geography section 2

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compare/contrast quebec cities

both montreal and quebec city are thriving urban centers, also factories placed in both .Q-became administrative center, M-finaical and economic center, seaport and a major shipping, transportation, distribution center.major industrial/commerical area.


british north american act of 1867 provided canadas indpendence and made canada able to have french and english would have equal status in canadas national pariloment as well as in quebec

importance of the erie canal

built the erie canal to be able to do foreign trade easier. they also had the best set up for an advatage with easy access and a good harbor. took advantage of both interior and forigen markets

differences in inland south and coastal

coastal south consists of everything on the beach area from NC-TX. Inland consits of PN-TX


dominant fiancial, commerical, and political center of new england. highly diverse economy.leader in tranistion to a postindustrial economy/major high tech center/private&public universities. capital of its state, most are located seperatley from major economic centers

other settlers

doukhobors were russian who settled and left russia and ended up in kootney mountains(british colombia)

two largest cities in quebec

Montreal which is located on a island at the head of navigation for ocean going on st.lawerence. Downstream is Quebec city

states located in corn belt/greatlakes

Ohio,indiana,illinois,michigan,wisconsin,minnesota,iowa, missouri, southern ontario

latter day saints(mormans)

earliest large group of euro americans to settle in this region. started in new york/mormans were prosecuted in which smith was killed and they moved to a unsettled area/now in great salt lake/look like a series of small villages with privately owned agricutural fields/dont paint barns/white churches with red brick

seismic issues in cali

earthquakes from the san andres fault, volcanoes near the end of the seirra region such as mt.shasta and mt. lassen

missippii delta

end part of the river where it spreads out/ ends in lousiana/ coastal south

mountaintop removal mining

entire mountain is blasted away to expose coal seam that runs through the mountain or ridge/common in kentucky,WV,V/most cost effective way to remove coal


erosion caused by two parallel glaciers can create a ridge of mountains which are sharp and steep mountains often look like teeth of a saw located in sawtooth mountains of idaho

vshaped valleys

erosion from water,wind,ice shape mountains in which water flowing across the earths surface carrys loose sediement from high in the mountains to low in the hells canyon

cali water project

extending from lake oroville to north la in which siphons water from the far distant owens valley


extends from maine to virginia. streches across the atlantic coastal plain, the piedmont, appalachians. several rivers like hudson and deleware, Susquehanna, potamac. delaware bay and chesapeak bay.all the most important cities are along the important rivers and on the fall line.

continental divide

extends from the crest of the rocky mountains from southwestern canada,across the U.S and into the sierra madre occidental mountains of mexico/dictates the percepitation falling in america will flow.snow/rain falling on the west of the divide will flow to pacific and east will go to atlanti

hockey in canada

extremely intense and dedicated fans who only support there candiean team and can get booed if wearing the wrong one. on the back of 5 dollar bills in 2001 roch put one line about hockey.all of them dreamed of the hockey glory

alluvial fan

fan shaped deposits at the mouth of a canyon formed where streams lose velocity and drop sediment/like death valley in cali

other settlers

first euro american settlers to the southern part were spanish from mexico. mining and ranches came along with this.

rust belt

former industrial areas of america near the great lakes with high rates of out migration

seigneurial system

french arrived primarily as explorers or settlers who were part of a feudal system dominated by them. a land system in which early french canada that defined, controlled, divided up settled areas and agricultural lands

3 examples of relationship between french and first nations

french fur traders expanded there territories to the west instead of south. another was fishing. also farming along the river

appalacaian mountains

from alabama to newfounland

central valley project

from sacramento river/lake shasta to southern cali


fur traders established fort nassau now albany. claimed land from conneticut river to delaware river. established a settlment called new amsterdam on manhatten island. dutch settlements were called bronx, brooklyn and harlem

border effect

gambling is legal in nevada but not in most other states in which this happens.


glacial deposits of unsorted and unstratified material at the terminus or edge of a glacier


group of latin americans settlement in rural and small towns in the southwest. like southern texas/live in shacks, trailers or makeshift units. lack electricity and other.

urban case study of lasvegas

have attracted retieers/growing suburbs/mexicans living there/spanish speaking

gaspe pennisula

highest peaks are found here. the st. lawerence river flows through here.


impacted the great lakes in which dug huge holes where now the great lakes exisit

washington d.c

important economic and cultural/long standing political center of u.s. first planned capital/major tourist area to see the monument and so on. pentagon worldest largest office building/first major african american majority

canadian sheild

in quebec some of the oldest rocks on north america. but remains pretty flat to rolling terrain.

corn belt

in western indiana and kansas

bedroom community

some suburbs became this because thats where most residents commuted to a suburb where people would commute. heterolocalism is ethnic groups maintain close ties without liiving in the same immediate area.

changing of the new south

south has been changing more than anywhere else/cause of global economics, job opportunities,easing of racial tension,economic growth/lations/africans


south/southwest/brief winters/longer summers/older people come there

calgry stampede

started by guy weadick who wanted to create a wild west adventure.huge rodeo and carnival,known as the greatest outdoor show on earth


steepsided gully cut by running water cut in an arid or semiarid region such as southern cali/desert/mexamerica


subtropical swamp area of southern florida, including everglades national park with multiple wild life

boombust economy

such as california like a gold rush once there then got busted along with oil and silicon in which bring people in and then it busts and they leave

geometric boundry

such as political boundaries


suffered from racial tension, urban decay like philly/white flight/ redid the downtown area in which made waterfront complex shops/convention facility/charles center/oriole park

great lakes

superior, michigan, huron, erie, ontario

NAFTA(north american free trade agree)

the importance of trade between mexico and u.s in which is no tax

historical preservation

the legal and physical process of perserving historiuc and cultural resources. in the rockies to ensure survival of mountains charm and unique charm to the regions town like helena montana

normal lapse rate

the rate at which the temp drops with elevation called the enviromental lapse rate. it is not consistent it can flecuate throughout the day and seasonally and also regionally, temp goes down 3.5 degrees every thousand feet

central plaza

the real heart of a latino inspired city. reminder of its close connection to orignal latino places like san antino


these operations were assembly plants or other factories that relied on mexican workers who were paid less than u.s workers/

the great migration

thousands moved northward because of push and pull factors/movement of african americans to rural american south cities on the east coast and midwest


took control of new amsterdam and renamed in new york. established new farms and towns in new england. pilgrims established the plymouth colony in cape cod


town by ocean like bend and all of the water. moisture bearing winds blow in from the pacific and drop their percepition on the windward sides of seirra nevada and the cascades

nez perce

tribe manily located in northern idaho and there leader was chief joseph. got peace with white settlers.u.s troops ran them out of and to canada

levitown, NY

typifies the suburbanization of the mid 20th century/located along long island.william mass produced homes for burgeoning civilian markets/purchased 100rds of acres/

orographic lifting

uplift of an airmass due to physical barrier resulting in cooler temperatures like the cascades


volcanic activity ceased in the cooling and the cooling magma shrank, leaving subterranean pockets in which the land sank, creating craterlake volcanic formations

u shaped valleys

when earth warmed up the glaciers receded in which made these. much wider than those created by water. found in alberta canada and wyoming


when two or more sides of a mountain are worn down by glaciers, resulting in pyramid type mountains. found is in the rockies called mt.assinboine

nine nations of north america

where the term mex america came from that is a vibrant dynamic place and is growing rapidly

seven years war and plains of abraham

between france an britain for dominance in global economy and in 1756 war broke out in which each relied on there first nations allies. the algonquins/hurons for france. iroquois for britain. british won and forced france to cede all of its northamerican land to british

trail of tears

Cherokees and other tribes that began in florida and came to oklahoma/ forced relocation


French speaking and are becoming a minority within canada and north america. there for they want to go to quebec to claim as independent country. Manily reside in quebec


a glacially eroded amplihmeter shaped basin at the head of an alpine glacier valley

parti quebecois

a party who gained widespread support and won majority of seats in quebecs parlimanent. spread the use of french throughout the providence. including on street signs be written in french.

alitudal zonation

accounts for the large number of different ecosystems found in the rockies/lower more arid like parires and deserts/higher more forests and animals/ av temp increases as elevation decreases

Eastern woodland culture complex

agriculture, hunting and gathering. forests were cut down by the native americans. many were killed or driven away by the european settlers.

early indigenous settlement

along with the nez perce the apache, zuni and hopi were victims of disease and social disruption brought in from outsiders who were wanting to take over the land and ruin the natural resources

great missoula flood

also known as spokane flood/across eastern washington into the colombia basin where the bowl fills up and than floods

golden horseshoe

area by the great lakes. the shape of the land is in a horseshoe. populated and idustrilizedd


area of uplifted land that flat. found in utah like bryce canyon

quiet revolution

argued that quebec should secede politcally from canada and they launched there efforts this way

compare/contrast inland/coastal

inland-atlantic coastal plains/piedmont/appalcaians/NA central lowland/flat and rugged. both have humid subtropical coastal-low and flat/heavy rainfall/many swamps,lakes,marshes/humid/subtropical with long summers/hott/mild winters

walking the line

invading peoples land, immigration, boarder crossers are dying, imagrant workers, shootings, politcal economy, boarder patrol with the government, political tension, generally men

cotton in old south

invented by eli whitney, cheaper way using machines to seperate cotton. infestation of boll weviels caused decline. moonshining and other effects have been important to culture.Now tabbaco/vidalia oninons/mineral production/strip mining

old NW

land between the great lakes,ohio and missippi river/divided up into 36square mile sections/

New York

largest city in NM for more than 2 centuries and still is. built on islands/worlds major finacial center/leading commercial, retail, publishing, entertainment center/major manufacturing. contains 20 mill ppl in NY,NJ,CN.NY-contains 5 boroughs-manhattan,bronx,brooklyn,queens,staten island

missippi river

largest river in the u.s/ in minnesota and ends in lousiana/runs north to south


led by william penn and given the land along the delaware river as repayment of debt. english, welsh and german immagrants also came here.


legal governmental control over a country or reigon

cultural boundry

like a china town where a language effects where you live and being able to understand

fall line

linear pattern of colonial towns and cities along the eastern u.s coast that are located on rivers flowing from piedmont through atlantic coastal plain

ozark mountains

located in arkansas,missouri, oklahoma and texas

oachita mountains

located in arknsas, oklahoma

continuous vs discontinous patterns

low rainfall and flat land made eastern North america a common place to come. cultural landscapes differed from place to place. the interior west had rugged terrain with low amounts of people locating there


major port for cargo ships/ oil refiners, chemical plants/played roll in american revolution/home to ben franklin/consitiuntional convention/liberty bell&independence hall

nation in quebec

many quebecois saw themselves as a distinct group bound together by common culutural heritage, language, history within a place

weather of cali

mediterranean climate with cool and rainy winters and long summers with warm to hot.


megaloplis/between boston and washingotn d.c

zona libra

mexican goverment established this in which its a free trade zone which is 12 miles long/where america can establish factories without paying tariffs for it

water issues in the intermounte

not enough water support for all of the famers. ones who were adjacent to water had the right of usuage. could dig ditches from lake or river and get apporaition rights. now the worry is highly populated areas and not enough water

invasive species in south

nutria, boars,kudzu

endemic species

only found in mex america reigon because its native there. the saguaro cactus, desert tortoise, elf owl and the gila monster.

owens valley project

owens lake to san fernando valley/la


plateua reigon located in central u.s between the atlantic coastal plain and appalacian mountains, stretching from NJ to central AL

phyiscal boundry

seperation by a mountain or rivers

Global climate change

serious concern in northern quebec with increasing warmer temperatures causing changes in local enviroment. such as melting snow, ice flows, flooding, coastline disturbances along the hudson bay and other major bodies of water.


settled in large areas of present day eastern penn and philly soon grew into the largest cosmo cities in 13 colonies

federal state

since canada is like the u.s the power is shared between the national gov and state, provincial, local gov.

Natural hazards of quebec

snow and ice storms, flooding, alertnating seasonal freezing and thawing of its surface soils and permafrost layers

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