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10. In countries with greater gender equality, men and women's sexual ______ and ______ are more _______ than in societies with less gender equality.

10. attitudes and behaviors, similar

10. If androgens are not present the fetus will develop _____ structures.

10. female

10. A _____ is an individual whose gender identity is different from their biological sex,.

10. transsexual

10. The "macho" conditioning of our society helps create the stereotype that men are ____ and _____ and that women are "naturally" more _____ and _____.

10. unemotional, strong, nurturing, supportive

11. About 1/_____ biological males believe they are really females; about 1/______ biological females believe they are actually males.

11. 10,000; 30,000

11. In female fetuses the _____ ducts develop into the fallopian tubes, uterus, and the inner third of the vagina.

11. Mullerian

11. Similarities between sexes in behavior and aptitude are far _______ than differences.

11. greater

11. The gender-role expectation of men having to be in control of self and others may contribute to _____, _____, and _____ abuse of others.

11. physical, emotional, & sexual

12. The emphasis on female attractiveness is noted as a contributor to _____ disorders.

12. eating

12. Since the external genitals of females and males develop from the same tissues, the clitoris is homologous to the _____ and the _____ are homologous to the scrotum.

12. penis, labia

12. Gender does not have to be ___________.

12. predetermined

12. Currently the process of __________ is the only effective way for a transsexual to healthily live as his/her gender identity.

12. transitioning

13. _____ tend to be more entrenched in traditional gender roles than are _____ who are becoming more independent and assertive.

13. Men, women

13. The part of the brain that controls the cyclic release of hormones for the menstrual cycle is the _______________.

13. hypothalamus

14. When we fail to consider someone's individuality and make generalizations about them based on their membership in some group, we are using ____________.

14. stereotypes

15. _____ is the evaluation of people based on their belonging to a particular group.

15. Prejudice

15. Most theorists and researchers support an __________ model of gender identity, which acknowledges both _______ and _______ in the development of everyone's gender identity.

15. interactive, biology & environment

16. _____ is prejudice based upon a person's sex or gender.

16. Sexism

17. Gender _____ is unfair treatment motivated by sexism.

17. discrimination

19 The _________ __________ is partly responsible for the shorter life span of _____ compared to ______.

19. double standard, men, women

2 . Human body cells contain _____ chromosomes arranged in _____ pairs.

2. 46, 23

2. Five major aspects of gender socialization are:

2. Parental expectations, peer influence, schools & textbooks, media, religious training

2. A person with Turner's syndrome has a sex chromosome make-up of _____.

2. XO

2. A person's inner sense of maleness or femaleness refers to their _____ ______.

2. gender identity

9. Men may have greater difficulty being receptive during sexual activity because of the gender=role assumption of men as _____.

9. movers/initiators.

10. Advocates argue that intersex people are individuals with genital ______ not genital abnormality.

10. Variation

1. _____ is an umbrella term for gender-variant people who choose to transgress against binary gender norms or transcend them altogether.

1. Genderqueer

2. Gender diversity means viewing gender as a spectrum rather than an ______-___ choice.

1. Genderqueer 2. either-or

1. _____ _____ theory suggests that our identification with masculine/feminine roles results primarily from the social and cultural influences that we are exposed to.

1. Social learning

1. The qualities we associate with being male or female refer to _____ whereas our biological maleness or femaleness refers to _____.

1. gender, sex

1. Individuals with ambiguous or incongruous biological sex characteristics are referred to as _______________.

1. intersex

1. Biological sex is determined by the male reproductive cell called _____ that fertilizes the female reproductive cell known as a(n) _____.

1. sperm, ovum

1. A number of studies have shown that androgynous persons are more _____ in their behaviors and less limited by gender role stereotypes.

1.. flexible

2. Research has indicated that androgynous people tend to have the following characteristics in comparison to people who are strongly gender-typed as masculine or feminine: (indicate some)

2. higher levels of self-esteem, make better decisions in group settings, more social competence & motivation to achieve, more independent, more nurturing, more aware of more expressive of loving feelings, more tolerant & less likely to judge or criticize the sexual behaviors of others, experience more sexual satisfaction & orgasm.

11a. Today models' weights are nearly ____% lower than the average weight of North American women.


20. Another example of the double standard is that working women earn about ____% of the annual income of full-time working men in the same job.

20. 77%

3. In the South Pacific, Margaret Mead's found the ______ has masculine and feminine gender roles that were opposite the roles in Western society..

3. Tchambuli

3. A male often has the _____ chromosomal pattern whereas a female often has the _____ chromosomal pattern. Thus, males are _____________ and females are _______________.

3. XY, XX; heterogametic; homogametic

3. The thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are considered suitable for males or females in a particular culture are termed _____ ____.

3. gender roles

3. A person with Turner's syndrome does not have fully developed internal _____ _____.

3. reproductive organs

3. Gender identity and sexual orientation are _______ phenomena.

3. separate

4. The ____ gene influences the development of a biological male; whereas the ____ gene seems to influence the development of a biological female.


4. Certain _____ structures may be associated with gender identity,.

4. brain

4. Persons with Turner's syndrome typically have a _____ gender identity.

4. female

4. Females and males are not ______. The term "other sex" should replace "_____ ___."

4. opposites, "opposite sex"

4. Research indicates that many parents teach their sons more ________ _________ skills than they teach their daughters.

4. problem solving

5. _______ is a term used when someone does not identify as male (man) or female (woman).

5. Agender

5. The XXY chromosome pattern is characteristics of individuals with _____ syndrome.

5. Klinefelter's

5. Teachers tend to praise female students more for _________ and _______ and praise male students more for _________ performance.

5. appearance & conduct, academic

5. The ovaries and the testicles comprise the _____ or sex glands.

5. gonads

5. Behavior deemed to be socially appropriate for males is called _______, whereas behavior thought to be socially appropriate for females is called _____.

5. masculine, feminine

6. _______ is a term used when someone identifies as both male (man) and female (woman).

6. Pangender

6. What are considered appropriate gender roles is influenced by _____ and _____ period.

6. culture, historical

6. Ovaries produce two groups of hormones: The _____ and the _____ compounds.

6. estrogens, progestational (progesterones)

6. XXY persons generally identify themselves as _____.

6. male

6. Referring to a man who openly expresses his sexual interest as a "stud" and a woman who does so as a "slut" exemplifies the gender-role assumption of men as _____ and women as _____.

6. oversexed, undersexed

7. _____ are the hormones secreted by the testes, the most important of which is _____.

7. Androgens, testosterone

7. _________ is the Latino cultural belief that men should be socially and physically dominating.

7. Machismo

7. A person with _____ _____ syndrome has XY chromosomes but female-looking genitals since the cells are insensitive to androgens and usually are raised and develop a _____ gender identity.

7. androgen insensitivity, female

7. Some people like to move between genders and consider themselves ________.

7. genderfluid

7. One outcome of the gender-role assumption of women as _____ and men as _____ is that men feel burdened and pressured to make the "first move" and women may be reluctant to assume an active role.

7. recipients, initiators

8. About 1 in ____ live births in the U.S. are intersex.

8. 2000

8. At about _____ weeks past conception, internal reproductive organs begin to differentiate.

8. 8

8. __________ is the Latino cultural belief that women are morally superior and spiritually stronger than men.

8. Marianismo

8. A woman may hesitate to suggest a variation in sexual activity with a male sex partner since he is assumed to know more because of the gender-role assumption of men as "_____."

8. sexperts

8. A person who dresses in a gender role other than their biological sex may be referred to as a ___________.

8. transvestite

9. More than ____ atypical conditions of the sex chromosomes have been identified.

9. 70

9. Traditionally, ___________ women had to adopt both masculine and feminine gender roles.

9. African American

9. In a male fetus the _____ ducts develop into the vas deferens, seminal vesicles and ejaculatory ducts.

9. Wolffian

9. Gender ______is experiencing some form of discomfort regarding gender.

9. dysphoria

13. True or False: Most transsexuals alter their physical anatomy through sex confirmation surgery _____.


14. True or false: Most transgender people are gay or lesbian.


3. Androgynous people have also been shown to have more _____ attitudes toward sexuality.


18. True or false: Research indicates that stereotypical gender roles still pervade our society.


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