Fundamentals of Management (MGT 3120) - CH. 8

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The competing values framework (CVF) provides a practical way for managers to understand, measure, and change organizational culture. The CVF classifies organizational cultures into four types:

(1) clan, (2) adhocracy, (3) market, and (4) hierarchy,

12 mechanisms for creating culture change

1) formal statements 2) the design of physical space, work environments, and buildings 3) slogans, language, acronyms, and sayings 4) deliberate role modeling, training programs, teaching, and coaching by others 5) explicit rewards, status symbols, and promotion criteria 6) stories, legends, or myths about key people and events 7) organizational activities, processes, or outcomes 8) leader reactions to critical incidents and organizational crises 9) rites and rituals 10) the workflow and organizational structure 11) organizational systems and procedures 12) organizational goals and criteria throughout the employee cycle

_____________ represent the core values of the organization's culture; those taken for granted and highly resistant to change.

Basic Assumptions

__________________ is the tendency of the parts of an organization to disperse and fragment; arises because of technical specialization and division of labor. As a result, specialists behave in specific, delimited ways, without coordinating with other parts of the organization.


_________________, also known as work specialization, is the arrangement of having discrete parts of a task done by different people

Division of labor

_________________ is the tendency of the parts of an organization to draw together to achieve a common purpose; the specialists work together to achieve a common goal; a formal chain of command, standardization of rules and procedures; use of cross-functional teams and computer networks so that there is frequent communication and coordination of the parts.


_________________ have authority to make decisions and usually have people reporting to them. Line positions are indicated on the organization chart by a solid line (usually a vertical line).

Line managers

___________________ is concerned with designing the optimal structures of accountability and responsibility that an organization uses to execute its strategies. We can categorize organizational designs as three types: (1) traditional designs, (2) horizontal designs, and (3) designs that open boundaries between organizations.

Organizational design

___________________________ is defined as the process by which people learn the values, norms, and required behaviors that permit them to participate as members of an organization.

Organizational socialization

_______________________ is a formal system of task and reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates an organization's members so that they can work together to achieve the organization's goals.

Organizational structure

___________________ are the activities and ceremonies, planned and unplanned, that celebrate important occasions and accomplishments in the organization's life.

Rites and rituals

_________________ have authority functions; they provide advice, recommendations, and research to line managers. Staff positions are indicated on the organization chart by a dotted line (usually a horizontal line).

Staff personnel

An __________ culture has an external focus and values flexibility. Adaptive, creative, and quick to respond with employees that are encouraged to take risks.


_________________________ is a fluid, highly adaptive organization whose members, linked by information technology, come together to collaborate on common tasks. The collaborators may include not only coworkers but also suppliers, customers, and even competitors.

boundaryless organization

With ________________ authority, important decisions are made by higher-level managers.


A glance up and down an organization chart shows the vertical hierarchy, the __________________.

chain of command

A ____________ culture has an internal focus and values flexibility rather than stability and control. Characteristics: family-type organization, encourages collaboration among employees, strives to encourage cohesion through consensus and job satisfaction.


The ___________________ unifies employees or members and gives everyone an understanding of the organization's reason for being.

common purpose

The process of fitting the organization to its environment is called ____________________.

contingency design

___________________ the coordination of individual efforts into a group or organizationwide effort.

coordinated effort

With ______________________ authority, important decisions are made by middle-level and supervisory-level managers.


In a ________________________, people with diverse occupational specialties are put together in formal groups by similar products or services, customers or clients, or geographic regions.

divisional structure

_________________, which represent the values and norms actually exhibited in the organization.

enacted values

_____________________ the beliefs, philosophies, and norms that a company explicitly states

espoused values

An organization is said to be __________when there are only a few levels with wide spans of control.This means a manager has several people reporting—a first-line supervisor may have 40 or more subordinates, if little hands-on supervision is required, as is the case in some assembly-line workplaces.


A ___________________ is defined as one with an organizational structure with few or no levels of middle management between top managers and those reporting to them.

flat organization

_______________ of organizational philosophy, mission, vision, and values, as well as materials used for recruiting, selecting, and socializing employees.

formal statements

In a ___________________________, people with similar occupational specialties are put together in formal groups.

functional structure

A ___________ is a person whose accomplishments embody the values of the organization.


A _________________ culture has an internal focus and values stability and control over flexibility. Characteristics: formalized, structured work environment; a variety of control mechanisms that measure efficiency, timeliness, and reliability.


The _________________, or chain of command, is a control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time.

hierarchy of authority

_______________________, often called the network structure, the organization has a central core of key functions and outsources other functions to vendors who can do them cheaper or faster.

hollow structure

In a _______________________, also called a team-based design, teams or workgroups, either temporary or permanent, are used to improve collaboration and work on shared tasks by breaking down internal boundaries.

horizontal design

A glance to the left and right on the line of an organization chart shows the ______________________, the different jobs or work specialization.

horizontal specialization

An advantage in having decentralized authority is that:

managers are encouraged to solve their own problems rather than to buck the decision to a higher level. decisions are made more quickly, which increases the organization's flexibility and efficiency.

A ____________ culture has a strong external focus and values stability and control; the ability to focus on the customer, react quickly and deliver quality work; focuses on profits & productivity over employee development & satisfication.


In a __________________________, an organization combines functional and divisional chains of command in a grid so that there are two command structures—vertical and horizontal.

matrix structure

In a ___________________, authority is centralized, tasks and rules are clearly specified, and employees are closely supervised; re bureaucratic, with rigid rules and top-down communication. This kind of structure is effective in certain aspects of hotel work because the market demands uniform product quality and cleanliness.

mechanistic organization

_____________________ authority is centralized, tasks and rules are clearly specified, and employees are closely supervised

mechanistic organization

______________________, a firm assembles product chunks, or modules, provided by outside contractors.

modular structure

_________________ the manifestations of an organization's culture that employees can easily see or talk about

observable artifacts

Organizational culture appears as three layers:

observable artifacts, espoused values, basic assumptions

________________ authority is decentralized, there are fewer rules and procedures, and networks of employees are encouraged to cooperate and respond quickly to unexpected tasks; are sometimes termed "adhocracies" because they operate on an ad hoc basis, improvising as they go along; constantly have to adjust to technological change.

organic organization

an ________________ is a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more people.


An _____________________ is a box-and-lines illustration showing the formal lines of authority and the organization's official positions or work specializations.

organization chart

_________________________, sometimes called corporate culture, is defined as the set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments.

organizational culture

_________________________, which reflects the extent to which your personality and values match the climate and culture in an organization.

person-organization (PO) fit

An organization with a _____________________ has authority centralized in a single person, a flat hierarchy, few rules, and low work specialization.

simple structure

The _____________________, or span of management, refers to the number of people reporting directly to a given manager. There are two kinds of spans of control, narrow (or tall) and wide (or flat).

span of control

A ______________ is a narrative based on true events, which is repeated—and sometimes embellished upon—to emphasize a particular value.


A ______________ is an object, an act, a quality, or an event that conveys meaning to others.


An organization is said to be _____________when there are many levels with narrow spans of control. This means a manager has a limited number of people reporting—three vice presidents reporting to a president, for example, instead of nine vice presidents.


__________________________, in which an employee should report to no more than one manager in order to avoid conflicting priorities and demands

unity of command

___________________, an organization whose members are geographically apart, usually working with e-mail, and other forms of information technology yet which generally appears to customers as a single, unified organization with a real physical location.

virtual structure

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