Global 10 H Midterm Review

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Which of the following countries succeeded in gaining independence as a result of revolutions in 1830? a. Belgium b. Poland c. Hungary d. Italy

a. Belgium

Trade within the colonies of the British empire was controlled by a. Great Britain b. smugglers c. wealthy landowners and merchants d. colonial assemblies

a. Great Britain

Which of the following places won independence from France and became the only nonslave nation in the Western Hemisphere? a. Haiti b. Mexico c. Venezuela d. Brazil

a. Haiti

Why does Darwin's theory of evolution cause controversy? a. It disagrees with the biblical account of creation b. It states that religion is a way for the state to control the masses c. It denies the existence of God d. It challenges the moral authority of the Church

a. It disagrees with the biblical account of creation

How did the Napoleonic Code reflect Enlightenment principles? a. It guaranteed the equality of all citizens before the law b. It guaranteed women equal rights c. It valued individual rights above all else d. It valued the security of the state over individual liberty

a. It guaranteed the equality of all citizens before the law

How did the German government encourage economic development? a. It protected its industries from foreign competition b. It subsidize industry c. It owned and managed Germany's industry d. It prohibited the sale of foreign goods in Germany

a. It protected its industries from foreign competition

Which of the following events was the spark that finally set off a widespread revolt in Latin America in the early 1800s? a. Napoleon's invasion of Spain b. the American Revolution c. the French Revolution d. uprisings in the Balkans

a. Napoleon's invasion of Spain

Which of the following was a result of the Franco-Prussian War? a. Prussia defeated France b. France defeated Prussia c. Austria defeated Prussia d. France defeated Austria

a. Prussia defeated France

Which of the following conditions during the Industrial Revolution Supported Karl Marx's ideas? a. There were a few wealthy business people while the majority of people were poor b. More material goods were available c. People were no longer threatened by famine d. People left the countryside and moved to the cities

a. There were a few wealthy business people while the majority of people were poor

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen state that a. all men were born free and equal in rights b. all male citizens had the right to vote c. male and female citizens were equal before the law d. all citizens had to pay equal taxes

a. all men were born free and equal in rights

Which of the following goals represents the ideology of nationalists? a. establishment of a homeland for people with a common heritage b. restoration of power to royal families c. acceptance of an established church d. tolerance for ethnic minorities

a. establishment of a homeland for people with a common heritage

During the 1800s, the Liberal and Conservative parties in Britain work to a. extend the right to vote to more people b. extend home rule to Ireland c. repeal the reform bills d. abolish the office of prime minister

a. extend the right to vote to more people

The Tory Party in Britain was made up primarily of a. landowning aristocrats b. wealthy business leaders c. middle-class merchants d. peasants

a. landowning aristocrats

An example of a romantic painting might be a a. landscape showing a violent storm b. portrait of a middle-class c. scene of a modern city d. scene of workers in a factory

a. landscape showing a violent storm

A major threat to the Hapsburg empire came from a. nationalist demands b. the Ottoman empire c. socialist reformers d. the French

a. nationalist demands

The period of unrest in Europe after 1815 was caused by a. opposing ideologies b. religious conflicts c. competition for colonies d. demand for resources

a. opposing ideologies

During the agricultural revolution in the 1700s, wealthy landowners increased food production by a. practicing enclosure b. leaving part of the land unplanted every year c. hiring more farmworkers d. giving peasants bonuses

a. practicing enclosure

Which of the following goals represents conservative ideology in Europe in the early 1800s? a. restoration of power to royal families b. establishment of a homeland for each national group c. support for freedom of the press d. tolerance for religious differences

a. restoration of power to royal families

Which of the following new features of city life in the late 1800s had the greatest impact on the poor? a. sewage systems b. skyscrapers c multistory apartment buildings d. paved streets

a. sewage systems

Under Bismarck, Germany took a pioneering role in a. social and economic reform b. political reform c. socialist reform d. judicial reform

a. social and economic reform

Which of the following areas did Napoleon annex to France? a. the Netherlands b. Russia c. Poland d. Britain

a. the Netherlands

Which of the following contributed most to the growth of nationalist movements in the Balkans in the mid-1800s? a. the decline of the Ottoman empire b. the spread of the democracy c. competition between Britain and France for the Balkans d. Germany's growing power

a. the decline of the Ottoman empire

Which of the following groups grew the fastest during the 1800s? a. the middle class b. peasants c. the nobility d. the upper class

a. the middle class

Which of the following became an important source of power for the Industrial Revolution? a. the steam engine b. animals c. the windmill d. the dynamo

a. the steam engine

Why did the Congress of Vienna redraw the boundaries of some European countries? a. to encircle France with strong countries b. to create more countries c. to distribute land more fairly d. to prevent the growth of nationalism

a. to encircle France with strong countries

The idea that the goal of society should be "the greatest happiness for the greatest number" of it citizens was a philosophy held by a. utilitarians b. Marxists c. Utopians d. capitalists

a. utilitarians

The Reform Bill of 1867 granted suffrage to a. working-class men b. women c. middle-class men d. everyone over 30 years

a. working-class men

Which of the following nations gained independence from Holland? a. Poland b. Belgium c. Italy d. Hungary

b. Belgium

By 1900, which of the following pairs of countries were the world's leading industrial nations? a. Britain and the US b. Germany and the US c. Japan and Germany d. Britain and Germany

b. Germany and the US

Which of the following countries were the world's industrial leaders in the 1900? a. Britain and France b. Germany and the US c. Russia and Germany d. Belgium and Germany

b. Germany and the US

Why was coal important to the Industrial Revolution? a. Mining it gave jobs to unemployed farm laborers b. It provided the fuel to produce iron c. Trading it with other countries brought wealth to invest in industry d. It provided fuel to heat workers' homes

b. It provided the fuel to produce iron

The Declaration of Independence clearly reflects the ideas of a. Catherine the Great b. John Locke c. George III d. Thomas Hobbes

b. John Locke

The statement "No taxation without representation" was partly influenced by the thinking of a. Adam Smith b. John Locke c. Baro de Montesquieu d. Thomas Hobbes

b. John Locke

Which of the following happened LAST? a. Prussia gained control of Schleswig b. Prussia defeated France c. Prussia went to war with Austria d. Prussia created the Zollverein

b. Prussia defeated France

Which of the following was used as a justification for imperialism? a. genocide b. Social Darwinism c. westernization d. resistance to expansion

b. Social Darwinism

Which of the following statements regarding workers in mines and factories during the early Industrial Revolution is true? a. They were allowed to form unions b. Their working conditions were dangerous and inhumane c. Although working conditions were harsh, they were paid well d. The British government was interested in improving their lives

b. Their working conditions were dangerous and inhumane

Which of the following would have most likely supported the Corn Laws in Britain? a. a wealthy industrialist b. a farmer c. a factory worker d. a lawyer

b. a farmer

How did the French respond to threats to the revolution? a. by using mediation to settle disputes b. by becoming more radical c. by welcoming their opponents into the decision-making process d. by ensuring that all citizens were free to speak

b. by becoming more radical

The Constitution of 1791 a. abolished the monarchy b. established a new Legislative Assembly c. gave the vote to all citizens d. reestablished the old provinces

b. established a new Legislative Assembly

Which of the following helped British farmers increase food production in the 1700s? a. reducing the size of their farms b. improved farm machinery c. new kinds of crops d. the availability of more farmworkers

b. improved farm machinery

Ethiopia was able to resist the Europeans because a. its leader was educated in the West b. it had modern weapons and a well-trained army c. it formed an alliance with the Ottomans d. it had a favorable balance of trade

b. it had modern weapons and a well-trained army

Which of the following helped Britain become a global power in the 1700s? a. its rich resources b. its strong navy c. its favorable climate d. its position next to mainland Europe

b. its strong navy

Which of the following groups had the right to vote in Britain in the 1700s? a. all citizens over 21 b. male property owners c. male citizens over 21 d. males and females who belonged to the aristocracy

b. male property owners

The revolution of 1905 led to a. democracy in Russia b. minor changes in Russia c. the freeing of the Russian serfs d. equal voting rights for all citizens

b. minor changes in Russia

Which group dominated Latin American social and political life in the early 1800s? a. creoles b. peninsulares c. mestizos d. mulattoes

b. peninsulares

Montesquieu believed the purpose of the separation of powers was to a. make government more efficient b. protect the liberties of the people c. strengthen the monarchy d. promote reform

b. protect the liberties of the people

Which of the following made Italy hard to unite into a single country? a. lack of a common language b. regional differences c. lack of natural resources d. ethnic differences

b. regional differences

Which of the following was the most highly regarded by the middle class during the 1800s? a. honesty b. respectability c. generosity d. individuality

b. respectability

American resentment of British rule increased after 1763 over a. a lack of religious freedom b. taxation without representation in Parliament c. a lack of tea d. the right to free speech

b. taxation without representation in Parliament

In the early 1800s, Serbs gained autonomy within a. Greece b. the Ottoman empire c. Spain d. Austria

b. the Ottoman empire

France's economy was mainly supported by a. the First Estate b. the Third Estate c. the king d. the nobles

b. the Third Estate

Industrialization in the textile industry resulted in a. better-paying jobs b. the establishment of factories c. improved working conditions d. slower production times

b. the establishment of factories

Before the Civil War, one of the major issues between the North and South was a. free trade b. the extension of slavery into new states c. voting rights for women d. the election of Abraham Lincoln as president

b. the extension of slavery into new states

The revolution of 1905 broke out as a result of a. persecution of the Jews b. the killing of demonstrators on Bloody Sunday c. the freeing of the serfs d. Napoleon's invasion of Russia

b. the killing of demonstrators on Bloody Sunday

The saying "a women's place is in the home" reflected the values of which of the following groups in 1850? a. the working class b. the middle class c. miners d. farmworkers

b. the middle class

Which of the following was a cause of the Ottoman empire's decline? a. the spread of Christianity b. the weakening of the central government c. the growth of democracy d. corrupting western influences

b. the weakening of the central government

Why did both Britain and Russia want to control Iran? a. to spread their political beliefs b. to gain possession of its oils c. to help it modernize d. to save it from Ottoman rule

b. to gain possession of its oils

Otto von Bismarck was responsible for the a. creation of the Zollverein b. unification of Germany c. loss of the Franco-Prussian War d. rise of Napoleon III

b. unification of Germany

Which of the following groups held the most power in Parliament in the early 1800s? a. middle-class men b. wealthy, landowning nobles c. working-class men d. wealthy industrialists

b. wealthy, landowning nobles

After 1900, Chinese reformers supported a. Confucian ideals b. westernization c. imperialism d. Christianity

b. westernization

Which of the following was a result of the Sepoy Rebellion? a. Indian gained its independence b. India became a protectorate of Britain c. Britain began to rule India directly d. The East Indian Company took over the rule of India

c. Britain began to rule India directly

How did the Industrial Revolution encourage imperialism? a. It made Europeans feel sorry for their "little brothers" b. It created a need for land c. It created a need for raw materials and markets d. It made westerns feel obligated to improve the human species

c. It created a need for raw materials and markets

Who was most likely to support the idea that society should be based on cooperation instead of competition? a. Adam Smith b. David Ricardo c. Robert Owen d. Jeremy Bentham

c. Robert Owen

Which of the following is a reason explaining why Britain took the lead in the Industrial Revolution? a. British workers were well paid b. The government owned the factories c. The British business class had large profits to invest d. The British people were the most educated in the world

c. The British business class had large profits to invest

Which of the following is a true statement about European peasants during the Enlightenment? a. Their lives changed greatly b. Most moved to the cities c. The Enlightenment had little effect on their lives d. They acquired material wealth

c. The Enlightenment had little effect on their lives

Which of the following was true of the Third Republic's government? a. The president was elected by universal male suffrage b. The prime minister was elected by the legislature c. The voter-elected Chamber of Deputies had great power d. It was based on a two-party system

c. The voter-elected Chamber of Deputies had great power

Which of the following statements about France's social structure is true? a. The Third estate was made up entirely of peasants b. The Second Estate was content with the social structure c. There was inequality among the three estates d. Most people belonged to the First Estate

c. There was inequality among the three estates

Which of the following was a new feature of English government in the late 1700s? a. an absolute monarch b. divine rule c. a cabinet d. all adults had the right to vote

c. a cabinet

Darwin challenged traditional beliefs by asserting that a. Earth was older than formerly thought b. women were equal to men c. all forms of life evolved over millions of years d. the sun was the center of the universe

c. all forms of life evolved over millions of years

Thinkers during the Age of Reason challenged the established social order by a. calling for an end to government b. denying the existence of heaven c. calling for a just society based on reason d. supporting peasant rebellions

c. calling for a just society based on reason

During the Reign of Terror, Robespierre tried to a. execute all French nobles b. restore the Catholic Church c. crush all opposition to the revolution d. reinstate the monarchy

c. crush all opposition to the revolution

Discontent in Latin America resulted from the domination of social and political life by a. mulattoes b. mestizos c. peninsulares d. creoles

c. peninsulares

Napoleon III appealed to the lower classes mainly because he a. made France a major industrial power b. opposed Prussia c. promised to end poverty d. extended French influence to Mexico

c. promised to end poverty

Which of the following terms best reflects conditions in Europe after 1815? a. stability b. peace c. rebellion d. democracy

c. rebellion

Which of the following contributed to Germany's growth as an industrial power under Bismarck? a. tight state control over industry b. a large overseas empire c. substantial iron and coal reserves d. Prussia's victory over the French in the Franco-Prussian War

c. substantial iron and coal reserves

The romantic movement in art and literature was a reaction against a. socialism b. nationalism c. the Enlightenment d. the French Revolution

c. the Enlightenment

The bourgeoisie belonged to which of the following groups? a. the First Estate b. the Second Estate c. the Third Estate c. the aristocracy

c. the Third Estate

Which group benefited the most from the Industrial Revolution? a. the working class b. farmers c. the middle class d. the nobility

c. the middle class

French nobles resisted Necker's financial reforms because a. they supported free trade b. they were already taxed too heavily c. they wanted to pay no taxes d. they thought the answer was to create more jobs for the Third Estat

c. they wanted to pay no taxes

Which of the following was the chief goal of the Congress of Vienna? a. to punish France b. to create a united Europe c. to create a lasting peace d. a strengthen Germany

c. to create a lasting peace

Which of the following is the most closely linked to labor reform? a. ministers b. Social Darwinists c. unions d. city planners

c. unions

In the early 1800s, Parliament represented primarily the interests of a. everyone in Britain b. mainly the middle class c. wealthy landowners d. the working-class majority

c. wealthy landowners

William II of Germany pursued a foreign policy aimed at a. destroying the French Navy b. preventing foreigners from coming to Germany c. winning overseas colonies for Germany d. encouraging socialist revolutions in Africa and Asia

c. winning overseas colonies for Germany

In 1920, the 19th Amendment gave a. African American men the right to vote b. citizenship to Native Americans c. women the right to vote d. slaves their freedom

c. women the right to vote

Which of the following countries gained control of much of southern Africa during the 1800s? a. France b. Italy c. Spain d. Britain

d. Britain

In the Boer War, the British fought descendants of which settlers? a. Asante b. French c. Ottoman Turk d. Dutch

d. Dutch

Which of the following statements regarding China in the 1800s is true? a. It was the center of a flourishing civilization b. It was in the midst of an economic revival c. It was a growing industrial tradition d. Its society and economy were in decline

d. Its society and economy were in decline

One scientist whose work contributed directly to increased life expectancy in the late 1800s was a. Dmitri Mendeleyev b. Charles Lyell c. Alfred Nobel d. Joseph Lister

d. Joseph Lister

What happened as a result of the Frankfurt Assembly? a. Germany was united under Fredrick William IV b. Germany became a republic c. Conservatives accepted workers' demands d. Liberals were defeated

d. Liberals were defeated

Which of the following results was caused by revolts in the Austrian empire? a. Universal manhood suffrage was granted b. Hungary gained independence c. Austria became a republic d. Metternich resigned

d. Metternich resigned

Which of the following was an effect of the Dreyfus affair? a. increased sympathy for Jews b. harsh laws against anti-Semitism c. reforms in the court system d. demands for a Jewish state

d. demands for a Jewish state

Which of the following groups generally supported nationalist goals? a. monarchs b. noble landowner c. church leaders d. ethnic groups

d. ethnic groups

Which of the following was a direct result of the discovery that germs caused disease? a. the development of anesthesia b. higher death rates c. the beginning of nursing d. improved sanitation

d. improved sanitation

In 19th century cities, the poor lived a. in planned residential neighborhoods b. on the outskirts of the city c. in skyscrapers d. in tenements near the factories

d. in tenements near the factories

Nationalism posed the biggest threat to which of the following? a. Prussia b. Italy c. Germany d. the Austrian empire

d. the Austrian empire

Joseph II adopted Enlightenment ideas a. to gain more power b. to make his government more efficient c. to end superstition in his kingdom d. to improve the life of his people

d. to improve the life of his people

The Kulturkampf refers to Bismarck' attempt to a. encourage appreciation for the arts b. destroy nationalist movements c. discourage socialism d. weaken the influence of the Catholic Church

d. weaken the influence of the Catholic Church

Early in the Industrial Revolution, working-class women a. received the same pay as men b. worked only part-time c. were not allowed to work in coal mines d. worked 12 or more hours a day outside the home

d. worked 12 or more hours a day outside the home

Social reforms passed in Britain in the late 1800s helped which of the following groups most? a. women b. industrial workers c. middle-class men d. farmers

industrial workers

The aim of Napoleon III's foreign policy was to a. reestablish the French as a European power b. keep France isolated c. establish French neutrality d. establish a balance of power with Britain

reestablish the French as a European power

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