General Psych Exam 3 BaBye

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To what extent can the temporal and place theories explain the perception of high- and low-pitched sounds?

The temporal theory cannot explain the perception of high-pitched sounds.

Savannah is taking the MOST commonly used intelligence test for adults. Savannah is taking the:

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.

In classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus signals the impending occurrence of

an unconditioned stimulus

Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are to hair cells as _____ is to _____.

middle ear; inner ear


mind-to-mind communication

Which technique is NOT a way to improve memory?

minimizing retrieval cues

Employing the single word HOMES to remember the names of North America's five Great Lakes best illustrates the use of a(n) _____ aid or device.


Compared with men, women are ________ capable of remembering objects' spatial locations and they are ________ sensitive to taste and color.

more; more

Males' reading ability scores and performance scores vary _____ than females' scores and males' math test performance scores vary _____ than females' scores.

more; more

Troy and Allan are in the mood to have a hamburger for lunch. Troy wants to grill the hamburger outside instead of cooking it on top of the stove because he says he likes the taste of a grilled hamburger more than one cooked on top of the stove. The difference in taste Troy prefers is actually caused by the smell of the charcoal embedded into the hamburger. This is an example of:

sensory interaction

Judith suffers from painful arthritis. Judith's physician gave her medication to help ease her pain. The medication Judith was given contained water, rather than actual medicine. However, Judith reported that her pain reduced. The BEST explanation for this is that:

the medication dampened the central nervous system's attention and response to her back pain

Priming refers to the activation of certain


The structures of the inner ear do NOT include the:


Across a number of experiments, intelligence scores have been found to rise with

-quality preschool experiences -nutritional suupplements to pregnant mothers and newborns -interactive reading programs

Feature-detecting neurons:

-respond to specific features of a visual stimulus such as shape, angle, or movement. (Specific neurons in the brain that fire in response to particular visual features, such as lines, edges, angles, and movement) -are located in the visual cortex. -receive information from specific ganglion cells.

A performance score on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) that is higher than all but 2 percent of all scores earns an intelligence score of:


Approximately what proportion of the population as a whole may be described as intellectually disabled?

3 in a hundred persons

After gazing at an angry face, you immediately turn to look at a morphed blend of an angry and a scared face. The face appears scared to you. This best illustrates the impact of

Sensory Adaptation

Imagine a study in which participants are shown 2000 slides of houses and storefronts, each for only 10 seconds. Later, these same participants are shown 300 of the original slides paired with slides they have not seen before. According to research, these participants would be able to recognize _____ percent of the slides they had seen before.


Bobby is reading a blog post on the internet. Which of the following outlines the path through which the words on the screen travel through his eye?

Cornea, pupil, lens, retina

Which of these is NOT true of feature-detecting neurons?

Feature-detecting neurons respond to information provided by individual bipolar cells.

Estelle remembers a night she was mugged and brutally beaten. This memory probably involves not only her hippocampus but also her _____ because of the emotional nature of the event.


Micah is 8 years old and loves to draw. He has loved to draw since he could hold a pencil. His art work is so good that it far exceeds the artistic abilities of his peers. His parents have decided to enroll him in art classes. Micah's parents are practicing:

appropriate development placement

Zach has been doing backflips and cartwheels since he learned to walk. He is constantly flipping around inside the house and when he is outside playing. His parents decided to enroll him in gymnastics classes. When Zach was evaluated by the coach, he was surprised that Zach had not had any formal gymnastics training in the past, noting that Zach was already at a level 4 in ability and was too advanced for recreational training. Zach was placed on the competition team. He is 6 years old. Zach's parents practiced:

appropriate development placement

Damage to the basilar membrane is MOST likely to affect one's:


Damage to the hammer, anvil, and stirrup is most likely to cause

conduction hearing loss

As people age, they tend to gain vocabulary and knowledge, which are indicative of _____intelligence.


Several days ago, Mitchell fell and hurt his ankle. Although it bothered him a little, he continued to walk on it. When he finally went to the doctor for X-rays, he found out he has a broken bone. It is likely that Mitchell carries a gene that boosts the availability of _____.


The memory of facts and experiences that people consciously know and can easily recite is known as _____memory.


John remembers very clearly the day his best friend died in a bicycle accident at the hands of a drunk driver. This BEST illustrates _____ memory.


A problem requiring an individual to find the next letter and number that completes a pattern measures _____intelligence.


Which list contains an item that does NOT belong?

frontal lobes, basal ganglia, explicit memory, semantic memory

John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner found that Little Albert's conditioned fear was elicited not only by a rat but also by a number of similar objects. Little Albert's behavior BEST illustrates stimulus:


Long-term potentiation (LTP) is enhanced by the neurotransmitter:


Human tendency to organize stimuli into coherent sets is known as:


A research participant is required to report as much of a poem as he can remember immediately after having read the poem once. The greatest number of recall errors should occur for lines _____of the poem.

in the middle

In 1932, every child born in Scotland in 1921 was given an intelligence test. At age 80, the survivors were tested again. Finally, at age 90, the remaining survivors were again retested. This investigation exemplifies a _____ study.


In vision, the amplitude of a light wave relates to people's perception of the brightness of a stimulus. To which perceptual dimension does the amplitude of a sound wave correspond in hearing?


Eleanor suffered severe stroke damage near the rear of both sides of her brain. Based on the case study of Mrs. M. described in the textbook, the stroke is MOST likely to impair Eleanor's ability to perceive:


In classical conditioning, the _____ stimulus elicits no response before conditioning begins.


While Maria was stacking her term paper, she received a paper cut. The cut produced a sharp pain on her index finger. This pain was initiated by _____ in her skin.


B. F. Skinner is most closely associated with

operant conditioning

Macy gave her dog a treat each time she came to Macy when she called her by name. Soon, the dog came every time Macy called the dog by name. This is an example of:

operant conditioning

Fluid intelligence:

our ability to reason speedily and abstractly; tends to decrease during late adulthood

Kevin's memory of a baseball game involving his favorite team required the use of different neural networks to simultaneously encode the sights, sounds, and smells of that game. This best illustrates

parallel processing


perceiving remote events, such as a house on fire in another state.

After some practice, Carol was able to read books while holding them upside down. This BEST illustrates:

perceptual adaptation

Any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response is called a(n)

positive reinforcer

_____ is the ability to perceive future events.


Intelligence tests administered to children 4 years of age are:

predictive of later school achievement.

The success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict is known as:

predictive validity

One evening, Zoe examines the schedule for her favorite football team. The team plays 16 games each season. Later she tries recalling that schedule for a friend who likes the same team. It is highly likely that Zoe will recall opponents at the beginning of the schedule particularly well. This phenomenon is called the _____effect.


The cliché of the individual with extrasensory perceptual abilities bending a spoon with their mind illustrates the more specific phenomenon of:


A fill-in-the-blank test is a good example of testing retention using:


In psychoanalytic theory, the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories is called:


Jill was very close to her grandmother and did not cope well when she passed away. She tries not to think about her grandmother and rarely talks about her. Freud would say that Jill is demonstrating which defense mechanism?


Mrs. Alvarez cannot consciously recall how frequently she criticizes her children because it would cause her too much anxiety. Sigmund Freud would have suggested that her poor memory illustrates a defense mechanism called _____.


A famous Hollywood director has decided to present his latest film in 3-D. This will create a great moviegoing experience for viewers as 3-D movies exaggerate _____ disparity.


The distance between one's right and left eye functions to provide one with a cue for depth perception known as _____disparity.


A stimulus that facilitates the recall of information from long-term memory is called a:

retrieval cue

After switching dorm rooms and getting a new phone number, Samantha found that it was harder to remember her previous dorm room's phone number. Samantha was experiencing:

retroactive interference

A concept that helps us to interpret ambiguous sensations is called a


One's strongest retrieval cues are often associated _____ information.


One's tendency to recall the last and first items in a list is known as the _____ effect.

serial position

In a movie the main character has to write everything on his body and take notes, otherwise he quickly forgets. This is because he has sustained an injury that has left him without _____ memory.


The ability to accurately perceive distances MOST clearly underlies one's capacity for:

size constancy

Which list contains items that all belong together?

skills, implicit memory, cerebellum, basal ganglia

Astra is house sitting. On the first night, a thunderstorm causes the electricity to go out. She remembers seeing some candles and matches next to the grandfather clock. Why does she automatically cock her head when trying to pinpoint the sound of the clock?

so that her two ears will receive slightly different messages

Current understanding of pitch perception indicates that:

some combination of place and frequency theories seems to handle the pitches in the intermediate range.

Lonnie often has vivid dreams. In the morning, he can recall them in great detail. This sometimes gets him in trouble because he cannot figure out if he is remembering a dream or something that he actually experienced. This problem is known as:

source amnesia

In classical conditioning, humans learn _____, whereas in operant conditioning, humans learn _____.

to associate two stimuli and thus to anticipate events; to associate a response and its consequence

In classical conditioning, the _____ stimulus naturally and automatically triggers a response.


Identical twins Skyler and Sloane live with their biological parents. Skyler took an intelligence test when he was 9 years old and got a score of 100. Sloane took the same test. What would one predict Sloane's score to be?

very close to 100

The _____ sense is the sense of the head's movement and position, including the sense of balance.


With respect to the senses, _____ is to head position as _____ is to body position.

vestibular sense; kinesthesia

Scores on a test of _____ will probably be at LEAST as high when one is in one's nineties as when one is in one's twenties.


With age people lose recall memory and processing speed, but they gain:

vocabulary knowledge

In addition to an overall intelligence score, the WAIS provides separate scores for skill in the use of

working memory.

How might one describe the shape of the function relating the probability of an item's recall to the item's position on a list?

U shaped

A test designed to assess whether newly graduated medical students should be granted the legal right to practice medicine would MOST likely be considered a(n) _____ test.


Alessa achieved an intelligence test score of 100 on a current version of the Stanford-Binet test. This indicates that relative to other adults her age her intellectual abilities:

are supposedly average

_____ is NOT an effective effortful processing strategy to better remember information.

massed practice

Beethoven is to _____ intelligence as Van Gogh is to _____ intelligence.

musical; spatial

In the United States in the twenty-first century, girls are MOST likely to outperform boys in a:

spelling bee

The phenomena of forgetting information learned while intoxicated until the person is once again intoxicated BEST reflects:

state-dependent memory

Jordan is frightened by the sound of a train whistle. The sound is a(n)


Individual nerve cells increase the frequency of neural impulses in the auditory nerve by firing in rapid succession. This is said to illustrate

the volley principle

Who is MOST likely to have memory difficulties?

Jane, who studies Spanish and French back-to-back

_____ memory refers to one's tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with one's current emotions.

Mood congruent

Which statement is the BEST example of a flashbulb memory?

One remembers exactly what one was doing when one heard about the Sandy Hook school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012.

A police officer stops people to ask them about an automobile accident they may have witnessed the previous day. Since they were in the area at the time of the accident, the police officer asks how fast the cars were going when they "smashed" into each other. Given the research findings of Loftus and Palmer, how might the police officer's wording affect one's recollection of the incident?

People would be more likely to remember a more serious accident than if the police officer had used other wording (for example, "hit" each other).

A long time ago, Leslie was stuck in an elevator for over 3 hours. Though generally not claustrophobic, after 2 hours she felt like the elevator walls were closing in on her. Now, 10 years later, she still vividly recalls the details of the emotionally traumatic experience. What is MOST likely causing her long-lasting robust memory of this event?

Stress hormones increase glucose activity, which then fuels brain activity.

Larry has just graduated from college and is going on his first job interview. He has learned that there are 10 other applicants for the job. Because of information on the serial position effect that he learned in his psychology class, Larry asks to be either the first or the last candidate interviewed. Why?

The serial position effect predicts that either the first or the last job applicant interviewed will be remembered better than the applicants interviewed in the middle of the group.

Information processing guided by higher-level mental processes is called

Top-Down Processing

Respondent behavior is to operant behavior as _____ is to _____.

automatic; deliberate

Which example demonstrates that learning has occurred?

avoiding speeding in an area where one received a ticket previously

Deep brain structures involved in movement and the formation of one's procedural memories for skills are the _____.

basal ganglia

Damage to the ________ would most likely interfere with a person's memory of how to play the piano.

basil ganglia

The _____ is the point at which the optic nerve leaves the eye.

blind spot

Which choice does NOT pair a brain structure or region with the correct memory system?

cerebellum-explicit memory

Mrs. Costello lives in Florida. She is gripped by a vision of her sister, gravely injured in a car wreck happening at that very moment in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Costello is inconsolable. Her husband calmly disproves Mrs. Costello's vision by calling his sister-in-law; her cheery voice greets him on the phone. Cleary, Mrs. Costello does not have the ability of _____ that she believes she possesses.


People and animals learn the association between two stimuli through _____ conditioning.


Lightning is associated with thunder and always precedes it. Thus, when one sees lightning, one often anticipates hearing thunder soon afterward. This is an example of:

classical conditioning

Sandra is at a social gathering with a lot of good friends. She will likely feel that the temperature in the room is warmer than will her friend who is feeling excluded. This phenomenon is called:

embodied cognition

Although Phoebe strongly disagrees with her sister's opinion, she effectively controls her anger and responds to her sister's frustration with empathy. Her behavior BEST illustrates:

emotional intelligence

An important aspect of social intelligence is called

emotional intelligence

Having been married for over 50 years, a couple believes that they can recognize each other's feelings, and predict when either partner is likely to be happy or sad. In other words, they are displaying evidence of:

emotional intelligence

In very stressful or embarrassing situations, Sanura is able to maintain her poise and help others to feel comfortable. Sanura's ability BEST illustrates the value of:

emotional intelligence

Having read a story once, certain amnesia victims will read it faster the second time, even though they cannot recall having seen the story before. They have MOST likely suffered damage to a brain structure called the _____.


Some patients suffering from amnesia are incapable of recalling events. Yet they can be conditioned to blink their eyes in response to a specific sound. They have MOST likely suffered damage to the:


Franklin has problems with his balance. His problems are probably caused by difficulties with his:

inner ear

At a loud party, Maggie met so many new people that when she ran into one of her new acquaintances on campus the next day, she was unable to remember her name. The MOST likely explanation for her forgetting the name of her new acquaintance is:


Jane often studies Spanish and French back to back right after school. She might have trouble remembering the different vocabulary because she is not minimizing _____.


Katrina studied the Russian language in high school. Although she was not fluent, she did accumulate a large vocabulary. Years later she decided to go to Russia, so she wanted to brush up on her vocabulary. She picked up the vocabulary much more quickly because:

it is easier to relearn; that is, to learn the material for a second time.

In _____ memory, knowledge, skills, and experiences are permanently stored for future retrieval.


This prolonged strengthening of a neuron's ability to fire is believed to be the basis for learning and memory and is known as:

long-term potentiation

Tarik has a chemistry test in two days. He has to memorize the elements on the periodic table, so he writes them on index cards. He keeps the cards with him at all times and frequently reads through them. Tarik is using _____ to encode information in short-term memory for longer-term storage.


A team of scientists failed to find the same results when they attempted to repeat Bem's experiments on the ability to predict the future. In other words, Bem's work failed to find support by means of:


George sees the sound of a trumpet as a pointed, triangular shape. George's experience BEST exemplifies a condition called:


Which idea is NOT one of Pavlov's major contributions to the field of psychology?

that his methods demonstrated the importance of subjective judgments

The three-stage model of memory developed by Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin has been criticized because it does not take into account:

that some information is processed into long-term memory without human conscious awareness.

Howard Gardner initially identified a total of ________ relatively independent intelligences.


Dora found the serial number of the used car she wanted to purchase online. To remember the 11-digit number, 19801776317, she thought of the number as the year she was born (1980), the date of the Declaration of Independence (1776), and the area code of her home phone (317). Dora was using the strategy of _____ to help her remember the car's serial number.


Marisa's pet dog has learned that the sound of an electric can opener signals the arrival of its food. This illustrates

classical conditioning

Marshall ate a hamburger he purchased from his favorite fast-food restaurant. An hour later, his stomach became very upset and he spent the rest of the evening vomiting. A week later, he entered the restaurant and immediately became nauseous when he saw a hamburger. Marshall's nausea when he saw the hamburger is an example of:

classical conditioning

Although a few keys on the piano were broken, Shana mentally filled in the missing notes of the familiar melodies. This best illustrates the principle of


Which sequence correctly arranges the structures of the inner ear from the largest and most inclusive to the smallest and most specific?

cochlea, basilar membrane, hair cells

Wilson was born deaf. At 3 years of age his parents had the doctor put in this device so he will be able to hear.

cochlear implant

By amplifying soft sounds but not loud sounds, digital hearing aids produce:

compressed sound

Dayton's Narcotics Anonymous sponsor advises him to avoid the people, places, and things associated with his drug use. These people, places, and things are BEST viewed as _____ within the framework of _____ conditioning.

conditioned stimuli; classical

_____ occurs when the eardrum is punctured or if the tiny bones in the middle ear lose their ability to vibrate.

conduction hearing loss

In Watson and Rayner's experiment with Little Albert, the _____ was the unconditioned response.

fear of loud noise

Based on survey research, _____ eminent scientists support the notion of extrasensory perception.


Carol Dweck's research indicates that a _____ is MOST advantageous for future learning.

growth mindset

Professor Wallace studies memory in people who have had strokes. Professor Hansen studies people who claim to have clear memories of events that happened over three decades ago. Such research on the extremes of memory:

helps one to understand how memory works.

Information learned through classical conditioning forms ________ memories.


Some patients with anterograde amnesia have learned how to spot hard-to-find figures in the Where's Waldo?series without any conscious awareness that they can do so. This BEST illustrates their retention of _____memories.


If you stared at a house as you walked down a street, the trees in front of the house would appear to be moving

in the opposite direction to you, and the trees behind the house would appear to be moving in the same direction as you.

_____ amnesia involves an inability to form new memories.


Extinction occurs when a ________ is no longer paired with a ________.

CS; US (Conditioned stimulus; Unconditioned stimulus)

Which statement accurately describes the heritability of intelligence?

Heritability accounts for about 50 percent of the variation in intelligence test scores.

A clouding of the lens of the eye is called a


A high school implements a remedial math program targeted at incoming freshmen who failed previous math classes. Stereotype threat research would predict which result for the program?

This remedial math program might create a self-fulfilling prophecy that could cause lower scores on math tests

Both classical and operant conditioning are forms of

associative learning

Any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response is called a(n)

negative reinforcer

Karl Lashley trained rats to solve a maze and then removed pieces of their cortexes. He observed that storage of their maze memory was

not restricted to a single specific region of the cortex

Afterimages are BEST explained by _____-process theory.


Opponent-process theory

opposing retinal processes (red-green, blue-yellow, white-black) enable color vision.

Carl's identical twin sons are participating in a research study that includes MRI scans. The MRI findings will MOST likely indicate that:

the areas in their brains associated with verbal intelligence are very similar.

Twin and adoption studies are helpful for assessing

the heritabitly of intelligence

What happens during accommodation?

the lens changes in curvature and thickens to focus an image

Chunking refers to

the organization of information into meaningful units

Students are most likely to develop a growth mindset that results in a focus on learning when they believe that intelligence is


_____ refers to the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use feelings.

emotional intelligence

Our inability to remember information presented in the seconds just before we fall asleep is most likely due to

encoding failure

_____ is the study of the interaction between genes and environment at a microbiological level.


Consciously recalling an event that you experienced during your last year of high school best illustrates

episodic memory

Researchers observed that people exposed to very convincing arguments about the value of frequent toothbrushing tended to

exaggerate how frequently they had brushed their teeth in the past

Howard Gardner has proposed ________ as a ninth type of intelligence.

existential intelligence

People who score in the upper ranges on emotional intelligence scales are likely to:

experience high-quality interactions with friends.

By activating the amygdala, stress hormones promote

long-term potentiation

Some birds can detect the ultraviolet radiation reflected from feathers of potential mates. As compared with humans, these birds can see _____ wavelengths.


Snakes can detect infrared waves radiated by the bodies of their prey. As compared with humans, snakes can see _____waves.

higher-wave length

According to place theory, the perception of

high-pitched sounds is associated with large vibrations of the basilar membrane closest to the oval window.

Normal visual sensation in the absence of complete visual perception is best illustrated by


Juan, who teaches ninth-grade science, praises his students' test-taking efforts rather than their test-taking abilities. This is most likely to promote

a growth mindset

A mnemonic is a

a memory aid

Echoic memory refers to

a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli

If a test is standardized, this means that

a person's test performance can be compared with that of a representative pretested group.

Support programs that suggest minority students cannot succeed without special academic help may unintentionally promote:

a stereotype threat

Caroline wonders whether her 10-month-old daughter can perceive depth well enough to avoid crawling over the edge of a tall platform in her church auditorium. Researchers could safely assess her daughter's perceptual ability using

a visual cliff

Our capacity to learn new behaviors that help us cope with our changing world is known as


A cross-sectional study is one in which

different age groups are tested at the same time.

Episodic memory is best described as ________ memory of ________.

explicit; personally experienced events

According to B. F. Skinner, human behavior is shaped primarily by

external influences

A test that avoids cultural bias by containing such neutral items as abstract diagrams may allow the culture-_____ assessment of aptitude.


The extent to which differences in intelligence among a group of people are attributable to genetic factors is known as the _____ of intelligence.


The extent to which variation among individuals in intelligence test scores is attributable to genetic factors is known as the _____ of intelligence.


Malik knows that a passing bus is nearer than a parked car because the bus momentarily blocks his view of the car. This example illustrates the depth cue of:


Zelda was adopted when she was an infant. Her adoptive parents' intelligence test scores are in the average range. Her biological parents, on the other hand, have test scores that are well above average. When Zelda is 30, what can be predicted about her performance on an intelligence test?

it will be more similar to her biological parents

Acquiring new habits best illustrates the process of


Recognizing an odor as the familiar smell of apple blossoms is an example of


Manny has volunteered to participate in an experiment studying vision. He has agreed to wear a pair of glasses that invert his vision. Due to _____, after about a week, he is able to perform his usual tasks, like riding a bike or reading a book.

perceptual adaptation

Joshua just watched a movie in which one of the characters could levitate objects. This is known as


After hearing a list of items, peoples' immediate recall of the items is more likely to show a(n)________ effect than is their later recall of the items.


When they are retrieved, memories are often altered before they are stored again. This process is called _____.


An event that strengthens the behavior it follows is a(n)


Forming many conscious associations between new course material and facts you already know is an effective way to build a network of

retrieval cues

Memory of your familiar old email password may block the recall of your new password. This illustrates

retroactive interference

Encoding words based on the appearance of the word's letters involves

shallow processing

Areas of the brain involved in memory are closest to areas of the brain responsible for our sense of


After attending group therapy sessions for adult survivors of childhood abuse, Karen mistakenly remembered details from others' traumatic life stories as part of her own life history. This best illustrates the dangers of

source amnesia

An experiment finds that men who take a spelling test have lower scores after they read an article about how women typically outscore men on this kind of test. This finding supports the concept of _____ threat.


Self-fulfilling expectations are most likely to be triggered by

stereotype threat

An area of the brain dedicated to the specialized task of recognizing faces is located in the right ________ lobe.


Jess was in a serious car accident and is having trouble recognizing familiar faces. She MOST likely suffered damage to her _____ lobe, just behind her right ear.


All of us visually read lips as part of our hearing. This is best illustrated by

the McGurk effect

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