GEOG 1112: Test 1

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11. If you were standing at 60 degrees north lat. you would be w/n which latitudinal geographic zone? A) subantarctic B) midlatitude C) antarctic D) subarctic E) subtropical

D. subarctic Arctic = 66.5 N to North Pole Subarctic = 55 N to 66.5 N Midlatitude = 35 to 55 N/S Subtropical = 23.5 to 35 N/S Equator = 23.5 N/S Subantarctic = 55 S to 66.5 S Antarctic = 66.5 S to South Pole

15. The basis for defining the length of a day is the fact that a) Earth rotates east to west. b) Earth moves through 365.25 days a year in its orbit about the Sun. c) Earth rotates on its axis in 24 hours; i.e., it rotates 15 degrees of longitude per hour. d) Earth does not rotate; rather, it revolves.

C. Earth rotates on its axis in 24 hours; i.e. it rotates 15 degrees of long. per hr

12. The principle that explains the differential scattering of shorter wavelength radiation and accounts for the Earth's blue sky is: A) mie scattering B) refraction C) Rayleigh scattering D) transmission

C. Rayleigh scattering

5. On avg, which of the following is TRUE regarding the distribution of shortwave and longwave energy at Earth's surface by latitude? A) The equatorial zone is a region of net deficits. B) The Polar Regions are areas of net surpluses. C) The distribution shows an imbalance of net radiation from equator to poles. D) More energy is lost than it is gained in the equatorial regions.

C. The distribution shows an imbalance of net radiation

13. When light passes from one medium to another, resulting in a change in speed and direction of insolation, A) transmission happens B) Rayleigh scattering is the predominant effect C) refraction occurs D) it is usually not affected physically

C. refraction occurs

8. Consider the landmass of Greenland, which is located at high latitudes and is covered to a depth of thousands of feet by glaciers. Given these facts, which of the following is true regarding its energy budget? A) The downward SW (insolation) term is large. B) The upward SW (albedo) term is large. C) The downward LW (incoming longwave infrared energy) term is small. D) both A and B E) both B and C

E. Both B and C

10. The diameter of Earth is largest when measured around the poles. T/F

FALSE, largest at the equator

13. An angular distance measured east or west of a prime meridian from the center of Earth is termed Greenwich distance. T/F

FALSE, longitude (EW: time)

5. Photosynthesis in a leaf is an example of a closed system T/F


7. 1372 watts per square meter (2 calories per cm^2 per min) refer to the Solar wind input to the atmosphere. T/F

False, 1372 = solar constant NOT solar wind

1. The sun's declination migrates thru 23.5 degrees of lat. annually T/F

False, 47 degrees total

3. The sun is directly overhead in Kampala, Uganda (0 deg. 15' N, 78 deg. 35' E) at noon on June 21st. T/F

False, June 21st subsolar point @ Tropic of Cancer

1. The two most abundant gases in the atmosphere are oxygen and carbon dioxide. T/F

False, Nitrogen & Oxygen

4. A horizontal air current that is generated by temperature-induced density differences is an example of heat transfer by convection. T/F

False, advection = horizontally dominant movement/exchange of energy

13. If City A is located 35 degrees west of City B, the time at City A is the same as that at City B. T/F

False, because long defines time and if 2 cities are not in same zone longitudinally (e/w) than they're separate times

4. The equinox is the longest day of the year at any given place. T/F

False, equinox is 2x a year when day and night are equal length. Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year.

10. The oblateness of Earth occurs at the equator. T/F

False, happens at the poles

10. Insolation is equal at all surfaces across the globe. T/F

False, insolation varies depending on surfaces across the globe + region

6. The homosphere is so called bcuz it is the habitable sphere for humans (Homo sapiens). T/F

False, it's called homo bcuz all gases evenly mixed/blended

11. The name of the location on the surface of Earth that receives insolation when the Sun is directly overhead is the equator point which is technically known as the solar point. T/F

False, it's called the Subsolar Point - sun is directly 90' overhead

18. Earth is closest to the Sun in early January during the aphelion. T/F

False, it's closest to Sun in early Jan during the Perihelion

6. The reflective quality of a surface is known as its scattering. T/F

False, it's known as ALBEDO

10. The Earth's orbit about the Sun is perfectly circular. T/F

False, it's more oval

17. During the September equinox the subsolar point is located at 23.5 deg S latitude. T/F

False, located at equator

8. The plane of Earth's orbit about the Sun is called the plane of the great circle. T/F

False, plane of the ecliptic

2. Earth's rotation is described as east to west. T/F

False, should be moving from west --> east (eastward) (east --> west, would be moving backwards/westward)

2. Based on composition, the atmosphere is divided into: ________ and ________

Homosphere + Heterosphere

16. The difference in Sun time between 2 places located 30 degrees in longitude apart from one another is A) 30 seconds B) 30 mins C) one hour D) two hours E) three hours

D) Two hours - bcuz 15 degrees = 1 hr

8. Which of the following is an example of a closed system? a) a forest b) a river drainage basin c) an automobile d) the Earth (in terms of matter)

D) the Earth (in terms of matter)

3. Half of the total mass of Earth's atmosphere lies below an elevation of _______ meters. A) 14,000 B) 11,000 C) 8300 D) 5500

D. 5500 meters. 50% of atmosphere lies below @ 16,000 m, 90% of atmosphere below you

9. Which of the following terms characterizes the discipline of geography? A) eclectic B) integrative C) unscientific D) both eclectic and integrative

D. Both eclectic and integrative

Latitude Longitude

LATITUDE = to find location (N/S) - zero deg. @ equator 0 deg(min) --> 90 deg (max) LONGITUDE = to find time (E/W) - zero deg. @ prime meridian --> +180 eastward & -180 westward

11. Which two gases are primarily responsible for the greenhouse effect bcuz of their ability to absorb infrared energy? _____ and ______

Methane + Carbon Dioxide (NHo + CO2)

12. The auroras in the upper atmosphere are caused by the interaction of the solar wind and the upper layers of Earth's atmosphere. T/F

True Aurora Borealis/Australis - the magnetic field surrounding Earth deflects the solar wind to both poles

2. Forests have a higher albedo than the moon. T/F

True, - Albedo of earth is 3x higher than moon (has low albedo) - Forests' albedo = 10-20% - Moon's albedo = 6-8%

16. The Tropic of Cancer refers to the parallel that is the farthest northern location for the subsolar point during the year. T/F

True, Tropic of Cancer is 23.5 deg North Tropic of Capricorn is 23.5 deg South (47 degrees total)

7. Earth's avg overall albedo is 31%. T/F

True, 31% = reflected/scattered (albedo) 69% = absorbed

9. The Earth-Sun distance avgs 150 mill. kilometers (93 mill miles) and therefore it takes light an avg of 8 mins and 20 secs to travel from the Sun to Earth. T/F

True, 8 mins 20 sec to travel from Sun to Earth

6. The longest days of the year in the Southern Hemisphere are experienced during the Northern Hemisphere's Winter solstice. T/F

True, the two hemisphere's seasons are opposite

Annual March of the Seasons

WINTER SOLSTICE - Dec 21/22 --> subsolar pt: Tropic of Capricorn SPRING EQUINOX - March 20/21 --> subsolar pt: Equator SUMMER SOLSTICE - June 20/21 --> subsolar pt: Tropic of Cancer FALL EQUINOX - Sept 22/23 --> subsolar pt: Equator


incoming solar radiation

14. How far north you live from the equator is measured as your ________, whereas an imaginary line marking all those places at that same distance north of the equator is called a ______.

latitude/location; longitude/time

7. The term spatial means _____

nature & character of physical space

Shape of Earth = ___

oblate spheroidal

The oblateness of Earth occurs at the

poles (flattened at poles)

1. Geography literally means _______

to write/describe earth, coming from GEO (earth) and GRAPHEIN (to write)

15. If it is 10:00PM on July 3rd at 30 deg. west, what date and time is it at 15 deg. east? A) July 3rd; 11pm B) July 3rd; 9pm C) July 3rd; 6pm D) July 4th; 1am E) July 4th; 2am

D. July 4th; 1am 1) 30' W (- 15') --> 15'W (- 15') --> 0' (- 15) --> 15' E 30' W 10pm July3rd (+ 1hr) --> 15'W 11pm July3rd (+ 1hr) --> 0' 12am July4th (+ 1hr) --> 15'E 1 am July4th

14. An image that appears near the horizon when layers of air are at diff. temps and densities is a(n) ______ and an ex of ______. A) reflection; albedo B) Rayleigh scatter; albedo C) reflection; refraction D) mirage; refraction

D. mirage; refraction

9. Which of the following is correctly matched? A) conduction - molecule to molecule heat transfer B) advection - strongly vertical mixing C) radiation - assimilation and conversion of D) convection - strongly horizontal mixing

A. conduction - molecule to molecule heat transfer

12. A line connecting all points along the same longitudinal angle is called a A) meridian B) parallel C) prime latitudinal angle D) great circle

A. meridian

Atmospheric Pressure

- At sea level, the atmosphere exerts a force of ~1kg/cm^2 --> 1013.2 mb or 29.92 in of mercury

Energy from Sun

- Sun radiates shortwave energy - Shorter wavelengths have higher energy - Earth radiates longwave energy

3. Define the following: CLIMATE

- long term - avg of weather patterns in a particular location/region, made up of about 30 years of weather data including extremities

3. Define the following: WEATHER

- short term - day to day - hour by hour temporary patterns in an area

Quiz 2


Quiz 3


Quiz 4


Quiz 5


Quizzes 1


Hotter w/ Elevation

1) Stratosphere 2) Thermosphere

Colder w/ Elevation

1) Troposphere 2) Mesosphere

Atmospheric Profile

1. Composition --> Homosphere (inner atmosph. gases EVENLY blended) --> Heterosphere (outer atmph. layers of gases SORTED BY GRAVITY) 2. Function - Stratosphere -> has ozone -> ozonosphere (protects us from short wave radiation) 3. Temperature - Four Regions: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere

Diff. Ways to Transfer Energy

1. Conduction = molecule to molecule transfer 2. Convection = energy transferred by movement/vertical exchange of energy 3. Advection = horizontally dominant movement/horizontal exchange of energy 4. Radiation = energy traveling thru air or space (energy exchange thru a vacuum)

The Earth System: 4 Spheres

1. Hydrosphere = water of the earth 2. Atmosphere = clouds, arena where weather occurs 3. Lithosphere = land (solid earth) 4. Biosphere = living part of earth (5. Cryosphere = ice part)

Diff. Types of Scattering

1. Rayleigh Scattering - small molecules - blue sky 2. Mie scattering - medium sized particles/caused by dust) - red/brown skies 3. Non selective scattering - white sky - large, small, all scattered equally

Energy Pathways

1. Reflected 2. Absorbed 3. Refracted 4. Scattered

9. In terms of matter and resources, the Earth is essentially a(n) _____ system; In terms of energy, the Earth is a(n) ______ system. a) closed; closed b) closed; open c) open; open d) open; closed

B) Closed; Open

19. Travelers flying west from Los Angeles (118 deg. W) to Tokyo (139 deg. E) will cross the ______ and, as a result, they will ______ when crossing this meridian. A) Internat'l Dateline; gain a day (Ex: Sun becomes Sat) B) Internat'l Dateline; lose a day (Ex: Sat becomes Sun) C) prime meridian; gain a day (Ex: Sun becomes Sat) D) prime meridian; lose a day (Ex: Sat becomes Sun)

B) International Dateline; lose a day (Example: Saturday becomes Sunday.) (you lose a day bcuz Tokyo is already in the next day, so that's why ppl say "we got married tomorrow")

15. The relationship btwn insolation and air temp thru the course of day shows A) air temp reaches a max at noon when insolation also reaches a max B) air temp reaches a max afternoon, whereas insolation reaches a max at noon C) air temp max and mins are not related to insolation D) air temp reaches a min at midnight when there is not insolation

B. air temp reaches a max afternoon, whereas insolation reaches a max at noon

10. Which of the following lists the correct sequence of gases, from most to least, in terms of percentage w/n the homosphere? A) nitrogen, argon, oxygen, xenon, carbon dioxide B) nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, trace gases C) oxygen, ozone, nitrogen, PAN, carbon dioxide D) oxygen, nitrogen, neon, hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide

B. nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, trace gases

14. If you began a trip at 60 degrees west, 20 degrees north and traveled 120 degrees farther west and 50 degrees south, your new position would be A) the Internat'l Dateline at 70 deg. North Lat B) the Internat'l Dateline at 30 deg. South Lat C) the Greenwich meridian at 70 deg. North Lat D) the Greenwich meridian at 30 deg. South Lat E) 30 deg. North, 120 deg. West

B. the Internat'l Dateline at 30 degrees South Latitude. Internat'l Dateline = 180 deg. E/W Greenwich Meridian = 0 deg (prime meridian) - so it's redundant to restate 180 deg. --> 60 + 120 = 180 --> 20 - 50 = 30 S 180 deg E/W, 30 deg. South

6. Define an open system and give two examples of systems in nature that fall in that category.

Open System = inputs & outputs (but not self-contained) (most systems in nature are OPEN) Ex: 1) Photosynthesis 2) Digestive System

3. The sky (upper troposphere) appears blue in color because of _________.

Rayleigh scattering

1. Because of the process known as _______ the sun appears above the horizon __________ it has actually risen.

Refraction, 4 minutes before

2. Which methodology do geographers employ in their study of society and Earth surface processes?

Spatial Analysis Method

11. The science that specifically attempts to determine Earth's SHAPE and SIZE by SURVEYS and MATHematical means is called GEODESY. T/F


12. An angular distance measured north or south of the equator from the center of Earth is termed latitude. T/F

TRUE, latitude (NS: location)

13. Abnormally wet years and droughts have both been correlated w/ Sunspot cycles. T/F


14. The dominant wavelength emitted by Earth is infrared. T/F


15. The avg insolation received at the thermopause (located at 480km above Earth's surface) when the Earth is at its avg distance from the sun is known as the solar constant. T/F


4. Physical versus human/cultural represent the fundamental duality in the field of Geography T/F


4. The ionosphere is the region principally absorbs gamma rays, X-rays, and interacts w/ the solar wind. T/F


5. The duration of both dawn and twilight increases w/ increasing latitude. T/F


5. The ozonosphere is critical to life bcuz it absorbs most ultraviolet wavelengths. T/F


7. The plane of Earth's orbit about the Sun is called the plane of the ecliptic. T/F


8. The dominant wavelength of energy emitted by the Sun is shorter than that emitted by Earth. T/F


9. What is the name of the location on the surface of Earth that receives insolation when the Sun is directly overhead? (When this occurs, the Sun's rays are perpendicular to this surface.) _______

subsolar point

Greenwich meridian is

the universal prime meridian or zero point of longitude

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