Grasshopper Components
Transform Matrix () Util
A 4x4 transformation matrix.
MD Slider () Input
A multidimensional slider.
Panel () Input
A panel for custom notes and text values.
Control Knob () Input
A radial dial knob for single numbers.
Param Viewer () Util
A viewer for data structures.
Adjust Plane (PAdjust) Vector > Plane
Adjust a plane to match a new normal direction.
Seam () Curve > Util
Adjust the seam of a closed curve.
Align Planes (Align) Vector > Plane
Align planes by minimizing their serial rotation.
Blur Mesh (MBlur) Mesh > Util
Blur the colors on a mesh.
Boolean Toggle () Input
Boolean (true/false) toggle.
Button () Input
Button object with two values.
Osculating Circles (Osc) Surface > Analysis
Calculate the principal osculating circles of a surface at a {uv} coordinate.
Gate Majority (Vote) Maths > Operations
Calculates the majority vote among three booleans.
Plane Origin (PlOrigin) Vector > Plane
Change the origin point of a plane.
Polyline Collapse (PCol) Curve > Util
Collapse short segments in a polyline curve.
Color Swatch () Input
Color (palette) swatch.
Distance (Dist) Vector > Point
Compute Euclidean distance between two point coordinates.
Relative Differences (RelDif) Maths > Operations
Compute relative differences for a list of data.
Surface Inflection (SInf) Surface > Analysis
Compute the inflection curves for a surface.
Mesh Shadow (MShadow) Mesh > Util
Compute the shadow outline for a mesh object.
Connect Curves (Connect) Curve > Spline
Connect a sequence of curves.
Bezier Span (BzSpan) Curve > Spline
Construct a bezier span from endpoints and tangents.
Sub Curve (SubCrv) Curve > Spline
Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve.
Nurbs Curve (NurbCrv) Curve > Spline
Construct a nurbs curve from control points, weights and knots.
Nurbs Curve (Nurbs) Curve > Spline
Construct a nurbs curve from control points.
Knot Vector (Knots) Curve > Spline
Construct a nurbs curve knot vector.
Construct Plane (Pl) Vector > Plane
Construct a plane from an origin point and {x}, {y} axes.
Construct Point (Pt) Vector > Point
Construct a point from {xyz} coordinates.
Geodesic () Curve > Spline
Construct a surface geodesic between two points.
Kinky Curve (KinkCrv) Curve > Spline
Construct an interpolated curve through a set of points with a kink angle threshold.
Iso Curve (Iso) Curve > Spline
Construct {uv} isocurves on a surface.
Gene Pool () Util
Contains a collection of genes (i.e. variables).
Curve to Polyline (ToPoly) Curve > Util
Convert a curve to a polyline.
Number of Points (Pt2Num) Vector > Point
Convert a list of numbers to a list of points.
Simple Mesh (SMesh) Mesh > Util
Crate a mesh that represents a Brep as simply as possible.
BiArc () Curve > Primitive
Create a bi-arc based on endpoints and tangents.
Blend Curve Point (BlendCPt) Curve > Spline
Create a blend curve between two curves that intersect a point.
Blend Curve (BlendC) Curve > Spline
Create a blend curve between two curves.
Catenary (Cat) Curve > Spline
Create a catenary chain between two points.
Circle (Cir) Curve > Primitive
Create a circle defined by base plane and radius.
Circle CNR (Circle) Curve > Primitive
Create a circle defined by center, normal and radius.
Circle 3Pt (Circle) Curve > Primitive
Create a circle defined by three points.
Circle TanTanTan (CircleTTT) Curve > Primitive
Create a circle tangent to three curves.
Circle TanTan (CircleTT) Curve > Primitive
Create a circle tangent to two curves.
Tangent Curve (TanCurve) Curve > Spline
Create a curve though a set of points with tangents.
Fragment Patch (FPatch) Surface > Freeform
Create a fragmented patch from a polyline boundary.
Line 2Plane (Ln2Pl) Curve > Primitive
Create a line between two planes.
Line (Ln) Curve > Primitive
Create a line between two points.
Fit Line (FLine) Curve > Primitive
Create a line from four points.
Line 4Pt (Ln4Pt) Curve > Primitive
Create a line from four points.
Line SDL (Line) Curve > Primitive
Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.
Loft () Surface > Freeform
Create a lofted surface through a set of section curves.
Mesh Brep (Mesh) Mesh > Util
Create a mesh that approximates Brep geometry.
Surface from Points (SrfGrid) Surface > Freeform
Create a nurbs surface from a grid of points.
Patch () Surface > Freeform
Create a patch surface.
Pipe () Surface > Freeform
Create a pipe surface around a rail curve.
Pipe Variable (VPipe) Surface > Freeform
Create a pipe surface with variable radii around a rail curve.
Line + Pt (LnPt) Vector > Plane
Create a plane from a line and a point.
Line + Line (LnLn) Vector > Plane
Create a plane from two line segments.
Plane Normal (Pl) Vector > Plane
Create a plane perpendicular to a vector.
Plane 3Pt (Pl3Pt) Vector > Plane
Create a plane through three points.
Barycentric (BCentric) Vector > Point
Create a point from barycentric {u,v,w} coordiantes.
PolyArc (PArc) Curve > Spline
Create a polycurve consisting of arc and line segments.
Swing Arc (Swing) Curve > Spline
Create a polycurve consisting of arcs defined by center points.
Polygon () Curve > Primitive
Create a polygon with optional round edges.
Polyline (PLine) Curve > Spline
Create a polyline connecting a number of points.
Rectangle 2Pt (Rec2Pt) Curve > Primitive
Create a rectangle from a base plane and two points.
Rectangle 3Pt (Rec3Pt) Curve > Primitive
Create a rectangle from three points.
Rectangle () Curve > Primitive
Create a rectangle on a plane.
Sum Surface (SumSrf) Surface > Freeform
Create a sum surface from two edge curves.
Ruled Surface (RuleSrf) Surface > Freeform
Create a surface between two curves.
4 Point Surface (Srf4Pt) Surface > Freeform
Create a surface connecting three or four corner points.
Network Surface (NetSurf) Surface > Freeform
Create a surface from curve networks.
Edge Surface (EdgeSrf) Surface > Freeform
Create a surface from two, three or four edge curves.
Rail Revolution (RailRev) Surface > Freeform
Create a surface of revolution using a sweep rail.
Revolution (RevSrf) Surface > Freeform
Create a surface of revolution.
Sweep1 (Swp1) Surface > Freeform
Create a sweep surface with one rail curve.
Sweep2 (Swp2) Surface > Freeform
Create a sweep surface with two rail curves.
Catenary Ex (CatEx) Curve > Spline
Create a variable catenary chain between two points.
Modified Arc (ModArc) Curve > Primitive
Create an arc based on another arc.
Arc () Curve > Primitive
Create an arc defined by base plane, radius and angle domain.
Arc SED (Arc) Curve > Primitive
Create an arc defined by start point, end point and a tangent vector.
Arc 3Pt (Arc) Curve > Primitive
Create an arc through three points.
Ellipse () Curve > Primitive
Create an ellipse defined by base plane and two radii.
Interpolate (t) (IntCrv(t)) Curve > Spline
Create an interpolated curve though a set of points with tangents.
Curve on Surface (CrvSrf) Curve > Spline
Create an interpolated curve through a set of points on a surface.
Interpolate (IntCrv) Curve > Spline
Create an interpolated curve through a set of points.
Tangent Lines (Ex) (TanEx) Curve > Primitive
Create external tangent lines between circles.
Tangent Lines (In) (TanIn) Curve > Primitive
Create internal tangent lines between circles.
Loft Options (LoftOpt) Surface > Freeform
Create loft options from atomic inputs.
Boundary Surfaces (Boundary) Surface > Freeform
Create planar surfaces from a collection of boundary edge curves.
Tangent Arcs (TArcs) Curve > Primitive
Create tangent arcs between circles.
Tangent Lines (Tan) Curve > Primitive
Create tangent lines between a point and a circle.
InCircle () Curve > Primitive
Create the incircle of a triangle.
InEllipse () Curve > Primitive
Create the inscribed ellipse (Steiner ellipse) of a triangle.
Color Wheel () Input
Creates a palette of related colors.
Cull Faces (CullF) Mesh > Util
Cull faces of a mesh.
Cull Duplicates (CullPt) Vector > Point
Cull points that are coincident withing tolerance.
Cull Verticies (CullV) Mesh > Util
Cull vertices from a mesh.
Deconstruct Box (DeBox) Surface > Analysis
Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts.
Deconstruct Brep (DeBrep) Surface > Analysis
Deconstruct a brep into its constituent parts.
Deconstruct Plane (DePlane) Vector > Plane
Deconstruct a plane into its component parts.
Deconstruct (pDecon) Vector > Point
Deconstruct a point into it component parts.
Data Dam () Util
Delay data on its way through a document.
Delete Faces (DeleteF) Mesh > Util
Delete vertices from a mesh.
Delete Vertices (DeleteV) Mesh > Util
Delete vertices from a mesh.
Evaluate Box (Box) Surface > Analysis
Evaluate a box in normalised {UVW} space.
Evaluate (Eval) Curve > Analysis
Evaluate a curve at a center factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between two modes.
Evaluate Curve (Eval) Curve > Analysis
Evaluate a curve at the specified parameter.
Evaluate Surface (EvalSrf) Surface > Analysis
Evaluate local surface properties at a {uv} coordinate.
Curvature Curve () > Analysis
Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter.
Derivatives (CDiv) Curve > Analysis
Evaluate the derivatives of a curve at a specified parameter.
Principle Curvature (Curvature) Surface > Analysis
Evaluate the principle curvature of a surface of a {uv} coordinate.
Surface Curvature (Curvature) Surface > Analysis
Evaluate the surface curvature at a {uv} coordinate.
Torsion () Curve > Analysis
Evaluate the torsion of a curve at a specified parameter.
Explode () Curve > Util
Explode a curve into smaller segments.
Extend Curve (Ext) Curve > Util
Extend a curve by a specified distance.
Box Corners () Surface > Analysis
Extract all 8 corners of a box.
Brep Edges (Edges) Surface > Analysis
Extract the edge curves of a brep.
End Points (End) Curve > Analysis
Extract the end points of a curve.
Control Points (CP) Curve > Analysis
Extract the nurbs control points and knots of a curve.
Control Polygon (CPoly) Curve > Analysis
Extract the nurbs control polygon of a curve.
Brep Wireframe (Wires) Surface > Analysis
Extract the wireframe curves of a brep.
Extrude Linear (Extrude) Surface > Freeform
Extrude curves and surfaces along a straight path.
Extrude (Extr) Surface > Freeform
Extrude curves and surfaces along a vector.
Extrude Along (ExtrCrv) Surface > Freeform
Extrude curves and surfaces along a vector.
Extrude Point (Extr) Surface > Freeform
Extrude curves and surfaces to a point.
Fillet () Curve > Util
Fillet a curve at a parameter.
Fillet Distance (Fillet) Curve > Util
Fillet the sharp corners of a curve by distance.
Discontinuity (Disc) Curve > Analysis
Find all discontinuities along a curve.
Curve Side (Side) Curve > Analysis
Find on which side of a curve a point exists.
Center (Cen) Curve > Analysis
Find the center point and radius of arcs and circles
Polygon Center (PCen) Curve > Analysis
Find the center point for a polyline.
Closest Point (CP) Vector > Point
Find the closest point in a point collection.
Brep Closest Point (BrepCP) Surface > Analysis
Find the closest point on a brep.
Curve Closest Point (Crv CP) Curve > Analysis
Find the closest point on a curve.
Plane Closest Point (CP) Vector > Plane
Find the closest point on a plane.
Surface Closest Point (SrfCP) Surface > Analysis
Find the closest point on a surface.
Closest Points (CPs) Vector > Point
Find the closest points in a point collection.
Extremes (X-tremez) Curve > Analysis
Find the extremes (highest and lowest points) on a curve.
Curve Nearest Object (CrvNear) Curve > Analysis
Find the object nearest to a curve.
Curve Proximity (CrvProx) Curve > Analysis
Find the pair of closest points between two curves.
Segment Lengths (LenSeg) Curve > Analysis
Find the shortest and longest segments of a curve.
Circle Fit (FCircle) Curve > Primitive
Fit a circle to a collection of points.
Fit Curve (Fit) Curve > Util
Fit a curve along another curve.
Plane Fit (PlFit) Vector > Plane
Fit a plane though a set of points.
Flip Curve (Flip) Curve > Util
Flip a curve using an optional guide curve.
Horizontal Frame (HFrame) Curve > Analysis
Get a horizontally aligned frame along a curve at a specified parameter.
Brep Topology (Topology) Surface > Analysis
Get and display the topology of a brep.
Box Properties (BoxProp) Surface > Analysis
Get some properties of a box.
Dimensions (Dim) Surface > Analysis
Get the approximate dimensions of a surface.
Surface Points (SrfPt) Surface > Analysis
Get the control points of a nurbs surface.
Plane Coordinates (PlCoord) Vector > Plane
Get the coordinates of a point in a plane axis system.
Curve Frame (Frame) Curve > Analysis
Get the curvature frame of a curve at a specified parameter.
Mesh Join (MJoin) Mesh > Util
Join a set of meshes into a single mesh.
Join Curves (Join) Curve > Util
Join as many curves as possible.
False Start Toggle () Input
Just like normal Boolean Toggle, except it always reverts to "False" on file open.
Larger Than (Larger) Maths > Operations
Larger than (or equal to).
Match Curve (MatchCrv) Curve > Spline
Match two curves.
Integer Division (A/B) Maths > Operations
Mathematical integer division.
Length Domain (LenD) Curve > Analysis
Measure the length of a curve subdomain.
Length Parameter (LenP) Curve > Analysis
Measure the length of a curve to and from a parameter.
Length (Len) Curve > Analysis
Measure the length of a curve.
Merge Group () Util
Merge two groups.
Octopus () Util
Multi-objective search and optimzation.
Digit Scroller () Input
Numeric scroller for single numbers.
Number Slider () Input
Numeric slider for single values.
Offset Polyline (OP) Curve > Util
Offset a 2D polyline.
Offset on Srf (OffsetS) Curve > Util
Offset a curve on a surface with a specified distance.
Offset () Curve > Util
Offset a curve with a specified distance.
Plane Offset (PlOffset) Vector > Plane
Offset a plane.
Offset Loose (Offset(L)) Curve > Util
Offset the control points of a a curve with a specified distance.
Offset Loose 3D (Offset(3D)) Curve > Util
Offset the control points of a curve with a specified distance in 3D.
Gate Nand (Nand) Math > Operations
Perform boolean alternative denial (NAnd gate).
Gate Xnor (Xnor) Maths > Operations
Perform boolean biconditional (Xnor gate).
Gate And (And) Maths > Operations
Perform boolean conjunction (AND gate).
Gate Or (Or) Maths > Operations
Perform boolean disjunction (Or gate).
Gate Xor (Xor) Maths > Operations
Perform boolean exclusive disjunction (Xor gate).
Gate Nor (Nor) Maths > Operations
Perform boolean joint denial (Nor gate).
Gate Not (Not) Maths > Operations
Perform boolean negation (Not gate).
Carve () Util
Perform boolean operations on two meshes using the Carve library.
Mass Addition (MA) Maths > Operations
Perform mass addition of a list of items.
Mass Multiplication (MM) Maths > Operations
Perform mass multiplication of a list of numbers.
Align Plane (Align) Vector > Plane
Perform minimal rotation to align a plane with guide vector.
Rotate Plane (PRot) Vector > Plane
Perform plane rotation around plane z-axis.
Series Addition (SA) Maths > Operations
Perform serial addition until a goal has been reached.
Cherry Picker () Util
Pick a single item from a data tree.
Project () Curve > Util
Project a curve onto a Brep.
Project Point (Project) Vector > Point
Project a point onto a collection of shapes.
Color Picker () Input
Provides a color picker object.
Value List () Input
Provides a list of present values to choose from.
Image Sampler () Input
Provides image (bitmap) sampling routines.
Pull Curve (Pull) Curve > Util
Pull a curve onto a surface.
Quadrangulate (Quad) Mesh > Util
Quadrangulate as many triangles as possible in a mesh.
Read File () Input
Read the contents of a file.
Rebuild Curve (ReB) Curve > Util
Rebuild a curve with a specific number of control points.
Data Recorder () Util
Records data over time.
Reduce (RedPLine) Curve > Util
Reduce a polyline by removing least significant verticies.
Settings (Speed) (Jagged) Mesh > Util
Represents 'Jagged & faster' mesh settings.
Settings (Quality) (Smooth) Mesh > Util
Represents 'Smooth & slower' mesh settings.
Clock () Input
Represents a 24 hour clock.
Calendar () Input
Represents a calendar.
Cluster Input () Util
Represents a cluster input parameter.
Cluster Output () Util
Represents a cluster output parameter.
Gradient () Input
Represents a multiple color gradient
Graph Mapper () Input
Represents a numeric mapping function.
Settings (Custom) (CustomMeshSettings) Mesh > Util
Represents custom mesh settings.
Deconstruct Rectangle (DRec) Curve > Analysis
Retrieve the base plane and side intervals of a rectangle.
Deconstruct Arc (DArc) Curve > Analysis
Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc.
Maximum () Util
Return the greater of two items.
Minimum () Util
Return the lesser of two items.
Pi () Util
Returns a factor of Pi.
Epsilon () Util
Returns a factor of double precision floating point epsilon.
Golden Ratio () Util
Returns a factor of the golden ratio (Phi).
Natural Logarithm () Util
Returns a factor of the natural number (e).
Factorial (Fac) Maths > Operations
Returns the factorial of an integer.
Simplify Curve (Simplify) Curve > Util
Simplify a curve.
Smaller Than (Smaller) Maths > Operations
Smaller than (or equal to).
Smooth Numbers () Util
Smooth out changing numbers over time.
Smooth Mesh (MSmooth) Mesh > Util
Smooth the vertices of a mesh.
Smooth Polyline (SmoothPLine) Curve > Util
Smooth the verticies of a polyline curve.
Area Moments (AMoments) Surface > Analysis
Solve area moments for breps, meshes and planar closed curves.
Area () Surface > Analysis
Solve area properties of breps, meshes and planar closed curves.
Exposure () Mesh > Util
Solve mesh exposure for a collection of energy rays and obstructions.
Occlusion (Occ) Mesh > Util
Solve occlusion for a collection of view rays and obstructions.
Perp Frame (PFrame) Curve > Analysis
Solve the perpendicular (zero-twisting) frame at a specified curve parameter.
Volume () Surface > Analysis
Solve volume properties for closed breps and meshes.
Volume Moments (VMoments) Surface > Analysis
Solve volume properties for closed breps and meshes.
Split Group () Util
Split a group.
Disjoint Mesh (Disjoint) Mesh > Util
Split a mesh into disjointed pieces.
Mesh Split Plane (MSplit) Mesh > Util
Split a mesh with an infinite plane.
Planar () Curve > Analysis
Test a curve for planarity.
Point in Curve (InCurve) Curve > Analysis
Test a point for a closed curve containment.
Point in Curves (InCurves) Curve > Analysis
Test a point for multiple closed curve containment.
Equality (Equals) Maths > Operations
Test for (in)equality of two numbers.
Similarity (Similar) Maths > Operations
Test for similarity of two numbers
Closed (Cls) Curve > Analysis
Test if a curve is closed or periodic.
Point in Breps (BrepsInc) Surface > Analysis
Test whether a point is inside a collection of closed breps.
Shape In Brep (ShapeIn) Surface > Analysis
Test whether a shape is inside a brep.
Is Planar (Planar) Surface > Analysis
Test whether a surface is planar.
Point in Trim (TrimInc) Surface > Analysis
Test whether a {uv} coordinate is inside the trimmed portion of a surface.
Triangulate (Tri) Mesh > Util
Triangulate all quads in a mesh.
Tween Curve (TweenCrv) Curve > Spline
Tween between two curves.
Ungroup () Util
Ungroup a set of objects.
Unweld Mesh (Unweld) Mesh > Util
Unweld (split) creases in a mesh.
Weld Mesh (Weld) Mesh > Util
Weld (merge) creases in a mesh.
XY Plane (XY) Vector > Plane
World XY Plane.
XZ Plane (XZ) Vector > Plane
World XZ plane.
YZ Plane (YZ) Vector > Plane
World YZ plane.
Point in Brep (BrepInc) Surface > Analysis
test whether a point is inside a closed brep.