Genetics Final Exam Study

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a family of three children, what is the probability that all three children are boys or all three are girls?


1. Heterozygote has intermediate phenotype 2. Failure to express a dominant phenotype even though the individual carries the dominant allele for that trait 3. Heterozygote expresses both alleles simultaneously 4. The dominant mutant allele loses its function so that a heterozygous individual shows an abnormal phenotype or disease phenotype. 5. The product of the dominant mutant allele interacts with the product of the normal allele causing an altered phenotype 6. The pattern observed when individuals carrying the same dominant allele for a disease show differences in the severity of the phenotype

1. Incomplete Dominance 2. Incomplete Penetrance 3. Codominance 4. Haploinsufficiency 5. Dominant-Negative Mutation 6. Variable Expressivity

cch ch x Cc

2 full coat color: 1 chinchilla; 1 himalayan: O albino

A female Manx cat and a male Manx cat produce kitten. What is the probability that kitten will be a Manx cat?


Consider a Punnett square that is used to visualize a three-factor cross (trihybrid cross) predict how many boxes would be inside of the (enter a numerical answer)


The sister chromatids separate and head towards opposite poles of the cell during which phase of the cell cycle?


For summer squash, the dominant allele for one gene leads to yellow color while the recessive allele for this gene leads to green color. When the genotype of a second gene is either homozygous dominant or heterozygous, neither color is produced and the squash is white. The effect of the second gene on the first one is called


Helianthus annus


In incomplete dominance, there is blending of genotypes but not of the phenotypes.


Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of two___ in the process of _____

Gametes ; Fertilization

The phenomenon where the heterozygote shows a phenotype that is in-between the two homozygotes such as seen in four-0-clock plants or in the amounts of starch seen in Mendel's experiments is referred to as

Incomplete dominance

An allele that encodes an inactive enzyme would be classified as a allele.

Loss of function

Which of the following statements is true for the inheritance of Hemophilia shown in Royal Families? (select all that apply)

Males are more likely to be affected than females Mothers of affected males often have brothers with the disease


Manufactures a 10-12 base segment of RNA

_______process mixes and matches alleles of genes.


The sister chromatids are formed during which phase of the cell cycle?

S phase

When an allele is dominant in one sex and recessive in the opposite sex, the inheritance pattern is referred to as:

Sex-influenced inheritance

What were the outcomes of the eugenics movement in the US

Sterilization of individuals deemed unfit, Immigration Restriction Act, Anti Race mixing Laws

The behavior of chromosomes during meiosis explains Mendel' law of segregation. Specifically, a gamete contains only one copy of each type of chromosome because of which of the following?

The homologs segregate during meiosis I and the sister chromatids separate during meiosis Il

For Mendel's pea plants, the tall phenotype is determined by a dominant allele and the dwarf phenotype is determined by a recessive allele. Suppose there is a cross between true breeding tall and true breeding dwarf plants F2 generation when F1 plants are crossed to each other?

Three-fourths of the offspring will be tall and one-fourth of the offspring will be dwarf.

For genes that are linked, the forked line method for estimating frequencies of genotypes or phenotypes will fail.


In bacterial translation, the anticodon of the initiator tRNA is complementary to the AUG start codon and binds at the P-site since IF-1 (initiation factor 1) is bound to the A site.


Initiation of translation in bacteria requires three initiation factors, the initiator tRNA carrying N-formyl methionine, the mRNA and the 30S small ribosomal subunit.


he work of Gregor Mendel in the 19th century kickstarted the field of Transmission genetics.


Suppose there is a biochemical pathway for producing blue flower color that goes from white-...>magenta-...->blue. A dominant allele for gene 1 provides an enzyme that converts >blue. A plant that has the homozygous recessive genotype for gene 1 would have ______ petals.


Who coined the term "genetics"

William Bateson

Which of the following statements defines a quantitative trait locus ?

chromosomal location of one or more genes affecting the phenotype of a quantitative trait

Law of Segregation

maternal and paternal alleles of a gene pair separate from each other so that half the gametes have the maternal type of allele and the other half of gametes contain the paternal type for that pair

What is a centromere?

region of the chromosome where the sister chromatids join

Scurs in cattle is an example of ____A heterozygous male will ______ scurs

sex-influenced inheritance, have

Proteins function at

the cellular

Genes are expressed at

the molecular level

What are chromosomes?

the structures within living cells that contain the genetic material

-Huntingtons discase (HID) is caused by a mutation in the Huntinatin Bene. The discase has an averape ape of onset o 35 and the majonty of individuals that are affected are heterozypotes. What is the probability that a 30-year-old man with no symptoms and who is the son of a man that has HD and a mother who does not will have a child that wi have the mutant HD allele


In Homo sapiens, cataracts in the eyes and fragility of the bones are caused by dominant alleles that assort independently. A man with cataracts and normal bones married a woman without cataracts but fragile bones father had normal bones. What is the probability that the first child of this couple will have cataracts but not fragile bones?


1. Achondroplasia 2. Huntington's Disease 3. Rett Syndrome 4. Hemophilia A

1. common form of dwarfism assoclated with defect in growth of long bond 2. neurodegeneration that occurs relatively late in Ilfe usually in middle age 3. a neurodevelopmental disorder that includes a deceleration of head growth and small hands and feet; fatal in males 4. defect in blood clotting

Animals were first domesticated around

13000 BCE

How many different kinds of gametes would this parent produce with respect to the number of additive alleles contained in the gametes? Aa BB CC DD Ee (the answer is a single digit number)


The white Leghorn breed of chick is homozygous for the dominant allele C (this allele is normally associated with colored feathers). However, this breed is also homozygous for the dominant allele C.... Consequently, Leghorn chickens have white feathers. The white Wyandotte breed of chickens has neither the allele for color nor the inhibitor of color, it is therefore genotypically ccii. What are the phenotypes and proportions expected from intercrossing the progeny of a a white Leghorn hen and a white Wyandotte rooster? (Hint: you are analyzing the proportions of the F2 offspring from the following F1 cross Cc lix Cc li)

3 colored: 13 white

In a typical Mendelian dihybrid cross AaBb x AaBb, what is the expected proportion of progeny that are aaB_:A_B_:A_bb: aabb (remember each blank represents the two possible alleles of the gene pair aka wildcard)


From the cross bbCc x BbCc, what fraction of the offspring are expected to be albino


Five QTs are involved in the size of a tiger's tail. How many phenotypic classes could be observed between a cross of the following two tigers: AA Bb cc Dd Ee x AA bb Cc DD EF


Suppose that the covering on corn kernels can have a purple color due to the dominant allele P of gene 1. The genotype pp leads to a colorless covering. Alleles of gene 2 can mask the purple color, with the dominant allele C having no effect but genotype cc changing the purple color to colorless. Alleles of gene 2 have no effect on plants with genotype pp for gene 1. For the cross PpCe x PpCc, what fraction of the plants are expected to have colorless covering on their corn kernels?


Plants were first domesticated around

8000 BCE

What is the phenotypic ratio for the following cords: BbCc x BbCc

9 Black: 3 Choclate: 4 Albino

A pair of homologous chromosomes is shown here. Which of the following combinations show correct matches?

A - synaptonemal complex ; B - chiasma

Which of the following characteristics of inheritance can be seen for Tay-Sach's disease which is autosomal recessive and parents can only be carriers (since this disease is lethal in early childhood

Affected individuals are offspring of heterozygous parents The trait occurs in both males and females

The separated sister chromatids are considered independent chromosomes.


DNA Ligase

Attaches adjacent Okazaki fragments, forming a continuous DNA strand

Somatoplasm and Germplasm are the two parts of an animal. This theory was proposed by?

August Weissman

You are a geneticist who is analyzing a human pedigree for a new disease and discover that the disease occurs with the same frequency in both sexes and that 25% of the children from two unaffected heterozygous parents

Autosomal Recessive

Which of the following statements are evidence for practice of agriculture over thousands of years.

Both ancient murals and fossilized corn

Which one of the following is not an example of a quantitative trait?

Brown deer or albino deer

Theories of heredity similar to Pythagoras, were again proposed and expanded by _____ more than 2000 years later

Charles Darwin

G6PD deficiency results from a deficiency of an enzyme that is especially important for protecting red blood cells from harmful oxidizing agents. People with G6PD deficiency can live healthy lives but can die from severe destruction of red blood cells after eating fava beans. Fava beans have multiple oxidizing agents that can endanger the red blood cells in these patients. The allele for G6PD deficiency would be described as a lethal allele (hll in with a single word)


which of the surface antigens related to blood type would be found on the red blood cells of an individual with the IA IB genotype

Each red blood cell would carry both surface antigen A and surface antigen B.

When one is conducting a QTL mapping experiment, which of the following criteria must be applicable to the two strains that are selected for breeding to be successful? (many choice, select all that apply)

Each strain must be highly inbred Differ with respect to a quantitative trait

That is the name of the theory which states that organisms are derived from the assembly and reorganization, somewhat de novo, of substances in the egg?


Which choice does NOT represent an explanation for pleiotropy?

Expression of two genes that affect cell function in more than one way

Discouraging the reproduction of those with undesirable traits is called Positive Eugenics.


Prions can contain either DNA or RNA as their genetic material.


The leader of the US Eugenics movement was Francis Galton


DNA Polymerase I

Fils in small regions of DNA where the RNA primers were located

Corn kernels can have a purple color due to the dominant allele of one gene. When the alleles of a second gene are present in the homozygous recessive genotype, the kernel color is changed to red. This is an example of

Gene interaction

In the United States, most newborns undergo a test for primary congenital hypothyroidism, a condition where people are unable to produce enough thyroid hormone. On a nationwide basis, this is an example of:

Genetic Screening

In the history of genetics, we learned that the study of ______ has been a subject of curiosity for thousands of years


For albinism which occurs due to the loss of function mutations in a gene encoding Tyrosinase enzyme, which would lack this enzyme

Homozygous recessive

_____ is a term that refers to the offspring of two individuals with different distinct characteristics


for which of the following genotypes would the effects of codominance be observed in the individual's phenotype?


For humans, an inherited form of blindness called retinitis pigmentosum results from the expression of an autosomal dominant allele. Some individuals who inherited this allele had clear vision throughout their lives while others became completely blind by thirty years of age. The likely explanation for this difference is

Incomplete Penetrance

Phenomenon in which mutations in two or more different genes cause the same type of disorder is called as.

Locus Heterogeneity

Normal beta-globin gene Normal beta-globin mRNA Normal beta-globin polypeptide Incorporated into a normal Hemoglobin protein tetramer Disk shaped Red blood cell carrying normal oxygen Healthy individual

Logic's steps with respect to genes and traits

The chromosomes line up in the center of the cell during which phase of the cell cycle?


Preformationism encompasses which of the following tenets?

None is correct

In a cell, a certain protein works as a homodimer (two molecules of the same kind of protein come together to perform a function), A mutant allele of the same gene encodes a dominant negative form of the protein. Three dimensional are possible in a cell that carries a mutant allele and a wildtype (normal) allele: dimer of normal polypeptide-normal polypeptide, normal polypeptide-mutant polypeptide, dimer of mutant polypeptide -mutant polypeptide. Only the first kind of dimer has norm non-functional. If a cell makes equal amounts of polypeptides from both the alleles then which of the following statements may be true for the protein:

None of the given choices is correct

The phenomenon where the heterozygotes have a greater reproductive success than either of the two homozygotes is referred to as:


The process of crossing over occurs during which phase of meiosis?


À rare autosomal genetic disorder called as apinna is associated with absence of the external ear lobes at birth, A drug Betamethrhodactamine was approved for treating morning sickness in pregnant women. However this drug was later found to be a teratogen and cause toxicity and led to children being born without external ear lobes. These observations are best indicated by the term


Traits can be:

Physiological, Behavioral, Morphological

The allele for sickle cell anemia leads to multiple changes in the individual's phenotype, including the type of hemoglobin produced, the shape of red blood cells, the onset of anemia and reduced susceptibility to malaria. The name for these multiple effects on phenotype is_____


The microtubules of the spindle fiber attach to the kinetochore during which phase of the cell cycle?


The chromosomes start to condense during which phase of the cell cycle?


Nucleotide building blocks are used to make long strands of DNA, which associate with_______ and form chromosomes


________ is known for all of the following: Suggested that both sexes transmit the agents of heredity Described small lumps in the female reproductive that he thought was the mammalian egg. Understanding the female reproductive system

Regnier De Graaf

DNA polymerase Ill

Responsible for the majority of DNA replication

Suppose that there are two male mice who are homozygous for the same allele. They are raised under the same environmental conditions: receiving the same types of foods in cages exposed to the same ranges of temperature. Despite this attention to animal care, one mouse dies and the other survives. Which type of allele is likely to be responsible for this death?

Semi lethal allele

Consider an organism with the genotype A BB Cc Dd, where upper case alleles are additive alleles and lower case alleles are non-additive alleles. If you calculate typically (not specifically for polygenic inheritance) the number of types of gametes based on which gene pair it belongs to etc, you will say that it would make 2x2-4 kinds of accurate. However if you want to estimate the number of types of gametes classified only on the different numbers of additive alleles, it could make.8am additive alleles and as four additive allele. So a total of three different kinds of gametes varying in the number of additive alleles are possible (some with 2 additive, some with 3 additive and some with 4 additive alleles Determine if the underlined statement is true or false.


Shine Dalgarno sequence in the mRNA binds to the 16S rRNA in the small ribosomal subunit 4-8 bases upstream of the start codon.


Spermatogenesis is the process of making male gametes called sperm, and it occurs within male gonads known as testes in animals including humans.


The following three statements are consistent with which of the disease options below: A. Daughters of affected males, produce on average, 50% affected sons B. Mothers of affected males often have brothers or fathers who are affected by the same disease C. Males are more likely to exhibit the disease

X-Linked Recessive

An individual with the Bombay blood group (h) will have which of the followin select all that apply)

antibody against B-antigen (anti-B antibody) in plasma antibody against A-antigen (anti-A antibody) in plasma antibody against complete H-substance/ antigen (anti-H antibody) in plasma

Arrange the following steps from genotype to phenotype for an individual with Huntington's disease. Please fill in the blanks with the alphabets (all lowercase) without any spaces. a. Both alleles are transcribed leading, to two kinds of mRNA: the normal form with 25 CAG repeats and the mutant form with 85 CAG repeats b. Heterozygous individual has two alleles for Huntingtin gene; one wildtype allele with 25 consecutive CAG repeats in the coding sequence and one disease allele with 85 consecutive CAG repeats in the co C. Both forms of the mRNA are translated to give; a normal form of the Huntingtin protein with a 25 consecutive Glutamine residues and an abnormal/mutant form of the Huntingtin protein with 85 consecuti d. Neuronal death causes the symptoms such as dementia motor dysfunction and ultimately death E. The mutant form of the Huntingtin protein aggregates within the neurons and through various mechanisms leads to the death of neurons


By definition, a quantitative trait locus refers to:

chromosomal location of one or more genes affecting the phenotype of a quantitative trait

All of the following are fundamental principles of the chromosome theory of inheritance except

chromosome replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle

Parents can unknowingly pass on a dominant lethal allele for Huntington disease to their offspring because the

disease symptoms often do not appear until after the parent has had children

law of independent assortment

during gamete formation the segregation of alleles of other pairs one gene pair is independent of the segregation of other alleles of

For Tay-Sach's disease which is an autosomal recessive condition, decreasing enzyme Hexosaminidase A levels would be seen in what order?

homozygous dominant> heterozygous> homozygous recessive

A trait is seen only in one sex but is not seen in the opposite sex. This observation would be consistent with which one of the following inheritance patterns?

sex-limited inheritance

Himalayan coloring in rabbits is due to a dominant allele that codes for a tyrosinase enzyme which participates in the production of the dark pigment melanin. in cold temperatures, dark coloring is only found in the ears, nose and feet of the animal. White coloration develops on body areas where blood flow keeps the animal warm. The tyrosinase enzyme is most likely due to a

temperature-sensitive allele

Pink four o'clock flowers have one copy of the allele for red petals and one copy of the allele for white petals. The best explanation for the pink petal color is

the single allele for red petals causes the production of about 50% of the normal enzyme so petal color is lighter

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