Five Guys ServSafe

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

CHAPTER 2: Forms of Contamination


CHAPTER 3: The Safe Food Handler


Chapter 10: Cleaning and Sanitizing


Chapter 1: Providing Safe Food


Chapter 5: Purchasing, Receiving and Storage


Chapter 6: Preparation


Chapter 7: Service


Chapter 8: Food Safety Management Systems


Chapter 9: Safe Facilities and Pest Management


take home containers

-Must be designed to be reused -Must be provided by the food establishment -Must be cleaned and sanitized properly before refilling

Microwave cooking

-Stir/Rotate halfway through cooking process -Let stand two minutes when done to even temps -Check temps in two places

Reject Food if

-packaging is damaged (tears, holes or punctures) -cans are missing labels, bulging, swollen, rusty or dented -product is leaking or seals are broken -product dates are expired -frozen food shows ice crystals or water stains -temp of product not correct


0-220 Measures tip to dimple through stem

HAACP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)

1. Conduct a hazard analysis 2. Determine critical control points CCPs 3. Establish critical limits 4. Establish monitoring procedures 5. Identify corrective actions 6. Verify that the system works 7. Establish procedures for record keeping and documentation

Cooling Time

135 to 70 in 2 hours (could be 1) 70 - 41 in 4 hours (could be 5) Total of 6 hours

Cooking Temps ("Please Give Safe Food!")

165 - Poultry, stuffed meat, reheating 155 - Ground meat, ground seafood injected meat, emu/ostrich), eggs LATER 145 - Seafood & Steaks (Pork, beef, veal, lamb, eggs NOW) 135 - Fruits, Veggies, Grains 15 seconds of holding at temp Roasts are 145 for 4 mins

Hand washing

20 seconds total 100F water Towel to turn off hand sani dont cut it

Proper delivery temps

41 or lower = all cold food 45 or lower = shucked shellfish, surface temp of live shellfish, milk & eggs Live shellfish must not have internal temp of over 50 All foods must be 41 or below in 4 hours Shellfish need shellstock ID tags (keep 90 days) 145 for all hot food


6 in off ground Leave room for air, don't overpack Use durable, leak proof, sealable/coverable containers Food is stored: RTE, Seafood Whole cuts Ground meat Whole poultry Always use spaces intended for food storage

Date Marking

All food date marked is to be kept 24 hour RTE stored at 41 or lower for 7 days When combining use closest date FIFO - First in first out


All food must be labeled with a common name and date marking if not in OG container Food packaged on-site for retail sales must have a common name, qty of food, list of ingredients, list of all additives name of MFR, packager, or distributor Source of major food alergen

Always use ____ & ___ suppliers

Approved and reliable


Assure Look Employees Reports Threat


Bimetallic Thermocouples and Thermistors Infrared

3 Ways to contaminate food

Biological, chemical, physical

Physical Contaminates

Bones & obvious items like plastic

When holding food to temp

Check temperatures at least every 4 hours


Cooking does not kill grows in food but needs human/animal host

Preventing Time-Temperature Abuse

Danger zone is 41-135 Bacteria grows fastest 70-125 Only prep what you need Always monitor temps

Common symptoms of foodborne illness

Diarrhea, vomiting, fever, nausea, abdominal cramps,

Vomitting and diarrhea

EXCLUDE no exceptions 24hr after symptoms or doctor note Strict cleaning & sanitizing


Exclude Report to health authority return after 7 days & doc note


Farm animals Produce No cross-contamination & cook to temp


Flies and water contaminated by animals wash hands causes diarrhea

Bacteria needs FATTOM

Food Acidity (4.5-7ph) Temperature (45-135) Time Oxygen (sometimes) Moisture

Cooling Methods

Food cools quickly in small qty in shallow container Ice bath or stir with paddle or blast chiller Keep lid loose for further cooking

Never reserve

Food returned by one customer to another customer Uncovered condiments Uneaten bread Plate garnishes

E. coli

Ground Beef, Contam produce cook to tmps use approved supplies prevent cross-contam

Thawing (4 Methods)

In cooler at 41 or lower (Best) Submerged in running water at 70 or below In microwave if its going to be cooked right after Thaw as part of cooking


Inspects all food the USDA doesnt, cross state lines, published food code


Inspects meat, poultry, and eggs. crosses state boundaries


Less common than bacteria and virus Seafood, Wild game, food processed w contam water cook properly & buy from reputable supplier

TCS (time & temp controlled) Foods

Milk & Dairy, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish & crustaceans, baked potatoes, heat treated plant food, tofu & soy proteins, sprouts & sprout seeds, slices melons, tomatoes, cut leafy greens, untreated garlic and oil mixtures


Milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, soy, wheat


Must be washed Do not mix produce in the ice bath/wash Melons, tomatoes, & leafy greens do not need to be at temp until cut (41-)

Preset tableware

Must be wrapped or covered if present Must be removed when no guests are sat or cleaned and sanitized when they leave

When holding HOT food without temperature control

No longer than 4 hours Started at 135 or higher Dated label identifying when to toss it tossed after 4 hours

Variances (Docs which waive requirments

Packaging Juice on site Smoking food to preserve it Using food additives to eliminate time-temp Curing food Custom processing animals for personal use ROP (Includes MAP, vacuum packed & sous vide) Sprouting seeds or beans Live shellfish from a display tank

Chemical Contaminants

Pewter, copper, zinc cooking equipment Cleaners, first aid items, beauty products, etc. (anything not food)


Produced in plants & mushrooms Tuna, bonito, mahi mahi Ciguatera toxin Barracuda, snapper, grouper, amberjack causes diarrhea, vomiting, hot/cold flashes, tingling extremidied, flushness, hives, hard to breath, heart fast

Hep A

RTE & shellfish wash hands causes jaundice


RTE & shellfish wash hands causes vomit & diarrhea


Reduced Oxygen Packaging If sated "must remain frozen" unwrap and thaw in cooler or thaw in packaging with running water

Handling sore throat with fever

Restrict from food / exclude serving Doctors note needed to return


Sneeze guards 7' back, 14" tall Always use a clean plate for seconds Never use ice if it was used to cool food Labels must mark bulk foods if there is a health claim otherwise, as long as it was produced with the same company it is not needed

When holding COLD food without temperature control

Started at 41- Never above 70 Dated label indicating discard time Tossed after 6 hours

5 ways food becomes unsafe

Time temperature abuse Cross contamination Personal hygiene Poor cleaning and sanitizing Buying from unapproved sources

To prevent cross contamination

Use separate equipment Clean and sanitize Prep food at efficient times Buy prepared food


Uses a lazer to read temp, cannot work through a clear surface

_____ ____ every delivery immediately when it arrives

Visually inspect

Thermometer Guidelines

Wash & Sanitize after every use Recalibrate every shift & drop Must be +/- 2* or 3* Glass therm need a case Check temps in 2 spots in food

Always have gloves unless

Washing produce & handling RTE ingredients intended for a cooked dish

Only allowable jewelry is a

band ring

Do not ____ or ____ gloves

blow into or roll

Infected wound on hand is

covered with a bandage and a single use glove

Partial cooking

do not cook longer than 60 minutes cool food immediately, freeze/refrigerate after cooling heat properly before selling/serving Raw or undercooked items must have Consumer Advisory listed Never serve raw or undercooked ingredients to a high-risk population


do not inspect, only research outbreaks

State and local regulatory authorities

ie health dept inspects and enforces locally investigates complaints issues licenses, permits, and approves HACCP

Salmonella typhi

in bloodstream & intestines from RTE foods Wash hands & cook to temp to kill

Never _____ with additives overwraps or lights

misrepresent food

No aprons on when

not in food prep area

Examples of Food Safety Management Systems

o Personal hygiene program o Food safety training o Supplier selection and specification program o Quality control and assurance programs o Cleaning and sanitation program o Standard operating procedures (SOPs) o Facility design and equipment maintenance program o Pest-control program

use pasteurized eggs if they are to be ____ then cook or store at 41-



ready to eat

An illness is an outbreak when

two or more people have the same symptoms and ate the same food an investigation by state and local regulators confirmed in a lab

Thermocouples and Thermistors

uses the tip of the probe Immersion Probe - liquids Surface Probe - flat cooking equipment Penetration Probe - internal temp of food Aire Probe - in coolers and overs


yeasts, mold, mushrooms likes high acid low moisture

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