FNDH 400 final

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Describe in detail how the active form of vitamin D increases calcium absorption.

1,25(OH)2D moves into nucleus of the enterocyte where it binds to vitamin D receptor (VDR), which is dimerized with RXR on the vitamin D response element of the calbindin gene, which increases transcription of mRNA. mRNA moves into the cytoplasm to synthesize calbindin protein, increasing calbindin protein levels. Calbindin is a calcium binding protein that facilitates uptake and transports of calcium, thereby increasing calcium absorption.

A) during a fast, what would the adipose be secreting? B) What hormone is stimulating this action?

A) Fatty acids B) Glucagon

T/F Dermatologists are not supportive of sensible sun exposure to increase vitamin D synthesis, because it is not consistent with their safe sun recommendations.


T/F Pantothenic acid is used to form coenzyme A (CoA).


T/F The major point of debate about whether to allow golden rice to be made available is about the safety and justification for genetically modified foods/crops.


Briefly describe why night blindness may occur in people without adequate amounts of a micronutrient that you learned about in this exam section.

11-cis-retinal, combines with opsin to form rhodopsin. Rhodopsin, when hit by light, is converted back to opsin and all-trans retinal and causes a signal to be sent to the brain which leads to image formation. All-trans retinal is recycled back to 11-cis retinal, but this is not a 100% efficient process. Rhodopsin levels are increased under conditions of dim light, thus if there's not enough vitamin A available to make rhodopsin beyond what is recycled, night blindness can occur.

You know a vegan female friend that is hoping to get pregnant soon who knows you are in the class and has some questions about some micronutrients of importance to her. A) Which micronutrient that you learned about in this exam section has been fortified into the food supply to try to prevent adverse birth outcomes? Briefly describe why this has been done (3 points). B) Which micronutrient that you learned about in this exam section is important that she not supplement too much with while pregnant? Briefly describe why it is a concern (3 points). C) Which micronutrient that you learned about in this exam section is her child likely to receive shortly after birth? Briefly describe why it is provided (3 points). D) Which two micronutrients you learned about in this exam section might be of particular concern if her child is going to consume a vegan diet. Briefly describe why they are of concern (4 points)?

A) Folic acid. It is added refined cereals and grains so that women of reproductive age get folate levels needed to reduce their risk of neural tube defects. B) Vitamin A. Too high of supplemental levels can be teratogenic, meaning it can cause birth defects. C) Vitamin K. All newborns receive an injection of it within 6 hours of birth because there is poor transfer across the placental barrier, their gastrointestinal tracts do not contain vitamin K producing bacteria, and breast milk is low in vitamin K. D) Iron - because the child would only be consuming non-heme iron, which isn't as bioavailable as heme iron. The DRI committee suggested that vegans might need to consume more iron as a result. Vitamin B12 - Because except for a few exceptions, it is only found in animal food products, which the child would not be consuming.

What alternative sweetener is a concern for individuals with PKU? Why is it a concern for those with PKU?

Aspartame. It is a concern because it is broken down into phenylalanine, which is an amino acid hat individuals with PKU need to limi because they can't metabolize I and it can lead to adverse effects if consumed at too high levels

Name the components of pancreatic juice. What is the function of these compnents?

Bicarbonate and digestive enzymes. Bicarbonate helps to neutralize the acidic chyme that enters the duodenum. Most of the digestive enzymes active in the small intestine are provided by pancreatic juice. Thus, without it digestion of macronutrients would not occur.

Name the only macronutrient that is digested to any great extent in the mouth and the enzyme responsible for this action

Carbohydrates, Salivary amylase

Why are not all compounds that are taken up into enterocytes eventually absorbed?

Enterocytes are sloughed off, meaning that what compounds are within them are not absorbed

What were factors A and B in early nutrition? Why are there so many B vitamins and why aren't the numbers in sequential order?

Factor A was the early precursor to vitamin A; factor B was the early precursor of the B vitamins. They found that factor B consisted of multiple compounds that lead to the expansion of a number of B vitamins. Some B vitamins were discovered and then abandoned, which is why they aren't in sequential order.

T/F Beano contains an enzyme that cleaves the beta bonds in fiber thereby increasing the fermentation by the microbiota in the colon decreasing gas production that can lead to flatulence.

False, Beano contains an enzyme that cleaves the ALPHA 1-6 BONDS in OLIGOSACCHARIDES thereby DECREASING the fermentation by the microbiota in the colon decreasing gas production that can lead to flatulence.

T/F Bile, which is produced by the pancreas and concentrated in the liver, helps neutralize acidic chyme as it enters the duodenum

False, Bile, which is produced by the LIVER and concentrated in the GALLBLADDER, HELPS EMULSIFY LIPIDS

T/F Consuming a low fiber diet increases your risk of developing gallstones and diverticulosis/diverticulitis

False, Consuming a low fiber diet increases your risk of developing HEMORRHOIDS and diverticulosis/diverticulitis

T/F Consuming high amounts of white rice can lead to pitting edema, a symptom of wet beriberi from deficient riboflavin intake.

False, Consuming high amounts of white rice can lead to pitting edema, a symptom of wet beriberi from deficient THIAMIN intake.

T/F Consuming large amounts of raw eggs whites could be problematic for nicotinic acid, because the nicotinic acid receptor found in it binds to it and prevent its absorption.

False, Consuming large amounts of raw eggs whites could be problematic for BIOTIN, because the AVIDIN receptor found in it binds to it and prevent its absorption.

T/F Consuming more good cholesterol (HDL) is a good way to decrease your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, because it combats the development of atherosclerosis.

False, Consuming more good cholesterol (HDL) is NOT good way to decrease your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, because IT IS A TRANSPORTER AND NOT SOMETHING THAT IS CONSUMED. HDL DOES NOT COMBAT THE DEVELOPMENT OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS

T/F Different than the PDCAAS, the DIAAS uses ill vs total digestibility, a single reference pattern, and is truncated.

False, Different than the PDCAAS, the DIAAS uses ill vs total digestibility, MULTIPLE reference pattern, and is NOT truncated.

T/F Eicosaniods produced from fatty acids elongated from the omega-6 essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid are more inflammatory than those produced from fatty acids elongated from the essential omega-3 fatty acid Linoleic acid

False, Eicosaniods produced from fatty acids elongated from the omega-3 essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid are LESS inflammatory than those produced from fatty acids elongated from the essential omega-6 fatty acid Linoleic acid

T/F Foam cells, red blood cells that take up a lot of VLDL/oxidized VLDL, when they die form a fatty streak in arteries that contribute to atherosclerosis

False, Foam cells, WHITE blood cells that take up a lot of LDL/oxidized LDL, when they die form a fatty streak in arteries that contribute to atherosclerosis

T/F Following digestion of starch, glucose and fructose would be the products left for uptake into the enterocyte

False, Following digestion of starch, GLUCOSE would be the products left for uptake into the enterocyte

T/F Glycogenolysis is he anabolic synthesis of glycogen from glucose, gluconeogenesis is the catabolic synthesis of glucose to pyruvate

False, GlycoGENESIS is he anabolic synthesis of glycogen from glucose, GLYCOLYSIS is the catabolic BREAKDOWN of glucose to pyruvate

T/F Individuals with Chron's disease need to avoid consuming gluten, which is found in rice products.

False, Individuals with CELIAC disease need to avoid consuming gluten, which is found in WHEAT products.

T/F Insulin resistance is common in type 1 diabetes, because insulin binds to the insulin receptors but GLUT 2 does not move to the cells surface to allow glucose uptake.

False, Insulin resistance is common in type 2 diabetes, because insulin binds to the insulin receptors but GLUT 4 does not move to the cells surface to allow glucose uptake.

T/F LDL is larger, less dense and more cholesterol-rich than VLDL from having accumulated more cholesterol during its formation

False, LDL is SMALLER, MORE dense and more cholesterol-rich than VLDL from having TRIGLYCERIDES CLEAVED during its formation

T/F Leucine is metabolized to acetoacetyl-CoA, it is thus is classified as glycogenic and ketogenic amino acid.

False, Leucine is metabolized to acetoacetyl-CoA, it is thus is classified as KETOGENIC amino acid.

T/F Nicotinamide supplementation decreases cardiovascular disease risk. Binding of nicotinamide to its receptor mediates niacin flush and improvements in a person's blood lipid profile.

False, NICOTINIC ACID supplementation DOES NOT decreases cardiovascular disease risk. Binding of NICOTINIC ACID to its receptor mediates niacin flush BUT NOT improvements in a person's blood lipid profile.

T/F Fermenable, viscous fiber is he best option to increase in someone wanting to increase their stool bulk to decrease their fecal transit time

False, NONFermenable, NONviscous fiber is he best option to increase in someone wanting to increase their stool bulk to decrease their fecal transit time

T/F People with PKU need to avoid foods containing acefulfame-K because they have a mutation in tyrosine hydroxylase.

False, People with PKU need to avoid foods containing ASPARTAME because they have a mutation in PHENYLALANINE HYDROXYLASE

T/F Pyridoxine deficiency can result in megaloblastic, macrocytic anemia because it is needed for cells to divide normally.

False, Pyridoxine deficiency can result in MICROCYTIC, HYPOCHROMIC anemia because it is NOT AVAILABLE FOR HEME SYNTHESIS

T/F Saccharine is similar in structure to sucrose, the only difference being chlorines that replace alcohols groups

False, SUCRALOSE is similar in structure to sucrose, the only difference being chlorines that replace alcohols groups

T/F Selenium deficiency leads to increased antioxidant selenoenzymes, the resulting decreased oxidative stress prevents the coxsackie virus from mutating and become more virulent and causing the heart pathology typically seen in Keshan disease.

False, Selenium deficiency leads to DECREASED antioxidant selenoenzymes, the resulting INCREASED oxidative stress CAUSING the coxsackie virus from mutating and become more virulent and causing the heart pathology typically seen in Keshan disease.

T/F Since fructose in sucrose is bonded to glucose, it will result in less free fructose available for uptake than the free fructose found in high fructose corn syrup.

False, Since fructose in sucrose is bonded to glucose, it will result in ROUGHLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF fructose available for uptake COMPARED TO the free fructose found in high fructose corn syrup.

T/F Deamination is the transfer of an amine group from an amino acid to a keto acid forming another amino acid. This process is why some amino acids are conditionally essential.

False, TRANSamination is the transfer of an amine group from an amino acid to a keto acid forming another amino acid. This process is why some amino acids are conditionally NONessential.

T/F The active form of vitamin A is 9-cis retinoic acid, since this is the form that binds to the retinoid X receptor and thus mediates many of its biological actions.

False, The active form of vitamin A is ALL-TRANS retinoic acid, since this is the form that binds to the RETINOIC ACID receptor and thus mediates many of its biological actions.

T/F Your friend synthesizes a compound that is 3 fructoses and 4 galactose bonded together. This compound is selectively fermented by beneficial colon bacteria and thus is both polysaccharide and a probiotic

False, Your friend synthesizes a compound that is 3 fructoses and 4 galactose bonded together. This compound is selectively fermented by beneficial colon bacteria and thus is both OLIGOSACCHARIDE and a PREBIOTIC

T/F beta-oxidation synthesizes fatty acids from acetyl-CoA

False, beta-oxidation BREAKS DOWN fatty acids from acetyl-CoA

T/F complementary proteins are two incomplete proteins that have different lacking amino acids, thus combining them together hey compensate for the lacking amino acid in the other food.

False, complementary proteins are two incomplete proteins that have different LIMITING amino acids, thus combining them together hey compensate for the LIMITING amino acid in the other food.

T/F following consumption of a meal containing long chain fatty acids, VLDL will be released from the small intestine into capillaries and travel through the portal vein to the liver

False, following consumption of a meal containing long chain fatty acids, CHYLOMICRONS will be released from the small intestine into LACTEAL and travel through the LYMPH BEFORE REACHING the liver AS CHYLOMICRON REMNANTS

T/F if a persons cardiovascular disease risk warrants it based on and online calculator, he/she may be recommended to take a statin, which increases HMG CoA reductase activity, thus decreasing cholesterol absorption.

False, if a persons cardiovascular disease risk warrants it based on and online calculator, he/she may be recommended to take a statin, which INHIBITS HMG CoA reductase activity, thus decreasing cholesterol SYNTHESIS.

If a person has been consuming a diet that lacks carbohydrates for a week, what would the primary energy source be that the muscle would use to generate ATP

Fatty acids

Describe in detail why vitamin C deficiency results in weak collagen production that leads to the symptoms seen in scurvy.

Fe2+ is a cofactor for prolyl and lysyl hydroxylases. In the course of the enzymes performing their function, they oxidize the Fe2+ to Fe3+. Ascorbic acid reduces Fe3+ back to Fe2+ so that the enzymes can continue to use Fe2+ as a cofactor and continue to hydroxylating. These enzymes hydroxylate the amino acids proline and lysine within collagen allowing the formation of crosslinks between collagen strands to form the stronger tropocollagen. Without enough vitamin C, this crosslinking doesn't occur and the tropocollagen is weak leading to the symptoms of scurvy like bleeding gums.

Briefly describe the digestion processes in the stomach and which macronutrient is not digested to any great extent?

Gastrin stimulates the release of pepsinogen, gastric lipase and HCI. HCI activates pepsinogen to pepsin, which digests protein. Gastric lipase cleaves triglycerides. Mucus is secreted to protect the stomach itself from the acidic environment and the digestive enzymes. Carbohydrates are not digested to nay great extent in the stomach.

What are the bond differences between glycogen, oligosaccharides, and cellulose?

Glycogens chains are alpha 1-4 bonds with alpha 1-6 bond branch point Oligosaccharides confina alpha 1-6 bonds Cellulose contains beta bonds

Gastric Juice improperly moving back up into the esophagus results in what condition? What is not properly functioning to allow this to occur?

Heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease is a result of a leaky lower esophageal sphincter

Name the two micronutrients that are important for thyroid hormone and briefly describe why each is important.

Iodine is important because it is incorporated into thyroid hormone. Selenium is important because the deiodinases that metabolize thyroid hormone are selenoenzymes.

Name the primary dietary source of iodine that has greatly decreased the incidence of iodine deficiency?

Iodized salt

What is carbines function related to macronutrient metabolism?

It helps to transport long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria

Name two alternative sweeteners that are derived from natural sources (not artitifical or synthesized)

Luo Han Gul Extract

In 2011, a group of vitamin D researchers concluded that "vitamin D deficiency is very common in all age groups" based off many not meeting their suggested 30 ng/ml 25-OH D concentrations (rather than 20 ng/ml recommended by the DRI committee). Briefly describe whether you agree or disagree that vitamin D deficiency is very common like these researchers concluded?

No I don't agree that vitamin D deficiency is very common. Deficiency is a term for conditions that have specified symptoms that occur when intake/status is at a certain low level. In the case of vitamin D, that is osteomalacia or rickets. This is different than when intake/status is suboptimal or less than would be ideal over the long-term for chronic disease risk, like osteoporosis risk in this example.

Name the tissue, organ, or cells that you learned about that perform glycogenolysis

Muscle and liver

Consuming almost nothing but corn simply boiled in water may increase your risk of developing which micronutrient deficiency that you learned about in this section? Why is this type of diet particularly problematic for this micronutrient and how could it be prepared differently to potentially prevent this deficiency from occurring?

Pellagra. Because niacin is tightly bound in corn, if it is not treated with base, bioavailability is poor and can thus lead to this niacin deficiency.

Name the tissue, organ, or cells that you learned about that does not perform the citric acid cycle

Red blood cells

What is the structural difference between the different thyroid hormones?

T4 has 4 iodines, T3 has 3 iodines.

What is the structural difference between alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol?

There is a difference in the number of methyl groups on the rings in their structures.

Partial hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids results in the formation of what type of fatty acids? what the pros and cons of these fatty acids?

Trans fatty acids The pros are that trans fatty acids increase the melting point of the oil, making it solid and room temperature and thus easier to handle the cons are the consumption of trans fat increases LDL and decreases HDL

T/F Sugar alcohols (polyols) are a good option for chewing gum because they are not readily fermented by bacteria in the mouth decreasing acid production and thus cavity formation.


T/F following the consumption of the Ornish diet, lipoprotein lipase would be active to cleave fatty acids from lipoproteins like VLDL


T/F Iron is stored primarily by ADH and then, if full, by MEOS (overflow).

false, Iron is stored primarily by FERRITIN and then, if full, by HEMOSIDERIN (overflow).

What are the circulating forms of vitamins D and A and how are they transported through circulation (alone, bound to other things, etc.)?

Vitamin A: Retinol binds to retinol binding protein (RBP) Vitamin D: 25(OH) D binds to Vitamin D binding protein (DBP)

In this exam section you learned that deficiency in 3 micronutrients leads to anemias that impact red blood cells. Name the 3 micronutrients, what anemia a deficiency may lead to, and briefly describe why the specific micronutrient deficiency results in this anemia.

Vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to megaloblastic (macrocytic) anemia. Megaloblastic (macrocytic) anemia occurs because without enough cobalamin to convert 5-methyl THF to THF, normal DNA synthesis cannot occur and RBCs cannot properly divide. Folate deficiency may also lead to megaloblastic (macrocytic) anemia because folate is needed for DNA synthesis, and without it RBCs cannot properly divide. Iron deficiency may lead to microcytic, hypochromic anemia because of decreased hemoglobin production.

Describe how warfarin works as a blood thinner making sure to demonstrate your detailed understanding of the processes that warfarin prevent from happening.

Vitamin K is a cofactor for the enzyme gamma-glutamyl carboxylase which adds carboxyl group to the amino acid glutamate. This allows it to then bind Ca2+ and they are activated. Proteins with these modified glutamates are referred to as Gla proteins. A number of these Gla proteins are within the blood clotting cascade, without adequate activation of them, blood clotting is decreased. When vitamin K is used as a cofactor, it is converted to vitamin K epoxide. Normally it is converted back to vitamin K so it can continue to serve as cofactor. Warfarin inhibits blood clotting (thins blood) by preventing vitamin K epoxide from being regenerated to form vitamin K so that it can be used to form Gla proteins that are important in the blood clotting cascade.

Rank the following forms of vitamin E, which if consumed in equal amounts, will result in the highest to lowest concentrations in circulation. If any will result in equal concentration, use an equal sign to indicate this. d-alpha-tocopherol RSS alpha-tocopherol SRR-alpha-tocopherol dl-alpha-tocopherol RRR-alpha tocopherol all-rac alpha-tocopherol


T/F A low blood hemoglobin concentration cannot tell you that a person is deficient in iron, but can tell you that their iron stores are exhausted.

false, A low blood hemoglobin concentration CAN tell you that a person is deficient in iron, but can tell you that their iron stores are exhausted.

T/F Ascorbate recycling uses active transport against the concentration gradient through GLUT receptors to accumulate large amounts of ascorbate.

false, Ascorbate recycling uses FACILITATED DIFFUSION WITH the concentration gradient through GLUT TRANSPORTERS to accumulate large amounts of ascorbate.

T/F Atrophic gastritis is a condition that results in inflammation of glands in the stomach thus decreasing the absorption of iron by decreasing ferroportin production.

false, Atrophic gastritis is a condition that results in inflammation of glands in the stomach thus decreasing the absorption of VITAMIN B12 by decreasing INTRINSIC FACTOR production.

T/F Beta-carotene in food would provide more RAE value than beta-carotene from a supplement, which would provide more RAE value than alpha-carotene in food.

false, Beta-carotene FROM A SUPPLEMENT would provide more RAE value than beta-carotene IN FOOD, which would provide more RAE value than alpha-carotene in food.

T/F Goiter is an iodine deficiency disorder that can result in growth, sexual maturation, and cognitive impairments.

false, CRETINISM is an iodine deficiency disorder that can result in growth, sexual maturation, and cognitive impairments.

T/F Folate is the natural, polyglutamate, more bioavailable form than folic acid which is the synthetic, monoglutamate form that provides less DFE value.

false, Folate is the natural, polyglutamate, LESS bioavailable form than folic acid which is the synthetic, monoglutamate form that provides MORE DFE value.

T/F High menadione intake may mask a cobalamin deficiency by correcting the most easily recognized symptom of it, but not the more serious neurological issues caused by it.

false, High FOLIC ACID intake may mask a cobalamin deficiency by correcting the most easily recognized symptom of it, but not the more serious neurological issues caused by it.

T/F If circulating iron concentrations get high, this is sensed by the kidney which will secrete the hormone anti-iron hormone so that iron is excreted in urine.

false, If circulating iron concentrations get high, this is sensed by the LIVER which will secrete the hormone HEPCIDIN so that FERROPORTIN IS DEGRADED TO PREVENT IRON ABSORPTION

T/F If you consumed a steak that contained vitamin A, it would most likely be in the form of retinal, and it would primarily be stored in hepatocytes in the liver as retinol.

false, If you consumed a steak that contained vitamin A, it would most likely be in the form of RETINYL ESTERS, and it would primarily be stored in STELLATE CELLS in the liver as RETINYL ESTERS .

T/F In agouti mice, the agouti histones are deacetylated, which leads to the agouti gene being expressed, resulting in a yellow, obese mouse at higher risk of chronic disease.

false, In agouti mice, the agouti GENES ARE UNMETHYLATED, which leads to the agouti gene being expressed, resulting in a yellow, obese mouse at higher risk of chronic disease.

T/F In bones and teeth, calcium is found in fluorohydroxyapatite, which is responsible for its strength, and when converted to hydroxyapatite by adding fluoride, it increases acid produced by bacteria in the mouth.

false, In bones and teeth, calcium is found in HYDROXYAPATITE, which is responsible for its strength, and when converted to FLUIROHYDROXYAPATITE by adding fluoride, it increases TEETHS RESISTANCE TO acid produced by bacteria in the mouth.

T/F In response to too low calcium concentrations, calcidiol is released from the thymus; and in response to too high calcium concentrations, PTH is released from the pituitary gland.

false, In response to too HIGH calcium concentrations, CALCITONIN is released from the THYROID; and in response to too LOW calcium concentrations, PTH is released from the PARATHYROID gland.

T/F In the theorized antioxidant network, ascorbic acid is oxidized to semidehydroascorbate in donating an electron to free radical/reactive oxygen species and then reduced by alpha-tocopherol.

false, In the theorized antioxidant network, ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL is oxidized to ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL RADICAL in donating an electron to free radical/reactive oxygen species and then reduced by ASCORBIC ACID.

T/F Phylloquinone is a form of vitamin A produced by bacteria that has an saturated tail of varying lengths.

false, MENAQUINONE is a form of vitamin K produced by bacteria that has an UNsaturated tail of varying lengths.

T/F ORAC is an in vitro antioxidant assay, which takes into account bioavailability of the compound/substance.

false, ORAC is an in vitro antioxidant assay, which ONE OF ITS LIMITATIONS IS THAT IT DOES NOT TAKE into account bioavailability of the compound/substance.

T/F Phytate is a common dietary source of phosphorus found in animal products that is highly absorbed because the enzyme phytase efficiently cleaves it allowing it to enhance the absorption of minerals such as calcium and iron.

false, Phytate is a common dietary source of phosphorus found in CEREAL/PLANT products that is POORLY absorbed because WE LACK the enzyme phytase efficiently cleaves it allowing it to INHIBIT the absorption of minerals such as calcium and iron.

T/F Selenoenzymes are a subset of selenoproteins that contain selenomethionine as an amino acid in them.

false, Selenoenzymes are a subset of selenoproteins that contain SELENOCYSTEINE as an amino acid in them.

T/F Transthyretin transports Fe2+ through circulation after it is transported through ferritin and oxidized by haptocorrin and transcobalamin II.

false, TRANSFERRIN transports Fe3+ through circulation after it is transported through FERROPORTIN and oxidized by HEPHAESTIN and CERULOPLASMIN.

T/F The choice to fortify cow's milk with vitamin K is somewhat problematic because many individuals who are most efficient at synthesizing it from the sun because of more pigmented skin are lactose intolerant.

false, The choice to fortify cow's milk with vitamin D is somewhat problematic because many individuals who are LEAST efficient at synthesizing it from the sun because of more pigmented skin are lactose intolerant.

T/F The difference in structure between alpha-tocopherol and alpha-tocotrienol is the methyl groups on their rings.

false, The difference in structure between alpha-tocopherol and alpha-tocotrienol is THAT ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL HAS A SATURATED TAIL AND ALPHA-TOCOTRIENOL HAS AN UNSATURATED TAIL.

T/F Vitamin D2 has an unsaturated tail, is primarily produced by animals, and when consumed, increases the circulating form of vitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) concentrations, which is produced by the kidney, more than vitamin D3.

false, Vitamin D3 has a saturated tail, is primarily produced by animals, and when consumed, increases the circulating form of vitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations, which is produced by the kidney, more than vitamin D2.

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