Finkelman Chapter 7: Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Illness

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The process of managing taxing circumstances

Home Care

The provision of healthcare services in the home

Extended Care

The provision of inpatient skilled nursing care and related services to patients who require medical, nursing, or rehabilitative services.


Two or more individuals who depend on one another for emotional, physical, and/or financial support

Case Management

A system of management that facilitates effective care delivery and outcomes for patients through structured care coordination


The ability to cope with stress


The people and their relationships that use common services and share specific space environment

Stress Management

Strategies used to cope with stress to alter bodily or mental tension; reducing the negative impact of stress, improving health, and developing health-promoting behaviors


Study of factors influencing frequency and distribution of disease/injuries, etc.

Episodic Care

Aims to cure illness

Palliative Care

Care focused on alleviating symptoms and meeting the special needs of the terminally ill patient and the family

Continuum of Care

Care services available to assist an individual throughout the course of his or her disease; Goal: to decrease fragmented care and costs; Provide appropriate level of care at right time

Care Coordination

Establishment and support of continuous healing relationship, enabled by an integrated clinical environment and characterized by a proactive delivery of evidence-based care and follow-up


Group of people with something in common, such as a disease, age, ethnic group, where they live and so on

Occupational Health Care

Health promotion, disease and illness prevention, and treatment; includes attention to the risks of illness and injury within the work environment

Tertiary Prevention

Interventions used to stop development of disease; includes interventions that are used to maintain health before illness occurs; occurs when there is disability and the need to maintain or, if possible, improve functioning

Determinants of Health

Physical, Social determinants, Physical Environment, Individual Behavior, Health services


Someone who provides care to another; not a healthcare professional


The restoration of, or improvement of, an individual's health and functionality

Informational Continuity

The use of information on past events and personal circumstances to make current care appropriate for each individual

Continuity of Care

"The degree to which a series of discrete events is experienced as coherent and connected and consistent with the patient's medical needs and personal context"

Health Literacy

"the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic information and services needed to make appropriate decisions regarding their health."

National Prevention Strategy

1. Build safe and healthy community environments 2. Expand preventive services in community and clinical settings 3. Empower people to make healthy choices 4. Eliminate health disparities

Healthy Community

A community that embraces the belief that health is more than merely an absence of disease


A complex experience felt internally that makes a person feel a loss or threat of a loss; bodily or mental tension

Management Continuity

A consistent and coherent approach to the management of a health condition that is responsive to a patient's changing needs

Long-Term Care

A continuum of broad-ranged maintenance and health services delivered to the chronically ill, disabled, and the elderly

Chronic Disease

A disease that a person experiences long term that affects the person's quality of life

Primary Care Provider

A healthcare provider who is the first contact for a patient at the entry point of care and who they may manage overall care for the patient; examples of providers are physicians and advanced practice registered nurses

Hospice Care

A philosophy of care for managing symptoms and supporting quality of life as long as possible for the terminally ill

Vulnerable Population

A population at risk for medical or other problems


A sickness or disease of the mind or body

Health Disparity

An inequality or in healthcare services that exists between two or more groups

Relational Continuity

An ongoing therapeutic relationship between a patient and one or more providers

Community Preparedness

Ability of communities to prepare for, withstand, and. recover — in both the short and long terms — from public health incidents

Disease Management

An approach to management of chronic diseases that emphasizes use of interprofessional teams with expertise in the specific disease use of evidence-based clinical guidelines, clear descriptions of interventions and procedures and application of recommended timelines, patient support and education, and measurement outcomes

Acute Illness

An illness of short duration with limited impact on the person

Secondary Caregiver

Assistant who helps home patients with intermittent activities such as shopping, transportation, home repairs, getting bills paid, emergency support and so forth


Cooperative effort among healthcare providers, staff, and multiple organizations who work together to accomplish a common mission

Healthy People 202 Social Determinants of Health

Economic Stability; Education; Health and Health Care; Neighborhood and Built Environment; Social and Community Context

Health Promotion

Effort to stop the development of disease by emphasizing wellness; includes treatment to prevent a disease from progressing further and causing complications

Quadruple Aim

Enhancing Patient Experience, Improving Population Health, Reducing Costs, Improving Provider Work Life

Disease Prevention

Focuses on interventions to stop the development of disease, but also includes treatment to prevent disease from progressing further and leading to complications. The major levels of prevention are primary, secondary and tertiary.

Primary Prevention

Interventions used to stop development of disease; includes interventions that are used to maintain health before illness occurs

Secondary Prevention

Interventions used to stop development of disease; includes interventions that are used to maintain health before illness occurs; occurs when a person is asymptomatic but after disease has begun

Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Not presently considered part of conventional medicine

Triple Aim

Population Health, Experience of Care, Per Capita Cost

Goals for Chronic Care

Self manage disease and control symptoms; Maximize function and quality of life; Delay deterioration; Support caregivers as well


The state of well-being; free from disease


The systematic provision of education and supportive interventions to increase patients' skills and confidence in managing their own health problems, including regular assessment of progress and problems, goal-setting, and problem-solving approaches

Acute Care

Treatment of a severe medical condition that is of short duration or at a crisis level

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