From Jesus to Christ Part I and 2

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Who Ruled Jude's is Jesus' time? What was this character like?

Rules by King Herod the Great, voice and instrument of Rome . He was brutal, ambitious and successful.

What was Pontius Pilate like as a man and governor?

Ruthless and effective (Pilate eliminates and repressed) he was violent.

What is Paul's Jewish name?


Description of Romes empire in the 1st Century.

Spread across the Mediterranean, Spain and Arabia .

What is the official day for Christian worship?

Sunday. Day of Jesus' ressurection.

What was the core of Jesus' teaching?

That Gods Kingdom is here now, stop waiting to be your best yourself.

What did the Dead Sea scrolls say regarding the Messiah Figure?

That there were 2 a Kingly figure and priestly figure

Who were the villians in Matthew?

The Jewish authorities

What does Mark not mention, but they add later?

The Resurrection

What urban center was 4 miles from Nazareth ? How did this affect Jesus?

The Urban Center of Sephoris, he was exposed to Greek and Pagan practices.

Ethical Eschatology

The end of time/ world. Jesus claimed God calls each of us into a active fight against evil/ sin.

How was the temple symbolic to every Jew?

The heart and soul of their culture, sacred place where earth and heavens met.

What two things does Paul emphasize?

The importance of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the understanding and being prepared for the end time.

What is eschatology?

study of the end times

What are the two sources used by the Matthean and Lukan communities to construct their narratives?

"Q" Source and Mark

What is Christianity's fundamental question?

"What does it mean and how do we deal with?" And for Jesus' resurrection "Did it happen?"

What did early Christianity look like?

-Had many different groups, people who went around, settled groups, radical groups and a mixture of diverse range.

What is the new material in Luke?

Acts of Apostles

What was the Christology of Matthew?

Jesus is a Jewish Rabbi with authority that fulfills the law.

What two points do the resurrection stories clearly establish?

Jesus really did resurrect, and disciples did see him and it wasn't just a ghost.

When do scholars believe Jesus was born?

Between 6 & 4 BCE, under Emperor Augustus, during a booming economic time.

What do Paul's letters focus on?

Christology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology

What does canonical mean?

Church approved

What City did Paul arrive in 51 CE?

Corinth in Ancient Greece

What audience did Matthew write for?


What was this Urban Center like?

Jews and Pagans were mingling in this center,.

What Gospel is connected to the Book of Revelation?


What is not considered one of the synoptics?


Which Gospel has a prologue that explains Jesus' true identity?


What was the religious climate in Jesus' time?

Politically religious climate

What does "Q' mean?

Quella or "Unknown"

What does synoptic mean?

Uses the same sources borrowed from another

What does Luke pay special attention to?

Women and the Poor

What is the writing of Mark like?

Written in Greek by Aramaic Speakers, many Greek errors, a rough draft.

Who wrote Luke?

Written in Greek by Greek Speakers, corrects Mk's mistakes.

Who wrote Matthew?

Written in Greek by a Jewish and Gentile mixed community that corrects Marks Greek mistakes

What is a Diaspora Jew?

A well established Jew so they were able to spread a lot. They were Jews outside of Palestine.

When and where did Christianity officially begin?

50 days after Jesus died (Pentecost), different centers of disciples trying to explain the experience of Jesus.

What is a diaspora Jew?

A Jew that lived outside of Palestine

What was the audience of John?

A community in religious and spiritual crisis

What purpose did Jewish Synagogues serve in the ancient Roman World?

A formal place of worship, more of a community centerr, attractignnegentiles in large crowds who saw it as friendly.

Who were the Essenes?

A group that abandoned Jerusalem because of the way the temple was ran, they believed God was going to end the world.

What is the Christology of Jesus in Luke?

A powerful wonder worker

Who wrote John?

A sophisticated Gentile Community that uses a large dose of cryptic and symbolic language.

What was Jesus born a subject of?

A subject of the Roman Empire, Palestinian Jew under the Roman occupation.

What is the audience of Mark?

General audience

What is the audience of Luke?

Gentile Audience

Who is the audience of Luke?

Gentile audience

What was the Christology of Jesus in John?

Jesus as "Logos" word of God incarnate. The true redeemer and savior of all world. Jesus pre-existed with God and his is agent.

Description of the costal city of Caesarea?

Had an aqueduct, it had buildings , temples- proper Roman town.

What are the historical problems of knowing the historical Jesus?

He did not really write anything down, we don't have any sources from him while he was alive.

Who did Paul die under?

He died under emperor Nero

What event most likely gets Jesus killed?

He drove out those who were selling, turns over tables in the temple during Passover:

How was Jesus like most of the people of his time? Why would he not be considered historically significant during his own time?

He had no riches or royalty, died under poor conditions like everyone else.

How many letters does Paul have?

He has seven letter called the Golden Seven

Why is the historical Paul better known than Jesus?

He is intriguing, he left behind and wrote letters, Jesus did not record anything

How was Jesus politically dangerous?

He publicly stated that the current order was wicked and sinful, attacked Roman Empire.

Why did Jesus leave Nazareth?

He was going to pursue a ministry

What do we know about the historical Jesus?

He was told of by his 2,000 followers, born 2000 years ago, in Palestine, became a preacher, was executed.

What was Jesus' Social Class?

He wasnt rich and he wasnt poor, he was an artisan.

Describe the region of Galilee in Jesus' time

Hot with radicalism, religious, turmoil, diverse, arguments over Judaism should be and what it should be like.

What is the Christology for Mark?

Human Jesus that is the suffering servant.

What is the special attention given Luke?

In establishing Jesus' power for Gentile Conversions

What did the Matthew writing correct?

It corrects the writing of Mark

How did most Pagans respond to Paul's notion of a Jewish Redeemer?

It seems outlandish, it struck a chord upon the Greeks in the Corinth.

What is the identity of Jesus in Mark?

It was a Messianic Secret.

Describe ancient world Paganism?

It was many for them a function of life for a living, it was like shopping for a God.

How was the Temple ambiguous for a Jewish Peasant?

It was supposed to be Gods house, but it was being controlled by Romans.

Who does John Villainize?

Judas and the Jewish people, some anti-Jew language.

How did Herod rebuild Jerusalem?

Like a showpiece, on a detailed monumental scale.

What is considered the Sunshine Gospel?


What is the longest Gospel?


Which Gospels tell the Birth of Jesus?


This Gospel was used as a source for Matthew and Luke Gospels


What Gospel was written first?

Mark (70-75)

What was Jerusalem like during Passover in Jesus' time

Most populated more animals and sheep. Politically seen as Romans look down on them.

Where was the historical Jesus probably born?


Do historians believe that a large crowd witnessed Jesus' crucifixion?

No there was no large crowd. He was taken with other criminals, put on trial and executed, they probably just saw him as someone causing trouble like the others:

Where was Jesus' professional career centered

Northern Galilee

How did the death of Jesus set the early followers of Jesus back into confusion?

Nothing happened and the kingdom did not arrive immediately.

What was the importance of the Olympian gods to the pagan world?

Olympian Gods were over most of individuals lives, very powerful, Gods controlled Nature.

How did the Jews see their relationship with God?

One God with One special people, with one temple.

What was the "one" temple of Jesus' time?

The temple in Jerusalem, Second Herodic Temple, center of religious life.

What did the earliest followers of Jesus expect? How did they view themselves?

They expected Jesus to come back, they saw it as a Jewish movement.

How did the Roman Empire initially help to spread the movement?

They had a lot of movement and Roman roads had a lot of diverse duties and conversations and Movements, the Network was the most instrumental in Christianity as it helped it spread.

What did the Gospel of Matthew use to write their Gospel?

They used Mark and the Q source.

What does redact mean?

To rearrange add, reorder source being used.

What was prophet John the Baptists message?

To repent, the kingdom of God is eminent.

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