Geog Exam 3

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The angle of repose represent a balance between the driving force and resisting force. Which of the following is the driving force? A. Cohesion B. Gravity C. Shear D. Inertia E. Friction

B. Gravity

Chemical weathering is greatest under conditions of A. Near absence of rainfall, but higher temperatures. B. Higher rainfall and temperatures. C. Higher rainfall, but lower temperatures. D. Lower rainfall, but higher temperatures. E. Lower rainfall and temperatures.

B. Higher rainfall and temperatures

Effusive eruptions are not related to which of the following? A. Relatively gentle eruptions B. Magma rich in silica and aluminum C. Magma rich in iron and magnesium D. Low-viscosity magma E. Gently sloping shield volcanoes

B. Magma rich in silica and aluminum

The ultimate base level is A. A drainage divide. B. Sea level. C. A dam. D. Dependent on the geological substrate. E. Any hard, resistant rock in a channel

B. Sea level

A gently sloping mountain landform built from effusive eruption is known as a A. Cinder cone. B. Shield volcano. C. Crater. D. Pluton. E. Caldera.

B. Shield volcano

When lateral shear causes horizontal movement along a fault plane, the resulting fault is called a A. Thrust fault. B. Strike-slip fault. C. Folded fault. D. Normal fault. E. Lateral fault.

B. Strike-slip fault

Under pressure, rocks can bend and deform, and then spring back to their initial shape after pressure is released. This is known as A. Plate tectonics. B. The elastic-rebound theory. C. Continental drift. D. Folding. E. Orogeny.

B. The elastic-rebound theory

A slow persistent mass movement of surface soil is called A. Slump. B. A soil slide. C. A debris avalanche. D. Soil creep. E. A rockfall.

D. Soil creep

Pulverized rock and clastic materials ejected violently during an eruption are called A. Scoria. B. Volcanic ash. C. Explosive debris. D. Tephra, or pyroclastics. E. Cinders.

D. Tephra, or pyroclastics

Which of the following is not an example of an age-relationship based on absolute dating? A. The Vishnu schist at the bottom of the Grand Canyon is 2 billion years old. B. The dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago. C. The oldest known rocks on Earth are 3.96 billion years old. D. The Coconino formation in the Grand Canyon is older than the Kaibab formation.

D. The Coconino formation in the Grand Canyon is older than the Kaibab formation

The geologic cycle is fueled by A. the Earth's internal heat, only. B. solar energy, only. C. the hydrologic cycle, only. D. both solar energy and the Earth's internal heat. E. neither solar energy and the Earth's internal heat.

D. both solar energy and the Earth's internal heat

The majority of the Earth's crust is composed of __________ rock. A. metamorphic B. sedimentary C. carbonate D. igneous

D. igneous

Bed load is moved by A) saltation. B) traction. C) suspension. D) all of the above E) A and B only

E) A and B only

How have we gained knowledge of Earth's internal structure? A. studying shock waves from earthquakes and underground nuclear tests B. direct observation of Earth's inner layers C. analysis of seismic waves passing through Earth's layers D. all of the above E. A and C

E. A and C

Which of the following may act as a local base level? A. The headwaters B. The upper surface of a waterfall C. An interfluve D. A drainage divide E. A lake that a river flows into

E. A lake that a river flows into

Excess sediment may result in which of the following channel patterns? A. Straight, steep-walled channels B. Deeply entrenched U-shaped valleys C. Meandering stream D. V-shaped valleys E. Braided stream

E. Braided stream

A stream's volume of flow per unit of time is its A. Velocity. B. Speed. C. Flow rate. D. Base load. E. Discharge.

E. Discharge

The three most abundant elements in Earth's crust are A. magnesium, iron, and calcium B. magnesium, potassium, and oxygen. C. iron, aluminum, and calcium. D. potassium, sodium, and iron. E. oxygen, silicon, and aluminum.

E. Oxygen, silicon, and aluminum.

Which of the following can lead to the slope failure that causes mass movement? A. Oversteepening of the slope B. Saturation from rainfall C. Earthquakes D. Volcanic eruptions E. Saturation, oversteepening of slopes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions

E. Saturation, oversteepening of slopes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions

Which of the following is incorrectly matched? A. Folding - compressional stress B. Tension - stretching or faulting C. Compression - shortening or folding D. Tension - normal fault E. Shearing - stretching or faulting

E. Shearing - stretching or faulting

In stream formation, surface water initially moves down slope in a thin film called A. Gully. B. River. C. Interfluve. D. Rill. E. Sheetflow.

E. Sheetflow

As a stream's competence decreases, which of the following sediments would be deposited last? A. Gravel B. Pebbles C. Boulders D. Sand E. Silt

E. Silt

Which of the following is not a class of mass movement? A. Fall B. Flow C. Slide D. Creep E. Slip

E. Slip

The phrase "considerable-to-serious damage to buildings" would be used in the __________ scale. A) Mercalli B) Richter C) Beaufort D) Moh's

A) Mercalli

Which of the following is incorrect relative to the principal locations of volcanic activity? A) They occur around the perimeter of the Atlantic Ocean basin. B) They occur along sea-floor spreading centers. C) They occur in the circum-Pacific belt. D) They occur in association with hot spots over plumes in the mantle.

A) They occur around the perimeter of the Atlantic Ocean basin

Volcanoes formed from silica-rich magma A) are highly explosive and dangerous. B) are associated with rift zones. C) have gently sloping surfaces that give them the appearance of a shield. D) are associated with midocean ridges.

A) are highly explosive and dangerous

The total possible load a stream can transport is its _________, whereas a stream's ability to move particles of specific size is its __________. A) capacity; competence B) bed load; sediment load C) discharge; competence D) competence; capacity

A) capacity; competence

Watersheds are defined by A) drainage divides. B) fluvial units. C) continental divides. D) stream orders

A) drainage divides

Chemical weathering processes are particularly effective on limestone landscapes, forming A) karst topography. B) complex patterns over only 5 percent of Earth's land area. C) hydrolysis plains. D) exfoliation domes and arch-like forms.

A) karst topography

The most common type of mass wasting in a slightly hilly environment is A) soil creep. B) rockfall. C) a soil slide. D) debris avalanche.

A) soil creep

Ocean floor subducts under continents because A) the ocean floor is made of mafic material and is therefore more dense than continental material. B) the ocean floor has a lower density and therefore sinks more easily. C) the ocean floor is made of felsic minerals and is heavier than continental material. D) the weight of the continents is so great that they push the ocean floor material downward. E) both A and B

A) the ocean floor is made of mafic material and is therefore more dense than continental material

During the past 4 million years, ________ geomagnetic reversals have occurred. A. 9 B. 50 C. 100 D. 25 E. 1,000

A. 9

The river with the greatest discharge is the A. Amazon. B. Mississippi. C. Ganges. D. Orinoco. E. Yangtze

A. Amazon

The most recent epoch in the geologic time scale is the ________, though numerous scientists agree we have entered a new epoch called the ________. A. Holocene; Anthropocene B. Pliocene; Pleistocene C. Pleistocene; Holocene D. Miocene; Pliocene E. Oligocene; Miocene

A. Holocene; Anthropocene

________ are sites of upwelling of magma from the mantle independent of plate boundaries. A. Hot spots B. Subduction zones C. Mid-ocean ridges D. Transform faults E. Plate boundaries

A. Hot spots

Most cratons date to the A. Precambrian eon. B. Mesozoic era. C. Paleocene epoch. D. Paleozoic era. E. Devonian period.

A. Precambrian eon

The sediment load consisting of fine-grained clastic particles held aloft in the stream is the A. Suspended load. B. Saltation. C. Flow load. D. Dissolved load. E. Bed load.

A. Suspended load

Plants are important to the development of karst primarily because A. They supply organic acids that enhance the dissolution process. B. They provide the calcium carbonate necessary for karst topography to form. C. They lessen the impact of raindrops on the surface so the water can more rapidly flow into stream channels. D. Openings adjacent to their roots serve as microchannels that allow water to enter the rock. E. The decay of large roots below the surface produces cavities which eventually enlarge to form caves.

A. They supply organic acids that enhance the dissolution process

A batholith forms from A. intrusive igneous rock. B. clastic sedimentation. C. sediment accumulation in a depression. D. metamorphic rock. E. extrusive igneous rock.

A. intrusive igneous rock

What type of rock is derived from the bits and pieces of former rocks? A. sedimentary B. mafic C. metamorphic D. hydrothermal E. igneous

A. sedimentary

The scientific study of rock strata (layers) is known as ________ and based on the principle of ________. A. stratigraphy; superposition B. sedimentology; deposition C. Paleogeography; plate tectonics D. Paleontology; catastrophism E. geomorphology; uniformitarianism

A. stratigraphy; superposition

Heat energy and new materials are brought to the surface from the interior by the A. tectonic cycle. B. rock cycle. C. hydrologic cycle. D. mineral cycle.

A. tectonic cycle

When a dam and reservoir are constructed, the natural response of the river and its channel gradient come under the control of A) the same base level that existed prior to construction. B) a local, or temporary, base level. C) an ultimate base level. D) the government.

B) a local, or temporary, base level

After a threshold is crossed, the landscape A) looks identical to the landscape that existed prior to the crossing of the threshold. B) adjusts to a new equilibrium condition. C) remains unstable thereafter. D) Any of the above are equally likely to occur

B) adjusts to a new equilibrium condition

A cutoff on a meandering stream results in the formation of A) a point bar. B) an oxbow lake. C) a levee. D) a terrace

B) an oxbow lake

Explosive eruptions tend to build up A) many subsequent lava flows. B) composite volcanoes. C) shield-shaped volcanoes. D) plateau basalts.

B) composite volcanoes

Which of the following is not part of the hydrologic cycle? A) transportation B) radioactive decay C) sedimentation D) erosion

B) radioactive decay

Which drainage pattern is produced by folded topography? A) radial B) trellis C) deranged D) dendritic

B) trellis

Which of the following are the principal active agents involved in chemical weathering? A) nitrogen, oxygen, argon B) water, oxygen, carbon dioxide C) oxygen, silicon, aluminum D) magnesium, water, limestone

B) water, oxygen, carbon dioxide

The disintegration and dissolving of surface and subsurface rock is called A) landmass denudation. B) weathering. C) mass wasting. D) erosion.

B) weathering

Orogenesis refers to A. The creation of an escarpment during normal faulting. B. A general term for a mountain-building episode that thickens continental crust. C. The beginning of extensive faulting. D. A general thinning of the crust. E. Eroding away of surface material to expose a craton (continental shield).

B. A general term for a mountain-building episode that thickens continental crust

The Mississippi River delta has widely spaced distributary channels extending long distances into the Gulf of Mexico. This is an example of a(n) ________ delta. A. Estuarine B. Bird's-foot C. Alluvial D. Fluvial E. Arcuate

B. Bird's-foot

A large region where a craton is exposed at the surface is known as a A. Composite zone. B. Continental shield. C. Continental platform. D. Mountain mass. E. Terrane.

B. Continental shield

Which of the following statements about Earth's core is not correct? A. The inner core, despite being well above melting temperature, remains solid due to tremendous pressure of overlying materials. B. The inner core is believed to be liquid and the outer core solid. C. Scientists think the inner core formed before the outer core. D. A third of the Earth's entire mass, but only a sixth of its volume lies in its core. E. It is composed primarily of iron.

B. The inner core is believed to be liquid and the outer core solid.

Which of the following is incorrect regarding floodplains? A. They are generally low-lying areas. B. They are characterized by rapids and low waterfalls. C. They are formed by recurrent flooding in the area adjacent to the stream. D. Residual deposits from abandoned channels often result in meander scars in floodplains. E. Natural levees on either side of a stream are formed during times when the stream is at flood stage and overflows the bank.

B. They are characterized by rapids and low waterfalls

Earth's crust is roughly made up of A. mantle and core material. B. at least 14 plates capable of movement. C. a brittle material that does not move. D. strong, unbroken material.

B. at least 14 plates capable of movement

Limestone formed from the shells of marine organisms is an example of ________ sedimentary rock. A. clastic B. biochemical C. inorganic D. contact E. extrusive

B. biochemical

Which of the following gives the correct sequence of layers in the Earth, from the surface to the center? A. crust, lower mantle, aesthenosphere, core B. crust, aesthenosphere, lower mantle, core C. aesthenosphere, lower mantle, crust, core D. crust, core, lower mantle, aesthenosphere

B. crust, aesthenosphere, lower mantle, core

Salt is an example of __________ rock. A) metamorphic B) extrusive igneous C) sedimentary D) intrusive igneous

C) sedimentary

Normal faults are associated with A) plate convergence. B) compressional forces. C) tensional forces. D) transcurrent forces.

C) tensional forces

The main process contributing material in solution in sediment load is A. Deposition. B. Physical weathering. C. Chemical weathering. D. Biological weathering. E. Erosion

C. Chemical weathering

A ________ is a mixture of water and loosely consolidated sediment, such as gravels, boulders, and coarse rock fragments, moving downslope. A. Slump B. Rockfall C. Debris flow D. Landslide E. Creep

C. Debris flow

All processes that cause reduction and rearrangement of landforms are included in the term A. Erosion. B. Weathering. C. Denudation. D. Mass movement. E. Evisceration.

C. Denudation

When pressure is removed from overlying rock, the pressure of deep burial is relieved, initiating pressure-release jointing. The joints then separate into curved slabs. This is known as A. Crystallization. B. Frost wedging. C. Exfoliation. D. Salt crystal growth. E. Spheroidal weathering.

C. Exfoliation

The Andes of South America formed as a result of the Nazca plate subducting beneath the South American plate. This is an example of ________ collision. A. Continental-plate-continental plate B. Oceanic plate-oceanic plate C. Oceanic plate-continental plate D. Continental shield-craton E. Terrane-craton

C. Oceanic plate-continental plate

________ is the coherent theory that describes the motion of the Earth's lithosphere and associated processes and results. A. Contact metamorphism B. Sea floor spreading C. Plate tectonics D. Pangaea E. Metamorphism

C. Plate tectonics

Inclined surfaces that form the boundaries of landforms are known as A. Regoliths. B. Catchments. C. Slopes. D. Viewsheds. E. Free face.

C. Slopes

Which of the following is not used to rate an earthquake on the moment magnitude scale? A. The size of the subsurface or surface area that ruptured B. The amount of fault slippage that occurred C. The amount of death and destruction that occurred D. Extreme ground acceleration E. The nature of the ground materials affected by the quake

C. The amount of death and destruction that occurred

Carbonation, in terms of chemical weathering, occurs when A. Carbon dioxide combines with hydrogen to form hydrocarbons that can weather rock and other materials. B. Any chemical reaction involving carbon dioxide occurs in the soil. C. Water vapor dissolves carbon dioxide, yielding precipitation that contains carbonic acid. D. Carbon dioxide interacts with calcium hydroxide and hydrates calcium silicates. E. Carbon dioxide gas in water is dissolved under high pressure

C. Water vapor dissolves carbon dioxide, yielding precipitation that contains carbonic acid

Sedimentary rock formed from dissolved minerals that precipitate out of water solution and build up to form rock are A. igneous. B. inorganic. C. chemical. D. clastic. E. organic.

C. chemical

High mountains consisting of tightly folded and overthrust sedimentary rock layers, as well as metamorphic rocks, are formed A. during volcanic eruptions. B. in continental rift zones. C. during plate collisions. D. exclusively by magma intrusions. E. along midocean ridges during seafloor spreading activity and are subsequently uplifted above sea level in response to isostatic processes.

C. during plate collisions

The density of material below the Moho is __________ that above it. A. less than B. the same as C. greater than

C. greater than

The aesthenosphere can best be described as A. a rigid solid. B. plasma-like. C. plastic-like. D. a liquid.

C. plastic-like

Which of the following is true regarding continental drift? A) It is an old theory that has been essentially disproven. B) It does not occur because the crust is brittle. C) It occurred about two billion years ago, but no longer occurs today. D) The term "continental drift" refers to crustal plate movement.

D) The term "continental drift" refers to crustal plate movement

Landslides occur when A) the internal friction is overcome by the force of gravity. B) a threshold is reached. C) driving forces exceed resisting forces. D) all of the above E) B and C only

D) all of the above

Which of the following is true of divergent plate boundaries? A) Tensional forces exist there. B) Rifting occurs there. C) New ocean crust can be created there. D) all of the above E) none of the above

D) all of the above

The variety of surface features on the Earth results from A) weathering and erosion. B) gravity. C) tectonic activity. D) all of these

D) all of these

In reality, a landscape behaves as A) a closed system in terms of energy and an open system in terms of matter. B) a closed system. C) an evolutionary model changing in a sequence of stages that is the same everywhere on the Earth. D) an open system.

D) an open system

All processes that cause reduction and rearrangement of landforms are included in the term A) mass movement. B) weathering. C) mass wasting. D) denudation

D) denudation

The eventual catastrophic eruption of Mount Saint Helens was A) a total surprise. B) not preceded by any physical activity. C) within only a few days of the first earthquake. D) related to seafloor subduction at the west coast of North America.

D) related to seafloor subduction at the west coast of North America

If you were driving down the highway and saw mountains composed of layered strata, you could be confident that you were looking at A) batholiths or laccoliths. B) extrusive igneous rock. C) a shield volcano. D) sedimentary rocks.

D) sedimentary rocks

Hydration involves A) frost action. B) the action of wind. C) a chemical weathering process. D) swelling and stress within a rock with the addition of water.

D) swelling and stress within a rock with the addition of water

The major rocks of Earth's crust are classified into principal types based on A) element composition. B) mineral composition. C) relative and absolute locations. D) three specific rock-forming processes; i.e., the manner in which they formed

D) three specific rock-forming processes; i.e., the manner in which they formed

The most active tectonic regions of North and South America are on the A) mid-continent. B) southern coasts. C) eastern coasts. D) western coasts.

D) western coasts

A 50-year flood has an annual exceedance probability of A. 10%. B. 5%. C. 50%. D. 2%. E. 25%.

D. 2%

The thickness of Earth's crust ranges from A. the surface down to 2900 km (1800 mi.). B. the surface to an unknown depth. C. 70 km to 250 km (43 mi. to 155 mi.). D. 5 km to 60 km (3 mi. to 37 mi.).

D. 5 km to 60 km (3 mi. to 37 mi.)

Folded layers of rock can form a wavelike pattern of troughs and crests. The layers near the crest (i.e., the upward fold) form A. A tension zone. B. A syncline. C. A thrust fault. D. An anticline. E. Shear.

D. An anticline

Which of the following is an example of the principle of uniformitarianism? A. It is not possible to know how Earth processes have changed over time; therefore, it is not possible to deduce how Earth's ancient landforms evolved. B. The Earth's geological history is mostly uniform and homogenous, existing now as it mostly always has with the exception of minor recent changes. C. The processes by which streams carve valleys at present are the same as those that carved valleys 500 million years ago. D. Catastrophic events, such as major landslides, earthquakes, and volcanic episodes, are the primary drivers of geomorphological change. E. Prior to written history, knowledge of Earth history is largely unknowable.

D. Catastrophic events, such as major landslides, earthquakes, and volcanic episodes, are the primary drivers of geomorphological change.

Watersheds are defined by A. Continental divides. B. Stream orders. C. Stream size and density. D. Drainage divides. E. Fluvial units.

D. Drainage divides

The fact that water expands as much as 9% of its volume as it freezes is the basis of A. Hydrolysis B. Oxidization. C. Exfoliation. D. Frost wedging. E. Salt crystal growth.

D. Frost wedging

Mounting evidence indicates that the dramatic increase in the number of earthquakes in the central United States is caused by A. The re-awakening of a long dormant fault. B. Deep wastewater injection wells. C. Large wind turbine farms. D. Geothermal energy production. E. Global climate change.

D. Geothermal energy production

Which of the following is not a type of physical weathering process? A. Exfoliation B. Thermal expansion C. Salt crystal growth D. Hydrolysis E. Frost wedging

D. Hydrolysis

Continuing dissolution and collapse may lead the coalescing of sinkholes to form a A. Disappearing stream. B. Drip curtain. C. Rise. D. Karst valley. E. Doline.

D. Karst valley

Molten rock that pours forth on Earth's surface is called A. Intrusive. B. Magma. C. Pyroclastics. D. Lava. E. Metamorphic.

D. Lava

The transition zone from the upper mantle to the crust is known as the ________ discontinuity. A. Crustal B. Asthenosphere C. Lithosphere D. Mohorovii E. Gutenberg

D. Mohorovii

Tensional stress along a fault can result in a dropped hanging-wall block relative to the footwall side, producing a A. Thrust fault. B. Reverse fault. C. Lateral fault. D. Normal fault. E. Strike-slip fault

D. Normal fault

A(n) ________ is a meander that becomes isolated from the rest of the river. A. Point bar B. Cutbank C. Undercut bank D. Oxbow lake E. Cutoff

D. Oxbow lake

This drainage pattern results when streams flow off a central peak or dome. A. Deranged B. Trellis C. Annular D. Radial E. Rectangular

D. Radial

Which of the following is correct regarding the geologic time scale? A. The Jurassic period occurred during the Paleozoic era. B. Over 87 percent of Earth's history has elapsed during the more recent Cenozoic, Mesozoic, and Paleozoic eras. C. Flowering plants emerged in the Precambrian. D. Modern humans live in the Tertiary period. E. The bulk of Earth's history has occurred during the Precambrian eon.

E. The bulk of Earth's history has occurred during the Precambrian eon.

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