French Diction Test 1
if letter ɑ is in a french word, it is FREQUENTLY pronounced as this. if it has a grave accent [à] then it is ALWAYS pronounced as this. almost always pronounced as bright.
the letters ai and aill are pronounced ________.
when letters am or an are followed by a vowel or another m or n, they are not nasal, pronounce them as _____ and ______ instead.
[am] and [an]
final es in a monosyllable word is pronounced _________.
pronounce er in verb endings as _______.
pronounce é as ______.
when ai is final in a word, it is pronounced _______.
when final er occurs in nouns and adjectives, it is sometimes [ɛr], but usually _______.
when e comes before a final silent consonant, it is ___________________.
[e], [ɛ], [ə], or silent (but usually [e])
when the letter y occurs before or after a consonant it is pronounced as __________.
when the single letter i precedes mute e, it is pronounced as _______.
when the single letter î or i has is final or before a consonant, it is pronounced _________.
when medial ill follows a consonant, pronounce it as _______. final il is not included in this rule.
in the three words mille, tranquille, ville, and their derivatives, the letter groups ill, and ille are pronounced as ____________.
when il or ill is initial in the word, it is pronounced _________.
when the letters im or in are followed by a vowel sound or another m or n, do not nasalize them. pronounce them as ________ and _________.
[im] and [in]
when the letters ym and yn are followed by a vowel or another m or n, do not nasalize them, but pronounce them as ___________and __________.
[im] and [in]
final il and ill are commonly pronounced ________.
when i precedes a "stressed" vowel (a vowel in the same syllable other than mute e), it is pronounced as the glide _________.
when the letter y is initial in the word it is pronounced as ___________.
in liaison, the consonant g will sound like ________.
pronounce eau or eaux as __________.
the letters au and aux are usually pronounced as closed ______.
when the letters on and om are final or before another consonant, pronounce them as a ________.
in liaison, the consonant d will sound like ________.
the letters où, oû, are usually pronounced ________.
when the letters ou occur before a mute e, they are pronounced as _______.
[u] or [u ə] depending on number of notes.
when the letters um and un are followed by a vowel or another m or n, do not nasalize them but pronounce them as _______ and ________.
[um] and [un]
when the letters ou occur before a stressed vowel, they are usually pronounced as the glide ____.
the letters oi are usually pronounced ___________.
the letters oy are pronounced _________.
when the letters oin are final or before another consonant, pronounce them as __________. Do not pronounce the n unless in liaison.
[wɛ̃ ]
the letter u before a final mute e is usually pronounced ________.
the letter u, û, and final u before a consonant is pronounced as the mixed vowel __________.
in liaison, the consonants s or x will sound like _________.
the letters oeu as the final sound of a word, are usually pronounced __________.
when eu is the final sound of the word, pronounce as _________.
the letters oeu in the interior of a word are usually pronounced _______.
when the letters eu are in the interior of a word, they are usually pronounced _________.
when the letters ue are followed by il, ill, or ille, they are pronounced as the open ________.
when the letters um or un are final or before another consonant, pronounce them as ____________.
[œ̃ ]
the letter â is almost always ______.
the letter ɑ before final silent s is usually ______.
[ɑ] before silent s.
ent that is not 3rd person plural, ar pronounced _______.
[ɑ̃ ]
when letters am or an are followed by a vowel or another consonant, pronounce them as the nasal vowel _______.
[ɑ̃ ]
when the letters em or en are final or before another onsonant, pronounce them as the nasal vowel _______.
[ɑ̃ ]
the letter o is usually pronounced __________.
when the letters om and on are followed by a vowel, or another m or n do NOT nasalize them, but pronounce them as _________ and _________.
[ɔm] and [ɔn]
final es in a polysyllable word is silent or _________.
when e comes before a single consonant followed by a vowel, it is pronounced ______.
[ə] (schwa)
ei and a final et are both pronounced _________.
pronounce é, ê, and ë as _____.
when ai, aî, aie, ais, ait, aient are in the interior of the word, they are usually pronounced ________.
when e occurs before two or more consonants, it is usually pronounced ________.
when e occurs before a final pronounced consonant, it is pronounced as ________ always.
[ɛ] always.
the letters ay, eil, eill are usually pronounced as _______.
when eim or ein are followed by a vowel or another m or n, do not nasalize them, but pronounce them as ______ and _______.
[ɛm] and [ɛn]
when letters aim or ain are followed by a vowel or another m or n, they are not nasal, pronounce them as _____ and ______ instead.
[ɛm] and [ɛn]
the letters en and i are pronounced as _________.
[ɛ̃ ]
when the letters eim or ein are final or before another consonant, pronounce them as the nasal vowel _________.
[ɛ̃ ]
when the letters im or in are final or before another consonant, pronounce them as the nasal vowel __________.
[ɛ̃ ]
when the letters ym or yn re final or followed by another consonant, pronounce them as the nasal vowel _________.
[ɛ̃ ]
whe the letters ain or aim are final or before another consonant, they are pronounced as the nasal sound _______.
[ɛ̃ ] do not pronounce m or n if in liaison
the letter u before a stressed vowel is usually the glide _________.
________ after another vowel or glide is usually silent.
when the letters em or en are followed by a vowel or another m or n, do not ___________ them.
in words ending with rd, rs, or rt, usually link the _____ instead of the final silent consonant.
r (except when rs indicates a plural word)
in french, the ________ is more forward and rounded then the english pronunciation.
the letter u after g and before a vowel is __________.
final ent in verbs (3rd person plural) is ______________. (depending on the number of notes in music.)
silent or schwa
Elision [e li ˈzjõ]
the omission of a final mute e followed by a word beginning with a vowel or mute h
Liaison [ljɛ ˈzõ]
the pronunciation of a normally silent final consonant, linking with the next word that begins with a vowel, a glide, or a mute h
the letter _______ before the sound [s] or [z] is sometimes [a]