Forensics Ch. 13

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Differentiate between anthropology and forensic anthropology.

-Anthropology is the study of all aspects of human development and characteristics -Forensic anthropology studies identifying characteristics on the remains of an individual.

What are two ways that forensic anthropologists examine and identify skeletal remains? What types of things do they examine and why?

-Facial reconstruction: they use markers and clay to recreate face and now they have digital faces program. -Skeletal trauma analysis: distinguishes between weathering and animal markings vs. old injuries from sharp force trauma, blunt force trauma, gunshot and knife wounds and can help determine cause of death in some cases.

Explain the process of bone from embryo to adulthood. What cells are involved and what role do they play? How is ossification involved?

A) Bones originate from living cells called osteocytes B) Fetal skeletons composed of cartilage C) Deposit calcium to form bone in a process called ossification D) Throughout our lives bone is repeatedly deposited broken down &replaced E) Bone cells that deposit calcium to build bone= osteoblast F) Bone cells that absorb calcium to break down/reshape bones= osteoclast

What ways can someone determine the age of a person from their skeletal remains? Height & race?

AGE: Suture marks determine age, younger people have softer and more visible suture marks, as we age, they slowly disappear. The cartilaginous line, epiphysis becomes visible as you age HEIGHT: Measuring the humorous or femur can help determine approximate height. RACE: There are databases to calculate this for each males, females, & different races

Differentiate between the 3 types of connective tissues found at joints.

Cartilage- covers ends of bones Ligament- bands connect bone to bone Tendon- connects muscle to bone

Explain how various sutures on the skull can help determine age (know sutures and ages)

Coronal suture is closed around age 50 Lambdoidal suture starts closing at 21, accelerates at 26 and is closed by 30 Almost closed- between 26 and 30 Closed, 50 and up

Female hips have a subpubic angle less than 90 degrees.

False, greater than 90

A woman's skull is usually bumpy compared to a man's skull.

False, smoother

Explain general ways to distinguish male from female skeletons.

Female skeletons= smoother and less knobby Male= thicker, rougher, and appears bumpy. Results from hormones and larger muscles needing stronger attachment site on bones, especially noticeable in knees

Compare/contrast male vs female skulls and pelvis (PELVIS) scars, sub-pubic angle, pubis, pelvic cavity, sacrum, thigh bone

MALE PELVIS ----------------- Sub-pubic angle <90 degree triangular pubis Heart-shaped pelvic cavity Sacrum= longer, more narrow, & curved inward Thigh bone angle to pelvis is straighter FEMALE PELVIS Surface contains scars is she has had children Sub-pubic angle >90 degree Rectangular pubis Oval-shaped pelvic cavity Sacrum= shorter, broader, & curves outward Thigh bone angle in relation to pelvis is greater

Compare/contrast male vs female skulls and pelvis (SKULL) massive, frontal bone, eye orbits, lower jaw, chin

MALE SKULL More Massive & bumpier Low & sloping frontal bone Eye orbits= square shaped Lower jaw is square w/ ̃90 degree angle Square shaped chin FEMALE SKULL Less Massive & smoother Higher & rounder frontal bone Eye orbits= circular Lower jaw is sloped w/ angle >90 degree Chins are rounder or V-shaped

What is osteobiography and how is it important for forensic anthropology.

Osteobiography means "the story of a life told by the bones", it is important because it determines age, race, health, sex, and approximate height.

What types of characteristics do skeletal remains help us identify?

Sex, race, physical health, height

A man's jawline usually forms a 90 degree angle.


Approximate age can be determined by studying the suture lines of the skull.


Bones can help us determine age, sex, and health of a person.


It is possible to estimate someone's height based on the length of a humerus.


Male skulls tend to have a lower, more sloping frontal bone than female skulls.


Osteoblasts are building cells


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