FSTC Exam 3

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A migraine headache after consuming dark chocolate is one example of a food idiosyncrasy but is not a true food allergy.


Although dried foods will have reduced moisture content, the growth of microorganisms in the food depends on water activity, not moisture.


An important method of moisture removal is freeze-drying, which first freezes the product and then evaporates off moisture by application of a vacuum.


By embedding nanocrystals into plastic, researchers have created a molecular barrier that can help prevent the escape of gases from brewed and carbonated beverages.


Which enzymes participate in the production of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)?

alpha-amylase; glucoamylase; glucose isomerase

One purpose or use of antibiotics is__________, which refers to the mass medication of a group of animals to minimize or prevent an expected outbreak of animal disease.


There are two basic mechanisms by which antibiotic resistance can develop in an organism. Bacterial genes can spontaneously ________ in such a way as to confer antibiotic resistance to the cell.


The process of curd formation through milk acidification has to do with the _________ of casein.


How does an enzyme interact with a substrate?

They bind together at the enzyme's active site.

Which statement is not true regarding line extensions?

(a) can refer to a new form of an already established product (b) require the same amount of time and money to develop as totally new products (c) typically involve concept, idea, development, and commercialization (d) can vary in terms of complexity and cost (e) are comparatively inexpensive to create =B

Which panelist selection and training criteria should be applied to all sensory test situations?

(a) consistent correct responses (b) healthy personal status (c) lack of food allergies (d) socioeconomic level and cultural background (e) ability to recognize duplicate samples =all EXECPT D

The main applications of sensory evaluation in the food industry are:

(a) establishing SOPs and GOPs. (b) in quality assurance and product development. (c) in market research and sales. (d) in formulation and purchasing. (e) in quality assurance and integrated resource management. =B

In sensory work, it is possible to control variability in data and minimize error. Which of the following is a good idea and which is not?

(a) randomization of sample presentation order (b) layout of sensory evaluation area so that it is open to the food preparation area a is good, b is not

Look at "situation 4" (pH 5.5, 14o C, and 5% NaCl), and recall hurdle technology. What is observed?

A pH of 5.5 fails to "stop" the organism.

How do enzymes impact the Ea (energy of activation) in terms of a chemical reacion going to completion?

As reaction catalysts, they lower the Ea barrier to such reactions, speeding them up to completion

The sensory specialist performs seven key roles in product development, prior to the generation of a final report on the new product:

Determine the project objective (product modification or totally new product?) by understanding the needs of the project leader in order to apply the appropriate sensory test and properly analyze the data, as well as define treatments and variables. Determine the test objective, which means deciding between difference, preference, or acceptability testing. Before starting the study, record in writing the project objective, the test objective, and a brief statement of how the test results will be obtained, analyzed, and applied. Screen the samples during the first discussion phase of the project. The sensory specialist should examine all of the sensory properties of the samples to be tested so as to determine whether any sensory biases due to nonuniform samples, such as color or thickness differences, are present. Design the test, which involves selection of the test technique, score sheet design, selection and training of panelists, the criteria for sample preparation and presentation, and the manner of data analysis. Conduct the test, with the sensory specialist being responsible for seeing that all requirements of the design are met by the sensory staff. Analyze the data using the procedure for data analysis that was determined at the test design stage. The appropriate statistical programs and expertise need to be in place to begin data analysis as soon as the test is completed. Data is often analyzed for the main treatment effect/test objective and other test variables such as order of presentation, day effects, and subject variables, including panelist age, gender, and geographical area. Interpret and report results. It is always desirable to review the results and express them in terms of the stated objectives; an initially clear statement of the project and test objectives enables the sensory specialist to accomplish this. The written sensory report should summarize the data, describe the samples, provide information regarding the panelists, identify the key test findings, and make informed recommendations.

A Gram positive bacterium will stain red.


A medium dose of irradiation (for food applications) s called radicidation. MAKES IT TRUE: radurization is the medium dose= 1 to 10 kGy


AAA. BBB, ABA, BAB, ABB are examples of sample presentation order in the triangle sensory test. MAKES IT TRUE: AAA and BBB are not present bc of the definition of a triangle


Active ingredients to be encapsulated are typically surrounded by a lipid matrix. MAKES IT TRUE: by a protective matrix


Catalase is an example of an immobilized enzyme used in the production of HFCS MAKES IT TRUE: production of high-fructose corn syrups (HFCS) was greatly facilitated by the use of immobilized glucose isomerase.


Cocoa butter contains numerous sugar crystal forms, which is referred to as polymorphism.


D values written as D121 indicate the specific temperature (121) required to kill 90% of a population of microorganisms for any processing time chosen.


Encapsulation is a technique that does not involve dispersing the active ingredient within a protective matrix or by surrounding the ingredient with a coating. MAKES IT TRUE: encapsulation may be accomplished by dispersing the active ingredient within a protective matrix, or it may be accomplished by surrounding the ingredient with a coating, shell, or membrane


Endoenzymes are fixed or localized by physical or chemical means to a solid support, such as a bead or gel matrix, so as to confine a reaction of interest to a particular site. MAKES IT TRUE: Immobilized enzymes are enzymes fixed or localized by physical or chemical means to a solid support, such as a bead or gel matrix, so as to confine a reaction of interest to a particular site


Given that cocoa butter contains mainly P-O-P, P-O-S, and S-O-S triglycerides, while lard has dozens of different ones including P-P-O, O-P-O, O-O-O, and some that are highly saturated, the triglycerides in lard (but not cocoa butter) are uniform in that they are of the type "saturatedunsaturated-saturated", and this contributes to a sharp melt.


In cocoa bean processing, what does tempering achieves the destruction of all microorganisms.


Intermediate moisture foods (IMF) are characterized by moisture contents lower than 40% MAKES IT TRUE: moisture content of 15 to 50% and water activity of .6-.85


Irradiation is the process of applying ionizing energy to matter, rendering it mildly radioactive (<1 to approximately 10 kilograys of radioactivity in commercial food), while radiation is the emission and propagation of energy through matter or space.


It is known that doses in the range of 0.2 to 0.36 kGy are required to stop the reproduction of Trichinella spiralis, an organism found in pork. This dose range is termed medium. higher doses are necessary to destroy it


Nanoencapsulation is a process by which food particles such as raisins and nuts are surrounded or coated with a continuous film of polymeric material. MAKES IT TRUE: macroencapsulation


Pasteurization is a thermal processing in which all pathogenic and spoilage organisms are destroyed, while blanching destroys only organisms known to occur in specific foods that could affect public health. ?????


Regarding the action potential, during repolarization, Na+ ions move into cells


The "Danger Zone" temperatures for stored food is 40o C to 140o C. MAKES IT TRUE: 40-140 degrees F not C


The QDA sensory test can be used to determine whether an overall difference exists between samples where no specific attributes can be identified as having been affected MAKES IT TRUE: The duo trio test


The lipooxygenase reaction is responsible for the softening of texture and the browning of fruits and vegetables Polyphenol oxidase is what causes the sofenting and browning


The question: "How much operating time must be devoted to new product manufacture at the manufacturing plant?" is linked to the "idea stage" in product development MAKES IT TRUE: in the commercial stage


This form of packaging designed to be the most sterile: M.A.P. MAKES IT TRUE: Aseptic packaging is all about sterile


To manufacture specific desirable food products that exhibit a certain shelf life is not in the scope of food processing Makes it true: The principles of food processing are applied in such a way so as to meet specific product goals, which might include greater stability and shelf life, enhanced nutrition, and packaging convenience.


Toxins can be produced by certain bacteria outside the body, in the food we eat, but not by bacteria once they are inside the GI tract. MAKES IT TRUE: Foodborne illness can be caused by ingesting a bacterium that produces a toxin In the food being consumed, or later once the organism reaches the GI tract.


Water activity can be increased in a food by adding soluble components, such as sugars and salts. MAKES IT TRUE: Water activity can be DECREASED in a food by adding soluble components, such as sugars and salts.


freeze drying

Freeze-drying, or lyophilization, which first freezes the product and then evaporates off moisture by application of a vacuum, is a popular approach applicable to many foods.

For our purposes, the commercial stage refers to production scale-up from pilot plant to commercial plant, plus market testing and the subsequent introduction of the new product to a nationwide market. In this stage product development scientists interact with manufacturing and operations personnel in the actual commercial production plant. A further aspect of this stage has to do with obtaining information from the end user of a product—the consumer—through market testing and market research.

How much operating time must be devoted to new product manufacture at the manufacturing plant? How much cost is involved in large commercial batch production runs? Are there any concerns regarding the bulk storage of raw materials in the commercial plant? Does the product have to be returned to the pilot plant for retesting for any reason, or is it ready to be test-marketed? What, if any, image should the new product project? Where will the product be test-marketed? How will consumer attention be directed toward the new product? Is the institutional market (schools, hospitals, restaurants, etc.) a potential user of this product?

The development stage refers to the work involved in creating the design and nature of the product, from a compositional standpoint as well as a processing, packaging, and marketing one. The majority of the activities undertaken in product development occur at this stage. One of the first accomplishments of the development stage is to formulate a bench-top prototype product. This prototype is usually made in the laboratory as a small-scale (a few pounds in weight) batch that can be easily and reproducibly formulated for repeated testing without too much expense.

Is the formulation reproducible, or are changes needed? How will quality and cost be affected by altering ingredients and processingconditions? What are the storage requirements of the product and its shelf life? Will spoilage due to yeasts, molds, or bacteria be a problem? Does the product require any special packaging? Does sensory analysis indicate the product is meeting its concept goal? What is required to scale up for commercial production of this product?

Consumer canola oil is usually processed via ________________

Solvent extraction

Changing the equilibrium between a microorganism and its environment with respect to solute concentration can be employed to inhibit its growth. When the solute (e.g. salt or sugar) concentration is higher outside the bacterial cell, the cell dries out and dies as H2O leaves in the direction of higher solute concentration.


Enzymatic oxidation reactions occur when food molecules GAIN oxygen, or LOSE hydrogen or electrons, in the presence of an active ENZYME. The browning of fruits and vegetables is an example of an enzymatic (PPO, polyphenol oxidase) oxidation reaction


Examples of the encapsulated substances include: enzymes, inulin, omega-3 fatty acids.


Food irradiation involves the use of either high-speed electrons from an electron beam ("ebeam") electron accelerator or high-energy gamma ionizing energy such as that given off by radioisotopes Co-60 (radioactive cobalt) or Cs-137 (radioactive cesium).


In a TDT plot, showing combination of time and temperature to kill various spore concentrations, as spore concentration increases, the processing conditions required to deactivate them become more severe.


It is possible that the greater bioavailability and greater bioactivity of nanomaterials/ingredients might result in the development of "nanopathologies", and is an issue of concern.


Sensory tests are typically classified according to their primary purpose and most valid use.


heat transfer, the states of matter, dehydration, and psychrometry are topics studied in food engineering


The duo-trio test is a simple test to perform, and is easily understood by panelists. Each panelist receives an identified reference sample, followed by two coded samples, one of which matches the reference sample. Panelists are to indicate which coded sample matches the reference.

The duo-trio test can be used to determine whether an overall difference exists between samples where no specific attributes can be identified as having been affected. The duo-trio test presents each panelist with an identified reference sample, followed by two coded samples, one of which matches the reference sample. The panelists are asked to indicate which coded sample matches the reference.

The paired comparison test presents panelists with two products. Panelists are asked to decide which product prefer in terms of a certain quality attribute such as sweetness, sourness, or something similar.

The paired-comparison test is used to determine whether two products differ in a specified attribute, such as flavor. Two differently coded samples are presented to each panelist simultaneously, and the panelist's task is to choose the one that is perceived as higher or more intense in the specified sensory attribute. When presenting the two samples (A and B), there are two possible serving sequences: AB and BA. These sequences must be randomized across panelists with each sequence appearing an equal number of times.

Canola Oil

The production of canola oil involves two processes—mechanical pressing and extraction—and further processing to remove impurities

THE IDEA STAGE The initial stage of product development is usually referred to as the concept or idea stage. This stage identifies the idea, concept, problem, or specific challenge that the product development team works with. The concept should be framed to meet corporate objectives and should be economically and otherwise feasible

What is the anticipated demand for this product, and who is the competition? Does the product meet a specific consumer need? Which ingredients, processing, and packaging are required to formulate and manufacture the product, and are they available at reasonable cost? What are the desired characteristics of the new product? How much time and money will it take to bring the product to the commercial stage? What are the profit objective and profit potential of the new product: how much money will it make for the company?

Does reducing moisture through drying or dehydration also reduce the rates of enzyme activity and chemical reactions?


Is encapsulation of ingredients is a trend in food processing, especially for the nutraceutical/functional food market?


Which kind of sensory test simply attempts to answer whether any difference exists between two types of products, usually comparing a control and a test sample? = a discrimination sensory test

a) Descriptive test c) Affective test c) neither of these =C

Which thermal processing is ideal to apply in order to inactivate natural enzymes present in fruits and vegetables? BLANCHING is a type of heat treatment applied to fruits and vegetables that is specially intended to inactivate natural food enzymes.

a) commercial sterilization b) pasteurization c) boiling to 100oC d) none of these D=answer

Which of the following does is associated with a true food allergy?

an adverse reaction to food with a proven immunologic basis (b) production of antibodies (c) Both of the above are correct =C

Oils marketed in specialty stores as "natural" oils are processed using

cold pressing


describes the process by which a food ingredient is converted into a stabilized form in order to allow the ingredient to be conveniently stored or protected from unfavorable conditions in a food product.

A bacterial cell can acquire a new ________ through transduction, __________, or conjugation.

gene; transformation

activation energy

is the amount of energy needed to convert substrate molecules from the ground or baseline energy state to the ES complex.

cold pressing

is used for oils that will be marketed in specialty stores as "solventfree" or "natural." The price of cold-pressed canola oil tends to be slightly higher because of the lower recovery of oil (about 80 percent). Cold-pressed canola oil is generally sold in bottled form directly to consumers and is usually not used in further food processing.

functional food

is used to describe any food that contains an ingredient that gives the food health-promoting properties over and above its original nutritional value

What type of packaging is indicated for microwave food products when heated conventionally in the original package, polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), or low-density polyethylene (LDPE)?


food irradiation

refers to the application of radiation, as ionizing energy, to foods.

True or false: Sensory Specific Satiety (SSS) refers to:

the feeling of fullness after consuming all the components (entrée, sides, dessert) of a meal.

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