Geology 2

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A triangular graph in which the relative proportions of three minerals is used to classify a rock is called a __ digagram


Basalt which erupts into this medium forms scoria breccia and lava flows


Because of the rapid cooling effect of water as compared to air, and increased buoyancy, submarine volcanoes are relatively

Gabbro 1

Beneath the basalt of the oceanic crust is a layer of what rock type

No, yes

Do mantle plumes usually occur at plate boundaries? Are they stationary feature?


Eruptions in which bursts of gas slugs rise faster than surrounding magma

The 1815 eruption of Tambora Volcano in Indonesia

In part of Europe and in North America, 1816 was known as the year without a summer because


In some locations extremely course-grained __ masses with beautiful crystals occur with granite


Impacts by ____ during accretion of the Earth lead to extensive melting

Lava Fountains

In central-vent Hawaiian eruptions, these spurt to heights of several hundred feet

Volcanic debris and water

Lahars are mixtures of which two things

Diorite 1

Large intrusions in the Andes Mountains are likely what rock type


Large, explosive volcanic eruptions inject volcanic gasses and pyroclastics into the ___ to heights of 16-32 km above that Earth's surface


The process of erupting water, which solidifies into ice in a frigid environment such as on Europa


The last element to crystallize as a magma cools

Flood Basalts

The lava flows of the Deccan Traps in India, the Siberian Traps in Russia, and the Columbia River Plateau of Washington are what rock type


During the cooling of a think lava flow, contractional fractures form to create basalt ___


During the past two decades, how many airplanes have been damaged by in-flight encounters with volcanic ash


The lifespan of a volcano can vary between months to ___ of years

silicon, oxygen, aluminum, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium

The magma from which the minerals crystallize is rich in what 8 elements


The most common extrusive volcanic rock


The most dangerous sub glacial volcanoes are located where

Andesite 1

This lava is intermediate between felsic and mafic in composition and quite viscous


This term describes the texture of volcanic airfall rocks like tuffs


This texture involves visible crystals within a fine grained matix


Typically , what is tah most common volcanic gas


Unzen is one of more than how many active volcanoes in Japan

Solid Crust

Upon contact with water that forms around the outside of a lava flow making a pillow basalt


Vocanic bombs, lapilli, and volcanic ash are called


Volcanoes generally do not form at what type of plate boundary


Water is driven out of the oceanic lithosphere in ___ zones, and it causes melting in the overlying mantle


an opening in a planet's surface, which allows hot, moleten rock, ash, and gases to escape


Igneous rock with more than 90% of dark minerals (mostly olivine) are referred to as


A felsic lava is very viscous and relatively (high/low) in silica


A grey intermediate intrusive igneous rock


A dark course-grained intrusive igneous rock chemically equivalent to basalt


A decrease in pressure, an addition of water, and increase in temp. Any of these can ___ rock


A volcanic rock that is a solidified glassy foam that floats

Stratovolcano/ Composite

A volcano composed of hardened lava, tephra, and cider


Ancient lava flows often altered to minerals like chlorite are known as


Another word used to describe the Earth's lower atmosphere

Fractional Crystallization

As magma cools, minerals typically crystallize from the melt at different temps. this is called

dark, black

Despite its felsic composition, obsidian is ___ in color


Basalt in the tops of sub-aerial lava flows and cinder cones commonly contains lots of ____

Vesicles 1

Beautifully crystallized species of zeolites, opal, quartz or calcite are frequently found in basalt ____


Because of its durability granite has become a popular kitchen ___ in modern houses

Basalt Lava

Ca- Plag, pyroxene and olivine from this type of lava


Cellars sunk into soils formed over uraniferous granites can become a trap for ___ gas

Mid-ocean Ridges

Decompression melting creates the ocean crust at what plate boundaries


Decompression melting occurs because of a decrease in ___ as solid rock rises toward the surface


Felsic lava:

Light, low

Felsic rocks are usually ___ colored and have ___ density


Felsic volcanic glass

Thin Sections

Generally the mineral constituents of fine grained extrusive igneous rocks can be viewed in

construction stone

Granite is nearly always massive, hard and tough, and therefore it has gained widespread use as a


Granitic rock is widely distributed throughout which type of crust on Earth


How many active volcanoes are there on the moon


How many seamounts are estimated to occur throughout the globe


If an erupted magma contains an intermediate amount of silica, the lava is termed


If an erupted magma contains low silica, the lava (very fluid) is called

Granite, Deorite, Gabbro, Peridotite

List four intrusive rocks raging in order from felsic to ultramafic

Rhyolite, Andesite, Basalt

List three extrusive rocks ranging in order from felsic to mafic


Mafic rocks are usually __ colored and have a __ density

Once (but lasts a few years

Monogenetic cinder cones typically erupt how often


Most __ are mixes of melt and crystals, and gas bubble


Most cinder cones have a(n) ___ -shaped crater at the summit


Most obsidian in archaeological sites in our region probably originated in


Name a common and widely occurring type of intrusive felsic igneous rock

Yellowstone Caldera/ Lake Toba in Sumatra Indonesia/ Lake Taupo in New Zealand

Name three super volcanoes


Obsidian is easy to sharpen because it breaks with a ___ fracture

Amorphous (no crystal structure)

Obsidian is not a mineral because it is

Decompression Melting

Partial melting of the mantle t divergent plate boundaries is caused by


Particles falling from the eruption clouds form layers of ash on the ground technically called

Obsidian 1

Perhaps the sharpest known natural material


Popularly, volcanoes that have not erupted in historical times are called


Pyroclastic deposits which have been lithified


Pyroclastic rocks are clastic roks composed of ___ materials

High (1,200 C)

Shield volcanoes typically erupt magma at relatively (high, low) temperatures


Stoping, assimilation, and forceful injection are three mechanism that might explain the ___ of granite

Convergent Boundaries with Seduction zones

Stratovolcanoes are common along which type of plate tectonic boundary

The lava is viscous and gaseous

Stratovolcanoes typically erupt with explosive force, because

Solidus (melting point)

Temperatures can exceed the __ of a crustal rock due to compression at at plate boundary


Temperatures of lava erupted from volcanoes on Jupiter's moon ____ are in excess of 1,500 degrees C far hotter than volcanoes on Earth

Continents, ocenas

The Earth's crust is about 35 km thick under the ___ but is only some 7-10 km beneath the ___

AA and Pahoehoe

The ___ form of lava flow is rough; the ___ form of lava is smooth and ropey

Basalt 1

The surface of Venus is composed of what rock type

Rhyolite 1

The volcanic equivalent of platonic granite is


These are very common in underwater basaltic flows and are diagnostic of an underwater eruption


These volcanoes are those that are not currently active


This eruption style can send ash 10s of miles into the air

Pumice 1

This forms the grit in Lava Soap


This is formed by the collapse magma chamber beneath the volcano


This lava is characteristic of seduction tectonic environments in active oceanic margins, such as the western coast of South America

Hot spot

What is another term that is used to describe a mantle plume


What volcano was discovered in 1650 when it burst from the sea and erupted, killing 70 people on the nearby island of Santorini

Mid ocean Ridges

Where are most divergent plate boundaries on Earth located

Mafic 1`

Which lava composition can produce pahoehoe lava flows


Which word best describes that lava produced by a shield volcano

High Viscosity

Why does magma, generated in subduction zone, often not reach the surface to form a volcano


___ reaction series is important for understanding the idealized sequence of fractional crystallization of a magma

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