Greek 101- Alpha Tau Omega
What are the IFC Fraternities at UCO?
Acacia, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Upsilon Chi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Nu, Sigma Tau Gamma, Delta Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
What was the first sorority?
Alpha Delta Pi (aka Adelphian Society)
What are the Panhellenic Sororities at UCO?
Alpha Gamma Delta, Sigma Kappa, Alpha Xi Delta, Tri Sigma, Delta Zeta, Alpha Delta Pi
Name the Three Fraternities in the Lexington Triad
Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Nu, Kappa Alpha Order
Who is the Chapter Officer?
What are the ATO symbols?
Coat of Arms, Flag, Badge
What was the First Fraternity, where was it Founded?
Fat Hat Club, William and Mary
What are four unique things about ATO?
First national fraternity, first fraternity founded after the Civil War, first fraternity not made in opposition or imitation, first fraternity founded upon Christian, not Greek principles
What are the specs of Alpha XI Delta?
Mascot is BetXI Bear, Light Blue Navy Blue and Gold Colors
What are the specs of Sigma Kappa?
Mascot is a Dove, Maroon and Lavender Colors, Motto is "Love the Dove"
What are the specs of Alpha Delta Pi
Mascot is a Lion, Azure and White Colors, Motto is "First, Forever, Finest"
What are the specs of Tri Sigma?
Mascot is a Sailboat, Royal Purple and White, Motto is "Faithful until death"
What are the specs of Alpha Gamma Delta?
Mascot is a Squirrel, Red Buff and Green Colors, 2015 Spring Sing Partner and Champion
What are the specs of Delta Zeta?
Mascot is a Turtle, Rose and Green Colors
Who are the three founders of ATO?
Otis Allan Glazebrook, Erskine Mayo Ross, Alfred Marshall
What was the First Fraternity with greek letters?
Pi Beta Kappa
What are the Non-Greek Orgs?
SBP, New Broncho Orientation, Winterglow, Brochothon, UCOSA, Homecoming Board,
Who are the two officers of Greek Life?
Sarah Watkins and Calyn Boyd
When and Where was ATO founded?
September 11, 1865, Virginia Military Institute
Why was ATO founded?
To unite the North and South after the Civil War