Greenberg Text: Chapters 16, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 (FINAL) Good Luck FAM :) lets go !!! <3

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Grandfather Clause

A device that allowed whites who had failed the literacy test to vote anyway by extending the franchise to anyone whose ancestors had voted prior to 1867. allowed people to vote if their father or grandfather had voted before Reconstruction

Alternative media

A term commonly used in advertising to describe support media

Prospective voting model

A theory of democratic elections in which voters decide what each party will do if elected and choose the party that best represents their own preferences.

Retrospective voting model

A theory of democratic elections in which voters look back at the performance of a party in power and cast ballots on the basis of how well it did in office.

Disturbance theory

A theory positing that interest groups originate with changes in the economic, social, or political environment that threaten the well-being of some segment of the population.

Iron Triangles (sub-governments)

An enduring alliance of common interest among an interest group, a congressional committee, and a bureaucratic agency.

Political Action Committee

An entity created by an interest group whose purpose is to collect money and make contributions to candidates in federal elections.

The governing structure of a county is called the

Board of supervisors

California's nonagricultural economy (be careful on this one)

Changed drastically after the Cold war

Much of the public perceives the Democratic Party to be



Political Action Committees, raise money for candidates &/or parties

What is the difference between direct democracy and a representiatve democracy

Representative democracy is one in which voters elect officials to make decisions for them, while direct democracy is one in which voters make laws themselves

Sampling error

Statistical uncertainty in estimates associated with the fact that surveys do not interview every individual in a population of interest.

Why do some critics fear that the UC and CSU system are moving towards privatization?

Student fees cumulatively now exceed state funding

Agents of Socialization

The institutions and individuals that shape the core beliefs and attitudes of people.


The legal right to vote; see franchise.

Party identification

The sense of belonging to a political party; in the United States this is typically identifying as a Republican or Democrat.

Political efficacy

The sense that an individual can affect what government does.

Political culture refers to (T)

The set of ideas and values Americans share about who should govern, for what ends, and by what means

New Deal

The social and economic programs of the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.

Nineteenth Amendment

granted women the right to vote in 1920

Greater education levels are strongly associated with

higher rates of participation in politics

Unpredictable water supplies especially during times of drought, have made water distribution a fierce battleground

between Northern and Southern California

Most california city governments are which type?

council- manager

One benefit of federalism is that it

permits states to create laws which reflect their diversity and culture

ADA of 1990

prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability cannot discriminate based on disability

Casting a ballot based on what you think a candidate will do in office exemplifies what theory of voting

prospective voting

What is a common complaint about the power of the recall?

the recall might be used against a competent, although unpopular elected official.

At what point in a persons life does political socialization occur?

throughout one lifetime

What kind of services do special districts provide?

specialized services not provided by other jurisdictions

What is an example of an issue-oriented organization?

League of Conservation voters

Social movement

Loosely organized groups with large numbers of people who use unconventional and often disruptive tactics to have their grievances heard by the public, the news media, and government leaders.

About 27 percent of Californians were born in other nations. Which are the top nationalities represented in California?

Mexican, Filipino, Chinese

A common theme throughout California history is that

Minority groups are the target of racism and expulsion during periods of intense economic struggle.

which of these is an example of the use of "Hard Money"

Money donated to a complain to buy television ads for the candidate

California's constitution may be amended

By both the pope and and the legislature, however all amendments must be approved by the people


A Web log, which is a journal or newsletter that is updated frequently and published online.

Why is it important for citizens a democracy to have good information about politics and policies

A democracy requires accurate information so that people can make informed decisions about their government

Literacy tests

A device used by the southern states to prevent African Americans from voting before the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which banned its use; usually involved interpretation of a section of a state's constitution.

A strong mayor council city will be defined by what?

A mayor with veto power over council ordinances

Which is the second step in amending the California state constitution ?

A simple majority of voters must approve the state ballot initiative proposition


A situation in which things cannot get done in Washington, usually because of divided government.

White Primaries

A southern expedient to keep blacks from participating in primary elections Elections in the south where only white people were allowed to participate Primary elections open only to whites in the one-party South, where the only elections that mattered were the Democratic Party's primaries; this effectively disenfranchised blacks.


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

Random (probability) Sampling

A survey technique designed so that every individual in a population of interest (e.g., the American public) has an equal chance of being included in the pool of survey respondents.

Which of the following has contributed the most to California's population growth?

Birth Rates

which of the following is the largest source of campaign donations?

Business groups

Divided government

Control of the executive and the legislative branches by different political parties.


Deviation from ideal standards such as representativeness or objectivity.

Federal Communication Commission

Federal agency set up to regulate media companies with an eye toward ensuring competition and protecting consumers.

Counties are funded primarily through

Federal and state revenue

Which example below describes a federal policy that directly impacts the state economy?

Federal water policies, as well as long drought, led to croplands in California's agricultural center being left unplanted

Which of the following is the most important factor in whether a city can incorporate?

Financial Viability

What is one advantage of fixed terms for elected positions?

Government cannot hold elections only at times that benefit those in office

In California ,African Americans have served the states in a varsity of ways expect as

Governor of the state

What are civil rights?

Guarantees of equal treatment by government officials regarding political rights, the judicial system, and public programs.

A tech-start up in California wants to challenge policies that prevent the company from recruiting and hiring gifted and inventive immigrants who are undocumented. What would be the companies first choice to achieve its goals

Hire a public relations firm and lobbyist to influence federal and state lawmakers

What is one function of the party label ?

It helps voters learn about prospective public officials

All of the following statements about Californias direct democracy are true

It is evidenced in the size of the constitution, which has grown considerably since the 1970's it has blurred the distinction between constitutional law and statutory law. It is easily amended and has been amended over 540 times since 1879 through referendum and initiative It allows even small items to be included, as California's constitution now contains fee schedules for permits during the three year phase out of gill net fishing

What is the role of the mayor in a council manager type of city government?

It is largely ceremonial and usually rotated among the council members

Jim Crow laws

Popular term for the system of legally sanctioned racial segregation that existed in the American South from the end of the 19th century until the middle of the 20th century.

Affirmative Action & Reverse Discrimination (bakke case)

Programs of private and public institutions favoring minorities and women in hiring and contracting, and in admissions to colleges and universities, in an attempt to compensate for past discrimination or to create more diversity. Bakke decision, formally Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, ruling in which, on June 28, 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court declared affirmative action constitutional but invalidated the use of racial quotas. The medical school at the University of California, Davis, as part of the university's affirmative action program, had reserved 16 percent of its admission places for minority applicants. Allan Bakke, a white California man who had twice unsuccessfully applied for admission to the medical school, filed suit against the university. Citing evidence that his grades and test scores surpassed those of many minority students who had been accepted for admission, Bakke charged that he had suffered unfair "reverse discrimination" on the basis of race, which he argued was contrary to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment. The Supreme Court, in a highly fractured ruling (six separate opinions were issued), agreed that the university's use of strict racial quotas was unconstitutional and ordered that the medical school admit Bakke, but it also contended that race could be used as one criterion in the admissions decisions of institutions of higher education. Although the ruling legalized the use of affirmative action, in subsequent decisions during the next several decades the court limited the scope of such programs, and several U.S. states prohibited affirmative action programs based on race.

Which electoral reform would make it easier to elect third party candidates to congress?

Proportional representation

Equal Rights Amendment

Proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution stating that equality of rights shall not be abridged or denied on account of a person's gender; it failed to win the approval of the necessary number of states.

Why has the quality of California's schools dropped since 1978

Proposition 13

De facto segregation

Segregation resulting from economic or social conditions or personal choice. Segregation by custom and tradition Unequal treatment by private individuals, groups, and organizations.

Why do most cities incorporate?

The country government is too far away and unresponsive

When the variability of individual public opinion is taken and averaged out , what can be said about overall public opinion over time?

The general stability and consistency of opinions indicates a rational public

How might the recent imposition of term limits and the role of money in politics affected incumbency advantage in California?

The incumbency advantage remains strong

New Deal Coalition - What was it, how long did it last? When did it collapse?

The informal electoral alliance of working-class ethnic groups, Catholics, Jews, urban dwellers, racial minorities, and the South that was the basis of the Democratic party dominance of American politics from the New Deal to the early 1970s. New Deal coalition. The New Deal coalition was the alignment of interest groups and voting blocs in the United States that supported the New Deal and voted for Democratic presidential candidates from 1932 until the late 1960s.

Suspect classification

The invidious, arbitrary, or irrational designation of a group for special treatment by government, whether positive or negative; historically, a discriminated against, visible minorities without the power to protect themselves. A legal distinction that the Supreme Court scrutinizes especially closely

Which of the following most accurately describes party organization in the United States?

The national, regional, and local parties often operate independently

How do todays Uc and CSU systems diverge from the original California Master Plan for Higher Education

The original plan called for an almost free higher education system

Pluralist Theory

The political science position that American politics and government is best understood in terms of the interaction, conflict, and bargaining of groups.


The proportion of either eligible or all voting-age Americans who actually vote in a given election; the two ways of counting turnout yield different results.

After the Civil War, Women's rights activists called for universal suffrage. What did they mean by this?

The right of all adult citizens to vote


The role of the media in scrutinizing the actions of government officials.

Due Process Clause

The section of the Fourteenth Amendment that prohibits states from depriving anyone of life, liberty, or property "without due process of law," a guarantee against arbitrary government action.

What position is considered to be the most powerful official in each party?

The state party chair

Median voter

The voter at the exact middle of the political issue spectrum.

Agenda setting

The way media outlets can affect people's opinions about what issues are important.


The way news organizations can affect how people think about an issue by presenting it in a particular way or situating it in a particular context.

Which of the following explains Californias tradition of minimal party loyalty to the two party system?

Their state constituion

Immigrant ethic groups have altered the social and political landscape in many California communities. Which of these immigration relations facts will impact future political decision in the state?

There are about 5 million immigrants who are legal resident but have not yet gained citizenship and cannot vote

California's demographics are best summed up as follows

There is no numeric majority, although whites comprise the largest percentage of the population, actions have surpassed one-third of the population, an increase due largely to new births in the state

Unconventional tactics

These are the more extreme tactics. arfare that is conducted within enemy lines through guerrilla tactics or subversion, usually supported at least in part by external forces.

Which of the following is true of interest groups

They can try to affect political policy by taking their case to members of the legislature

Inhabitants of unincorporated areas generally wish to incorporate because

They could fight new development

Why would third parties benefit form proportional representation

They could win seats without having to win a majority of votes

What is one reason for the continued success of democrats in electing their candidates to office?

They have selected attractive candidates who augmented their lead in party identification

Despite California's structural antipathy toward political parties, how do the two major parties attempt to create stronger parties?

They organize and promote clubs and caucuses

Democratic societies, such as the United States, assume that

government officials should be subject to the scrutiny and review of the media

A conservative in California likely believes

government regulation of business should be limited but regulation of personal behavior and morality is desired.

Which of the following helps explain why wealthier citizens are more likely to vote

Wealthy citizens are more likely to think they can affect the political system to their advantage

cities that are more homogenous use a ___ form of government that ___

council manager , exercises both legislative and executive powers

The Progressive movement in California from 1902-1919 primarily focused on

curtailing corruption of politicians and parties

In a time of ___ , voters are more willing to cross party lines


How could counties with large population remedy the problem of underrepresentation?

add additional supervisory districts

In order to address past discrimination and ensure a diverse environment in school, a university may institute ____ admission policies

affirmative action


allows voter to overturn laws passed by the legislature and signed by the governor

The applying the Framework pyramid in this chapter notes that one reason run control legislation is rarely enacted is that

although most Americans support gun control measures, they don not see these measures as a high priority


an election system in which the candidate with the most votes wins

Generally, what happens when a city switches to district based elections for city council ?

an increase in ethnic diversity on the city council

Americans level of trust in government

are lower than they have been in decades

Given current standards of popular reporting, which of the following tend to get the least media coverage

details of substantive policy issues

A state can exclusively determine regulations and laws concerning

divorce , location of infrastructure and education.

A constitution can be thought of as

establishing the rules to the game and what political actors must do and what they are forbidden from doing.

501 groups

groups that are exempted from reporting their contributions and can receive unlimited contributions

One of the greatest influences on the budget is Proposition 98. Passed in 1988 it

guaranteed that the funding for kindergarten through community college education could not be decreased

At least until recently, in the Untied States social class

has usually not played a central in political conflicts

Over the past several decades American's attitudes about government spending

have been mostly stable but have changed sensibly in response to major world events

One of the indications that the women's movement was successful was that it

helped trigger a counter movement to save traditional family values

If you were reading an article in Time magazine about public opinion on the presidents proposals to eliminate the estate tax, you should be attentive to

how the question was phrased

Why does the thing of an election poll matter

if the poll is conducted too far away from the election, the result may not be accurate

Some areas where the policy preferences of California politicians and voters currently conflict with federal law are

immigration, marijuana laws and environmental regulations

Californias budget process is primarily influenced by

initiatives, which have changed the procedures for allocating funds and paling the budget

What is an alternative method of election to the primary run off system that is used in state and local elections in California ?

instant run off voting

Voluntary associations that seek to influence government are called

interest groups

California's constitution

is one of the longest in the world

Californias economy is highly opened on its agriculture, which

is the biggest agricultural producer and exported in the United States next to

Which of the following media developments is both accurate and supportive of the case that todays news outlets have helped make the United States more democratic:?

it is easier than ever for Americans to Access a wide range of news sources

Which of the following statements about the budget bill is true?

it must balance revenues and spending, a result of constitutional amendment

Interest groups participate in government through

litigation lobbying organizing for demonstrations funding initiatives all of the above

The Progressive spirit is evident in local government in that

local elections are nonpartisan and include many different kinds of offices

The major American political parties are made up of

loose coalitions of individuals and groups

school districts

may be unified districts that educate primary, middle and high school students

Some scholars argue that it is difficult for substantial ideological bias to make its way into the reporting of major, mainstream news outlets because

news organization are typically composed of individuals with disparate political leanings, making it difficult for an individual journalism to independently introduce their personal biases into their reports.

General law counties

operate under a general set of state laws defining the organization of county government adopt mini-constitutions called charters make up the smallest percentage of counties in California all of the above

The function of a city includes all of the following Expect

operating the jail

Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

A social movement needs to have a supportive environment in order to Succeed. An example is the civil rights movement, which began when

overt racism among the public was declining

In a campaign, which group would you want to rely on for influencing party decisions and participating in major party events, despite not being part of the parties payroll

party activists

National convention delegates endorse a ____, a statement of their party principles, goals and plans

party platform

Republicans dominated politics until 1932 due to the ___ in 1894

party realignment

James madison and many of the founders feared the influence of "popular passions" on overwhelming the public sphere and infringing upon the rights of groups with the minority position. To curb this threat, often referred to as majority tyranny, one of the goals of the founders was to

protect ciivl liberties through a constitutional system

In a true democracy, there must be a close match between __ , government policies, and actions, at leas tin the long run

public opinon

Article I of the California's constitution

recognizes a right to property and privacy

Public policies do all of the following

reconcile conflicting claims on care resources establish incentives for cooperation and elective action that would be irrational without government influence protect the activity of a group or individual, promoting activities that are essential to government provide direct benefits to citizens

despite the tremendous increase in the use of the initiative

relatively few actually pass the courts have been able to make them ineffective many of the proposed measures conflict with other provision of law in California All of the above

Public policies do all of the following EXCEPT

remain silent on morally unacceptable behavior

Poll Taxes

required citizens of a state to pay a special tax in order to vote A tax to be paid as a condition of voting; used in the South to keep African Americans away from the polls.

In a democracy, interest groups do all of the following EXCEPT

serve only those with money

In a democracy, interest groups do all of the following

serve the public convey the wishes of the public to government on a specific policy goals help Californians organize to become more politically active allow anyone to join

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) rule that creating an intimidating hostile or offensive working environment is country to the law. This was a victory for women against

sexual harassment

Individuals cast votes on an intermediary elector to the Electoral College , which voters on their behalf for a presidential candidate. In this system

states with smaller populations have disproportionally higher influence in the selection of the president

Actions by the states that trigger ___ are this those that restrict the democratic process or discriminate against racial, ethnic , or religious minorities

strict scrutiny

an example of taking a liberal stance on an issue would be

supporting government provided health care

The function of a city includes all of the following

police and fire department regulation fo land use street maintenance utilities

The National Rifle Association (NRA) works to advance the protection of gun ownership for all citizens . The poetical influence of the NRA illustrates

the ability of a small but influential group to influence public policy

In arguing that every group in the American system has an opportunity to be heard, some point to

the many access points for influence at different levels and in different branches of government

How do the dynamics of most foreign policy crises affect media coverage?

the meed often regain from criticisim and simply report government statements

Media monopoly

the ownership and control of the media by a few large corporations

How can pricing affect public policy?

the public tends to evaluate political leaders based on the items emphasized by the media

Although gay and lesbian movements are more accepted because of changing societal attitudes, one of the major reasons they have not seen more success is that

they sparked strong counterattacks from groups such as Focus on the Family

Hyper-pluralist theory

too may interest groups so it causes chaos The theory that the government is weakened because there are so many interest groups

Which of the following accurately describes American attitudes toward patriotism and optimism about the direction of the country?

Americans express pride in their country but dissatisfaction with its practical ability to accomplish important objectives

Californias population is influenced by

Immigration topography geography agriculture All of the above

California's first constitution provided for all of the following Except

Direct Democracy

What form of direct democracy permits registered voters in California to place a proposed law or stature on the ballot?


Which area in California is seeing a large growth in population, partly due to housing costs?

Inland Empire


Inside or secret information given to a journalist or media outlet by a government official.

Why do some people favor charter schools over traditional public schools?

they can innovate more easily

Mendez v. Westminster

segregation of Mexican students violated equal protection clause of 14th amendment Mendez, et al v. Westminster [sic] School District of Orange County, et al, 64 F.Supp. 544 (S.D. Cal.,was a 1947 federal court case that challenged Mexican remedial schools in Orange County, California. In its ruling, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in an en banc decision, held that the forced segregation of Mexican American students into separate "Mexican schools" was unconstitutional and unlawful, not because Mexicans were "white," as attorneys for the plaintiffs argued, but because, as US District Court Judge Paul J. McCormick ruled, "The equal protection of the laws pertaining to the public school system in California is not provided by furnishing in separate schools the same technical facilities, textbooks and courses of instruction to children of Mexican ancestry that are available to the other public school children regardless of their ancestry. A paramount requisite in the American system of public education is social equality. It must be open to all children by unified school association regardless of lineage."[3]

California's first constitution provided for all of the following

separation of powers

Under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Mexico ceded California to the U.S

527 groups

Tax - Exempt organizations set up by interest groups to engage in political activities

Conventional tactics

(adj.) in line with accepted ideas or standards; trite. Legal tactics to get points across such as legal protesting

If you were to invest your "free" time in a political activity would you select a political party or an interest group, explain why one over the other?

-Define political parties and give examples of a political party a political party is a group organized to nominate candidates and try to win political power through elections. Parties also promote ideas about public policies. Political parties ensure that the people rule because they only gain power when majorities vote for them, and majority rule is the key to popular sovereignty. Examples of a political party: Democratic Party(1932-Present). Growing out of the Jacksonian wing of the Democratic-Republicans, it was the first really broad-based, popular party in the US. On behalf of a coalition of less-privileged voters, it opposed such business-friendly policies as national banking and high tariffs. It also welcomed the new immigrants and opposed nativist sentiment. -Define interest groups, explain the difference between public and private interest groups There are two types of interest groups, private and public. Private interest groups lobby for benefits for their own members, such as a small business association lobbying for lower taxes for small businesses or a group of coal companies lobbying to weaken air pollution regulations for coal processing facilities. Most private interest groups represent economic interests. Types of private interest groups -Business Vast resources- large corporations do not need to join with other businesses to form interest groups since they have the resources to lobby effectively on their own. Most effective and well-funded of all interest groups. -The professions - such as the American Medical Association and the American Bar Association, Dentists, lawyer, doctors and accountants. Professions can make substantial campaign contributions, they are very influential in policymaking. -Labor Unions - represent the interests of workers that protect or benefit everyone. Animal rights, environmental, gun control, and pro- and anti-abortion groups all fall into this category.

Gender Discrimination & Sexual Harassment

-unfair treatment of a person because of his or her gender -differential treatment -unwelcome sexual conduct -a condition of employment -includes intimidation, bullying, coercing -Meritor case determined this harassment violates Title VII -people who are not targets of harassment can file a suit

Brown v. Board of Education

1954 case that overturned Separate but Equal standard of discrimination in education. Supreme Court case that rejected the idea that separate could be equal in education

What percentage of the popular vote is required from at least one minor party candidate for state wide office to maintain that party listing on the ballot in the next election?

2 percent

California has ____ counties; the largest of which is ______ and the smallest of which is_____

58: los angles: alpine

What is an office block ballot?

A ballot that lists candidates under a single heading of the contested office

Political Ideology

A coherently organized set of beliefs about the fundamental nature of good society and the role that government ought to play in achieving it.


A gradual reduction in the dominance of one political party without another party supplanting it. The party era that lasted from the late 1960s to the early 1990s that was characterized by a gradual reduction in the dominance of the Democratic Party without another party becoming truly dominant.

Electoral College

A group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president the body of electors who formally elect the United States president and vice-president

Political party

A group organized to nominate candidates, to try to win political power through elections, and to promote ideas about public policies.

Multi-party system

A political system in which three or more viable parties compete to lead the government; because a majority winner is not always possible, multiparty systems often have coalition governments where governing power is shared among two or more parties.

Two party system

A political system in which two parties vie on relatively equal terms to win national elections and in which each party governs at one time or another.

Aside from entertainment and technology, California's economy also relies heavily on which industry?


Electoral rules

An electoral system is a set of rules that determines how elections and referendums are conducted and how their results are determined. Political electoral systems are organized by governments, while non-political elections may take place in business, non-profit organisations and informal organisations. Electoral systems consist of sets of rules that govern all aspects of the voting process: when elections occur, who is allowed to vote, who can stand as a candidate, how ballots are marked and cast, how the ballots are counted (electoral method), limits on campaign spending, and other factors that can affect the outcome. Political electoral systems are defined by constitutions and electoral laws, are typically conducted by election commissions, and can use multiple types of elections for different offices. Some electoral systems elect a single winner to a unique position, such as prime minister, president or governor, while others elect multiple winners, such as members of parliament or boards of directors. There are a large number of variations in electoral systems, but the most common systems are first-past-the-post voting, the two-round (runoff) system, proportional representation and ranked or preferential voting. Some electoral systems, such as mixed systems, attempt to combine the benefits of non-proportional and proportional systems. The study of formally defined electoral methods is called social choice theory or voting theory, and this study can take place within the field of political science, economics, or mathematics, and specifically within the subfields of game theory and mechanism design. Impossibility proofs such as Arrow's impossibility theorem demonstrates that when voters have three or more alternatives, it is not possible to design a electoral system that reflects the preferences of individuals in a global preference of the community, present in countries with proportional representation and plurality voting such as the United Kingdom.

Advocacy group

An interest group organized to support a cause or ideology.

Which social movement, first appearing in 1999, is concerned with income inequality in the U.S and There world countries, food safety, labor rights and unfair trade practices?

Antiglobalization movement

Why might the Supreme Court find instances of affirmative action unconstitutional?

Any mention of race in the law is generally subject to strict scrutiny

What is the historical trend regarding campaign finance reform efforts in the states of California?

California passed a number of campaign finance reform laws, but there are always unintended consequences

The 2008 presidential primary and delegate selection created which situation?

California probably asked too much of its voters by adding yet another election making the June 2008 primary the lowest turnout in record

What was significant about California's admittance to the Union in the 1850?

California was admitted to the U.S as a "free state"

Why are California's fifty-five electoral votes important?

California's electoral votes comprise one-fifth of the votes necessary to elect a president

Which of the following could contribute to California's geopolitical significance compared to other states?

California's prominence on the Pacific Rim

In response to the failures to count each and every ballot in the state of Florida during the 2000 presidential election recount

Californians passed an initiative declaring that all votes cast in an election be counted

In sum, Californias constitution reflects

Californians skepticism of centralized authority

What condition must be met for candidates in local elections to avoid a run off election ?

Candidates must receive a true majority of over 50 percent of the popular vote

Prior restraint

Censorship of a publication

What differentiates a "charter city" form a general law city?

Charter cities have their own local constitutions, while general law cities follow state statutes.

Public interest groups pursue policies that yield outcomes that everyone including those who are not members of the group has access to. Which of the following is an example of this type of good?

Clean air

which of the following is an example of recent changes in the media to maintain profits?

Closing down foreign bureaus

Between 1941 and 1989, California's economy depended heavily on the __ industry

Defense/ military

Explain: what makes social movements successful?

Define social movements, what are they? Social movements in comparison to interest groups are more loose collection of ordinary citizens that have a common "goal"; how a social movement is more loose is the fact that they are not as permanent or organized as an interest group. Social movements focus on broad, societal issues and form and disperse as people feel moved to protest or advocate on behalf of a major issue. What makes a social movement successful ? What makes a social movement successful is the whole feeling equally moved enough on a social issue to protest or advocate on behalf of the issue. In addition, social movements rely on grassroots mobilization of large numbers of ordinary people to get their issue onto the political agenda. Therefore in order to organize as well as sustain a social movement, the people involved must have a shared sense of grievance with the status quo. Now that the recent Presidential Election is in the rear view mirror, and using your definition of a social movement based on your reading of Chapter 8; has Donald Trump created a social movement which swept him into the Presidency? Why or why not? Current President Donald Trump did not exactly start a social movement, but since is campaign till election day President Trump has rallied up many white supremacists with his very racially prestigious campaigning. With his campaign Trump made sure to appeal to the middle and upper-class whites by providing as much support and proposing many policies that would aid them more so than any other group of people. During his campaign also, there was many protests and marches that targeted other races, especially the whole "big beautiful wall" deal. Due to this racially charged "movement" Donald Trump was able to seal his presidency since he got the support and emotions from the people by scaring them with his constant speeches about terrorist attacks.

The ___ was the majority party in the United States from 1933 to the late 1960's

Democratic party

More voters in California are currently registered as


The dramatic increase in the number of voters who have declined to state a party affiliation is the result of

Dissatisfaction with the two dominant parties the realize was with which the changes in primary laws allows nonidentified partisans to participate C and D only

A new government policy imposes higher taxes on the sale of gasoline, and soon after many new interest groups are created supporting fewer regulations on gasoline producers and distributors. This is an example of which of the following in practice

Disturbance Theory

Which of the following questions has the most neutral phrasing?

Do you favor government efforts to reduce smoking?


Effort by an interest or advocacy group to influence the behavior of a public official. A person who attempts to influence the behavior of public officials on behalf of an interest group.

The qualifications for voting in california include all of the following except

English literacy

Political platform

Formal declaration of the principles and policies of a political party

The railroads in California

Gained considerable power and influence in the state legislature and the political parties eventually, resulted in amendments to the California Constitution led to a flood new people, diversifying the state and the economy helped get republican members elected to government to advance their cause all of the above

Which of these issues would a liberal in California most likely support?

Gender neutral bathrooms

The two types of structures for county governance are

General law and charter

The presidential delegate selection in California

Has occurred on a variety of days every four years since 1996 is a source of tensions because California's, as residents of the latest state , wish to have more influence in the outcome of the selection process B and D only

Which of these is an example of a practice that was made illegal by the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Having separate waiting rooms for whites and blacks at interstate bus terminals

Which of the following groups has most recently won substantial expansion in their civil rights?


California has been

Hostile to immigrants, passing initiatives restricting the use of languages other than English on official state documents and refusing social service programs

Interest groups report cards rate

How consistent legislators votes are with the groups goals

List and explain four things the Mendez v. Westminster and Brown v. Board of Education cases have in common?

In the early 1900s, Mexican Americans, or Chicanos, in California and the Southwest were excluded from "Whites Only" theaters, parks, swimming pools, restaurants and even schools. Immigrants from Mexico waged many battles against such discriminatory treatment, often risking their jobs in fields and factories and enduring threats of deportation. In 1945, one couple in California won a significant victory in their struggle to secure the best education for thousands of Chicano children. In the fall of 1944, Soledad Vidaurri took her children and those of her brother, Gonzalo Méndez, to enroll at the 17th Street School in Westminster, California. Although they were cousins and shared a Mexican heritage, the Méndez and Vidaurri children looked quite different: Sylvia, Gonzalo Jr. and Geronimo Méndez had dark skin, hair and eyes, while Alice and Virginia Vidaurri had fair complexions and features. An administrator looked the five children over. Alice and Virginia could stay, he said. But their dark-skinned cousins would have to register at the Hoover School, the town's "Mexican school" located a few blocks away. Furious at such blatant discrimination, Vidaurri returned home without registering any of the children in either school. In the 1940s, Westminster was a small farming community in the southern part of the state. Lush citrus groves, lima bean fields and sugar beet farms stretched in every direction from a modest downtown business district. Most of the men and women working in those fields were first- and second-generation immigrants from Mexico who were employed by white ranchers. Like many California towns at the time, Westminster really comprised two separate worlds: one Anglo, one Mexican.While Anglo growers welcomed Chicano workers in their fields during times of economic prosperity, they shut them out of mainstream society. Most people of Mexican ancestry lived in colonias— segregated residential communities—on the fringes of Anglo neighborhoods. The housing was often substandard, with inadequate plumbing and often no heating. Roads were normally unpaved and dusty. Westminster's Hoover School was in the heart of one such colonia and was attended by the children of Mexican field laborers. A small frame building at the edge of a muddy cow pasture, the Hoover School stood in stark contrast to the sleek 17th Street School, with its handsome green lawns and playing fields. The Westminster School District was not alone in discriminating against Chicano students. At the time, more than 80 percent of school districts in California with large Mexican populations practiced segregation. The segregation of Chicano children was also widespread in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The Mexican schools were typically housed in run-down buildings. They employed less-experienced teachers than the Anglo schools. Chicano children were given shabbier books and equipment than their white peers and were taught in more crowded classrooms. Perhaps the greatest difference between the schools, however, was in their curricula. While geometry and biology were taught at the Anglo schools, classes at the Mexican schools focused on teaching boys industrial skills and girls domestic tasks. Many Anglo educators did not expect, or encourage, Chicano students to advance beyond the eighth grade. Instead, the curriculum at the Mexican schools was designed, as one district superintendent put it, "to help these children take their place in society." That "place" was the lowest rung of the economic ladder, providing cheap, flexible labor for the prospering agricultural communities of California and the Southwest. At the time, more than 80 percent of the agricultural labor force in southern California was Mexican. An advanced education would only make Mexican Americans dissatisfied with farm labor, some white educators reasoned. As one school superintendent in Texas told his fellow educators, "You have doubtless heard that ignorance is bliss; it seems that it is so when one has to transplant onions. ... If a man has very much sense or education either, he is not going to stick to this kind of work. So you see it is up to the white population to keep the Mexican on his knees in an onion patch." But Chicano men and women had different ideas about their children's futures. Like other immigrant groups, Chicano field laborers believed education was the ticket to a better life in America, a way out of the heat and dust of the fields. Gonzalo and Felícitas Méndez knew well the difficult life of field laborers. Both had emigrated to the United States as young children. Like thousands of Mexicans in the early 20th century, Gonzalo's family fled political turmoil in their native country. They left behind a successful ranch in Chihuahua and found jobs as day laborers in the citrus groves of southern California. Felícitas Gómez emigrated to America from Juncos, Puerto Rico, when she was 10. The Gomez family led a migrant life, following the harvest from Texas to Arizona to California. Eventually, they settled in the southern Californiacolonia where the Méndezes lived, and in 1936, Felícitas and Gonzalo married. By that time, Gonzalo had a reputation in the county as a champion orange picker, and he commanded a slightly higher wage than other field workers. Felícitas, thrifty and resourceful, saved what she could from Gonzalo's wages, and in a few years the couple were able to lease their own ranch—40 acres of asparagus in the town of Westminster. The Méndezes were among the few Chicano tenant farmers in Orange County. Most Latinos at the time held low-paying jobs as field workers. Employment opportunities for Mexican Americans were severely limited. Discrimination prevented them from getting jobs in restaurants, department stores and even many factories, making it extremely difficult for them to advance economically. Both Felícitas and Gonzalo were forced to abandon their education in grade school in order to support their families. But they had higher hopes for young Sylvia, Gonzalo Jr. and Geronimo. And when Soledad Vidaurri told her brother and sister-in-law their children were refused admission to the 17th Street School because they—unlike her own children—didn't look "white enough," Gonzalo and Felícitas were outraged. "How could it be possible?" they wondered. They were American citizens. Gonzalo was naturalized just a few years before, and because Felícitas was born in a U.S. territory, she was a citizen by birth. Both thought of themselves as Americans and told their children they were Americans. For people of Mexican descent living in California and the Southwest, however, discrimination was part of the social landscape. Many parks, hotels, dance halls, stores, eateries and barbershops were off-limits. Mexican Americans were forced to sit in movie theater balconies. In many communities, they were only permitted to swim one day a week at the public pool, just before it was cleaned and drained. The fact that the Méndezes were fairly prosperous tenant farmers did not make them any more acceptable to the mainstream community. They were used to being told in restaurants, "We don't serve Mexicans here," and being informed by store clerks that they would have to wait to make their purchases until all the white customers had been served. "That's when you learned to walk away," Felícitas later remembered. But this time, Gonzalo and Felícitas Méndez didn't plan to walk away. They were ready to do battle with the Westminster School District for the sake of their children's education. Realizing other Chicano families in the community faced the same problem, the Méndezes organized a group of Mexican parents to protest the segregation of their children in the shabbier school. Together, they sent a letter to the board of education demanding that the schools be integrated. Their request was flatly denied. Gonzalo continued to petition school district administrators. Worn down by his persistence, the school superintendent finally agreed to make an exception for the Méndez children and admit them to the Anglo school. But the Méndezes immediately rejected his offer. The school would have to admit all of the Chicano children in the community or none of them.The Méndezes hired a civil rights attorney, David Marcus, who had recently won a lawsuit on behalf of Mexican Americans in nearby San Bernardino seeking to integrate the public parks and pools. The Méndezes also learned parents in other school districts were fighting segregation too. Marcus suggested they join forces, and on March 2, 1945, the Méndezes and four other Mexican-American families filed a class action suit against the Westminster, Garden Grove, El Modena and Santa Ana boards of education on behalf of 5,000 Mexican-American children attending inferior segregated schools. The Méndezes threw themselves into the trial preparations. Gonzalo took a year off work to organize Latino men and women and gather evidence for the case. Every day, he and David Marcus drove across Orange County's patchwork of vegetable farms and citrus groves, stopping in the colonias. They knocked on doors and tried to convince Mexican-American parents and their children to testify in court. It was no easy task. Some workers feared that their Anglo bosses might fire them if they testified. Or worse, they might be deported. But slowly the plaintiffs built their case. Gonzalo offered to pay the transportation costs and lost wages of anyone willing to travel to Los Angeles and appear in court during the trial. Meanwhile, Felícitas took over the daily operation of the farm. In the little spare time she had, she organized a group of local Latino parents to support the five plaintiffs in the lawsuit. Finally, the trial date arrived. Now it was up to the courts to decide if the Latino men and women who helped California's agricultural economy grow and thrive were entitled to the same rights as those who prospered from their labor. During the trial, defense attorney Joel Ogle pointed out the 1896 Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson gave legal sanction to racial segregation, provided the separate facilities for different races were equal. Furthermore, Ogle maintained, there were sound educational and social advantages to segregated schooling. The "Mexican schools" gave special instruction to students who didn't speak English and who were unfamiliar with American values and customs. Such "Americanization" programs benefited both Anglos and Mexicans, Ogle argued. But this educational rationalization for segregation was undermined by the testimony of 9-year-old Sylvia, 8-year-old Gonzalo and 7-year-old Geronimo Méndez. All spoke fluent English, as did many of the other children who attended the Hoover School. In fact, further testimony revealed no language proficiency tests were ever given to Chicano students. Rather, enrollment decisions were based entirely on last names and skin color, as evidenced by the experience of the Méndez children and their cousins. The racist underpinnings of such "Americanization" programs became apparent when James L. Kent, the superintendent of the Garden Grove School District, took the stand. Under oath, Kent said he believed people of Mexican descent were intellectually, culturally and morally inferior to European Americans. Even if a Latino child had the same academic qualifications as a white child, Kent stated, he would never allow the Latino child to enroll in an Anglo school. The testimony made the Latino men and women gathered in the courtroom to show their support for the suit wince in pain—and anger. Felícitas said later that she never forgot Kent's hate-laced testimony. "He said Mexicans should be segregated like pigs in pigpens," she recalled. "He said Mexicans were filthy and had lice and all kinds of diseases." U.S. District Court Judge Paul J. McCormick was also appalled by Kent's blatant bigotry. On February 18, 1946, he ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. In his opinion, McCormick pointed out segregation "fosters antagonisms in the children and suggests inferiority among them where none exists." Because the separate schools created social inequality, he reasoned, they were in violation of the students' constitutional rights. He also pointed out there was no sound educational basis for the segregation of Anglo and Mexican students since research showed segregation worked against language acquisition and cultural assimilation. The Orange County school boards filed an appeal. But dramatic social change was occurring on a national level following World War II, and Orange County school officials would find their position on segregation coming under increasing attack. After fighting for democracy abroad, Mexican-American soldiers balked against the rigid lines of division when they returned home. "How could America declare itself the leader of the free world, while it trampled the rights of its own citizens?" they asked. Latino veterans formed civil rights groups and demanded change. Around the country, other minority groups were waging similar battles. By now, the Méndez lawsuit was drawing national attention. Civil rights lawyers in other states were watching the proceedings closely. For half a century, they had been trying to strike down the "separate but equal" doctrine ofPlessy v. Ferguson, and they thought Méndez just might be the test case to do it. Among those following the suit was a young African-American attorney named Thurgood Marshall. Marshall and two of his colleagues from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) submitted anamicus curiae—"friend of the court"—brief in the appellate case. Among the other groups submitting amicus briefs were the League of United Latin American Citizens, the Japanese American Citizens League and the Jewish Congress. On April 14, 1947, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco upheld the lower court decision. The court stopped short, however, of condemning the "separate but equal" doctrine of Plessy v. Ferguson. The NAACP and other groups eagerly waited for Orange County school officials to file an appeal that would bring the case before the U.S. Supreme Court. But lawyers for the school read the writing on the wall: Mainstream public opinion had shifted, and the era of segregation was coming to a close. The defense decided not to appeal the decision further. An opportunity to overturn Plessy would have to wait. Even if it would not rewrite the law of the land, Méndez v. Westminster still had a significant regional impact. Like a pebble tossed into a pond, the legal victory sent ripples of change throughout the Southwest. In more than a dozen communities in California alone, Mexican Americans filed similar lawsuits. Chicano parents sought and won representation on school boards and gained a voice in their children's education. The decision also prompted California Gov. Earl Warren to sign legislation repealing a state law calling for the segregation of American Indian and Asian-American students. Seven years later, the NAACP did find a successful test case to reverse Plessy v. Ferguson. Thurgood Marshall argued the landmark Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka before the U.S. Supreme Court, presenting the same social science and human rights theories he outlined in his amicus curiae brief for the Méndez case. Former California Gov. Earl Warren, now a chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, wrote the historic opinion finally ending the legal segregation of students on the basis of race in American schools in 1954. In September of 1947, Sylvia, Gonzalo Jr. and Geronimo Méndez enrolled at the 17th Street School in Westminster without incident. Integrated schools also opened that fall in Garden Grove, El Modena and Santa Ana. Felícitas and Gonzalo Méndez quietly resumed their work. At the time, neither really considered the full impact of their legal victory; they were content just to have righted a wrong in their community and to have protected their children's future. In 1964, Gonzalo Méndez died of heart failure. Felícitas continued to live in Southern California until her death in 1998. Sadly, neither Méndez v. Westminster nor Brown v. Board of Education led to the complete integration of American schools. The long legacy of segregation has left its mark on our current educational system, and integration and equity are issues schools are still grappling with today. In Santa Ana, Calif.—one of the districts named in theMéndez desegregation lawsuit more than 60 years ago—a school opened in the fall of 2000 honoring Gonzalo and Felícitas Méndez, two civil rights pioneers in the continuing struggle to provide equal educational opportunities for all of America's children. Who are the plaintiffs? (Complaint) A person who brings a case against another in a court of law. The plaintiffs of this case were represented by Gonzalo Mendez since his children were not able to enroll in a certain school. In addition, the second plaintiff represented in this case included the Jewish American civil rights attorney David Marcus. Who were the defendants? (Defending against complaint) An individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law. The defendants of the case included the four school districts, their superintendents, and their school boards. Specifically, Westminster, Garden Grove, Santa Ana, and El Modena What are the facts of the case ... why was it filed? Why this case was filed was due to the fact that schools of the time in those districts were practicing racial segregation. Mexican Americans who were considered to be white were not affected by the prejudice, but Mexican Americans that were not considered white faced much prejudice which is clearly shown by the status of the school that they attend. For example, the "white schools" had electric saws, new books, and overall better quality classrooms, while the "mexican schools" were very run down with only a hammer, a manual saw, and a couple of planers. When was this taken to court, and which court decided the case? In April 1947 the court of appeals upheld Judge Paul McCormick ruling Which groups filed "friend of the court" briefs; Name at least four such groups...? National Association for the Advancement of Colored People American Civil Liberties Union National Lawyers Guild American Jewish Congress Japanese American Citizens League Who is the lawyer for the Mendez case? Jewish American civil rights attorney David Marcus. Two individuals played a role in the Mendez case and seven years later in Brown v. Board of Education, who were they? Sylvia Mendez and Aki Munemitsu When was this case decided? The case was decided in April 1947 What was the final outcome of this case? Gonzalo filed and won a class action lawsuit against (4) different school districts. He won again in the Court of Appeals (only because the Court of Appeals stated that segregation violated California Law). It ruled that these students were being separated unfairly, and this was an attack on their 14th amendment rights. Why is the Mendez case important? The Mendez case is important since it established how the American system of public education is socially equal. Meaning schools must be open to all children by unified school association regardless of lineage. Overall, the Mendez v Westminster case established that "separate but equal" is not at all equal.

How are states like California able to influence future national politics one same sex marriage, immigration and regulation of toxic chemicals?

If politics on divisive matters like legalization of marijuana are successful in one state, other states may enact similar legislation, prompting the federal government to respond

How can California prevent future economic challenges?

Improve accès to affordable housing and lower the cost of pubic college tuition.

Core values

Individuals' views about the fundamental nature of human beings, society, the economy, and the role of government; taken together, they constitute the political culture.

Political Attitudes

Individuals' views and preferences about public policies, political parties, candidates, government institutions, and public officials.

How do social movements differ from interest groups

Interest groups are longer lasting and more organized

Despite the concerns of the Progressives with regard to interest groups and their efforts to wrest control from them with direct democracy

Interest groups have use the initiative process to their advantage, bypassing the legislature to make law and influencing the voters

In trying a case of gender equality, which standard of review would the Supreme Court use?

Intermediate scrutiny

What enticed Anglos to settle in California in the 1830's-1840's?

Inviting climate and the spirit of manifest density

An initiative

Is a measure written by the voter and presented to the voters for approval

How did Proposition 13 affect cities?

It cut property taxes which were about 25% of most cities revenue at the time

Why can the Supreme Court decision in Brown v Board of Education be classified as a constitutional revolution ?

It deemed unconstitutional the very foundations of racial segregation and discrimination

All of the following statements about Californias direct democracy are true Except

It forbids voters from amending the constitution

Faction - Madison

James Madison's term for groups or parties that try to advance their own interests at the expense of the public good.

Who sized the land now known as California on behalf of Spain?

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo

just stuff to know

Just stuff to know :) good luck voter turnout: the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election Winner Takes All a term used to describe single member district and at large election systems that award seats to the highest vote getters without ensuring fair representation for minority groups super PAC a type of independent political action committee which may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, and individuals but is not permitted to contribute to or coordinate directly with parties or candidates. swing state a US state where the two major political parties have similar levels of support among voters, viewed as important in determining the overall result of a presidential election. Open Primary a primary election in which voters are not required to declare party affiliation. PAC a group that is formed to give money to the political campaigns of people who are likely to make decisions that would benefit the group's interests Plurality Rule electoral process in which the candidate who polls more votes than any other candidate is elected. It is distinguished from the majority system, in which, to win, a candidate must receive more votes than all other candidates combined Proportional Representation an electoral system in which parties gain seats in proportion to the number of votes cast for them. Prospective Voting Voting for a candidate because one favors his or her ideas for addressing issues after the election (forward looking) recall a procedure by which voters can remove an elected official from office through a direct vote before his or her term has ended. referendum a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision. Retrospective Voting Voters use the past few years to decide how to vote. In general, if a voter thinks that the country has done well over the last few years, he or she votes for the party in power. Jungle Primary A primary election in which all candidates for elected office run in the same primary regardless of political party. Also known as the "Nonpartisan Blanket Primary" or "Top Two Primary", the top two candidates who receive the most votes advance to the next round, similar to a runoff election Majority Rule the principle that the greater number should exercise greater power. Closed Primary A type of direct primary limited to registered party members, who must declare their party affiliation in order to vote. The closed primary serves to encourage party unity and prevent members of other parties from infiltrating and voting to nominate weak candidates Electoral Primary a body of people representing the states of the US, who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president. Gerrymandering manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class. Initiative a means by which a petition signed by a certain minimum number of registered voters can force a public vote 527 groups a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office

In terms of expenditures, the state spends the majority of its funds on

K-13 educations

Stuff to know

Know Recall (T) Recall - (T) who proposed the legislation and wants to take them out of office. (governor recalled.) Turnout - number of registered voters who actually turn out to vote (T) LAFCO - (T) (T) creates cities. (T) What did the progress do in 1909 - 1910 Final. (T) propositions. (T) railroads the new condition provided (T) . (T) california assembly is the same of rep (T) (T) De Facto segregation - (T) Midterm elections - middle part of the (T) important elections (not presidential election) decides the congressional seats. Choice of semester. Need to be partiupartoy in that. Prospective voting model (T) Election competition voting model (T) Brown VS board (T) responses for these. Theory of policing (T) Political socialization. (T) Override social movements may help create new majority in society (t) One anti war movement that most affected American politics had to do with this war - Vietnam War Which statement about social movements is not true (T) Social movements are often organized with sustained (T) In addition of existence of resources for mobilz for mobization the rise of social movements (T) - The free rider problem - some people don't join interest groups because they benefit from the group activities without officially joining . (T) Olson's law of large groups; o . At any points you can affect policy asking, asks how a bill can become a law. Gonna be on test How a bill becomes a law know for test . (T) Cluster of areas because only certain areas would give them lones. DE FACTO segregation (T) because they cont One of them is guaranteed to you in the constitution . The civil right has passed you in the legislation . not to be discriminated against. (T) Judicial philosophy (T) Know how resoevelt tried to stack the supreme court (T) Know the differences between Original jurisdiction and pelitie jurisdiction (T) Circuit courts aka courts of appeal (T) Presendece (T) 14 secretaries and one attorney general. (T) Know how a bill becomes a law for test (T) (t) devolution - moving power down from the federal level to the state level - regan. Main functions of the president (T) Head of state- sues the country Commander of chief- in charge of the military Chief diplomat - deals with other countries. Chief executive - executive branch reports to him. He prepares the budget. Head legislator - suggesting to congress both house and senate and what new law should be passed . he still has to respond to congress. (T) What do presidents do : Judicial review (T) - (t). Judicial review - gives the court the authority acts of congress as to its conditionality Political agenda = issues that bubble up and the states. It can be affected.

Amicus Curiae brief

Latin for "friend of the court"; a legal brief in which individuals not party to a suit may have their views heard in court.

Why do political experts despise the use of initiatives to set public policy?

Many propositions deal with complex issues that should be determined by legislative debate, not by a "yes" or "no" vote

Which type of city governance closely resembles the federal and state governments due to its separation of powers?


an interest group that grew out of the women's movement is the

National Organization for Women

Print media

Newspapers and magazines

___ is new reported with no evaluative language

Objective journalism

Critics of the media election coverage complain that it does not pay enough attention to

Policy positions of the candidates

Interest group

Private organizations or voluntary association that seeks to influence public policy as a way to protect or advance its interests.


Procedures available in some states by which state laws or constitutional amendments proposed by the legislature are submitted to the voters for approval or rejection.


Procedures available in some states for citizens to put proposed laws and constitutional amendments on the ballot for voter approval or rejection.

Electoral College

Representatives selected in each of the states, their numbers based on each state's total number of its senators and representatives; a majority of Electoral College votes elects the president.

Socially and economically radical movements that do not win popular support and instead arouse the hostility of political leaders may be categorized as ___ social movements


"Equal but Separate" - Plessy v. Ferguson

Separate but equal was a legal doctrine in United States constitutional law according to which racial segregation did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, adopted during the Reconstruction Era, which guaranteed "equal protection" under the law to all citizens. Under the doctrine, as long as the facilities provided to each race were equal, state and local governments could require that services, facilities, public accommodations, housing, medical care, education, employment, and transportation be segregated by race, which was already the case throughout the former Confederacy. The phrase was derived from a Louisiana law of 1890, although the law actually used the phrase "equal but separate".[1][better source needed] The doctrine was confirmed in the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision of 1896, which allowed state-sponsored segregation. Though segregation laws existed before that case, the decision emboldened segregation states during the Jim Crow era, which had commenced in 1876 and supplanted the Black Codes, which restricted the civil rights and civil liberties of African-Americans during the Reconstruction Era. 18 states had segregation laws. In practice the separate facilities provided to African Americans were rarely equal; usually they were not even close to equal, or they did not exist at all. For example, according to the 1934-36 report of the Florida Superintendent of Public Instruction, the value of "white school property" in the state was $70,543,000, while the value of African-American school property was $4,900,000. The report says that "in a few south Florida counties and in most north Florida counties many Negro schools are housed in churches, shacks, and lodges, and have no toilets, water supply, desks, blackboards, etc. [See Station One School.] Counties use these schools as a means to get State funds and yet these counties invest little or nothing in them." High school education for African Americans was provided in only 28 of Florida's 67 counties.[2] The doctrine of separate but equal was overturned by a series of Supreme Court decisions, starting with Brown v. Board of Education of 1954. However, the overturning of segregation laws in the United States was a long process that lasted through much of the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, involving federal legislation (especially the Civil Rights Act of 1964), and many court cases.


Separation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other differences

What is the most common condition for the formation of major social movements in American History?

Social distress

How do at large school board elections disenfranchise residents?

Some minorities may be underreprepsented

Success of social movements groups - what make them successful

Social movements are groups of people working together to get their message across to the institutional leaders, the media, and the public in order to promote or resist or undo some a social change. Social movements don't necessarily operate inside the usual political channels like interest groups do, and more loosely organized than interest groups are. The more that these three standards are met, the more successful a social movement is. The closeness of the movement's goals to American values plays a large role- the closer to the America's common denominator, so to speak, that the movement it, the more people will be inclined to join in and help. The movement's ability to win public attention and support makes a huge difference, too. The more people that hear the message, the better, and the movements that are able to gather public sympathy as well as reach a large audience are always more successful than those that don't. Lastly, the movement's capacity to have a favorable impact on the careers of elected officials, the better. If a popular movement has millions of members and a political decides to use their influence and reach to further the goal of the movement, it's very likely those millions of members will vote for that politician. Using the definition of "social movement" laid out by the text, 45 definitely created a social movement, and that social movement absolutely swept him into the presidency. His obnoxious, unfiltered, and completely unpresidential behavior appealed to the millions of people in America that are disillusioned with government and of the mindset that the people that make decisions in this are out of touch with the populace. His unashamedly racist, sexist, and xenophobic rhetoric appealed to the millions of this country that are also bigots, who don't think that equality is important or think that it already exists between all people that live here. The working class and poor rural white voting bloc is gigantic, and his targeting of them was strategic. By stoking their fears about being forgotten about/ignored by politicians and the rest of the country, echoing their sentiments in not acknowledging the gravity of the genocide and oppression our government has sponsored, and encouraging hatred against those who have been hurt by our system, he made himself out to be "one of them", and this was why the movement surrounding him was so successful.

What is the long term relationship between social movements and interest groups?

Social movements, If successful often turn into interest groups

A consequence of California's preference for direct democracy is that

State government is vulnerable to the whims of the public and the desire of special interest groups

Primary election

Statewide elections in which voters choose delegates to the national party conventions.

The protests that broke out in 1969 after police raided a New York City nightclub that was popular with gays and lesbians were known as the

Stonewall riots

Electronic media

Television, radio, and the Internet, as compared with print media.

Responsible party

The "responsible party" is the individual or entity that controls, manages, or directs the entity and the disposition of the entity's funds and assets, unlike a nominee, who is given little or no authority over the entity's assets.

Civil War Amendments

The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, known collectively as the Civil War Amendments, were designed to ensure equality for recently emancipated slaves. The 13th Amendment banned slavery and all involuntary servitude, except in the case of punishment for a crime.

What is the benefit of a political action committee (PAC) receiving funds from a nonprofit education and organizing group, called a 501 (c) committee

The 501 (c) committee does not need to disclose its donors right away

A major reform of the Progressives to divest control away from the parties was

The Direct Primary

What was the root cause of the Mexican-American War?

The United states sought expansion into valuably terrioty

Civil disobedience

The act of intentionally breaking a law and accepting the consequences as a way to publicize the unjustness of the law.

Public Opinion

The aggregated political attitudes of ordinary people as revealed by surveys.


The attempt by public officials to have a story reported in terms that favor them and their policies; see news management.

Proportional representation

The awarding of legislative seats to political parties to reflect the proportion of the popular vote each party receives.

Which of the following is a valid criticism of the Electoral College

The electoral college makes it possible for a person to become president without receiving a majority of support from the nations voters


The legal right to vote; see suffrage.

Generational effect

The long lasting effect of major political events—particularly those that occur when an individual is coming of age politically—on people's political attitudes.

In the age of the internet , which media organization (S) usually play the central role in gathering and reporting serious poetical and governmental news?

The mainstream media

The "fiscalization of land use" refers to what?

The prioritization of commercial developments that provides sales tax revenues over housing


The process by which one party supplants another as the dominant party in a two-party political system.

Political Socialization

The process by which we develop our political attitudes, values, and beliefs.

How might the fact that both major parties are structured with 58 county committees and a single state central committee affect a party ability to influence California politics?

The strength of the major poetical parties is severely weakened

What is the main characteristic of jungle primary?

The top two candidates receiving the most votes advance to a runoff election determining who is elected to office.

How did the Civil War amendments seek to address the calls for expanded rights for women and African Americans

They sought to politically enfranchise males, regardless of skin color, while failing to address gender inequality

Why were Asian immigrants the target of racism in California in the late 1800's?

They worked for lower wages and accepted very difficult work conditions

Pollsters try to interview samples of American in a way that ensures that each American has the same probability of being interviewed. Which of the following best describes their ability to achieve this?

This goal cannot be perfectly met in practice

De Jure segregation

Unequal treatment based on government laws and regulations. Segregation by law Racial segregation that is required by law

In a partisan race, to which group of voters would a candidate send mailers which do not mention party affiliation?

Those who have no party preference

What is a primary goal of California's current constitution?

To increase accountability to voters through direct democracy

With regard to education in the state of California

UC and SCU students fees will increase by 7 percent and 10 percent respectively for the the academic year of 2008-2009

Where do counties provide basic urban services such as safety, zoning, and road repair?

Unincorporated areas

What evidence over the last 50 years indicates that California voters grown frustrated with the two party system?

Voter registration among the two parties has declined

What is the relationship between voters and party leaders/elected officials regarding partisanship in California?

Voters are less tied to parties than they were in the past, while party leaders and most elected officals are intensely partisan.

Major social movements

What is a social movement? A loosely organized group that uses unconventional and often disruptive tactics to have their grievances heard by the public, the news/media, and government leaders How are social movements different from interest groups? Interest groups are long-lasting and more organized, containing permanent employees and budgets and utilize conventional and non-disruptive methods to push their issues. Social movements are whimsical and use unconventional/disruptive tactics and have no formal organization How are social movements different form political parties? Political parties serve the main purpose of winning elective offices for candidates under party banners and control the government and what it does over a broad range of policies. Social movements are not established nor concrete, and serve purposes other than just getting elected, but rather push for certain changes in policy/society What is considered the most important social movement in modern times? The Civil Rights Movement (1960s) The five roles of social movements in American politics - Are the political instrument of political outsiders - Are generally grassroots phenomena - Populated by individuals with a shared sense of grievance - Often use unconventional and disruptive tactics - Often turn into interest groups How are social movements the political instrument of political outsiders? Social movements often help people who are outside the political mainstream gain a hearing from the public and from the political decision makers --> their cause is brought to light What is secularization? The spread of nonreligious values and outlooks What is a "grassroots" organization? The most basic level of an activity or organization, typically comprised of "ordinary people" Why are social movements typically grassroots? Typically, outsiders that feel they have no voice in government lack the financial and political resources of more prominent people. These "ordinary people" will take advantage of what they have (numbers, energy, commitment) in order to move the general public/public officials to address the issues they bring up Why are social movements very difficult to organize/sustain? Because social movements tend to form when a significant number of people come to define their troubles in general social terms and feel that the government can be moved to take action on their behalf, which is a rare combination to occur Why do social movements utilize unconventional/disruptive tactics? These tactics help gain attention for movement grievances by drawing air time/media coverage The Abolitionist Movement - Social movement in the US with the objective to end slavery -most active in the northern states 30 years before the Civil War -Tactics included antislavery demonstrations and resistance to enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act (sometimes violent) The Populist Movement -Social movement made up of "disaffected farmers" in the South and the West in the 1880s-1890s - Against the concentration of economic power in the banking and railroad industries which favored larger customers - Their cause lead to the federal regulation of corporations (Interstate Commerce Act 1887) Women's Suffrage Movement - Active in late 19th, early 20th century - Goal was to win women the right to vote - Successful with the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920 - Used deliberately disruptive and unsettling tactics Labor Movement -Most popular during the 1880s, 1890s, and 1930s - Goal was to protect jobs, wages, and safe work environments for the working class people in the US -Demanded recognition of their unions, eventually forcing the Government to recognize their right to do so and represent them in negotiations with management Civil Rights Movement - 1950s-1960s - Social movement committed to nonviolent civil disobedience and mass demonstrations in order to end legal discrimination and segregation in the South Contemporary Anti-War Movements - Anti-Vietnam War Movement (1960s-1970s) - Aim was the end the war in Vietnam using mass demonstrations, voting registration, and nonviolent civil disobedience -Anti-Iraq War Movement (2003-2005) - Committed to preventing/ending the war in Iraq following the September 11th Attacks - Used massive demonstrations (Feb 15th 2003; 150 cities demonstrated) Women's Movement -1960s - Aims to win civil rights protections for women and to broaden participation of women in all aspects of society, economy and politics - Pushed for the Equal Rights Amendment, but failed to pass Environmental Movement -1970s to now - Encourages government regulation of damaging environmental practices and to raise environmental sympathies of the public - Has utilized violent and disruptive tactics, but depends more on legal challenges to business practices and lobbying organizations LGBT Movement - late 1960s to now -Aim to gain same civil rights protections under the law as other minorities groups and gain respect from the public - utilize lobbying, voting, mass demonstrations, and deliberately shocking actions Religious Conservatives - Extremely influential - Strongly religious people trying to infuse society and public policies with conservative values on issues like abortion, school prayer, educational curriculum, and same-sex marriage - Includes Pro-Life movement - Formed as a response to various other social movements (counter-social movement) Antiglobalization Movement -Emerged late 1999; Intermittently Active -Extremely diverse, includes people who are worried about the effects of globalization on environment, income inequality, food safety, labor rights, sweat shops, unfair trade, and national sovereignty - Most peaceful demonstrations but some have turned violent Undocumented Immigrants Movement - Movement by and for illegal immigrants who wish to give legal status to those living and working in the US illegally, allow more legal immigration from Mexico, and to increase American's understanding of the positive role played by immigrants in the economy Tea Party Movement - Emerged in 2009 - Represents modern day angry populism directed against an active federal government that, in the followings opinion, has takes too many taxed from hard working people and saddles the country with large debts for programs to support the "undeserving poor" and illegal immigrants Occupy Wall Street Movement - Movement almost wholly organized through social media - Preaches alleged economic unfairness, asserting the failure of government to do anything about diminished job prospects, stagnant wages, student loan debt, declining living standards, or rising income/wealth inequality while bailing out banks - Movement advocated actual physical occupation of areas, remaining relatively peaceful, but some areas resisted violently when ordered to take down camps due to Health/Public Safety concerns How do social movements make American politics more democratic? - Encouraging participation from common people - Allowing individuals without substantial resources to enter politics (overcoming political inequality) - Creating new majorities (bringing enough attention to a certain cause can create a shift in focus in politics, turning a minority into a majority) - Overcoming Constitutional limitations on change (social movements can bring enough attention to certain issues that will force politicians to act, thus bypassing all the hoops they'd have to jump through to bring issues to attention of they were to raise the concern themselves) What is a scope of conflict? Term coined by E.E. Schattschneider that refers to the number of groups involved in a political conflict --> narrow=small group numbers, wide=many group numbers What is mass mobilization? The process of involving large numbers of people in a social movement What are the 5 factors that encourage the creation of social movements? - Real or Perceived Distress (those organizing must feel as though they are being threatened/disrespected in some significant way) - Availability of Resources for Mobilization (typically backed by organization or donors) - Supportive Environment (the time must be right for the issue to be pushed --> i.e. Women's Suffrage only permitted at the turn of the century following their significant contribution to the War Effort in WWI) - Sense of Efficacy Among Participants ("I can make a difference" attitude) - A spark to set off the flames (i.e. Rosa Parks' refusal to give up seat on bus) Sit-Down Strike A form of labor action in which workers stop production but do not leave their job site Civil Disobedience Intentionally breaking a law and accepting the consequences as a way to publicize the unjustness of the law Do peaceful protests always succeed? No, although peaceful/passive protests tend to be more effective, some tactics/movements fail to strike a chord with the public Main reasons why social movements do not succeed - The movement's goals infringe upon American Core beliefs (Individualism, limited government, market economy) - Movement has failed to win public attention or support (not attention grabbing enough) - Politicians did not feel threatened or obligated to back the movement because they did not feel that their lack of support would cause them to lose votes and/or funding What makes a social movement most likely to succeed? - Has many supporters - Wide public sympathy - Movement doesn't challenge basis of economic and social orders of the country - Has the backing of major politicians True or False: Social movements often produce changes in government policies True True or False: Social movements do not try to bring about social change through collective action False --> they do try to bring about social change through collective action True or False: Social Movements always succeed False: Social movements are not always successful True or False: Social movements can serve as a tension-reliever for aggrieved groups even when major policy shifts do not occur True True or False: Social movements have an important effect on our political life and in determining what our government does True True or False: Movement ideas are often taken up by one of the major political parties as it seeks to add voters True

Explain the Electoral College: What is it? How does it work? Should it be abolished, changed or should it stay the same? Why or Why not?

What is the Electoral College? The electoral college was established in 1788 by Article II Section I Clause II of the US Constitution. The article specifies how many electors each state is entitled to have; since the electoral college is a group of people appointed by each state to formally elect the president and vice president of he United States. For the number of electoral college members/ U.S. House of Representatives each state is allowed to have is all based on the overall population size of each state. Which is why a census is conducted every 10 years. Why is the Electoral College Important? The electoral college is important since it ensures that the President of the United States is selected by the constitutional majority. Also, the electoral college is a very important part of the U.S. political system since its purpose is for all the states to have representation in choosing the president. Should the Electoral College be Changed or Left Alone? I feel that the electoral college should be stopped, as in no longer in "operation," since the reasons for the electoral college created by the founding fathers are no longer relevant, it gives too much power to the "swing states" and allows the election to be decided by only a handful of states, and the electoral college ultimately ignores the will of the people. When the founding fathers established the electoral college in the constitution it was based on the perception that the people of the United States are not as educated on the candidates running for presidency. However, now with the growing relevance of modern technology it is very easy for voters to make informed decisions. Secondly, the presidential election is soley based on the population of each state; which is very unfair to the rest of the nation, especially the smaller states since the presidential candidates would only care more for the larger states.

Questions from previous test ;)

Which of the following best describes the tactics used by the civil rights - non civil disobedience Which of the following factors is most likely to encourage the development of socal events - distress Interest groups originated with changes in the economy social or political environment that threat- disturbance theory Which of the following is not a key to a successful social movement - challenges economic and social order The theory of pluralism takes what view of interest groups They contribute to a well functioning democracy In what ways do interest groups influences policy - shaping public opinion, making campaign contributions , mobilizing members to phone and email. Which of the following most accurately describes what social movements do Shaping public opinion Which of the following most accurately describes what social movements do - act as social moments of change. Who is created with the solutions to the problem posed by in jsr groups - james madison The sense that an individual can affect what the government does - political efficacy Which of the following is not a characteristic of a social movement - they have existent financial resources Interest groups use different techniques to influence policy makes such as interest culture good public image to build a reservoir of goodwill with the public from which strategy does this come from? -Going public, All of the following factors contribute to the format and social movements except - private place in society An organization created for the purpose of winning election and controlling government - a political party An organization created for the purpose of winning elections and controlling the governing apparate known as potila party Fungi is considered very important to the guess of an interest group. An organization of people with similar policy goals that rites to influence the political process interest group All of the following factors the eagle movements to cooked expect - the lack of relationship to press the concerns of the population Decision making structures dominated by interest groups congressional exceptionally the IRon triangle Which of the following strategies do interest groups use to influence the federal courts - filing amicus curiae briefs. Creating New majority - shifting majorities Override social movements may help create new majority in society (t) One anti war movement that most affected American politics had to do with this war - Vietnam War Which statement about social movements is not true (T) Social movements are often organized with sustained (T) In addition of existence of resources for mobilz for mobization the rise of social movements The least effectively activity in lobbyist in congress Converting members of congress to the lobbyist positions All of the follo In addition of existence of resource for mobilization, the rise of a social movement requires two things - the right timing and the acceptance of the movement among elites A forming of labor action in which workers stop production but do not leave their job site - site down strike. I return for contributions political action PACS hope to gain - Access to officeholders In return for contributions PACS hope to gain - access of officeholders. Social Movement - Slaves were given the right after the civil war. Social movements push the status quo. Why the social movement successful. Help out politicians , exposure Appeal to the elites. Why do social movements make it more democratic - more people are participating. What gives a rise to an amendment - CAtalist a spark to being it up. Civil disobedience - What is the chief job of the news media - government watchdog What is the major object of the news - making profit What is the main impact of the internet of political news - Information is more readily available. What qualities an tem newsworth - all of the above. Cities of the media elections coverage complain that it does not pay enough attention to the - Policy positions of the candidate Agenda Setting - is the process of birth public attention. What is a standard treatment of the media under authoritarian regimes - censorship

What is meant when it is said that California is a multicultural state with a monocultural electorate

While whites make up less than half of the total population of California, they represent 60 percent of the electorate

One reason for the decline in the political power of organized labor is

a decline in union membership, and organized efforts by business to undermine union organization drives

In which of the following states can a voter take advantage of the same day registration?


Current movements for greater ciivl rights for various groups have grown out of the expansion of civil rights protections won by___

Women and African Americans

Which of the following statements about female voters is accurate?

Women make up a majority of the U.S electorate

Federal Elections Commission

a federal agency that oversees the financing of national election campaigns

Voting Rights Act of 1965

a law designed to help end formal and informal barriers to African-American suffrage a policy designed to reduce the barriers to voting for those suffering discrimination. 1965 Voting Rights Act- A law that banned racial discrimination in voting across the United States; it gave the federal government broad powers to register voters in a set of states, mostly in the South, that had long practiced election discrimination, and required that such states pre-clear any changes in its election laws with the Department of Justice.

The qualifications for voting in california include all of the following

a minimum age of 18 California state residency United States citizenship voter registration

What is public opinion?

attitudes expressed by ordinary people on various political topics

The New Deal coalition received broad support from

blue-collar workers

How could some criticisms of special districts be blunted?

by being more transparent

How can at-large city council elections disenfranchise certain voters?

by diluting the votes of ethnic minorities

The Occupy Wall Street slogan "We are the 99 percent" resonated with many Americans because it

captured the idea of the inequality of wealth distribution in the United States

What is the conscious refusal to obey a law that a group considers unfair, unjust or unconstitutional called?

civil disobedience

Guarantees of equal treatment by government officials regarding political rights , the judicial system and public programs are

civil rights

Multiparty systems are more likely to lead to

coalition governments

That states budget income

comes mostly from individual personal income taxes

voters in California are likely to vote in which of the following elections?

congressional state senatorial assembly Initiative All of the following

The Sierra Club runs advertisements showing how the building of a new power plant will negatively affect the air and water quality in local neighborhoods. This is an example of how interest groups can

educate the public to shape public opinion

According to John Locke, absence of a respected social contract is one of the hallmarks of a society lacking in

fundamental freedoms

Interest groups prefer to achieve their goals in the policymaking process by

garnering public and legislative support for an issue to get it passed by the Governor

Voting barriers - Poll taxes, Literacy tests

general disenfranchisement 15th amendment (1870) - extended voting rights to all citizens of all colors racism creative methods of disenfranchisement (1880) poll-tax fee imposed on voting accumulated whether you voted or not in each election literacy test must be able to read and write to vote A device used by the southern states to prevent African Americans from voting before the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which banned its use; usually involved interpretation of a section of a state's constitution. good character test/grandfather clause vouch for integerity white primary whites only democratic primary

Congressional elections are most often won by ____ provided that the economy is doing well and that the country is not involved in difficult foreign conflicts


Southern California's political culture is best described as

individualistic and conservative, reflecting both a backlash against communism and the opportunities for jobs in the defense industry.

The applying the Framework figure in this chapter considered the question . How does business fare on the Roberts Court? At the level of political linkages , this figure indicates that

labor union membership is at historic lows, while corporation are powerful forces in Washington

Which of the following is a primary function of political parties ?

mobilizing support for issues and candidates

California's primary elections are currently

modified closed primaries, in which those who decline to state a party can select any of the prays ballot providing those parties agree

What is amount the most important factors in winning elected office

name recognition

The applying the Framework pyramid in this chapter considered recent Supreme Court decisions regarding affirmative action. It illustrates how in recent years the court has

narrowed its application of affirmative action

interest groups have gained power in California because

of the relative weakness of the political parties in the electorate

Counties generally

offer park service to country residents operate the jails under the supervision of the sheriff operate the hospitals and inspections for health administer welfare all of the above

Many news outlets attempt to maintain a reputation for quality reporting in an attempt to keep profit margins high. Which of the following methods was discussed in this chapter as a way news organization try to encourage that kind of reputation?

present stories in a way that tis consistent with the dominant belief system of the audience

Over time, the buildup of special protections, privileges, and treatments in society result in

resistance of change

Passed in 1978 , Proposition 13

rolled back property taxes and severely limited their future growth responded to the inflation of the 1970s that escalated taxes changed the source of school district funding from largely state and local tax sources to state and federal resources A,B,C (E)

Public Opinion Polls

scientific instruments for measuring public opinion devices that attempt to collect information by asking people questions

In the Federalist No 10 James Madison addresses

the "mischief of factions"

In terms of economic policy, California's process of allocation is complicated by

the grants California receives from the federal government in order to implement programs and politics the United states Congress has passed

From where do school districts receive most of their funding?

the state

The principal organizing structure of the portal parties in California is

the state central committee

Elite Theory

theory that upper class elites exercise great influence over public policy

The initiative process is popular with interest groups because

there are limits to the amounts interest groups may contribute to candidate coma pings but not to initiative campaigns

What is the annual limit on independent expenditures by parties and interest groups

there is no limit

which of the follow his true about Both political parties and interest groups?

they are interest in seeing certain candidates elected

moralistic culture is best described as

viewing the political arena as a commonwealth, where citizens are expected to participate for the good of every individual and society

Who votes...?

voting legitimizes government, main way most people participate politically voter turnout has decreased since 1960 Data Sources The current population survey costs and benefits of voting instrumental benefit motivates the voter, expressive motivations (feeling of doing ones duty), costs can discourage some people 5 common variables education, occupation, income, age, and marital status OLS (ordinary least squares regression) the best way to test the costs and benefits of voting, these authors use probit analysis Who Votes written by Wolfinger and Rosenstone 1980 socioeconomic status education, income, and occupation tied together income and education relationship small with the youth, grows stronger with age Verba, Nie, and Kim are wrong 1. 3 variables aren't equally related to turnout 2. their effect is not additive 3. relationships not always linear; therefore need to treat 3 separate variables differently and not as an overall socioeconomic category education the strongest variable in regards to turnout; find a very strong relationship to turnout; it increases the moral pressure to vote (1972 NES; higher of this cuts the cost of voting Milbrath and Goel say education doesnt a consistent impact on turnout WRONG Higher Income People Vote 1. desperately poor people preoccupied by the struggle to keep body and soul together 2. well-to-do people acquire interests and skills that lead to political involvement through their jobs 3. income determines neighborhood and pressures to vote 4. someone who is materially successful still has high turnout b/c they are keen 5. rich people have a bigger stake in the system probit analysis method towards determining age and sex, controlling for effects of other variables marriage leads to higher turnout, most influence on older/uneducated voters age increases turnout, has greatest effect on those with least schooling and the young states determine registration laws, only some limitations in the constitution 2 propositions 1. turnout will be lower when there are more obstacles 2. variations in difficulty of registering effects the least educated the most state suffrage laws (1960-1973) poll taxes, literacy tests, permanent or periodic registration, purging for non voting, residency requirements, closing date, regular office hours, evening and saturday registration, county city or neighborhood offices, deputy registrars, absentee registration southerners less educated and less expected to vote, effect of registration laws race results from probit show that is has no effect from registration laws registration laws states should adopt these, turnout increase of 9.1%, eliminate closing dates, opening registration offices during the fory hour work week, opening registration offices in the evening or on saturday, permitting absentee registration for the sick, disabled, or absent south would have to make the biggest changes, have the most restrictive laws, those most affected are the less educated and poor democrats registration laws would not result in a major difference for this group registration increases the cost of voting blacks lower turnout in both north and south, younger are less educated, increased turnout from this group would not make much of a difference in overall turnout hispanics little research done on this groups voter turnout chicanos when other things held constant, these hispanics 3% more likely to vote puerto ricans hispanics that are automatically allowed to vote but less likely to vote regional memory strongest for older southerners government employees understand immediacy of an election, vote at a very high rate, deal with election issues on a daily basis, dont want opposiing candidate to win, fastest growing segment of labor force free time not important for an increase in voting underrepresented americans with other disadavantages such as the poor, uneducated, and racial minorities better off country is this if least interested and less informed do not vote

Concern about civil rights protections for women and racial minorities ___

was a comparatively late development in the U.S and most jar advances were not evident until well into the twentieth century

Article II of California's constitution

was added in 1911 as a result of the corruption of the political parties and the state government to establish the initiative, referendum and recall

Gray Davis, reelected to serve as governor of California in 2002

was recalled by the voters the very next year, who also selected arnold Schwarzenegger on the same ballot

The heavy reliance on official sources means that government officials may often be able to substantially affect

what journalist report and how they report it

Unlike public interest groups, private interest groups

work to achieve benefits only for their members

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