Foundations of Education - Chapter 10 -11 -12 -13 -14

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Between the Civil War and World War I, how did the public comprehensive high school curriculum change?

- Classical languages gave way to modern foreign languages. - American history grew to include civics and citizenship. - Mathematics was taught in commercial and practical contexts.

Which factors reinforce a negative image of Hispanic American children?

- Hispanic Americans score lower than whites in reading and mathematics. - Spanish-speaking parents are typically less educated than English-speaking parents. - IQ tests are written in English and reflect middle-class values. - Teachers and principals historically did not respect Spanish language and culture.

Which strategies are recommended to teachers to help them survive their first year?

- Keep a teaching journal. - Find time for regular physical activity. - Find a mentor teacher.

How has public education been influenced by federal court rulings?

- Key rulings affected educational policies across the United States. - The powers of state and local education authorities were altered. - The rights to education of disabled people were expanded. - Intrusions into states' rights have generated resentment.

What is the educational significance of the enactment of the Northwest Ordinances of 1785 and 1787?

- Land was set aside in each township for the maintenance of public schools. - Impetus for free public schooling came from the federal government. - Congress affirmed that "schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged."

How do state legislatures and governors affect educational policy?

- Legislatures make the laws that govern education within their states. - School district funding depends on the state legislature and the governor.

What are the major proposals for school choice?

- Magnet schools attract white students to inner-city schools. - Tax-funded vouchers pay for private or religious schools. - Market forces should determine which schools children attend. - Parents may conduct their own children's schooling at home.

What advice should job seekers follow for interviews?

- Mean what you say. - Cover tattoos and piercings. - Send a thank-you note. - Dress conservatively.

Why is there a great need for teachers who are ethnic or racial minorities?

- Minority teachers are needed to serve as "cultural brokers" for all students. - Positive minority role models can guide minority children in a world plagued by racism. - Minority teachers help white children overcome prejudice and stereotyping. - U.S. teachers should reflect the country's diversity of racial and ethnic backgrounds.

What is true about charter schools?

- Most evaluation of charter schools has been performed by biased individuals. - Many have failed due to financial mismanagement or embezzlement. - Research finds overall mediocre achievement gains in charter schools.

Why was the common school as free public education controversial?

- Public schools were said to dilute the culture or religion of ethnic groups. - Immigration stimulated demand for schools to Americanize foreigners. - People objected to paying for the education of others' children. - Schooling for the poor was considered to be a solely religious responsibility.

Which education reforms have been widely adopted by states?

- School days and hours have been lengthened. - Social promotion has been largely eliminated. - High school graduation requires additional credits. - Career ladder programs provide new options to teachers.

Which issues surrounded the establishment of comprehensive public high schools?

- Schooling at public expense was considered most appropriate for democracy. - The Kalamazoo ruling provided school districts with taxing powers.

Which of the following describes a step in the progression from religious to secular education in the United States?

- Schools in colonial America focused on the four R's: reading, 'riting, 'rithmetic, and religion. - By the twentieth century, the focus had shifted from teaching religion to producing socially responsible citizens. - In the Middle Colonies, private schools taught religion as well as practical skills. - Nineteenth century textbooks focused on morality and Americanism rather than religion.

Why is lifelong learning used as a rationale for education reform?

- Schools must foster habits of mind and the skills for lifelong success. - People need to be taught how to manage and use their brains effectively. - In the global environment, people need more than a high school education.

What are the "unintended consequences" of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act?

- Teachers and administrators are subject to criticism. - Overemphasis on testing leads to cheating scandals. - Classroom instruction focuses on test preparation.

Which principles were espoused by John Dewey and the Progressive Education Association?

- The home and school should work together to meet children's needs. - Schools should let children be free to pursue natural interests. - A student's development must be measured scientifically.

Why are Asian Americans often considered a "model minority"?

- They overcame discrimination through hard work and perseverance.

Why do private schools endure in American education?

- They provide an exclusive education for the wealthiest citizens. - They provide an alternative for any group that is dissatisfied with other forms of education. - They provide instruction for various religious denominations.

Why are educators and citizens concerned about high-stakes testing?

- Time for recreation is reduced by test preparation programs. - Standardized tests limit school curriculum to the tested content. - Schools may fail to teach what is difficult to measure with a test.

What roles have private schools historically played in American education?

- an exclusive education for the wealthy - instruction for various religious denominations - an alternative to public education

How may public schools increase parental involvement?

- by involving parents in school councils - by providing frequent parent-teacher conferences - by creating school hotlines and websites - by encouraging parent volunteers

How do principals best serve as effective instructional leaders?

- by promoting productive learning environments - by assigning, supervising, and evaluating teaching staff

Which actions are recommended to increase the likelihood of obtaining a teaching job?

- creating a teaching portfolio of research papers and teaching units - deleting inappropriate content from blogs and Facebook - preparing a credential file at the career planning and placement office - asking for letters of recommendation from cooperating teachers

What are the primary responsibilities of the chief state school officer?

- creating task forces to identify problems and propose solutions - reporting on the status of education within the state - recommending improvements in educational legislation - serving as chief administrator of the state department of education

What does the federal government do to facilitate compensatory education?

- delivers funds to local districts to educate students from low-income families - supplements educational services provided to low-income, low-achieving students

What are the primary functions of a state department of education?

- evaluating college and university teacher preparation programs - providing technical assistance in curriculum and teaching - licensing teachers and other educational personnel - administering and distributing state and federal funds

What are the primary responsibilities of a local school board?

- evaluating educational programs - representing district citizens - determining district-wide school policy

What are the major sources of revenue for public education?

- federal government - existing state-run lotteries - local property taxes - state government

What were the major elements of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act?

- highly qualified teachers in all subjects - annual testing for students in grades 3 through 8 - reading and mathematics proficiency by the 2013-2014 school year - adequate yearly progress toward academic proficiency

According to the NEA and the AFT, which of the following issues should be subject to collective bargaining?

- in-service training - curriculum and textbooks - teacher salaries and benefits - class-size limitations

Which skills are likely to be developed by a teacher preparation program?

- managing people - decision making - organizing materials - communicating effectively

Which roles do principals perform in a school?

- policy maker - judge - crisis manager - sacrificial lamb

What information should a teaching job seeker obtain before accepting a position?

- professional development expectations - curriculum and resources available - salary and health and retirement benefits - student population characteristics

Which of the following are primary responsibilities of state boards of education?

- setting state goals and priorities for education - enforcing rules and regulations for program operation - establishing academic standards and assessment - formulating education policy and curricular offerings

Which factors contribute to potential difficulties between teachers and parents?

- social class and language barriers - varied perceptions of student characteristics - disputes about evaluative judgments - conflicting political or religious views

What are the most common state licensure requirements for teachers?

- tests of competency in basic skills - tests of content-area knowledge and pedagogy - criminal background checks - an approved teacher education program

What does Race to the Top require of states?

- to build data systems to measure student growth - to inform teachers of areas for improvement - to turn around the lowest-achieving schools - to eliminate legal barriers to charter schools

What indicates that a new teacher is experiencing culture shock?

- vomiting in the morning - disorientation - crying outbursts - physical exhaustion

What is the message of A Nation at Risk?

-The nation's future depends upon quality education. - Mediocre schools make the United States vulnerable to economic rivals. - There needs to be greater focus on academic achievement - Schools must administer tests to measure student effort.

Which circumstance might cause a new teacher to be accused of sexual misconduct?

A new teacher expresses affection for students in a way that may be misconstrued.

How does class size affect the future demand for teachers?

Class size changes are an insignificant factor.

Why is public education an essential theme in American educational history?

Compulsory education for all students is required by every state.

What typically happens at a job fair?

Districts and applicants meet at one site.

Why do many conservatives oppose the Common Core State Standards?

Imposition of standards represents federal intrusion into states' rights.

According to estimated and average teacher salaries, which of the following states in the Southeast has the largest average salary?


How did Horace Mann influence teacher education?

Mann founded the first public normal school for training elementary teachers.

Which argument is used to advocate for performance assessment?

Performance tests demonstrate how students apply knowledge.

Why is character education important to public school reform efforts?

Public schools teach civic virtues necessary for life in a democracy.

Why have teachers' salaries become controversial in educational reform?

Reformers want teachers with high student test scores to earn merit pay.

How has the definition of basic skills evolved to its current status?

Schools focus on basic skills needed to compete in the global marketplace.

What are the implications of Brown v. Board of Education and subsequent court decisions?

Schools were required to desegregate, and de jure segregation was eliminated.

Why are test scores reported by race, ethnicity, income, special education status, and English proficiency?

Score reporting is intended to minimize achievement gaps.

Why are actions by the state department of education important to schools, school districts, and colleges of education?

States certify that teachers are qualified to teach particular subjects.

Which factor might affect the demand for teachers?

Student enrollment is expected to rise.

Why are fringe benefits considered advantageous for teachers?

Teachers earn sick leave, health insurance, and pensions.

What advice is offered to new teachers regarding social media?

Teachers should maintain appropriate social distance.

Why has local control been an enduring theme in American educational history?

The Constitution relegated responsibility for education to each state.

Why did public school operation and administration become a state responsibility?

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution made education a state function.

Why are major media networks devoting time and resources to school reform?

The media emphasizes that our nation's future depends on the quality of education.

Why are merit or performance pay plans criticized?

Who deserves merit pay is difficult to equitably determine.

In what ways might a mentor be helpful to a new teacher?

acting as a guide and friend

How do states qualify to win the Race to the Top competition?

by adopting standards and assessments in all grades

Certification is official recognition by a state governmental agency that an individual meets state requirements.


At what point should new teachers seek the principal's support?

prudently when essential matters need to be addressed

A teacher's most significant problem is students' failure to learn and to develop their human potential.


Education-oriented writers, technology experts, editors, and salespeople may find job opportunities in the publishing industry.


Gaining expertise in more than one teaching field can expand job options and make a candidate more attractive to prospective employers.


The federal Title I program permits funding on a school-wide basis for low-income and low-achieving students.


When they are engaged in their professional work, teachers are typically isolated from one another in their classrooms.


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