GWS 222 Midterm

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Female genital mutilation. The ritual cutting or removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Often linked to virginity and being faithful in marriage

Franklin S Richards

Leader of the church who championed suffrage. Said that enfranchising women was worth the risk to statehood Represented at the Utah state constitution convention in 1895

Benevolent Sexism

Less obvious. Kind of seems like a compliment, even though its rooted in men's feelings of superiority. It's when men say women are worthy of their protection or that they're more nurturing than men. Its restrictive

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

Mary Wollstonecraft Argues that the most important ability is the ability to reason, men and women are equal in that so women should be at the same societal rank. Women aren't getting the same education though, they are being taught to be appealing to men. This won't help them to be mothers, etc.

Lets Put Birth Control Back on the Global Agenda

Melinda Gates Argues that women just want to have the ability to choose. Birth control should be on the global health agenda because it will empower women and men. Having control over when they have them and how many they have will allow them to give their children more opportunities

Martha Hughes Cannon

Member of the Chruch in polygamist Utah First female senator elected in the US Doctor, authored the Utah sanitation laws and founded Utah's first state board of Health


Movie about suffragettes in the UK and a young women who joins the movement even though she faces violence.

Iron Jawed Angels

Movie about women's suffrage, Alicia Paul and the silent sentinels in America. Shows the hunger strikes and force feeding that took place


National American Women's Suffrage Association, lead by Susan B Anthony


National Women's Party, founded by Alice Paul

Susan B. Anthony

Leader of the NAWSA Arrested for voting illegally in 1872 and fined $100, which she never paid "Failure is Impossible"

Emily Leighton

A character who worked for suffrage against the wishes of her husband and who was married to a politician and had some influence over his political decisions

Silent Sentinels

A group of women in favor or suffrage organized by Alice Paul and the NWP. They protested in front of the White House during Woodrow Wilson's presidency. They protested without speaking a word for 6 days a week

Rural Utah Project

A project meant to empower underrepresented voters in the rural Utah through training, education, voter registration, and issue advocacy.

Response to the Poet to the very eminent Sor Filotea de la Cruz

A thank you letter that has an argument. Talking about women's education and saying that women enjoy knowledge and learning. The whole time she is downplaying her intelligence while also proving how intelligent she is.

Commodity Feminism

A variety of feminism that co-opts the movement's ideals for profit.

Sojourner Truth

African American abolitionist and suffragist First African American Woman to win a judicial case against a white man "Ain't I a Woman"

Ida B Wells-Barnett

African American investigative journalist One of the founders of the National Association for the advancement of colored people Traveled and lectured internationally as part of the suffrage movement

Elizabeth Taylor

African American suffragist Ran the Utah plain dealer with her husband Founded the Western Association of Colored Women

Carrie Chapman Catt

American suffragist and peace activist Directed the NAWSA after Susan B Anthony

Male Bias

Also known as male privilege. Not by men, but by cultures and societies. Our society is largely male biases, giving preference towards men. Often seen in the workplace with the pay gap

Melinda Gates

American philanthropist, co founder of the world's largest private charitable organization "Lets put birth control back on the agenda"

Alice Paul

American suffragist Broke away from the NAWSA and formed the NWP Organized the silent sentinels and was arrested and force fed while enacting a hunger strike

Jennie Froiseth

American suffragist and anti polygamist Irish immigrant who felt estranged from the church polygamy culture. Believed polygamist women shouldn't have suffrage Founded the blue tea literary club and the anti polygamy society

B H Roberts

Anti-suffrage leader representative at the Utah state convention in 1895 "To pursue this issue and adopt women's suffrage in the constitution will endanger its life...the elective franchise ought to be granted only to those individuals in a position to act independently, free form dictation..."

Maternal Morbidity

Any physical or mental illness or disability directly related to pregnancy and/or childbirth

Black Women Shaping Feminist Theory

Bell Hooks Criticism of the feminine mystique, saying that it leaves out non-white and poor white women, ignoring the women who don't have the same luxuries as a housewife. There are other women in the United States that are being oppressed and it is necessary that we speak up against this kind of oppression


Centered on, emphasizing, or dominated by males or masculine interests

The Danger of a Single Story

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Argues that telling only a single story leaves many people and stories out, gives false ideas of things and people, perpetuates and creates negative and/or incomplete stereotypes. Emphasizes how we are different rather than how we are similar.

Unraveling Hardwiring

Cordelia Fine Addresses the idea that society believes that all men and women are "hardwired". She breaks stereotypes that women are bad at math/science etc. She wants women to be given equal opportunities and to close the gender gap between men and women.

Symbolic Annihilation

Describes the absence of representation or underrepresentation of some group of people in the media

Edmunds-Tucker Act

Discouraged polygamy. Said that those participating in the practice would have their land taken away. Disincorporated the church, dissolved the perpetual emigrating fund company, abolished female suffrage.

Anna Howard Shaw

First ordained women in the US, was rejected from episcopal but accepted by the protestant MD from Boston University in 1886 Worked closely with Anthony in the NWSA

Seneca Falls Convention

First women's rights convention in the US, organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Held in July 1848 in Seneca Falls NY, launched the women's suffrage movement

If Men Could Menstruate

Gloria Steinem Talks about what the world would be like if those in power, men could menstruate. Highlights the male bias in our society and gives funny examples of how things may be different

19th Amendment

Granted women the right to vote

Intersectional Feminism

If feminism is advocating for women's rights and equality between the sexes, intersectional feminism is the understanding of how women's overlapping identities impact the way they experience oppression and discrimination

Breast Buds and the Training Bra

Joan Jacobs Brumberg Brief history of bras, started being worn by flappers, physicians encouraged women to wear them to keep their breasts from sagging so they started to wear them to keep their figure. Training bras were introduced and younger girls started wearing bras, which specialized them. It made them young girls in women's clothing, therefore signifying something sexual.

The Social Construction of Gender

Judith Lorber Discusses how gender is different than sex. Gender is constructed by society and we assign different traits to different genders and rank them differently. For humans, social is the natural.

Half the Sky

Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn Tells stories of women's oppression around the world and offers solutions. Suggests investing in women's education, and grassroots campaigns. Shows that there are solutions to the oppression that is occurring worldwide.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Nigerian Writer Why We Should All be Feminists The Danger of a Single Story

Emmeline B Wells

One of the earliest women to vote Asked by Stanton and Anthony to represent at the NWSA convention in 1979

Voting Rights Act

Outlawed the discriminatory voting practices adopted in many southern states after the civil war, including literacy tests as a prerequisite to voting

What's Wrong with Cinderella?

Peggy Orenstein Talks about young girl's relationship with princesses and dolls and how toys are marketed towards boys rather than girls and how those toys can effect girls later in life.

14th Amendment

Plays an important part in defining US citizenship. Says that anyone born in the US is a citizen and that states must give citizens the same rights guaranteed by the federal gov in the Bill of Rights. Gave these rights especially to women and black people.

Ruza Wenclawska

Polish-American suffragist, factory inspector, and trade union organizer Represented in Iron Jawed Angels

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

President of the NAWSA Organized the Seneca Falls convention Wrote the declaration of sentiments and the Women's Bible

15th Amendment

Prohibits citizens from being denied the right to vote based on race, color, of previous condition of servitude.

Rapunzel's Daughters

Rose Weitz Talks about women's hair and how it relates to romantic relationships. We use it to attract men, in relationships men can be very possessive and controlling of it which can lead to violence, and it can be a symbol of freedom by dying or cutting it. It can be very empowering for women but also cause problems in relationships.

Seraph Young

School teacher in Utah Grand-niece to Brigham Young First woman to vote under equal suffrage law

Ain't I A Woman

Sojourner Truth Demonstrates that she isn't given the same rights and most women and is often cases treated more like a man in cases of being worked and beaten. Therefore, she is seen as less. She argues that she should have just as many rights as any woman and refutes biblical claims that Jesus was a man by bringing up Mary and Eve

A Corporation in Feminist Clothing

Study done by Judith Taylor, Jose Johnson, Krista Whitehead Discusses the Dove real beauty campaign. While it is good that they are focusing on including a variety of people and their beauty, it is still unfeminist that they are focusing on beauty rather than other traits and because they are being "feminist" to make money

Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body

Susan Bordo Talks about diseases that are typically considered female, such as eating disorders and claims that it is logical that they are so prevalent in our society where women are given an impossible standard to reach. Women are objects while men are subjects. Talks about how women are portrayed in media and advertising and how the standards set are literally impossible to reach.

The Great Schism

Ta-Nehisi Coates Talks about the schism and how he feels sympathy for Anthony and Stanton. They were upset that they didn't get the vote, but it would be harder for women to get the vote. There wasn't anybody backing them whereas the republican party wanted black men to have the vote.


The beliefs or actions of people who advocate thorough or complete political or social reform.

Maternal Mortality

The death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination or pregnancy


The first state to allow women to vote. Partly because there were so few women that it wouldn't make a difference and it made Wyoming look better

McCarran-Walter Act

The immigration and nationality act of 1952. Allowed for people of Asian descent to immigrate to become citizens.

The Schism/The Split

The women's suffrage movement split into two factions over the 15th amendment. Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were against the amendment because women were not included while others supported it because it meant they were closer to getting the vote

Thinking About Shakespeare's Sister

Virginia Wolff Tells the story of Shakespeare's imaginary sister and makes the argument that even if there was a woman as genius and Shakespeare, she would never have the chance to be as successful. Her brother would be educated equipped with what he needed to succeed while she would be responsible for household duties and prepare to be a wife and mother.

Declaration of Sentiments

emerged at Seneca Falls; stated that "all men and women are created equal," that women no less than men have certain inalienable rights. Their most prominent demand was for the right to vote, thus launching movement for women suffrage. Document rejected on the belief that men and women should have "separate spheres" in society.

The Feminine Mystique

written by Betty Friedan, journalist and mother of three children; described the problems of middle-class American women and the fact that women were being denied equality with men; said that women were kept from reaching their full human capacities by being kept in the home and not being able to aspire to be anything other than a housewife.

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