French Clep

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Who can you adress in imperitive statements

tu, vous, ou nous(let's)

You only specify du matin, de l'après-midi andndu soir if you use a __________________

twelve-hour clock

How to conjugate conditional tense

use future tense stem use imparfait (used to/were) ending

vrai ou faux The final '-s' of the tu form of '-ER' verbs, irregular verb aller, and verbs conjugated like -ER verns is always dropped


the subjunctive indicative (présent du subjonctif) is used when you are...

when you are expressing a wish, a recommendation, a regret, etc.


which or what

rule to change a noun from singular to plural for words already ending with '-s', '-z' or '-x' at the singular

will not undergo any spelling change at the plural (Le prix (price) - Les prix Le nez (nose) - Les nez Le concours (contest) - Les concours)

Q: Tu penses à notre voyage? A: J'___ pense souvent


Q: Tu vas à New York? A: Oui, J'___ vais


Verbs that end in '-yer', such as envoyer (to send), payer ('to pay'), essayer ('to try'), retain the letter ___ with *nous* and *vous*, but the letter ___ is used in all other forms

y i J'envo*i*e Nous envo*y*ons Tu envo*i*es Vous envo*y*e Il/Elle/On envo*i*e Ils/Elles envo*i*ent

When the preposition à or de is followed by the definite articles le or les, you will need to...

à + le =au à + les =aux de + le =du de + les =des

With verbs that end in '-cer', like commencer ('to begin'), the letter c changes to ____ before the ending in '______' to maintain the [s] sound of the other forms

ç -ons commencer to Nous commen*çons*

Est-ce que

'Do you...?'

Qu'est-ce que

'What do you...?

To find the direct object of the verb, ask the question...

'who' (qui) or 'what' (quoi)

subjunctive indicative -ER, -IR, -RE (and most irregular verbs) conjugation

(1) You start with the presenttense ils/elles conjugaison of the verb. (2) You drop the '-ent' ending. (3) You add the appropriate subjunctive ending: Je *-E* Tu *-ES* Il/Elle/On *-E* Nous *-IONS* Vous *-IEZ* Ils/Elles *-ENT*

irregular imperative forms of avoir for tu, nous, vous

(Tu) Aies (Nous) Ayons (Vous) Ayez

irregular imperative forms of Savoir for tu, nous, vous

(Tu) Sache (Nous) Sachons (Vous) Sachez

irregular imperative forms of Être for tu, nous, vous

(Tu) Sois (Nous) Soyons (Vous) Soyez

A verb with a preposition can be followed by...

*A noun* (Mes étudiants s'intéressent à la langue.) A verb at the infinitive (J'encourage mes étudiants à parler)

Order to respect for multiple adjectives

*B.A.G.S* B(eauty) A(ge) G(oodness) S(ize) (Une jolie petite voiture)

The verbs using the auxiliary être (many are from song, Ecoute Cherie)

*DR AND MRS VANDERTRAMP* Devenir Revenir Monter Rester Sortir Venir Aller Naître Descendre Entrer Retourner Tomber Rentrer Arriver Mourir Partir

Two ways the he interrogative quel can be used

*Directly followed by a noun* Quel cours est-ce que tu préfères? *Followed by the auxiliary être to ask 'what is/are...?'* Quels sont les noms de tes amis? ('What are your friends' names?') *Only two forms of être can be used: est and sont*

Common expressions that use subjunctive

*Il est important que* It is important that *Vouloir que* To want that *Il est nécessaire que* It is necessary that *Espérer que* To wish that *Il faut que* To have to *Demander que* To ask that *Il est essentiel que* It is essential that *Douter que* To doubt that *Souhaiter/ désirer que* To wish that *Il se peut que* It may be that *Il est possible que* It is possible that *Il est probable que* It is probable that

Future tense of "I will study"

*J'étudierai* J'étudier +-AI

Direct Object pronouns

*Me/M'* Me *Te/T'* You *Le/L'* Him/It *La/L'* Her/It *Nous* Us *Vous* You *Les* Them

Indirect object pronouns

*Me/M'* Me *Te/T' *You *Lui* Him/Her (same pronoun) *Nous* Us *Vous* You *Leur* Them

Two parts of french negations

*Ne* precedes the verb The second part of the negation *(pas, jamais)* follows the verb

If I were younger, I would travel translation

*Si j'étais* (imp.) *plus jeune, je voyagerais* (cond.)

If you ask a question using an indefinite pronoun (un, une, des), you will have to replace it by ______ if you answer using a negation

*de/d'* (-Est-ce que tu as *des* stylos? -Non, je n'ai pas *de* stylos.)

Masculine ending to feminine -(i)en

-(i)enne Gardien/Gardienne (caretaker)

Masculine ending to feminine -(i)er

-(i)ère Banquier/Banquière (banker)

Add '-amment' to the stem of adjjectives that end in '- _____'

-ant Suffis*ant* (sufficient) Suffis*amment* (sufficiently)

Feminine endings for irregular adjectives for masculine -aux

-ausse (faux/fausse (false/wrong))

Adjectives ending in '-al' at the masculine singular will usually end in '___' at the plural.


Common singular to plural ending for irregular noun -ail

-aux (travail to travaux (work) corail to coraux (coral) Except: le détail/les détails)

Common singular to plural ending for irregular noun -al

-aux (journal to journaux (newspaper) cheval to chevaux (horse) Except: le bal/les bals (ball) le festival/les festivals le carnaval/les carnavals)

Feminine endings for irregular adjectives for masculine -c

-che (blanc/blanche (white); sec/sèche (dry))

For regular adjectives, you add an _____ to the masculine form of the adjective

-e (Grand to Grande Une grande table)

All verbs whose infinitive ends in -RE (regular and irregular ones) drop the '____' before adding endings

-e Apprendre > J'apprend*rai*

Feminine endings for irregular adjectives for masculine -eux

-eille (vieux/vieille (old))

Feminine endings for irregular adjectives for masculine -eau

-elle (beau/belle (nice/pretty); nouveau/ nouvelle (new))

Add '-emment' to the stem of adjectives that end in '-_____'

-ent Réc*ent* (recent) Réc*emment* (recently)

Masculine ending to feminine -et

-ette Cadet/Cadette (youngest)

Feminine endings for irregular adjectives for masculine -eux

-euse (heureux/heureuse (happy))

Feminine endings for irregular adjectives for masculine -ou

-olle (mou/molle (soft) ; fou/folle (crazy))

Feminine endings for irregular adjectives for masculine -ong

-ong (long/longue (long))

Masculine ending to feminine -on

-onne Patron/Patronne (boss)

Feminine endings for irregular adjectives for masculine -oux

-ousse or -ouce (doux/douce (soft); roux/rousse (red - hair color))

For most adjectives, the plural is formed by adding an ___ to the singular (for masculine and feminine form)


Common singular to plural ending for irregular noun -ou

-s (Except: le chou (cabbage); le bijou (jewel); le genou (knee); le hibou (owl); le caillou (rock); le pou (louce); le joujou (toy) All take an '- x ' at the plural)

Masculine ending to feminine -x

-se Époux/Épouse(spouse)

Masculine ending to feminine -teur (Chanteur)

-teuse Chanteur/Chanteuse (singer)

Masculine ending to feminine -teur (Acteur)

-trice Acteur/Actrice (actor/ actress)

Feminine endings for irregular adjectives for masculine -f

-ve (neuf/neuve (new))

Masculine ending to feminine -f

-ve Sportif/Sportive (sportsperson)

Common singular to plural ending for irregular noun -au and -eau

-x (chapeau to chapeaux (hat) bateau to bateaux (boat)

Common singular to plural ending for irregular noun -eu

-x (cheveu to cheveux (hair) neveu to neveux (nephew) Except: le pneu/les pneus (tire))

Past participle of Verb whose infinitive ends in... -ER -RE -IR

-É -U -I

Feminine endings for irregular adjectives for masculine -er

-ère (cher/chère (expensive))

To conjugate a verb at the passé composé, you always need 2 elements:

1. The auxiliary être or avoir 2. The past participle of the verb

Interrogative pronouns are made of two parts:

1. The first part corresponds to whether you are asking 'who(m)' or 'what' (Qui ou Que) 2.The second part corresponds to the grammatical function of the interrogative (subject or direct object).

To conjugated imperfect verb regular and irregular (except être)

1. Use present tense nous form of verm as root 2. add the correct imparfair ending

Irregular -IR verbs no.1 ex. Ouvrir, Cueillir, Souffrir, Découvrir, Accueillir

1. Verbs with only one stem and whose *endings are the same as -ER verbs*

How to find past participle of regular verbs

1.You take the verb at the infinitive 2. You remove the ending of the verb 3. You add the ending that corresponds to the category of the verb

Irregular -IR verbs no.2 ex. Partir, Dormir, Servir, Sentir, Mentir

2.Verbs with *two different stems (singular and plural)* and the following endings Je *-S* Tu *-S* Il/Elle/On *-T* Nous *-ONS* Vous *-EZ* Ils/Elles *-ENT* (ex. Je par*s* Nous part*ons* Tu par*s* Vous part*ez* Il/Elle/On par*t* Ils/Elles part*ent* Par____ at the singular Part____ at the plural)

Irregular -IR verbs no.3 ex. Venir, Tenir, Obtenir, Revenir,Devenir

3.Verbs with three different stems (singular; nous and vous; ils and elles) and the following endings Je *-S* Tu *-S* Il/Elle/On *-T* Nous *-ONS* Vous *-EZ* Ils/Elles *-ENT* Vien___ at the singular Ven___ with nous and vous Vienn___ with ils and elles

Will a masculine noun ending with an '-e' change its spelling at the feminine?

A masculine noun ending with an '-e' will *not* change its spelling at the feminine

The only irregular -ER verb is __________


En face de


Past participle of Aimer

Aimé Aim*ER* > Aim— > Aim*É*

conjugation of the most irregular verbs at the future / Irregular verb stems

Aller (To go ) *IR-* Avoir (to have ) *AUR-* Être (to be ) *SER-* Faire (to do ) *FER-* Pouvoir (to be able to ) *POURR-* Devoir (to have to ) *DEVR-* Savoir (to know) *SAUR-* Venir (to come ) *VIENDR-* Voir (to see ) *VERR-* Vouloir (To want) *VOUDR-*

Mauvais: Aussi___que

Aussi mauvais.e.s que

Verbs that are followed by the preposition de

Avoir peur de Avoir envie de Parler de Essayer de

A lot of

Beaucoup de

The liaison is forbidden

Before and after full names: Alain Ø est grand After the word et: Un et Ø un After singular nouns: La maison Ø est grande Before 'H' aspiré (when the 'H' is not mute): En Ø haut.





Bon: Aussi___que


Bon: Moins ___ que


Most common irregular adverbs

Bref (brief) *Brièvement* (briefly) Gentil (nice) *Gentiment* (nicely)

Present participle of choose (choosing)

Choisir > Choisisson > *Choisissant*

How much is it?

Combien ça coûte? C'est combien

Formal versions of How are you? What's your name? What's your age? Where are you from? What time is it?

Comment allezvous/vas-tu? Comment vous appelez-vous/ t'appelles-tu? Quel âge as-tu/ avez-vous? D'où viens-tu/ venez-vous? Quelle heure est-il?

Hoaw are you?

Comment vas-tu?/ Comment allez-vous?/ Comment ça va? Tu vas comment?



-tion, -sion, -son -ure -ude, -ade -ée -té -ière -euse -ance, -ence -ine, -ise -alle, -elle -esse, -ette

Common feminine endings of nouns

-age -ment -eau -ou -ème and -ège -er -oir -isme -ing -ard -il, -ail, -eil, -ueil

Common masculine endings of nouns

__________ means that you are acquainted with someone, or something. It is usually a synonym of 'to be familiar with'

Connaître Je connais Paul ('I know Paul')

Common verbs with two stems at subjinctive indicative

Croire (to believe) *Croi- ,Croy-* Voir (to see) *Voi-, Voy-* Recevoir (to receive/get)* Reç-, Recev-* Prendre (to take) *Prenn-, Pren-* Comprendre (to understand) *Comprenn-, Compren-* Venir (to come) *Vienn-, Ven-* Devenir (to become) *Devienn-, Deven-* Apprendre (to learn) *Apprenn-, Apren-* Devoir (to have to) *Doiv-, Dev-* Acheter (to buy) *Achèt-, Achet-* Payer (to pay) *Pai-, Pay-* Appeler (to call) *Appell-, Appel-*

Relative pronoun que function

Direct object (who, whom, which, that)

Relative pronoune _______ replaces any person or thing after de

Dont Je cherche mes clés. J'ai besoin *de mes clés* Je cherche mes clés *dont* j'ai besoin

She would have translation (Avoir)

Elle aurait

Past Participle of Irregular verbs... Avoir (to have) Boire (to drink) Connaître (to know) Croire (to believe) Devoir (to ough to) Lire (to read) Pouvoir (to be able to) Savoir (to know)

Eu Bu Connu Cru Dû Lu Pu Su


In front of


In/Inside (depending on context)

If you are giving an advice using the construction use the ________

Infinitive Il est + adjective + de *Il est bon de* faire du sport régulièrement ('It is good to exercise regularly')

The infinitive (non conjugated form) of a French verb always falls into on the following 3 categories

Infinitive in *-ER* (manger) Infinitive in *-RE* (boire) Infinitive in *-IR*(dormir)

Imparfair of être

J'*étais* Nous *étions* Tu *étais* Vous *étiez* Il/Elle/On *était* Ils/Elles *étaient*

Irregular verb Avoir subjunctive

J'aie Tu aies Il/Elle/On ait Nous ayons Vous ayez Ils/Elles aient

Irregular verb Aller subjunctive

J'aille Tu ailles Il/Elle/On aille Nous allions Vous alliez Ils/Elles aillent

Imparfait endings

Je *-AIS* Tu *-AIS* Il/Elle/On *-AIT* Nous *-IONS* Vous *-IEZ* Ils/Elles *-AIENT*

-ER Verb conjugations

Je *-E* Tu *-ES* Il/Elle/On *-E* Nous *-ONS* Vous *-EZ* Ils/Elles *-ENT*

-IR verb conjugations

Je *-IS* Tu *-IS* Il/Elle/On *-IT* Nous *-ISSONS* Vous *-ISSEZ* Ils/Elles *-ISSENT*

Reflexive Prounouns

Je *Me* Tu *Te* Il/Elle/On *Se* Nous *Nous* Vous *Vous* Ils/Elles *Se*

Connaître conjugations

Je *connais* Tu *connais* Il/Elle/On *connait* Nous *connaissons* Vous *connaissez* Ils/Elles *connaissent*

Savoir conjugations

Je *sais* Tu *sais* Il/Elle/On *sait* Nous *savons* Vous *savez* Ils/Elles *savent*

Future tense of regular verbs

Je -AI Tu -AS Il/Elle/On -A Nous -ONS Vous -EZ Ils/Elles -ONT (The endings of when cojugated with aller)

verbs that have a stem specific to nous and vous at the present at subjuctive indicative

Je bois Nous *buv*ons Tu bois Vous *buv*ez Il/Elle/On boit Ils/Elles boivent

Irregular verb Faire subjunctive

Je fasse Tu fasses Il/Elle/On fasse Nous fassions Vous fassiez Ils/Elles fassent

Irregular verb Pouvoir subjunctive

Je puisse Tu puisses Il/Elle/On puisse Nous puissions Vous puissiez Ils/Elles puissent

Irregular verb Savoir subjunctive

Je sache Tu saches Il/Elle/On sache Nous sachions Vous sachiez Ils/Elles sachent

Irregular verb Être subjunctive

Je sois Tu sois Il/Elle/On soit Nous soyons Vous soyez Ils/Elles soient

Irregular verb Vouloir subjunctive

Je veuille Tu veuilles Il/Elle/On veuille Nous voulions Vous vouliez Ils/Elles veuillent

"The best" translation

Le meilleur/ Les meilleurs La meilleure/ Les meilleures

"The worst" translation

Le pire/ Les pires La pire/ Les pires

Relative Pronoun _________ and its variations replace an indirect object referring to a thing after a preposition (except the preposition de)

Lequel (J'habite dans une maison. La maison est grande.) (La maison dans laquelle j'habite est grande.)

"Their" (Ils/Elles) possesive adjective


Bon: Plus

Meilleur(e, es) que

Mauvais: Moins___que

Moins mauvais.e.s que

"My" possesive adjective

Mon/Mes Ma/Mes


Ne...Nulle part (je ne vais nulle part pendant les vacances.)






Ne...personne (je ne vois personne)





No more, No longer (je n'étudie plus le français)

À côté de

Next to

"our" possesive adjective


we would be translation (Être)

Nous serions



Relative pronoun _______ is the translation of 'where' or 'when' and indicates time or location

Où C'est la ville *où* j'ai grandi ('This is the city where I grew up'). 1980 est l'année *où* je suis allé en Chine ('1980 is when I went to China').

Using est-ce que to ask more specific questions

Où est-ce que tu habites? Comment est-ce que tu t'appelles? Quand est-ce que vous êtes en vacances? Pourquoi est-ce que tu étudies si tard?

Where is it?

Où est-ce?/ Où est-ce que c'est? C'est où?



Not or Not at all

Pas/Pas du tout de

Present participle of pay (paying)

Payer > Payons > *Payant*

Verbs that are followed by the preposition à

Penser à S'intéresser Passer du temps à faire Croire à Téléphoner à Parler à

Mauvais: Plus

Pire que

'-ment' is added to the masculine singular form of adjectives ending with a vowel for these adverbs...

Poli Poliment (politely) Vrai Vraiment (truly) Absolu Absolument (absolutely)



Add an accent at the e for these adverbs...

Précisément Profondément Énormément

Quel(le)(s) Masculine


Quel(le)(s) Feminine


What is it?

Qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est quoi?

When is it?

Quand est-ce?/ Quand est-ce que c'est? C'est quand?




Que/Qu'est-ce que? Quoi? (familiar)



more polite/ formal way of asking questions

Replacing est-ce que by doing a subject/verb inversion Comment *est-ce que* tu t'*appelles*? to Comment *vous appelez*vous?

Partitive Particle Feminine

Singlular: De la De l'* Plural: Des

Partitive Particle Masucline

Singular: Du or De l'* Plural :Des

Feminine definite articles

Singular: La L' + vowel (the) Pluaral: Les (the)

Masculine definite articles

Singular: Le L' + vowel (the) Pluaral:Les (the)

Maculine indefinite articles

Singular: Un (a; an) Plural: Des (some; any)

Feminine indefinite articles

Singular: Une (a; an) Pluaral: Des (some; any)

"their" (il/elle) possesive adjective

Son/Ses Sa/Ses

Relative pronoun qui function

Subject, Indirect, object (who, which. that)

Definite articles are used

To express a preference (with verbs like aimer, préférer, détester, etc.) To name a category in general To name languages To refer to someone/ something made specific by what follows it

The pronoun en is used

To replace a thing/an object (never a person) introduced by de, du, de la, de l', des To replace the structures: a. Partitive article + noun

À gauche (de)

To the left (of)

À droite (de)

To the right (of)

"Your" possesive adjective

Ton/Tes Ta/Tes

Accent grave: è (à; ù) pronounciation

Très; Après (eh)

To use the subjunctive you always need to have_______

Two different Subjects *Je* souhaite que *vous* fassiez vos devoirs.

One kilo of

Un kilo de

A liter of

Un litre de

A little bit of

Un peu de

A glass of

Un verre de



A bottle of

Une bouteille de

A can of

Une boîte de

A cup of

Une tasse de

You use an indirect object pronoun when you have the structure:

Verb + preposition à + person/animate noun Je *parle à* Julie. Je *lui* parle.

"your" (vous) possesive adjective


Vrai ou faux Masculine adjectives that end with an '-e' do not take an additional '-e' at the feminine. Their spelling remains unchanged


Vrai ou faux Verbs using avoir at the passé composé don't agree with the subject. However, verbs using être always need to agree in gender and number with the subject.


Past Participle of Irregular verbs... Voir (to see) Vouloir (to want) Mettre (to put) Prendre (to take) Dire (to say) Écrire (to write) Être (to be) Faire (to do

Vu Voulu Mis Pris Dit Écrit Été Fait

Accent aigu: é pronounciation

Vélo; Téléphone (ae)

Qu'est-ce que

What is it that what (Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire?)

Qu'est-ce qui

What is that who (Qu'est-ce qui a lieu (happens) ce week end?)

Indefinite articles are used:

When mentioning someone/something that can be counted (as opposed to an entire category of things) ( Des randonnées; un sac à dos; une bouteille d'eau; des vêtements)

Qui est-ce que

Who is it that what (Qui est-ce que tu aimes?)

Qui est-ce qui

Who is that who (Qui est-ce qui va chercher Marie à l'aéroport?)

How to make french adverb

add '-ment' to the feminine singular form of the adjective m. Lent (slow) f. *Lente* Lente*ment* (slowly)

general rule to change a noun from singular to plural

add an '-s' at the end of the noun. (This applies to masculine and feminine nouns: Un ami - Des amis Une étudiante - Des étudiantes)

you need to know the gender and number of the ______ (masculine and singular) in order to choose the correct possessive adjective

adjective being possesed

adjectives are placed before or after the noun they qualify


when the past participle is used with être. Then, it must _______ in gender an number with the subject

agree Elle est parti*e* Ils sont resté*s*

To express events that will happen in the near future, you can use a present-tense form of _______, followed by a _________________

aller verb at the infinitive (Je *vais aller* au cinéma ce soir)

à + le


à + les


have an ____ache (translation

avoir mal à

French adverbs go ______ adjectives and ________ verbs

before adjectives Je suis *très fatiguée* after verbs (Est-ce que vous *dormez assez*?)

How to form present participle of french verbs

by dropping the '- ons' ending from the nous form of the present tense and adding '-ant' Parler > Parlons > Parlant

To use would in a sentence you use the __________ tense


Reflexive verbs (also called pronominal verbs) are mostly used to mention ___________________

daily habits ex.Se lever, Se maquiller, Se laver/Se doucher, S'asseoir , Se coucher, S'amuser, Se brosser, Se couper, Se peigner, Se raser, S'habiller , Se détendre

Whenever you use an expression of quantity, the expression will always be followed by ____, regardless of the gender and number of the noun

de (Il mange beaucoup *de* viande)

In a negative sentence, un, une and des are replaced by ____, even if the noun they introduce is plural

de (La famille fait *des* randonnées. La famille ne fait pas *de* randonnées.)

*After a negation* the partitive article reverts to ____ (or ____ if the noun starts with a vowel or a silent '-h')

de or d' (Il boit *de la* bière to Il ne boit pas *de* bière.

de + les


de + le


With verbs that end in '-ger', like manger ('to eat'), the letter ___ is added before the ending in '____' to maintain the [ž] sound of other forms

e -ons manger to Nous mang*eons*

Verbs like acheter ('to buy') and appeler ('to call'), that end in e + consonant + er, retain the ___ in the nous and vous forms. In all other forms of acheter, ___ is changed to ___. In all other forms of appeler, the consonant following __ is ________________

e e è e, doubled J'ach*è*te vs Nous achetons J'appe*ll*e vs Nous appelons

Q: Est-ce que tu as du pain? A: Oui, j'___ ai.


Q: Est-ce que tu parles de notre voyage? A: J'____ parle souvent


The present participle is usually used preceded by the word ___ which corresponds to the use of the gerund in English ('by + —ING').

en Je marchais en parlant au téléphone ('I was walk*ing* by talking over the phone').

Using the expression ________________ in a question automatically calls for an answer starting with 'yes' (oui) or 'no' (non)

est-ce que (-Est-ce que tu as un stylo? -Oui, j'ai un stylo)

Masculine ending to feminine -eur

euse Vendeur/Vendeuse (salesperson)

Vrai ou faux Family names are pluralized in French

faux (Family names aren't pluralized in French Les MartinØ (The Martins))

In complex sentences that include a clause beginning with si ('if'), the verb in the si clause is conjugated at the __________ and introduces a hypothetical situation. The verb in the other clause is at the ___________ and expresses what would/ could happen.

imparfait Conditional

Verbs in -RE are all __________, in the sense that none of them follow the same pattern in terms of conjugation


Imparfair of Habiter using Je

j'habit*AIS* /Nous/ *habit*ons > *habit—* > j'*habitAIS*

on + (day of the week) translation

le (jour de la semaine)

When using the superlative with adjectives, you will use the expressions ______ ('the most') or _______('the least')

le plus le moins

You will use ______ and _______ regardless of whether you use a twelve or a twenty-four-hour clock

midi, minuit

When a feminine word starts with a VOWEL or a mute H, you won't use "ma, ta, sa" BUT "_____________" (the masculine form) for a reason of pronunciation. *Only at the singular*, not the plural of feminine words

mon, ton, son (/Ma amie/ to Mon amie)

When a negation is used, ___ precedes the *reflexive pronoun*, and the second part of the negation (pas, jamais, etc) comes after the verb

ne ex. Je *ne* me couche *pas* tôt

Masculine adjectives ending with an '-s' or an '-x' at the singular will __________' at the plural.

not take an '-s; Their spelling remains unchanged

When focusing on the *completion of an event*, you use ____________________ When focusing on its *ongoing or habitual nature in the past*, you use _________________

passé composé (I did/ I had) imparfait (I used to/ I would)

The imperative forms of a verb are the same as the ____________________

present-tense forms

Qui est-ce qui is the only interrogative pronoun that can be shortened to _____


Direct object pronouns correspond to the people or thing in a sentence which ________ the action of the verb


Partitive Particles ...

refers to an unspecified quantity of food, liquid, or some other uncountable noun *de la* viande; *de la* salade; *du*poisson; *des* légumes

The pronoun y is used to...

replace a thing/an object (never a person) introduced by à, à l', à la, au(x)

________means that you know something through mental ability, or through a learning process

savoir Elle sait jouer du violon ('She knows how to play the violin')

Indirect objects are...

the people in a sentence to or for whom the action fo the verb occurs

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