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(adj.) associated by chance and not an integral part Mnemonics : • sounds like adventurous.. when u go for adventure then something happens accidental..or by chance.


(adj.) in an opposing direction; contrary; inauspicious; untoward. Mnemonics : • adverse ~ ad-worse, (adding worse) : something which is contrary to your interests or welfare can only make your situation worse


(noun) a stroke of ill fortune; a calamitous event; (noun) a state of misfortune or affliction; hard knocks; hardships. Mnemonics : • ad-worse, when the conditions are worst, its your misfortune


(noun) active support of an idea or cause etc.; especially the act of pleading or arguing for something; protagonism. Mnemonics : • advocacy ~ advocate; advocate always supports his client


(noun) servile flattery; exaggerated and hypocritical praise Mnemonics : adulation ~ ad + u + late; To act in an ad (advertisement) you came late, so producer became furious...in order to cool him you need to FLATTER him.


(of a condition) wretched; as low as possible; lacking pride; very humble; showing lack of self-respect; Mnemonics: Abject sounds like REJECT. Poor people are like REJECTED people in the society.


(of the senses) sharp; quickly perceptive; keen; penetrating; brief and severe; Mnemonics: acute angle is angle less than 90 degree...so angles with small measurement will have SHARP vertex.


(verb) corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones;debase, dilute, load, stretch. Mnemonics : when a child becomes adult he loses his purity and innocence...so any thing adulterated is contaminated or has lost its purity.


Advertisement; advertise; bring up; cite; name; refer; mention; allude; touch.; attend; give ear; hang; pay heed. Mnemonics : • advertisement.. it sounds like that.. so ads refer to a product`


Coming;(Christian theology) the reappearance of Jesus as judge for the Last Judgment;parousia; (noun) the season including the four Sundays preceding Christmas Mnemonics : • advent ~ d(ad) + went : assume that if you call your dad's office to know the arrival of your father the office boy says.....your dad(AD) went(vent) to home...that means he is arriving.


Someone who offers opposition; antagonist; opponent; opposer;resister. Mnemonics : • concentrate on ADVERSE : one who gives us adverse effects i.e. opponents


To leave secretly Mnemonics: Abscond = ab + scond. ??Absent in a second??. When you will absent in a second? =when u STEAL OFF & HIDE, or when u DEPART secretly.


To reduce in amount; Put an end to; subside or moderate Mnemonics : ab+ate , conc on ate, if u ate (spent) all ur money , ur property comes to an end (abate)


abnormal or deviant Mnemonics: ab (away) + err (error) + ant : focus on ERR and ANT. Ants normally move together in a queue. imagine all these ants moving randomly like a group of honey bees. That would be abnormal behaviour.


abolish Mnemonics: Imagine a boy is making sighs to a girl standing in front of her GATE,seeing that her BRO comes & get rid of the boy (abolish)


addition; appendix to book; something that is added (as at the end of a speech or book) Mnemonics: add+end+um...anything added in the end of the book.


additional object; useful but not essential thing Mnemonics: access(EXCESS)+ory(ornaments)..SO you have got excess of ornaments ,which are not very essential for you,as your clothes,then why do you buy this?


adjoining; neighboring; close by Mnemonics: adjust+end.. adjust him at the end of our queue.. he is our neighbor


adjust to climate or environment; adapt Mnemonics: ac+climate : according to the climate; You have to adapt yourself according to the climate change.


agree Mnemonics: ac+cede( means to yield)..so accede means to yield to somebody's opinion or wish.


agreement Mnemonics: sounds like ACC(ACCORDING)+cord(record)...well ACCORDING TO our RECORDS we are in agreement with our investors ,as where to invest their money.


applaud; praise; greet with great approval; announce with great approval; Mnemonics: A+claim..imagine you have claimed to a news channel that you have designed a super computer ,so every where people are praising you for your great invention


approach and speak first to a person Mnemonics: accost ~ sounds like at any cost. I will approach first and speak to her at any cost.


assent; agree passively; comply without protest Mnemonics: ac+QUIE+s..concentrate on the part quie. and remember quiet..and yes which means submissive.. or imagine some1 who is quiet will say yes or agree without any protest


assist usually in doing something wrong; encourage Mnemonics: a+bet a bet generally assists you to do something wrong


award of merit; strong praise and approval Mnemonics: it sounds like chocolate.. parents accolade if kids do home work properly


be next to Mnemonics: ad + join ~ adjacent and joining;


being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native; indigenous;N.aborigine Mnemonics: A+B+Origin+all : A-B are origin(initials) of all English alphabets. i.e.first of its kind


bitter (to the taste or smell); sharp; bitterly pungent Mnemonics: remove "r" from acrid, so now it becomes acid and acid is always bitter in taste and when smelt its pungent too


bitterness of speech and temper; ADJ. acerbic: bitter; acrid (in taste, manner, or tone) Mnemonics: acer( SIR)+bity(BITE)...well your boss(SIR) is using BITTER WORDS FOR YOU,what are you thinking??(man to karta hai KACCHA BITE (kha) jauo)


border upon; adjoin Mnemonics: Look at your BUTT (Dont take it offensively).Its like two pieces of flesh together marked by a boundary in between them ..Thats abut .


bottomless Mnemonics: a+bys(take dis as 20 i.e.bees in hindi)+mal(take it as mile).a 20 mile deep pit in the ground looks like its bottomless


calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics Mnemonics: actuarial sounds like factorial which implies doing calculation.


cancel; put an end to, get rid of. Mnemonics: a + polish (bolish): a polish puts an end to the dullness of shoes.


coarsely insulting; physically harmful Mnemonics: abuse+eve... don't abuse the eve, its very insulting.


come to one as a gain; accumulate over time; come about by addition; Mnemonics: sounds like AKDU(hindi...means haughty)....so a person becomes akdu when he gains a lot


complete; totally unlimited; having complete power; certain; not relative; Mnemonics: "solute" sounds like salute and we use to salute people certainly having complete power.


compulsive habitual need Mnemonics: add+action = if u add an action in your regular routine, once u will get addicted to it and that is addiction


condense or shorten Mnemonics: a+bridge : bridges can shorten the transportation time..


cutting off; separation Mnemonics: ab + scission = scissor scissor separates two things by cutting them ,so separation


decorate Mnemonics: adorn=ad(d)+ orn(ament). Addition of ornaments to a woman can adorn her body.


deliverance from a charge; V. acquit: free from a charge or accusation; discharge from a duty; conduct (oneself) in a specified manner Mnemonics: Sounds like accusation quit i.e., to leave something or someone ... or deliverance from a charge..


detest; hate Mnemonics: abhor sounds like "a *****" and we generally hate a *****....so to hate someone is abhoring that person


detestable; extremely unpleasant Mnemonics: AVOMIN (pretty famous drug) given when you feel a vomiting Sensation (which is an unpleasant feeling)..Associate avomin to abomin...


deviation from the normal; mental disorder Mnemonics: sounds like abortion which is not normal delivery.


direct a speech to; speak to; deal with or discuss; direct one's efforts or attention to; make with a destination; N: formal speech


dwell; abide by: comply with; put up with; tolerate; Mnemonics: bide in abide sounds like bind(something that binds you).....so abide means that fails to bind you from your heart..but you merely have to tolerate


dwelling place; home Mnemonics: abode sounds jus like aboard= a+board.boarding refers to living room or place


easy to approach; obtainable Mnemonics: access+able = by ACCESSING interner you will be ABLE to access online coaching.


embarrass Mnemonics : What happens when u get a bash? (bashing)..u get embarrassed.


enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit, an extremely deep hole. Mnemonics: A+bys....(this mnemonic is in hindi...ek 20(bees) fit ka gadda)..i.e. Vast bottomless pit....


equip; N. accoutrement Mnemonics: couture means dress ,accoutre means furnish with dress or equipment;to equip or to attire


expert at; very skilled Mnemonics: adept is close to adapt so an adept batsman like sachin adapt himself quickly on any kind of pitch.


fear of heights Mnemonics: a-crow, crow fly at a HEIGHT, phobia-fear hence fear of heights


growth or increase in size by gradual addition; growth; increase; increase by natural growth; Mnemonics: ACCRETION sounds like secretion which gives an idea of growth in size.


hard; inflexible Mnemonics: A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles can pass through it.


loathe; hate Mnemonics: omi here sounds like omit, we omit the things we hate


love deeply and respect highly Mnemonics: a + dore: if you adore your wife and she adores you, it means there is "a dore (a thread)" between you two that increases the love.

word : Abase

lower; degrade; humiliate; make humble; make (oneself) lose self- Respect Mnemonics : abase-abe(a slang used to degrade a person)+shhh(se)usually an attempt to degrade a person's opinion.Overall goes to humiliate a person.


make or become confused; muddle; drive crazy; become rotten (egg) Mnemonics: Sound like "a+ dull", and a dull person is always confused


make or become suitable for a specific use; alter; modify; adjust; N. adaptation: act of adapting; composition recast into a new form; Mnemonics: add+opt = opt for adding something new in u to suit in new environment


mental keenness; sharpness of judgment; ability to judge quickly and well; Mnemonics: acumen sounds like IQ-men.. men with high IQ have ability to judge quickly (has keen insight).


motivate; activate; cause to act Mnemonics: The senior actor, performed and motivated his junior actor. act - to - motivate,,thus gives ,,cause to act and motivate as synonym.


move faster Mnemonics: acc (acount)+ ele (element i.e. interest) + rate grows faster... and reaches to high level amount.


oblige or help someone; adjust or bring into harmony; adapt; make enough space for; Mnemonics: you accommodate someone when you provide accommodation, so you are helping him/her.


obscure; profound; difficult to understand Mnemonics: It contains "ab....use". ab generally stands for negative sense and so 'ab+ use' can be taken as difficult to use. A word will be difficult to use if it is difficult to understand.


pardon (an offense) Mnemonics: ab -solve . so you solved a dispute between you and your friend , how did you solve it by forgiving and pardoning him/her .


partner in crime Mnemonics: accompany + police; so accompany police implies helping police in reducing crime ; accomplice means opposite of this : partner in crime.


peak; pinnacle; highest point Mnemonics: Sounds like LAKME (face cream) whose products promise your beauty to reach its peak.


recognize; admit Mnemonics: ac(ACCORDING)+ knowledge...according to my knowledge recognized schools generally admit very intelligent students.


refrain; choose not to do something; intentionally not use one's vote; Mnemonics: ab+stain...we tend to stay away from stain.


related to a school; not practical or directly useful Mnemonics: academy+ic (is) = something is related to academy


renounce upon oath Mnemonics: abjure ~ ab (away) + jure (jury). He abjured (rejected, moved away from) her earlier statements in front of jury.


renounce; give up (position, right, or responsibility) Mnemonics : ab (root ab means away as in abandon) + dic (dictatorship) + ate (to eat and hence reduce) : means to give away (or reduce) dictatorship and hence to give-up power.


renunciation; self-sacrifice; self-abnegation Mnemonics: Ab-negate ~ relate negate to negative and ab to away. It implies subtracting something. Renouncing some important aspect of your life means sacrificing something.


restraint from pleasant things, esp. eating or drinking; Mnemonics: ab+stinence..(looks like STRINGENC(y)....MEANS sticking to the rules)...so your doctor has asked you to stick to the rule of eating only bread ,if you want to reduce your belly.


rubbing away; tending to grind down, harsh Mnemonics: abrasive..it sounds like aggressive,which means harsh behavior


science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in Mnemonics: a+co(couple)+stics(sticks)-a couple of sticks when striked produce a sound... producing sound relates to science of sound.


sharp upslope of a hill; OP. declivity Mnemonics: if u knwo that cliff is A steep high face of rock, then its easy to remember


sharpness (of mind or senses of sight or hearing) Mnemonics: acuity ~ a +cute; just imagine a cute girl you met in train who only have external beauty but doesn't have sharpness of mind.


shorten Mnemonics : abbreviate has root brev (brief) in it; brev (brief) means in short. Hence meaning of abbreviate is to shorten something.


skillful (in using mind or hand) Mnemonics: adroit ~ a + draw it : sounds like draw. for drawing something you must be skillful.


skin disease (on the face) Mnemonics: it sounds like LAKNE the duplicate product of LAKME... so dont use this otherwise this will cause SKIN DISEASE...


slightly sour (in taste or manner); sharp; caustic Mnemonics: ACID..(USUALLY SOUR AND BITTER IN TASTE)...so anything which include acid will automatically give you sour and bitter taste


solemn urging; V. adjure: entreat earnestly; enjoin solemnly Mnemonics: adjuration : ad + jur(JURY)+ ation : so a request or appeal to jury about something.


someone who advises insurance companies Mnemonics: actuary is who acts with insurance company


something attached to but holding an inferior position Mnemonics: we add junk food in our diet which is very poor or inferior in quality in terms of nutrition.


sparing in eating and drinking; temperate Mnemonics: abs (abs) + stemious (stamina): To build stamina or six pack abs, you have to eat and drink carefully.


staff officer assisting the commander; assistant Mnemonics: Sounds like sergeant,lieutenant in army , thus they are:an army officers who does office work and helps other officers


stick fast; be a devotd follower; N. adhesion: adhering; devotion; loyality Mnemonics: Adhere is relating to a adhessive which is used to stick or join two materials.so, the meaning


stinging; caustic; bitter in words or manner; N. acrimony: bitter illnatured animosity in speech or behavior Mnemonics: a+cri+moan+us...take cri as cry.....stinging bitter words hurt and moan us and make us cry


supporter; follower Mnemonics: add + her + in to the group .... because she is a supporter and follower of our group (disciple)


suspend until a later time; move from one place to another Mnemonics: add+journey to move from one place to another place


suspended action Mnemonics: it seemingly sounds like ab+yawns.so, think of something like 'students started yawning and so the teacher gave them 5 mins break' i.e.temporary suspension...


theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational Mnemonics: abstract: sounds close to extract....and you cant extract anything from an abstract philosophical speech or passage.


unsuccessful; fruitless Mnemonics: Relate it to abort..things usually gets aborted when it seems that it would be unsuccessful or fruitless


vinegary Mnemonics: acetic is derived from acetic acid..which is a week acid,which we generally use to make bakery products.


warn or speak to with gentle disapproval; reprove Mnemonics: to avoid A DEMON-ish act, a mother Warns her naughty child [Note: A face of a demon as the warning Sign]


washing Mnemonics: ablution ~ a + blue + solution; just imagine some blue color solution used for washing clothes.


wise saying; proverb Mnemonics: Adage ~ advice at age = when a person is adding in age (increase in age, old people) .. old people generally speaks wisely and use lots of adage in their conversation.

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