General Survey Body Structure Terms
Normal "Body parts look equal bilaterally and are proportionate to each other" Abnormal "asymmetric location of a body part" "unilateral hypertrophy or atrophy"
Normal "Person sits comfortably in chair" Abnormal "leans/ing forward, arms bracing on chair arms" "sits/ing straight up resists/ing to lie down" "curled up in fetal position"
Normal "Person stands/sits comfortably erect as appropriate for age. Plumb line is normal through anterior ear, shoulder, hip, patella, ankle" Abnormal "Rigid spine and neck: moves as one unit" "stiff and tense" 'fidgety movements" "shoulders slumped, looks deflated"
Normal "the height appears within normal range for age, genetic heritage Abnormal "excessively short or tall"
Normal "weight appears within normal range for height and body build, fat is evenly distributed" Abnormal "cachectic/emaciated" (abnormally thin or weak) "Centripetal obesity" fat is in the face, neck, and trunk with thin extremities" i.e. cushing syndrome "Simple obesity" even distribution of fat
Body Build/Contour
Normal proportions Arm span equals height body length from crown to pelvis is equal to length from pelvis to sole Abnormal "elongated arm span" "missing digits and/or extremities" "shorten limb"