be lost to another Humans are causing this. We burn things that realease nutrients into the atmosphere wer take plants out of eco sytem which eliminates biomass that would have been recycled. Logging causes erosion thich causes nutrients to exit some ecosystems. Eliminating plants causes nutrient runoff meaning the nutrients are washed away by water. The water takes the soil containing nutrients with it. Once soil is gone is it difficult to get back.


Nutrients can be used and reused as they move through trophic levels. They also spend time in ait and water. Or are held in soil.


One area can support a higher number of smaller boddied species compared to large bodied based on large bodied need more resources.


One habitat has different K's for different species.


One pops r is likely to be different from another poplation of the same species r , and changeges over time


Overtime larger metapopulations are expectd to go extinct caused by catastrophe.


Palnts are inefficient at capturing sunlight. Less than half of GPP tunrs to NPP


Parasitism happens for long time periods, not always fatal, there is such thing as social parasites


Patterns of climate are affected by Hadley cells, global heating, and the patterns of season are affected by region. Specifically the presence of mountains and the proximity of oceans


Populations can have the same r but can have different amounts of individuals added to the pop over time. The rate of increase is the same but the added individual amount is different. this refers to exponential growth. R is a function of N


Primary decomposers- feed on plant detritus.


Since they biosphere is practically a closed system the actions of some people In one part of the world may alter distant ecosystems


Temps cause precipitation


Ther is a correlation between surface water temp and decreased productivityNPP is decreasing in the oceans. Water is less dense at high temps the top water is warm and bears no nutrients. The water towards the bottom of the sea is lighter and is unable to be moved by currents to the top and bring nutrients- stratiffacation As NPP declines so does c02 intake causeing


These projections show arctic tundra gradually becoming boreal forests in the future


all plastic ends up in the ocean


are interaxns in communities important.


climate change is 3 or more decades


climate is relatively predictable.


disturbances can be positive.


estuaries are contingent on tide.


evolution and ecology are intertwined and codependent


global warming effete extreme environments first.


green\house affect is neutral


just natural causes just anthropogenic causes both 9 0.6 degrees Celsius doesn't sound like much... Why is it more for life on Earth than it seems? 1. Thenumberreferstotheglobalaverage. 2. Extremeeventsmattertoorganisms. 3. Timeframeisshort. 4. Thisismeasuredoverthebeginningofglobal industrialization.


ocean acidification most strongly affects primary producers.


primary producer


resource partiiong is a constant comp for a resource.


seasonality is cause by the tilt of the earth.


soil is one thing that can determine some pecies range. It is abiotic.


th etwo graphs com pare natural and human causes to climate change independently they are not true if you put them together u have a much closer depiction of the actual change.


water vapor is a greehouse gas


we are not concerned with current temps but with long term temps


The nature of a biome that developes is governed by the

1 average precipitation and temperature and 2 annual variation in precipitation and temperature. This is the case because each biome will contain organisms that are well adapted to those conditions.

To understand how global biogeochemical cycles work researcher think about

1 what are the nature and size of the reovoirs where elements are stored ex carbon is stored in the biomass living organisms 3. how fast does the element move between resovoirs, and what processes are sponsible for moving the elements from one resovoir to another. 4. 3. How does one biogeochemical cycle interact with one another.

[K-N/K] is the same as


In nature exponential growth is common in two circumstances:

1. A few individuals found a new population in a new habitat 2. A population has been devastated by a storm or some other type of catastrophe and then it begins to recover, starting with few surviving individuals.

There are four inteactions between specie nd they each play a role in the fitness of other species

1. Comensilism-on species is benefitted and the other is not affected. +,0 2. competition results from when two species use the same resource it lowers the fitness for both -,- 3. consumption this contains other clasees that we need to know which are herbivory(+,-) predation+,- and parasitism +,- this occurs when one organism eats or consumes nutrients from another. Consumer fitness increase others decrease. 4. Mutualism- when two species benfit from eachother. +,+

dtritus decyas slower when

1. Detritus has little N 2 it is high in ligninin3 presence of o2

In ecology researchers work at five main levels ? re they exclusive?

1.organisms, 2 populations, 3 cmmunities, 4 ecosystems, 5 the biosphere. These levels are not exclusive they draw on multiple levels.

Howwill global climate change affect the overall distribution of life on earth. 4 tools to predict

1.simulation studies based on computer modules of local weather patterns. They are basically increasing temp in these and analyzing the data. To see how weather was affected. They try to predict how organisms will be affected by these changes. 2. observational studies-Long term monitoring of fixed sites around the globe. Document changes in key cvairables like temp and precipitation 3..Historical studies- study the relationship between Co2 levels, climate change, and the distribution and abundance of organisms. They srudy the patterns of an area and use that to predict future 4.Experiments designed to simulate climate conditions and to record responses by organisms present

disturbance impact has three factors

1.type of did2it frequency3 its severity

perma frost must be frozen for how long can u see permafrost.

3 years it is underground the top soil is moist.

Tropical wet forests decribe? temp? moisture?

: in equatorial positions around the world. Evergreen leaves that are very broad. Year round there is favorable growing conditions, that causes , large large above ground biomass, high productivity, high species diversity. Specifically there are many tree species and many of them have many different growth forms this means the structural diversity of the plants is extremey high this gves an wide array of habitiats for animal life. Temp: no seasonal variation in temperature. They are high enough all year to support year round plant growth. Moisture: Rain fall is high year round.

Freshwater /marine: Estuaries

: it is a land/ocean transition zone. Aka salt and fresh water mix they include saline marshes, as well as bodies of water that move in and out of these enviriments. Salinity varies with 1 changes in river flows-it declines when the river flows and increases when the river returns to its normal level 2. With proximity to the ocean. Organisms in these areas have adaption for a range of salinity. Most are shallow enogh so water reaches the bottom. Water levels fluctuate dramaticall in response to tides stroms and floods Water flow fluctuates daily and seasonally due to tidesm storms and floods. This fluctuation is important because it alters salinity, which affects which types of organisms are present. They are nutrient rich because when water enters the ocean it slows and nutrients lade sediments are depoisitied. Nutrients are constantly replensished They are some of the most productive palce on earth. There are many fish vegetation, invertabrae, plankton and predators. Very high species diversity. Some live in one area and some live throughout the whle thing according to their adaptiont to salinity and abiotic factors also birds feed here

Quantifying growth rate.

A pops growth rate is the change in the number of individuals in the pop (DeltaN) per unit per time(deltat)

coral reefs affected by ocean acid

Coral reefs- they secrete calcium carbonate skeletons Acidity a reduction in skeleton growth due to acidity, changes in temp or a combo of the two threatens the ability of corals to create habitat and food for other organisms

Logistic growth equation


Ocean upwelling

Dead organisms sink to the bottom of the sea. In certain regions these nutrients are brought up from the bottom of the sea by currents that cause upwellings Wind will push water away from shore as the surface water moves away it is replaced by water moving up from the bottom of the ocean. The up welling is nutrient rich. It is a recycling affect it recycles nutrients that had previously fallen to the bootom of the sea floor.

can diff ecosystems belong to the same biome. whats diff about biomes

Different ecosystems may belong to the same biome .

how does energy enter ecosystems

Energy enters ecosystems through primary producers


Energy invested in primary producer building there tissues is called net primary productivity

ops cycle based on density dependent factors

Ex snowshoes use up all their food at a high pop so they start dying then the lynx do as well.. Also when high lynx density there are more lynx eating them so lynx increase and then hares die off then so do lynx Aka each species in a predator prey relationship control the size of their opposite. Also this could happen based on competition for another food source. Prey can be limited by both prey and Population size is how many and population density id how much room. Human population growth.

how does Exponential growth add indivs

Exponential growth adds an increasing number of individuals as the N gets larger.

lake turnover

Glicers cause higher lattitudes of the world to be the most prevelant with lakes. Each year these lakes undergofall and spring turnovers. They occur in respone to changes in temperature. In winter ice is freezing just below it is slightly warmer and there is more oxygen bottom is nutrient poor a gradient in temo such as this is called a thermocline(heat slope) is also warmer at the bottom. When spring comes the water on the surface warms. Now it is heavier than the water below it so it sinks to the bottom and the water from the bottom replaces it the nutrients are in the water from the bottom this is know as the spring turnover. Vice verca in the fall except the surface water cools and sinks fall turnover also bring 02 fromt ehsurface to the bottom

Habitat fragementation

Habitat fragementation causes metapopulations meta pops are expected not to survive very ong. Populations that are likety to survive genrally are very arge. Have continuours habitats are close to neighboring populations and having a high

invasive species are all new species invasive

If an exotic species-one that is not native- is introduced to a new area and spreads rapidly and comptetes with natives successfully it in said to be an invasive species. Some species don't affect the others and live harmoniously.

a high species richness does what to immigration rate

Immigration rates decline as a result of the species richness increases. Because ther is most likey that species already there.

Population density of a specific species varies throughout its range.

Individuals are arranged in poulations in three ways 1 random-position of each individual independent of others Cluped if the quality of the habitat is patchy. Also organisms associate in social groups Uniform- if negative interactions oocur such as competition. Mating territories can cuase this. Metapopulation-if individuals from a species occupy many small patches of habitat so that they form independent populations a metapopulation is said to have formed. apopulation form many small patchrs of

Oceans Water depth?

Intertidal zone: rocky sandy or muddy beach that is exposed to the air at a low tide but submerged at a high tide. Neritic zone-extends from the intertidal zone to the depth of 200m. Its outer most edge is defined ny the continental shelf-gently sloping submerged portion of the continental plate. Oceanic(pelagic) zone-open ocean deep water region beyond the continental shelf Bottom of ocean Benthic zone Photic zone is comprised of the intertidal and sunlit regions of the neuritic, benthic, and oceanic zones.

Within population (r) varies through time it can be ?

It can euat positive negative or zero.

land use and climate change are affecting species how?

Land use changes and climate changes are having a dramtic effect on species distributions, and expanding human populations are causing the abundance of many species to decline. 52.1

what size of habitat contain the most species?


Geographic range shift

Many organisms are shifting their climate envelopes northward toward areas where precipataion is higher. Geographic range shifts can lead to mismatches between species and resources and can act as an agent of nat selor This can cause extinction or species

climate change cause allele freqs to change?

Meaning some species are evolving due to climate change. Some are becoming less fit because of a sudden change whil other are more fit. Overtime this can lead to extinction. Changes in the environment can chage fast and they can caue indivs who are not fitted to have a lower life span .If life span decreases to quickly occur to quicly local extinction is more likely to occur Rapid changes in clmate can help cause high extinction rares

Temperate forests:

North America and Europe are ominated by deciduous species. - leafless in winter grow back in spring summer. Common plant is needle leaved evergreen tree. Productivity levels are inferior to topics but superior to grasslnads and deserts. Moderate diversity. The temperature does not support year round growth that is why they are not on the same level of productivity as tropics. Temp: moderate fluctuation in mean monthl temps. Moisture is moderate and relatively constant throughout the year compared to grass lands.

mech that bring nutrients from the bottom to the top for photosynthetic species

Ocean upwelling,lake turnover

undewater zones that receive light?

Parts that receive light are called a photic zone opposite is aphotic.

climate change and aquatic nap

Pelagic zone has dropped in NPP but increased in other regions

The slight increase in temp has affected organisms. how

Phenology shifts,Geographic range shiftc ause allele freqs to change

Boreal(forests) aka Taiga.

Prevelant in most of Canada, Alaska, Russia and northern Europe. Dominated by highly cold tolerant conifers such as, pines, spruce ,fir, and large trees. Low productivity but the abov ground biomass is because slow growing trees may be long lived and gradually accumulate large standing biomass. Low species diversity in alask there are 7 or fewer tree species. Temperature-they have very cold winters and cool summers, summers are short a fluctuation of temperatures can reach from 40 degrees celcius to 70 degrees celcius. Precipatation: annual precipitation is low but the temperatures are so cold that evaporation is minimal as a result moisture is abundant enough to support tree growth.

resource partitioning.

Since comp is -,- there is strong nat selection for species to avoid it.An evo change in traits changes the niche overalp and thus competition.

Salinity has dramtic effts on osmosis and water balance in organisms. how do they cope?

Some species have adaptions that allows them to cope with a specific range of salinity thus why the organisms in the sea are different this is why salinity effects the distribution of species.

Density dependent factors can be intraspecific in terms of species how?. Also they can be inter specific-

Such as competition. as predators parasitism or competition. Analyzing pop cycles have helped us understand these rxns

which domain of biomes have diff regions

Tehere are aquatic fresh water and marine biomes. Only two aquatic biomes each have different regions

C cycle.

The carbon cyce documents the movement of C among terestrila ecosystems, ocean and atmosphere. C moves in and out of the atmosphere rapidly due to organisms . Photosysnthesis take C out and cellular resp puts C in Humans have changed it by deforesting.

character displacement relates to? what is it?

The evo change itself that enables a species to exploit different resources Individuals who compete for the same resource if one is more fit for thatresource they will be more fit and out comptete their competitior, also any specie that does not compete with the superior competitor will be favored by nat sel.

What controls the rate of nutrient cycling

The most important is the rate of decomposition of ddetritus. Until this occurs nutrients are fixed in tiisues of plants or animals. . The rate which detritus decays is influenced by1 02 availabiltiy, temperature and precipitation. 2 the quality of the detritus as a nutrient source for the decomposer. 3 the abundance and diversity of detritovores present

Ocean Acidifacation what can it do

The ocean has a large capcity to absorb c02when co2 dissolves in h20 it reacts to form bicarbonate, which then drops a proton to form carbonic acid. Increased co2 levels in the atmosphere are increasing this reaction. The ph is lowering This acidity has a devastating affect on many procceses, ranging from the ability of larvae fish to smell predator and also has affected reproduction. Acidity reduces t the availability of calcium carbonate ions to organisms that build there skeletons with it. The ore acidic the water the slower that the skelton grows. Sometimes they simply dissolve.

ocean nut availability. most nutrients.

The outer edge of the neurtit zone has high productitvity due to up welling up welling happens in both but more so in the neuritic. The up welling happens at the edge of the continental plate tis is where fish are found.


The r reaches a maximal value called the intristic rate of increase the pops growth rate is delat n / delta t=rmax

what heats the earth what does the equator receive the most sunlight

The sun heats the earth areas that have more sunlight generally are warmer than areas that have less sunlight. The equator has the sun directly overhead this maximizes sunlight per unit of area.the sunglight hits the earth at a 90 degree angle , the earth slopes away from the sun in ccertain areas and this cause a smaller area thepoles experience the sunlight at a lower angle. As a result sunlight is experienced less per unit of area.

(K-N)/K defnies what

This expression defines the numerator of additional individuals that can be accomadated n a habitat with carrying capacity K; diving K-N by K turns this number into a proportion. Thus (K-N)/K describes the proportion of unused resources and space in the habitat. It can be thought as the environments resistance to growth.

. Growth rate has already peaked in humans and is begginig to decline. what caused this

This is caused by r r is beginngint to decline

Logistic growth

To figure out if a specific growth is density dependent biologists use a parameter called carrying compacity (K)


To figure out if a specific growth is density dependent biologists use a parameter called carrying compacity (K)-the maximum numbers of individuals in a population that can be supported in a particular habitat over a sustained period of time.

Water depth how does affect light

Water absorbs and scatters liht so the amount of types of wave length available to organsims change dramtically as water depth increases. Lighght availability affects productivity. At water surface wavelengths are equally available. On a map at a certain point( when it turns red. Red as in red wavelengths red is apart of the isible spectrum this explains waters blue color. ) as as depth increases in the sea photosynthesis becomes impossible. This happens in spite of chlorophyls high absorbtion rate for the red wavelength. Quantity of available light decreasese as depth increases (deeper) no light reaches 40m.

aquatic biome regions have to do with? name them?

Water depth: Litoral zone-shallow plants live here Limnetic zone- this is the lake portion- gets enough light for photosynthesis Benthic Zone it is the bottom

ocean nut availability.

Water movement is dictated by different prceses at different depths Intertidal zone-waves and tides are inlfuences Neuritic- currents bring nutrients rich water from the benthic zone to the shore. Currents circulate the oceanic zone due to wind and the earths rotation. In the ocean nutrient availability is highly contingent upon water movement. Intertidal zones and neuritic zones are nutrient rich due to rivers and upwelling the oceanic zone is not because the nutrients leacht to the bottom of the sea.

growth is density dependent how

When a pop gets very high the per capita birth rate will decrease and the per capita death rate will increase declining r

Species diversity

a weighted measure that incorporates the species relative abundance. More evenly distributed has a higher specires diversity.

Denstiy-independent factors-

alters birth rates and death rates and they do not taking into account the # of indivs in a pop and they ususally invlolve changes in the abiotic environment. Storms etc.

- Conservation biology

applies to all levels of ecological biology. The five levels of ecology can be synthesized and applied in conservation biology. it isis the effort to study, preserve, and restore threatened gentic diversity in populations, species diversity in communitiesj, and ecosystem function.

Two types of aquatic biomes

are fresh water and marine aquatic.


bac that change no3 into n2 gas

Logistic growth on a graph has and s-curve. Why

because at first there is early rapid growth then it begins to slow and level off then K is approached and reached when reached it is 0 Initially logistic growth is exponential -constant r

How do these climate patterns affect the distribution of organisms on earth. 52.4


4 things that define pop growth

birth death imi emi gratin

Optimal situation for an species

birth rate is as high as possible and death rate is as low as possible.

We as humans have altered the N cycle. The amount of N-ifaxtion from human sources is equal to the amoun of N- fixation from natural sources how

by 1. Industrial produced fertilizers 2. plant development that bear N-fixing bac. 3. The burning of fossil fuels which release no2


change in population size over time

population dynamics

changes in populations through time and space.

6 majot threats to bidiversity define them

climate change, pollution(ocean acidification), habitat loss invasive species, ovexploitation.

The most influencial abiotic determinant on the disrtibuiton of species is the


Pressing global issues

climte change and extinction of species both are influenced by the recent dramatic growth of population of human beings

Sea water has high turbidity? what can cause it? do humans cause erosion

cloudieness caused by sediments, algae Erosion can cause turbidity. . Humns also cause it from farm runoffs or algal blooms caused by nutrients pollution.

what is diff about each biome. the 4 are? and how do they affect what are most important.

each biome has a distinctive set of abiotic conditions characterized by climate usually 1.Temperature- affects enzyme fuction and moisture availability. 2.Moisture- required for life. 3.sunlight-required for photosynthesis. 4-wind- it can make temperature and moisture worse on an area. Temperature and moisture are considered the ost important in determining animal and plant distribution and abundance.

Ecosystems are all linked by global exchange ?

energy and nutrients throughout the biosphere-thin zone of life surrounding the earth.

does energy stay constant as it is passed along? nutrients?

energy constantly dissipates as it flows through ecosystems until it is ultimately lost as heat. Whereas nutrients continue to cycle forever.


generally refers to the ability to reproduce. I

range. what can affect range? why

geographic distribution of organisms - Temperature affects determining the range of organism because it has a profounf effect on the physiology of organisms and the fact that organisms have limitd abilities to regulate hteir own temperature.

rivers ggod bad?

good for nut cycling bas for pollution

- Polulation

group of individuals of the same species living in the same area at the same time

With time n increases to the point where competition for resources or other density dependent factors begins to occur. As a result

growth rate declines

Coral reefs

house symbiotic algae that perform photosynthesis. Warmer water temperatures cause coral to expel their symbiotant parnters this is called coral bleaching. Coral will eventually die of starvation alrming because they produce so much.

green house bass concentraten affects what

how much heat reflects back

evo adaption clmate change

if climate change these adaptions no longer use flu.

is the distribution and abundance affected by a/bitoc factors? or both

independently and the interaction of biotic and abiotic factors simultaneously on a specific specific invasive specie affect their ability to spread more so than if one of the factors acted independently. TExample argentine ants thrive in moist soils and have a harder time expanding their range into dry soils because they are not fit in those abiotic conditions. On top of that their competition native ants are more fit in dry conditions so it is much harder for the invasive species argenine ants to expand when they are not it for the environment (abiotic) and are being out competed by their competition(biotic), at the same time.


intrinsic rate of increase, constant proportion of population added at point in time

Humans have influenced the distribution of species by hunting deforesting etc. -Humans have transported thousands of plants, birds, birds insects and otherspecies aross physical borders to new locations- both purposely and by accident. what can this cause?

invasive species

- Biosphere

is a thin zone surrounding the earth where all life exists- the sum of all life and aquatic ecosystmes.


is fully decayed detrituts it is rich in

Instantaneous growth rate

is not higher than rmax Instantaneous growth is dynaminc


is the study of how organisms interact with eachother and their environment

Permas frost

is very common-soils that are permanently frozen, permafrost limits both release and uptake of nutrients. Unlike deserts the ground is completely covered with plants or lichens.

community structure

is which species exist in the community, is based on biotic interactions and climate but chance and history play a much larger role

how can u think about the affect of the key stone species.

it is good to think about a food web. Because they indirectly affect other species. Food-web network exchange of energy and nutrients among producers and decomposers. Fod webs are only feeding interactions.

Temperate grasslands:

it is too dry for any tree growth. As well as the fact that prairire fires are far too common this cause encroaching tree to not survive. Although dry, plant life is extremely dense, vitually every cm is filled. Above and below ground dense biomass. Althought less productive than forests they are very fertile soils. Temperarure: it is a Temperate zone that means that growth is only possible in spring summer and fall when warmth and misture is adequate Moisture:Conditions are still too hot and dry to support forests. But they are not as extreme in these categories as deserts.

exponential growth of human populations has caused what in terms of land

land use changes.

R is always?

less than or equal to rmax

The logistic growth equation describes

logistic population growth, or change in growth rate tha occur as a function of pop size

coral bleaching

loss of endosymbiant needed for long term survivla

Oceanic zones have low nap why

low NPP they lack river inuts and upwellings. Also organisms die and sink to the bottom so they are out of reach of most other organisms near the surface.

A small n

means the (K-N)/K is close to one and the growt rate should be high. As n gets larger the (K-N)/K gets smaller. When is n = to K then growth stops. This can explain why a population growth slows as it gets closer to its carrying compacity..


move in one direction constantly rivers are strems shallow sunreaches bottom, it is not a cause of species limitations except when turbidity is high they are colder at their start as well as small in width and at therir end the opposite

Subtropical deserts

occur at 30 degrres north and south latitude of the equator. Species adapt to a low aridity and extreme temperatures by growing at a low rate year round. In response to rainfall grow fast. The average productivity for deserts is very low. The plant species have small surface area so they take in less sunlight and undergo less photosynthesis because it takes up energy that is ard to come by in the desert. Think cacti. Temperature in the daytime very hot somethimes in nighttime it can be below freezing. The temperature varies in comparison to tropics. Moisture. Average rainfall is very low

Energy flows when ?

one organism eats another

fitness trade off affect organisms how in terms of adaption? example tolerance to factors.

organisms can only be adapted to a limited set of physical conditions or abiotic factors salinity(saltiness), Each organism has a specific tolerance to abiotic factors.

Competition reduces

other indivs to utilize

why care about why temp and moisture do to biomes

partcuarily researchers are concerned with how temp and moisture affect Net Primary Productivity(NPP) it is calculated by subtracting the amount of fixed C per year by the amount oxidized by cellular repiration.

soil orgo matter

partially decayed detritus

Biogeochemical cycle- starts? ends?

path a nutrient takes as it moves from abiotic systems through producers, consumers decomposers and back againg. Humans disturb this cycle. Butrient cycling It starts with uptake. . By plants and are stored in the plant tissue, if the palnts dies the nutrients are in the detritus, but if it is eaten the nutrients go in to the primary consumers.

The difference between birtha nad death rate per individual is called

per capita rate and is symbolized (r)

why is tundra soil wet

perma causes no water percolation

climate change consequences



place where a organism can live it is suitable for the orgo to live there.

N =

population size; total # of individuals in pop

who does water affect heat.

presence of oceans has moderating affcects on temperature. -water has an extremely high specific heat.- large compacity for storing heat energy when oceans are cooler than the air they absorb heat that is why it is colder near the ocean int te summer. When they are warmer than the air they release it .ike in winter it is warmer near ocean.

rain foist soils

rain forest soils are so nutrient poor due to all of the biomass constantly draining it. th


refer to the increase in average Temperature of the planet. The av temp determins physical chemical and biological processes

Climate change

refers to the sum of all changes in local temp and precip patterns that result from global warming. , can include frequency and intensity of earth extremes stroms, droughts. The effect of climate change depnds on location but is averaged over the entire planet ovet time. Were warmer than a few decades ago.

biomes ? most imortant characterization of the?

regions characterized by distinct abiotic factors as well as dominant types of vegetation. More importantly vegetation


represents the organic matter that is available for organisms to use as food. In terrestrial environments the NPP is measured by measuring the Above ground biomass- the total mass of plants excluding roots. .

an organismal level

researchers explore the morphological, physiological, and behavioral adaptions that allow individuals to live in a particular area. they are concerned with how organisms intact with their environments.

The major abiotic factors that separate streams from the ocean are

salnity, water depth water flow and nutrient availability. Salinity

Primary producers

self synthesize chemical energy for cellular repiration and growth and reproduction

succcesion Primary succession Secondary succession

severe disturbances disturbance removes all or most organisms from an area removes soil, soil organisms and above ground organisms only removes above groung organisms


shallow water where the soil is saturated for part of the year. Indicator plants that grow only in saturated soils give signs that they exist. They have emergent vegetation- plants grow above water. Lakes don't have this. All or most plants get sunlight

Species Richness-

simple count of the number of species present in a community

decomp in tundra

so mch isn't decomposed its too cold.

Islands speciation occurs slowly ?

so the number of species is contingent upon immigration and extinction , Species richness higher on larger islands and islands near shore


some molecules don not brea down efficiently. means these molcules increase in concentration as the move up the trophic levels It begins when primary producers take in these molecules. Primary producers are abundant and they take up a lot of these molecules. Organisms at each trophic level eat about 10grams of tissue that only makes up 1 gram of their own. Since there are many moe primary producers when primary consumer eat producers they concentrate a smaller amount of these pollutants. The pollutant becomes more concentrated as it move up the food chains because they are consuming so much more of it at higher levels. The greater the trophic level the higher the consequences to the top consumers


strng shortlived disruptin to a community that changes the distribution of living or nonliving resources.

Marshes and swamps

swamps have a slow steady water flow. Bogs have depression of no flow. Bogs are o2 low sometime anoxic nd sometimes acidic. Nutrient poor marshes are the exact opposite. Water flow causes the difference. Marhses have lots of things species can use there are mostly grasses. Swamps are dominated by trees and not many species cn survive in swamps and marshes at the same time they don't have adaptions well fittied for both.

Exponential growth

term usually given to the result of positive population growth at a constant rate.

Range of a species is contingent upon

the capacity to survive in climatic conditions, the ability to find food and avoid being eaten, the ability to disperse.

ass we increase latitude we decrease? why

the pattern of the decreasing temperature as we increase latitude is a result of the earths spherical shape.

Per capita birth rate being greater than the per capita death rate means

the pop is growing. The opposite means the pop declines.


the prevailing LONGTERM weather conditions found in an area

if climate change is normal what sthe problem

the rate has increased drastically.

Gross primary productivity

the toatal amount of chemical energy produced in a given area and time perid.

All ecosystem share one characteristic why

the toatla biomass produced each year declines from lower trophic levels up to higher levels Energy that is expended or used by a species cannot be used to make biomass. This happens because most energy is usd in cellular repiration trahter tham growth and reproduction. The amount of biomass produced at the second trophic level must be less than the amount produced in the first trophic level. And also the third is less than the second. Biomass is productivity.

Above ground biomass-

the total mass of plants excluding roots. .

The abiotic/biotic factors that affect organisms are constantly chaning. what can this affect?

these events have an affect on dispersal- the move ment of individuals from their place of origin to the location where they live and breed as adults. Dispersal can introduce new biotic factors

Species stick to their to the resource because

they are best fitted for due to fitness tradeoffs

Ranges are dynamic why?

they are in a constant flux due to abiotic and biotic factors constantly changing Range can be considered

- Global ecology- do humans release things in the biosphere what?

this refers to the biosphere.It is a young field of bio. It focuses on the quiantifacation of the human impacts on the biosphere. Humans release massive amounts of nutrients and energy into the biosphere as well as modifying landscapes. These cause changes in that transcend(to go beyond the range of limits) individual ecosystems.


time between mother first offspring and her daughters fist.

If no immior emigration id occurring then the pops growth rate is equal

to the number of individuals (N) in the population times the difference between the birsth rate per individual (b) and death rate per individual (d)

Ecologists primary goal?

to understand the distribution and abundance organisms.


trap heat the has been radiated from earth and keeps it from being lost in space, Co2 continues to rise

rain forest decamp rate

very fast its warm and moist perfect conditions.

Robert malthus

warned us that the pop cannot continue to increase unckecked. Because competition for resources will eventually slow pop growth. 77 mill added each year.

Potential NPP

what would the NPP be without humans


when icreased c02 levels cause an increase in uptake of it. - meaning global warming should be reduced.

Asymtertic comp depends what?

when one species is a better competitior and the other declines in fitness more they both decline one just does way more. It depends on how much niche overla occurs.

Positive feedback-

when results from warming results in more warming.

Bottom up affect

where primary producers affect the abundance of species in a community. Any factor that limitsphotosynthesis can cause this

.6 degrees is significant

ysbecause of the time scale at which it happened.

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