First Test Assignments

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The primary functions of performance management include

1. Guiding employee training and development 2. Communicating the employee behavior that is being sought 3. Making decisions related to employees such as pay raises

Fundamental characteristics of action plans include

1. Incorporating specific time limits 2. Being specific about what will be achieved 3. Focusing on results

Reinforcement theory states that you can:

1. Increase desired behaviors by providing pleasing consequences 2. Strengthen desired behaviors by withdrawing a displeasing consequence

The benefits of managing emails well include:

1. Increased teamwork 2. Reduced costs of distributing information

The Darwinian perspective attributes deference sin interpersonal communication styles for:

1. Inherited biological differences between the sexes 2. Different drives, needs, and conflicts between men and women 3. Gender differences associated with reproductive strategies

It is important to recall that the meaning of nonverbal cues:

1. Is different in various cultures 2. Is dependent on context and culture 3. Is subjective

Research has found it is important to use two-way communication and to follow up after disciplinary acts because

1. It is affected by the supervisor's use of apologies and explanations 2. It is perceived differently based on the sex of the person delivering it 3. It is perceived differently based on the cultural characteristics of the person delivering it

Which of the following describe a highly complex situation?

1. It lacks clarity 2. It is difficult to analyze

Two examples of behavior goals are

1. Listen tot others during meetings without interrupting 2. Communicate progress clearly to others in my work group

The negative impacts of social media use by employees at their workplace include:

1. Losing productivity 2. Providing an advantage to a competitor

Social media has eroded privacy and it is important to recognize that your reputation and your employer's can be damaged in the following ways:

1. Loss of employment or business 2. Social stigma 3. Legal action

A recent McKinsey survey revealed that which of the following were more valued as motivators than financial incentives?

1. Lunch with leaders 2. Chances to lead market research 3. Notes from immediate managers

Which of the following are aspects of both effective performance management and employee engagement?

1. Making expectations clear 2. Offering consistent feedback 3. Looking for ways to help employees be successful

Examples of pay for performance rewards include

1. Merit pay 2. Bonuses

The functions of feedback are to

1. Motivate 2. Instruct

As a manager, knowing the types of rewards others value most in an organization can help you to

1. Motivate others using rewards they value 2. Identify employers with whom you fit

The drawbacks for organizations of e-mails that are not managed well include:

1. Neglect of other media 2. Wasted time and effort 3. Increased costs to store, organize, and monitor

Which of the following are reasons that people do not retain what they hear?

1. Noise 2. Personal listening style

Which of the following can be a source of noise?

1. Nonverbal communication 2. A loud environment 3. Handwriting that is hard to read

Managers can support employees goal achievement by

1. Offering needed training 2. Paying attention to employees reward preferences 3. Supplying timely and task-specific feedback

Components of the performance management process includes:

1. Overseeing performance 2. Creating consequences 3. Defining expectations

Total rewards offered by an organization may include:

1. Personal growth opportunities such as training 2. Compensation such as base pay and other monetary incentives 3. Benefits such as health and wellness and retirement funds

Examples of nonverbal communication include:

1. Posture 2. Eye contact 3. Touching

Some examples of intrinsic rewards include:

1. Providing donations to a food cupboard 2. Completing quarterly financial statements without errors

Which of the following should be done to be an effective listener?

1. Put in the effort 2. Focus on message content 3. Be motivated

The factors that affect perceptions of feedback include:

1. Reasonable goals or standards 2. Accuracy of the feedback 3. Fairness of the system

Which of the following are desired outcomes of an organization's reward system?

1. Retain talented people 2. Foster personal growth 3. Attract and motivate talented people

The three common sources of feed back are:

1. Self 2. Others 3. Tasks

List the steps in the communication process in order:

1. Sender encodes a message 2. Message is transmitted through a medium 3. Receiver decodes the message 4. Receiver sends feedback through a medium

Executives and high-level managers are able to get more accurate feedback about their own performance if they

1. Separate feedback form the performance review process 2. Seek it by creating an open, honest environment 3. Collect feedback anonymously

Effective feedback can be see in organization to

1. Share information about work quality 2. Ensure agreement on expectations 3. Give a road map to success

SMART goals are those that include which of the following characteristics?

1. Specific 2. Time bound 3. Results oriented

In Asian cultures, eye contact is avoided to demonstrate

1. Submissiveness 2. Deference

When people communicate, they do which of the following?

1. They take part in a process that involves two parties 2. They decipher the information they exchange 3. They process the information they exchange

Tips for handling e-mail effectively include:

1. Using a spell checker 2. Being professional and courteous

Among the "don'ts" of providing feedback are:

1. Using feedback to embarrass or humiliate an employee 2. Providing very complex feedback that is difficult to understanding

Which of the following actions are needed to be empathetic?

1. Using observations about others' feelings in communications with them 2. Noticing others' emotions

Undesirable behavior can be reduced by

1. Using punishment 2. Ignoring it

Although most employers rely on fixed interval reinforcement schedules, some examples of effective variable rewards include:

1. Variable bonuses for achieving major goals 2. Spot rewards 3. Celebrations of milestones

The reinforcement schedules that can produce the strongest behavior that is most resistant to extinction include

1. Variable ratio schedules 2. Variable interval schedules

Researchers estimate that typical listeners only retain 20-50 percent of what they hear because

1. We think faster than people speak 2. We may not be motivated to make the effort to listen 3. Underutilized cognitive processes lead to daydreaming

Which of the following describe the instructional function of feedback?

1. When new behaviors are taught 2. When roles are made more clear

Which of the following describes the instructional function of feedback?

1. When roles are made more clear 2. When new behaviors are taught

Which of the following describe when feedback is motivational?

1. When there is promise of a reward 2. When it is a reward

The antecedents of defensive behavior include words or body language such as:

1. You need to 2. You always

Discussions between two or more people become crucial conversations when:

1. emotions are strong 2. Opinions vary 3. The stakes are high

Rating an employee average on all dimensions is called

Central tendency

Communication can be defined as a transaction that is


Explain what information can and cannot be shared online and provide an approval process is called

Clarify what is confidential

A significant difference exists between generations in the norms about the use of ____________


Feedback is only positive or negative when

Compared to a goal

If a target behavior is rewarded every time it occurs, then it is a

Continuous reinforcement schedule

Jordan sells on commission and is paid for every sale. This is an example of a

Continuous reinforcement schedule

Open lines of communication employees can use without retaliation is called

Create safe channels for employees to voice concerns

Trust the person delivering the feedback to be honest is

Credibility of the source

When a message in interpreted, which of the following is taking place?


Crossing your legs can send a nonverbal message of


The first step in the goal-setting process is to

Define clear goals

More of what is desired such as achieving sales goals is

Desired outcome

Body language includes lack of eye contact, slouching, and inattention is called


Results, behaviors, actions, and nonperformance factors such as equity are examples of

Distribution criteria for rewards

Writing a message, before determining whether to deliver it via Twitter or Facebook, is an example of


Make it safe for others to share their opposing views. Find a mutual purpose?

Encourage testing

An example of a project goal is

Finish the productivity reports for the end

Bi-weekly paychecks

Fixed interval

Piece rate pay is

Fixed ratio

Which of the following is added to oral communication because of nonverbal communication?


Expectations and norms about communications differ across


It is important to provide clear guidance on ho to improve performance when:

Giving both positive and negative feedback

Rating an employee high arose all dimensions because they dress well is called


the physical component of listening is


It is important to monitor progress toward goal achievement in order to

Identify problems while pursuing a goal

According to Jim Boomer, a professional service firm consultant, employees will go through the motions, but won't buy into a firm's performance management system:

If senior managers don't also hold themselves accountable for their goals.

An example of an objective goal is

Increase sales by 10%

Involving employees in the design, selection, and assessment of reward systems:

Increases their effectiveness as motivators

Which of the following exemplifies a performance goal?

Increasing sales by 10% in a period

Effective feedback includes which of the following?


Media that is more rich results in which of the following outcomes?

Information is better communicated

Fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval are four subcategories of ___________ reinforcement schedules.


Reinforcement of some, but not all instances of a target behavior is ___________ Reinforcement.


Reflect what is said and partially participate is called


Which of the following can serve as a message foundation?


Rating an employee high across all dimensions regardless of actual performance is called


The process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages is


Providing your boss with upward feedback is known as

Managing up

The capacity of a given medium to convey information and promote understanding is

Media richness

Method of communicating the message is the


Information is called the


Which of the following is a benefit of nonverbal communication?

More accurate interpretation of a message

Nonperformance considerations are

Nature of the work

Jamie is on time for work every day now because her manager yelled at her when she was late. Now that she is on time, her manager doesn't yell at her. This is an example of

Negative reinforcement

Anything that interferes with the transmission and understanding of a message is


Interference with the message is called


When there is physical distance, the misunderstanding of a message occurs because of


No sales in sales goal achievements is called


Which of the following can be equally effective as monetary rewards?

One-on-one time with top leadership

Skinner labeled behavior that is learned when one acts on the environment to produce desired consequences ___________ behavior.


Inform employees that they are responsible for what they post, on the job behavior, and when they are representing the company is called

Outline consequences for violations

Repeat back what you just heard someone say is called


Assume the speaker is responsible for the interaction is


The term linguistic style primarily describes a

Pattern of speaking

The monetary incentives that link a portion of pay directly to results or accomplishments is

Pay for performance

The monetary incentives that link a portion of pay directly to results or accomplishments are known as _____ for _______________.

Pay, performance

A process that defines expectations, evaluates performance against the expectations, and ensures consequences is ____________ _______________.

Performance management

The performance evaluation method known as 360-degree feedback is useful because it:

Provides performance evaluation from peers, subordinates, and managers

The process of weakening an undesired behavior by the contingent presentation of something displeasing or the withdrawal of something positive is


Nobody has ever reached the goal and received the bonus is

Reasonableness of the goals

The person or group for whom the message is intended is the


Rating gan employee low for the year based on one late report at the end of the year is called


Skinner concluded that behavior is

Respondent and operant

The step in the performance management process when feedback and coaching are delivered

Reviewing performance

Person who wants to communicate information is called


The acronym SMART refers to which step in the goal-setting process?

Setting goals

Start with the least controversial elements that support what you want is called

Share your facts

Give the speaker the opportunity to explain his/her ideas is called

Show respect

The theory that there is a purposeful if then link between a target behavior and a consequence is

Skinner's operant theory

Integrate or consolidate an entire conversation is called


You're telling a story, not stating facts. Facts first, then add the impact on you via your story is called?

Talk tentatively

Behavior is


Describe how you've arrived where you are and what you'd like to see change and why is called

Tell your story

Consideration, benefits, and personal growth opportunities are all part of an organization's:

Total rewards

Employee provide unrealistic delivery dates to increase sales is called

Undesired side-effects

Pop quizzes are

Variable interval

In which of the following cultures are children taught to maintain eye contact with their parents?


Which of the following is the fourth step in implementing a goal-setting program?

Writing an action plan

Research has found that pay for performance

has a modest impact on performance quantity

Results are


Feedback is more likely to be acted upon when it is seen as instrumental to achieving a __________ or __________ outcome

valued, important

Slot machines are

variable ratio

A performance based index of an individual's abilities to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context is communication


The key sources of nonverbal messages include?

1. Gestures 2. Facial expressions 3. Touch

Women's communication styles are more likely to include

1. Giving tactful feedback 2. Sharing credit for success

An important factor in the perception of feedback is the fundamental ________ bias


Exit interviews provide:

1. Accurate information about why employees leave 2. Guidance on what an organization does well 3. Guidance on what an organization needs to improve

Which of the following are aspects of a learning goal?

1. Adding to a skill set 2. Learning new knowledge

Which of the following are media through which a message can be communicated?

1. An in person discussion 2. A text message 3. A phone call

SMART goals are those that include which of the following characteristics

1. Attainable 2. Measurable 3. Specific

Negative feedback should be administered carefully to

1. Avoid damaging self-efficacy 2. Avoid creating defensiveness

Which of the following statements are true of Thorndike's law of effect?

1. Behaviors with unfavorable consequences tend to disappear 2. Behaviors with favorable consequences tend to be repeated

The characteristics of effective coaching include

1. Being developmental 2. Specific performance goals

Commitment to goals can be promoted by

1. Breaking them down into smaller or intermediate goals 2. Imagining how you will feel when you achieve them

Which of the following promote goal commitment?

1. Creating a record of your goals 2. Giving yourself a reward for making progress on your goals

Components of the performance management process include:

1. Creating consequence 2. Overseeing performance 3. Defining expectations

Rank the steps in a performance management system with the first step on top and the last on the bottom

1. Define performance 2. Evaluate performance 3. Review performance 4. Give consequences

Problems for employers resulting from social media can be prevented or reduced by developing a policy that:

1. Describes who, how, and when social media can be used 2. Describes the purposes for which social media can be used 3. States the consequences for noncompliance of social media usage

List the four steps in the goal-setting process with the first step at the top and the last step on the bottom

1. Determine goals 2. Encourage goal commitment 3. Give support 4. Form an action plan

The key components of an organizational reward system include:

1. Distribution criteria 2. Desired outcomes 3. Types of rewards

In oral communication, which of the following are more clearly understood because of nonverbal communication?

1. Emotions 2. Attitudes

It is possible to improve communications between the sexes and generations by

1. Employing a variety of communication media 2. Avoiding assumptions based on sex or age

Which of the following is an aspect of a performance management process function

1. Explaining the reason to terminate employment 2. Locating a need for employee development

Arrange the media in the list with the richest on top

1. Face to Face conversations 2. Telephone conversations 3. Email blasts

Which of the following are factors that can affect the richness of a media?

1. Feedback's speed 2. The media type 3. The message's channel

Which of the following statements about social media are correct?

1. Formal policies and procedures about social media are needed in organizations 2. Social media can benefit an organization if used correctly 3. Social media can create many legal, financial, and personal risks if not managed well.

List the TED five step protocol for effective presentations with the first step at the top:

1. Frame your story 2. Plan your delivery 3. Develop your stage presence 4. Plan your multimedia 5. Put it together

A performance goal is related to:

Achieving a defined outcome

Motivated, give full attention, and participate is called


Measure the right things in the right way is


Male communication styles are more___________ and they often hide their ____________

Aggressive, emotions

Talk "with", not "at" others, Create dialog. Don't be accusatory. Use "I" instead of "you"? is called

Ask for other's facts and stories

Defensiveness occurs when people believe they are being __________ or threatened.


Don't try to anticipate what will be said next or what you will say is called

Be mindful

Comparing actual performance to a previously set goal is the step in the performance management process called:

Evaluating performance

Explain what information is proprietary, trademarked, and copyrighted is called?

Explain what is considered illegal

Weakening a behavior by not reinforcing it or ignoring it is


True or False: Feedback can only occur when the original receiver expresses a reaction to the sender's message


True or False: Goal setting is most effective when it is general and open ended enough for flexibility


Only family members receive pay raises is

Fairness of the system

A customized process between two or more people with the intention of enhancing learning and motivation change is


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