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By the turn of the 20th century, the industrial workforce in the eastern cities was swelled by ranks of. . . .

immigrants increasingly from southern and eastern Europe

identify the groups who would have supported a stronger central government following the ARW

investors in the Confederate securities, veterans, merchants, land speculators

Which statement regarding the economic theory of mercantilism is false

it reduced the desire for nations to acquire and maintain colonies

Which of the following best explains why the special assignment of Section 16 of each township in the Ordinance of 1785 could be viewed as a turning point in American history

it set a precedent for U.S federal support for public education

The term "muckrakers" referred to


Which of the following is NOT true of the English colonial families in the mid 18th century America?

*All of the above are true* More than 90% of families lived in rural areas about this time Woman, while subservient to their husbands, set the moral standards by which children were raised and decided how the children would be educated and trained Most families bore children who lived long enough to bear children of their own Woman lost virtually all of their legal rights as an individual when they got married

The government removal[policies on the 1830s in relation to the tribal lands shown in the above map were most directly due to the following causes?

-To protect the tribes from conflict with white settlers -Regional development in the newly emerging deep SOuth for growing cash crop

President Jackson's bank veto can be directly linked to what events?

-the creation of an opposition political party known as the Whigs -the panic of 1837

The above excerpt best reflects the changing nature of the government policies towards the American Indian by the late 19th century in which of the following ways? - talked about Ghost Dance and the office of Indian affairs containing the people

A shift from a policy of isolating the tribes from white society to one of assimilation AND A shift from forced movement onto large reservations together to isolating each tribe individually

The events depicted in the graphs most likely gave rise to which of the following movements?

A strong nativist movement, which included a strong anti-Catholic sentiment

Which of the following represent tan opinion expressed by the artist regarding the senator? (large businesses towering over Congress)

All of the above

The Missouri Compromise did which of the following

Allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state

The Kansas and Nebraska Act of 1854 created a firestorm of opposition because it

Allowed slavery north of the line agreed upon in the Missouri compromise, effectively repealing it

Which of the following conclusions about the U.S politics in the mid 19th century is best supported by the information presented on the map?

By 1860, sectional tensions had divided the U.S into disparate and conflicting regional factions.

In the immediate aftermath of the Boston Massacre, many of the citizens of the city of Boston

circulated propaganda in the form of pamphlets and prints that convinced many Bostonians that the soldiers were guilty of murder

By the 1750s, British colonies of the North American mainland could be characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

complete disdain for british constitutional monarchy

In addition to Texas, which other Mexican province nega to be dominated by American characteristics such as described by Austin in the above excerpt, due to increased immigration of American settlers?


Which of the following best describes developments in American society in the late 1800s and early 1900s , which allowed women to play a dominant role in instituting Progressive reforms

Changes such as decreasing birth rates, less time needed to spend with children and less time devoted to housework due to technological advances such as running water and electricity, gave women more opportunity to define themselves outside of the home.

Which of the following was a weakness under the AOC that was solved through the ratification of the Constitution

Congress' inability to tax, representation and checks and balances

What political struggle occurred regarding the implementation of the above amendment in the late 19th century (14th amendment)

Debate over the legal scope of the rights granted by the amendment

Which was most directly a major factor in driving larger number of Americans to migrate and seek industrial work?

Decline in the farm economy due to industrialization in agriculture

Writings such as Grimke's above most sought to challenge which of the following social ideas of the nineteenth century?

Division of men and women into seperate "spheres" of activity and influence

Which of the following best explains how ideals from the Enlightenment and the Second Great Awakening most directly led to the rise of the women's rights movement?

Embracing ideals from the movements, women became increasingly involved in reform efforts outside of the home, but faced social restrictions

The pattern of political party support shown on this map mostly reflects ongoing sectional divisions of the early and mid 1800s over which issue?

Expansion of slavery in the new western states

The Wilmot Proviso was most likely to be supported by

Free soilers

President Washington's Neutrality proclamation of 1793 was issued in response to

French diplomatic overtures to invoke the Franco-American alliance in European conflicts

The above excerpt best supports which of the following viewpoints within the progressive movement of the early nineteenth and late twentieth centuries regarding how "big business" should be regulated?

Government should regulate , so as to encourage "good" behavior and discipline "bad" behavior by the large corporations

President Jackson's belief toward the 2nd National bank of the US MOST contrasts which of the following?

Henry Clay's American System

Which analysis of the changes in the US economy during the early 1800s is most clearly supported by the developments shown in the illustrations

Investment in transportation and infrastructures set the stage for US industrialization

Which of the following is true regarding the Boston Massacre?

It had relatively little immediate impact because it coincided with the repeal of several townshend acts

How did the industrial developments represented in the above illustration affect US regionalism during the antebellum period

It worsened sectional tensions by creating different regional economic preferences

In the ruling Marbury vs. Madison, the Supreme Court declared that a law previously passed by COngress, the Judiciary Act of 1789, was unconstitutional. This decision instituted the precedent of

Judicial Review

Which event most immediately accelerated the demise of the political system Wilentz is referring to?

Kansas-Nebraska act

Which best accounts for the movement of cotton cultivation farther westward from the interior of states like Georgia and South Carolina into areas like Alabama and Mississippi by 1820?

Loss of arable land and increasing demand for cotton

What was the immediate effect of the emergence of the tobacco economy in the Chesapeake region on the Native Americans?

Loss of land due to the encroachment of tobacco farms

What ideology was prevalent during the mid 19th century?

Manifest Destiny?

Austin is making a case for the abundant resources and economic activity of Texas. Why was the annexation of Texas following its independence from Mexico controversial within the existing U.S?

Many northerners opposed the addition of a large, new slave territory

Which of the following groups would MOST likely support the perspective of the cartoon above? (people laying across railroad tracks)

Midwest rural farmers

Those who would support Calhoun's perspective would contrast the plight of slave laborers in the South of that of whom in the North?

Northern factory workers

Which of the following was a means for implementing the eventual policy against American Indians in the late 19th century resulting from reports such as the one above?

Nullifying all treaties with the American Indian tribes

Which of the following subverted the above amendment in the late 19th century

Passage if segregation laws

Jacksonian Democracy was distinguished by the belief that

Political participation by the common man should be increased

The above legislation was a direct development of which of the following - talked about the Chinese Exclusion Act

Political pressure arising from strong anti-Chinese nativist sentiments in the West

In America the French Revolution was generally praised by


Which of the following would most clearly resemble the argument of an Anti-Slavery Northerner on whether of not to extend slavery in the new territories acquired after the Mexican American War?

Slavery should not be extended because of the precedents set under the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and Article 4 Section 3 of the Constitution

which social philosophy popularized in the late 19th century most forms the underlying assumption of carnegie's argument

Social Darwinism

Which MOST allowed the rapid development of upland cotton growing in the South as shown on the map in the early 19th century?

Technology for separating the seed from the cotton fiber (cotton gin)

Which political issue most directly arose largely in part due to a continuing trend of westward movement of the subject matter represented on the map?

Texas independence from Mexico

Which was a major concern of those at the time who argued against popular sovereignty?

That controversy over slavery would arise again

The above excerpt references specific events in Boston and New York leading to

The American revolution

Which of the following would represent a reform between 1889 and 1920 in direct response to the issues presented in the cartoon?

The Clayton Trust Act

Which of the following reforms was created to shift funds quickly to troubled areas and to meet increased demands for credit in the early 1900s?

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913

This cartoon (the broken snake) first appeared in the pennsylvania Gazette in 1754. What event was occuring during that time that would explain the reasoning behind it?

The French and Indian War (7 year war)

Which of the following claims most directly supported Morison's assertions

The Great Plains natives had developed social structure

The speech above best provides evidence of which pro-slavery argument of the South?

The Southern slavery served as a benefit to both races

Which of the following was NOT a regional distinction that emerged as a result of America's modern economy?

The US purchase of Alaska created opportunity to energy and resource development

Which of the following developments from the british colonial era is related to the letter from G. Washington?

The british king barred colonists from expanding further westward

What was the nature of the relationship between the East and Old Northwest by the mid-1800s

The building of canals and resulting migration patterns forged strong ties of independence between the Northeast and the Old Northwest

G. Washington's letter demonstrates which of the following regarding American colonial relations with the British Crown by the mid 1700s?

The colonists had little interest in following british laws that opposed their own interests

Which of the following groups would be least likely to support the belief which simmonds expressed in the excerpt. aka who was more imperialistic that mercantilism

The colonizers in Santa Fe (they are Spanish)

Which of the following is an accurate consequence of the movement depicted in the cartoon

The consolidation of the populist and democratic party in 1896

The slogan, 54, 40 or fight had to do with?

The demand for the annexation of all the Oregon territory

Horace Mann was the most notable for his work in

The establishment of public education across the nation

The above excerpt cam from the platform of which of the following? (government should own and operate railroads)

The populists movement

Which answer below most closely relates with the events mentioned in the excerpt?

The sons of liberty/the sugar act

In the Nullification controversy, some Southerners took the position that

The states had the right to nullify acts of the federal government they deemed unconstitutional

The narrative above reflects the progressive movement's faith in which of the following? (Jane Addams + Hull House)

The value of consistent crusading to expose economic, social and political corruption

Cultural and racial arguments made against Chinese immigrants in the late 19th century were the same as those made against American Indians in which of the following ways

They were uncivilized savages, unable to be assimilated into society

Enactment of the financial construct represented in the above graphic reflects which viewpoint in the debates within the newly formed United States over interpretation of the Constitution

Those who argued that the Constitution allowed for broader powers of Congress by implication

Which of the following best expresses a continuing dilemma from the colonial times, which was not addressed by the plan represented in the graphic above

Westward expansion v tribal land rights

After the American Revolution, the concept of "Republican Motherhood" suggested that

Woman would be responsible for raising their children, especially their sons to be virtuous citizens of the young Republic

Which of the following best describes how the system represented in the above illustrations most directly affected women in the early 1800s?

Young woman worked outside the home on larger numbers than ever before

Virginia and New York ratified the Constitution of 1787 under the assumption that

a bill of rights would be added layer in the form of amendments

Which of the following competing aspects in American political ideology following the was for independence is best reflected by the plan in the above graphic

a citizenry consisting of independent property owners

Which of the following arguments is best supported by the above excerpt? - talked about sharecropping in the South

a culture of white supremacy continued to be reinforced in the South

Wilentz would most agree that the more powerful issue accounting for the differences in the views of the North and South over slavery was

a moral question of the inhumanity of slavery

Which of the following individuals would most likely reject Fontaine's argument

a quaker in pennsylvania

The greatest achievement of the government under the AOC was its establishment of

a system of orderly settlement of the west

When John Adams described the victims of the massacre as "a motley rabble of saucy boys, negroes, and mulattoes, Irish teagues and outlandish jack tarrs," he was

affirming the right of the common people to organize a demonstration against oppressive British policies

During Wilson's administration, the federal government attempted to counteract the economic influence of big business by . . .

applying the provisions of the 14th amendment to corporations

The declaration of independence did all of the following except

call for the abolition of the slave trade

Washington's farewell address makes references to both jay's treaty and pinckney's treaty in part for the purpose of

encouraging the development o a stronger national identity and foreign policy

WHich of the following groups would most likely have supported the navigation acts

english merchants

what role did enlightenment have on the american revolution

enlightenment thinkers like john locke, laid the foundation for the revolution

a late 19th century result stemming from the philosophy which carnegie advocated was

establishment of grand public cultural and educational institutions

Carnegie's essay from which of the above passage is excerpted was one of several responses to which socioeconomic condition in the late 19th century

extreme gap between rich and poor

Which most directly made possible the construction of the network of railways shown in the above map?

federal and state government subsidies, including free land

Which of the following best describes the British government's reasoning for its actions referenced in Washington's letter?

for reasons of military expense and preservation of trade and land speculation for itself. it wanted to control western expansion instead of allowing provincial governments to have control.

By all pf the following transportation changes in the 1820s and 1830s contributed to AMerica's "modern era" EXCEPT

mass production of automobiles

Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel, The Jungle, encouraged the federal government to regulate the

meatpacking industry

Which of the following developments is most directly depicted in the excerpt: (I am not typing that thing out, just know it was talking about trade and think like an intelligent human about the mindset during that time period =


Which of the following would likely be an argument used to support the excerpt from Inglis?

prevent long and costly war, benefit of trade between countries, prevent chaos and confusion, prevent the need from taking oath to the king.

The primary purpose of the stamp act was to

raise revenues to support British troops stationed in America and debt from the 7 years war

During the decades leading up the the Salem Witch trials, the populations in Massachusetts Bay Colony. . .

rapidly increased (around 1690)

Which best describes the significant impact on the [physical environment in the mid to late 19th century most directly related to the building of the transcontinental railroad and subsidiary liens

reduction of the size and virtual disappearance in some places of the open plains, contributing to the demise of the buffalo herds

Which of the following groups was purposely left out of the language in the declaration of independence?

salves, women and indians

In the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions it was asserted that

states had the right nullify federal laws

In 1904, Ida Tarbell published a highly critical study on

the Standard Oil trust

T#1: The excerpt suggests that the Europeans used the lifestyle of the Great Plains natives to justify

the concept of sustainable development

Slavery developed in 17th c. British North America because

the developing plantation system required a source of cheap labor after the initial influx of indentured servants decreased

Which of the following movements developed in direct contradiction to the practices of the Salem Witch Trials

the enlightenment

the mercantilist system in the 18th C. led to

the expansion of colonial trade relations around the globe

Another importants argument within Washington's farewell address was his warning against political parties. At this point all of the following were true EXCEPT

the federalists had become known as the Democratic -Republic party

All of the following contributed to the economic hardships of the colonists in Jamestown EXCEPT

the frailty of tobacco plant (couldn't even feed themselves let along plant a cash crop for money)

Which of the following best describes a major issue for the progressive movement, as reflected in the above excerpt

the growing power, influence and corruption of corporate America

T#1: During the columbian exchange, the societies of the Great Plains were most significantly impacted by

the introduction of horses

Those who criticized the great wealth of the elite class in the mid-late 19th century argued that

the monopolies creating such wealth undermined American ideals of individual opportunity and freedom to control one's own destiny

Which of the following statements about the Salem Witch trials is supported by the image

the people were filled with emotion and hysteria

The most divisive and controversial aspect of the slavery issue from 1800-1848 was

the status of slavery in the territories

Which of the following best describes the reasoning behind the financial construct adopted by the early US government shown in the above graphic

the wealthy lenders who would fund the national debt would have a direct interest in a strong and successful national government

which best describes the larger significance of the network of the transcontinental railroad and subsidiary lines for economic development nationally, as the map demonstrates

tying the natural resources of the west to the industry and cities of the east

Fontaine's idea suggests that British colonists justified slavery by

underscoring how the system of slavery already existed outside of North America

President Washington references to the "expedients of party" and to the "inhabitants of our western country" indicate what fear?

westerners regional identity might be exploited for partisan political purposes

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