Form 1 Summer Reading Vocabulary - Echo and Holes

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: a swaggering show of courage Example Sentence: The more she played, the more the harmonica seemed to fill her with a bravado and a worthiness she'd never felt before. Part of Speech: Noun


: affectedly dainty or refined Example Sentence: Prim and clean, the home sat in a grassy yard where the flower beds had been raked and planted with geraniums. Part of Speech: Adjective


: an indirect (and usually malicious) implication Example Sentence: Mike succumbed to the melancholy notes, the insinuations of a march, the delicate filigree, and the final runs, slower and slower ... until the final haunting note. Part of Speech: Noun


: capable of being perceived Example Sentence: The energy inside the factory was palpable. Part of Speech: Adjective


: characterized by oppressive heat and humidity Example Sentence: The bus wasn't air-conditioned, and the hot, heavy air was almost as stifling as the handcuffs. Part of Speech: Adjective


: climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling Example Sentence: Mike dropped the mop and clambered down the stairs. Part of Speech: Verb


: contemptibly small in amount Example Sentence: Our measly stipend goes to Pennyweather for clothes and school supplies. Part of Speech: Adjective


: contort the face to indicate a certain mental state Example Sentence: He grimaced as he sliced off a chunk of dirt, then raised it up and flung it onto a pile. Part of Speech: Verb


: deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or emotion Example Sentence: In his mind he could hear his father's gruff voice softly singing to him. Part of Speech: Adjective


: feeling great delight Example Sentence: Eins, Zwei, and Drei held one another's hands, their faces rapt. Part of Speech: Adjective


: hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing Example Sentence: Clouds the color of charcoal smudged the sky, brooding. Part of Speech: Verb


: hard monotonous routine work Example Sentence: The sisters hod two consolations in their lives of drudgery. Part of Speech: Noun


: in deplorable condition Example Sentence: Papa kept walking until they emerged from the trees, and then he swept his arm toward a dilapidated house. Part of Speech: Adjective


: look with amazement Example Sentence: Frankie stopped to gawk at a display of glass figurines. Part of Speech: Verb


: marked by quiet and caution and secrecy Example Sentence: Would he be able to sit in a classroom with students he'd never met? Even if he could endure the furtive glances and downcast eyes, what would be the point anyway? Part of Speech: Adjective


: morally reprehensible Example Sentence: The judge called Stanley's crime despicable. Part of Speech: Adjective


: not bound by shackles and chains Example Sentence: She suggested that he start off with his own arrangement and then, for the next verse, merge into the blues, and finish as he'd once taught Frankie, simple and unfettered. Part of Speech: Adjective


: not disposed or willing to believe; unbelieving Example Sentence: Incredulous, she walked farther into the room, not sure, at first, what she was seeing. Part of Speech: Adjective


: not serious in content or attitude or behavior Example Sentence: "Ivy, always with so many questions about frivolous things. This is why Papa says you have your head in the clouds. You must come down to earth." Part of Speech: Adjective


: occurring by happy chance Example Sentence: "Something fortuitous has happened, Friedrich. I called a few friends to see if they'd join me to play some impromptu chamber music tonight and they've agreed." Part of Speech: Adjective


: of heaven or the spirit Example Sentence: The harmonica had a rich, ethereal quality—the same alluring sound he'd heard earlier in the graveyard room. Part of Speech: Adjective


: provoke as by constant criticism Example Sentence: They'd only exchanged a few pleasantries since he had started at the factory, but he seemed to enjoy goading Friedrich. Part of Speech: Verb


: recover through digging Example Sentence: He unearthed several shovelfuls of dirt in this manner, before it occurred to him that he was dumping his dirt within the perimeter of his hole. Part of Speech: Verb


: take one's time; proceed slowly Example Sentence: Ivy dawdled, playing the harmonica. Part of Speech: Verb


: tall, thin, and awkward Example Sentence: Although they were tall for their ages, Mike leaned toward gangly, clumsy, and quiet; Frankie was wiry, athletic, and talkative. Part of Speech: Adjective


: the state of being disregarded or forgotten Example Sentence: And yet, even in this strange limbo, Mike saw stars above him, tiny dots of light bobbing in and out from behind the fluttering leaves. Part of Speech: Noun


: thin and tattered with age Example Sentence: The kid's pants were torn and he had no socks. Mike's shirt was stained and threadbare. Part of Speech: Adjective

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