Geology 101 final

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Does this hydrograph show flooding? - True - False

2 and 3

Each number on this figure refers to a location with groundwater in a subsurface material that is consistent in character across the entire figure. Of these locations, which would likely have the slowest groundwater flow? - 1 and 2 - 2 and 3 - 3 and 4 - 4 and 5 - 1 and 5


In the meandering stream below, where oxbow will likely form? - In location 4 - In location 3 - In location 2 - In location 1

d) heating and breakdown of long hydrocarbon chains into smaller molecules

Oil and gas form from: a) accumulation of inorganic material, such as clay particles in shale b) oxidation of organic material at the surface c) heating of rocks to metamorphic temperatures (at least 400°C) d) heating and breakdown of long hydrocarbon chains into smaller molecules

all of these

Oil that reaches the surface can form: - an oil seep - tar sands - tar pits - all of these

all of these

Once oil and gas are formed, they:rise toward the surface - rise toward the surface - are lighter than water - flow most easily through permeable rocks, such as sandstone - can be prevented from reaching the surface if they are trapped by impermeable layers - all of these

all of the above

Some rocks and minerals are not stable at the surface because they: a. are exposed to water b. formed in high-temperature environments c. formed in high-pressure environments d. are exposed to oxygen e. all of the above


The change in the elevation of two locations on a stream divided by the distance between those locations is the stream ____________. - thalweg - base level - floodplain - gradient

a salt dome

The circular structure in the center of the Investigation area is: - a granitic intrusion that is surrounded by copper veins - a salt dome - a diamond pipe - a volcanic conduit that has eroded to a volcanic neck - none of these

Well E

This cross section shows the location of 5 wells and the water table (dashed line). Which well is most likely to be an artesian well? - well A - well B - well C - well D - well E

factory C

This map shows contours of the water table, the location of four factories (labeled A, B, C, and D), and contaminated (x) and uncontaminated wells (-). Which factory contaminated the groundwater? - factory A - factory B - factory C - factory D

both c and d

Under what conditions is it possible for a material to have both high porosity and low permeability? a. it is not possible to have both high porosity and low permeability b. it is possible only if the rock is a sandstone c. it is possible if the void spaces are not well connected d. it is possible if the void spaces are small enough e. both c and d

None of the answers

Using the diagram below, which of the following statement is true with a river velocity of 10 cm/s? - Gravels are transported by suspension - Silt are transported by bedload - None of the answers - Silts are deposited

all of the above

What are some uses of magnetic reversals? - matching the patterns of reversals in a rock sequence to the magnetic time scale - studying magnetic stripes on the seafloor - calculating rates of seafloor spreading - all of the above - a and b only

a and b only

What causes the seafloor to deepen across a typical continental slope? - thinning of continental crust because of normal faults - a transition from continental crust to oceanic crust - down flexing of oceanic crust because of subduction - deposition of sediment from turbidity currents - a and b only

flood stage

What does represent the red line in the hydrograph below? - precipitation - flood stage - discharge - Alluvial terrace

it became smaller as the Atlantic Ocean opened

What has happened to the Pacific Ocean in the last 200 million years? - it has become deeper as the rate of seafloor spreading increased - it became wider because of seafloor spreading - it became smaller as the Atlantic Ocean opened - it remained unchanged in size - none of the above

a volcanic island forms and subsides

What is a popular model for the formation of an atoll? - a moderate-sized meteoroid forms a circular crater on the seafloor - a volcanic eruption forms a large circular caldera - a volcanic island forms and subsides - a barrier reef becomes buried by volcanic eruptions


Which of the following slope failures is least likely to cause casualties? a. rock avalanche b. debris flow c. creep d. rock slide e. rock fall

both 2 and 4

Which site in the accompanying figure is the most likely setting for an oil field? - shales at 1, 3, and 5 - limestone at 2 - sandstone at 4 - both 2 and 3 - both 2 and 4

sandstone at D

Which site in the accompanying figure is the most likely setting for an oil field? - limestone at A - limestone at B - shale at C - sandstone at D - granite at E

2 corresponds to the cutbank where the velocity in the highest

For the stream represented below, which of the following statement is true? - 1 corresponds to the point bar where the velocity in the highest - 2 corresponds to the point bar where the velocity in the highest - 2 corresponds to the cutbank where the velocity in the highest - 1 corresponds to the cutbank where the velocity in the lowest

both a and b

From this list, choose the reason(s) that indicate(s) why you suspect a particular energy resource is present at location A. a) Oil and gas migrate up to the crest of a fold. b) An impermeable unit can act as a cap on a reservoir, causing oil and gas to accumulate below the impermeable unit. c) Rocks adjacent to a rising salt dome bow upward. Petroleum migrates along these uptilted layers and becomes trapped when it encounters the impermeable salt. d) A fault zone, if impermeable, can act as a barrier to migrating oil and gas, causing the oil or gas to accumulate adjacent to the fault zone. e) both a and b

groundwater is pumped from the well faster than it can flow to replenish what is lost

How did this cone of depression in the groundwater form? - an artesian spring flowed upward on all sides e) the earth's rotation causes groundwater to twirl in a counter-clockwise direction - groundwater is pumped from the well faster than it can flow to replenish what is lost - clay horizons cause perched water to flow away from a central point - the earth's rotation causes groundwater to twirl in a counter-clockwise direction

pieces of gold are weathered and eroded from bedrock and carried and deposited by streams

How do modern gold placer deposits form? - hot water circulates around a magma - hot water flows along the margins of a caldera - hot water rising through veins encounters buried gravels - pieces of gold are weathered and eroded from bedrock and carried and deposited by streams

they are constructed by volcanic eruptions that first occur underwater

How do most oceanic islands and seamounts form? - they are small pieces rifted apart from continents - they are places where the seafloor has been buckled upward by convergence - they are constructed by volcanic eruptions that first occur under water - they are large fan-shaped mounds deposited by turbidity currents

rocks that are broken have more surface area and so weather faster

How does the character of a rock influence weathering ? a. fractures and other discontinuities block the entry of water into a rock and so make the rock more resistant to weathering b. minerals that are soluble can be dissolved and deposited and so are resistant to weathering c. rocks that are broken have more surface area and so weather faster d. rocks that are easily weathered and eroded generally form steep cliffs e. none of the above

30 m^3/sec

If a stream channel has a cross-sectional area of 10 m^2 and the water flows through the channel with an average velocity of 3 m/sec, what is the stream's discharge? (Note - your units must be correct. m^2 is meters squared.) - 8 m^3/sec - 15 m^2/sec - 30 m/sec - 8 m^2/sec - 8 m/sec - 30 m^3/sec


If a stream delivers sediment to the ocean faster than waves and currents can carry the sediment away, what forms? - Delta - Channels - Levee - Floodplain

large amounts of basalt derived from melting in the mantle

If you drilled into an oceanic plateau, what would you most likely find? - a thin layer of oceanic sediment over continental crust - andesitic volcanoes buried by turbidity currents - a normal thickness of oceanic crust overlain by andesitic volcanoes - large amounts of basalt derived from melting in the mantle

in a submarine fan

If you were looking for graded beds, where would be a good place to start? - in a warm and shallow lagoon - in the center of an atoll - just offshore of a sediment-poor beach - in a submarine fan - none of the above

abyssal plain next to the continents

In the Atlantic Ocean, where is the oldest oceanic crust? - mid-ocean ridges - abyssal plain next to the continents - oceanic trenches - seamounts - continental shelves close to the shoreline

a) hot water flows along the margins of a caldera

What is the main way that gold ore forms in association with a caldera? a) hot water flows along the margins of a caldera b) pieces of gold are weathered from the rim of the caldera and deposited in the center c) pyroclastic eruptions throw rock fragments into the air, and the heavier gold pieces settle first d) calderas can form lakes and gold precipitates from the evaporating water

a and b only

What processes can occur in front of or behind some island arcs? - Trench rollback - back-arc rifting - fold and thrust belts in the mountains - formation of an oceanic plateau - a and b only


What requires more energy, erosion or transport of sediment? - Erosion - Transport - Neither - they require equal amounts of energy.

debris flow

What type of slope failure is shown in this figure? a. creep. b. debris flow c. rock fall d. rock slide e. rotational slide

it ends up as sand in rivers, dunes, and beaches

Where does the quartz in granite typically end up? a. as small clay minerals that are deposited in lakes and the sea b. quartz does not weather and so it keeps the granite from weathering c. it ends up as sand in rivers, dunes, and beaches d. it is converted into feldspar and weathers into clays

1, 2, and 3

Where on this cross section would water at the surface infiltrate to become groundwater? - 1, 2, and 3 - 1 and 3 - 2 and 4 - 2 only - 4 only


Which of the following controls the rate of groundwater flow? - the slope of the water table - the permeability of the rocks - how fractured the rocks are - all of these


Which of the following could not trigger flooding? - Urbanization - Irrigation - Regional precipitation - Snowmelt

e) all of these factors determine whether a rock is an ore

Which of the following does NOT determine whether a rock is an ore? a) the grade of the ore b) the type of ore, such as oxide versus sulfide types c) size and depth of the mineral deposit d) the location of the deposit e) all of these factors determine whether a rock is an ore

water contracting as it freezes

Which of the following does NOT physically loosen rocks on the surface? a. water contracting as it freezes b. crystals of salt and other minerals that exert an outward force on fractures c. roots that pry apart fractures as the root grows in size d. joints that form when rock pressures are released e. rodents and other burrowing organisms

the angle of repose for intact bedrock

Which of the following factors does NOT control the stability of a slope? a. the angle of repose for intact bedrock b. whether the slope is rock or soil c. the amount of water in the soil d. the orientation of fractures, cleavage, and bedding

a valley or other open space downslope from the rock slide

Which of the following factors favors movement of a rock slide? a. layers that are inclined opposite to the slope of the hill b. solid rock with few preexisting joints or faults c. a massive rock with no bedding or other through-going discontinuities d. a valley or other open space downslope from the rock slide e. all of the above

the climate in which the failure occurs

Which of the following factors is typically NOT used to classify slope failures? a. whether the material involved is rock or is unconsolidated b. the rate of movement c. the climate in which the failure occurs d. the mechanism by which material moves


Which of the following has the lowest potential for landslides? a. Pacific Northwest b. southern California c. bluffs along rivers in the central U.S. d. Florida e. Appalachian Mountains

the water table can slope in opposite directions beneath a hill

Which of the following is true about the water table? - the shape of the water table does not mimic topography - the water table generally is highest in elevation beneath lakes - the water table can slope in opposite directions beneath a hill - all of the above - none of the above

sediment composed only of rounded cobbles that rest directly on one another

Which of the following materials probably has the highest porosity? - poorly sorted sediment - sediment composed only of rounded cobbles that rest directly on one another - a mixture of sand, silt, and clay - a coarse-grained granite

sand and gravel

Which of the following materials would best to drill into for a good supply of groundwater? - shale - salt - sand and gravel - granite - all of these

both a and b

Why are the patterns showing the age of the seafloor symmetrical in the Atlantic Ocean but not the Pacific Ocean? - spreading along the Atlantic ridge added seafloor to plates on both sides - subduction has consumed large areas of old oceanic crust in the Pacific - subduction has consumed large areas of old oceanic crust in the Atlantic - none of the above - both a and b

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