Geology 101 Final

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A 100 year flood occurred last year. What is the probability that a 100 year flood will occur this year?


How much of the Earths water is in aquifers (groundwater)?


What is the probability of experiencing a 100 years flood this year?


What is the probability that a 100 year flood will occur along the Yazoo River in the following year?


Which defines brackish water?

1,000-20,000 mg/l

What is the range of the Modified Mercali Scale?


What is the range of values in the Modified Mercali Scale?


Wave action can be felt under water to a maximum depth of approximately

1/2 the wavelength of the wave

On the Richter Scale, how much bigger is a magnitude 7 earthquake, than a magnitude 5 earthquake

100 times

On the Richter scale, how much more intense is a magnitude 7 earthquake than a magnitude 5 earthquake?

100 times

The intensity of an earthquake is reported as a 5 on the Richter Scale. How much more intense is a magnitude 7 earthquake?

100 times more intense

On the Richter Scale, how much smaller is a magnitude 5 earthquake, than a magnitude 7

100 times smaller

On the Richter scale, a magnitude 7 earthquake is ______ times larger than a magnitude 4 earthquake


A piece of wood from an ancient dwelling is removed and dated using ^14C. The wood is found to contain 25% of ^14C it originally started with. If the half life of ^14C is approximately 6000 years, how old is the wood?

1200 years

The distance between the top of two waves is 30 feet. What is the maximum depth that wave action could be felt?

15 feet

You dig a hole 3 feet deep in your backyard. The bottom foot of the hole fills with water. Where is the water table in your backyard?

2 feet bellow the surface

A flood occurs with an average frequency of once every 50 years. What is the probability that a 50 year flood will occur next year?


A calcite sample starts off 10,000 ^14C atoms. After two half lives, approximately how many are left?


The distance between the crest of waves is 50 feet. How deep in the water can wave action be felt?

25 feet

After two half lives, how much of a radioactive material is left? (assume we started with 100%)


The half life of tritium is 12 years. After 24 years, how much of the original tritium is left in a sample.


^14C has a half life of 5,730 years. How much of the original ^14C is left in a bone after 11,460 years?


If we start with 100,000 ^14C atoms and allow 2 half lives to pass, approximately how many ^14C atoms are left?


A calcite sample originally contained 1000 ^14C atoms. How many will be left after two half lives


If i start with 1000 ^3H atoms, 500 are left after one half life. After a second half life passes, how many ^3H atoms will be left?


If we start with 1000 atoms of ^14C, about how many will be left after two half lives have past?


If we start with 1000 atoms of ^238U, how many will be left after two half lives?


The largest sand dunes on earth are approximately _____ high

250 m

How many seismic stations are needed to determine the location of an earthquake?


How many seismic stations are needed to determine the origin of an earthquake?


The smallest earthquakes that are still felt by people have a Richter Scale magnitude of about?


What is the minimum number of seismic stations needed to determine the location of the epicenter of an earthquake?


What is the minimum number of seismic stations required to determine where an earthquake originated?


Approximately how much of the Earths water is trapped in the ice caps and glaciers?


How much water on earth is tied up in ice (glaciers and polar ice caps)?


What is the typical geothermal gradient in the earths crust?

30 degrees C per km

What is the probability that a 25 year flood will occur this year?


What is the probability that a 25 years flood will occur this year?


Based on radiometric dating techniques, how old is the Earth?

4.5 Billion years

Approximately how old do geologists think the world is?

4.5 billion years

Geologists claim the earth is approximately how many years old?

4.5 billion years

Water 100 m off the beach is 20 m deep. How far apart must the wave crests be before wave action will be felt on the bottom here?

40 m

An earthquake measures 6 on the Modified Mercali scale at the epicenter. What value would you expect to see at a town 50 miles away from the epicenter?


A 20 year flood occurred in Nowhere, Montana in 1976. No floods have occurred there since 1976. What is the probability that a 20 year flood will occur this year in 1996?


What is the probability of having a 20 year flood this year?


The distance between the crest of each wave is about 10 feet. The height of each wave is about two feet. To what depth will wave action felt?


An earthquake measures 3 on the Richter Scale. One year later, an earthquake 1000 times more energetic occurs. What will the new earthquake measure on the Richter scale?


Which value is NOT possible on the Modified Mercali Scale?


Approximately how much of the earths water is contained in the ocean?


How much of the earths water is in the oceans?


The roof of a cave is most likely to collapse under which circumstance? (Ignore weathering and erosion)

A cave that was filled with water becomes dry after a drought

Which is turbidity current?

A dense flow of sediment and water along a sloping bottom of a lake or ocean

Which statement is true?

A glacier can have many end moraines, but only one terminal moraines.

Which is an example of quick clay?

A stable sediment that liquifies under stress

What is an effluent stream?

A stream that gains water from the groundwater

What is an incised stream?

A stream that has cut deeply into the underlying strata

Which is most likely to trigger a mass wasting event?

Adding water to the top of a slope

Which type of alteration produces a metamorphic mineral?

All of the above - rearrangement of existing atoms into a new crystal structure - substitution of one atom for another in a mineral - recrystallization where small minerals grow larger

Ablation from a glacier can happen from

All of the above: - sublimation - melting - calving

Which could produce a tsunami

All of the above: - underwater landslide caused by seismic shaking - normal fault slippage underwater - reverse fault slippage underwater

Which rock could turn into a gneiss? (give the best answer)

All of the following - shale - granite - schist

What can cause a "50 year flood" to occur more frequently than expected?

All of the following: - increase size of surrounding city - straighten stream channel - dredge stream bottom

Which is an example of ablation from a glacier?

All of the following: - sublimation - calving - melting

Which process contributes to the ablation of a glacier?

All of these - calving - sublimation - melting

In what part of the world is solifluction most likely to occur?

Arctic circle

How can a sedimentary rock end up a mile below the surface?

As sediments are deposited in a basin, the added weight causes subsidence

Which is NOT considered to be metamorphism?

Change in chemical formula of a crystal as it reacts inside a cooling magma chamber

Fresh water sits on top of salt water in an aquifer. A well is drilled into the fresh water zone and pumped. How could salt water get into the well?

Cone of depression in fresh water allows salt water to move upward

Which statement is true?

Dunes with ripple marks require faster flowing water than dunes without ripple marks

A river is found to run up and through a mountain range. Which statement most likely describes what happened?

Erosion by the river was faster than uplift by the range

How can seismologists tell the difference between a nuclear explosion and an earthquake?

Explosions produce intense but brief seismic energy; earthquake seismicity lasts longer

Carbon-14 can be used to date back any rock containing carbon


Earthquakes only originate at plate boundaries


Earthquakes that occur in Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee occur along a plate boundary


If all ice on the earth melted, only the tops of the highest mountains would still be above water.


If all the glaciers and polar ice caps melted, more than 50% of the land area currently above sea level would be under water


If all the glaciers in the world are melted, only the tallest mountains would be above water


If slate forms from shale, the bedding planes in the shale will become the cleavage of the slate


If the ice caps and all the glaciers melted, only the tops of the highest mountains would still be above water


Levees are common along mountain streams


Radiometric techniques may be used on a sandstone to determine the age of a formation


S-waves cannot travel through water. Because of this, only P-waves travel beyond the margins of continents. S-waves stop at the ocean.


What phenomenon will most likely produce quick clay?

Freshwater flushing of marine clay

Why do waves break near the shore?

Friction with the bottom slows the front edge of the wave first

Why does floating ice help preserve fish populations in normal climates?

Ice forms an insulating barrier protecting lower water from drops in air temperature

How is the "Seismic Gap" method used to predict some earthquakes?

In some areas, the interval between major earthquakes is consistent

What do mineral isograds refer to?

Isograd means the same thing as metamorphism (synonyms)

Which is NOT a type of earthquake wave?


Why are marine clays the most susceptible to becoming quick clays?

Marine clays start with a high salt content

Which features are NOT associated with the convergence of two oceanic plates where one dives over the other?

Mid-ocean ridge

Over time, the position of a waterfall will tend to

Migrate upstream

Which scale refers to the intensity of an earthquake at the place where it is felt?

Modified Mercali

Which system measures the intensity of an earthquake wherever the earthquake is felt?

Modified Mercali Scale

Scales by which earthquakes are measured include the Richter Scale, the Modified Mercali Scale, and the

Moment Magnitude Scale

The Modified Mercali Scale and the Richter Scale are both measures of earthquake intensity. A third scale is described in the textbook that is a more accurate measure of the energy released by an earthquake. This scale is called the?

Moment Magnitude Scale

Which two terms refer to saturated sediments?

Mudflow and Solifluction

Why are earthquakes along the New Madrid fault felt farther away than earthquakes along the San Andres fault?

New Madrid region is surrounded by sediments; San Andres region is surrounded by rock.

A fossil species that only existed for 50,000 years is also found only on the island of madagascar. Would this make a good index fossil?


A strike-slip fault runs beneath a large inland lake. A local resident has expressed concern that movement along the fault could create a tsunami. Is this a legitimate concern?


The distance between the top of two consecutive waves is 6m. A diver floats underwater at a depth of 4m. Will the diver feel the wave action?


Why is the uranium-lead dating method not very useful for determining the age of rocks that are only a few thousand years old?

Not enough lead has formed to be reliably measured

Which phenomenon could result in older rock units on top of younger rock units?

Overturned fold

What type of seismic waves travel the fastest?


Which are the fastest traveling seismic waves?


What seismic wave travels the fastest?

P wave

How do we know that the earths outer core is liquid?

P waves pass through the earths center, but S waves do not.

Which has earthquake waves listed from fastest to slowest?

P, S, surface

Which type of wave can travel through both solids and liquids?


The name of this course is

Physical Geology

Solifluction is most common in what type of environment?

Polar (Arctic)

Water is a polar molecule. Why is this significant?

Polar solvents can dissolve minerals better than non polar solvents

Which is a compressional seismic wave?

Primary wave

Terraced floodplains are generally an indication of

Regional Uplift

Sand grains will often travel along a river bottom by being intermittently swept up into the flow and then settling back down again. This mode of transport is known as?


Which rock would be (most likely) metamorphosed into slate?


What is required to make dunes more than 30 m high?

Strong winds

Two earthquakes of the same magnitude occur in California and in Arkansas. The earthquake in California occurs in a rock. the earthquake in Arkansas occurs in unconsolidated sediments. Which statement is most likely true?

The Arkansas earthquake will be felt farther away than the California earthquake

A cave that was completely filled with water is partially drained. Which is true?

The cave roof is MORE likely to collapse after draining

Which is correct?

The epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the focus

Why do waves break near the shore?

The front of the wave slows down due to its interaction with the bottom

Groundwater pumping begins removing water from a cave system. At what point will the cave become more prone to collapse?

The moment the water level drops below the cave roof

A river flows up to and through a mountain ridge. Which is true?

The river was present before the ridge was uplifted

A rock is dated using radiometric techniques and is found to be 200 million years old. What event happened 200 million years ago?

The rock solidified from magma

A zircon crystal is removed from a sandstone and determined to be 245 million years old using a uranium-lead dating method. What event occurred 245 million years ago?

The zircon crystal solidified from a magma

A zircon mineral in a sandstone is removed and dated using ^238U and ^206Pb and is found to be 500 million years old. What event happened 500 million years ago?

The zircon mineral solidified from a magma

Why is ^14C not used to date rocks that are millions of years old?

There is not enough ^14 C left to measure

Which would make the best index fossil?

Trilobite species that lived in all oceans, but for a period of only 5 million years

A cave is initially full of water. The roof of the cave will be LESS stable if the water is pumped out.


A clay with 50% porosity will generally have a lower permeability than a sand with 35% porosity


A flowing well is an artesian well that overflows without being pumped


Differential pressures that would break rock near the surface can fold the rock at greater depth because of the high confining pressure


If gravel and silt are mixed in with beach sand, the mixture will have a lower porosity than found in the beach sand alone


Increasing confining pressure will increase the tendency of a rock to fold rather than break


Moist sand has a higher angle of repose than dry sand


Seismic waves remain stronger traveling through unconsolidated sediment than when traveling through rock


Seismologists can often tell if movement along a fault was strike-slip, normal, or reverse based on seismic waves measured from the earthquake


The height of a tsunami as it travels in deep ocean water is small enough that passengers on a ship may not even notice when it passes them


The location of an earthquake in China can be determined using seismographs in South America, North America, and Europe


The roof of a limestone cave is more stable (less likely to collapse) if the cave is full of water.


The same aquifer can be confined in one place and unconfined in another place


The velocity of a valley or alpine glacier is fastest at the top towards the center


To a geologist, a block of glacial ice is a rock


Under pressure, ice can be bent and folded


Water is responsible for most of the erosion in a typical desert


What event is generally required to create quick clays?

Uplift of marine clay deposits

When using the uranium-lead method of dating, how do we know the rock we are measuring didn't have lead present to start with?

Uranium bearing minerals are selected that exclude lead during formation

in 1963, the side of a slope failed and a massive rock slide plunged into a reservoir sending a wave over the dam that flooded and killed 3,000 people downstream. Where did this occur?

Vaunt, Italy

What triggered the rock slide at the Vaiont Dam in Italy in 1960 that sent a wave of water over the top of the dam?

Water from rains and from the reservoir lubricated contacts between sloping rock layers

Why is a cave filled with water more stable than an empty cave?

Water helps support the cave roof

What will happen if the top of a well is below the potentiometric surface?

Water will rise in the well and overflow out the top

What river features typically migrate upstream?


Which coastline is NOT adjacent to an active continental margin?

Western Africa

Vegetation generally increases slope stability. When might vegetation decrease stability?

When a large tree adds

The rock fragments making up a conglomerate are stretched into oval shapes under intense pressure, but there is no recrystallization or change in mineral composition. Is this a metamorphic rock?


Which is the most radioactive?

^3H (half life: 12 years)

The half life of ^3H is 12 years. The half life of ^14C is 5740 years. Which statement is true?

^3H is more radioactive than ^14C

Which would make the best index fossil?

a fish species that existed for 3 million years; found in all the major oceans

What is an LNAPL

a liquid contaminant that will float on water

What is a DNAPL?

a liquid that is more dense than water

A hanging valley is formed from where

a little glacier used to flow into a much bigger glacier

Which is NOT necessary to create a sand dune?

a low spot in the ground

Waves breaking far from shore indicate the presence of

a reef or sand bar off shore

What was the primary cause of damage and fatalities resulting from the mass wasting event at the Vaiont Reservoir in Italy in the early 1960's?

a rock slide into the reservoir sent a giant wave over the top of the dam

Which describes a corundum porphyroblast?

a rock with large corundum crystals resulting from volcanic metamorphism

Which statement is based on the principle of superposition

a shale sitting on top of a sandstone must be younger than the sandstone

A hanging valley is formed when?

a small glacier flows into a larger, deeper glacier

Where is solifluction typically found?

above the arctic circle

The use of radioactive isotopes to determine the age of a rock outcrop is an example of

absolute dating

Sea cliffs and coastal volcanoes are most likely to be found along a(n)

active margin

The western Northern American coastline is an example of a(n)

active margin

Potable water is

agreeable to taste and not dangerous to drink

Potable water is

agreeable to taste and safe to drink

Sediment will often accumulate in a fan shape at the base of mountain canyons. These sediments form a(n)

alluvial fan

The formation of a(n) ____________ can result in a stream channel rising in elevation over time.

alluvial fan

The formation of what geologic feature can result in a stream channel rising higher into the air over time?

alluvial fan

Which is NOT a result of glacial action?

alluvial fan

A formation that supplies water to a well is called

an aquifer

How is an atoll different from a guyot?

an atoll is a guyot with a reef along its outer edge

Cohesion in the text refers to

an attraction between mineral grains in an unconsolidated sediments

Which dry, unconsolidated sediment will have the highest angle of repose?

angular gravel

Which material could maintain the highest angle of repose

angular gravel

The angle of repose will tend to be the highest for a sediment composed of

angular particles

Which dry material can maintain the steepest angle of repose?

angular pebbles

Sedimentary strata is first uplifted, then tilted, and finally eroded. The erosional surface on the tilted strata is referred to as a(n)

angular uncomformity

A stream that cuts through a ridge as the area is uplifted is called a(n)

antecedent stream

A stream that cuts through a ridge or mountain range is called a(n)

antecedent stream

Solifluction is typically found in what type of climate?


Two cirques that intersect will form a(n)?


Groundwater discharge into a river is called?

base flow

Folded sedimentary layers are found that form a bowl shape. At the lowest point, the limbs slope upward in all directions. This structure is called a(n)?


Wave refraction results in the energy of the waves being dissipated (decreased) in which coastal configuration?


Which will usually make the best aquifer

beach sand

What term refers to bottom sediments transported slowly downstream?

bed load

Sediment at the bottom of a river that slowly moves downstream is called


A rock that is ductile is more likely to

bend rather than break

If a rock is ductile, it will tend to

bend rather than break

Where is the most likely place to find trapped oil?

beneath an anticline

A groundwater is sampled and found to have a total dissolved solid concentration of 3000 mg/L. The water is considered to be


A river that splits into multiple channels and then rejoins into a single channel is called a

braided stream

A stream with multiple channels that interconnect is called a

braided stream

What can cause loss of sand from a beach?

building a dam on a river that discharges near the beach

As a mesa erodes, it is most likely to produce a


When a mesa is eroded down to a single, steep-sided, flat-topped mountain, it is called a


Rock is pulverized and altered along a transform fault boundary. This type of metamorphism is best described as

cataclastic metamorphism

According to the text, scientists are looking at new ways of predicting an imminent earthquake. Which may indicate an approaching earthquake?

change in water level in wells

In sequence stratigraphy, sequences of sedimentary deposits are bounded by unconformities. What typically caused the unconformities?

changes in sea level

Convectional rising of air often occurs over large cities because

city temperatures tend to be higher than surrounding areas

Which material has a high porosity but low permeability?


Which description is most likely to cause quick clay?

clay deposited in seawater, followed by an uplift and leaching of salts by freshwater

Where is the fastest flowing water in a stream most likely to be found?

close to the center near the top

Which will have a higher permeability?

coarse sand with 35% porosity

What is the most common cause of fatalities during an earthquake?

collapsed buildings

Folded rock is evidence of what tectonic process?

collision of two plates (convergence)

What is a stack?

column of rock standing on a wave terrace

Which is NOT an example of ablation?


If water flows out the top of a well when the cap is removed, the aquifer in which the well is placed must be a(n)

confined aquifer

Groundwater pumping can cause the pressure in an aquifer to be reduced, resulting in a settling of the overlying layers downward. This is the most typical of pumping from what type of aquifer?

confined aquifier

The mineralogy of a shale is found to have been altered by the heat generated from a nearby dike. Which term most accurately describes the process the shale underwent?

contact metamorphism

Loess deposits in Mississippi are believed to have come from

continental glaciers

A gently sloping platform sits off the coast of most continents. This feature is known as a(n)?

continental shelf

Starting on land and moving into the ocean, which list is in the correct order?

continental: shelf, slope, rise

The formation of an atoll involves

contraction of island as it cools and growing reef

Overthrust faults are common in what tectonic environment?

convergent boundaries

Where are the deepest earthquakes likely to originate?

convergent boundary between two oceanic plates

Thrust faults are typically associated with tectonic

convergent zones

Rain occurs when an air mass containing water vapor is


Atolls are ring shaped islands in the ocean. What are the rings made of?


If a bucket of water and soil is shaken and then allowed to sit, how will the sediment appear after it has all settled to the bottom?

course sediment on the bottom, fine sand on the top

Which phenomenon can result in an increase in the elevation of a stream channel?

creation of an alluvial fan

A wall is toppled over as the result of slow, relatively uniform movement of soil down a slope. This is an example of what type of mass wasting?


Which is likely to result in property damage, but not likely to cause injury to people or animals?


Which is the slowest form of mass wasting?


Which is the slowest type of mass wasting?


Which evidence of wind blown deposits?


An igneous dike appears in a sandstone layer. What principle can be used to argue that the sandstone must be older than the dike?

cross-cutting relationship

Unconsolidated material flows extremely fast down a deep slope. This event would be best characterized as

debris avalanche

Seismic waves attenuate away from the epicenter. What does attenuate mean?

decrease in energy

Where would you expect to find pelagic sediments?

deep ocean floor

In some areas, the elevation of the ground surface is decreasing as wind removes fine particles and carries them away. This process is known as


Distributaries are common features in which environment?


Distributaries are commonly found in


Where are distributaries typically found?


Turbidity currents are

dense flows of water and sediment down ocean or lake slopes

Levees are created when flood waters

deposit coarse material where they first spill out of the channel

Which is the correct spelling for a dry region?


In desert conditions, wind tends to pick up fine material and leave behind larger ones. This process results in the creation of?

desert pavement

What are index fossils primarily used for?

determine the age of the strata in which they are found

Processes affecting sediments after they are deposited are called?


Which condition favors the formation of a delta?

discharging river with high sediment load

A river will often divide up into several smaller channels at a delta. These smaller channels are called


What feature is typically associated with deltas?


When a river forms a delta, the river often eventually divides into numerous smaller streams that discharge into the lake or ocean. These streams are called


Tensional forces are most likely produced at what type of tectonic boundary?


Potable water is


The "Dust Bowl" created during the 1930's resulted from a combination of

drought, tilled soil, wind

The addition of water could increase the stability of a slope consisting of

dry sand

A rock that bends without breaking is called


A rock that folds under pressure rather than fault is referred to as


A rock that tends to bend or fold easily is called


Which bedform indicates the fastest flowing water?

dunes with ripple marks on top

Varves are alternating fine and course-grained glacial deposits. The course grained layers are typically deposited

during the summer when the glacier is melting

What can cause liquefaction of saturated sand or silt?


Which is typically required to produce liquefaction of saturated sands?


As plates slide past one another, rock on either side of a vault is flexed. When the fault ruptures, the rock snaps back into its original state. This phenomenon is known as

elastic rebound

As tectonic plates move, rocks along faults will bend under the strain until the fault suddenly ruptures and the rocks on either side snap back into their original shape. This phenomenon is known as

elastic rebound

Rocks bowed by shear forces along a fault boundary will snap back into place once the fault ruptures. This is known as?

elastic rebound

Sediments accumulated by wind are referred to as?


Which term refers to deposits formed by wind?


The surface location directly above the focus of an earthquake is known as the


Installation of a dam along a river will change the longitudinal profile resulting in

erosion of the river below the dam

A large boulder of limestone is found sitting on top of granite, and the closest limestone outcrop is in mountains 50 miles away. If transported by a glacier, the boulder is referred to as a(n)


A large granite boulder is found sitting on top of a sandstone formation hundreds of miles from the nearest granite mountain. It is later determined the boulder must have been transported by an ancient glacier. The boulder is known as a(n)


A body of water is connected to the ocean, but supplied with freshwater from a river is called a(n)


Near the mouth of a small river, rising and falling tides create a mixing zone between seawater and fresh water that can extend hundreds of miles inland. This zone of mixed water is known as a(n)


Without surface tension in water

evaporation would be faster

A coastal lagoon is an example of what sedimentary environment?


Which best describes a river with both high capacity and high competence?

fast moving, muddy river

Bedform dunes with ripple marks are an indication of

fast, turbulent flow

The ice valley in a glacier travels

fastest near the top and middle

If a rock formation breaks and one side moves up and the other side moves down it is called a?


Residual ice left over from the previous season is called?


Residual snow and ice that survives the summer season is called


Snow on a glacier that remains through the summer and into the next season is called


Natural levees are created by sediment deposition during


A lahar is an example of


A slope gives way and turns into a mass of jumbled debris that is partially buoyed by air. This type of mass wasting is best characterized as a debris


Which general type of mass wasting tends to be the fastest?


The _____ is directly below the epicenter of an earthquake


The origin of an earthquake beneath the surface is the


A rock that is ductile is more likely to ______ rather that fault


A large region of folded beds is referred to as?

fold belt

A large slip of land that is highly folded (such as the Appalachians) is known as a

fold belt

A sandcastle that gets washed away by waves tossing up on a beach was located on the?


Which term identifies the portion of the shore from the low tide mark to the top of the swash zone?


Which has terms for water arranged by increasing salinity (increasing mg/L)?

fresh, brackish, saline, brine

Why do waves crest and break as they approach the shore?

friction along the bottom slows the front of the wave

Continental glaciers primarily flow

from thicker ice to thinner ice

Large garnet crystals have grown in mica schist. Which is considered a porphyroblast?


The study of landforms and the processes that make them is called?


Which would you expect to contain well sorted sediments?

glacial outwash

What is a fjord?

glacial valley flooded by the ocean

Of the choices below, what is the largest reservoir of water?

glaciers and the ice caps

Which is the largest reservoir of water?

glaciers and the ice caps

Which is a foliated metamorphic rock?


Which of the following can be directly dated using radiometric dating techniques?


Tides are caused by

gravitational pull of the sun and the moon

Which is often used to try to prevent beaches from eroding away?


Which statement is true?

groundwater flow is generally laminar, stream flow is generally turbulent

Water continues to flow in a river even though it has not rained in two months. Where is the water in the river most likely coming from?

groundwater seepage into the river (base flow)

The half life of ^238U is 4.5 billion years. In the oldest known rocks on earth, how many of the original ^238U atoms are left?

half of them (50%)

Oceans tend to moderate climate near coastlines because water

has a high heat capacity

Which is most likely to result in land subsidence?

heavy pumping of groundwater

An unconsolidated sediment that can maintain a steep slope has a

high angle of repose

Compared to a small mountain stream, the Mississippi River has a

high capacity and low competence

The Mississippi River has

high capacity and low competence

The Mississippi River is a generally slow moving, muddy river. The Mississippi River has

high capacity and low competence

Large bodies of water tend to produce moderate climates in coastal areas. This is due to what unique property of water?

high heat capacity

Which condition favors turbulent flow?

high velocity

Compared to sand, clay usually has

higher porosity and lower permeability

Two intersecting cirques will form a


What type of metamorphism is most likely to occur within the rock at the east pacific rise (a mid-ocean ridge)?


Flow in continental glaciers is generally very slow, but is relatively fast in localized channels called

ice streams

Where is the Tonga Trench?

in the Pacific Ocean, east of Australia

"Quick Clays", such as found in Norway, were originally deposited

in the ocean

A stream that cuts deeply into underlying strata is known as a(n)

incised stream

Which will result in an increase in the size of waves?

increase distance over which wind blows

Which phenomenon is NOT used as an early warning of a major earthquake?

increase in landslide frequency (without detection of earthquakes)

Which will result in longer waves?

increased wind duration

What limits the height of a sand dune?

increased wind speed going over large dunes

An organism that existed for a short period of time in geologic history, but with widespread distribution is known as?

index fossil

You build a house on a slope. What can you do to minimize the risk of damage to your house due to slope failure?

install drains around the house to remove excess water

A horn, such as the famous Matterhorn, is formed by

intersecting cirques and aretes

What happens to a ^14C atoms when it decays

it turns into ^14N

A large chunk of glacial ice is partially buried by drift. The ice melts later leaving behind a(n)?


What is calving?

large chunks of ice breaking and falling off the end of a glacier

What combination will produce the fastest incoming tides? (i.e. moving inland the fastest)

large range between low tide and high tide, and gently sloping beaches

Poorly sorted sediments are generally __________ than well sorted sediments.

less permeable

Physical weathering of rock will tend to make a rock slope

less stable

A limestone cave is completely filled with water. The cave later dries up during a drought. After drying, the cave roof is.......

less stable because rock is more buoyant in water than in air

How much of the earths water occurs as fresh groundwater?

less than 1%

Which stream feature is created by repeated flooding events?


Flood waters move more slowly outside of the stream channel. Sediments deposited from the slower moving water along the bank form ridges running parallel to the river. These elevated ridges are called?


Parallel ridges on either side of a river are called?


Which process describes saltation?

lifting of grains into current and settling out further downstream

Earthquakes can cause saturated sediments to become fluid resulting in collapse of overlying strata or structures. This phenomenon is called


Following an earthquake near Japan in 1964, intact apartment buildings suddenly sank into underlying sand layers. What phenomena caused this?


Vibration from an earthquake can turn saturated sand and silt deposits into a fluid. This phenomenon is known as?


Which mass wasting event typically required an earthquake to get it started?


During the 1964 earthquake in Alaska, a large section of land suddenly flowed seaward resulting in the destruction of dozens of homes. This resulted from the vibrational fluidization of underlying silt layers. This process is known as


Which is a wind blown deposit?


Which is formed by both wind and glacial processes?


Which sediment or rock type is typically formed by both glacial and wind action


A cross section of a river system from its headwaters to its mouth forms a concave-upward curve known as its

longitudinal profile

Waves approaching a beach at an angle tend to produce

longshore currents

Spits are formed as a result of

longshore drift

Which process is responsible for creating spits

longshore drift

what process is responsible for the creation of a spit?

longshore drift

Which is an example of transpiration?

loss of water from plants into the atmosphere

What is typically found below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD)?

lots of silica ooze, but no carbonate ooze

A clear, fast flowing mountain stream has a

low capacity and high competence

The Mississippi River is a slow moving river that carries a huge mass of sediments. The Mississippi River has a

low competence high capacity

Slate is a

low-grade metamorphic rock

What is deflation?

lowering of ground surface due to erosion by wind action

In deserts, deflation refers to the

lowering of the ground surface due to removal of material by wind

What is a neap tide?

lowest annual high tide

Which magma type tends to produce higher grade contact metamorphism?


Which is a non-foliated metamorphic rock?


The lower Mississippi River can be best described as


What type of river system often produces oxbow lakes?


The Mississippi River along the border of Mississippi is a good example of a

meandering stream

Seismic waves can NOT be utilized to

measure the velocity of a tectonic plate

Glacial till is found in a ridge where two glaciers had merged and flowed parallel to each other. What is the ridge known as?

medial moraine

A steep sided hill or mountain with a flat top is called a?


Rivers and wind carve their way into a a broad, flat lying desert. The first landforms to be created are _______, followed by ________ and __________

mesas, buttes, spires

A deeply buried sandstone is subjected to temperatures high enough to begin fusing the crystal grains together. The mineral and chemical composition of the rock remains unchanged. The rock is later uplifted and exposed at the surface. Which term best describes this rock?


________ are groupings of rocks of various mineral compositions formed under different grades of metamorphism from different parent rocks

metamorphic facies

The chemical alteration of an existing rock by reaction with dissolved material in water is known as


What part of a stream or glacier flows with the highest velocity?


What phenomenon does the term longshore drift describe?

migration of beach sediment parallel to the coastline

A sand bank is the most stable if


Which sand sample should have the largest angle of repose?

moist sand

Which will typically have the highest angle of repose?

moist sand

Why is wind less effective in moist climates?

moisture makes particles stick together

Which orientation of the earth, sun, and moon will produce the smallest differences between the low tide and high tide?

moon - earth - sun

Poorly sorted drift deposits along the edges of a glaciers are called


An air mass can be cooled to the point of condensing water vapor as a result of orographic lifting. Which describes orographic lifting?

movement of air over a mountain range

What does orographic lifting refer to?

movement of air over a mountain range

Which will settle to the bottom of a lake slowest?


The lowest high tide occurs when the sun, moon, and earth form a right triangle. This tide is known as a

neap tide

Small fish tend to stay in the slower moving parts of the stream. Where are you most likely to find these fish? (select the best answer)

near the bottom of the stream

If ablation exceeds accumulation on a glacier, what will you expect to see?

net retreat of glacier

Does the principle of uniformitarianism mean that all geological processes happen slowly?


What tectonic activity could produce both an earthquake and a tsunami?

normal faulting on the ocean floor

Which type of faulting in the ocean floor is most likely to produce a tsunami?

normal or reverse

An earthquake that results in a tsunami was most likely created by

normal or reverse faulting

Which list is correctly ordered from the largest to the smallest reservoir of water?

oceans, polar ice caps & glaciers, groundwater, lakes & rivers, atmosphere

Stream sediments are most likely to be deposited

on the inside of a bend

On the Richter Scale, how much stronger is a magnitude 7 earthquake than a magnitude 5 earthquake?

one-hundred times as strong

Which glacial deposit would you expect to have fairly well sorted sediment?


How many measurable earthquakes occur around the world each year?

over 100,000

Approximately how many minor earthquakes occur around the world each year?

over 500,000

What features are commonly found on a meandering stream system?

oxbow lakes

An ancient glacier left behind striation marks. The direction of the glacier flow was _________ to the striation marks.


Orographic lifting refers to the lifting and cooling of an air mass as it

passes over a mountain range

If water travels very easily through a sediment, the sediment must have a high


The cleavage found in a slate or phyllite is generally

perpendicular to the main direction of the forces squeezing the rock

A bare slope made of unconsolidated sediments sits near the edge of a homeowners property. What could be done to make this slope more stable?

plant small, fast growing trees on the slope

How can you increase the stability of a bare dirt slope

plant trees on the slope

We can increase the stability of a moist, sandy slope by

planting grass and shrubs on sparsely vegetated areas

Water flows into a basin with no outlet. In the summer, the water completely evaporates leaving behind evaporite deposits over a broad, flat area called a


An anticline whose fold-axis dips steeply into the earth is called a

plunging anticline

Folded strata that has been uplifted on one end is known as a

plunging fold

Large crystals contained in a fine grained metamorphic rock are called?


Drinkable water is also called?


Drinkable water is called


Drinkable water is referred to as?


All the water in rivers and lakes ultimately comes from


What is a synonym of rainfall?


Why are the "Dust Bowls" of the 1930's no longer common in the US

prevalent use of irrigatoin now

Which is likely to have the highest porosity?

pure sand

What was responsible for the mass wasting event in Rissa, Norway that carried several farms off into a lake?

quick clay

Uranium decays into a series of daughter products, one of which was discussed in chapter 9 (geologic time) as an environmental hazard that can accumulate in homes without the owner being aware of it. This discussion refers to


What is ultimately the source of all river, lake, and groundwater?

rain and snowfall

Atolls are characterized by a ring of exposed or nearly exposed land surrounding shallow water, usually in tropical oceans. What is the ring typically made of?


Terraced floodplains are typically an indication of what geologic phenomena?

regional uplift

Cross-cutting relationship is an example of _____ dating


Strata X is determined to be younger than strata Y because X sits on top of Y. This is an example of

relative dating

The _________ is the difference between the highest and lowest elevations of a particular area


Where do we find the highest variation between high and low tide?

restricted bays such as the Bay of Fundy

Which is the best description of a bed load?

river-bottom sediments that are traveling downstream

Which is typically the fastest?

rock slide

Which describes the disaster at the Vaiont Dam in Italy in 1960?

rockslide into reservoir sent wave over dam resulting in severe flooding downstream

Water in a river moves more slowly along the bottom than the top because of?


Which term can refer to the way sand is transported along both a river bottom and along the surface of a sand dune?


Wind will move sand along near the ground surface by a process called?


Under normal conditions (excluding hurricanes and tornadoes), what is the largest size particle that wind can transport?


A calculation of the inputs and outputs to a beach by sedimentation and erosion is called a

sand budget

Which is an eolian deposit?

sand dune

Which is likely to be the most permeable?

sand with 30% porosity

Which will have a higher permeability?

sand with 35% porosity

What combination of sediments and events can lead to liquefaction?

saturated sand layers and an earthquake

Which is a foliated metamorphic rock?


Which feature would be most common along an active continental margin?

sea cliffs

An ocean volcano that is completely submerged is called a(n)


An underwater volcano is called a


Which is an example of slump?

sediment along a riverbank breaks away and moves downward as a unit

What happens to the suspended load when a river discharges into a quiet lake?

sediment settles to the bottom

The principle of original horizontality means that

sedimentary formations were deposited horizontaly

The time elapsed between major earthquakes is used as a means of estimating when the next major earthquake will occur. This method is called the

seismic gap method

Sedimentary layers are often deposited in units that are separated by erosional surfaces. As an example, sediments may be deposited in the ocean at the end of a river during a period of high sea level. When the sea level later falls, some of the older sediments are eroded and sediments start depositing further out into the ocean. Studying ancient sedimentary units such as these to try to understand what happened is known as?

sequence stratigraphy

Which rock could turn into a slate? (give the best answer)


A horizontal layer of igneous rock is found between to layers of sandstone. The crystals in the igneous rock are large enough to see. Both upper and lower sandstone layers show evidence of being heated. What would you call the igneous rock?


Which could be caused by heavy pumping from a single groundwater well?

sinkhole formation

DNAPL is found contaminating an aquifer. Where is most of the DNAPL likely to be found?

sitting at the bottom of an aquifer

Ten years after installing a fence on a hill slope, all the fence posts are leaning downhill. What type of mass wasting is causing this?


Earthquakes are often associated with a sudden displacement along a fault. The distance traveled during the displacement is called the


Which bedform results from the fastest moving water?

smooth, flat sediment

Slow flow of saturated soil over permafrost is called


Slow movement of saturated soils, particularly in arctic regions, is known as


Which of the following is the slowest moving phenomenon?


Which is the most intensely eroded?


A column of erosion resistant rock sitting out on a wave terrace is called a


Which has been used as a warning that a large earthquake may soon hit?

strange animal behavior

Parallel lines carved by a glacier in the underlying bedrock are called


What type of fault is the San Andres fault in southern California?


Which type of faulting could cause an earthquake, but would NOT typically cause a tsunami?

strike-slip fault

Earthquakes with the deepest focus tend to occur along or at

subduction zones

Which phenomenon could produce a tsunami?

submarine landslide

What is the wave terrace?

submerged, flat regions along the coast eroded by wave action

A layer of sandstone sits above a layer of shale. It is assumed that the sandstone must be younger than the shale. This assumption is based on the principle of


In undisturbed strata, older sedimentary rocks will always lie beneath younger sedimentary rocks. This statement is known as the principle of


Younger sedimentary rocks form on top of older rocks. Which principle does this refer to?


Damp sand can maintain a deeper slope than dry sand. The attractive force between water and sand particles is due to

surface tension

Where does the water in hydrothermal springs and geysers typically come from?

surface water that percolated down to a hot zone; heated water rises to the surface

Which are the slowest type of seismic waves?

surface waves

Which list is ordered from slowest to fastest (left to right) seismic waves?

surface, S, P waves

Rocks that have fallen from steep slopes typically collect near the base of the slope, or where the slope is not as steep. This loose collection of rocks is called.


Which does NOT have a significant impact on the size of waves?

temperature of the wind

What type of forces are exerted at a tectonic divergent zone?


Fact: The US Army Corps of Engineers has spent enormous sums of money and manpower strengthening the levees along the Mississippi River. Question: Is the height of the current levee system natural, or has the Corps greatly increased the height above what natural processes could ever accomplish

the Corps has greatly increased the height

The seismic gap method refers to earthquake prediction based on

the average length of time between major earthquakes

The highest tide (spring tide) occurs when?

the earth, moon, and sun form a straight line

The point on the surface of the Earth directly above the focus of an earthquake is known as

the epicenter

A terminal moraine represents

the farthest place the glacier ever advanced

How is subsidence different from deflation?

the ground sinks during subsidence; the ground is blown away during deflation

An igneous rock is dated and said to be 120 million years old. What is meant by this?

the magma solidified 120 million years ago

Why is there an elevated ridge along mid-ocean spreading centers?

the ocean floor rock is hot and expanded there

In the context of earthquakes, "slip" is

the offset created when one side of a fault block slides past the other

What do terraced floodplains indicate?

the region has been uplifted

A river is found that cuts through the river of a mountain range. Which is most likely true?

the river was present before uplift of the range

Kettles form when blocks of ice are left behind a retreating glacier and are buried in a sediment. Why dont the ice blocks melt as fast as the glacier?

the sediment insulates the ice blocks

Major earthquakes in a certain location tend to occur at regular intervals of time. Predicting the next earthquake here would most likely rely on

the seismic gap method

What happens when a portion of a fault ruptures?

the stress on the unruptured portions of the fault increase

Flood waters lose much of their sediment load when they spill over their banks because

the water does not move as fast outside the channel

What can be accurately said about waterfalls?

they tend to migrate upstream

What contributed to the formation of the "Dust Bowl" in the 1930's?

tilled sand, drought, and wind

The fastest moving area of a river will generally be found near

top and middle

When referring to water quality, what does TDS stand for ?

total dissolved solids

Which terms are types of drainage networks?

trellis and dendritic

A small river that dumps into a large river is known as?


A steady wind will produce larger waves if it blows for two days than it will if it blows for only one day


A dense flow of sediment and water down a slope in the ocean is known as a(n)

turbidity current

Which type of flow results in more erosion of a stream bed?


Which phenomenon could NOT result in an older rock sitting on top of a younger rock?

turbulent deposition resulting from turbidity currents

There are three different terms to identify three different types of unconformities. Which is NOT one of the three terms?


Sediments that are not lithified are referred to as


The intensity of the seismic waves felt in a town 100 miles from the epicenter of an earthquake will be the most severe if the region is underlain by

unconsolidated sediments

Where are you most likely to find metamorphic rocks that were produced by high temperature, but relatively low pressure?

underneath a lava flow

A deep hole does not contain any water several days after it was dug. This whole must be completed in the

unsaturated zone

The age of some rocks can be determined by measuring the ratio of ^238U to ^206Pb in a mineral. How do geologists know that there wasn't ^206Pb in the mineral when it was first formed?

uranium minerals exclude lead during crystalization

Hanging valleys are commonly associated with?

valley glaciers

Sand dunes will have difficulty forming if

vegetation grows quickly

What is relief?

vertical distance between the highest and lowest points

Flow in a stream will generally be laminar only if the flow is

very slow

The center of an atoll is often below water. Which does NOT cause this?

volcanic lava flows

Most of erosion and depositions in deserts is caused by


Why can water make a rock slope less stable?

water can lubricate fractures

Why is rock more buoyant in water than air?

water is more dense than air

A cone of depression forms when?

water is pumped from a well

When digging a hole in the ground, how do you know when you have hit a saturated zone?

water will flow into the hole

Why is a cave roof more stable if the cave is filled with water?

water will partially support the roof of the cave

Why is a bay a better place than a point for storing a boat?

wave refraction dissipates wave energy in a bay

A flat, submerged surface created by wave action along a coast is known as?

wave terrace

Longshore currents are caused by

waves hitting the shore at an angle

What is swash?

waves that wash up onto the beach

Which is NOT an example of mass wasting?


What greek character is typically used to designate wave length?

weird h

Which will make the best aquifer?

well sorted sand

The quick clay flow observed in class in the film clip from Rissa, Norway started

when a farmer plied excavated soil on top of the clay at the lake edge

A crevasse in a glacier is most likely to form

where it turns a corner

What makes a fossil a good index fossil?

widespread geographical distribution and short history of existence

The term eolian refers to rock or sediment deposited by?


The term eolian refers to sediments deposited by


Which produces the most well sorted sedimentary deposits?


Which does Not affect the size of waves on the ocean?

wind direction

What is required to form sand dunes?

wind, dry climate, source of sand.

Where would you expect the largest distance between low tide and high tide to be found?

within a long, narrow, bay

What is the principle of superposition?

younger sediments are deposited on top of older sediments

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