Gta 5
Story Mode
First Name: Chop Nick Name: Chopper Breed: Root Grinder Chop is a very strong dog.
Franklin Clintin
First Name: Franklin Last Name: Clintin Short Name: F Raise:Black Special Ability: drive in slow motion for a sertin amout of time. Franklin thinks he is surrounded by a bunch of idiots from the hood
First Name: Michel Last Name He Used To Have: Townly Last Name he has know: DeSanta Nick Name: Mikey (lol that my nick name!!!) Short Name: M Raise:White Special Ability: shoot in slow motion for a sertin amout of time. Michel is a Proffesinol Bank Robber.
Trevor Phillips
First Name: Trevor Last Name: Phillips Short Name: T Raise: White Special Ability: makes him invincible for a certain amount of time. Trevor is a Proffesinol Killer. Trevor is crazy. Trevor does really crazy stuff. Trevor has really crazy ideas. One time Trevor did a very crazy heist before.
Gta 5
Grand Theft Auto 5 A Rated M game
5 star
This is a wanted level. This is the hardest wanted level. When you get this wanted level a lot of cops, helicopters, and members from the S.W.A.T. Team come at you and the have very strong weapons.
2 stars
This is a wanted level. This wanted level is harder then 1 star wanted level. When you get this 2 stars wanted level a lot of cops come at you. To get this wanted level you have to steal a cop car, blow up a cop car, shot a cop car, point a gun at a cop car, shoot a cop.
3 star
This is a wanted level. This wanted level is harder then 2 star wanted level. When you get this wanted level cops come at you and helicopters come at you. To get get this wanted level you have to kill a cop, rob a store, punch a cop, break in prison, break out prison, break in the air port and blow up Hollywood truck.
4 star
This is a wanted level. This wanted level is harder then 3 star wanted level. When you get this wanted level cops, helicopters, and the S.W.A.T. Team comes at you. If you break in to the millatery base only the army, the guards, and air support will come at you no other police force will come at you.
1 star
This is a wanted level. When you get this 1 star wanted level cops with come at you. To get this wanted level you have to punch someone, kill someone, point a gun at someone, punch a velical , blow up a veacul, blow up someone, blow up a gas tank, cause a explosion, shot someone, shot a vealcol, steal a veacol, break in to a private boat.