Hair analysis

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Anabolic vs. Catabolic patterns

Catabolism indicators, in order of importance: 1. Na/K < 2.5 2. P < 14 3. Four lows 4. Very F.O. 5. SD 6. High levels of toxic metals & Cu 7. High Na/K 8. P > 20 Symptoms: · Injuries or illnesses that heal slowly · Increased fatigue or aging · Breakdown of any tissue, organ or body system · Reduced energy level or will to live · Psychologically, catabolism causes depression, discouragement, despair, suicidal thoughts More indicators, more likely catabolic. More severe the indicators, more severe state. Important because they're so common today. Causes of unhealthy catabolism: · Infections · Autonomic nervous system imbalances · Improper lifestyle · Long-term use of drugs or supplements. All steroids are very damaging, causing catabolism. Adrenal hormones can become catabolic by interfering with feedback systems in the brain that regulate the hormones. Drugs include birth control, DHEA, pregnenolone, progesterone, estrogens, & corticosteroids · Cancer · Impaired circulation, oxygenation, elimination or hydration · Hypothyroidism · Inability to properly utilize glucose for fuel · Toxic metals and some toxic chemicals · Cu excess · Many nutrient deficiencies · Intense psychological imbalances · Four lows · Aging, stress or a decrease in vitality Reliable indicators for catabolism due to mental development: · P > 16 · Very low Na/K · Severe change in Zn · Large change in Cu, or just very elevated Cu Good vs. Bad? No. The body must break down old, diseased tissues. It's a balance. Both are needed, at different times & locations. Too much catabolism is often a problem & an overactive sympathetic nervous system. It can also be caused by diabetes, infections, or other reasons. Spiritual aspect? To develop the subtle body, old patterns & body tissue must be replaced by ones of higher quality. Old tissue has higher toxic metals & minerals Fe & Cu. Tissue richer in Se, Si, Zn, & Li replaces it. The "lighter" elements bring more energy into cells. A unique process that only happens with enough nutrients & rest. 2 branch nervous system? Sympathetic system has a more catabolic effect because it's an emergency system. It uses lots of energy & stops digestion of food & elimination of waste. In this way the parasympathetic system is more anabolic. Mental/Emotional? Anabolism is a building up the mind, filling oneself emotionally with ideas & attitudes. Later in life one builds up spiritually. This requires letting go of old ideas, beliefs, attitudes & emotions to make room. Both are needed on a mental & emotional level for development. Yin Yang? Yin is usually catabolic while yang tends to be anabolic or balanced. Emotionally, the same is true. Energetically, yang causes development of energy centers. Yang also causes a healthy breakdown of yin tissues & some organs. Yang attitudes require the breakdown of yin attitudes. Improvements in society involve catabolism in a controlled and logical way. Yin change is illogical, emotional, or totalitarian. Somatids? Yang energy will break down old tissues called somatids. They're replaced by tissues that are tougher, more yang & longer lasting. Oxidation? F.O. is more sympathetic, so it's more catabolic than S.O.. S.O. is more stress-reducing to slow catabolism & prevent death. May be why children move into S.O. as they grow older. Four lows? Four lows is more severe than S.O., a later stage of catabolism, & a giving up resulting in faster disintegration. In most cases too much Cu isn't healthful, in some cases it's an aspect of mental or spiritual development. Elevated Cu helps breakdown old tissues & challenge old ideas. Often P raises > 18. It's a quick healthful catabolism, often repeated.

Deep In The Mud

Very low four lows + Ca < 10 + Mg < 2 + Na < 5 + K < 2 Initial test it indicates poor health Retest it indicates very deep retracing AKA digging deeper. Can be a replacement pattern, one usually feels quite well

Going Down Swinging

Very steep step down + Ca/K > 300 in women or > 200 in men

Inertia Patterns

1. Bowl 2. Ca shell 3. Four lows 4. P < 11 (reduced vitality, catabolic) 5. Step up 6. SD Overcoming harmful inertia: 1. Hill 2. Step down 3. Rise in toxic metals 4. Enhanced oxidation Changing old habits & overcoming chronic health conditions requires handling harmful inertia in the body & mind. Inability to respond to stress properly with negative feedback loops. Vector with a certain momentum that just tends to keep going due to its mass. Body is always in a dynamic state & can get "stuck" in an inertial "rut". Tthe body is always "moving" in many directions at once. The body is designed to be self-correcting, when this fails, deadly inertia can set in. High blood pressure, low blood sugar, low hormones, etc. The key component is a rigid quality, or inability to adapt perfectly. The person has lost a type of flexibility or adaptability. A structural example. One leg is longer than the other. After years one has compensated in the hips, knees, back, etc. When correcting it, the body will resist as there's an inertia due to compensations. Biochemical inertia. One is born low in Zn. Organs may hypertrophy & take over function of others that don't develop properly. Digestion weakens & may compensate by learning to overeat on some foods to get all the nutrients it needs. Less preferred minerals accumulate in some enzyme binding sites. Later on NB, one must both replace with Zn & undo dozens of adaptations. One may feel tired one day, anxious the next, until the process is complete. Lifestyle inertia. Habits, eating, & stress response take on a life of their own & must be shifted, to reverse health conditions. Personality inertia. Fixed ideas, reactions to particular stimuli or situations, emotional reactions, etc. Some become habitually depressed, anxious, or fearful. These negative traits, usually based on early childhood, nutritional imbalances, or traumas, create an inertia in personality that must be overcome to completely heal. Spiritual inertia. Not religious beliefs, but these may be a source of inertia. This is life planning inertia. Patterns set very early in life, or before this life. They're hard to change, & may take a few years of NB. Lessons to learn & challenges to overcome. Examples are an illness or disability to learn a lesson, or teach a lesson to another. A difficult relationship, job, children, etc. NB can help one's lessons be learned faster & better. FACTORS THAT OFTEN CAUSE INERTIA Age. Children have much less harmful inertia than adults. Low vitality. One with plenty of energy is quite adaptable, & does not "make peace" with infections & diseases. As vitality declines one can't adapt as well, becomes rigid & prone to health conditions. Vitality tends to resist negativity & mental aberrations. As vitality declines, negative thinking, low self-esteem, harmful emotions and other imbalances tend to increase and become more deeply ingrained. Medical drugs, hormones, antibiotics, etc. Some, particularly hormones, force the body & glands to function a certain way. They stabilize in a rigid, unatural way. Main complaint about bio-identical hormone therapy. It fixes glandular responses, when glands should be responding in different ways each minute. Herbs, vitamins or minerals. Incorrect ones sustain & worsen inertia. NB imposes a type of rigidity on the body. Minimizing this problem is one of the main reasons for periodic retesting of the hair. This can prevent the development of harmful inertial mineral patterns due to the use of improper diets or supplements. Pain or other irritating conditions in a person's life. These include physical pain, such as found in the joints, organs, head or elsewhere. Pain can also include psychological, social, financial and other types of pain or irritating conditions. The effect is to upset a person so much that they adopt rigid postures, rigid habits of thinking or behavior or various neuroses in some cases to minimize their pain. Rigidity is inertia. Keep children flexible in their bodies, thinking, emotional responses, & habits. Parenting styles often have the opposite effect & most schooling. Types of rigidity: Rigidity in the body. Joint pain, arthritis, stiff muscles, posture & movement, ligaments or tendons, reduced range of movement of the joints, vision, flexibility of the skin, bowel movement, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. Rigidity of the personality. Fixed ideas, neuroses or psychoses, emotional suppression, no control of emotions, fixations, projections, etc. Rigid habits. Diet, sleep, exercise, etc. Chronic disease. Ear infections, hardened arteries, diabetes, cancer, etc. One adapted to it & must be changed to overcome it. Peace is upset & ended to fight it thoroughly. Correcting individual loops to undo inertia at a low level. A symptomatic approach. Other symptoms develop later: · Not a whole-system correction. · Fixing one may upset other feedback loops causing unintended consequences. · Distracting & may mask serious problems. · Drugs reduce vitality/positive inertia. NB approach is to focus on whole system behaviors and attempt to undo thousands of faulty feedback loops and therefore make correction in millions of subtle ways at the same time. The Roy Masters meditation and positive momentum. This exercise actually sets up a new kind of momentum in the body. This energy slowly builds and, of itself, has a healing effect. "FORGING" HAS TO DO WITH IMPOSING INERTIAL FORCE ON A PERSON

J-Bowl or Ski Jump Bowl

Very high Ca/Mg + Mild low Na/K Backwards letter J. Stuck, but very determined to be well

Spike Pattern

A high level & the levels on both sides are very low. Common example: Cu > 2.5 + Fe < 1.2 + Mn < 0.01 Cu spike: intense fear & suicidal thoughts K spike: growing up pattern

Quantifying The Hair Analysis Patterns

Assess severity in terms such as single, double, triple, etc.

Ecstatic Pattern

F.O. + Double Hill

Four Lows

Ca < 40 + Mg < 6 + Na < 25 + K < 10 All 4 MUST be in these ranges Very rarely, four lows is a replacement, retaining them temporarily. Faux four lows - Looks like low four lows - Only on retests - Following the program faithfully - Good Na/K - Ca & Mg are higher in tissues than hair - Intervention - Doesn't need four lows program - Rare Main soul is unable to communicate with director souls that should live in the brain. They help in daily conduct of life. SITUATIONS: Initial test: Collapse & exhaustion, chronic, can last for years if not corrected. Retest only: Healing reaction, issues likely with parents. Not following NB correctly: On a retest because they're getting worse Rare 40yrs ago, mainly hard-driving business executives. Now common in all ages as young as 1. WARNING: If pregnant with four lows take 1 Megapan daily unless taking another pre-natal supplement. ANALOGIES (INITIAL TEST): A. Car spinning tires in a ditch & going nowhere, just wearing out the motor. B. Shut-down sequence. Preparing to slowly die. Can go on for years, not a quick death. C. In the tunnel of death, like a N.D.E. E. Boat in disrepair, captain can't sail it alone. An intervention to handle life's situations. F. State of collapse. G. Out in the cold without shelter. With chronic stress, Na & K lowers, Ca & Mg rises as protection. There's no protection. Correct by protecting with Ca, Mg, Zn & nutrients. H. Hiding. Don't want to leave because it's a brain fog masking other issues. UNDERSTANDING (INITIAL TEST): 1. Attitude or lifestyle. Working too much, hard on oneself or others, oppressed or very stressful situation, O.C.D., anger, fear, guilt, etc. Fixing this is key when on an initial test. 2. Yin. 3. Autonomic nervous system imbalance. Always reflects this. Stuck in mud they keep spinning the tires instead of trying another way of living, thinking or acting. 4. Stalled transition from F.O. to S.O. usually. Was in F.O. but the body can't sustain it. Na & K falls below ideal. They're not yet in full S.O. with elevated Ca & Mg. Resolves usually to S.O. Can involve a psychological transition. 5. A possible H-P-A Axis Disconnect or "Disengagement Of the Gearshift". Imbalance affecting the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Normal feedback mechanisms controling adrenal & thyroid activity aren't working right. Possibly excessive Cu, Hg, & toxins affect the glands & feedback system. 6. Separate metabolic type. While four lows on an initial test can be F.O. S.O. or mixed, it has its own qualities & supplement program. Another stressor is superimposed. 7. It doesn't respond to most programs. Often seeing many doctors with poor results. 8. Ca dysregulation causing hair Ca to remain very low. Vitamin D alone won't correct it 9. Priority. Only when out of it we address most other imbalances. Get the car out of the ditch, then fix its other problems. 10. Need taurine, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, tarragon, TMG & perhaps lysine only. Very important. PHYSIOLOGY (INITIAL TEST): Not a usual (Ca&Mg) vs. (Na&K) relationship: No 2 high & 2 low. Na & K show adrenal exhaustion, Ca & Mg show alarm reaction, a combination of stages of stress. Ineffective alarm response (stress theory): Exhausted, fails to push an alarm response & tires out. Adrenals & thyroid don't respond properly due to a mental/emotional factor, lifestyle, or attitude, toxic metal, etc. Standard approaches don't work: Most try increasing energy by raising oxidation. Raising Na & K tends to lower Ca & Mg, but is very dangerous so it doesn't & one doesn't respond or gets worse. Medical & holistic doctors give K, herbs, adrenal support, vitamins B, C, & E, & thyroid hormones to improve energy & lower serum thyroid hormones. It fails & makes one worse. SYMPTOMS (INITIAL TEST): Hidden Cu toxicity: All have a Cu imbalance, regardless of indicators. Fatigue: May not feel fatigue & function well with early on. May push it with stimulants, activities, & habits. Allergies: Likely from exhausted adrenals, low adrenal reserves, higher cell permeability, & more physiological imbalances & deficiencies Anxiety, irritability, insomnia, muscle tightness & cramps: From low available Ca & Mg Hidden Pb toxicity: Pb replaces Ca when deficient. Pb isn't revealed as it can't mobilize from tissue storage. As energy improves Pb appears. Toxicity with other metals is common. Impaired digestion/intolerances: Stress, low digestive enzyme secretion & Cu toxicity. Deficient gastric HCL is linked to low Na & K. Allergies often present. Diet, eating habits, & digestion are key. Pancreatin & perhaps HCL are important supplements. Degenerative diseases: After several years, heart attacks, transient ischemic attacks or TIAs, & cancer may increase. More symptoms of chronic fatigue, inflammation, allergies & poor digestion. Early & late symptoms: Often spend years in it & is hard to tell how long on an initial test. Early on, there may be few symptoms, fatigue & allergies are common. After years, any symptom can occur in advanced burnout. PERSONALITY (INITIAL TEST): Caused by stress: · Intense, productive, driven, critical · Work hard & don't know how to relax · Enjoy drama, may not admit it. Enjoy the sound of spinning car tires in the ditch · Unaware of how personality affects them or others. · Frustrated, negative & cynical. Given up, likely sought help without result · Have a death wish, not happy · F.O. personalities or stress seekers. Tired, can't hold the lifestyle & stay healthly · Compulsive & perfectionistic · Good people who've given up but not open to changing at deep levels Personality can be important to correct on an initial test. Aware of it, they make changes & respond much faster. SABOTAGING THE PROGRAM (INITIAL TEST) Run away from life with activities, worries, etc. Need slowing down, but scary & painful as old memories & traumas surface. Need self-love to face what comes up & realize they'll get through it, & release it. Some think they're getting worse if they slow down, & may fight the program. "The only way to get a car off ice is spin the tires fast, anything else is giving up". May take stimulants, caffeine, thyroid & adrenal hormones, herbs, or high-dose B complex. Slows progress. These may be okay once out of it. CAUSES (INITIAL TEST): To reverse four lows, it's helpful to know why: 1. END OF LIFE PATTERN Nutritional depletion, fatigue, & mental decay. Yeast & aldehyde buildup. Doctors subtly telling one they need to die soon, can't be rebuilt with drugs. 7th energy center closes & life ends. Age 55-70, or very ill people. Reverse death wish & revive a desire to live. 2. LIFESTYLE CAVE IN Overwhelmed by stressors. Unhealthy diets & others add to it, but isn't the total cause. Most common cause in America, in men >= women. Often hard working. Do well on a program, staying on it is hard, needing more discipline, especially dietary, than used to. 3. EXHAUSTED AND DEPLETED Nutritional depletion. Vegetarians, raw food, etc. Stress adds to it, but isn't the cause. Western society diet, refined food, chemicals in water, drugs, vaccines, pollution, etc. Need nutrition, a few supplements, & more rest. 4. HYSTERICAL. Delicate nervous system, with neurosis, a faulty attitude, or high stress & anxiety. Cu imbalance is common, adding to emotions. Women over 25, or anyone who can't relax & worries constantly, may sleep a lot. Need meditation & relaxation, breathing, gentle walking, etc. 5. SEXUAL ADDICTION AND DEPLETION. Mostly men. Easy to help if they reduce it. 6. BLOWN OUT OR STRUNG OUT. Combination, main one is being 'strung out' on a drug. Sugar or caffeine, weed, meth, etc. Extra stress, confused thinking & bad lifestyle. In a few years the nervous system is 'fried'/overwhelmed, Americans & Europeans. New lifestyle, clean diet, & no drugs. Slow progress if loaded with drugs. Sauna therapy can remove some. Advanced cases are difficult due to a poisoned nervous system. 7. DISEASED, OPPRESSED AND VICTIMIZED. Inner stress from fear, starvation, disease & working too hard to survive. Aggravated by outside stress such as wars, political unrest & oppression by governments. Causing serious illnesses that weaken them to a collapse & short life. Mostly developing nations. Easy to help if they can afford good food, can rest, most can't, kept poor & enslaved by government. 8. MENTALLY EXHAUSTED. Occurs in some cases of multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease & perhaps other Hg toxicity syndromes. Mentally very intense & not balanced, the nervous system 'crashes' from overwork, no rest, nutritional depletion & lack of mental control (resting the mind during the day instead of always full on) "loopy", going in circles without direction. May be difficult to help with NB. Help them slow down mentally, which they don't like &/or struggle with due to Hg or metal toxicity or mental problems. Pulling down is helpful. 9. HIDING FROM LIFE IN SOME WAY. EMERGING FROM FOUR LOWS: Adults should exit four lows into S.O. Rarely, one exits into F.O. AKA "backing out of four lows". It's okay. At times they'll soon go back into four lows, bouncing in & out many times until they exit into S.O. TIME TO EXIT FOUR LOWS (INITIAL TEST)? From several months to years. TMG & tarragon will speed the process. CHILDREN WITH FOUR LOWS (INITIAL TEST) Causes: 1. Paralleling" 2. Parent has it & they pick up the personality tendency. Often demanding so they respond with a four lows stress response. 3. Child is very depleted & born that way. Same principles of correction: reduce stressors, rest more, small supplement program. Under age 4 only need Ca, Mg, & either Zn or Limcomin if low Na/K. Age 3-4 may also need taurine. Older than 5 or 6 need a little fish oil & maybe vitamin D. VARIANTS ON FOUR LOWS: 1. Low four lows. Extremely low levels 2+ of the 4. "Deep in the tunnel of death". Handled the same, less vitality, more toxicity, may take longer to emerge. 2. Low Na/K. More severe, may take longer to emerge, usually lower vitality. 3. Very low P or 3+ poor eliminators. Severe. Combinations: Often combines with F.O. or S.O., bowl, double low ratio, double high ratio, hill(rare), SD, etc. FOUR LOWS (RETEST ONLY) Celebration. Back in the tunnel or "repair facility" for a re-planning of life, it's going to be extended & be a lot healthier. Intervention. Always the case. Beings work with one to re-plan the rest of their earth life. Resolving relationship difficulties. Often with a parent, but not always. Some are simple & resolved in a few months or less. Others are old & deep, & take 6+ months. Duration doesn't matter, nothing is wrong if it takes months or a year+ to come out of it. Occurs regularly, but rare without NB. Pb elimination. High amount of Pb, temporary ANALOGIES (RETEST): 1. Back in the tunnel. Re-entering the tunnel of death, but not to die. New life planning. One is reconfigured & ready for a longer, fuller life 2. Dog is resting in the dog house. After a hard day it curls up in the corner to heal for a week, month, or longer. Low energy requires mostly rest to move through quick & easy. 3. Car in the repair shop for an overhaul. One keeps the old car & tells the mechanic to go over every inch of the car to fix any problem. 4. Boat is in dry dock for repairs. The supplement program "shores up the boat while it is in dry dock". Like the beams to keep a boat upright so it can be worked on. Supplements give souls an opportunity to refurbish the body & soul, to be released in the ocean of life. DIET & SUPPLEMENTS (RETEST): Same as an initial test. No adrenal & thyroid hormones or support products, vitamins B, C, E, & stimulating herbs. Re-entering several times: Enter four lows, emerge for a while, then back again. Okay, & needed at that time. Adjust the diet, lifestyle & supplement programs. FOUR LOWS (INITIAL TEST) & SUBSEQUENT TESTS - THREE COMMON SCENARIOS: 1. WORKING OUT OF FOUR LOWS Tests show improvements, may be subtle. Healing, but not yet out of four lows. It's working perfectly, but needs time. Don't be discouraged if it takes a while. 2. DIGGING DEEPER May go even lower. 1+ of first 4 will decline further on a retest. Delving deeper into traumas or blockages that caused or added to it. Not a problem, usually resolved on the next test. 3. DEEP ANGER Common, persists for several years. Always one is very negative & cynical, holding them in it. NB helps resolve this & will come out. CORRECTING FOUR LOWS (INITIAL TEST): Analogies: 1. Rebooting the computer. Machine shuts down & starts up again, & for whatever reason, works. 2. Putting the adrenals to bed. 3. Slowing the tires to get it out of the ditch. 4. Reversing shut-down sequence & backing out of the tunnel of death. 5. Repairing the boat so one can pilot safely. PRINCIPLES OF CORRECTION: 1. DON'T USE foods, supplements, drugs, herbs, etc. that raise Na & K. Most are tired, one thinks to give them foods or nutrients to support glandular activity. One may feel better then crashes or doesn't respond well, because of the Na&K vs. Ca&Mg relationship. No thyroid replacement hormones, thyroid or adrenal glandular, B-complex, vitamins C or E, or herbs to boost these glands. 2. Put adrenals & perhaps thyroid to bed. Correction needs suppressing of sympathetic nervous system enough so adrenal & thyroid glands can rest & rebuild. Like slowing the out of control tires. Restarting a computer stuck in a loop. 3. Lifestyle may be enough in a few cases. Rest, sleep, slow down & adopt a positive, relaxed attitude, it may take one out, but rarely enough. 4. Precise nutrition. Often lifestyle isn't enough. It may persist & be quite intractable. DIET, SUPPLEMENT & LIFESTYLE: 1. Fewer supplements. Ca, Mg, Zn, GB3, L-taurine, tarragon, fish oil, TMG, vitamin D & kelp. May also need Cu, L-lysine. Taurine: Assists cell membrane function. Over time, unmethylated phospholipids build up in the cell membranes, inhibiting function. L-taurine (1500mg/day adults) helps reverse this & may help one out. May have other roles, such as a sedative. Lysine: May lower Cu, which is always high. Tarragon: Sprinkle dried tarragon. Organic is not necessary. Ok to cook it in your food. Can use fresh tarragon, & eat a little as a cooked vegetable. Tarragon can bring up one's issues. Emerging, tarragon will make them not feel well. 2. Certain supplements in larger quantity: Ca, Mg, Zn, & sometimes Cu. Others are used at standard doses. High doses are well tolerated. As one emerges, they'll feel ill on large doses & need to be reduced. 3. AVOID all other supplements: Including (kidney support (Renamide), selenium and Endo-veggies (dried vegetable capsules). Thyroid hormones are generally harmful. The thyroid isn't working well but replacement hormones don't solve four lows, & make it worse. Many are driven into four lows by hormones or supplements that enhance adrenal and thyroid activity. 4. For children, modify the dosages according to weight & age. 5. Diet is the same as for other NB. Very important to eliminate all sugars, fruit, sweets, fruit & juices except carrot juice. Use the diet based on oxidation. THE FULL PROGRAM: Lifestyle modification is very helpful. More rest, sleep, slowing down, relaxation, walking, deep breathing, & pushing down. Mental/emotional correction. Some need to reduce worry, fear, compulsiveness, anger, cynicism & negative emotions that stimulate the sympathetic system & block healing. Often a victim mentality, especially if Na & K are very low. Read Victimhood & I Choose. Humor's helpful. Often being intense blocks healing. Read, listen or watch a humorous movie, discussion, monologue, etc. Strongly recommend a daily dose of humor. Happy music can also be very helpful. More therapies to inhibit high sympathetic nervous system activity include massage, gentle chiropractic, rolfing, or structural integration. SCREAMING TO HELP LEAVE FOUR LOWS: Unusual but works in some cases: 1. Ideally, in a sound-proof or isolated room. 2. Think of something very outrageous, such as theft, rape, or cutting off a person's head. 3. React with a blood-curdling scream. Must be loud. Repeat until very loud. TROUBLE-SHOOTING: High dose Ca, Mg, & Zn may cause tiredness for a while. Warn clients of this. If fatigue gets very annoying, reduce dosages. Slowing down is needed to emerge. Rarely, one gets diarrhea from high Mg. Reduce Mg only. Rare, most need high amounts of Mg. MOST HAVE BEEN TO MANY DOCTORS: Many tests, several programs, & no success. OTHER TESTING FOR FOUR LOWS: Ie. blood or urine, this hasn't been possible. HAIR WASHING: Can't identify in a lab that washes hair. Most labs do this, removing some of water soluble minerals, & the amount tends to be erratic. THE HIGH TUNNEL: Ca > 320 Mg > 30 Na > 125 K > 50 Similar to in that: 1. Cause a tentative soul connection with director souls or others in the brain. The soul is unable to communicate well with certain souls & conduct life properly. 2. Involve an intervention. 3. Evidence of significant damage to the director & mental souls that live in the brain. May be captured, removed or just very ill. 4. Beginnings of shut-down sequences, both can go on for years. High Tunnel differences are: 1. Less severe 2. Easier to come out of 3. No special programs. Tends to disappear as one follows NB

Four Highs

Ca > 40 + Mg > 6 + Na > 25 + K > 10 AKA S.O. under stress 1. High Ca & Mg is underlying S.O. or exhaustion. 2. Superimposed are high Na & K. Alarm fight-or-flight reaction at the same time. Indicates a secondary alarm reaction If F.O. call it temporary F.O. resolves to S.O. in 4-12 months If just high Ca & K, meaning is similar to a 4 or 3 highs. May not be if other patterns are present Four highs, sometimes also called four high electrolytes in older article by Dr. Eck and myself, is one of the most common and important metabolic imbalances seen on hair mineral analyses. It is seen mainly in adults, and more commonly in women. This article explains some of its important causes, symptoms and the meanings of the pattern in most cases. Definition. Four highs pattern is present when all four of the following conditions exist on one test: 1) Calcium level above about 40 mg% or 400 parts per million 2) Magnesium greater than 6 mg% or 60 parts per million 3) Sodium above 25 mg% or 250 parts per million, and 4) Potassium greater than 10 mg% or 100 parts per million. NOTE: It is critical for accuracy that the hair is not washed at the laboratory. If the hair is washed, the sodium and potassium readings in particular are almost always incorrect. Most laboratories in America and Canada wash the hair. VARIANTS Important variants: three highs, two highs and many cases of fast oxidation in an adult. Three possible variants of this pattern are: · Three highs. This pattern is discussed in a separate article on this site, entitled Three Highs Pattern. · Wrong two highs. This is when the two high numbers are calcium and potassium, calcium and sodium, magnesium and sodium, or magnesium and potassium. This is also discussed in the Three Highs article. · A fast oxidizer pattern, particularly in adults, may also be a type of four highs pattern. This unusual situation is discussed at the end of this article. THE MEANING OF FOUR HIGHS Two patterns superimposed. Four highs is a combination of two components: 1. The high calcium and magnesium indicate an underlying slow oxidation or exhaustion pattern. 2. Superimposed on this pattern are high sodium and potassium readings. These indicate an alarm reaction, or fight-or-flight reaction occurring at the same time. The combination indicates what may be called a secondary alarm reaction. Extraordinary stress of some kind is causing a partially effective stress response in a slow oxidizer. It is not unlike a second wind that runners may experience after they have run part of the way through a race. The pattern is also called a slow oxidizer under stress. This term is applied because in essence one is a slow oxidizer. However, some type of stress is present that is causing elevated levels of sodium and potassium. Any oxidation rate may be present. The oxidation rate in cases of four highs may be fast, slow or mixed. In other words, the four highs pattern is independent of the oxidation type and oxidation rate. Usually, however, the oxidation rate, whether fast, slow or mixed, is not too extreme. If fast oxidation is present, we call it a temporary fast oxidation state because the pattern basically always resolves to slow oxidation, usually within 4-12 months and sometimes less. STRESSORS THAT CAN CAUSE A THREE HIGHS/FOUR HIGHS PATTERN The types of stressors that can cause a four highs pattern include: · Toxic metals. This is a very common cause. Often these include, at least to some degree, hidden or overt copper, aluminum, manganese, and/or iron toxicity. The latter three are discussed in a separate article entitled Iron, Manganese and Aluminum - The Three Amigos. Others possible toxic metals that may contribute include lead, cadmium or nickel toxicity. · Lifestyle Stress. This can be anything from one's job or family situation to a high-stress lifestyle. · Diet, perhaps. It appears that a diet high in carbohydrates may contribute to the pattern in some cases. Too much bread, for example, may interfere with calcium, magnesium, and particularly zinc and contribute to the pattern. · Nutritional deficiencies. Often these include iodine deficiency, which is very widespread and often worse among women. Iodine is replaced by fluoride, chlorine compounds and bromides that may contribute to the pattern. · Stilted, a psychological cause. Visually, four highs appears like a person walking on stilts. The word stilted means a little pompous or puffed up, perhaps holier-than-thou, stiff, but unsure of oneself. This psychological tendency occurs in a few cases, and may be due to a psychological compensation for trauma or perhaps even for fatigue. If the psychological tendency is strong, it may respond slower, though it often does respond to a nutritional balancing program. DELICATE SOULS Most people are very uncomfortable in a four highs pattern and feel better when they come out of the pattern. However, a subset of people like the pattern, perhaps because they like a balanced oxidation rate and they have learned how to keep it balanced. I call these individuals delicate souls, because they are quite sensitive to their oxidation rate and will go to some length to keep it fairly balanced in a four highs pattern. These are usually bright, middle-aged women, in my experience, age 40 or older. They are often somewhat depressed and angry underneath, and do not want to face the depressing feelings that often accompany a significantly slow oxidation rate. They use various means to keep themselves in a four highs situation. This might be caffeine use, getting upset about things, tensing the musculature, running around a lot, doing a lot of exercise, or something else that keeps their adrenal glands in a stimulated state. In these cases, the three highs/four highs pattern may not resolve as quickly to slow oxidation. Also, if it does resolve quickly, which happens at times, these individuals can become quite upset and even angry with the practitioner for "making them feel worse". This is interesting because most people feel better when they emerge from a three highs/four highs pattern. One could say that these individuals do not want to "crash land" in slow oxidation, as it causes feelings of great fatigue and perhaps depression or even despair. CRASH LANDINGS FROM A THREE HIGHS OR FOUR HIGHS PATTERN At times, as a person exits a four highs pattern, the person "crashes" down into a very slow oxidation pattern. The person feels very tired and depressed, usually. It is an unpleasant situation. I advise nutritional balancing practitioners to always warn anyone with a three highs or four highs pattern about the possibility of a crash landing of this type. The client should just call or email the practitioner if it occurs. Correction of a crash landing. It is usually easy to counteract or change the program if a client has a crash landing. Since it is a significant slowing of the oxidation rate, usually due to the elimination of toxic metals or perhaps a reduction in stress, the solution is: 1. Tell the client to stop taking products that further slow the oxidation rate such as SBF or Stress Pak from Endomet Labs. 2. Change the diet, if needed, to a slow oxidizer diet if the client was following a fast oxidizer diet. 3. Perhaps add a product that enhances the oxidation rate such as Megapan or B-complex vitamins. This will work most of the time, until a new hair mineral analysis can be obtained to confirm that the person's oxidation rate has slowed, or that some other change has occurred that perhaps requires a different type of program. For example, it is possible that the client went into a four lows pattern. In this case, adding Megapan or a B-complex vitamin may not work at all because a different type of program is needed. This is why retesting is so important, at times. How long does it take for a crash landing or important shift in the oxidation rate to occur after one begins a four highs program? The answer is that each person is different. I have seen it happen within a few weeks, although most often it takes a few months or more. In most cases, there is no crash landing. The person "lands safely" in slow oxidation on a retest in a few months, and the program must then be changed to reflect this shift. YANG RISING PATTERN A new area of research in nutritional balancing is to relate hair mineral analysis patterns to traditional Chinese acupuncture theory. Four highs pattern, especially when the sodium/potassium ratio is greater than about 2.5, is strongly associated with an acupuncture pattern called yang rising. This acupuncture pattern is ancient, and refers to exactly what is described in this article. That is, the person is usually in a temporary, somewhat unstable, and weaker yang condition to some degree. It will resolve, in all cases, to a more yin and more stable condition that we call slow oxidation. When the pattern resolves, at times the liver meridian obtains more energy, since there is an antagonism between the two in acupuncture. More research on these subtle connections between modern biochemistry and ancient acupuncture terminology and tendencies will be forthcoming on this website. For a more complete understanding of these connections, view the article on this site called Acupuncture And Nutritional Balancing. SYMPTOMS OF FOUR HIGHS The symptoms associated with a four highs pattern follow the following tendencies: · A mixture of fast and slow oxidation symptoms. For example, one may have irritability, anxiety or insomnia combined with fatigue and depression, perhaps. Symptoms may also alternate if the oxidation rate is unstable, which is often the case. One could experience a type of bipolar picture for this reason. · Inflammation. Four highs is a type of inflammatory yang pattern. Inflammatory symptoms such as pain, high blood pressure, fluid retention, weight gain, gum disease and others may be present. Gum disease is usually an indicator of overall impaired health. · Metabolic syndrome. This is so common with this pattern that one wonders if eating too many carbohydrates somehow lowers zinc, perhaps, and raises sodium and potassium to help create this pattern. This can cause frank diabetes in some cases. · Demineralization. Sodium, along with potassium to some degree, are the body's main solvent minerals. They are monovalent cations that, due to their structure, can dissolve out some of the divalent minerals from the tissues, including calcium and magnesium. Perhaps this is one reason, along with copper imbalance and other mineral deficiencies, that osteoporosis and osteopenia may occur with this pattern. · Low thyroid and impaired adrenal gland activity. This is usually the underlying condition with a four highs pattern. Symptoms may include weight gain, hot flashes, osteoporosis, osteopenia, fatigue, depression, dry skin and hair, sweet cravings, hair loss or others. · Copper toxicity. Copper imbalance is almost always present with a four highs pattern. Symptoms of this may include depression, anxiety, mood swings, irritability, anger, headaches, skin rashes or others. Copper imbalance may also contribute to osteoporosis. · Sympathetic dominance symptoms. Four highs with a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 2 is always associated with sympathetic dominance. Read Sympathetic Dominance for more about this interesting pattern. Symptoms may include hot flashes, stress, fatigue, anxiety, worry and others. · Stress symptoms. Everyone with a four highs pattern has a lot of stress in the body. This may be due to biochemical factors such as toxic metals, or it may be due to one's lifestyle, diet or other factors. Symptoms might include an elevated cholesterol level, which is often just a stress indicator and not a need for drugs. Other symptoms can include constipation, acid reflux or heartburn, muscle cramps, food cravings, and impaired circulation. · Walking on stilts. Some people have a delicate nature, as explained above, and a rough analogy here is a person walking on stilts. Four highs always looks like this visually. One is biochemically ungrounded. This causes, in some people, feelings of instability, anxiety and even bipolar symptoms. With proper nutritional support, they will "come back down to earth" and the anxiety usually vanishes when the pattern is resolved into slow oxidation. COMBINATION PATTERNS INVOLVING THREE HIGHS/FOUR HIGHS Some very interesting more complex hair analysis patterns involve three highs/fours pattern. These include: · Passive-Aggressive Pattern. This is a combination of three or four highs and a calcium shell. It is accentuated if the sodium/potassium ratio is less than about 2.5. · Sympathetic Dominance. This can be a combination of three or four highs and a sodium/potassium ratio above about 2.5. · Hard Worker or Hard Driver Pattern. This is a combination of three or four highs, and what is called a double high ratio pattern. The two high ratios are the sodium/potassium ratio and the calcium/magnesium ratio. · Four highs and a bowl. This is a more yin version of four highs pattern that is quite common. It may be due to a diet too high in fruit or other carbohydrate foods. · Four highs with a step up or step down pattern. These are very uncommon and need more research to understand. MOVEMENT PATTERNS WITH FOUR HIGHS This refers to how a person feels and reacts when in a four highs pattern. Usually, it is an unstable, energetic response to stress that may cause faster or slower movement depending on the oxidation rate and the major ratios. A STALLED RESISTANCE-TO-CHANGE OR FAST-TO-SLOW OXIDATION TRANSITION PATTERN Four highs is considered the easiest transition pattern from fast to slow oxidation to resolve using nutritional balancing science. In other words, the person needs to transition into a simple slow oxidation pattern and this is one of the easiest patterns to transition out of and back into slow oxidation. It is called a resistance-to-change pattern because some clients do not want to move into slow oxidation, and that is why the pattern persists on retests, at times. CORRECTION First, the four high electrolyte pattern often takes precedence ahead of other corrections when it is revealed on a hair mineral analysis. This means that one must pay attention to this pattern first, and work to resolve it, before paying attention to many other patterns on a hair mineral test. The reason for the importance of the pattern is that it represents a secondary alarm reaction that is stressing the client greatly. Until the sodium and potassium levels decrease to below the ideal levels, this added stress will stop or hinder any other type of biochemical correction you might wish for. Second, be careful not to give too many "speed-up" type of diet or nutrient therapy to anyone with a four high electrolyte pattern. The reason for this is that the goal is always to reduce or diminish the levels of sodium and potassium. Therefore, limit the use of higher-dose B-complex, adrenal and thyroid formulas and vitamins C and E in large amounts. Large doses or any other these could further raise the sodium level, which is undesirable. Third, go gently with people in the four highs pattern. The reason for this is that the person may indeed "crash" from four highs to a very slow oxidation rate. This occurred once in the author's practice. The patient was very upset and believed that the nutrition program had made her worse. In fact, it had not. However, it had removed her from her "stilts" too quickly for her comfort and she did not appreciate the way she felt. She suddenly found herself fatigued, depressed and felt the program had made her health worse. In fact, it had "brought her down to earth", as explained above, and the author had some explaining to do so as not to lose the person as a client. Fourth, if one is a mixed oxidizer with this pattern, the nutritional balancing program may be guided in part by the client's symptoms. For example, some patients may exhibit more anxiety, irritability or insomnia. These individuals need more of the calming, relaxing supplements including calcium, magnesium, copper, inositol and choline. Those who complain more of fatigue and depression may be able to handle more of the metabolic-enhancing products such as B-complex vitamins and thyroid-enhancing formulas. The four highs pattern almost always resolves to slow oxidation, and usually within a few months or so. Patients usually report they are more relaxed and feel better in general, though perhaps a bit more tired, when they are out of this pattern. MONITORING Four highs is one pattern in which I suggest to the client that their hair analysis will be different in a short period of time, usually within three months or even less. Therefore, a retest is very important. Also, if the patient feels very tired, depressed or that the program is no longer appropriate before it is time for a retest in 3 months, have the client call and the program can be modified over the phone in anticipation that one has changed to slow oxidation with lower sodium and potassium levels. In this regard, four highs is one of the few patterns on a hair mineral analysis in which we can often predict exactly where the client's body chemistry will go within a few months or so. This is very useful information, at times, if new or unusual symptoms arise, for example. HIDDEN FOUR HIGHS PATTERNS This is an unusual term, perhaps, since a four highs pattern would seem, by definition, to be dependent upon the first four macromineral numbers being obviously elevated. However, what is meant by hidden four highs is that even if a hair mineral test appears to be simply a slow oxidizer pattern (with the calcium and magnesium elevated, and the sodium and potassium lower than the ideal levels), one may still have the symptoms and conditions present that are discussed in this article about four highs. In other words, the sodium and potassium levels, while lower than the ideal levels, are still pushed upward by various stress factors, and so the physical symptoms and psychological attributes associated with a four highs pattern may occur. Also, on a retest the person may indeed move into much slower oxidation as the extra stress is removed and the sodium and potassium levels fall further. Also, the calcium and magnesium levels may rise as well. Indeed, this can help explain why the oxidation rate may slow down greatly on a retest. A term that is also sometimes used to describe this situation is a slow oxidizer on crutches. In other words, the person is a slow oxidizer, but, in fact, toxic metals or other stress factors are propping up the oxidation rate - usually raising the sodium and potassium levels - the way crutches help keep a person standing up when they are weak or ill. As the crutches are removed with a nutritional balancing program, the oxidation rate may, on a retest, become even slower temporarily. This is like letting go of one's crutches as one's broken leg heals. At first, one may be a little shaky and weaker without the crutches, but this soon passes. FOUR HIGHS PATTERN ON A RETEST At times, a person will go into a four highs pattern on a retest. This is usually a retracing process and is not much of a concern. Kidney stress. At times, a four highs pattern on a retest is a kidney stress pattern. This means that the body is eliminating toxic metals through the kidneys, and this places some strain on the kidneys temporarily. As a result, the sodium and potassium levels increase when a person is in a slow oxidation state. This is what often produces the four highs pattern. Indeed, there can be some kidney irritation affecting the levels of sodium and potassium. Another cause for four highs pattern on a retest is an increase in adrenal and thyroid glandular activity in a person with slow oxidation. Another cause for four highs pattern on a retest is a slowing of the oxidation rate in a person who was, or may still be in a state of fast oxidation. In this case, the calcium and magnesium levels rise, producing the four highs pattern. This is almost always a transition from fast to slow oxidation, and is generally a very positive shift in the body chemistry. In all three cases above, the situation is always temporary because four highs pattern tends to be a temporary pattern sustained by kidney stress, the presence of toxic metals, or perhaps by some other stress factor. HIGH FOUR HIGHS - THE HIGH TUNNEL This is a special case of four highs in which the calcium level is about 8 times ideal or about 320 mg% or higher. Also, the magnesium, sodium and potassium levels are 5-6 times the ideal levels: 30 mg% or higher for magnesium, 125 mg% or higher for sodium, and 50 mg% or higher for potassium. This pattern is an intervention pattern, rather rare, and is a mild version of a four lows pattern. For details, see the end of the Four Lows article.

Calcium Shell

Ca > 500 past life trauma Ca > 1000 (rare): Possible Addison's disease Women: Ca > 165: 1x Ca > 210: 2x Ca > 260: 3x Ca > 340: 4x beyond = Petrified Pattern Ca > 370: 5x Ca > 460: 6x Ca > 540: 7x Ca > 620: 8x Men: Ca > 155: 1x Ca > 200: 2x Ca > 250: 3x Ca > 310: 4x beyond = Petrified Pattern Ca > 340: 5x More severe if Na/K < 1 OR very S.O. SUM OF Ca 1. Normal hair metabolism accounts for 40mg% of Ca 2. Biounavailable oxides & carbonates 3. Hard deposits or compounds MEANING: Initial: Psychological withdrawal, trauma, overwhelming stress, very sensitive Retest: "Hiding" Need protection. May be due to trauma CAUSES: Adrenal burnout: reduces aldosterone decreasing Na & therefore K, causing Ca & Mg to precipitate & form hard deposits. Some Ca & usually Mg is biounavailable. The body cannot maintain enough Ca in an ionized/ soluble form in the blood Compensation for high Cu: Reduces symptoms of Cu toxicity Protective pyschological wall: Protection from real/imagined stressors & trauma. Shell causes other problems so one still wants to change it even if it's adaptive. Unable to handle stress: Tired body. Often very low Na & K Slowing one down: Lethargy from high Ca slows one who drives too hard Sensitive individuals: Yin response: Movement: "Advancing very slowly with the brakes on" Wants to move ahead, but a part doesn't. Movement is very slow, & conflicted. High shell means the brakes are on tightly & linked to development of cancer & serious diseases. As movement stops, life ends soon after. Helping out of the shell is very important PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: Hardened cell membranes & decreased permeability. Hypothyroidism, thyroid hormones may not cross into the cells properly. May affect hormone imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, & detoxing cellular waste Excess symptoms: Metastatic calcification - bone spurs, arthritis, aches, pains, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, impaired movement or circulation. More so if shell is chronic, difficult to tell from 1 test Biounavailable symptoms: Muscle tightness, cramps or tension, anxiety, irritability, difficulty sleeping, osteoporosis. Can be reversed when Ca is lowered Cu excess symptoms: Others: Due to S.O., low thyroid or adrenal activity, or SD EMOTIONAL SYMPTOMS: Inhibiting effect of Ca upon the central nervous system. Ca raises the voltage at which nerve cells fire, a numbing effect. Also Ca > 70 is accompanied by Cu imbalance Defensiveness, rigidity, psychological withdrawal, emotional numbness, suppression or repression, loss of sexual desire, fatigue, exhaustion, apathy, some depression. Another tendency is to be out of touch with reality to some degree Record consultations as they often don't recall what was discussed. Some are 'happier' & unaware of problems. Tendencies, don't "diagnose" emotional conditions based solely the test. They're observations to help one understand their condition & be aware of biochemical factors

No Power

F.O. + Several poor eliminators A sign of poor health. F.O. should eliminate toxic metals.

Step Up, Stepping Out Of Life

F.O. + Double low ratio (Ca/Mg < 4 + Na/K < 2.5) + NO Four lows Quick death pattern. Usually results in a fatal stroke or heart attack, health catastrophe. Take Ca & Mg, plus Limcomin or at least Cu quickly or they're likely to die. With four lows it indicates that a person is trying very hard to stay in this life, good! This pattern is not seen too often, mainly because the people with this pattern do not usually live long enough for us to correct it. Another name for the pattern is stepping out of life. The step up pattern is a combination of: 1. A fast oxidation rate 2. A double low ratio pattern (Ca/Mg ratio less than about 4, and the Na/K ratio less than 2.5) 3. A visual pattern in which the first four macrominerals must appear like steps moving upward to the right. Hence the name step up pattern. 4. Four lows is not present. (If it is, the pattern has a different meaning that is explained below under the heading Step Up With Four Lows Pattern). THE MEANING OF STEP UP PATTERN ON AN INITIAL MINERAL ANALYSIS Components of the pattern. A fast oxidation pattern is associated with acute stress, emotional immaturity in an adult, inflammation and irritability. A low sodium/potassium ratio is associated with frustration, resentment, hostility, cardiac stress, blood sugar stress, malignancy, kidney stress and liver stress. A low calcium/magnesium ratio reinforces the low sodium/potassium ratio tendencies. Usually a fast death pattern. This is what I call a fast death pattern. It is associated with a tendency for a heart attack, in particular, or perhaps a vascular accident such as a stroke. It is also associated with arteriosclerosis, angina, cardiac arrythmias, and perhaps malignancy and diabetes. It is an acute and chronic stress pattern and an inflammatory pattern. It is a running away pattern. It is fast and reckless, the opposite of step down pattern, which is slow but sure. Fortunately, a nutritional balancing program, especially if applied quickly, can easily turn the pattern around in most cases. Step up pattern with four lows pattern. Step up with four lows pattern is actually a good pattern. It seems to indicate that a person is trying very hard to stay in this life. The person may be "running away from the tunnel of death, as best he or she can". Psychological meaning of step up pattern. A person with this pattern is moving in a dangerous direction and unable or usually unwilling to change direction and to make important life changes. He is determined, in other words, to proceed as he is going. He is also putting himself under tremendous stress, and burning out (low Na/K ratio doubled or reinforced by a low Ca/Mg ratio), and so he is in trouble. It can indicate a futile attempt to stay in an egotistical pattern of pushing oneself hard or striving hard and "pushing through life" (a fast oxidation rate), when this attitude or response to life, or to a particular situation, just is not working. It is an intense striving pattern that is not producing results because it is not the appropriate response for the person at this time. Metaphorically, one might say it is a 'hardening of the heart' that is very dangerous. There is a need for love, perhaps more self-love, and surrender. The pattern may be due mainly to biochemical imbalances, especially a need for copper. In other cases, psychological factors play a greater role. (Copper softens a person and is a more feminine mineral.) It may also be called a stuck in fast oxidation pattern. Visually, the pattern appears like a person running headlong into a wall, represented by the elevated potassium level on the right of the four macrominerals on the graph. A type of deep conflict pattern. A conflict pattern means that a clash is occurring between two powerful, but opposing forces. In this case, one of the forces at work on the person is a fast oxidation rate. This is a more aggressive, pushing forward, hard-driving, and more 'male' approach to life. However, this tendency is in conflict with or opposed by a double low ratio pattern. The latter is a severe weakness, depleted-of-energy, reversed pattern. The person is pushing ahead on one hand, but the gearshift is in reverse, in a way, so it is not working at all! Perhaps it is more like having one foot on the gas pedal of the car, and the other on the brake pedal. This is very wearing on the engine. The person is trying to push ahead at full speed, but the direction is blocked, like having the brake on or the car is pushing against a solid wall or rock. As a result, the body is becoming very weak and depleted. Often a fatal stalled transition pattern. A person with step up pattern needs to slow down and transition from fast to slow oxidation, and in this sense to follow a different path. If this does not occur quickly, often one will die. What blocks this transition is often a need for a lot of copper, although emotional factors could also be in play. Who has the pattern? The step up pattern is most often seen in: 1. More often in men, so far, though certainly not always. 2. Perhaps a less emotionally mature person. 3. A person who needs to be more "spiritual" in some fashion and may not know how to do it, so he is just doing things as best he can, but not well enough. 4. One who is ready to die, in a way, rather than change. We sometimes call this tendency the "I'd rather die" pattern. One is so stuck in the ego in some way that the body is sacrificed, usually with a heart attack, stroke, cardiomyopathy or other cardiovascular accident or catastrophe. 5. A person who is under some type of stress that he cannot cope with properly. 6. The person may be angry. This is associated with iron toxicity and step up is usually an iron personality type to some degree, at least. The person is usually very smart, somewhat bitter and cynical, and rather rigid underneath, even if this is not apparent. 7. The pattern can occur in a child, usually but not always a male child. Here it is less of a death pattern. The child is usually able to change the pattern into slow oxidation, which is a new direction in life, and a new way of coping with life. This, by the way, is the solution to this pattern. Outcomes of step up patterns. Only two outcomes occur with this pattern. One is a usually fatal catastrophic event such as a heart attack or stroke. The other outcome may be called a change of heart. When this occurs, a person gives up their dreams, or perhaps their ego stubbornness, and changes direction. Often, in these cases, the person moves into a four lows pattern, which is a special type of hiding or giving up pattern. We know this because when one retraces and heals with a development program, some with a four lows pattern temporarily move into a step up pattern when they leave four lows. The step up pattern usually is mild and does not last long, and the person continues to retrace and move into other patterns. CORRECTION, AND THE RELATION OF COPPER AND IRON TO THIS PATTERN Needless to say, a step up pattern is one of the most important patterns to correct as quickly as possible. Copper supplementation is critical. Dr. Paul Eck found that copper supplementation is needed for just a few situations on a hair mineral analysis. These include 1) fast oxidation, 2) a low sodium/potassium ratio and, 3) even more so if the low sodium/potassium ratio is accompanied by a low calcium/magnesium ratio. A step up pattern includes all of these situations! I would say that step-up pattern is associated with biounavailable copper in the body. (A low Na/K ratio is an indicator for biounavailable copper). it may also be associated with "amigo copper". This is an oxide form of copper that is very irritating to the tissues, and can do oxidant damage. Whatever is the truth about the copper situation, we find that giving bioavailable copper to the person is the key to turning around this hair analysis pattern. An adult with this pattern may need up to 10 or 12 mg of copper daily to alter the pattern. We usually give the copper in two products, Limcomin and SBF from Endomet Labs. These are combination products that are designed for the imbalances that occur with the step-up pattern, so they work very well in these cases. Copper is what is called a female mineral, meaning that it often gives a quality of softness and gentleness to a person, and it is needed more for women, in some ways. It appears that the step up pattern is a certain type of rigidity and "male" approach that is hard-driving, stubborn and does not give up easily. When the pattern is present, this approach to life is causing extreme and dangerous stress on the body. Giving a lot of copper, along with the other nutrients required for this pattern, seems to help "soften" the pattern and eventually reverse it. This is an interesting corrective concept that works beautifully, in my experience. The copper may actually "soften" or feminize the person so that he, usually, is less stubborn and stuck in the pattern. Iron. A step up pattern has a quality of stubbornness and strength about it that is strongly associated with excessive and biounavailable iron in the body. People with step up pattern may be called "ironheads". This is not a complimentary term and refers to a quality of hardness, stubbornness, and perhaps a Type A personality. They can be "hard-ass" or "tight-ass" people. They are moving forward, but at another level are reversed and "losing altitude" fast. Iron is an older 'male' mineral that is rather hard, strong but inflexible, and iron is a rather brittle metal. Iron accumulates in the amygdala and is associated with feelings of anger and rage. This is exactly the quality a person displays when in a step up pattern. Copper and magnesium seem to act as iron antagonists with this pattern to help balance the person physically, mentally and emotionally. These minerals are critical to turn the pattern around. Vampires. Some with this pattern are energy vampires. This is an interesting concept that is discussed in a separate article entitled Energetic Vampirism on this site. Vitamins can kill with this pattern. Holistic doctors and naturopaths can and often do kill patients with step up pattern. They do this by giving them incorrect nutrients. In this case, these include B-complex vitamins, vitamins C and E, zinc and potassium. Giving thyroid or adrenal support can also worsen the situation. All of the above supplements tend to increase the oxidation rate and lower copper, the opposite of what is needed in this situation. A karmic or movement ending pattern. Step-up is called in acupuncture "stepping out of life". So the pattern may be considered a type of ending of life or karmic ending pattern. It may also be said to mean "going out with a bang". Other hair analysis patterns are related to death, but indicate going out with a wimper or just fading away (a very slow oxidation rate, for example or four lows pattern, in most cases.) STEP UP PATTERN ON A RETEST This is much more common that a step-up pattern on an initial hair test. One reason for this is that it is not a serious or even an important pattern. It just means that a person is retracing the pattern, to some degree. It is usually temporary and not of great importance. The nutritional balancing program must be adjusted to resolve it, but that is all that is needed. COMBINATIONS INVOLVING STEP UP PATTERN Step up pattern may be found in conjunction with a number of other common patterns. These include: 1. Four highs or three highs. In this case, the pattern may be less severe. 2. Three lows. I am not sure how this affects the pattern at this time. 3. Four lows. As explained above, this changes the meaning of the step up pattern completely, and is a positive pattern indicating a strong push to move back into regular life from four lows. 4. Beam Me Up, Scottie pattern. Beam Me Up pattern. Described on this website, causes higher sodium and potassium readings and may be somewhat related to a step up pattern. Beam me up pattern is often related to eating a lot of fruit. 5. Poor eliminator patterns (very low levels of the toxic metals and some vital minerals). This does not change the pattern, but often accompanies it. The likely reason is that a low sodium/potassium ratio is associated with impaired energy, which may affect one's ability to eliminate toxic metals.

Grief Pattern

Double low ratio + No step up + Four highs (stress/anger) Retracing on a retest & passes quickly


First 4 are fairly even Extreme is "flat-line" Opposite of "efforting in life" Related to development of cancer

Double Hill Pattern

Hill on first 4 & hill on second 4 Uncommon, very positive. "excited on the inside & outside"

Cult Diet

Ni > 0.02 &/or Pb> 0.1 (rooibos tea) + Hg > 0.035 (tunafish) + Sometimes Al > 0.4 (antiperspirants) Possible indicators: Fe > 2 Cr > 0.12 Cd > 0.007 As > 0.008 Mn > 0.04 Se > 0.18

First-Second Patterns

Pattern in the first 4 & repeats in the second 4. Strengthens pattern & is on a conscious & deep level

Spillover Patterns

Pattern that spills over to the second 4

Double Patterns

Patterns that require 2+ levels or ratios OR reinforced with more indicators.

Kidney Stress

Raises Na &/or K & may cause F.O. Rare on initial test, common on retests. Benign. From B or palladium elimination, or any toxin elimination through the kidneys.


S.O. + Ca/Mg > 20 + low Na/K Extreme victim pattern

Step Down

S.O. + 9.5 < Ca/Mg < 11.5 + 4 < Na/K < 7 If ratios are higher than above, then it's a criminal pattern "up to no good" Steps going downward from left to right. New beginning & very positive In some interesting ways, this is the opposite of the step up pattern, and appears this way visually. Instead of steps ascending to the right, it appears as steps descending from the left to the right on the hair chart. Other names for the pattern are coming back to life or stepping into life. The pattern is defined as: 1. A slow oxidation rate. 2. A double high ratio pattern. This means the sodium/potassium ratio is above about 5 and the calcium/magnesium ratio is greater than about 9.5. 3. Visually, the chart must look like steps going down to the right. 4. Four lows must not be present. (If it is present, the pattern has a different meaning explained below.) Step down pattern with a four lows pattern, but only on an initial hair test. In this case only, the pattern seems to indicate a person who is moving ahead with determination to leave this life. Why this is so different than when the four lows pattern is not present I do not know, but it changes the meaning of the step down pattern very much. It is the same in that the person is directed, determined and "moving ahead firmly" with something, but it is a four lows context and that is the difference. MEANING OF STEP DOWN PATTERN We find step down pattern is more common in women. The person is often very determined to move ahead in his or her life, in spite of some fatigue or exhaustion. The person is often moving ahead slowly, with this pattern, and doing well, even though the energy level is low. It is thus a pattern of overcoming odds against oneself, and slowly pushing forward in one's life. One can call it "digging in one's heels" and moving ahead in spite of obstacles. Developing the will. One may say that the step down pattern is associated with developing the quality of focused and concentrated will in one's life. This is in contrast to a step up pattern, which is associated with a need to develop the quality of love and surrender, and to move past the lower will of the ego. I know this may sound vague, but it indicates how the hair tissue mineral patterns can relate to developmental states of a human being. ROLE OF COPPER, ZINC, SELENIUM AND OTHER MINERALS IN THE STEP DOWN PATTERN Copper. Those with step down pattern tend to be high in copper, even if the hair copper level is normal or low. Often indicators of hidden copper toxicity are present with this pattern. These might include an elevated calcium level, or a very low potassium level. As with the step-up pattern, some of the copper is usually biounavailable. However, it is probably not "amigo" copper, which is a copper oxide. To learn more, read Copper Toxicity Syndrome on this website. To learn about the amigos, please read The Amigos - Iron, Manganese And Aluminum on this website. Copper is not as often in an amigo or oxide form, but it does occur. Iron. Most people with step down pattern also have too much biounavailable iron. This raises the sodium level and can give rise to a high sodium/potassium ratio. They also have too much of the other "amigos" in almost all cases, such as aluminum, manganese, and biounavaillable chromium, selenium, nickel, molybdenum, cobalt, boron and others (but not copper). Other toxic metals. Those with step down pattern are usually quite toxic. This has to do with their slow oxidation rate, which is always associated with the accumulation of many toxic metals, even if they are not revealed on any type of blood, urine, saliva or hair test. These toxic metals include lead, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum and mercury. A strong need for zinc. Dr. Eck discovered that when the sodium/potassium ratio is high, one needs a lot of supplementary zinc. Zinc tends to lower this ratio. Zinc supplementation is even more necessary when the double high ratio pattern is present, which occurs with step down pattern. A more yin pattern. Step down pattern is a more yin or pattern (high copper and slow oxidation). One of the most important minerals to correct this tendency is the modern "male" mineral, zinc. Selenium. Another male mineral, selenium, may also be helpful or even essential for step down pattern. Selenium is an even more advanced or spiritual "male" mineral that helps to balance this pattern. Avoid giving copper. Although a copper supplement is vital for the step up pattern, it can be damaging for those with step down pattern. Do not give copper supplements, or high copper foods for step down pattern, even if the hair copper level is very low. OTHER ISSUES INVOLVED WITH STEP DOWN PATTERN Conflict issues. Step down is definitely a pattern related to some internal conflict. The person is determined to move ahead, but is somewhat slowed down by low energy, low adrenal and thyroid activity, and usually by sympathetic dominance, which involves some fear, anxiety, anger and depression. Scattered, yet focused. Step down is also a combination of a tendency to be somewhat spacy or scattered (high copper) and a determination to move forward in a focused way. Often intelligent, spiritually-minded individuals. While step down pattern is common, it often occurs in people who are of above average intelligence and often those who are interested in spiritual matters. STEP DOWN PATTERN ON A MINERAL ANALYSIS RETEST This is a wonderful event. It usually means a person is feeling better, and has made some important decisions to enter into a new life path or a new project, at least. It is a decision to move ahead with life in some way. It might be to pursue a new job or career, or to begin or deepen an interpersonal relationship, or to move one's residence, or simply to take a new interest in living. This is in stark contrast to step-up pattern on a retest, which is not very important. All step-down patterns are what might be called "karmic beginnings", or starting a new movement in one's life. This is also the case when it occurs on a retest during a nutritional balancing program. A SYMPATHETIC DOMINANCE PATTERN While the degree varies, all step-down patterns tend to have sympathetic dominance pattern as part of their quality. Sympathetic dominance is associated with a tendency to push oneself and to overuse the sympathetic nervous system. For more on this important autonomic nervous system-related pattern, please read Sympathetic Dominance on this website. COMBINATIONS WITH OTHER PATTERNS Step down pattern may be found in conjunction with a number of other common patterns. These include: 1. Four highs or three highs. This is a weaker version of the step down pattern, we believe, but basically similar. 2. Four lows. As explained above, this changes the meaning of the pattern completely, and may indicate a person who is moving in a direction to leave this life, and somewhat enthusiastic about it. Fortunately, it can be turned around with a nutritional balancing program if the person will follow the program carefully. 3. A calcium shell (calcium greater than 165 mg% for a woman and about 155 mg% for a man). This does not seem to alter the pattern much, especially if the calcium level is less than about 300 mg%. 4. Sympathetic dominance pattern (potassium of 4 mg% or less). This is seen very commonly with step down pattern. This has been discussed above. 5. Spiritual defensive pattern (Ca/Mg ratio greater than 13.5). This is often present. It indicates a need to let go of something in the lifestyle. Usually, it is considered a negative pattern. However, it does not seem to interfere with the positive nature of a step down pattern. 6. Poor eliminator patterns (very low toxic metal levels). This is very common with step down pattern. The likely reason is that when a person is in slow oxidation, and in sympathetic dominance, which is often the case with step down pattern, less nerve energy goes to the eliminative organs, impairing normal elimination of toxic metals and of toxic forms of vital minerals as well.

Stress From Within And Without

SD + Spiritual Defensiveness Middle-aged & younger women seem to have this most. Extreme stress.

Depletion Pattern

Step down + K = 1 + lots of poor eliminators Prominent SD. Poor care for oneself. Running away by nurturing others. Similar to "Caring"

Sodium/Magnesium Ratio

The adrenal ratio Used to calculate the oxidation rate The sodium/magnesium ratio is one of the most important ratios on a hair mineral analysis. Hair must not be washed at the laboratory at all for accurate mineral readings. Dr. Eck called this ratio the adrenal ratio. He used it to help determine the oxidation rate. AN ADRENAL RATIO The sodium/magnesium ratio on a hair mineral test is one of several indicators of adrenal gland activity. Here is why: The sodium level. The adrenal hormone aldosterone causes sodium retention by the kidneys. By this mechanism, aldosterone regulates the level of sodium in the blood. This also affects the sodium level of the tissues. Dr. Eck found, however, that while the hair sodium level is an adrenal indicator, that mineral ratios often offer more accurate information about glandular and other activity in the body. Sodium and magnesium are antagonistic to one another, to a degree. He found the ratio of these two minerals to be helpful for adrenal gland assessment. He set the ideal sodium/magnesium ratio at 4.17:1, which we still use. A ratio greater than 4.17:1 indicates adrenal hyperactivity and is part of the determination for fast oxidation. A ratio less than 4.17:1 is an indicator for reduced adrenal gland activity and is part of the determination for a slow oxidizer. Other adrenal activity indicators on a hair mineral test. These are: - The sodium level. - The sodium/potassium ratio. For details, read The Sodium/Potassium Ratio. - Four lows pattern. This is associated with adrenal exhaustion. THE OXIDATION RATE Dr. Eck also used the sodium/magnesium ratio as one of the two ratios involved in determining the oxidation rate. This is a very important determination in development science. For details, read Fast, Slow And Mixed Oxidation. The term oxidation rate was coined by Dr. George Watson, PhD. He used odor tests and small variations in the pH of the blood serum to assess the oxidation rate. Dr. Eck pioneered the use of the hair mineral test to determine Dr. Watson's oxidation rate. This is the method we use at this time. Neither Dr. Eck nor we have been able to use blood, urine or other standard medical tests to determine the oxidation rate. Some practitioners use the hair calcium/phosphorus ratio to determine the oxidation rate. We do not find this accurate enough. A few practitioners use blood tests, questionnaires, applied kinesiology or other methods to assess the oxidation rate. We do not find these accurate enough. An unusual method of assessing the oxidation rate is to use indicators in a person's energy field. However, most people cannot see the energy field, so this method is not practical today. The basal metabolic rate. The oxidation rate is completely different from the basal or resting metabolic rate, as measured by some physicians and by some fitness and weight loss professionals. The metabolic rate is dependent upon one's height, weight and age and is the number of calories required to carry out all body functions in a resting state. ARTIFACTS THAT CAN SKEW THE SODIUM/MAGNESIUM RATIO Common ones are: - Getting a controller pattern. This is a sharp rise in the magnesium level on a retest. It is due to the elimination of a less preferred form of magnesium when one gets back a controller creature. - Kidney stress pattern. This is a rise in the sodium and often the potassium level on a retest hair analysis. It is due to the elimination of a toxic metal or chemical through the kidneys that affects kidney activity in such a way that there is a temporary rise in the sodium and often the potassium levels. - An elimination of biounavailable or so-called metastatic magnesium. This causes a temporary rise in the magnesium level. - Bathing in water softened with salt. This will cause a much higher sodium level. To be continued . . .

Sodium/Potassium Ratio

The vitality ratio On a retest, Na/K can swing wildly as body chemistry rebalances, eliminates toxic metals, & retraces traumas. Doesn't mean much, except that there's a lot of change. Ideal Na/K = 2.5 in humans. Good = 2.4 - 4. In animals, ideal = 0.5. In plants, ideal = 0.1. Up the ladder of complexity of life, the ratio goes up by a factor of 5 THEMES: 1. Both Na & K relate to adrenal activity. Aldosterone causes Na retention & affects serum K. Elevated Na/K often shows adrenal strength. Low Na/K shows adrenal weakness. Regardless of Na & K levels. 2. Na is pumped out of cells & K is pumped into cells by the Na pump mechanism. Causing electrical charge or potential across cell membranes. Higher Na/K is higher charge on the cells or a charging state. Low Na/K is a discharging state & lower electrical potential between the inside & outside of cells. Many factors influence this but Na/K is a good overall indicator. Contrasted to Ca/Mg which measures electrical potential or charge of one with the external physical environment. 3. Higher is more yang. Lower is more yin. 4. Elevated Na/K is movement in the proper direction, & faster forward movement. Low Na/K is reversal or slowing of movement, & exhaustion. 5. Love versus will. Na & K are power minerals & regulators of other minerals as solvents. Na is basic strength & power, expression of love of the Creator. Represented by adrenals. K is quality of will, an answer to love of the Creator. To be fully human, one must develop the will and direct it properly. Represented by thyroid. Na covers & protects K. When Na/K is high a one has plenty of energy to express will. When low, there isn't enough power to cover willfulness & catabolism occurs. 6. Na is related to the 1st & 2nd energy centers K is related to the 4th & 5th energy centers Elevated or normal Na/K is more balanced. 7. A directional indicator of the oxidation rate. High Na/K is an increasing oxidation. Low Na/K is a slowing oxidation. An excellent indicator. 8. Hormonal relations are rough associations. Na: aldosterone(pro-inflammatory) K: cortisol and cortisone(anti-inflammatory) Na: fast-acting hormones K: longer/slower-acting hormones Na: estrogen K: progesterone Important for PMS & estrogen dominance. 9. Inflammation indicator. Related to inflammatory hormones above. 10. Low Na/K indicates excessive catabolism. 11. High Na/K: acute stress, low Na/K: chronic. 12. Low Na/k: blood sugar imbalance & diabetes, cancer & cardiovascular diseases. 13. Trauma indicator. Not always the case, Na/K < 1 is hidden or overt trauma. 14. Emotional/mental indicator. Mildly elevated Na/K is a positive response to life, forward-looking, upbeat & moving ahead. Low Na/K is a more negative attitude, chronic stress, frustration, resentment & hostility. Other minerals. Zn raises K & lowers Na. Cu raises Na & tends to lower K. Many raise Na/K such as Mn, Cr, & Se, Fe, Al, Ni, etc. Most B-complex raise Na/K. Vitamins A & D tend to lower it a little. Vitamin E tends to raise it a lot, & dangerously if taking over 1000 iu of natural vitamin E daily. Fatty acids may lower it. Vitamin C tends to raise it. HIGH NA/K: Na/K > 5 or 6: Acute stress, inflammation or pain, water retention, edema, higher blood pressure or fluctuating blood pressure due to water retention &/or kidney stress. Prominent symptoms from a high aldosterone/cortisol ratio. Na/K > 12: liver & kidney stress, same symptoms as low Na/K The Na/K Ratio and PMS. High Na/K: high-estrogen premenstrual tension with symptoms of inflammation, anger, acne, bloating, breast swelling & tenderness. Na/K usually rises before menstrual periods. High Na/K: anger or acute emotional stress. Mildly high: forward-looking attitude, moving ahead in life, more positive, future-oriented approach to life. LOW Na/K: Fatigue, sugar & carb intolerance, allergies, adrenal weakness, chronic infections, liver & kidney stress, cardiovascular stress, reduced immune response, possibly malignancy, & catabolism. These can be expanded upon. catabolism can cause arthritis, ulcers, & any disease depending on where it occurs. Cardiovascular stress can easily lead to a heart attack or stroke, etc. Negative thinking & emotions. Frustration, resentment, hostility, reduced awareness, chronic stress, & "beating one's head against a wall when the door is nearby". Na/K < 1: Hidden traumas one is not aware of. Protection against feeling pain & make one appear to be less emotional. As Na/K approaches 1 traumas may surface, causing more feelings as awareness grows. Na/K < 2 is moderate, while < 1 is extreme. Two "trauma points" are Na/K = 0.4 - 0.5 & Na/K = 0.9 - 1.0. As one passes through these points, feelings & memories of the trauma will surface. Some of our clients will stop NB. When Na/K < 0.9 warn them of unusual or unpleasant thoughts & feelings as they heal. 1. 1.7 < Na/K < 2.4 = single low ratio 2. 1 < Na/K < 1.6 = double low ratio 3. 0.5 < Na/K < 0.9 = triple low ratio 4. Na/K < 0.5 = quadruple low ratio STRESS: HIGH NA/K: Acute stress. 1) Acute stress increases adrenal activity 2) Which increases secretion of aldosterone. 3) Aldosterone causes Na to be retained by the kidneys. Thus Na in the soft tissues rises. NA retention by aldosterone is part of the alarm reaction or fight-flight reaction to stress. Early in the alarm reaction, K remains low. Na/K is elevated early in the alarm stage. Chronic stress. Low Na/K is chronic stress & exhaustion stage of stress, as low Na/K indicates adrenal weakness. Acute stress or alarm reactions in slow oxidation. Some people ask how it is possible to have an alarm reaction if one is a slow oxidizer or in an exhaustion stage of stress. The answer is that fast and slow oxidation are indicators or a more yang or more yin body situation or posturing. They are also associated with the alarm and the exhaustion stages of stress according to the stress theory of disease. However, Dr. Eck found that within slow oxidation or an exhaustion stage of stress or a yin condition, one can still mount an acute stress response. This is indicated by a high sodium/potassium ratio and is a common occurrence. In fact, it is essential if a person is to move out of slow oxidation. Double acute stress. A fast oxidizer with a high sodium/potassium ratio is a double inflammation pattern. Double chronic stress. A slow oxidizer with a low sodium/potassium ratio means a double exhaustion pattern, which is definitely less desirable. MORE ON INFLAMMATION Aldosterone is a pro-inflammatory hormone. It tends to increase inflammation in the body. Cortisol and cortisone, associated more with potassium levels, are anti-inflammatory hormones because they diminish inflammation. The pro and anti-inflammatory hormones must be in a good balance with each other for optimum health. A person with a high sodium/potassium ratio may be secreting more aldosterone, in relation to cortisol. Because there is more pro-inflammatory hormone, a tendency for inflammation exists in the body. This is particularly true when the sodium/potassium ratio is greater than 10:1. Inflammation can take the form of any 'itis', such as arthritis, bursitis, colitis, or tendonitis. It is a tendency for aches and pains. A high sodium/potassium ratio is also a tendency for mental excitation. A ratio that persists between 3 and 6 suggests a forward-looking person. A ratio greater than 6:1 suggests aggressiveness and anger. SD SECONDARY INDICATOR: Na/K > 5 indicates SD. Tendency is greater when Na/K > 12. SOME TOXIC METALS CAN ELEVATE THE SODIUM/POTASSIUM RATIO Hidden or overt copper, cadmium and mercury toxicity usually elevate sodium levels and can cause a higher sodium/potassium ratio. This is true even if the cadmium or mercury are hidden within body tissues and not revealed on the hair test. As cadmium, copper or mercury are eliminated, a retest mineral analysis will reveal an improved sodium/potassium ratio. An exception is if a retest is performed during a toxic metal elimination. The sodium/potassium ratio may temporarily rise or fall as any toxic metal is being eliminated. This occurs because the metals irritate the kidneys. This may cause the sodium/potassium ratio to be temporarily skewed. The ratio will normalize when the metal elimination is complete. ALUMINUM TOXICITY, ALONG WITH BIOUNAVAILABLE IRON AND/OR MANGANESE, CAN ELEVATE THE SODIUM/POTASSIUM RATIO A higher ratio of sodium to potassium may also be due to an accumulation of toxic amounts of aluminum in the body. This will elevate the Na/K ratio, as will an excess of biologically unavailable manganese or iron. This is a very common situation, and true in practically all slow oxidizers. The metals appear to be in the form of oxides, which are damaging and can cause oxidant damage and tissue irritation. They are called the amigos on this website. Manganese and iron are not toxic metals. However, when present in excess, usually in a biounavailable form, they seem to raise the sodium level in relation to the potassium level. This may occur because they irritate the adrenal glands, or perhaps the kidneys, or perhaps other structures, in such a way as to alter the balance of sodium in relation to potassium. We know this because as excesses of these metals are eliminated, the sodium to potassium ratio decreases, often substantially. The amigos. Since they are often found together in the body, these metals are called the amigos. Some other minerals can be in an amigo or oxide form, including chromium, selenium, copper, nickel, boron, vanadium, molybdenum, cobalt and perhaps others, as well. One can read more about iron, manganese and aluminum in the article entitled The Three Amigos. SALT-EATING: Salt eating has little impact on Na/K. A high ratio occurs in many who consume no salt! Main causes of high Na/K are excessive aldosterone secretion due to stress or anger, toxic metals or Zn & Mg deficiency. Limit salt slightly when Na/K > 12, especially if blood pressure is elevated. Not usually necessary to eliminate all salt. Na/K > 10 or < 1.5 indicate kidney stress, liver stress & maybe impaired immune response. BIOUNAVAILABLE: Na & K may not always act as solvents and regulators in the body. A normal or elevated Na & K could be so due to kidney stress or other factors. It may not be as bioavailable for certain purposes. As toxic metals are removed the level might decrease or rise on a retest. Even if it decreases, the metabolic effect of Na/K may increase. The original level did not reflect all bioavailable Na & K, on the retest, Na & K may be more bioavailable. COMBINATION PATTERNS 1. Bowl (an elevated Ca/Mg ratio and a low Na/K ratio). 2. Hill (a low Ca/Mg ratio with an elevated Na/K ratio). 3. Double high ratio (an elevated Ca/Mg ratio with an elevated Na/K ratio). 4. Double low ratio (a low Ca/Mg ratio with a low Na/K ratio). 5. SD (often an elevated Na/K ratio is part of or reinforces this important pattern). 6. Fast with inversion (fast oxidation with a low Na/K ratio). SODIUM/POTASSIUM AND CANCER Oddly, cancer can raise a low sodium/potassium ratio. Cancer is associated with excessive iron, in some cases, and iron can raise the ratio. Estrogen may also raise the sodium/potassium ratio, at times, and it is associated with the growth of trophoblast cells. The trophoblast is a normal cell line that can cause cancer when it grows in the wrong place or time. Some chemotherapeutic agents raise the sodium/potassium ratio. In some cases, this is known, while in others the action of the drug, or other anti-cancer substances or herbs, is not well understood. Cancer, however, is much more than just a low sodium/potassium ratio because we see many people with a low ratio who do not have a lot of cancer. However, Dr. Eck found that a low sodium/potassium ratio is associated with more cancer. SODIUM TO POTASSIUM, A BASIC TRANSMUTATION One theory why Na/K so important is transmutation. Aldosterone appears capable of transmuting Na into K. People with Addison's disease, a condition of low aldosterone, Na declines & K increases. NA/K AND MOVING ENERGY DOWNWARD THROUGH THE BODY Moving or pushing etheric energy downward from head to feet increases the Na/K by moving electrons downward toward the feet, leaving the head more electro-positive and the feet more electro-negative. This effectively raises the Na/K ratio throughout the body, and especially in the head. This topic is critical and discussed in several separate articles entitled Downward Moving Energy And Healing and Meditation For Healing. CHANGES IN THE NA/K RATIO DURING NUTRITIONAL BALANCING PROGRAMS It is very common for the sodium/potassium ratio to move up and down repeatedly when a person follows a nutritional balancing program. This is often seen on retest minerals analyses. The rising and falling of the Na/K ratio during the program is not a problem, at all. In fact, it is normal and good. It occurs, for example, if one eliminates a toxic metal, perhaps, or if one retraces an infection, or perhaps if one retraces a trauma that caused anger or fear. Please know that such changes are absolutely normal on a nutritional balancing program. When it occurs, the nutritional balancing program must be altered by substituting zinc for Limcomin if the ratio rises above 2.5, or by substituting Limcomin for zinc if the ratio falls below 2.5. A large change in the Na/K ratio before it is time for a retest hair mineral analysis. Once in a while, the Na/K ratio changes from high to low or vice versa, or varies a lot in some other way before it is time for a retest mineral analysis. Many times, the person begins to feel badly, as a rule, because the development program is no longer correct. If zinc is no longer required, often the person becomes very tired and perhaps depressed. If Limcomin is no longer required, one may become irritable, angry or have pain somewhere in the body. If you suspect this has occurred, please contact us. More TMG when Na/K < 0.4 UNDERSTANDING A HIGH HAIR SODIUM/POTASSIUM RATIO by Dr. Lawrence Wilson © May 201, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc. All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. A normal sodium/potassium ratio on a hair mineral analysis when the hair is not washed at the laboratory is roughly between 2.2:1 and 4:1. Commonly, however, the sodium/potassium ratio is elevated on a hair analysis. A high ratio is associated with specific symptoms including acute stress, inflammation, and at times symptoms associated with zinc and/or magnesium deficiency. This pattern also may indicate the emotion of anger or an aggressive personality. The elevated ratio may also be due to the presence of toxic metals. Let us discuss each of these in more detail. ACUTE STRESS In our experience, any type of stress can increase the sodium/potassium ratio. How high the ratio goes and whether it stays elevated depends on the nature of the stress and even the personality of the person. Any type of stress can do this, from financial matters to fatigue to an infection or a toxic metal that is impairing the body functions. Let us examine this aspect of the stress theory of disease, a most useful concept in this regard. Sodium and potassium are regulated mainly by the adrenal hormones aldosterone and cortisol. The kidneys also play a role, as can other factors including the diet in a few cases. However, in most cases, the levels are regulated by these adrenal hormones. Aldosterone causes sodium absorption and simultaneous excretion of potassium. This occurs in the kidneys, the intestines, and in the sweat and saliva. (Guyton, P. 945-946). Cortisol has a somewhat opposite effect, raising potassium and reducing sodium retention in many cases. Dr. Paul Eck believed that a high sodium/potassium ratio on a hair analysis is a rough indicator of a relatively greater secretion of aldosterone in relation to cortisol. However, it is most likely even more complex than this. Cortisol and cortisone have many effects on the body that could affect the sodium and potassium levels in the cells and extracellular fluid. For example, cortisol stimulates sugar production and release, and tends to raise the blood sugar. This may also affect the electrolytes in the blood and tissues in complex ways. Therefore, I would not say that a high ratio of sodium to potassium is simply a cortisol issue. AN ALARM REACTION Sodium retention by aldosterone is part of the alarm reaction or fight-or-flight reaction to stress. This is an aspect of the stress theory of disease. According to Dr. Paul Eck, who was a disciple of Hans Selye, MD, the originator of the stress theory of disease, early in the alarm reaction, the potassium level remains low in relation to sodium. However, both the sodium and the potassium levels in the hair and other tissues tend to be elevated. This pattern we call fast oxidation. However, once again, the situation is not simple. In fact, it can be quite complex because many times toxic metals or other factors can elevate the sodium level, even if the person is not in an alarm reaction or alarm stage of stress. PERSONALITY AND THE NA/K RATIO Those with a more forward-looking and positive outlook tend also to have a greater tendency for an elevated sodium/potassium ratio. This is a complex phenomenon also. It may have to do with particular types of adrenalin and other hormones that are secreted in response to various emotions. It may also have to do with the fact that if one gives up we know the adrenals tend to fail and the sodium/potassium ratio tends to get much lower. A tendency of those who are actually more positive in their outlook is they can become more easily angry at times. Those who have given up often do not become angry, but instead are resigned to their fate. They often harbor so-called chronic emotions such as frustration, resentment and hostiliy. These were words Dr. Eck sought to use to describe the different feelings associated with a high versus a low sodium/potassium ratio. However, they were never intended to be an exact description of the feelings involved in these biochemical patterns, but rather descriptive representations of the reactions within the body to stress in the two situations we are discussing. In fact, the reaction of anger is one of projection of one's anger, according to many psychology books. However, this may be more positive than the paralysis that occurs if one remains in fear. Thus, the person with a high Na/K ratio is often angry, but this is not necessarily a bad thing unless it is extreme. In this case, the ratio is often elevated above about 10:1. If the ratio is less than this, often the person is simple responding positively to his or her world. In contrast, as the Na/K ratio declines lower than about 2:1, the person is no longer able or perhaps not willing to respond. A situation of frustration ensues, and often resentment and hostility. This is my reading of Dr. Eck's understanding of the psychology of this ratio. Another way to view this is that the high Na/K ratio, provided it is within a normal range between about 2 and 10, is indicative of a person who is responding well to their environment. A lower or higher ratio indicates abnormal responses that are less healthful. The exception is if the circumstances demand a different response. This could either be one of extreme fight-or-flight (a very high Na/K ratio) or one of paralysis or fright that demands that one just stop and rest, which could cause a low Na/K ratio. A HIGH NA/K RATIO AND SLOW OXIDATION We have discussed a high ratio of sodium to potassium is a quality of a healthy fast oxidizer. However, we often see the pattern in slow oxidizers as well. As the body becomes exhausted, adrenal and thyroid glandular activity decrease. The body then goes into what is called slow oxidation. At this time, both the sodium and the potassium levels on the hair mineral analysis will tend to decrease. However, the sodium may still be elevated in relation to the potassium level. How is this possible? The answer is that within the exhaustion pattern one can have an acute stress response indicated by a high sodium/potassium ratio. In fact, this is a very common occurrence. In this respect, a slow oxidizer with a low sodium/potassium ratio means a double exhaustion stage pattern, which is definitely less desirable than an elevated sodium/potassium ratio. INFLAMMATION Aldosterone is called a pro-inflammatory hormone because it tends to increase inflammation in the body. This, again, is a complex process involving hormones, insulin production and more. We have said above it is involved heavily in sodium regulation. In contrast, cortisol and cortisone are known as anti-inflammatory hormones because they diminish inflammation. They are more concerned with the potassium level. If one goes to the doctor with a painful shoulder or knee, the doctor may inject cortisone to reduce the inflammation. He would never consider injecting aldosterone, as it might have an opposite effect. The sodium/potassium ratio therefore can be viewed as the balance between the pro-inflammatory state and the anti-inflammatory state of the body. This balance is critical for optimum health. Otherwise, we get the extremes of an inflammatory condition, which is far more common today, or one in which the body cannot mount an inflammatory response to stress. This leads directly to death, since the body must be able to respond to danger and stressors at all times. This is why a low sodium/potassium ratio is considered worse or more severe than an elevated sodium/potassium ratio. To state this differently, a high sodium/potassium ratio is associated with greater secretion of aldosterone in relation to cortisol. Because there is a greater amount of pro-inflammatory hormone, a tendency for inflammation exists in the body. This is particularly true when the sodium/potassium ratio is greater than 10:1. HOW DOES INFLAMMATION MANIFEST IN THE BODY? Inflammation today is the subject of much medical research. Indeed, some physicians now believe that inflammation is the major mechanism in heart disease, cancer and even diabetes. They measure C-reactive protein levels in the blood to determine the level of inflammation and recommend anti-inflammatory products to correct the imbalance. This is a move in the right direction without a doubt. Instead of always looking for a microorganism as a cause for disease, at times inflammation is indeed the culprit. However, it is a normal response of the body that is simply out of control or exaggerated. Hair mineral analysis thus can help identify this important cause of disease in a simple, inexpensive manner. The next issue is how this manifests and then what we can do about it. Inflammation as a word means in-flamed or hot, irritated, red-orange in color and often feels like a burning sensation. In our bodies, inflammation can take the form of any 'itis', for example. These include hundreds such as arthritis, bursitis, colitis, tendonitis, iritis, laryngitis and many others. The "itis" just means inflamed. In practical terms, inflammation often causes irritation, pain, redness, friction, excessive heat or warmth and eventually tissue destruction. It is a tendency for aches and pains, hardened arteries, red eyes, many allergies, upset stomach, and more. It can also indicate a tendency for mental excitation or irritation that we sometimes call anger, as discussed above. In extreme cases, it can cause seizures, epilepsy, headache, rage and destructive behaviors associated with these qualities. HIDDEN TOXIC METALS Copper. In some cases, a high sodium/potassium ratio may reflect hidden copper toxicity, especially in a slow oxidizer. This is because copper elevates sodium and depresses potassium readings. The copper may be present even if the hair copper level is low or normal. Hidden copper toxicity is quite certain if the potassium level is less than 4 mg%, or if the calcium level is over about 80 mg%. Other indicators include, oddly enough, a low sodium/potassium ratio. Others are a mercury level above about 0.03 mg%, or an elevated zinc level above about 18 mg%. This subject is discussed in far more detail in an article entitled Copper Toxicity Syndrome. Other Toxic Metals And Inflammation. Cadmium, mercury, nickel and at times aluminum, manganese and iron toxicity can also elevate sodium levels and can cause a high sodium/potassium ratio. One cause of this is the absolute toxicity of these metals in the body. While manganese and iron are needed in the body, the ones that cause inflammation are generally forms of these metals that are harmful such as oxides. For instance, the iron in hemoglobin does not, of itself, cause inflammation when its amount is proper. Another reason these metals may elevate the sodium/potassium ratio is their effects at the level of the kidneys and perhaps other glands such as the pituitary gland. In other words, their effects are multiple and complex. Note that the levels of these metals may or may not be elevated on the same hair tissue mineral analysis as one notes the high ratio of sodium to potassium. This is because the toxic metals may be hidden deep within body storage sites and is not measurable in the hair or, for that matter, by any other simple method of testing such as a urine challenge or a stool test. Often, however, as the metals are eliminated, a retest mineral analysis will reveal an improved sodium/potassium ratio as well. An interesting exception is if a retest is performed during a toxic metal elimination. The sodium/potassium ratio may temporarily rise as cadmium, for example, is being eliminated. This occurs because cadmium passes out of the body through the kidneys. As cadmium is eliminated, it may stress the kidneys slightly. This causes the sodium/potassium ratio to rise further. The ratio may normalize when the elimination is complete. ZINC AND MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY A high sodium/potassium ratio often indicates a zinc and/or magnesium deficiency. Zinc lowers sodium and raises the potassium level. Zinc deficiency is very common today. Magnesium also has a lowering effect upon sodium, and is deficient in many diets today. The zinc or magnesium levels on the hair analysis may appear normal or even elevated. However, we recommend supplementing with zinc, or a product containing zinc, when the sodium/potassium ratio is elevated. More zinc is needed if the ratio is very high. Magnesium or Paramin may also be very helpful to correct the ratio. SALT-EATING AND THE SODIUM/POTASSIUM RATIO Many people assume that a high sodium/potassium ratio indicates an excessive salt intake. While possibly true, in many instances salt eating has little impact upon the sodium/potassium ratio. A high ratio frequently occurs in people who consume no salt whatsoever! In most cases, unless the kidneys or other organs are compromised, salt-eating plays a secondary role. However, we recommend avoiding table salt completely, as it is missing its trace minerals and often has aluminum or other toxic metals added to it. Unrefined sea salt, in contrast, is an excellent food and is acceptable, even if the sodium/potassium ratio is somewhat high. The only time we recommend some salt restriction is when the sodium/potassium ratio is very high - above 20:1. In these cases, often the kidneys are somewhat compromised or a possibility exists that a person is eating excessive sea salt. We are well aware that some health authorities recommend avoiding all salt. We do not agree with this, as the body needs the alkaline minerals found in good quality sea salt, such as Celtic Salt (trademark) and others. OTHER MEANINGS FOR A HIGH SODIUM/POTASSIUM RATIO A directional change indicator for the oxidation rate. A high Na/K ratio can indicate a person's oxidation rate is speeding up. Movement toward a more effective stress response and toward greater health. A higher ratio, within limits, indicates a more effective stress response and perhaps improved health and a more positive mental outlook. A PERSISTENT LOW SODIUM/POTASSIUM RATIO by Dr. Lawrence Wilson © July 2014, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc. All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. This article concerns a common problem of why a hair sodium/potassium ratio, also called the vitality ratio, sometimes remains low. This occurs even though the patient follows a nutritional balancing program correctly, and even though the person's health and other levels, ratios and patterns on the hair analysis may improve. Before beginning, it is most important that the hair is not washed at the mineral analysis laboratory to obtain accurate sodium and potassium values. Only Analytical Research Labs and Trace Elements, Inc. do not wash the hair at the laboratory. I do not recommend using Trace Elements, Inc. for hair testing. They do not list the ideal hair values, their graphs are more difficult to read, and their recommended programs are not as good, in my view. CAUSES FOR A PERSISTENT LOW SODIUM/POTASSIUM RATIO Improper Diet. Improper diet or subtle difficulty handling sugars and carbohydrates may also cause a persistent low Na/K ratio. Diet plays an important role in sugar-handling, as do mineral deficiencies and toxic conditions of all kinds that may result indirectly from a poor quality diet and/or improper eating habits. For example, some clients simply refuse to give up eating sugars and other sweets. This may seem innocuous, but in some cases it will slow or perhaps even stop progress in the correction of the Na/K ratio. Perhaps low levels of omega-3 fatty acids or even impaired vitamin D levels, both of which are common, might also impair correction of the Na/K ratio. Aging. Older people may persist with a lower Na/K ratio due to weaker adrenal glands, or perhaps kidney dysfunctions, which are usually due to the presence of toxic metals and lowered vitality as one ages. Vaccines. These introduce many poisons such as mercury into the body, as well as toxic germs and other contaminants in most cases. Excellent alternatives to toxic vaccination exist. See the article on this site entitled Vaccination for details. Fatigue and/or low vitality for any reason. Fatigue alone can cause a low sodium/potassium ratio and can cause it to persist. It is usually due to inadequate rest and sleep, although it could be due to overdoing on activity or exercise, in a few cases. Medications and other drugs. Medical or recreational drugs often contain toxic metals, even marijuana. They can poison the kidneys and all other organs, affecting the sodium/potassium ratio. Chronic infections. Dr. Paul Eck discovered that a low Na/K ratio is associated with chronic infections. Based on years of experience, I estimate that the average person has at least a few dozen or more chronic infections. Common sites are the eyes, ears, sinuses, teeth, intestines, joints, bronchial tubes, lungs, liver, and skin. Most people also have a few sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that can be acquired just from swimming in pools or sitting in hot tubs. Eliminating these infections may take a number of years even when one follows a nutritional balancing program. This may occur because: · The infections thrive on weakened tissue and toxic matter in the body. Most people have plenty of this by the time they undertake a nutritional balancing program. Only as the toxic and diseased tissue is removed can the body completely rid itself of these infections. · They are often very old, deep-seated and chronic, meaning that they are well-entrenched, often in areas of the body with impaired circulation or tissues that are unhealthy such as the bronchial tubes and even the ear canals in many people. · Often they have been encapsulated or walled off by the body to some degree. This reduces blood circulation, oxygenation and hydration to the area, often causing healing to be much more difficult and slower. It also means that nutritional remedies, colloidal silver or any other medication has difficulty reaching the infected area. · Many bacterial infections were treated with antibiotics that killed off most of the infection, so the person felt better. However, the germs that remain are often resistant to antibiotics, which means they are not susceptible to medical treatment. · Meanwhile, past use of antibiotics has caused toxicity in the body that is subtle, but very real. The drugs must often be removed from the body with coffee enemas, sauna therapy and a properly designed nutritional balancing program, and this also takes time. Strange as it may sound, removing the drug residues is often helpful to strengthen the immune response to the point where the body can go after the remaining infection. · Sauna therapy that 1) enhances the circulation, 2) heats the tissues a few degrees, and 3) heals the tissues with near infrared energy, is often also necessary to activate the body's immune response enough to cause healing to begin. These chronic infections may present with no symptoms, or very low-grade symptoms. For example, one may only experience post-nasal drip, a light cough, a mild ear ache, other minor aches and pains, or other vague complaints from time to time. For this reason, most people have no idea these infections are present. Yet they can easily cause the Na/K ratio to remain low for years, in some cases. Hidden toxic metals. Everyone today, in my experience, has excessive amounts of toxic metals and many toxic chemicals in their bodies. These may also take a few years to remove completely, or longer. Nutritional balancing is one of the fastest ways to remove them very deeply, much faster and deeper than chelation in many cases, for example. However, it is still a slow process as many are hidden deep in the brain, the bones, and other organs where they are virtually undetectable by challenge tests, hair tests and other methods. They will be revealed as they are eliminated through the hair, however. The process of removing the metals deeply must take a lot of time due to: · Toxicity of the metals. They are extremely toxic substances. If they were removed too quickly, they could poison or even kill a person. The body seems to know how to remove them at a pace that is safe, providing we keep balancing the body chemistry and supporting a person the entire time. Otherwise, it just takes longer. Rarely, a person will have a powerful toxic reaction as a heavy metal is released from a storage site, but this is not common. · Location of the metals, in some instances. Some storage sites of the body are much harder to reach than others due to impaired circulation, or other difficulties such as the blood-brain barrier and others. Toxic metals in the bones, for example, usually take longer to reach as well due to reduced circulation and just the depth or layer of the tissue where they are stored. Sites that have suffered damage and scarring, such as the ear canals, bronchials, lungs and other tissues may also be harder to regenerate and thus take longer. · Incorporated into enzymes. Toxic metals are not just sitting in the body or floating free in the tissues, although this is true of some of them. These are the easiest to remove. Unfortunately, millions of metal atoms are replacing essential minerals in enzymes throughout the body. They cannot simply be pulled out with a chelator or anything else. The body must very carefully and slowly replace them in the enzyme binding sites. This is a much slower process, but a vital one that slowly increases a person's energy level and restores the functioning of all the body organs as well. · Low vitality. Energy is required to synthesize new enzymes, carry away toxic metals and activate the eliminative organs to remove them completely. Most people, especially when they begin a program, have low cellular energy production that make this process much slower. · Impaired eliminative channels. All toxic metals must be flushed or removed from the body through the so-called eliminative channels or organs such as the liver, kidneys, bowel and skin. Some can be removed through the lungs and elsewhere but these are the main routes. Most people have very damaged livers, kidneys, colons and skin, so this slows the process of metal elimination drastically, often for a few years until these organs can be rebuilt and function at their optimum levels. Blood tests and x-rays are not sensitive enough to pick up the congestion and toxicity of the major organs in most cases. · Impaired general mineral nutrition. As explained above, toxic metals must be replaced by vital minerals in enzymes. Just following a healthful diet and taking a few supplements is not enough to replenish dozens of trace minerals. Time is required as well. The body has complex buffering systems, and it will only accept a certain amount of these essential minerals at one time. This is even true if one decides to take mineral in intravenously or intramuscularly. Each mineral must be bound to a mineral transporter to be properly utilized in many instances and the process of remineralizing and renourishing a body thus is a time-consuming process, no matter what. If I felt that IV or IM minerals and other nutrients were better, I would suggest it. So far, however, I have seen the opposite. Other than very gross remineralizing of the body, these routes of administering nutrients seem to do more damage by unbalancing the delicate mineral balance of the body and bypassing the normal buffering systems of the body having to do with food absorption. Exceptions to this principle are when a person is very depleted. In these cases, a few vitamin and mineral IV treatments may initially speed up the remineralization of the body. After a number of these, however, they seem to do more harm than good. I am not sure how many are best, but it is not more than a dozen. Spiritual Attitudes. At times, an attitudinal change may be needed to clear a persistently low sodium/potassium ratio. For example, having excessive expectations of people or situations easily gives rise to chronic frustration. The habit of holding grievances leads to feelings of resentment and to living in the past. Attitudes that promote a normal Na/K ratio include living in the present, letting go of grudges and grievances, forgiving everyone (which does not mean condoning bad behavior), and keeping expectations reasonable at all times. An attitude of gratitude for what you have, no matter how paltry or imperfect it may appear, can also be most helpful. Correcting one's attitudes can also assist tremendously to face unpleasant emotions or issues from the past or the present with courage and great compassion for oneself and for everyone, in fact, even if they appeared to harm one. Any therapy or method that assists a patient change his or her attitudes can go a long way to correcting a low Na/K ratio. In fact, cultivating healthful attitudes also helps all aspects of healing the body and mind.

Attempting To Overcome Overwhelming Stress

Three lows + SD

Holding On for Dear Life

Three lows + low Na/K + low Ca/Mg + Elevated Mg Very close to entering four lows

Stuck Patterns

● Bowl ● Four Lows ● Na/K < 1 ● Very S.O. &/or Ca shell

Immersed In One's Issues

● Low Na/K ● Four Lows ● Bowl

Vector analysis

In math a vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Shown as arrows with a length (magnitude) & a direction & different thicknesses to indicate force. THE GRAPH LINES AS VECTORS: The lines formed by connecting the bars of the chart are also vectors, each line has a length (magnitude) & direction. SHAPE SCIENCE: A shape of a set of connected vectors. Shapes alter subtle energy patterns. Geometric forms of some compounds influences their properties. The shape of atoms helps determine how they'll be used. Cd "looks" very similar to Zn except an extra layer of electrons, so it can replace Zn in many enzymes. Beneficial, but problematic. MEANING OF THE SHAPES: Shapes such as triangles, squares, & others. Vector patterns are often related to the effect of the pattern on our bodies. Examples: Ca shell: Wall/vertical line. "Living behind a wall". Emotions are somewhat suppressed, & out of touch with reality. Bowl: Feels stuck & unable to get free. Iinside a pit & can't climb out. Hill: "Reaching the top of the mountain". Right angles: L, reverse L, cliff, & very steep bowl or hill. Indicate conflict patterns. LONG SINGLE LINE PATTERNS: Long line means a lot of magnitude or force. "Efforting" patterns: - Step down/stepping into life - Step up or stepping out of life - Conflict/in-trouble patterns, horizontal line SHORT LINE PATTERNS: - Mineral ratios - Chaos pattern: Jagged lines that randomly slant up or down. Often high levels of some toxic metals, but not others. Often lots of stress on the body. May be eliminating lots of toxins rapidly. ONE VERTICAL LINE PATTERNS: Indicate a wall or blockage: - Ca shell - Mg shell - Na wall - K wall TWO, SHORT, PARALLEL LINES: Horizontal: - Caring or giving pattern - Energy vampire Parallel: - Double high ratio - Double low ratio - Double vampire Can involve the second 4 minerals. 3 or 4 parallel lines tilting up or down, reinforcing. SPIN, ROTATION OR TWIST PATTERNS: - Caring or giving pattern is a spin right - Energy vampire or taking pattern is a spin left - Pivots are spin or twists involving rotation of the first 4. Can have left pivots & right pivots. TRIANGLE PATTERNS: First 4, a straight line passes through 3 of them. Connected together, it forms a triangle: - Point up = honest. Seen with some hills. - Point down = criminal in "keyhole", some bowls. VECTORS IN TIME: Comparing levels with the next retest forms a point or a line. A point if it stays the same. A line if it increases or decreases. The line is longer if the change is greater Line going upward: - Up elevator - Out of four lows - Climbing out of four lows - Coming alive - Explosion - Down sex pattern Line moving downward: - Down elevator - Settling down and deep settling - A Crash - Moving into four low Points: - Anchors - No change pattern Curve patterns in time: - Bowl - Double bowl - 8 bowl - Hill - Double hill - Ecstatic - Eight hil VECTORS AND MOVEMENT Movement is more than a mood or psychological condition. It's the souls activity in learning various lessons. Movement has a magnitude & directions, so it's a kind of vector


Moving into a hill + Ca/Mg lowers + Na/K raises Indicates overcoming, celebration or joy

No longer a baby

Sharp rise in K or Ni or Al Elimination of 1+ 'child' minerals. Feels more mature & independent. Occurs at any age

Hell Bent

Very F.O. + Na/K >= 10 Especially on initial test. Retest could be kidney stress due to elimination. Rare, death pattern. Maybe linked to Parkinson's disease due to Mn toxicity


Very F.O. + Possibly a reverse L

Immersed In Stress

Very S.O. + Na < 3 + Na/K < 1 Uncommon, mainly in vegetarians


Multiple toxic metals & amigos decrease toward ideals + Zn decrease & is low + Se decrease Toxic body & detox process, even if some toxic metals don't increase????. Zn & Se are retained & replace some toxic metals

Changes to ARL recommendations

1. Dietary Aids. GB-3 always unless causing diarrhea or severe cramping. It's superior to Betaine Hcl-pepsin in 6 or 7 ways. Sometimes it fails to recommend a digestive aid. Always give GB-3, if possible. Children: Most enjoy a little GB-3 ground up in food. Older ones may not like its taste & smell. Exceptions: If one can't tolerate even 1/2 a GB-3/meal, use Enz-aid or Betaine Hcl-pepsin. Eventually, give GB-3 to everyone, if possible. 2. Replace Ova-adren with Thyro-complex or Endo-dren. It recommends Ova-adren for some women with PMS or menopausal symptoms. I prefer Thyro-complex if 1 < K < 4, or Endo-dren if K > 4. The problem with Ova-adren, designed to increase estrogen production, is high Cu content which upsets some, & its herbs are a little toxic. Most menopausal symptoms will respond to enough Thyro-complex. Some women, may need other support such as adding boron, 3 mg, at 1 to 3 daily. Only suggest adding Ova-adren if all else fail for hot flashes. Very rarely progresterone cream or pills are needed. Hormones always upset the delicate balance, & should only be done if the adrenals or thyroid have been removed or not present for another reason. Lifestyle is critical for menopausal symptoms. 3. Omit Endo-C-1000, Endo A-C, Super Vital E, Pyridox, Thym-adren and Magnesium in most cases. Some of all these are in Megapan & other Metabolic Paks. 4. Add EPA-DHA 300 at a dose of 1-1-1 to all adult programs. Deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids is from farming & livestock practices, vegetable oils, etc. Not optional for many people today, in my view. Exceptions. Consistently eating 3/4 cans of sardines weekly. Supplements of hemp or flaxseed oils are also okay, though not as good. Don't use products containing omega 3,6,9 or krill oil, it's slightly toxic & leaves residue in the liver. Children over 4 need some omega-3 fatty acids. Pregnant & lactating women all need 1000 mg of extra omega-3 fatty acids. 5. Add 4000-5000 iu daily of vitamin D3 for all adults. Most need far more vitamin D than in foods, supplements & being in the sun. Endomet Labs sells an excellent 5000 iu vitamin D3 capsule. Children need a little less, but also need extra vitamin D3 after around age 4 in most cases. Take 5000 iu once a week if under age 10, & one every other day if older than 10. 6. Kelp - 6 capsules of about 600 mg each, or about a teaspoon of kelp granules or powder to most all adult programs, if tolerated, only these brands: Nature's Way, Endomet caps, Frontier Herbs, & Starwest granules or powder. Kelp will help correct low thyroid faster than any other product. Children often need kelp. Small children can take 1/2 to 2 per day, older children can take 3 or 4 daily. Exceptions: Reactions are rare. Reduce it & work up slowly if one feels jittery, irritable or unable to sleep, usually healing reactions & will subside in time. If interfering with sleep, don't take the evening capsule or take more earlier. Those with Grave's disease or hyperthyroidism may not tolerate it. If taking meds for hypothyroidism, the meds may need to be reduced if kelp causes nervousness. 7. Paramin - Give extra, in these conditions: a. Muscle cramps or muscle tightness. b. Some anxiety, nervousness, or irritability. c. Insomnia. Take more at night, even in the middle of the night, a simple sleep remedy for many. Caution: Too much causes diarrhea, especially children & babies, but it's not toxic. Children: Excellent even if they don't want a test. Often tolerate more Paramin than size or age indicates. Helps hyperactive, anxious, nervous or tense children. Exception: Don't give as much during the day if it makes one too sleepy. 8. Endo-pan or Zinc Dosage Changes: 5 <Na/K < 12: 1-1-2 zinc. 13 <Na/K < 30: 2-1-2 Zinc. Na/K > 31: 2-2-2 Zinc. Endo-pan contains a lot of pantothenic acid. Don't give more than 3 daily. Give zinc instead of Endo-Pan to all F.O. 9. Optional extra. Helpful for basically everyone, & necessary for a few with very high toxic metal levels, high Hg & a few other. - Renamide (2-2-2 or 1-1-1 for adults) - Endo-Veggies (2-2-2 or 1-1-1 for adults) - Endomet Selenium (1-1-1 for adults). Children: reduce doses of all by age & size. 10. Optional - Replace Paramin with MCHC plus magnesium if the client is osteoporotic. MCHC or micro-crystalline hydroxyapatite crystals, is a bone extract to help build strong bones. It's costly & one must give magnesium with it. Dosage: 1-1-2 MCHC replacing Paramin (1-1-1). Add Magnesium (1-1-1) to balance Ca/Mg. Note: If taking > 3 or 4 Paramins daily, only replace 3 or 4 of them. Keep the rest as it may be better than all MCHC for some. CHANGES FOR ALL CHILDREN: More difficult to design due to age & weight differences, & other factors. Don't use Endomins often. Use adult products in very small doses. CHANGES FOR S.O.: 1. Megapan all the time instead of Hi-B. Dosage: 2-2-2 or 3-2-1 except: a. SD: reduce to 1-1-1 or less. b. Very mild S.O. or maybe pushed into F.O. May give Hi-B along with Megapan if: a. Severely depressed. Always give extra B-complex for severe depression. b. Perhaps if Ca/K > 200, or if Na/K < 1. Don't do this if in SD. 3. Endo-dren or Thyro-complex, not both CHANGES FOR FOUR LOWS: Don't give Megapan or SBF. ONLY: 1. Paramin 3-3-3, or more in low four lows. 2. Zinc or Limcomin. 3. GB3 (work up to 3-3-3 or Enz-aid, 2-2-2 if GB-3 isn't tolerated. Betaine Hcl-pepsin is okay, but not as good.) 4. Taurine 2-2-2. 5. Kelp 2-2-2, GB-3 1-1-1 or more, & EPA-DHA 300 1-1-1 & vitamin D 1-0-0 or 3 cans of sardines. Extra optional products can be used in most cases. OTHER: 1. Drinking water 2. 10-12 ounces of carrot juice 3. For severe depression, can add Hi-B or more Megapan. Can give extra B-complex to relieve the stress of one who is severely depressed or suicidal. To protect patient & practitioner in the very rare case that one harms themself or others. More Megapan, up to 4-4-4 or Hi-B 1-1-1 (even F.O., but only with severe depression). St. John's Wort may help severe depression, most research shows it's best for mild to moderate depression.

Retest interpretation

1. FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE OR JOY PATTERNS If you do this, you will do well. The positive patterns are listed below. If you focus on the problems first on the retest, you will become confused and will miss what is most important. 2. THE MORE POSITIVE PATTERNS, THE BETTER AND THE MORE PRONOUNCED THE PATTERNS, THE BETTER. For example, a person may only have one or two positive patterns on a retests such as a lot of anchors or an amigo dump, but there might be 10 anchors, which is excellent, and the amigo dump might involve doubling or even a greater rise in the amigos, which is also excellent. 3. IF ANY OF THE POSITIVE PATTERNS ARE PRESENT, BE LESS CONCERNED IF OTHER RATIOS OR PATTERNS LOOK WORSE. Other levels, ratios and patterns will often worsen temporarily as the body rebalances and retraces. 4. ASCERTAIN, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, HOW WELL THE PERSON WAS FOLLOWING THE PROGRAM DURING THE PREVIOUS 3-6 MONTHS. If the person followed at least part of the program, then most likely the positive changes on the test are what matters. If not, it is possible that the person is not improving. However, if the positive patterns are present, there may be some improvement anyway because the person was doing at least a little of the program. II. MAJOR POSITIVE OR JOY PATTERNS Anchors (be sure they are not a no-change pattern) Jump Pattern (4 lows to 4 highs) Hill Pattern (first four and/or second four minerals) Coming Alive (first and/or second four) Three Up Settling Down (first and/or second four) Goal Post Out of Four Lows Working Through Four Lows Perking Up Pattern Eliminating Toxic Potassium Getting A Brain (big aluminum elimination) Into Your Issues Dive Pattern of sodium and potassium (the numbers become much lower due to toxinc elimination) Elimination of toxins (either toxic metals or toxic forms of vital minerals (an amigo dump) such as iron, manganese, chromium, or selenium. Also, at times, a rise in calcium, magnesium, sodium and/or potassium also indicate an elimination of toxic or less bioavailable forms of these minerals) No more shell or less shell Improved Ca/Mg ratio Improved Na/K ratio Improved Oxidation Rate Poor and very poor eliminators: fewer of them or improvement in the levels if the poor eliminator pattern remains An Intervention (magnesium jumps up) Selenium and/or magnesium way down (retaining and replacing toxic metals) RETESTS - EVALUATING PROGRESS by Dr. Lawrence Wilson © February 2020, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc. All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. I. INTRODUCTION Many clients ask if they are improving on a development program because they are not feeling much different. One may even feel worse, for a time, due to retracing. Here are general guidelines to answer this question: - If one follows the program faithfully, especially the diet, in almost all cases one's health will improve. - An exception is if one has a serious chronic illness particularly cancer. In this case, one may improve in some ways, but the program may not be enough to overcome a fast-moving cancer, for example. - If one is not following a development program, often one's health is not better, even if one feels better. This occurs because many supplements and procedures are stimulants that make one feel better for a while, but they do not improve health at a deep level. Two out of many examples of this are drinking kombucha tea or drinking celery juice. - At times, assessing progress is difficult. For example, there can be progress in some areas, but not in others. Also, psychological or lifestyle factors occasionally influence the healing and development process in unusual ways. II. HAIR MINERAL RETEST INDICATORS OF IMPROVEMENT A retest hair mineral analysis every 3 to 6 months is an important method we use to assess progress at deep levels of body chemistry. Hare are the main mineral analysis indicators we use to indicate progress. Note that the hair must not be washed at the laboratory in order to produce accurate hair mineral readings. 1. Any increase in the phosphorus level, up to about 16 mg%. The more the phosphorus increases, up to 16 mg%, the more reliable is this indicator. This means that an increase from 16 to 18 mg% is not significant, for example. 2. Any significant increase in the levels of lead, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, nickel, iron, copper, or manganese when these minerals are in the poor eliminator range on the previous test. The more of these that increase, and the more they increase, the more reliable the indicator. To find the most up-to-date criteria for poor eliminators, go to Ideal Human Hair Mineral Levels. 3. A lower reading of aluminum, iron, or manganese, provided these were elevated on the previous test. The more of these that decline, and the more they decline, the more reliable this indicator. An elevated reading for these minerals is the following: Aluminum - above 0.4 mg% Iron - above 2 mg% Manganese - above 0.04 mg% 4. Settling down pattern. This is defined as a decrease in the levels of all the following minerals - calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. The indicator may also be a decrease in three of the minerals above, provided that the fourth mineral remains the same as on the previous test. The greater the decline in these levels, the more reliable the indicator. A settling down pattern can also occur on the second four minerals. 5. Coming alive pattern. This is defined as an increase in the levels of all of the following minerals - calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. The indicator may also be an increase in three of these minerals, provided that the fourth one remains the same as on the previous test. The greater the increase, generally, the more reliable is the indicator. A coming alive pattern can also occur on the second four minerals. 6. A hill pattern. This is defined as a calcium/magnesium ratio less than about 3.5 and a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 3. This indicator is only reliable if the hill was not present on the previous test. The hill pattern can also occur on the second four minerals. For more on this pattern, read The Hill Pattern on this website. 7. Everything coming out pattern. This pattern is defined as an increase in four or more of the toxic metal or certain other readings. The four may include iron, copper, manganese, chromium and/or selenium providing these increase into a toxic range for the mineral. 8. Out of four lows. This occurs when the previous test revealed a four lows pattern and the new test four lows is no longer present. 9. An improvement in the sodium/potassium ratio. The ratio moves closer to the ideal value of 2.5. 10. An improvement in the calcium/magnesium ratio. The ratio moves closer to the ideal value of 6.67. 11. An improvement in the oxidation rate. The oxidation rate moves closer to a balanced rate. 12. Better ratios on the 2nd four minerals when the previous test showed a double low ratio pattern on the second four numbers. 13. A step down pattern when it was not present on the previous test. 14. A reduction in the calcium level if a calcium shell was previously present. 15. An elevation in the zinc level, provided it was less than about 12 mg% on the previous test. 16. A faster oxidation rate in a child who is less than about 5-10 years old. CAVEATS 1. If the opposite to one of these patterns occurs, it does not indicate a lack of progress. This may be important in some cases. For example, if the oxidation rate slows down in a child, this is not a bad sign. However, it is not reliable enough to be listed in this article as signs of progress. RETESTING THE HAIR MINERALS by Dr. Lawrence Wilson © August 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc. All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. Retesting the balance of the minerals in the hair tissue every 3 to 6 months is a critical part of all development programs. If you can afford it, retest every 3 to 4 months. The main reason for this is to keep the program appropriate or proper. Otherwise, one's progress often stops and one may feel worse. A properly designed development program will slowly uncover deeper layers of biochemical imbalances, toxic metals, chronic infections and nutrient deficiencies. This changes the hair mineral readings. A new program is often then required to rebalance the minerals. A retest is needed to guide the changes in the diet, the lifestyle and the supplement program to keep the body chemistry balanced. This is needed to speed one's development. Many people believe that foods and nutritional supplements are harmless and it does not matter what one takes. This is not true. For example, for a person who has a fast oxidation rate, B-complex vitamins will often make irritability and anxiety worse! An improper diet or supplement program could also make a person even more depressed, in some cases. If toxic metals are in the process of being eliminated, one may require different supplements to support the body, a different detoxification regimen, or lifestyle changes to support the process. These are just a few examples of why retesting is so critical for the best results with development. OTHER REASONS FOR RETESTING THE HAIR 1. Safety. Retests are needed to make sure the healing program is actually improving one's health. Safety is always the most important consideration in development science, and we wish it was most important in all of health care. 2. Maintaining a high vitality level. We find that when the nutrition program is set up to gently balance body chemistry, a person's vitality increases dramatically. This is necessary for deep healing and development. Retesting regularly is the only way to assess whether the program is appropriate to maximize vitality and adaptive energy production. 3. Addressing new stress factors in a person's life. Retests allow us to alter a development program to account for changes in a person's life that may affect body chemistry. This is critical to assure the highest vitality level and a balanced body chemistry in the face of stressors of all kinds such as accidents, divorce, and even a new job or a move. 4. Insights about puzzling symptoms. Many symptoms such as fatigue, pain, low blood sugar or others may be due to temporary changes in body chemistry that will be revealed on a retest. If one knows what is occurring at the deepest cellular level, one can take steps to compensate or change the program, which often relieves these symptoms. Symptoms may be physical, mental and emotional. 5. Addressing latent and sub-clinical health conditions. Most people have latent health conditions. These may be chronic infections, tumors, artery disease, tissue weaknesses or other conditions that are so hidden they are not revealed on standard medical tests. However, they are important if one is to prevent health problems later in life. Development science can and does always address these hidden conditions. Often the only evidence of their existence is a significant shift on a hair mineral retest after a person has been on a development program for several months or longer. Using the retest, it is possible to adjust the development program to assist the body to heal these sub-clinical and latent conditions. 6. Cost effectiveness. It is often a waste of money and effort to remain on a nutritional program that is not appropriate for one's body chemistry. In fact, the wrong supplements, for example, can set one back instead of moving one forward on a healing path. 7. Reassurance, guidance and feedback for practitioners. Retests provide a lot of reassurance for practitioners and clients. If no change occurs at all on a retest, for example, perhaps the person is not following the diet, supplements and lifestyle correctly. Perhaps there is so much psychological or other stress that it is negating the benefits of the program and must be addressed. HOW MANY RETESTS DOES A PERSON NEED? We suggest retesting after 3-4 months after the first hair test and we require retesting every 6 months while a person is following a development program. If one does not retest every 6 months, we assume one is not following the program. WHEN TO RETEST SOONER In a few situations, it is best to retest after 3 months or no more than 4 months. These situations include if your previous test revealed: Patterns that often change quickly: - a four lows pattern. - a four highs pattern. - a fast oxidation rate in an adult. - a borderline pattern, meaning just barely in or out of four lows, or a borderline oxidation rate, for example. Patterns that need watching: - a step up pattern - extremely slow oxidation - perhaps if the toxic metal levels were very high. If needed for very careful monitoring, one can retest the hair after about 2 months. To do this properly, one cuts the hair sample very close to the scalp and then cuts off most of the hair, leaving a sample that is no more than ½ inch or 1 cm long. HOW MANY RETESTS ARE NEEDED? Symptoms often begin to disappear within a few weeks to months when one follows a development program. However, rebuilding digestion and releasing traumas and deeper layers of adaptations and compensations takes longer. Also, development begins to occur within a year on a development program. Development is an amazing and lengthy process that goes on for years and years. It offers tremendous benefits, so we highly recommend that one remain on a development program for life. For details about development, read Introduction To Development. QUESTIONS THAT ARISE ABOUT RETESTS A person may feel better, yet a hair mineral analysis retest might reveal worsened ratios or little significant change. Conversely, a person may feel the same or worse, yet the retest shows improvement. Why does these confusing situations arise? Compensations and adaptations. A key to these phenomena is to understand adaptation. A fundamental principle of development is that our bodies survive by compensating or adapting to stress. Adaptations are biochemical changes in the body that occur moment to moment and day to day as we react to our environment. They reflected in altered mineral levels and ratios on a hair test. Taken together, the altered levels and ratios are called homeostatic states. For example, very slow oxidation is a homeostatic state characterized by the tendency for low energy, depression and low blood sugar. It is, however, the best the body can do at the time. Very fast oxidation is another homeostatic state with different symptoms. High levels of toxic metals is a third state and so forth. With this understanding of adaptations and compensations, one can better understand why retests and symptoms do not always or even most often correlate completely. The test or the symptoms may lead. In some cases, the symptoms may change before the retest. In other cases, the body chemistry may shift before symptomatic changes are noticeable. This is a common source of confusion with retests. Uncovering deeper layers of imbalances. This is another key concept to avoid confusion with retests. Often a retest shows a different picture because one has discovered a deeper layer of imbalance, toxic metals or some other alterations of body chemistry. Now let us discuss why certain unusual phenomena occur on retests. I FEEL BETTER, BUT THE TEST IS WORSE 1. Decompensation. One reason this occurs is decompensation. After several weeks or months on a nutrition program, nutrients are replenished and energy improves. The body then does not need to compensate as much and a change of equilibrium or homeostasis occurs. Occasionally, a temporary increased imbalance occurs. Zinc decreases. An example is a patient with a good zinc level, in spite of symptoms such as prostate enlargement, skin problems, decreased sense of taste and smell, poor digestion or other zinc deficiency symptoms. On a second or third test, the zinc level may drop precipitously, yet the patient reports feeling better. What happened? The zinc reading was originally displaced upwards, to balance something else or by a toxic metal such as cadmium. Cadmium and other toxic metals can cause physiological mineral levels to appear higher in the hair. As energy increases, cadmium is eliminated from the body. As cadmium is released, zinc replaces it in the tissues and for a while less zinc is excreted into the hair tissue. The retention of the zinc, along with cadmium elimination, causes improvement in symptoms. An oxidation rate worsens. A second example is a chronically ill (compensated) patient with a fairly balanced oxidation rate on the first hair test. This occurs commonly. After one or several tests, the oxidation rate may become very slow or very fast, indicating severe energy loss. However, the patient reports feeling better. In this case, the body had compensated for nutrient imbalances by accumulating toxic metals that temporarily balanced the oxidation rate. Cadmium, for example, will raise sodium levels. Lead can replace calcium. In spite of a fairly balanced oxidation rate, the person did not feel well because of the presence of the toxic metals, often hidden deep within the tissues. As body chemistry improved, the body began to eliminate the toxic metals, replacing them with physiological minerals. The person begins to feel better. Yet the oxidation rate may reveal the underlying imbalance and look worse for a while. 2. Symptom relief. A second reason the test may look worse but the patient feels better is if the patient gains relief from an important symptom. This may produce psychological well-being in the patient, even though other imbalances exist. 3. Not reading the test carefully enough. A third reason for an apparent worsening of the test in spite of symptomatic improvement is the practitioner may not understand how to interpret the new test. 4. Higher toxic metals. For example, higher toxic metals usually means one is actively eliminating of metals, not a worsening of toxicity. An unbalanced oxidation rate may grab one's attention, causing one to overlook an improved sodium/potassium ratio or improved phosphorus or zinc level. 5. Uncovering a deeper layer of imbalances. This occurs often on hair mineral tests. The main reason is that imbalances in body chemistry are unwound or uncovered layer by layer. Often, a superficial layer does not appear that abnormal. However, a deeper layer reveals hidden toxic metals and other imbalances that are more aberrant. This is not a cause for alarm, but for gratitude that one is uncovering and correcting deeper imbalances. Usually one feels better as these are uncovered, as it means one must no longer spend energy compensating and adapting to underlying imbalances. Adaptive energy that was tied up in this way is now freed and one often feels better. In those following a development program, blood, urine and other tests may also be skewed temporarily as the unwinding of layers of adaptations proceeds. One simply addresses the imbalances that are present without placing too much emphasis on the seemingly worsened appearance of the mineral or other test. LITTLE CHANGE ON A RETEST There are several reasons why there may be little change in the hair test, but the patient feels better. Possible reasons include: 1. It's too soon to notice. A diet, supplement or lifestyle change increases well-being, but has not yet impacted body chemistry enough to show up on the test. Remember that a hair analysis is a picture of the past three months or so of a person's body chemistry. Recent changes may take an extra month or two to show up on a retest. 2. Faulty Interpretation. The practitioner overlooks a subtle improved ratio or level. 3. Averaging. The change may be too subtle to see on one test. For example, a copper level that is rising from 2.5 mg% to 8.5 mg% over the 3 month sampling period will be averaged resulting in a reading of 5.5 mg%. Over the next 3 months, a decrease in the copper level from 9 mg% to 2 mg% will be averaged to also produce a reading of 5.5 mg%. The reading will be the same, but the meaning is very different! The only way to detect such a subtle change would be to retest sooner. Eventually, of course, the trend in body chemistry will be revealed, but on a temporary basis it can seem as though nothing has changed. 4. Faulty hair sampling. The hair was not sampled correctly. This should not happen if instructions for sampling hair are followed to the letter. However, if someone sends in a long hair sample, it may be old. A sample cut away from the scalp will not show recent changes. THE RETEST LOOKS BETTER, BUT THE PERSON FEELS WORSE OR THE SAME A person with an improved retest can feel worse for several reasons. 1. Retracing reactions. The most common reason is a healing reaction or retracing reaction. This can give rise to many kinds of symptoms. Most do not last long, but chronic conditions may require months for retracing. One patient began to dissolve old kidney stones, which then began to pass, causing extreme discomfort until all had passed. 2. Ridding the body of a latent condition. With a development program, unlike most other nutrition or healing regimens, the body corrects the most important imbalances first. The most important imbalance may not be one's main symptom, however. Therefore, one may not feel better immediately, even though positive change is occurring. Some understanding of the correction process is required in order to continue with the program in spite of little apparent symptom change. For example, a latent condition might be a partially clogged artery or an early cancer. These conditions usually have no obvious symptoms and one is unaware of the developing pathology. Since there are no obvious symptoms of pathology, one is also often not aware of the correction of the latent pathology either. Therefore, one might think that nothing has occurred after a few months on a program, when in fact an important healing has occurred. The hair analysis may be the only indicator of the healing. Meanwhile, one's more 'pressing' symptoms may not change. In reality, these may be much less important, however, than healing the latent heart attack. 3. A higher level of awareness of symptoms. This is a common occurrence on our programs. Many people are not are of their health or their energy level when beginning a development program. As they progress, however, they become far more aware of their bodies. With this comes awareness of problems, aches and pains and other symptoms. This can make a person believe they are worse, when really they are simply more in touch with the body and the mind as well. 4. New stress factors. As health improves, new challenges may occur in a person's life, creating anxiety or other symptoms. 5. The person may have forgotten some of his original complaints. This is far more common, in our experience, than one might imagine. For this reason, it is always wise for practitioners to keep a written record of all symptoms and conditions at the beginning of treatment. Then, when a person says there is no improvement or they are feeling worse, you can refer to this sheet and ask about each symptom. Often half are gone and forgotten. 6. The person increased their activity level. This is common with fatigued patients who are anxious to get back to their old routine. As they improve, they increase their activities, using up the extra energy they gained. As a result, they may not feel better. Careful questioning may reveal an increased activity level, needing fewer naps, or some other subtle improvement. HAIR ANALYSIS PATTERNS ON RETESTS We have identified dozens of hair mineral patterns that are revealed only on retest hair mineral analyses. Many are rather interesting. All of them are listed on the Read Articles page of this website in alphabetical order. When we find a new pattern, we add it there. A few of the important ones are: 1. Back In the Tunnel 2. Settling Down Pattern 3. Kidney Stress pattern 4. Elimination Of Metastatic Calcium 5. Getting Rid Of The Crutches 6. Coming Alive 7. Emerging From Four Lows 8. Flip Over Pattern (big change in the oxidation rate or the sodium/potassium ratio 9. An explosion or surge

Super Settling

First four all decrease by 50+% Very good, one feels much more relaxed, steady, & grounded

Climbing Out Of Four Lows

Four lows on two successive tests + Ca rises 4+ + Other macrominerals stay the same

Shift To The Right

Ca/Mg improves 20+% + Na/K decreases 20+% + Both ratios are usually elevated + Often many anchors & some pivots + Oxidation usually fairly balanced + Often discernible visually, not if very high Brain improving a lot, processing past traumas as a way to step out & live life fully

Deep Anger

Four lows persists for 2+ tests + Often low four lows + Often K <= 4 + Often Na/K is normal or elevated + Indicates a lot of SD - at least 3x+ Middle-aged women, a hatred for life

Wide Awake

Four lows previously + Na increase 50+% + Other 3 macrominerals stay + May or may not remain in four lows + Fe & Mn increased Positive pattern

Working through four lows

Four lows previously & on retest + Oxidation slowed + Often Ca is higher Progressing in four lows, positive pattern

The Leap or Jump

Four lows to four highs Type of "coming alive", very positive. Can be an "elevator", or ratios can change significantly

Lower vitality indicators

- 1 high toxic metal or several somewhat elevated - Extreme oxidation, especially slow - 1.5 < Na/K < 15 - 3 < Ca/Mg < 11 - P < 12 - Four lows - Reduced trace elements - Elevated Cu, Mn, Fe, Cr or Se, unless using Se-based shampoo.

Medium vitality indicators

- 1 or 2 toxic metals somewhat elevated - Mild oxidation, either slow, fast or mixed. - 1.5 < Na/K < 15 - 3 < Ca/Mg < 11 - 12 < P < 20. - Somewhat reduced Zn Cr, Se, or mild elevation of Fe or Mn. - No four lows

Wrong Two Highs Pattern (4 of them)

- Ca > 40 & Na > 25, with Mg < 6 & K < 10. Saw tooth look, mixed oxidation & often double high ratio - Ca > 40 & K > 10, with Mg < 6 & Na < 25. Bowl look with fast, slow or mixed oxidation. - Mg > 6 & K > 10, with Ca < 40 & Na < 25. Saw tooth look, mixed oxidation & at times a double low ratio. - Mg > 6 & Na > 25, with Ca < 40 & K < 10. Hill look, with fast, slow or mixed oxidation. Viewed exactly like 3 highs/4 highs. All 4 are variants of S.O. with secondary alarm reaction Possible exception is #3. May be like burned out F.O., or F.O. with low Na/K. RESOLVING: Temporary mixed up metabolic situation

High vitality indicators

- Mild oxidation, either fast, slow or mixed - 2.5 < Na/K < 15 - 4 < Ca/Mg < 10 - 15 < P < 20 - Low toxic metals - Good trace elements - 35 < Ca < 90 - 4 < K < 50 - 13 < Zn < 22 - Al < 0.2 - No four lows

Increased awareness patterns

- Pivots - Emerging from four lows - Into your issues or Na/K 25+% decline - Climbing out of four lows - Decrease in Zn &/or Se (replacement) - Increases in 1+ toxic minerals (including amigos) indicating removal from the brain

Malnourished Patterns

- Some bowls. Inadequate protein in the diet - Some double low ratios. Ca/Mg < 4 & Na/K < 2.5. Inadequate vegetables. - Double give-up - Some four lows. Eating a lot of "junk" food. - Some trauma patterns

Walking Dead Patterns

- Very S.O. - Low or normal Na/K - SD - Four lows - Bowl/stuck - Dead, Shut Down, or Flattened Artificial life support, methods of keeping one alive & healthy-looking, while very ill, nutritionally depleted, & often lost so many souls that the body can hardly function. Millions of people. Most are alive via implants that emit a frequency to spins energy centers. Refers to anyone using this life support. CHARACTERISTICS: 1. Very low adaptive energy. Obviously tired but they may seem to have energy, a stimulated or adrenal-based energy 2. Unhealthy body. Some look healthy, especially young ones. But none are really healthy & vigorous. 3. Very yin bodies. 4. Very prone to depression & anxiety. Related to low adaptive energy & yin disease 5. Strange look about them. Distant, preoccupied, or spacey with brain fog. Over half of our clients report brain fog, younger people are the most malnourished. 6. Odd speech. Related to health condition & thinking, not a physiological condition, but a mental situation. 7. Tatoos, body piercings, dark-colored clothing. Not always true, but more among them. A Ca shell makes them less sensitive to the pain. 8. Drug use. Many use marijuana, or others, mostly to relieve depression, anxiety, malaise. 9. Loose sexual behavior & attitudes. Due to rape. Some are conditioned by education, music, movies, books, etc. 10. Strange thinking/behavior often according to standards set up by someone else. 11. Reduced willpower. Important & consistent with implants. Why rogues want life support. HOW TO REVERSE: Not always easy. Takes a few months to years. EXAMPLES OF BEHAVIOR: PC/SJW thinking, self destructive, lying.

Spiritual Crisis

1+ Left pivot & 1+ Right pivot, preferably more (big turnarounds in one's attitudes about self and others) AND + 10x+ rise in Mn (large Mn elimination) + 2x+ rise in Al or others (Eliminations) + "4x coming alive"


1+ minerals decline into a poor eliminator OR 1+ poor eliminators becomes more severe WHAT: 1. Mineral elimination is reduced. 2. Elimination is not reduced but shunted to other routes In most cases #1 is more correct. WHY: - Change in oxidation. - Stress shuts down elimination. - Retrace trauma "putting on your armor" to handle it. QUANTIFYING: - Number. 2 or 3 decline is mild. If 7+ decline, pronounced. - Degree. 1.4 to 1.2, is mild 1.4 to 0.8 is more pronounced HOW: Changes in kidneys, liver, eliminative organs. Not necessarily a change in oxidation or Na/K Probably needs more TMG

Replacement Pattern

1+ minerals decreases significantly on a retest Examples: Zn, Se, or Mg decline 100+%. May get very low Significant replacement of less preferred minerals. Very positive & a joy pattern that corrects easily. Patterns that affect all first 4 & often second 4 are due to down sex

Anchors And Pivots

1+ minerals remain the same or close Significant brain improvement One of the most important and remarkable aspects of a development program the way our Approved Helpers set them up is the amount and degree of improvement that occurs in the brain. This is absolutely essential for development to occur. Studying these changes has been difficult because the brain is not readily accessible to view. However, we recently identified hair analysis patterns that can enable anyone to assess some of these changes - the pivot and anchor patterns. These patterns are proving to be reliable, and most helpful to assess changes in the brain. SIMILARITIES Both anchors and pivots: - are very positive retest patterns that involve improvements in the brain. - involve at least one mineral level that remains the same, or almost the same. This is connected to the brain improvement because apparently holding a mineral level steady is required for the healing of the brain that takes place when the anchor and pivot patterns are present. - the criteria for "remaining almost the same" are identical for both patterns. - the patterns can occur on any nutrient mineral. - the more anchors or pivots that are present on a retest, the more powerful the pattern. For example, if a retest shows two right pivots, it is called a double pivot pattern. This is more intense or significant than a test that shows only a single right pivot pattern. With this introduction, let us discuss each pattern in more detail. II. ANCHOR PATTERNS Definition. An anchor pattern exists on a retest hair mineral analysis when a mineral level remains the same or almost the same on a hair mineral analysis retest. The hair must not be washed at the laboratory. This section was updated on August 18, 2019: How similar must the retest numbers be to the numbers on the previous test? In order to qualify for either an anchor or a pivot pattern: Calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium and zinc must remain within 2 and rarely within 3 mg%. Iron must remain within about 0.2 or rarely 0.3 mg%. Copper must usually remain within 0.4 mg%. Manganese must usually remain within 0.01 mg% Chromium and selenium. So far, these are always anchors, even if the numbers are not too close together. Phosphorus must usually remain within 2 mg%. Lithium, molybdenum and cobalt must remain within 0.1 mg%. We believe there is also a fourth tetra (vanadium, cobalt, molybdenum and lithium) and a fifth tetra (germanium, sulfur, rubidium and phosphorus) and a covering mineral, iodine. However, we are unable to evaluate anchors and pivots for them because ARL does not read them. Guides sometimes tell us about them. GENERAL MEANING Anchor patterns indicate improvement in the architecture or shape or the brain sulci in an area of the brain. They are all very positive patterns. We are not sure why keeping the mineral levels the same or very close helps the brain. However, we surmise that the similar numbers provide stability needed to regenerate the nervous system. VARIETIES OF ANCHOR PATTERNS Anchors can involve from one to eight or so minerals that remain steady. Here are more details: Calcium anchor = Improvement in the sulci in the back of the head. These are less common, and mayhave to do with improvement in vision or visual processing disorders. Magnesium anchor = Improvement in the sulci on the right side of head. These are quite common and have to do with improvements in language and thinking skills. Sodium anchor = Improvement in the sulci on left side of the head. These are common, but not as common as magnesium anchors. Sodium anchors often have to do with improvements in language and thinking skills. Potassium anchor = Improvement in the sulci at the top of the head. This has to do with balance and other brain activitites. Iron anchor = Improvement in the sulci in the back of the head involving language processing. Copper anchor = Improvement in the sulci on the top of the head. We are not sure of the exact brain activity involved. Manganese anchor = Improvement in the sulci top of the head. We are not sure of the exact brain activity involved. Zinc anchor = Improvement in the sulci in the back of the brain. We need more research about this anchor. New brain pattern. If a hair chart shows 7 or more anchor patterns, we call it a new brain pattern. It is an excellent pattern that occurs on many hair retests when a person follows a development program carefully and faithfully. Wise person pattern. This occurs when a person has 9 or more anchors. III. PIVOT PATTERNS ON A HAIR MINERAL ANALYSIS Definition. This is a retest pattern in which all the following are true: 1. One of the macro or trace mineral levels remains the same or almost the same. This mineral is called the pivot. For example, one can have a calcium pivot, a magnesium pivot, a sodium pivot, a potassium pivot, an iron pivot, etc. 2. The other three mineral levels in the same tetra, or group of four minerals of which the pivot is part, must change in the following way: - Those in the same tetra that are to the left of the pivot mineral on the ARL graph increase or stay the same, while those on the other side of the pivot decrease or stay the same, OR - Those in the same tetra that are to the right of the pivot mineral on the ARL graph increase or stay the same, while those on the other side of the pivot decrease or stay the same. By way of review, - The first tetra of minerals = calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. - The second tetra of minerals = iron, copper, manganese and zinc. - The third tetra of minerals = chromium, selenium, vanadium and cobalt. There are more tetras, but we don't know as much about them. An example. Let us say that magnesium remains the same on a retest. In addition, the calcium level, which is to the left of the pivot mineral (magnesium) on the ARL graph chart, decreases. In addition, the sodium and potassium levels, which are to the right of the pivot mineral, increase. These are the criteria for a magnesium pivot. It would also be a magnesium pivot if the calcium level increases and the sodium and potassium levels decrease. Rotation effect. The "look" of the pivot pattern is a rotation around the one mineral that remains the same or almost the same. Hence the name pivot because the levels "pivot" around one mineral level that is unchanged or almost unchanged. Based upon this idea, pivots are called right pivots or left pivots, depending upon which direction the minerals "rotate" around the pivot mineral. GENERAL MEANING All pivot patterns are very positive indicators and are also anchors. All pivot patterns indicate a turnaround in a person's thinking. They are not lifestyle patterns, but rather have to do with gaining insight, which results in a shift in one's understanding. In addition: - A right pivot involves a turnaround and improvement in one's own moral values. It is also a slowing of the oxidation rate if it involves the first four minerals on the chart or first tetra. - A left pivot involves a turnaround in one's understanding of others, usually one's family members. It is also associated with a faster oxidation rate if it involves the first four minerals or first tetra. CHANGES IN THE BRAIN Left calcium pivots and left magnesium pivots (moving toward a faster oxidation rate) are associated with activation of certain frontal lobe brain centers associated with development. These are earlier development indicators than an elevated phosphorus level, and are very positive patterns. There are four main centers in the frontal area of the brain involved with early development. The left calcium pivot and the left magnesium pivot are associated with activation of the two lower ones. Activation of the other two brain areas are associated with anchor patterns. With calcium and magnesium pivots, one needs to retain copper, so the copper level may decrease

Settling Down

1+ of first 4 decrease + Others must stay the same + No macrominerals may increase Most significant when all 4 decrease. Milder if less decrease & others stay. Excellent progress. Calmer & in touch with feelings. Double pattern: On first 4 & second 4. Even more positive More extreme variants: Deep, super settling down, crash/crash landing

All Pattern

1. All minerals increase, stay about the same or decrease at the same time 2. A group of minerals all increase, stay about the same, or decrease together The groups may be: First 4, Second 4, All toxic metals - Another is the third or fourth tetra?? MEANING: Excellent indicators of deep healing. Often with brain structure, like "all anchor". Often positive emotionally & physically. EXAMPLES: 3 down sex: Down sex done 3x+ per week, causes all or most to either increase, decrease, or "all-anchor". Coming alive (4X). Increase in the first 4. Excellent healing & mental pattern. Possible coming alive 4x on the second 4 or a later tetra Settling down (4x). Decrease in the first 4. Possible settling down 4x on the second 4 or a later tetra Everything coming out: Increase in all or most toxic metals. Excellent healing. All armoring pattern: All or most trace minerals & toxic metals decrease into poor eliminators. Not always beneficial, but often deep healing. Often also joy patterns.


2 people, or a person & animal align their hair to be the same or very similar. Involves 2+ levels, especially the first 4. More similar levels is more powerful. Very effective to enhance healing & development Holding the intent can help it occur. Child may hold the pattern of a parent to assist them. Also siblings, or couples who are married or living together. Better relationships are more effective. Best when same age, but can be any age. Share frequencies of energy, creating resonance. In close contact they balance one another. One with weak kidneys, can utilize stronger kidneys of the other to heal. Often happier. A very fine wire connects the main souls Seen most with tests of several family members. Twin soul healing & down sex share these qualities. In down sex, physical proximity is more important than matching hair.

Collapse patterns

2+ of first 4 decrease 100+% AKA "deep settling down" Very positive

Crash Landing/just a Crash (AKA collapses)

2+ of first 4 decrease 50+% + none of first 4 rise A special case of settling down. CAUSES: 1. Na & K decrease. moving from faster to slower oxidation. Most common. 2. Mild S.O. changes to very S.O. 3. Four highs changes to S.O. + low Na & K. 4. Four highs changes to four lows. 5. Any oxidation goes to low four lows Usually positive, elimination of "crutches" holding faster oxidation. Symptoms: fatigue, depression, constipation, joint pain, etc.

(3 or more tests) Locked up

2+ retests where Ca, Mg, Na or K remain very high Another is F.O. for 2+ retests Can be due to toxins in kidneys, trauma, or other toxic condition. May be B, Ni, or Cd toxicity also. Sometimes, several years may be required to "unlock the body chemistry". Until then there's little change in the macromineral pattern

(3+ tests) Locked down

2+ retests where Ca, Mg, Na or K remain very low Another is very S.O. on 2+ retests Can be due to hidden health problems, trauma, hidden toxic metals, etc.

Low Self-Esteem

25 < Ca < 80 + 2< Mg < 10 + 4 < Ca/Mg < 10 + Na/K > 20 + K < 5 + Always SD Ca/Mg = Anger & inflammation Na/K = directed inward Not psychological withdrawal, like a Ca shell. Possible hidden B toxicity Need lots of Zn

Coming Out Pattern

2x shell changes to no shell + Ca/Mg reduces 50+% + P increases 3+ mg% + Na/K improves & flips + Deep bowl changes to step down Not the same as "coming out of four lows"

Possible Criminal Leader

2x+ Ca shell + K = 1 or 2 + Elevated Mn often Fe, Al, Ni, Hg, Co, Pb

Triple Joy

3 joy patterns Ie. coming alive, a hill, & coming out of four lows

Three Up

3 macrominerals rise + Usually, Ca or K decrease Type of "coming alive" that's very positive

Three Highs

3 of first 4 are above ideal Chronicity is greater if K below ideal Handle like four highs - delicately not to 'crash land' into S.O. if in F.O.


300+% decrease in a level, ratio or pattern Excellent & fast progress

Exploding or explosions

300+% rise in 2+ of first 4. None can decline. Special type of "coming alive" Variations: - "Explode" within four lows - Move out of four lows - "Explode" not in four lows - Four lows to four highs "leap or jump" - Large forward flip in Na/K low to high Very positive. Can be disruptive as chemistry shifts & energy raises drastically. Often in one with more mental instability

Cliff Patterns

4 < Ca/Mg < 6 + Na/K > 10 + three highs with low K Criminal pattern Definition. Cliff patterns are those in which one, two three or four of the macromineral levels are very high. At the same time, the level of a mineral that is adjacent to these elevated minerals is very low. All cliff patters have the appearance of a cliff. Hence the name, cliff patterns. These patterns are recently discovered and are not too common. As a result, we have not studied them as much as some others. Therefore, the criteria for the patterns may change as we learn more about them. TYPES OF CLIFF PATTERNS There are four types of cliff patterns, depending on how many of the macrominerals are elevated. The one cliff. In this type, only one of the macrominerals is elevated. The criteria for this pattern are: 1. Calcium level above 165 mg% or so 2. Magnesium less than 3 mg% 3. Sodium less than 6 mg% 4. Potassium level less than 4 mg%. This pattern is the same as the L pattern. The calcium/magnesium ratio is always high, indicating that part of the pattern is spiritual defensiveness. This is a lifestyle imbalance that is interfering with one's health. The two cliff. In this type, the first two macrominerals are elevated. The criteria for this pattern are: 1. Calcium above about 165 mg%. 2. Magnesium above about 22 mg%. 3. Sodium less than about 7 mg%. 4. Potassium less than 4 mg%. This is simply a very slow oxidizer pattern with a calcium shell. For details, read Slow Oxidation. The three cliff. In this type, the first three macrominerals are elevated. The criteria for this pattern are: 1. Calcium greater than about 165%. 2. Magnesium greater than about 22 mg%. 3. Sodium greater than 60 mg%. 4. Potassium less than 5 mg%. So far, this appears to be a criminal pattern. A prominent feature of it is extreme anger, indicated by the very elevated sodium/potassium ratio. For details, read Criminality and Criminal Patterns. The four cliff. In this type, all four of the macrominerals are elevated. The criteria for this pattern are: 1. Calcium greater than about 165 mg% 2. Magnesium greater than about 22 mg% 3. Sodium greater than about 6º mg% 4. Potassium greater than about 30 mg%. 5. In addition, the iron level must be below 1.2 mg%, we believe. This pattern is similar to a high four highs pattern or extreme four highs pattern (also called the high tunnel), except we believe that the iron level (the next mineral on the chart) must be low, as well. A four highs pattern is a secondary alarm reaction, also called a slow oxidizer under stress. In acupuncture, four highs is a yang rising pattern associated with inflammation and acute stress. A high four highs or high tunnel pattern has to do with mildly entering the "tunnel of death" spoken of in some cultures. The two tunnel patterns, four lows and high four highs, both have to do with disconnecting somewhat from this existence. MEANING OF THE CLIFF PATTERNS All the cliff patterns involve a Calcium Shell Pattern. This is often associated with trauma, psychological withdrawal, and suppression and/or repression of emotions. Disconnect. All cliff patterns indicate a fairly severe imbalance of the macrominerals and perhaps indicate a "disconnect" tendency in a person. In the criminal pattern (the 3 cliff), this could indicate a psychopathic or sociopathic tendency. This means the person is disconnected from other people and so does not mind harming others. Copper toxicity. All the cliff patterns involve hidden copper toxicity. The reason is that high calcium is a hidden copper toxicity indicator. Elevated copper is associated with disconnecting or detaching from this world to varying degrees. For example, very high copper is associated with schizoid tendencies or schizophrenia. OTHER NOTES ABOUT THE CLIFF PATTERN These patterns can appear on a first test, or on a retest as part of a retracing process. If they appear on a retest only, they are much less important and simply indicate that one is temporarily passing through the pattern on the way to health. Also, on a retest, they might just indicate an elimination of toxic or metastatic calcium and magnesium.

High number pattern

4+ elevated minerals. May be linked to intense toxicity due to physical or other trauma. Often the cult diet

All Poors Pattern

6+ poor eliminators

New Brain

7+ anchors

Exceeding one's carbohydrate tolerance

9.5 < Ca/Mg < 13.5

Attitude vs lifestyle

A properly interpreted hair tissue mineral analysis can help one to know whether a problem is more due to something outside of oneself or if the problem is more internal. This is just a tiny fraction of the information that the test can provide, but it is interesting, so I thought it would make an interesting article. Here is how it is done. SPIRITUAL DEFENSIVE PATTERN The calcium/magnesium ratio on a properly performed and correctly interpreted hair analysis has a lot to do with things outside of a person, such as the diet, lifestyle, habits of thought, speech and action, and perhaps others such as one's relationships, work or occupation, hobbies, attitudes and more. We have observed that if the calcium/magnesium ratio on an initial hair test only is over about 13.5:1, it is very likely that a situation in the lifestyle is currently not in the person's best interests. In other words, a person has a need to let go of something in his or her life, in order to move ahead in life and often for the purpose of healing as well. We call the elevated calcium/magnesium ratio in this range the spiritual defensiveness pattern. You can click on the name to read an entire article about this pattern. The concept is that when the ratio is about 13.5 or greater, the person is defending something that is no longer needed or helpful. It is a kind of karmic or other pattern, tendency, factor or attitude that is finished and needs to be let go of. It could refer to a job, hobby, relationship, friendship, location, type of work or a thinking style, habit or attitude that is not really working in their best interest. This pattern was not a part of Dr. Paul Eck's original research. He felt that an elevated calcium/magnesium ratio in this range is a diabetic indicator. It may be, but I have not been able to confirm it. However, Dr. Eck identified a mental tendency with this pattern that is interesting. He called it a pretentiousness or pretending pattern. It is the idea that one believes one is doing something correctly, but in fact, it is not correct or appropriate. This is the sense, I believe, in which he meant the word pretentiousness. So the highly elevated calcium/magnesium ratio can indicate that one is pretending to do something or be something or believe in something that is really not so. It also has a quality of defensiveness in it, as though a person is defending the action, behavior or thinking pattern. Calcium has to do with defensiveness and structure in one's life and a high ratio of calcium to magnesium is associated with the quality of defensiveness or defending structure too much in one's life. SYMPATHETIC DOMINANCE Now let us turn to another interesting mental/emotional/spiritual pattern that is commonly seen on hair mineral analyses that are performed correctly. It is called sympathetic dominant pattern. It, too, was not formally a part of Dr. Eck's original research, but I was aware of this pattern for years in myself and others, and I am sure I discussed it with Dr. Eck, who probably agreed with the idea. The main indicator for this pattern is a hair potassium level less than about 5 mg%. This is a low potassium level. Another indicator is a three highs or four highs pattern with a sodium/potassium ratio above about 3. A secondary indicator is sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 4 or 5. The levels of sodium and potassium on a properly performed hair mineral analysis have much more to do with situations and conditions internal to the body, meaning toxic metals, glandular activity, nutrient deficiencies and so on. In this case, however, sympathetic dominance pattern also has to do with an attitude or approach to life, though the presence of toxic levels of metals can and does affect the pattern to some degree. This pattern is usually a deeper tendency having to do with pushing oneself, worrying a lot, and overusing the sympathetic nervous system. It is not the same as a sympathetic state of body chemistry, which is associated with and basically the same as fast oxidation. The sympathetic nervous system is the system one uses to fight or run. It should be used for emergencies only. However, these individuals are using the sympathetic nervous system much of the time to force or push themselves in some way. They often wear themselves out and often become ill and can even die from it. One might call it running on adrenal reserves or adrenal energy. COMPARING THESE TWO PATTERNS Here are some of the major differences between these two patterns, both of which could be about an attitude or certain mental habits. 1. Generality. Sympathetic dominance pattern is about a more general approach to life, rather than a specific lifestyle factor. 2. Internal versus external. Spiritual defensive pattern usually refers to something more external such as a job, relationship or something else. Sympathetic dominance is more related to body chemistry rather that outer events in one's life. 3. Deeply affected by copper and the amigos. Sympathetic dominance is often highly affected by the presence of overt or hidden copper imbalance, or the amigos, which irritate the adrenal glands and perhaps other parts of the nervous system. This is not the case with a spiritual defensive pattern, which is more related to karmic ending. 4. Both patterns have to do with a failed or difficult transition pattern. However, the transition or shift with the spiritual defensiveness pattern has to do with a specific lifestyle choice, habit or attitude. The conflict or disconnect is that a particular situation, attitude or habit is no longer appropriate, but the person is holding on to it anyway. The transition involved with sympathetic dominance is a shift from fast oxidation to slow oxidation. The person with sympathetic dominance often acts and feels like a fast oxidizer, yet the body has transitioned to slow oxidation. This is the disconnect or conflict associated with this pattern. So in both cases, it is a type of holding on to the past, but one is more externally-oriented (spiritual defensiveness) while the other is more biochemically oriented and more internal to the body. HEALING BOTH IMBALANCES Sympathetic dominance. Getting out of this pattern may depend upon changing various attitude. It usually means learning to relax more, and practicing meditation or relaxation methods to slow the mind and rest the body. These can shift the body's autonomic system away from so much sympathetic activity. It may mean getting less exercise or switching to a more gentle routine. It may mean taking one's job or family a little less seriously so that one can rest adequately. It also can require removing from the body certain toxic metals, notably excess copper, mercury and cadmium, for example. These metals, along with certain toxic chemicals such as some pesticides, help keep one in sympathetic overdrive, as we may call it, too much of the time. Healing spiritual defensiveness. This also may involve changing an attitude such as being angry all the time or perhaps too fearful too much of the time. However, changing this pattern may also require a shift in a lifestyle factor such as one's work or a relationship that is not working well.

Swell Or Rising Or Awakening Pattern

Ca/Mg, Ca/K, Na/Mg, Na/K are the same or very close. The ratios must be at 4.22 or close it. Looks like a swell on the ocean. Not steep enough to be a hill. Positive. Very balanced oxidation is extremely helpful for healing the brain. Seen only with high 4 highs, but could occur with lower levels Anchor pattern New brain pattern, as good as 7 anchors

Tired Fast Oxidizer or Temporary Fast Oxidizer

ADD F.O. + Na/K < 2.5 May also have: Ca > 40 Mg > 6

Backing Out Of Four Lows

Adults should exit four lows into S.O. Rarely, one exits into F.O. It's okay. At times they'll soon go back into four lows, bouncing in & out many times until they exit into S.O.

Getting A Brain

Al rises 500+% + Everything coming out + Se decreases significantly + P rises 2+ mg% Extremely positive pattern. Clearer thinking & mental functioning

Up Elevator

All first 4 increase 30+% by the same proportion so that the major ratios stay

Getting Into Gear

All or most toxic metals rise 10+%. More vitality & better elimination

Down Sex Patterns

All/most minerals increase, or decrease.

Moving Fast

Amigo dump + P >= 20 + 2 or 3 forward flips + Many fewer poor eliminators Rare, indicates accelerated progress

Amigo doubling

At least 2 of the amigos double Very good, a strong amigo dump. Tripling or quadrupling is even better

Slow Oxidation

Ca/K > 4 + Na/Mg < 4.17 4 < Ca/K < 30 = Mild 30 < Ca/K < 100 = Moderate Ca/K > 100 = Extreme High Ca & Mg = reduced adrenal & thyroid activity. Thyroid activity lowers Ca. Low Na/K = Usually low aldosterone. - Reduced adrenal & thyroid glandular effectIveness. 85 to 90% are S.O. - Yin - Blood test pH often more alkaline, more acidic body pH than F.O. - Reduced sympathetic nervous system function, more parasympathetic activity. Unhealthy parasympathetic state. - Exhaustion stage of stress - Reduced level of chaos in the body system SYMPTOMS: First energy center imbalance. Tired, apathetic, fatigue, depressed, or despairing & suicidal if very S.O. Emotional as Cu rises, maybe anxiety. Blood sugar & pressure tend to be low, later in life arteriosclerosis & diabetes, which raise the levels. Cold & don't sweat easy. Brains work slowly, brain fog, spacey & slower thinking. Dry skin/hair, constipation, weight gain on hips & legs. Possible underactive thyroid, more in women. Prone to osteoporosis, cancer, infections, skin problems, etc. Most health conditions can occur due to F.O. or S.O. The name is the same, but physiology & pathology are different. CAUSES: - Chronic stress. Diet, stimulants, vaccines, medical drugs, supplements of Ca, Mg, Zn, choline, inositol, vitamin D, etc. Use carefully. Drugs & toxic chemicals depress nervous systems. Toxic metals. No rest, overworking, fears, depression, or discouragement. - Diet. Low protein or cooked vegetables. Fruit & sugars damage glands. - Some enjoy S.O., most unconsciously. Often plodders, chronically depressed or apathetic. - Most have Cu toxicity, & high toxic metals don't eliminate easily. May not be revealed on any type of test as they're deep in the organs. - Neck & back tension & adhesions keep them in S.O. Chiropractic, Rolfing & spinal twists. - Difficulty fighting infections due to low body temperature, reduced glandular activity & immune response. Factors that skew readings: - Water softener raises hair Na or K. - Toxic Ca elimination(retest) rarely causes Ca & Mg to rise sharply. - Toxic K elimination(retest) can increase oxidation. BLOOD TESTS: Rarely corresponds to hair, kept extremely stable, & affected by meals & short-term factors. OTHER METHODS TO IDENTIFY S.O.: Using questionnaires/symptoms isn't accurate CORRECTION: - S.O. diet - S.O. multi-vitamin, Ca & Mg, & either Zn or Limcomin. Omega-3 & vitamin D, or sardines. Also kelp, TMG, & GB3. VARIANTS: - Normal, elevated or low Na/K - Four highs or four lows IMPORTANT PATTERNS WITH S.O.: - SD - Step down - Oxidation rate surge - Oxidation rate collapse

Balanced or Same Ratio

Ca/K, Ca/Mg, Na/Mg, & Na/K are the same or very close

Hill pattern

Ca/Mg < 4.5 + Na/K > 4.5 More on retests. Joy, celebration or completion pattern Indicates: - turning a corner. - knowing, full view standing on a mountain. - overcoming something. - release from a bondage or situation. - reaching a peak of the hill. - a celebration or joy pattern. - type of goal post pattern - openness to moving forward in one's life. - Very yang & fullness - a balanced hill is overcoming with understanding. - deep chages at soul level May indicate less involvement in a karmic or difficult situation at this time, rather than being deeply involved in the world. ANALYSIS: 1. Low Ca/Mg: Openness & lack of defensiveness. Very low may indicate a mother issue, but not with this pattern. 2. Elevated Na/K: Acute stress, anger, or inflammation. Here it's a type of inflammation, that's positive, forward-looking, & moving ahead strongly. A tendency for oxidation increase. SYMPTOMS: Powerful joy No particular physical symptoms, but may still be present. May improve in physical health, can be subtle. Often unaware it's present, many report happiness. On initial test it's common if one's excited to begin NB. A celebration & reaching a goal of finding answers for their health and/or for development. On a retest. Hill patterns appear fairly often during a development program and represent overcoming some obstacle or difficulty. Most, if not all are in adults. IV. TYPES OF HILL PATTERNS AND RELATED TOPICS DOUBLE HILL: Fairly rare. "excitement within and without". Fe/Cu < 0.5 + Mn/Zn > .003 STEEP HILL: Ca/Mg <= 3.5 + Na/K >= 15 Zirconium elimination in women. Steepness indicates intensity of joy or celebration. May indicate more SD. LONG HILL 6+ levels. First 4 usually all rise progressively, while the next 2+ decline. DISCONNECTED HILL This is an unusual variant in which, for example, Na through Se are a hill, but not Ca & Mg. A joy pattern, but a problem is disturbing it. PERSISTENT HILL: Ongoing excitement, joy or celebration. Seen more in some families possibly a very good marriage situation. Moral values contribute, even if other circumstances aren't perfect. FOUR HIGH HILL & FOUR LOW HILL: Four high hill is an excellent combination, like a very tall mountain. Four lows hill is an exhaustion metabolic type. Indicates excitement even though in four lows. Light appearing at the end of the tunnel. BALANCED HILL: Balanced oxidation. Excellent. Best is called perfect balance. For this, Ca/K, Na/K, Ca/Mg & Na/Mg must be 4.22. May offer the same benefits as many anchors. F.O. HILL VERSUS S.O. HILL Fast hill may indicate a more exciting situation. Slow hill may indicate a type of settling down into a joyous or celebration mode of life. AN UNEVEN HILL One of Ca/Mg or Na/K is very intense or abnormal, while the other is nearer to ideal. !!!A BOWL PLUS A HILL PATTERN Hard to visualize because they cancel each other out. A hint is Ca/Mg will be fairly normal, even though one eats too many carbs & therefore one would expect it elevated.!!! HILLING AND BOWLING On a retest Ca/Mg decreased & Na/K is increased. But a hill is not yet present. The direction of change of the ratios is important. Bowling is opposite.


Bowl changes to a hill + P increases 2+ mg%. Excellent but uncommon

Steep Hill

Ca/Mg <= 3.5 + Na/K > 15 Women who eliminated a lot of zirconium. A 'revelation' in sexual behavior, & rogue presence

Resolving a lifestyle or attitude issue

Ca/Mg > 13.5 declines 10+%

Not dealing with a lifestyle or attitude issue

Ca/Mg > 13.5 raises higher

Living a lie

Ca/Mg > 40


Ca/Mg > 9.5 + Na/K < 2.5 Stuck, mentally & emotionally, confused, or lost. Caught in a planned life situation. Low Na/K = exhaustion, chronic stress, frustration, resentment, hostility High Ca/Mg = defensiveness, lifestyle imbalance

Double High Ratio Or Double Inflammation

Ca/Mg > 9.5 + Na/K > 5 Reinforces high Na/K symptoms

Lifestyle Imbalance/Spiritual Defensiveness

Ca/Mg >= 13.5 Adults: - Job problems - Relationship difficulties - Drug use except Social drinking - Homosexuality - Bad attitude Children: - Family issues - School problems Isn't about carbohydrates in the diet RETEST: - Biounavailable Ca elimination, unbalances Ca/Mg temporarily - Retracing old decision or lifestyle - Lifestyle needs correcting INITIAL: - If it persists, likely not a Ca elimination OTHER: - Kidney imbalance - General defensiveness - 3rd energy center Energetic meaning: Mg = energy, Ca = structure structure > energy expended

Faux Four Lows

Rare, looks like four lows but an intervention given to a few who faithfully follow NB. Inidcator is low four lows with Na < 4 & K < 3 Helpers cannot assess this pattern

Wise Person Pattern

CRITERIA: Birth of Wisdom: 10+ anchors + Increase in 2+ toxic metals or Amigos Stronger if there's more increased awareness: - Pivots - "Emerging from four lows". - Decreased Na/K "into your issues" - Decreased Zn &/or Se (replacement hold) Moving faster: 10+ anchors + 1+ left pivot & 1+ right pivot. (insight) + Coming alive OR three up Stronger if: - > 10 anchors - > 1 left pivot & > 1 right pivot - Coming alive or three up is extreme - Oxidation increases - Na/K increases - Doubling of any of the patterns + Oxidation & Na/K can only increase a certain amount. Beyond that, it is too much. Upward and onward: (similar to above) 10+ anchors + 1+ left pivot & 1+ right pivot. (insight) + Coming alive OR three up + Al increases 200+% (Elimination) Stronger if: - > 10 anchors - > 1 left pivot & > 1 right pivot - "4x coming alive" - Coming alive or three up is extreme - Doubling of any of the patterns Eyes Open: 10+ anchors + 1+ left pivot & 1+ right pivot. (insight) + Coming alive OR three up + Faster oxidation + As increases 200+% (Elimination) Stronger if: - Left Ca pivot & Right Zn pivot & the locations & movement gives an appearance of an opening on either side of the first eight. May have to do with a mental or spiritual opening. The combo: Combination of most of the patterns above on one test. Includes: 10+ anchors + 1+ left pivot & 1+ right pivot. (insight) + Coming alive + Mn increases 10x+ + Faster oxidation + Higher Na/K + Doubling of some or all of the above + Al increases 300+% (Elimination) "Arising" & "Spiritual Crisis" May be seen

Leaving The Dungeon

Ca & K rise + Na & Mg remain the same + May also be 9+ anchors More energy, unburdened, independent. Removal of a 'curse' by the rogues.


Ca < 14 Common in children & adult F.O. As any pattern, it's not a diagnosis. It's a trend for certain metabolic imbalances CAUSES: 1. In children & F.O. adults - Ca lost in urine in a fight-or-flight response. Low Ca puts the nervous system into a hyper-alert state 2. Four lows - Withdraws Ca from the tissues. Unclear why, but common & consistent

Biounavailable Calcium and Magnesium

Ca > 100 + Mg > 9 CAUSES: S.O., weak adrenal & thyroid reduces Na & K, & less soluble Ca & Mg in the blood. SYMPTOMS: Deficiency: Irritability, nervousness, anxiety, muscle tightness, muscle cramps, osteopenia, osteoporosis Excess: Fatigue, depression, weakness, arthritis, tendonitis, high blood pressure, hardened arteries, memory loss

Trying Too Hard

Ca > 170 (Shell) + K <= 4 (SD) + Fairly normal Ca/Mg & Na/K

Trying To Stay Alive

Ca > 200 + K < 5 + Ca/Mg > 40 + Na/K > 10 Extreme lifestyle pattern, double pattern, & serious pattern

Putting up a wall of protection

Ca increases 50+% causing a shell Related to "In the World But Not Of It"

Wasting One's Time

Ca shell + High Ca/Mg + K <= 4 (SD)

Severe or Double Burnout

Ca shell + Na/K < 2


Ca shell + Three or four highs + More pronounced if Na/K < 2.5 Suppression + inflammation. Suppressed most times, except when they explode with anger

Severe Lifestyle or Attitude Stress

Ca shell + Ca/Mg > 9.5

Coming Back

Ca shell decreases 50+% + Na/K >= 2.5 Retraced, person is back in the present

Emerging From The Bomb Shelter

Ca shell decreases 50+% Shell may be present or gone altogether No longer needs a shell, or not much. A good sign of a stronger body/mind

Four Lows Under Stress

Ca, MG, & K are low + Often high or elevated Na Acute stress & temporary sympathetic state with underlying weakness. Often panicky & unstable. Blood sugar often unstable, more if one relaxes, does an enema or sauna. May become diabetic.

Coming Into One's Own

Ca, Mg, & Na decrease + K increases a little (elimination) + Rise(elimination) of Fe, Mn, Al Maturing that occurs between 16 & 25, the end of the third 7-year cycle.

Fast Oxidation

Ca/K < 4 + Na/Mg > 4.17 Ca/K > 1.5 = Mild Ca/K 0.4-1.5 = Moderate Ca/K <0.4 = Extreme fast 1. Mild = Na/Mg - Ca/K < 5 2. Moderate = Na/Mg - Ca/K 5 - 16 3. Extreme = Na/Mg - Ca/K > 16. - Overactive thyroid & adrenals - Yang - Blood test pH tends to be more acidic - Over used sympathetic nervous system - Alarm stage of stress - 2nd & maybe 3rd energy center Imbalance - High adrenal activity -> high aldosterone -> High Na & K -> Low Ca & Mg SYMPTOMS: Anxious, irritable, in a hurry, aggressive, emotional, short-tempered, high-strung. High blood pressure due to high cortisol, & salt & water retention. Abdomen weight gain due to high cortisol & cortisone. Tissues look watery. Warm, oily skin, sweat easy, frequent or loose bowel movements. Brains work well. Fight-or-flight too often, leading to illnesses. Fatal heart attacks, panic attacks, arthritis, etc. CAUSES: - Stage of life. Babies are mild F.O. & before leaving the hospital, it speeds up a lot, due to stress & vaccines. Most are F.O. until 3 - 10yrs. Etheric energy & often nutritional depletion makes them S.O. - Stress. Diet; caffeine, sugar, fruit, juices, carbs, kombucha, hot spices, alcohol, & low fats, oils or animal products. Medical drugs; thyroid hormones, anti-depressants, cortisone, amphetamines, ADD meds, etc. Supplements; DHEA, high dose vitamin C or E, B-complex, ginseng, maca, thyroid or adrenal glandulars, must all be avoided. Drugs; cocaine, crystal meth, ecstacy, etc. Toxic chemicals; pesticides Other; no rest, over work, fear, anger, hatred, noisy environments, arguments, or finances. With stress relieved they go into S.O. - Enjoy F.O., most unaware. Smart, energetic, fast-paced, love "speed" & thrills, seek stressful situations & stimulants. May be in denial or emotionally immature. Must realize the need to avoid stimulants, relax, & face their issues. - Toxic metals. Most importantly Cd but Ni, Cu, Hg, etc. depending on compound & location. Amigos accumulate in kidneys, thyroid, adrenals, nervous system, brain, etc. Congenital, also from food, water, vaccines, occupation, etc. - Back or neck tension pinchs off & stimulates sympathetic nerves that come off the spine. - "Running away" - Infections. Often bacteria that cause fevers. - Vampire - Excitement - "Beam me up, Scottie" - Farmer. Rare, pick up earth energies. Also farm chemicals, fertilizers & pesticides, toxic metals, Ni-plated machinery, & Cd or Pb in lubricants & gasoline. CAUSES ON A RETEST: 1. Toxic K elimination. Temporary 2. Kidney stress. Toxic metal & chemical elimination & stress kidneys causing Na & K retention. Extreme cases are B elimination. Resolves in weeks to months back to S.O. 3. Retracing. CORRECTION: - F.O. diet - Multi-vitamin for F.O., a Ca & Mg, & either Zn or Limcomin. Omega-3 & vitamin D, or sardines. DON'T TAKE high-dose vitamin C or E, B-complex, stimulant herbs, & adrenal/ thyroid glandular products. VARIANTS: True F.O. vs. temporary F.O.: 1. True: Babies & children under 3-8yrs. 2. Temporary: Most over 8-10yrs. Healthy vs. tired F.O. Healthy: Na/K >= 2.5 Tired: Na/K < 2.5. Possible high Ca or Mg PATTERNS: 1. Stuck in fast. 2. I'd rather die 3. Belligerence 4. Vampire 5. Kidney stress 6. Oxidation rate surge 7. Oxidation rate collapse

Drug Use Patterns

Cd > 0.09 Tobacco cigarettes, marijuana + Lifestyle imbalance, rule out homosexuality, abusive relationships, bad attitudes Cu < 0.6 Using stimulant drugs Most valid on initial test. Rule out other causes. One must be actively using to see it.

New person

Coming alive + P increase 2+ mg% + Out of four lows Another version: P increases 5+ mg%

Out Of The Hole

Coming alive on second 4 + Double forward flip + P increases 2+ mg% + 4+ toxic metals or amigos increase One will feel happier when this appears

Copper toxicity markers

Cu < 1.5 Most S.O., all very S.O. Ca > 70 Mg > 10 K < 4 Zn < 13 Zn > 20 often, not always is an indicator Hg > 0.03 S.O. with Cu < 1 Ca/K > 10 Na/K > 2.5 P < 13 Four lows Four highs SD Ca shell Step down Double low ratio Bowl Passive-aggressive pattern Wasting one's time pattern Stress from within and without pattern Extreme lifestyle stress pattern

Joy patterns AKA development patterns

Deep healing & progress. Tell clients about their patterns. Major way to see healing at deep levels, no matter the symptoms. Mostly on retests. Hill or step down can be on an initial test Basic Patterns: - Hill: Overcoming, celebration & joy. Double hill or "ecstatic" is even better - Coming alive or a double - Settling down or extreme settling - 7+ anchors. If following NB properly - Out of 4 lows, Exploding Out Of 4 Lows, or working through 4 lows - Eliminating toxic metals, an amigo dump, or Everything coming out - Step down or Stepping Into Life. - Perking up or New person - Zn increase 2+ mg%, if Zn was previously < 13 - Improved Ca/Mg, must move into 5 - 9.5. A lifestyle improvement - Leaving the bomb shelter - Leaving the cult - Na/K goes from low to ideal or a little above. AKA Na/K forward flip - No longer a baby These are very good, considered joy. But not as positive as the ones above: - Good or improved toxic metal readings: Levels of 3+ toxic metals move into the good range. - Coming out of a double low ratio: Double low ratio is a double give-up or death - Triangle pattern 1+ joys on an initial test or retest, it tends to be even greater: - Death to life: double low ratio changes to a hill - New start in life: double low ratio to a step down. Another is coming alive + step down pattern + fast hill on the second 4 - Overjoyed = Bowl to a hill + P up by 2 mg%. A type of forward flip - New person: General term same as joy - Double forward flip in an adult: Na/K improves and F.O. changes to S.O. Persistant: Persists on the retest, a continuing feeling of joy. Uncommon, but possible. Doubling is also possible

Depleting vs. deficiency patterns

Depleting = step down pattern AND potassium of 1 mg% AND sympathetic dominance AND lots of poor eliminators. Sympathetic dominance is prominent in this pattern. This means the person is overusing the fight-or-flight nervous system, and this depletes the body. Sympathetic nervous system activity is designed as an emergency system, and too much of it has a depleting effect on the body. Sympathetic nervous system activity interferes with digestion and with proper elimination of toxins. A potassium level of 1 mg% indicates adrenal burnout. With depletion pattern, one is not caring for oneself adequately, and not at peace. At times, the person is running away by nurturing others, but not the self. This is similar to the caring pattern. Deficiency Pattern = bowl pattern = high calcium/magnesium ratio AND a low sodium/potassium ratio. This is more of a chronic stress pattern with a diet too high in carbohydrates and sugars, and resulting adrenal weakness. Depleting pattern is more about caring for others more than one cares about one's own health, at a deep level. In other words, one may seem like one is caring for one's health, but it is not so at a deeper level. It may take more time to change, and it may require a change in a person's lifestyle. Deficiency pattern is more of a strictly biochemical imbalance or nutritional deficiency pattern. It responds simply to a better diet, supplementation and more rest.

Path concept

Development is a path, whereas most healing methods consist of only a set of remedies & procedures. Path: a comprehensive program or designed to move a person toward a specific goal. NB is a fast way on the path of Development. QUALITIES: Safety: Keeps one properly focused & away from dangers & temptations, will be safer & desired outcome is more assured. Speed: Moves toward the goal faster than random motion. May seem to twist & turn, but moves quickly. Comfort: Usually than "blazing your own trail" through life. One will be with others sharing similar values. Helpers guide & advise. Sureness or experience: Many traveled the same path. Their experience makes it easier. WHAT DOES A PATH TEACH: Discipline: Requires following order & self-discipline. Persistence or steadiness: Require patience & persistence. It's more assured staying on the path, but can be long & winding. Self-love. Respecting & caring about yourself enough to stay with it in spite of criticism IS FOLLOWING A PATH UNCERTAIN: It can be. The whole idea is to provide more certainty. Many are not healthful or certain at all. They may sound good or have research backing them up but they're dangerous & in the long run, do not deliver IS ONE EVER ON THEIR OWN PATH: Some don't want to travel a set path. Path design usually takes years of trial & error. No one can do it all in a lifetime. You're at the mercy of forces that subtly tell you what to say, do & think. They may say you're on your own path, but this isn't true. THE WIZARD OF OZ STORY: A series of dreams a man had about his fiancé that were made into a movie. Dorothea is told to go home she must "follow the yellow brick road". It's a journey where she met people & learned lessons. Read The Wizard Of Oz - A Tale Of Development.

Healing Fast

Double coming alive + 11+ anchors + Rise in Ni, As, Hg, K Very positive

Up And At Them

Double forward flip + Coming alive on second 4 + P increase 3+ mg% + Zn increase 5+ mg% + 5 toxic metals or amigos increase Higher energy

Triple Death

Double low ratio + Spike Not common, due to trauma. Important, often have suicidal thoughts

Death To Life

Double low ratio changes to a hill Best pattern, may feel "like I'm a new person". AKA starting over

New Start In Life

Double low ratio changes to a step down or close to it Double give-up -> stepping into life. Double forward flip. New underlying strength, possible elimination of Pb, or amigos, or higher P

Double double patterns

Double pattern repeated on second 4 Look for double double low

Flip Patterns

Drastic change in a mineral, ratio, or pattern Example: Level or ratio may go from very high to very low, or vice versa. Oxidation may flip from fast to slow or vice versa. Direction of healing, is a forward flip. Away from healing is a back flip EXAMPLES: 1. Level: - Toxic flip: Toxic metal changes from poor eliminator to elevated - Nutrient mineral flip: Mn or Ca changes from very high to very low, or vice versa 2. Ratio. - Na/K goes from < 2 to > 4, or vice versa. Important, Na/K is critical for health/healing. - Ca/Mg goes from 30 to 1.5. May be parent related issues. 3. Pattern: - Oxidation goes from very fast to very slow or vice versa. Fast to slow is into introverted, quiet, lower energy. Slow to fast is into outgoing, high energy, more aggressive. - Bowl to a hill, or vice versa. Hill is basically a bowl upside down. Freed from a difficult situation. - Amigo flip: All 3 amigos go from very low to very high, or vice versa. Released together quickly one feels much better. 4. Thyroid/adrenal flip several types: - Oxidation shifts from fast to slow or slow to fast. One ratio goes up, the other goes down. - In mixed oxidation. Both Na/Mg & Ca/K can switch from high to low, or vice versa Double/triple forward flip & Moving Fast: 2 or 3 forward flips + an amigo dump + P > 25. Very rapid positive change SIGNIFICANCE: Very positive indicating significant deep healing & change in mind or personality. Analogy: Back flip - suddenly turning over a rock lying on the ground, exposing a new surface & hidden things to be processed. Forward flip - turning the rock back over after cleaning up. Back flip: move into trauma quickly to resolve Forward flip: moving out after retracing Not always the case, but common.


Drastic increase in a mineral, ratio or pattern Examples: Steep rise of Na/K Steep increase in oxidation Steep rise in K

Maturing (Retest)

Duplicate of "no longer a baby"? K increase 20+% often 100+% Elimination of toxic K. Everyone today is born with toxic potassium & it is associated with immaturity. When it is eliminated, people often say they feel more mature. NOTE: Not all rises in potassium indicate maturing pattern. For example, at times potassium rises because a person moves into faster oxidation. Potassium may also rise due to the elimination of a toxin through the kidneys, causing some kidney stress. Potassium may also rise due to a getting help pattern in which one gets a guide creature. A way to assess if a person has maturing pattern is that the sodium level usually does not rise as much as the potassium level. With kidney stress and moving into fast oxidation, there is more chance that both sodium and potassium rise together. In other words, with maturing pattern, the sodium/potassium ratio usually decreases. If the sodium/potassium ratio decreases on a retest below about 0.4, it is very likely a maturing pattern. NOTE: Maturing pattern changes very quickly! The hair potassium level returns to a lower level within a few days or a week. When you see the pattern on a hair retest, there is a good chance that the potassium level has already decreased. This can easily foul up a program! BEWARE: Any time the sodium/potassium ratio suddenly dips below about 0.4 or 0.5, do not give a person too much Limcomin. Giving too much can cause a surge of the sodium/potassium ratio that can cause an emotional outburst.

Goalpost Pattern

Either side of the highest "post" levels are also elevated. Between the posts, they're low. 5 minerals: low, high, low, high, low. Better is 7: low, less low, high, low, high, low, lower. Must be fairly symmetrical & recognizable High K & Cu with low Fe: eliminating toxic K & Cu. Excellent. Retest, an intervention High Fe & Mn with low Cu: Amigo dump Achieved something deeply wanted

Getting Married

Engaged couples often for a time have low Ca/Mg Low Ca/Mg is often mother issues, arising in the marriage process. (Elevated Ca/Mg is father issues)

The Good Worker

F.O. + 2.5 < Na/K < 5 + Cu > 2.5 Somewhat compulsive, very aware, excellent office worker

Beam Me Up, Scottie

F.O. + low Na/K usually 1.5 < Na/K < 2.5 + Sometimes 3 or 4 highs Often eat a lot of fruit Wants to escape from life on earth Secondary alarm stage of stress Symptoms: Few symptoms of F.O., joint pain, heat, psychological symptoms, water retention

Double Forward Flip

F.O. changes to S.O. + Na/K increases from < 2.5 to >= 2.5 Very positive, feels great. May be some drama, some feel like "a new person"

Excitement Fast Oxidizer

F.O. due to excitement on retest Meaning is like a hill, or more superficial

Vampire Patterns

F.O. with a good Na/K ratio in an adult. The pattern is a 2X (more extreme) if the Na/K is greater than about 4 or 5. The pattern is a 3X (even more extreme) if Ca/Mg is also greater than 9.5 (a double high ratio pattern) with F.O.. An energy vampire may also have a low Na/K, or be a S.O. Definition. Energetic vampirism is the process whereby one person, through manipulation, essentially steals some life energy from another. This energy is real and physical, not psychological. Our life and health depends upon having enough of a subtle life energy or adaptive energy flowing throughout the body and brain. This energy has been given many names such as vital force, life force, chi, qi and others. Each person is born with a certain amount of it. As we age, it slowly diminishes, eventually causing death of the body, unless something can be done to reverse the process. Each person is supposed to live off his or her own life energy, happily and independently. However, many people are not in touch with this energy, or have been violated or traumatized in certain ways that make it difficult for them to contact their own life force or energy. These people may learn or be taught, often as children, how to steal energy from others. Note that most people give away some of their energy to others. This is fine if you are in control of the situation. It is vampirism if you are not in control, and others essentially manipulate your energy field in certain ways to extract energy in a stealth manner. Importance of the seventh energy center. Subtle energy enters the body in a number of ways. However, the seventh energy center at the crown of the head is an important place where subtle energies enter the body. Those with a blocked or weak or toxic seventh energy center often end up as vampires because they cannot access enough subtle energy themselves, so they learn to steal it from others. The rogues and vampirism. The group we call the Rogues are energy vampires. This is how they operate and it explains all of their unusual and often cruel and brutal activities. Others who discuss energetic vampirism. Some material for this article is drawn from the writings of Mr. Roy Masters, who discusses vampirism in detail in a number of his books and tapes. The book and movie, The Celestine Prophesy, discusses it. Another author who discusses it is M. Scott Peck in the books, The Road Less Traveled (1988, 2003) and People Of The Lie: The Hope For Healing Human Evil (1998) and perhaps other works. HOW TO TELL IF SOMEONE IS ATTEMPTING TO VAMPIRIZE YOU Among the simple signs are any odd, flattering, seductive, and sometimes disagreeable or eccentric behavior that obviously or subtly upsets you. Most, if not all "drama" that one sees in politics, medicine, parenting, personal relationships, child behavior and everywhere else is related to this. Another sign that someone is vampirizing you is a feeling of being tired, worn out or "drained" after being around certain people or even certain places such as bars or gambling casinos. These are often designed to make you leave your money there. Sometimes you may just feel disoriented, out of sorts or "shifted" in some way by another person's energy. These are indicators that you have been thrown off your center by another and have thus given up some energy to him or her. If you can feel people's energy fields, you may feel that a person has tentacles surrounding you or little suction cups that are pulling on you. This topic is discussed later in this article in the section on The Energy Field And Vampirism. THE ORIGINS OF VAMPIRISM Some people appear to know or learn about vampirizing others very early in life. Many others are "trained" by their parents or other adults to become vampire victims or even little vampires. The way the conditioning or training occurs is that a parent or perhaps a teacher tries to vampirize or steal energy from the young child. The child either goes along and soon becomes a good little victim, or the child figures out what is going on and turns around and becomes a little vampire himself or herself. This parallels the mythical vampire legend that once one is "bitten" by a vampire, one often turns around and becomes a vampire oneself. It is as though one develops a bizarre appetite for the energy of other people when one becomes separated or alienated from one's own source of this natural energy due to a trauma. Trauma often creates vampires and victims. Traumas of all kinds, particularly sexual molestation and rape, but other types as well such as beatings and humiliations, often turns people into vampires and vampire victims. The converse is also true. As one heals old traumas, often one no longer feels the need to vampirize, and one may also wake up and stop giving one's energy away to others. It is as though trauma separates a person from God or from the almighty source of energy with which we are all supposed to be connected. One can say that trauma "turns" a person away from God and turns the person more into an angry animal that must live by a "dog eat dog" philosophy. Someone once described the vampire philosophy to me in a humorous way as "steal energy from others before they steal energy from you". II. COMMON VAMPIRE SITUATIONS AND HOW PEOPLE STEAL ENERGY FROM OTHERS Vampirism is all around you. In fact, most of us have done it a little, at least. For example, parents can do it to their children by upsetting them with harsh words, too much praise, or worse - physical violence, rape, etc. An even more subtle form of it occurs when a parent identifies too much with one of their children. The parent lives through the child. Teachers often do it to their students, and some students learn how to do it to their teachers. Lovers and spouses may do it to each other. Dictators and rogue politicians do it to their subjects or constituents. Doctors can do it to their patients, and sometimes patients do it to their doctors. Friends can do it to each other, although it is not a gesture of friendship and one must avoid this type of "friends". In other words, the phenomenon occurs commonly. However, it is rarely discussed and hence the need for this article. VAMPIRES AMONG THE SICK AND ELDERLY As people age or if they become ill, they often need to steal even more energy from those around them just to stay alive. This is a reason to avoid spending too much time around in hospitals or anyone who is chronically ill. Not all of the sick and elderly steal energy, but many of them are vampires. Women are often better vampires than men. According to Roy Masters and some other authorities on this subject, women who are not well enough developed spiritually vampirize others more than men. This may occur because such women, whom Roy Masters calls "females", have their energy centers reversed, and they tend to absorb energy rather than radiate energy. Also, they may steal some energy from others, particularly men, in an effort to correct their energy centers. Once women develop themselves adequately, their energy centers change to a more correct spin and they cease behaving in a selfish or vampirish way. This takes some work, however, so few women achieve it. As a result, there are many more vampires among women. For more on this interesting subject, read Women And Development, The Sexual Order and Male-Female Blending on this site. III. HOW PEOPLE STEAL ENERGY FROM OTHERS The main way to extract energy from another person is to upset the person. Two ways to do this are by: 1) Intimidation, threats or actual violence of some kind 2) Seduction, pleasuring, flattery or spoiling another. These may be called the yang and the yin methods. In both cases, a person is thrown out of balance, and this is what causes the person to give up some life energy. Many energy vampires combine the two in interesting ways. Speaking more technically, what occurs is that the vampire interrupts the normal flow of subtle or etheric energy down the body from the head to the feet. When subtle energy flows sideways or upwards to some degree, the energy centers spin backwards or abnormally in other ways. As a result, some of the person's subtle energy flows outward or upward to the vampire. In other words, one person can steal energy from another by literally upsetting the other's energy field. This is related to the meaning of words and phrases such as uptight, mixed up, knocked up, stuck up, messed up, and other similar phrases. To learn more about the natural flow of subtle energy on the body and how to enhance it, read Down Energy And Healing on this website. Usually, vampirism occurs when two people are unequal in some way. For example, one may be older and more "experienced" than another. Or one may be physically stronger than the other. Or one may be in authority over the other. However, this is not always the case. An experienced vampire can shift from one behavior to another in seconds, to see which method of upsetting another works best in a particular situation. He or she may shout, cry, become sweet, touch you sensually, then argue or pull away - all depending on what is needed at the moment to extract energy from vulnerable and often gullible people, which is most of them. Here are more details about very common methods of vampirizing others: Sex. I will not describe this in detail in this section because it is covered in more detail below. Words. This is probably the most common method used in modern society. Words can easily be used to upset people, and moreso when combined with other methods discussed below. Words can frighten, threaten, shock, flatter, seduce, and upset others in other ways. Most are lies or half truths, although even the truth can be used to shock or upset people. Parents may criticize a child needlessly, or raise their voice more than necessary. Others praise a child too much, or give him everything he wants. Even if this is done with good intent, it is still upsetting to a child and he or she will give up a certain amount of energy to the person who says praises too much, or threatens. On dates and even within marriages, men and women may upset each other with words. Men regularly flatter, lie and try out "lines" with young women to upset them a little to get dates and sex. Women, meanwhile, may play with words with men to excite them, and to upset them a little. It is a dangerous game for women, however. See the article on Rape for more on the consequences for women, too often. Manipulative words and phrases are used by teachers, doctors, politicians, salesmen and saleswomen, and many others. Non-verbal behaviors. These are easy to use to vampirize others. A simple one is just to tense the body or maintain an unusual, sexy or stooped posture. This can induce tensions in the bodies of others that cause them to give up this life energy. That is how easy it is. There is no end to the ways non-verbal cues and gestures can be used to upset others. A stare, a sexy walk, playing with one's hair, and many other behaviors are used by authority figures, lovers and others to upset others. Even just smiling at people too much or inappropriately is upsetting to others and can cause them to give up some energy to you. Dress. This is another way that some vampires extract energy from others. The dress may be a uniform, like a military uniform worn by some dictators. It can be scanty clothes worn by teenage girls to upset the boys, or other ways to make one "stunning" or just upsetting to others. Color, texture, see-through, hemlines, bra straps, and many more ways are used by those who want to extract energy from others through their dress. Many more methods and behaviors are used to upset others in society from the car one drives, to how one fixes the hair or the makeup on one's face. The list is quite endless, in fact, and looking around a crowd can make one smile a little when one realizes that an important reason people look, speak and act the way they do is to "impress" others and perhaps steal a little energy from them. IV. THE CONSEQUENCES OF VAMPIRISM Vampirism is a major cause of many types of problems in individuals, families and society. It causes a lot of cancer, for example, as well as other physical health conditions. It is a major cause of depression, anger, and anxiety. It also causes relationship difficulties, such as sibling rivalry and other types of family discord. In the larger society, some political systems are set up as vampire-victim or oppressor-oppressed systems. These are the dictatorships, monarchies, socialist nations, communist nations, military governments, and theocracies. Meanwhile, societies with more individual rights, capitalism and freedom have less "institutional vampirism". This means there is less vampirism built into the structure of society. The more each individual is given control and responsibility for his own life, the less vampirism occurs. ADDICTIONS Vampirism is associated with addictions. Addictions may be defined as unhealthy attachments to habits and behaviors that provide temporary energy or a temporary "high". In fact, vampirism itself can be described as a type of addiction or craving for the vital energy of other people. Vampires may be attracted to addictive substances because they are dependent upon outside sources of energy. Some addictive substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, cocaine and others may provide some temporary energy for them. Vampire victims may be attracted to some addictive substances and habits because all of them are depleted of natural energy and they may crave substances or habits that provide temporary relief from their anger and depression, or provide them, too, with some "energy". Both vampires and their victims may also feel very anxious at times without understanding the reasons. Depressing addictive substances like sleeping pills or alcohol may provide temporary relief. For more details about addiction, read Addiction. ENTITY ATTACHMENT Another negative consequence of vampirism is picking up what are called entities or discarnate souls. This occurs because: - vampirism weakens the victim. - those who are vampires often have discarnate souls around them that can easily move into others. This problem causes some of the illness, depression and other problems for the vampire prey or victim. For more details, read Entity Attachment And Release on this site. V. PREVENTING ENERGY VAMPIRISM Energetic vampires are common. However, it is possible to steer clear of most of them. Here are suggestions: Think correctly. This involves the following principles: - ALWAYS be aware of the possibility of vampirism. It can occur with even the nicest, gentlest people. - Recall that energy vampirism is common. It is found in families, other personal relationships, schools, business, politics and elsewhere. - ALWAYS insist that people treat you with total respect and kindness. Do others encourage you to be independent and think for yourself? Or do they seem to discourage, intimidate, cajole, threaten, flatter, seduce or create dependency in you? Often these are signs of an effort to steal your energy. - Follow a development program. This will help to restore your health and raise your awareness. It will help give you a "baseline" so you can better notice how new relationships, new jobs or careers, new friends, new locations or living situations are affecting you. - Go slow with new relationships. One often cannot tell at the beginning of a relationship if the other person is a vampire. The only way to find out is to get to know a person and note how you feel around the person, and if your health improves or declines since you have been in the relationship. - Ideally, have your own business. This way you are more in charge in regards to with whom you will associate. For example, you can choose your employees and often will have more control over other business associations. VI. WHAT TO DO IF SOMEONE IS STEALING YOUR ENERGY IF POSSIBLE, LEAVE THE SITUATION Many energy vampires are very skilled at stealing the energy of others. Leaving or distancing yourself from them is usually the easiest and sometimes the only solution when dealing with an energy vampire. In almost all cases, the danger is not worth the risk of staying around an energy vampire at a job or in a relationship. You may well have to give up some money, security or pleasure, but this is usually much safer and better. IF YOU ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY LEAVING, HERE ARE THE STEPS TO TAKE 1. Enhance your general awareness. This can help you figure out exactly what is going on, including your motives for staying in vampire situation. Re-reading this article a number of times can help, along with the suggestions below. 2. Correct your thinking. For example: - Entertain and cultivate the idea that there are no victims. Each person is sovereign and responsible for himself or herself. - Decide that you deserve to be treated very well by everyone, with no exceptions. Some people are careful about this, but they make exceptions for family members, other relatives, a particular friend or someone else. - Be careful about the way other people use words such as "love", "caring", "respect" or others. These words are often used to manipulate people. - In particular, practice the Pulling down Mental Exercise for at least two hours daily. This has a number of powerful effects: - It helps you detach emotionally from others so you will be able to see them clearly. - It brings much more subtle energy into your body that heals the body and brain. - It helps you to feel when someone is stealing your energy because you will notice the difference in the way you feel around people as compared to when you are doing the pulling down exercise. - It teaches you to move energy downward quite forcefully all of the time. This is the correct direction of subtle energy flow. Energy vampires have hundreds of ways to reverse this and cause energy to flow upward, from the feet to the head. This robs the body of subtle energy. - It will help undo hidden traumas that maek you susceptible to energy vampirism. - It relaxes you so you will be more conscious, less fearful and therefore able to make more rational decisions. - It brings in etheric energy which actually replaces the need to please people or to need people for any reason. In other words, it will make you more independent and nourished from within. The pulling down mental exercise is specifically anti-vampire. It will slowly connect you, or reconnect you, with your own source of energy or God, if you prefer to call it this. This is critical in the long run to end the cycle of vampire and victim. For details, read and/or listen to The Pulling Down Exercise. Yoy may also benefit by reading or listening to Roy Masters talk about energy vampirism. He understands it well. Note that he writes about it in graphic terms, which may not be easy for some people to accept, but which is often helpful if you reserve judgment and just read it or listen to it. - Learn to be alone happily or at least content on your own. This is needed often in order to leave a situation that is not healthful. - Prayer is very helpful, but the other steps described in this article are also often necessary. - Do at least one activity every day just for yourself. It must be something you really enjoy. It might be taking a walk, working in a garden, going to church or some other healthful activity. This helps you keep a healthful perspective on life. In families or other relationship situations, insist upon having your private, personal space and your personal time. If others don't like it, that is their problem. We call this your "maintaining your sanity zone". - Be mindful of who goes in and out of your home, whom you allow to visit, and especially whom you allow to stay in your home. - Be careful with sex. Completely avoid loose or casual sex, as this almost assures that you will come into close contact with vampires, who can seem like the most wonderful, beautiful people imaginable. Also, hold on to your sexual fluid as much as possible. (This topic is discussed in more later in this article.) - Follow a development program. This is not just about your diet and taking supplements. It also means you will maintain high standards of integrity in your life, and you will restore your body to a high level of health. The effect is that a vampire situation, should it arise, will seem much less compatible with your lifestyle and you will notice it sooner and get away more easily for this reason. It will also help undo traumas of all kinds that often predispose one to getting into vampire-like relationships. You will also have more energy with which to oppose or get away from a vampire situation. Many people stay in vampire relationships or other situations because they are so tired, or their impaired body chemistry is reducing their level of awareness, will, courage and drive. For more on this, read Introduction To Development Programs and other articles on this subject on this site. Development programs can also help those who are acting as vampires to change their ways. - Be extremely careful about getting involved with others in business, churches, friendships and especially intimate relationships. Get to know people well, test them over time, and never trust first impressions. This is critical to avoid being sucked into a vampire situation. Young women, a common trap for you is having a "boyfriend", especially in high school and even in college. We know that avoiding this is difficult and somewhat lonely, at times, but boyfriends usually result in becoming a vampire victim, sadly. Instead, have friends and acquaintances, and keep them at arm's length until you are ready to marry. When you date, do it to find a marriage partner, and not just for "fun" or because you are bored, lonely or depressed. For details, read Dating. - Work on clearing your early life traumas. Vampirizing often occurs due to your hidden early life traumas. It is often all unconscious, so never assume you are "done with your traumas". By the way, we all have them. No one is without traumas, but some have worked on them more than others. Once again, being in a healthy male-female relationships, or even having a really honest friend of the same sex that you go places with, is very helpful to alert you to behaviors that are really results of traumas, though you may not associate the two. The simplest and deepest way to clear traumas at their base is with a complete nutritional balancing program. This method is slow, but very, very good. Psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and other methods may help, but do not often work as deeply as a properly designed nutritional balancing program. This is because today the nutritional aspect of trauma release is so important for most people. The bodies are so weak and out of balance that unless you address this problem head on and repeatedly for some years, it is difficult to really move beyond the superficial layers of your traumas. This is a fact today, whether or not you believe it. - Become aware of tricks that vampires use to hold on to you if you wake up to what they are doing. For example, the vampire may suddenly turn nice for a while to confuse you. Another trick is to argue logically that you are incorrect about the vamipirism. Another trick is to do or say something to make you feel sorry for the vampire so you will stay around. Another trick is to make you feel guilty for suggesting that another is a vampire or that the other is doing anything wrong. Energy vampires often know that you are at least somewhat conditioned to be a vampire victim and that you will feel uncomfortable NOT giving away your energy. Please beware of all of this, as it can become involved. Once again the pulling down exercise and the other suggestions in this section can help you become aware of your own motives and thought process. - Do not willingly give up your energy, your rights, and your freedom to others for any reason. Be wary of anyone who says you must give up your rights, your sovereignty or your freedom for any reason. If you are in a relationship of any kind, you cannot just do as you please. You must take into account the needs and feelings of others. However, this is different from allowing others to mistreat you or abuse you in any way. To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, "Those who give up their freedom for security will end up with neither freedom nor security." - Prepare to leave any unhealthy situation. Vampires can become very sneaky and mean when you decide to leave. So you must prepare. This means thinking about where you would like to live, and with whom. Try to keep your needs in perspective - most people really don't need a fancy home and it is often a burden. You may need to quietly remove objects from the home you are in so the vampire doesn't seize them when you decide to leave and, in that way, holds on to you. These can be photographs, financial records, or even a vehicle. If your vampire questions you about this, make up any answer. You don't need to be too honest with a vampire because he or she will likely use this trait against you. Secretly make a duplicate set of car keys and even house keys. Perhaps duplicate CDs and DVDs that you really like in case the vampire seizes them in order to keep you around. Secretly set aside enough money to leave. If you have to take some from the other person, this is okay. If you feel guilty about it, you can pay the other person back later, but the first priority is t be able to get out of a harmful situation. Make sure you have checks, credit cards and other documents in your name, not in a joint account. If you have a joint checking account, don't keep much money there. Secretly set up your own accounts and slowly move money into that account. - Cultivate a few solid friendships. Often a person stays in a vampirish relationship, living situation or job because they feel they have nowhere else to go and no one to talk to about their options. V. VAMPIRISM AND VAMPIRE VICTIM PATTERNS ON HAIR MINERAL TESTS Being a vampire. Hair mineral patterns associated with being a vampire are: 1. An adult with a fast oxidation rate. 2. Double vampire pattern. An adult with a fast oxidation rate with a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 3. 3. Triple vampire pattern: An adult with a fast oxidation rate, an Na/K ratio greater than about 3, AND a calcium/magnesium ratio greater than about 9.5. 4. Four X or quadruple vampire pattern. This is the same as #3 above. However, in addition the person may have a four highs pattern or elevated levels of iron, manganese and aluminum. 5. Other patterns are possible. One reason is that some of the above patterns can be temporarily obscured by the presence of other toxic metals, for example. Look for nickel greater than 0.019 mg%, for example or cadmium greater than 0.01 mg%, or lead greater than about 0.08 mg%. Other patterns may occur in vampires, but the patterns above usually signify a more successful vampire. For example, a slow oxidation rate is present in some vampires. However, it is a 'lower amperage' situation, and usually the vampire is not as successful. As explained below, the person is more likely to be a vampire victim. Hair tests of those who give energy to a vampire. These are also called vampire victim patterns. These are: 1. Any slow oxidizer with a sodium/potassium ratio less than 2.5. This low ratio is a chronic stress indicator. 2. Any hair test with a sodium level of 1 or 2 mg%. The pattern is more significant if the sodium/potassium ratio is less than 2.5. 3. A deep bowl pattern in a slow oxidizer. This means the sodium/potassium ratio is less than 2.5 and the calcium/magnesium ratio greater than 9.5. 4. The calcium/magnesium ratio is greater than 13.5. This indicates an important lifestyle problem we call spiritual defensiveness. It means a person is defending a relationship that is not healthy for oneself. For details, read Spiritual Defensiveness Pattern. 5. Many, if not most people with a four lows pattern (low levels of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, are living in a victim mode, as well. This is more extreme if the second four mineral levels (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) are low, as well. For details, read Four Lows Pattern. VI. OTHER ASPECTS OF ENERGY VAMPIRISM An electrical analogy. A vampire may operate in a similar way to an induction circuit, electrically. In this type of circuit, electricity passes from one coil to another coil without the two actually touching physically. The reason the transfer occurs is due to the size, shape, location and type of current passing through the coils. We find that most successful vampires are fast oxidizers on hair tests. This is a higher amperage state, electrically speaking, and this may be necessary to extract energy from another person. It could also just be a result of the vampirism, but it is an interesting observation. Development aspects. Less highly developed people tend to be vampires more easily. This may be because these individuals are less in touch with their divine selves, and their seventh energy center is usually more closed, allowing less subtle energy to enter their bodies. In contrast, more developed people are more giving, by nature, and tend to become victims of vampires more easily. To survive, they must understand vampirism, identify it all around them, and get away from the vampires in their lives. Mutual vampirism. It is possible, especially in some sexual and other situations, for two people to each be part vampire and part giver of energy. That is, each steals some energy from the other. This could be called a type of co-dependent relationship that is not healthy, even if both participants appear to be enjoying it. In a sexual scenario, the woman may be weakening her husband by taking more of his sexual fluid. He may be using his wife for sexual pleasure without really loving her. Many other examples could be cited in which both people in a relationship of some kind may upset the other, taking a little energy from the other. Love and vampirism. In one sense, love and vampirizing are the exact opposites. Loving means giving forth an energy of God that you share with others. Vampirizing means taking energy from others, even when it is done in the name of "love", as is sometimes the case. This is a selfish kind of love in which the person extracting the energy means he or she loves what he or she gets from the other person. Too often, ladies and gentlemen, this is what a person means when he or she says "I love you". So beware. Sometimes, however, those who give up energy think they "love" their vampire. This is usually a result of hypnosis or brainwashing. The giver has become convinced that to give up energy to another is holy, special or makes him or her a good person. Sometimes the feeling of giving up energy, which is a tired feeling, is misperceived as loving, when in fact this is never the case. Once again, giving energy to another voluntarily is fine. However, having another person steal some energy by upsetting you to get it is not healthy at all. Secondary gain for givers. There can be secondary gain for the giver. This means that the giver of energy is getting something that keeps him or her giving away more energy. He or she may feel "needed", or safe, or more loving, or better than the jerky vampire, or something else. This is important to watch in yourself if you are the type that tends to give energy to others. Why do you do it? Ask this question often and you will get the answer, so you can stop doing it. The energy field and energy vampirism. Some people can see or feel the electrical energy field around each person. Everyone has an energy field around their body because we are electrical and frequency beings. If one can see the energy field, energy vampires generally have little tentacles that extend from their bodies to the bodies of others, particularly those closest to them such as family members and "friends". They also may have little suction cups on the ends of the tentacles that literally suck energy from others. This topic is illustrated in a book called Hands of Light and other books by Barbara Brennan and Joseph A. Smith. Meanwhile vampire victims often have an energy field that is full of holes and often a number of people have their "tentacles" in the holes, sucking energy from the person. These people are usually quite unhealthy. VAMPIRISM AS A TYPE OF CO-DEPENDENT RELATIONSHIP Co-dependent relationships are a type of dysfunctional relationship in which the partners do not actually help each other grow in a spiritual direction. While this is a vague definition, it will suffice here. Vampirism can fit into this definition, as it is the interaction between two or more people that does not serve the highest interest of either, really. Missing your vampire and learning to choose non-vampire friends and relationships. This is not easy for many vampire victims. The victim has been conditioned, in most cases, to give up energy to others. When the vampirism stops, one feels somehow uneasy, guilty, sad, lonely or just uncomfortable. This causes many vampire victims to return to their captors or vampires, and is one reason why battered women, for example, have trouble leaving their rotten husbands and their poor-quality "boyfriends". In addition, living without a vampire with a normal happy person seems odd or strange, at least at first. It can seem like the person does not love you, or is missing something. This prevents some men and women from pursuing healthy relationships. Normal, healthy relationships may seem boring, or just "missing something". They are missing the drama and horror of vampirism, and that is all. However, if one is conditioned to expect this kind of drama in one's life, usually by early-life experiences with parents, then a normal, healthy relationship can feel uncomfortable. Co-dependent relationships are often the result of trauma, and this is the case with vampirism as well. To read more about this, read Co-dependent Relationships on this site. POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND VAMPIRISM Vampirism is generally less in America and in Europe than in nations ruled by dictators, kings, queens, or military juntas. America is one of the best places and this has to do with the founding principles of this nation. Her founding documents stress the sovereignty of each individual and the right of each individual to the pursuit of happiness, provided the rights of others are respected. This is the opposite of vampirism. In economic terms, free markets and a capitalist society with individual rights, not group rights, is the way out of vampirism on a societal level. Otherwise, society basically consists of one group feeding off other groups. We know that some people will not agree with this. They believe that capitalist society is the worst vampire situation imaginable - a dog-eat-dog competitive economic system. Capitalism and free markets are not perfect, but they give people many more opportunities to build businesses and succeed. We would much prefer 'capitalist vampires' to the vampirism of the socialist and communist nations, which included most of our world. In these nations, a small group of elites make most political and economic decisions. The leaders (and the companies) feed off the people. Opportunities are limited and vampirism is often built into the system in the form of cronyism, corruption, lies and propaganda designed to keep the people in line. SENSUAL AND SEXUAL ASPECTS OF VAMPIRISM Touching and vampirism. Any time two people touch, or there is any close physical contact, the energy exchanges we call energy vampirism can occur a little more easily. Just beware of this fact. Examples of this are during a massage, during body work, while someone is instructing you in learning a sport, a dance or an exercise or yoga routine, or other such situations. In fact, any time you "rub elbows" with others you become more easy prey for vampires, so be careful with any situation in which you are in close contact with others. Sex and vampirism. Powerful energy exchanges occur between people during sexual encounters. Even just spending time around those of the opposite sex can cause vampire-like energy exchanges, so powerful is this force. Several types of vampirism are common with sex. 1. Basic energetic vampirism during sex. This happens often during sex, and even more so during a rape. One of the partners causes the energy centers of the other person to spin backwards. When this occurs, the person always gives up some etheric energy to the other partner. Some people who are very sensitive can feel this. There are techniques for doing this that some men and women learn and do well, either consciously or unconsciously. 2. Sexual fluid vampirism. Some women, usually, crave a substance found in the male seminal fluid. This is not uncommon. The fluid somehow nourishes her, giving her more energy and perhaps taking away feelings of depression, anxiety or loneliness. If the situation is mild, it does not disrupt a man-woman sexual relationship or marriage too much. The woman will want to have sex without a condom so she can absorb the man's sexual fluid. However, some women crave the fluid so much that they want to have sex every day or two, or even more often. This weakens the man very much, and will shorten his life if he goes along, which many do, at least for a while. The latter amounts to a type of vampirism that has little, if anything, to do with love or caring. It is really just a way some women "use" men to obtain some chemical substance. The women do not even necessarily enjoy the sex, but merely want the sexual fluid. The answer for this is that the men must not allow ejaculation more than once a week, and less as a man ages. Women (or men) with sexual fluid craving must also limit sexual intercourse to once a week or less. Also, those with the craving must eat more red meat such as lamb, beef or perhaps some wild game several times a week or even more for a while. Often, those with the craving do not like red meat. However, they seem to need some nutrient that is in red meats in order to overcome the sexual fluid craving Rarely, a man will crave and be addicted to female sexual fluid, but this is less common. For more on this general topic, read Sexual Fluid Craving on this site. 3. Prostitution, abuse and use of another sexually for money and power. Prostitutes may be victims, whose careers start with early childhood sexual abuse or rape as a young girl or teenager. After the abuse, the person is somehow addicted to sex and wants more of it, for reasons she does not understand. While some become prostitute victims, others turn the tables and use men for money or power. They may marry rich men and then divorce them to obtain money, or they may overpower men in other ways using their sexual charms. In fact, this is not uncommon. While it may seem like the women are the victims of vampirism, it is not always so simple. The men may be giving up money, power, prestige and sexual fluid to the woman. 4. Giving others sexually transmitted diseases, and harming another during sex by going too long, being too rough, or in some other way. These may all be considered subtle ways that men and women can vampirize each other during sex and during a rape. 5. Sexual distraction and use of sexual energy or sexual desire to sell products or services, or ideas. Most people know that sexual images, scantily clad bodies, sexual innuendo or even sexual jokes, can be used to distract and persuade people to buy everything from soap to cars. This, too, is a mild form of vampirism. Many attractive young women, for example, deeply enjoy going around in short shorts and a sleeveless, tight blouse (or less) because it distracts the boys and turns their heads. This is very unsafe, by the way, because it angers some men who will then rape the young woman. However, young attractive women must watch the tendency to want to extract a little "juice" from men by just walking around looking sexy. The opposite also occurs to some degree. Some men know how to look at, speak with, stare and comment upon women walking down the street in such a way that the women lose a little energy. Sometimes it is flattery, or it might be a nasty comment like calling her a bitch or a *****. Some men are very good at upsetting women in this way. In all of these cases, one person gains energy and the other gives up some energy, which is why it is a vampire-like exchange of energy. Please beware of this problem. If a couple is aware of it, they may be able to change it. However, if it remains a mystery, hidden or secret, it can often lead to depression, illness, fighting about sex, affairs, divorce and even death of the partner who is being used in a vampire-like way. Both men and women should notice if they feel very drained after sex, for example, or just after being around certain people of the opposite sex. Some depletion is normal after sex, especially for men. But if it is extreme, a problem of this nature may be occurring. - Take care to strictly avoid people or places that induce fear, that cause stray sexual feelings, or other unhealthy things. This is sometimes difficult to do, because you may be completely unaware when a problem exists. With some reflection and a development program, however, most people begin to feel when they are afraid, sexually excited in an unhealthy way, upset, angry or otherwise out of balance. Often, however, one can be tempted to go to certain parties or bars, or engage in other activities like swimming or other sports where you are less than fully clothed, or even go for certain natural therapies that expose you in ways, both physically, emotionally, mentally or otherwise, that can give vampires a way in to your energy field. New age methods are often the worst such as massage, body work and other things where bodies touch and may be unclothed to some degree, at least. You must protect yourself as you would protect a newborn baby, at least for a while. Women, especially, should avoid all tight clothing, for instance, or any sexy clothing. This is somewhat less critical for men, but absolutely critical for women. It can protect women both from becoming vampires and from becoming their victims. Some women love to flirt - innocently, they think. It just feels good, they say. Stop it. Also try to stop fantasizing when you see a handsome man. If you are in a relationship with a man, or if you have an honest friend, ask that the person stop you if he or she notices you are flirting in any way, shape or form. Flirting is never okay outside of your primary marriage or committed relationship and always ruins it. In general, women should keep long hair tied up in a bun and stay away from all makeup, smelly oils and deodorants and other sexual stimulants. They affect her, and those around her, and are designed to do so. Also, avoid staring or even looking too much at men of any age for any reason whatsoever. Even if it is totally innocent, it is easily mistaken by some men for a flirt and an invitation. This is critical. For men, the exact same rules apply. It means to learn not to stare at women's private parts or breasts, ever. It also means not to fantasize about women, about touching them or having sex with them, of course. Learn to watch your mind and catch yourself when you do this, which is somewhat natural for men. If you are in a relationship with a woman, ask her to stop you if you are doing it. Women are often very aware when a partner has taken his attention off of her and on to other women. Often the attractive ladies have learned how to vampirize men, so these simple rules will help a man not only avoid becoming a vampire, but also avoid becoming a victim of a vampire, as well. WHAT TO DO IF YOU REALIZE YOU ARE A VAMPIRE Some readers will realize they are acting as vampires, and will want to change. To do this sometimes takes some work. An important step is to follow a complete development program. This can undo traumas that often lead to vampirism. The program can also restore your natural energy and improve mental clarity, both of which are often necessary to give up vampirism. Vampires may also need to spend time alone in order to develop their own center and to be able to tune into their own energy instead of taking that of others. However, they don't usually like this one bit. So force yourself to spend time by yourself and doing things by yourself. Be sure to do the pulling down mental exercise each and every day. This will help open the seventh energy center so that you can receive enough subtle energy by yourself so you won't need to steal it from others. It will also help you realize that you really don't want others' energy, as it is not pure at all. Also, make a habit of catching yourself each time you find yourself saying or doing things that you have realized are designed to upset another, "get a rise out of someone", or otherwise vampirize others in some way. This will be a slow process of gaining self-awareness of how, when, and why you act the way you do. Doing the pulling down exercise and taking time alone are essential for this process to build and develop. Do not be upset when you notice behaviors and attitudes that are not very healthy or loving in yourself. Just observe them and let them all go. The development program will help you let go of very deep levels of imbalance in the body and mind. Other healing methods and programs, do not do this as well. Practice love for all beings. This is complex, as it does not mean to allow others to take advantage of you. This is about learning to radiate your own love, rather than to seek to gain something, absorb energy, use others or beat others, or overcome them in subtle ways. Also, as with all problems in life, pray daily for guidance and help. Visualization during sex. To get rid of a vampire habit during sex, always visualize energy moving downward between you and your partner. Never visualize moving energy up the front of your partner's body, as this is backwards and a cause for vampire-like energy exchange. You may visualize it moving up the partner's back, but always down the front of both bodies. IS VAMPIRISM TO BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS? At times, one may be able to tolerate some vampirism if other aspects of a relationship are working and Another example is beneficial. For example, it may be worth staying at a job for a while, even if you have a vampirish boss, if one wishes to learn a particular business or skill. Another example is that one may choose to stay in school in order to obtain a degree even if conditions are not ideal. However, don't allow your health to be ruined. Protect yourself by following the suggestions on how to protect yourself from vampires. Eventually, you will probably not feel well unless you get away from the vampire.

Double low on the second four

Fe/Cu < 0.8 + Mn/Zn < 0.002 Fe is quite lower than Cu & sawtooth shape Second 4 represent a deeper level of the mind or soul. A double give-up or death pattern related to past trauma Retracing?

Intervention Patterns

Fine matter beings assist our healing. Anyone, any age, any time. Requires a sincere desire to heal. Prayer is very helpful. Temporary: Soul may come to you, perform a healing, then leave. Examples: 1. Four Lows, always 2. Faux four lows 3. Oxidation Rocking 4. Na/K Rocking 5. Ca/Mg Rocking 9. High Tunnel 10. Somatids, creatures assist humans/animals 11. Development souls & trances: Trance states used in NB, special souls assist healing. Begins after 3 years on the program Soul restoration: Many are lost during a trauma. As they return, healing occurs. AKA Soul Recovery. Effects: 1. Return of 1-2 controller creatures: Wonderful for one who has a trauma. Normally, 4 controller creatures live outside the body. Identified as Mg rises 100+%. Replacement & elimination of Mg 2. Sharp rise in Na: 1-2 creatures called aliot return, help regulate Na metabolism 3. Other soul recovery: Trauma, illness, etc. cause the loss of 100s or 1000s of souls. Some may return permanently. Often causes positive and joy patterns such as: 1. Coming alive 2. A hill 3. Settling down 4. Coming out of a shell 5. Emerging from four lows 6. Etc. Some products & therapies involve special souls. They're in all natural foods. May have special healing & nourishing effects. Examples: Products: 1. Blue corn chips 2. Almond butter 3. Sesame tahini 4. Sardines 5. Grass-fed or organic beef. 6. Lamb 7. Goat yogurt Other products: - Grandpa's Pine Tar Sop - Black African Soap - Coffee - Black salve - Miso - Wo oil (good quality) - Some herbs, such as milk thistle tinctures. - Others. Therapies: 1. Coffee enemas 2. Red lamp sauna 3. Pulling down

Elevator Pattern

First &/or second 4 go up or down + Ratios remain similar Not doing the Pulling Down Exercise

Coming alive in life

First 3 increase + K decrease Extremely positive, usually retraced a trauma, & much happier. Often hilling, toxic metal elimination, & emotional release


First 3 or 4 are high + Na/K > 5 Always SD A pattern on a hair mineral analysis in which the hair has not been washed at the laboratory that was not part of Dr. Eck's original work we call workaholic. It may also be called the intense pattern because the people are often quite intense. Definition or criteria. This pattern is present when a hair mineral test reveals: 1. The first three or first four macrominerals are elevated. (four highs pattern or three highs pattern with high calcium, magnesium and sodium). 2. The sodium/potassium ratio is above 5. The Meaning of this pattern. One can see the meaning of the pattern by combining the meaning of four highs and that of a high sodium/potassium ratio. Four highs is a lot of stress, often a delicate and perhaps depressed type of person who is afraid or for some reason does not want to slow down into slow oxidation even though that is where they belong, and it is an unstable pattern as well. This combines with a high sodium/potassium ratio, which indicates acute stress, inflammation, anger, pushing oneself, trying very hard and so on. The person may not work at an office or job 80 hours a week. The pattern occurs in housewives, laborers and anyone, in fact, who is using work or some similar activity as an escape and perhaps as a drug to stay stimulated, as they are afraid or unwilling for some reason to slow down and relax. Whom and when. The pattern is becoming more common in men and women, almost always in adults rather than children, and perhaps more in those of middle age, rather than the young or very old. Most are sensitive, intelligent people. A copper personality type. Workaholic may perhaps be a copper personality type. This means that the action of copper on the brain and nervous system, in particular, may contribute to the pattern. The copper may cause the mind to race and may cause a type of reduced awareness that makes the pattern worse or even causes it. This is more likely if the hair copper level is above 2.5. Copper toxicity may also contribute to anger, which is part of the pattern, in most cases. The person is exhausted in most cases, but just keeps on working, in part out of anger or emotion of some kind. For more details, read Copper Toxicity Syndrome. A sympathetic dominance pattern. Workaholic is also a sympathetic dominance pattern. This means it is associated with an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system that makes it difficult for the person to slow down. For details, read Sympathetic Dominance. Other symptoms that may be seen with this pattern, but not necessarily (most related to copper imbalance). These include a coppery personality type, angry, spacy, irritable, attention deficit or ADD, cancer, compulsive, exhausted, headache, or confusion. Other are worried, sinus congestion, perhaps, inflammatory conditions, artery disease, anxious, bruising, craving sweets, dandruff, PMS, low libido, immature, and a little whacky or kooky, perhaps, especially if high mercury is present. Women may have lumpy or fibrocystic breasts and fibroid tumorss, Super Workaholic. This is an even newer and less well researched finding. The criteria are: 1. Four highs 2. Na/K ratio above 5. 3. A calcium shell (calcium above 165 mg% in women or above 155 mg% in men) 4. Perhaps a Ca/mg ratio above 9.5. This appears to be a more extreme workaholic pattern. The calcium shell indicates more copper toxicity, and more reduced awareness. The high Ca/Mg ratio often just reinforces a high Na/K ratio, in terms of symptoms. This is called a double high ratio pattern. Cliff pattern. This can have the appearance on a hair test of an extreme workaholic pattern. For details, read the Criminality Patterns article. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS WITH WORKAHOLIC PATTERNS There are not too many, except to realize this is a lifestyle pattern, more so than a simple four highs pattern or a simple high Na/K ratio pattern. Therefore, counseling the person and discussing lifestyle, diet and other simple measures to help the person slow down and relax may be extremely helpful. Nutritional balancing, especially with sauna therapy and daily coffee enemas, is extremely helpful as well.

Down Elevator

First 4 decrease all at about the same percentage & ratios remain samilar "Settling down" but not meditating

Low Flatline

First 4 form a horizontal line + Four lows + Usually many poor eliminators, Fe & Mn. Zn may be elevated + The Na/K may be somewhat low Drug addict, variant of Flatline

Flat Line Pattern

First 4 make a horizontal line Often presence of trauma & poor health. Seen in some cases of cancer

Five Pattern, super step down, super stepping into life

First 5 form a straight line slanting down Very positive. Something new & important in life

Big rise or big hill

First 8 are a mild hill or rise. Fe doesn't always participate, better if it does Joy or celebration. Also regular down sex

(Retest Only) Winding Pattern

First 8 of so minerals form a sine wave This is a newly discovered pattern for us (January 2020). We have found one case of it, so far. However, it is known in advanced acupuncture where it is called winding pattern. Advanced acupunturists tell us it is an uncommon pattern. CRITERIA Winding pattern is a visual retest pattern in which the first 8 or so mineral readings look like a sine wave or an S lying on its side. There are two possible configurations: Connecting the tops of the bar graphs on an ARL calibrated chart, the S shape can go down first (a high Ca/Mg ratio) and then go upward, and then go downward (such as a high manganese/zinc ratio). The other possibility is that the S shape can go upward first (a low Ca/mg ratio) and then the graphs trend lower until the end goes upward (such as a low manganese/zinc ratio). So far, we have only seen the first type of winding pattern. OTHER FEATURES OF THE PATTERN The case we reviewed also revealed an everything coming out pattern. This is an excellent pattern. Also, magnesium decreased sharply. We think this indicates magnesium retention as the body replaced toxic metals with magnesium. Also, the person retraced a criminal pattern - a keyhole pattern on the first four minerals. The pattern is also a combination of a bowl on the first four numbers and a hill or close to a hill on the second four numbers. MEANING Winding pattern appears to be a trauma retracing pattern. The body has to "wind around" a trauma in order to heal. We believe it is a very positive pattern. In the case we reviewed, there was an intervention in which the person got back a guide creature.

Eight bowl

First eight form a bowl Unusual, similar to bowl except deeper 8 hill, step down or step up are very rare

L Pattern

First four form a capital L + Often 3 lows or 3 highs + Ca/Mg > 20 + Fairly normal Na/K + Fairly normal Na/Mg Severe lifestyle problem. Don't like their lives, hypercritical, little crazy, very yin, vegetarian These are newer hair analysis patterns that are not in the Nutritional Balancing And Hair Mineral Analysis textbook (2010 edition or earlier editions). Definition of the L Pattern: The calcium/magnesium ratio is greater than about 20, the sodium/potassium ratio is about normal (2.5) and the sodium/magnesium ratio is about normal. It is often a three lows pattern, although it could be a three or four highs pattern, and it could be a four lows pattern, although I have not seen this as yet. Visual identification. It is seen visually in most cases when the first four numbers - calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, form the shape of a capital L. That is, the levels of magnesium, sodium, and potassium on a calibrated graph from Analytical Research Labs are all about on the same relative level on the graph. Meanwhile, the calcium level is much higher. Meaning: The L pattern indicates a severe lifestyle or attitude imbalance that is affecting one's health. It is an extreme "holding on" pattern. Symptoms include usually holding on to some anger, depression, and irritability. The person is usually feeling tired, weak, with weight loss, impaired memory in some cases, irritable bowel syndrome in some cases, perhaps adrenal exhaustion, copper toxicity, slow oxidation in all cases, most have a 3 lows pattern and some have a sympathetic dominance pattern. There can be a four highs pattern, though this appears to be rare. It is an exhaustion pattern associated with NOT LIVING ONE'S OWN TRUTH. Many of these people do not like anything about their lives and some are hypercritical, a little crazy, very yin and perhaps vegetarian types. THE REVERSE L PATTERN This is also a more recently identified pattern on a hair mineral analysis graph from Analytical Research Labs. Definition of the reverse L pattern. The calcium/magnesium ratio is about normal, and the sodium/magnesium ratio is about normal. However, the sodium/potassium ratio is less than about 1. It may be a three lows pattern, although not necessarily. Visual identification. The first three macrominerals appear to form a straight line across the chart, while the potassium level is much higher than this. This appears visibly as a backwards capital L. Meaning. This is an extreme chronic stress pattern. Usually, the person is in fast oxidation or fast mixed oxidation. The reverse L pattern may also be related to one's lifestyle. It may be caused by lack of rest and sleep, or some other type of chronic stress. It can also indicate homosexuality. Related patterns. It can overlap with the pattern called I'd Rather Die. This is a person who wants to stay in fast oxidation no matter what. It may overlap with the pattern called Stuck in Fast. This is a person who is stuck in fast oxidation because the person needs copper, usually, along with a fast oxidizer diet in most cases. As these are newer patterns, research continues as to their meaning.

Coming Alive

First four increase OR < 4 of first four increase, others remain Strongest; 4 increase, weakest; only 1 Higher increase is also stronger. Joy, replacement, & healing pattern, one of the first to look for. Very positive & yang, brighter energy field. Elimination of toxins, causes kidney stress temporarily raising Na & K. Replacement of biounavailible minerals. Increase in Ca & Mg is protective & controlled healing process, which is very good VARIANTS: Three up: 3 go up & 1 decreases slightly Down sex: Rise in all or most minerals, a very positive replacement pattern Coming alive in life: First 3 increase & K decreases. Extremely positive, usually retraced a trauma, & much happier. Often hilling, toxic metal elimination, & emotional release

Checkmark Pattern

First four resemble a check mark Criminal pattern

Hard Driver

Four highs + double high ratio Pushes oneself hard, criminal pattern

Four highs to fast

Four highs changes where Ca & Mg drop but Na & K stay Not the usual change from four highs to S.O. A type of "coming alive" due to two changes, since the last test 1. Settling down 2. Increased oxidation May include Zn retention & "everything coming out"

High Tunnel

Four highs off the graph + Ca > 160 + Mg > 24 + Na > 100 + K > 40 Similar to 3 & 4 lows. Milder & no special program

The Businessman

Four highs usually mild + Balanced oxidation + Balanced Na/K + Often Cu < 1.2 & poor eliminator of Hg + Often trace minerals are quite good + Often Cd present, possibly poor eliminator MEANING: Hard-driver, very smart. High Hg & Cu make the mind work fast Somewhat selfish Tuned in enough to keep oxidation & Na/K fairly balanced Over exercise TREATMENT: Not easy as they're delicately balanced in 4 highs. Oxidation must slow down, but it doesn't feel good. They'll get upset if they're starting to "crash land" into S.O. or four lows, & then likely use stimulants. Goal is a "soft landing". May require closer monitoring. Retesting 2-3 months until out of four highs

Stuck In A Pit or Four Low Bowl

Four lows + Bowl Not healthful, slow death pattern. Nutrition-related. Deeper bowl & four lows is more extreme. Stuck in an issue, reduced awareness, fatigue, etc.

On The Way Out

Four lows + Na/K < 2.5 + 2+ elevated toxic metals + Cu spike + 2+ very poor eliminators Cu spike is chronic trauma. Others combined is unusual, no energy or ability to eliminate toxic metals. Highly toxic.

On The Edge

Four lows + Mg = 1 + Ca = 8 + Na = 4 + Na/K = 1 + high Al(1.72), Pb(0.093), Hg(0.035) & Cu(2.6) Anxiety, dyslexia, memory loss, anger, fungal infections, cravings, constipation

Very Ill

Four lows + Na/K < 1

Persistent Four Lows

Four lows continues on a retest. Person is still either in an initial "tunnel", which indicates poor health. If on a retest only, then the person is still receiving new life planning or dealing with an issue - usually parent relationship

(3+ tests) Persistent Four Lows

Four lows for a year+ May not be following the program well. Stress increases time to complete four lows At times much life planning is needed, & more time in four lows

Deep Anger (retest)

Four lows for more than one year

Digging Deeper Pattern

Four lows gets lower Deep retracing, usually parent issues. May be retaining the first 4 to replace toxic metals, & temporarily very low. One usually feels well. Occurrs with regular down sex

Out Of The Tunnel

Four lows on last test resolves to S.O. Indicates improved health & vitality

Sodium Crisis

Good Ca/Mg + Na/K > 50-60 + Perhaps balanced mixed oxidation May indicate many poor eliminators/high stress in the kidneys/adrenals

Big picture (Retest)

Happy patterns: Coming Alive Out Of Four Lows Hill Leaving The Cult Settling Down On Fire Everything Up or Everything Down (down sex) Forward Flip of Na/K Fewer poor or very poor eliminators Toxic Metal Or Amigo Elimination Concerns: No Changes, Or Very Little Change (usually not following the program, or extreme stress) Persistence Of Concern Patterns Seen On The Initial Test

Big picture (Initial Test)

Happy patterns: No Four Lows 2 < Na/K < 7 4 < Ca/Mg < 9.5 Few or no High Toxic Metals Few Poor Eliminators Zn > 10 Concerns: Four Lows Step Up Double Low Ratio Na/K < 1 Elevated Toxic Metals Many Poor Eliminators Flat Line

Greater Self-Awareness

Hill goes to double high F.O.

Prioritizing the patterns

INITIAL TEST: 1. Oxidation type & rate, or stage of stress are always important. Determine diet, & give basic info about symptoms 2. Na/K & Ca/Mg are very important. Na/K: acute & chronic stress, direction of movement of oxidation, liver, kidney & cardiovascular stress, trauma, malignancy, infections, blood sugar problems, etc. Also basic psychological info like anger when high, or frustration, resentment & hostility when low. 3. Four lows, four highs, bowl, & hill. 4. Number of poor eliminators Together these orient practitioner & client to basic metabolic imbalances. Along with SD & trauma indicators. Others are Ca shell, second 4. All others importance varies by: 1. Immediate concerns, questions & symptoms of the client. 2. Needs of the practitioner, goal of the interpretation. Psychological or personality interpretation, vs. lifestyle problems vs. movement patterns, etc. 3. Need to "fill in the gaps". Usually a need of the practitioner. If the interpretation doesn't make sense, or more info is needed to fully assess the person. 4. Love & time factor. If one cares a lot about the client & wants to take time, extra info can be helpful, even if it's not critical. 5. Indicators from the test. Ie. degree of the pattern; Ca > 600 mg% is very extreme & must pay attention to it in most cases, as it's "screaming" its presence. May be combination, or sheer number of patterns, or unusual juxtaposition, or something else. Ie. SD + Ca & Mg Shell usually has more importance than just SD. A Burned out SD is more important. RETEST OR PROGRESSIONS: Same principles apply as initial tests. Rise in P of 1+ mg% is often more important

Calcium/Magnesium Ratio

Ideal 4 - 9.5 or optimally 5 - 8 Carb tolerance or lifestyle ratio ???Associated with acute stress Ca: Yang, structure, extracellular, compressive strength, stability, non-metallic, very stable, hard to compress, low tensile strength, sluggish, dull, constipating, dense, heavy, cement like, hydrophobic, buffer element, damper, sedative, doesn't burn, father energy, isn't used in many enzymes, very alkaline-forming in most compounds. Found in raw, unpasteurized dairy products, carrots, greens, seeds, & some nuts. Mg: Yin, "the lion"(controlled power), lightweight, metal, intracellular, more acid-forming, but overall alkaline-forming, energizing, needed for 1000s of enzymes(can't be substituted), hydrophilic, laxative, high tensile strength, low compressive strength, maternal energy, bright, shiny, burns very hot & bright. Found in whole, unprocessed, cooked grains, especially wheat and corn, some in cooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, & seeds. Mg tends to keep Ca in solution. Low Mg is likely to form kidney or gall stones. Ca has a congealing quality, while Mg has dissolution or flexibility. Parathyroid hormone raises Ca, thyroid hormones lower Ca in blood & tissues. They control Mg to some extent, but the pituitary is more important in Mg metabolism. Ca is required for nerve conduction & relaxes the muscles. Mg is less involved in nerves, more in energy production. Ca stabilizes & balances the nervous system, while Mg upsets it with fiery energy. Ca represents compressive pressure or voltage. Mg is tensive & about amperage or intensity. Ohm's law & Joule's law apply here. Joule's law: V x A = Watts When imbalanced, energy production suffers. Both are divalent cations that form hard compounds & have a mainly calming effect on the body. Both counter the effects of Na & K, which are excitatory, monovalent elements, & powerful solvents. Ca/Mg has to do with carbs in the diet. Carbs are the main fuel food to generate energy. In contrast, Na/K has more to do with protein. Both deficient in most Western diets. Refined grains lose most Mg, & pasteurizing dairy reduces Ca bioavailability. SUGAR & CARBOHYDRATE TOLERANCE: Ca up to 13.5 indicates excessive carbs in the diet. Most fruits, juices, sweets, starches, grains, white flower, refined sugar, dried beans and a few vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes & yams. Milk is a sweet food. Overeating these "fuel" foods imbalances ratio between structure & movement. One may "tolerate" more carbs than another. Ca/Mg isn't an exact measure of quantity of carbs. The emotion/mental state of an out of balance Ca/Mg is pretending. Not living outwardly in full integrity. High or low Ca/Mg indicate false beliefs or improper attitudes. Lifestyle ratio. Diet, attitudes, relationships, location, occupation, friends, etc. Na/K is more about the internal body. Lifestyle ratio. Ca/Mg has more to do with external events or circumstances. Generaly, but appears to be true. Ca & Mg are structural elements. Mg is the "power" element that allows us to move and live. In contrast, Na & K are internal regulators, more responsible for the biochemical balance. Another explanation is that Ca & Mg indicate more about cellular situations, while Na & K may have more to do with the cell membrane potential, something that is slightly different. Movement or karmic aspects. Ca/Mg > 13.5 without elevated Na/K is a need to move on in life. Most evident in the bowl & step down. Bowl is defending frustration/hostility, & feeling very stuck. Low Na/K reinforces this. Step down is exhausted but feel a need to move on, & is doing so. The defensiveness of high Ca/Mg is used as an advantage to protect them in this effort. Although one may be defensive, high Na/K indicates an ability to move forward in life & experience acute stress to do so. SPIRITUAL DEFENSIVENESS Ca/Mg > 13.5, especially on initial test is a lifestyle factor getting in the way of health. Consciously or not one defends what is holding them back. "holding on after the need is over" or "a need to let go of something or someone". Drug use, anger, resentment, guilt, negativity, etc. LOW CA/MG (INITIAL TEST): 1. Panicky, confused, disoriented, "freaked out", or even somewhat hysterical. Often acute anger. In contrast, Ca/Mg > 13.5, the anger is suppressed or chronic. BOTH an imbalanced Ca/Mg an imbalanced Na/K have to do with anger and resentment. 2. Not coping well due to not enough buffer elements. Ca/Mg < 4, life does not make sense. Not enough of the buffer element, to handle one's life situation. 3. A need to move on. Like high Ca/Mg but when it's low the situation has become so problematic, annoying or harmful, that it can lead to an attitude of wanting to die. This is more life-threatening & acute. 4. Giving up. Low Ca/Mg with low Na/K, giving up or double low ratio. One wants to die. Even worse in a step up. May be a strong desire to harm oneself. 5. Celebration and overcoming. Elevated Na/K with low Ca/Mg is a hill. A need to move on, with the ability & willingness to do so, creating joy as one looks forward to the next phase. 6. Always an ending of a situation. All the above may be called karmic or movement endings. CA/MG ON RETEST 1. Elevated Ca/Mg worsens on a retest. A dietary or lifestyle issue is more harmful. May occur if one slips on the diet & begins eating too many carbs. May be the oxidation rate speeds up, yet one keeps eating the same, so they're eating too many carbs. More spiritual defensiveness. Ca/Mg may worsen > 13.5 if one is using marijuana as their health improves, this happens often! May be one still needs a divorce as one's health & ability to separate increases. May worsen > 13.5 if one is still holding on to a negative attitude when there's no need for it, & forgiveness is in order. If Ca/Mg > 13.5 goes even higher, a lifestyle problem present on the first test is more apparent & needs even more to let go. If it goes from normal to > 13.5, a situation, habit or attitude that was not that harmful before, is now harmful. 2. An elevated Ca/Mg improves on a retest: From > 13.5 to a little less, but still > 13.5. One is addressing their lifestyle, habit or attitude, but not enough or incomplete. Ca/Mg > 13.5 to < 13.5: One resolved the problem in their lifestyle, habits, or attitude. 3. High Ca/Mg remains about the same: Attitude or lifestyle has not been addressed. 4. Low Ca/Mg worsens, stays the same or improves. Similar to that of an elevated Ca/Mg, indicating one's progress in correcting an imbalance. Progressions on several retests can yield valuable info about one's diet & lifestyle. EXTREMELY HIGH OR LOW CA/MG Ca/Mg > 35 to 40, or < 1.5 to 2, more severe but same patterns.

Criminality Patterns

Important mineral or ratio is far out of balance. Must appear on initial test ● The Cult Diet ● The High Shell - Ca > 500 in a woman or 450 in a man + Na/K is normal or > 2.5 + Ca/Mg & Na/K may be excellent. + Often present are Pb, Hg, Cd, Cu, Fe or Ni Indicates: 1. Trauma, such as rape or beatings 2. Whipped, or exhausted 3. Deep emotional suppression 4. Hiding ones true self 5. Very toxic body Often high-level, white collar criminals or women in high-level criminal positions ● Three Amigos - Fe > 2 + Mn > 0.04 + Al > 0.4 May be present if 1 or 2 are elevated Meaning: High Fe = rage. Often settles in amygdala High Mn = apathic, cynical, psychopath. Mn madness in miners & welders. High Al = dementia "soft in the head" Oxide & very irritating, stimulating adrenals & thyroid which keeps a tired body going. Variants: 1. Very high Fe alone > 6.5 2. High Mn alone. Gasoline cult ritual. Not always criminal, often participating. 3. 2 of 3 amigos elevated. ● Cliffs ● Hard Driver ● Hidden Mn - Mn < 0.019 Moreso if < 0.09 Stronger if: - Four lows - Low Na/K - Fe < 0.7 - Welders are exposed to Mn & Fe ● Checkmark or Keyhole ● Chronic Trauma ● High Beryllium ● High Cobalt In A Younger Person - Co > 0.001 = Taking vitamin B12 ● High Germanium ● Double Criminals (Multiple patterns)


Increase 300+% in a level, ratio or pattern "Explosion" is an extreme version K surge: Elimination of toxic K, very positive Mg surge: Return of 1+ controller souls Na/K surge: Often a forward flip. Excellent Oxidation surge: Toxic metal elimination, new stressor, etc. Can be good or bad Na surge. Elimination of B, or another toxic metal. Cause slight kidney damage when expelled. Usually positive Ca surge: Elimination of toxic Ca. Or retracing, often after four lows or F.O. that changes to S.O. May be protection. Usually positive Trace mineral surges: Eliminations of toxic forms. Often very positive Ca/Mg, Na/Mg, Ca/K Surges: Often changes in oxidation. Ca/K surge is an oxidation collapse Other surges: Usually eliminations, very good

Waking up

Increase in the oxidation rate + Increase in P + Rise in Na/K + Often Ca/Mg is better Positive pattern

Awareness patterns

Increased awareness often has to do with improvement in brain functioning. This, in turn causes more brain activity and a greater ability to reflect and/or detach emotionally so that one sees more about oneself and/or others. The following patterns appear to be related to these changes: PIVOT PATTERNS These specifically seem to indicate an increase in awareness AND a turnaround or shift in one's perception and attitude about oneself or usually those close to oneself such as family members. For details, read Anchors and Pivots. EMERGING FROM FOUR LOWS PATTERN We currently believe that coming out of a four lows pattern involves an increase in awareness. When one goes into a four lows pattern on a retest, often one is processing and resolving an issue involving one's parents. In a few cases, it is possible that a four lows pattern is simply due to toxicity or perhaps oppression, and when these lessen, one comes out of four lows. DECREASE IN THE SODIUM/POTASSIUM RATIO, ESPECIALLY A BACK FLIP PATTERN When one follows a development program, a 25% or greater decline in the sodium/potassium ratio usually indicates that a person is confronting and processing an unresolved mental or emotional issue, conflict or trauma. In order for this to occur, usually there has been an increase in awareness of the issue. The removal of a deposit of a toxic mineral could trigger this, as could an increase in cellular energy production or something else. This is especially true if the sodium/potassium ratio goes from greater than 2.5 to less than 2.5. This is an Na/K back flip pattern, also called into your issues pattern. 3) Perhaps climbing out pattern (one does not emerge from four lows, but the four lows pattern is less extreme) 4) A decrease in zinc and/or selenium, (indicating that zinc and/or selenium are staying in the body, replacing toxic minerals in the brain or elsewhere in significant amounts) 5) An increases in one or more toxic minerals (including the amigos), indicating their removal from the brain.

Looking For Answers

Increased oxidation + Increased "oxidation rate" on second 4 + Little change Ca/Mg, Na/K, Fe/Cu, Mn/Zn Looking for understanding of a situation

Extreme burnout

Initial test Ca/Mg < 3 usually a Ca shell

Blood/Urine Interpretation

Interpreting blood & urine tests when on NB is complex. It almost always skews blood tests & can make them swing wildly, at times. This can frighten one & upset doctors who recommend drug therapy, or hospitalization when not needed. Why? NB causes profound changes in the body. The blood contents shift as it's used to move minerals, nutrients, toxins, hormones, & many chemicals. During NB the blood can look like a sort of construction zone. Expect significant temporary shifts in readings as body chemistry changes at deep levels. Physicians & books about blood tests aren't written for those following NB. They're written for those whose blood values remain fairly constant most of the time, as nothing is done to profoundly alter them. NB is so dynamic & alters the body at deep levels that it skews blood serum, urine & even x-rays. They assume it means disease or dysfunction is present, when rarely the case. Retracing causes a special inflammation that's easy to mistake for a regular inflammatory process on a blood test or x-ray. It's different, harmless, & a sign of a restoration. The doctor will most likely misdiagnose as inflammation, infection or other pathological process. Commonly temporarily skewed during NB: 1. Thyroid: A common situation is that the T3 & T4 are fairly normal, but TSH is elevated. At times thyroid antibodies are also elevated. No cause for alarm, or need for thyroid hormones. Normalizes when detoxing & rebuilding the thyroid gland is complete. 2. Liver enzymes. Mild elevation of liver enzymes. No cause for concern. Part of a detox or rebuilding process & will pass. 3. Serum electrolytes, especially Na. At times, they can be thrown off. Na may get low during toxic metal elimination, will rebalance. 4. Blood sugar. To eliminate a particular Ni compound, children may get a sudden & extreme rise in blood sugar, to > 500 mg. This isn't diabetes! A healing process, & doesn't last long, & no danger at all. 5. Serum ferritin. May rise from elimination of toxic &/or excess Fe. More ferritin is required to transport Fe. Elevated ferritin is of no concern & a sign of healing. It will return to normal when elimination is complete. 6. Other. Cholesterol may rise, other serum & urine tests can be affected, as well. In almost all cases, NB is building health, not damage. What if you have an abnormal medical test during NB? If concerned, repeat it in a few months, don't start a drug regimen or quit NB. Don't recommend getting many blood & urine tests while on NB as results often scare one & worry doctors needlessly. When blood testing is needed during NB. Few blood tests are needed during NB, even with clients who are quite ill. Cases where they may be needed include diabetes, Grave's disease or hyperthyroidism, kidney or heart failure, or serious cardiovascular illness. CASE HISTORY OF BLOOD TEST INTERPRETATION BASED ON NB Mary, 50, received abnormal blood results: 1. Hemoglobin A1c slightly elevated. 2. Slightly low serum Ca at 8.4. 3. Low TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). 4. Elevated C-reactive protein. 5. An EKG revealed some atrial fibrillation on one occasion, although it went away when Mary's 'Armour Thyroid' hormone medication was reduced. A hair test done the same time revealed four highs, F.O., low Na/K, & poor eliminators. Mary, & her physician, were alarmed with the results, & didn't know the cause. Explanation for the results: 1. High hemoglobin A1c. Hair test shows a worsening of the blood sugar(low Na/K). The Ca/Mg improved a little, but the Na/K got decidedly worse. F.O. have more blood sugar problems since they need fat & oil with each meal & a very low carb diet, which is hard as a vegetarian & for most people. 2. Slightly low serum Ca. Goes along with a very low TSH. Both linked to F.O.. Overactive thyroid lowers serum Ca & TSH. As the hair test indicates. Taking thyroid hormones is deadly in F.O. 3. High CRP. Inflammation indicator. F.O. & Four highs are inflammation patterns. She had hidden Al, Fe & Mn, highly inflammatory minerals when oxides. High CRP normalizes as metabolic imbalances are corrected. 4. Abnormal EKG & atrial fibrillation. Probably too much thyroid hormone. She was taking Armour thyroid. Very bad combination which the doctor should have checked & suspected immediately. F.O. with low Mg & low tissue Ca can cause abnormal EKG & atrial fibrillation. As a F.O., cell permeability increases allowing thyroid hormone to enter cells faster. Can lower T3 & T4, doctors think you need thyroid hormones when you don't. A dangerous but common situation.

Hidden Low Potassium

K = 1 If K < 1 cannot be determined Important, affects several ratios. Determined with soul guides

Flattened or Shut Down Pattern

K = 1 + Ca/K > 130 + Normal or low Na/K + Very S.O. + SD + Usually some poor eliminators Body in part shut down, & emotions usually suppressed. More in women, linked to rape or trauma. Detox procedures are very important

Growing up

K spike Eliminating toxic K, a "child mineral"

Diving Deep

Low Na/K decreases 10+% Deep retracing, usually of a trauma. Can show up as a lower four lows but this meaning is not as clear.

Going home

Settling down on second 4 + Maybe settling down on first 4 or some anchors May feel confused & somewhat worse Improved brain activity leading to unusual thoughts & feelings

Opening Up

Settling down on second 4 + Rise in Pb, Al, Cr & particularly K. + Cu spike Positive, successful retracing of a trauma

Coming Home

Settling down on second 4 Positive, often feels better.

Better In Bed

Settling down on the first 4 & second 4 Need more rest, lifestyle pattern

Compensated Hair Mineral Tests

Macrominerals & ratios are near normal in a chronically ill person. Common & very confusing to some practitioners Reasons: 1. As one gets weaker, levels & ratios move into balance to sustain life. It's superficial. If interpreted correctly, the test is not good. 2. Drug therapy such as insulin or chemotherapy can superficially balance them. 3. Mental attitude, habit, or activity may keep them in a good balance 4. Some toxic metals or chemicals skew them. SIGNS OF ILLNESS TO LOOK FOR: 1. Poor eliminators 2. P < 13 3. Elevated toxic metals 4. Three or four lows RETESTS OFTEN LOOK WORSE: Not a cause for concern. A de-compensation process is underway. Keep balancing oxidation & major ratios to "unwind" mechanisms in place. Unwinding adaptations to stress is a key concept.

Three lows

May also be named overwhelming stress, skidding, one foot in the tunnel, or almost four lows. It's common mostly in adults. 3 or the first 4 are below Ideal 1. High Ca: Common, in S.O. & those with SD. Often, Ca/Mg is high. 2. High Mg: Ca/Mg is somewhat low. More acute than the first variant. 3. High Na: "Four lows under stress", especially if Na is slightly > 25. Cose to four lows, but there's so much inflammation it keeps one out of four lows. Often with SD. 4. High K: Common in children & in adult men. Always a low Na/K, adrenal exhaustion. Usually with F.O. MEANING: Adrenal exhaustion & moving to four lows. Four lows is a collapse that most never exit, & develop serious illness. Anything to keep a person out of four lows is helpful. The body is malnourished and usually quite toxic. Either a lot of toxic metals or too many minerals in a toxic form. Both excessive toxic metals & amigos are usually present. VARIANTS: 1. Level of the mineral above the ideal. One can be very close to four lows, this is usually more serious. In others, the mineral is high, one is not as close to four lows, generally healthier. 2. Levels of the 3 that are low. May be slightly below the ideal values. Some can be extremely low, one is closer to adrenal burnout & four lows. 3. Combinations. Such as bowl, hill, spiritual defensiveness, low or high NaK, double high ratio, double low ratio, & vampire victim. May coexist with any oxidation type. CORRECTION: One may move into four lows as part of the corrective process. It's always retracing, & perfectly okay. Eventually one will emerge, usually much healthier


Mg < 3 + Usually with low Ca Alarm stage of stress Blocking mental/spiritual growth Symptoms: Aggressiveness, nervousness, irritability, anger, A.D.D., hyperactivity, muscle tension/cramps, high blood pressure, angina, impaired circulation, fatal heart attack or stroke

Hidden Low Magnesium

Mg = 1 Mg < 1, cannot be determined Affects several ratios! Read by soul guides

Magnesium Shell

Mg > 20 (Biounavailabile Mg, always if Mg > 100) + Usually with a Ca shell + Usually S.O.

Getting Help

Mg increases 30+% + Sometimes no Ca shell Poor quality Mg is eliminated & replaced due to a return of 1 or 2 Controller Creatures. Health usually improves. Variations: - K rises 40+%: can be due to the return of a guide creature. (Or a toxic K elimination) - Sharp rise in Na or Ca: Each guide creature causes elimination of less desirable forms of various minerals

Getting Lots Of Help

Mg increases 4x+ + Ca increases 4x+ + Often also coming alive but not always Unusual, return of 2 controller creatures & more improvements

Metabolic Syndrome

Mild F.O. + 1 < Na/K < 2.5 Not seen with all cases, but common

Caring Pattern

Mild S.O. + 6 < Ca/Mg < 7.3 + 2.4 < NA/K < 2.8 AKA mild S.O. with excellent Ca/Mg & Na/K More on initial tests than retests

Poor Eliminator Pattern

Mineral is sealed, can't be easily eliminated & in toxic amounts. Doesn't indicate lack of mineral, opposite is true. Best way to find hidden toxic metals Often with SD, adrenal burnout, & very S.O. Every 3 poor = 1x adrenal burnout Every 2 VERY poor = 1x adrenal burnout ON A RETEST OR GETTING WORSE: - Not a concern - Armoring - Retained for balance or retracing - Great slowing of oxidation - More extreme SD - Healing reaction - Shows patterns that impair elimination such as bowl, very low Na/K, etc. - Difficulty removing a toxic chemical WHICH MINERALS: Toxic metals, some nutrient minerals in carbonate & oxides form. CAUSES: Not drinking enough water, liver toxicity, kidney toxicity, adrenal Exhaustion, SD, very S.O., low Na/K, 3 or 4 lows, Victim Patterns, pelvic syndrome, nutritional depletion, trauma, presence of 'Amigos', retentive personality. Often adrenal burnout & very S.O. With low vitality, one lacks energy to detox. This is why hormone replacement isn't ideal. Remove toxic metals with NB, then adrenals function normally. Replacing hormones doesn't eliminate toxic minerals. Quantifying the relationship between poor eliminator patterns and adrenal exhaustion. !!!!Every 3 poor eliminator indicators equals 1 adrenal burnout indicator. This number is the total of the poor & very poor eliminators. In addition, every 2 VERY poor eliminators equals 1 additional adrenal burnout pattern.!!!! Often, SD is found with poor eliminators. Overusing the sympathetic nervous system makes all elimination hard. Shunting blood from the eliminative organs & toward the muscles & brain for a fight-or-flight response. Chronically, the ability to detox diminishes. ASSESSING THE SEVERITY Ways to do this are: 1. Count the number of poor eliminators. The more poor eliminators that are present on one chart, the more severe the situation. It is possible to have 10 or more on one chart, though usually fewer are present. 2. Count the number of VERY poor eliminators. The more that are present, the more severe the situation. 3. Note how low the poor and very poor eliminator mineral levels are. The lower the mineral level within the poor eliminator and very poor eliminator ranges, the more difficulty the person is usually having eliminating the toxic mineral. Said differently, the lower the numbers below the threshold level for the pattern, often the more serious the imbalance or hidden toxicity. RETEST ONLY, OR WORSENING: Usually not cause for concern, if following NB. 1. Armoring. One retains some toxic metals to stay in balance and perhaps to retrace a difficult situation from the past. May need more TMG. 2. Other reasons. a) a great slowing of the oxidation b) a more extreme SD c) a healing reaction in progress d) presence of a pattern that may impair elimination WEIGHT GAIN: Rarely, one gains a little weight on NB for a time. One reason can be poor eliminators. It may be water retention as the body attempts to dilute toxic substances. A related cause is a problem in the kidneys that aren't able to handle the toxins. Usually, this is temporary & passes when the poor eliminators pass. POOR ELIMINATORS & TOXIC CHEMICALS: May have difficulty removing toxic chemicals, since some elimination pathways in the liver & kidney are used for both. It's difficult to identify hidden toxic chemicals. In this way it can tell us ones ability to eliminate both. VALUE OF THIS PATTERN: 1. Hidden toxicity indicator. 2. Health is worse than it appears. 3. Adrenal burnout indicator. 4. SD indicator. 5. Indicates healing will be somewhat slower. 6. Need for doing development procedures 7. Toxic chemical indicator 8. A reason for weight gain 9. Indicator of the presence of amigos


More Severe Shell OR just developing a shell Common. Causes: - Eliminating biounavailable Ca - Need protection while waking up mentally, emotionally or spiritually - Part of coming alive, or In The World but Not Of It, or Need For Protection

(Retest Only) All Is Well

Most levels, ratios & patterns of the first 4 & trace minerals improve. Ie. oxidation, Na/K, Ca/Mg, Zn, P all improve & has a "settling down". Positive

Little Change Pattern

Most minerals change little or not at all Confusing situation, usually indicates anchors. But can be not following NB correctly


Moving into a bowl + Ca/Mg increases + Na/K decreases Extreme: Ca/Mg increases 100+% + Na/K decreases 50+% Retracing a trauma

Giving Away Your Power AKA Victim pattern

NA <= 1 (extreme burnout) + K <= 1 (another burnout & SD) Milder forms: Na <= 2 + K <= 2 If in four lows, may need more taurine. Needs alone time, may be co-dependent.

Programs for children

NOTES REGARDING HYPERACTIVE OR ADHD CHILDREN In these cases, it is often necessary and safe to give larger doses of certain supplements that help control aberrant or anti-social behavior. These supplements include Paramin, above all. It may also include SBF Formula, or Stress Pak. These are what we call parasympathetic supplements. This means they tend to calm the nervous system and relax the muscles as well. They promote resting, sleeping and have a generally calming effect. The only problems one might encounter is that SBF, especially, and possibly Paramin may cause diarrhea if given in larger doses due to their magnesium content. More calcium can be given to counteract this to some extent, if it is needed. SIMPLE MEALS FOR CHILDREN Most children are very happy with simple meals. Parents often ruin this simple quality of children by insisting on feeding them fancy, spicy, salty and complex dishes and meals. This is not healthful for the children at all. A meal can consist of two or three simple, natural foods. It is wonderful to get children used to simple flavors and simple meals. Of course, this usually means that parents should also eat this way and the children will follow naturally. FOOD ALLERGIES IN CHILDREN Many children have allergies or sensitivities to common foods such as dairy products, wheat, corn and others. These can play a large role in conditions such as autism, ADHD, chronic infections and others. Please always consider this possibility when designing children's nutrition programs. How to handle food allergies. First, try to have the child eat only natural, simple foods, prepared at home, with no chemical additives and no added sugars, other sweeteners or especially no aspartame and other chemicals of any kind. This will take care of some food allergies, and will promote health in many ways. The main one, however, is it reduces irritants to the intestines and to the brain which can help a child heal on many levels. Also, one should completely avoid wheat in any form, and perhaps even spelt, as these are pro-inflammatory foods today and much less healthful. Other foods that are less healthful may be eliminated as well, such as all soy products, all pasteurized, homogenized dairy products and most beef, white rice and all sugars in any form, even natural honey, maple syrup, agave syrup, rice bran syrup and other so-called natural sweeteners. Often, getting rid of these natural, but lower quality foods will take care of most food allergies. If it does not, a simple method to figure out other food allergies is to ask the parents to carefully observe how behavior or other symptoms change after eating particular foods. Some will notice severe changes after eating cheese, soy or perhaps eggs, for example. Ideally, parents might keep a diary with the child's diet of simple meals and behavior or other symptoms. Another, somewhat more precise method to identify food allergies is to use an elimination diet. One feeds the child a simple diet of, for example, well-cooked vegetables with some turkey and blue corn chips or other starch for a week or so and notice if the child's symptoms improve. Then one slowly re-introduces other foods, one at a time, noting any changes in behavior or other symptoms. This is most easily done on very small children and those who are not fussy about food. For more complicated cases or fussier children, food allergy testing may be required. It can be done through several laboratories. It is not 100% accurate, since any food that is eaten often may be reported as a problem. However, it is often helpful. Health insurance may help cover the cost, which is usually several hundred dollars or more. Allergic foods should be eliminated for a few months, at least. However, the goal of nutritional balancing is to reduce all food sensitivities, eventually. This is done by eliminating a dozen or more toxic metals, replenishing minerals and strengthening the digestive system, in general to get rid of intestinal infections, 'leaky gut' syndrome or other digestive difficulties. Also recall that much of the food today is of poor quality. What may seem like a food "allergy" can simply be that the child is reacting to chemical additives, infective organisms or other contaminants in a food. One brand of food may work better for a child than another. Organic food is almost always best. FOUR LOW ELECTROLYTES AND CHILDREN Four low electrolytes on a hair mineral analysis is a chronic stress pattern characteristic of adults more than children. However, this pattern is appearing more and more frequently in children's mineral analyses. This is not a healthful trend and correlates with increased illness and debility in children. A common cause for the four low electrolyte pattern in children is stress due to an exhausted or stressed parent. Often, a parent of such a child will have the four low electrolyte "personality type". This is typically one who is driven, somewhat compulsive, exhausted and who worries a lot or who does too much mental or physical activity. Most children emerge from a four lows pattern quickly. In a few cases, one may need to work with the parents along with the child on a nutrition and lifestyle modification program. This is the best way to achieve excellent results. Other ways to influence the child to relax may be needed. These can include teaching a simple form of meditation to the child or using soft music, quiet reading, more naps and other methods to assist the child to relax and "put the adrenals to bed". Assisting a child to relax and slow down is needed to exit the four-low-electrolyte biochemical pattern. HELPING CHILDREN TO TAKE SUPPLEMENTS Children, especially young children, often do not swallow pills well. Instead, grind, crush or blend the tablets in a favorite food. It is usually excellent to grind up the entire day's supplements, and then give half with a morning meal and half with an afternoon or evening meal. Food with a strong flavor are often best to mix with supplements. These include almond butter, full-fat and preferably organic, certified raw yogurt, cheese or even milk, meat loaf, soups, or other strong-flavored foods. If none of the above work, one may have to use tomato sauce, or peanut butter, which are not foods that are recommended in nutritional balancing. Try to avoid using very sweet beverages for disguising nutritional supplements. Use these only as last resorts because of their sugar content. Some people ask if they can just buy liquid supplements at the health food store. This usually does not work well because the formulas designed by Dr. Eck are superior and, at times, absolutely needed. Matching them with other brands of supplements is not often easy, and is often much more work to do it properly. Some day, I hope children's chewable or liquid formulas will become available. In the meantime, I much prefer using the adult products in small amounts, ground up and mixed with foods. SUPPLEMENT DOSING FOR CHILDREN Children can usually do very well taking supplements only twice daily. This is mainly for convenience, because the lunch dosage is often difficult for children in school. However, in some cases a dose after school with a snack may be very helpful, for example if a child is hyperactive and the supplements will help him or her calm down. Lunch doses can also be arranged if needed with the school nurse. IF BABIES AND CHILDREN SUDDENLY REFUSE TO TAKE SUPPLEMENTS Always suspect in these cases that the program needs changing. Contact your Helper if this occurs. REST AND SLEEP FOR CHILDREN AND TEENS Most children require at lest 10 hours of sleep every single night. Do not allow children to stay up late and watch television or play on computers, for example. Most children need some exercise each day and plenty of rest. GLANDULAR SUPPLEMENTS FOR CHILDREN Most children do not need glandular supplements until they are at least 7 years old, or a little older.

Kidney stress

Na & K rise 20+% + Often, toxic metals also rise Toxic metal elimination. Good sign & usually temporary. Rarely, only Na rises

Basic Burnout

Na < 5

Adrenal Indicators

Na = adrenal strength good at 20 - 40 However, on early hair analyses, toxic metals or other factors can elevate falsely. Na/K = adrenal potential, charge, direction A good ratio is 2 - 7. < 2.5 = adrenal weakness & exhaustion > 6 or 7 = acute stress on adrenals & alarm response Na/Mg = adrenal strength, joy & an aspect of the oxidation rate. Dr. Eck called this the adrenal ratio. An ideal ratio is about 4.17 > 4.17 = excessive adrenal activity at a cellular level < 4.17 = adrenal weakness and burnout The oxidation rate = sympathetic/parasympathetic balance and the stage of stress. A faster oxidation is associated with increased adrenal effect at the cellular level. A sluggish oxidation rate is associated with reduced cellular adrenal effect. Double high ratio or double low ratio patterns = more extreme adrenal stress. These patterns are present when both the sodium/potassium and the calcium/magnesium ratios are either high or low. These are more extreme stress patterns. Double high is more acute, while double low is a very chronic adrenal stress pattern. Four highs = a second wind. When calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium are elevated, it indicates a secondary adrenal stress reaction, also called a secondary alarm reaction. This is a very high stress level, in most cases, that is like a "second wind". It may be due to the presence of toxic metals, nutrient deficiencies or perhaps due to lifestyle or other stress. I believe one can have several layers of these secondary alarm responses, in some cases, and they all need to be resolved for deep healing of the adrenal glands. Sympathetic dominance = lifestyle stress. This indicates a lifestyle or personality tendency to overuse the adrenal glands when they are, in fact, exhausted. A person with this pattern tends to keep himself in a fight-or-flight situation when he should be resting more. This pattern requires changes in one's attitudes and lifestyle in most cases in order to rest and rebuild the adrenals, along with the rest of the body. Four lows = spinning one's wheels. A person with this pattern is also overusing the adrenals. However, the situation is worse than the other patterns and more like spinning one's wheels in a ditch and getting nowhere. Dr. Eck eventually figured out how to resolve this pattern, in most cases, by "forcing the adrenals to rest" with certain supplements. Oddly, the worst thing to do when a person is in this pattern is to support the adrenals with vitamins, minerals, hormones or anything else other than loads of rest and a healthful diet and lifestyle. Combinations of the above tell us even more about adrenal activity. Cortisol reversal. Sympathetic dominance, four lows or perhaps others of the more extreme adrenal imbalance patterns may indicate cortisol reversal. This is when the cortisol level is low in the morning and increases as the day goes on, peaking at midnight in many cases. This is the opposite of the ideal adrenal secretion pattern. It indicates an autonomic imbalance. The following concepts may seem rather esoteric. However, they provide even more insight into how a person's adrenals are functioning: Cell permeability to adrenal and other hormones, in general. This is most closely associated with the oxidation rate. A faster rate indicates greater cell permeability. A sluggish oxidation rate is associated with reduced cell permeability. Glandular strength. This is most closely associated with the sodium level. A higher level indicates better adrenal strength, while a low level indicates weak adrenal strength. Glandular reserves. SD pattern or very S.O. indicate low adrenal reserves. Also, some fast oxidizers may have low adrenal reserves, according to Dr. Eck, because they are functioning at peak adrenal capacity much of the time. Glandular responsiveness. This has to do with how quickly and effectively the adrenals can respond to stress. It is somewhat different than the other measures and more associated with the sodium/potassium ratio and perhaps the sodium/magnesium ratio. The coordination between the adrenals and the rest of the body and mind. This may be impaired if a four lows pattern is present, and also possibly with a four highs pattern or a very fast or very S.O.

Adrenal Stress

Na > 100 Over secreting adrenal hormones especially aldosterone, often causing high blood pressure. Symptoms: anxiety, irritabile, nervous, short temper, aggression High Na lowers Ca & Mg causing more symptoms Very rarely, high Na with no symptoms. May be water softener with salt pellets

Toxic potassium elimination

Na/K < 0.4 Human life not possible with Na/K < 0.4 Artifact, the Na/K is higher Elimination can be occurring at any time

Double Low Ratio Or Double Inversion Pattern

Na/K < 2.5 + Ca/Mg < 5 Lower ratios are more extreme. Reinforces meaning of low Na/K Important trauma pattern, AKA double give-up & a slow death On a retest it's retracing

Kidney Problems

Na/K > 40 + Others are poor eliminators Hg, Cd, Ni, possibly Fe

Trying Hard To Stay Afloat

Na/K > 5 + Ca/Mg > 9.5 + K <= 4 (SD) + Optional three lows. Double pattern Higher ratios & lower K, more extreme

Into Your Issues

Na/K decrease 30+% Stronger if Na/K back flip: > 2.5 to < 2.5

Going deep

Na/K decreases sharply, usually from normal or high to 0.2 - 0.4 In part toxic K elimination, often trauma release. Lots of toxins released Rare as it doesn't last long

Getting Into Your Issues

Na/K goes from normal to low + Moves into four lows + Improvement in P + 1+ toxic metals rise + May experience more symptoms Looks decidedly worse, but positive

Shift To The Left

Na/K improves, Ca/Mg becomes worse Disease pattern, not sure at this time. Contrasts with "Moving Right"

Na/K surges

Na/K increases 500+% + Extreme flip is Na/K < 1:1 to Na/K > 5:1 Rarely, Na/K goes from 3 to 15+

Solving My Problem

Na/K is good or better than on previous test & retraced a Cu spike

A Good Heart

Na/K near 2.5 + Ca/Mg near 6.67 + S.O. Caring

Reverse L

Normal Ca/Mg + Normal Na/Mg + Na/K < 1 + Maybe three lows + K higher than first 3 visually + Usually F.O. or M.F.O. Extreme chronic stress. May be lack of rest. May indicate homosexuality. Can overlap with "I'd Rather Die" or "Stuck in Fast". Stuck in F.O. as one needs Cu, with a F.O. diet in most cases

Intense hilling

On retest AKA "shooting to the top" Often an intervention. Intense joy, freedom, or end of a difficult situation

Fast Mixed Oxidation

One ratio indicates F.O. & the other S.O. - Ca/K > 4(S.O.) & Na/Mg > 4.17(F.O.) - Ca/K < 4(F.O.) & Na/Mg < 4.17(S.O.) Ratio indicating F.O. is more out of balance. Often easy to assess visually. Adrenal ratio(Na/Mg) is fast(> 4.17): Acute stress Thyroid ratio(Ca/K) is fast(< 4): Chronic stress & adrenal exhaustion Symptoms are a mix of both but towards F.O. Ratios can be balanced, or extremely unbalanced often meaning personal conflict. Often resolves within a few months to F.O. or S.O. Rarely, it takes 6+ months.

Slow Mixed Oxidation

One ratio indicates F.O. & the other S.O. - Ca/K > 4(S.O.) & Na/Mg > 4.17(F.O.) - Ca/K < 4(F.O.) & Na/Mg < 4.17(S.O.) Ratio indicating S.O. is more out of balance Adrenal ratio(Na/Mg) is fast(> 4.17): Acute stress Thyroid ratio(Ca/K) is fast(< 4): Chronic stress & adrenal exhaustion Symptoms are a mix of both but towards S.O. Ratios can be balanced, or extremely unbalanced often meaning personal conflict. Often resolves within a few months to F.O. or S.O. Rarely, it takes 6+ months.

Getting One's Life Back

Out of four lows + Amigo dump + 9+ anchors + Pb may decline as it's been eliminated Very positive joy pattern

Turning A Corner

Out of four lows + Coming alive + Double low ratio on the first four + Double high ratio on the second four + Amigo dump + Elimination of Cd & molybdenum + P rose from 18 to 21 Only seen once

Oxidation surges

Oxidation rate increases dramatically From very slow to very fast. From very slow to only mildly slow. From mildly fast to very fast. Most are positive, energy shifts dramatically, it can be destabilizing. Behavior can change

Moving Into The Mud

Oxidation rate slows greatly OR Na/K declines drastically Common. Dealing with an old infection, toxic metal or trauma. If Na/K < 1: eliminating toxic K & real Na/K is higher. Give less Limcomin. More can cause an explosion

Much calmer

Oxidation slows but still F.O. + Settling down

Gathering Firewood

P decreases 1+ mg% Positive pattern. Greater demand for P for production of more ATP & faster protein synthesis. P < 13 mg%, or P decreases 2+ mg%, usually is lack of bioavailable P. Diet low in meat, eggs & dairy.

Perking Up

P increases 2-4 mg%


THE TETRAS The minerals also fit into groups of four, also called tetras. The first four tetras are: #1. Calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. #2. Iron, copper manganese and zinc. #3. Chromium, selenium, vanadium and boron. #4. Molybdenum, phosphorus, cobalt and iodine. In total, there are about 12 tetras. However, we only use the first two or three at this time.


Pattern superimposed upon another. Example, hill on bowl. Difficult to see them. Example, a hill with all 4 quite elevated. May be a bowl with an elevated Ca & K

Second Four Patterns

Patterns using Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn Deeper metabolic & psychological layers Visualy affected by calibration, ideal Fe should be 2 not 3.5 This article concerns the second four minerals on an ARL calibrated hair mineral chart. These minerals are iron, copper, manganese and zinc. On an ARL hair mineral chart, they are found just to the right of the bar graphs for calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. This is why they are called the second four minerals. The order of the minerals on an ARL calibrated chart is not random. The first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) form a tetra or group. These four are the basis for at least 40 patterns that can help one understand a hair mineral chart. Similarly, the second four minerals also form a tetra or group, and there are many patterns that the levels and ratios of these minerals form. Before discussing specifics, here are some principles of interpreting the second four minerals: 1. The patterns of these four numbers seem to represent a deeper layer of a person's metabolism and perhaps deeper psychological layers, as well. 2. The patterns seem to be very similar in meaning as those of the first four minerals. The main difference is they apply to a deeper or older layer of metabolism. For example, one can have a four lows pattern on the first four minerals when the levels of all four of the first four minerals are lower than their ideal levels. The same thing can occur with the second four minerals, and the meaning is similar. 3. A complication is that the iron level on an ARL graph is incorrect. We believe the ideal iron level should be 2 mg%, not 3.5 mg%. This affects the visual patterns somewhat. EXAMPLES OF PATTERNS THAT ONE MAY OBSERVE ON THE SECOND FOUR MINERALS The bowl The hill Four lows Four highs Step up Step down Double low ratio Double high ratio Fast oxidation Slow oxidation Others MORE DETAILS ABOUT PATTERNS ON THE SECOND FOUR MINERALS Double low ratio pattern on the second four minerals. This is an indicator of past trauma, and very reliable. It often coincides with other trauma indicators such as calcium shell, four lows, or indicators of the cult diet. The criteria are: - Iron/copper ratio less than 0.6 AND - Manganese/zinc ratio less than 0.0015. This is a double give-up pattern, and a slow death pattern. However, it is at a deeper level than a double low ratio pattern on the first four minerals. For more on this, please read Double Low Ratio Pattern and Abuse Or Trauma Patterns on this website. Four lows on the second four. This is another helpful pattern on the second four minerals. The criteria for this pattern are: 1. Iron less than 2 mg% 2. Copper less than 2.5 mg% 3. Manganese less than 0.04 mg%. 4. Zinc less than 16 mg%. This is a four lows pattern at a deep level. PATTERNS ON THE FIRST FOUR MINERALS AND THE SECOND FOUR MINERALS These patterns occur when the pattern on the first four minerals and the pattern on the second four minerals are the same. For example, there could be a four lows pattern on the first four minerals and a four lows pattern on the second four minerals. This would be called a double four lows pattern or four lows on the first and second four. One can also have fast or slow oxidation on the first and second four minerals, double low ratio pattern on the first and second four minerals, and so on. The meaning of a pattern of this type is that it is stronger than if the pattern appears only on the first four or only on the second four minerals. SHIFT PATTERNS This is a very interesting and more advanced hair analysis interpretation concept. Shift patterns means that over the course of 6 months or more, a pattern on a hair test will shift from the first four minerals to the second four, or vice versa. For example, a shift to the left on the standard hair chart we use can occur in at least two ways among the first and second four minerals on an ARL calibrated hair chart: 1. Movement of patterns from the second four minerals to the first four minerals. We explained above that the first four minerals are more concerned with the present and visible, while the second four minerals are more concerned with the past and with deeper layers of body chemistry. We observe that during a nutritional balancing program, a pattern that appeared first in the hidden or second four minerals will, on a retest, sometimes move left on the chart and appear in the first four minerals. This is one kind of left shift. It is part of bringing up the past and the hidden, bringing it to the present and making it visible. This process is the essence of retracing. 2. A shift from the two minerals on the right toward the two minerals on the left in each set of four minerals. For example, the left two minerals of the first four minerals are calcium and magnesium. The right two minerals of the first four minerals are sodium and potassium. The left two minerals or the first four, or of the second four, are more concerned with the present and the visible. The right two minerals of the first four, or of the second four, are more concerned with the past or with a deeper layer of body chemistry. We observe during nutritional balancing programs that at times there is a left shift between the left and right mineral couples as the body retraces and brings up the past for resolution. PATTERNS OF THE FIRST EIGHT MINERALS Mineral patterns can also be constructed from more than four minerals. A "big" or "large" pattern can involve 5, 6, 7, or all eight of the first minerals on an ARL calibrated chart. These patterns are called patterns of the first eight, or big patterns. The most common of these patterns is a big bowl pattern. This pattern occurs when the first eight mineral levels on an ARL hair mineral chart are all arranged to form what looks like a large bowl pattern visually. There are higher graphs on the first and eighth minerals (calcium and zinc) and lower graphs in the middle minerals. The meaning of a big bowl is the same as a bowl on the first or on the second four minerals. It indicates that a person is feeling mentally and/or emotionally or physically stuck. Think of a bug stuck in a sink or toilet bowl and unable to climb out. One occasionally observes a "big" hill, as well. Patterns of the first eight are relatively rare, but are interesting patterns.

Holding On To Your Poors

Poor eliminators become worse. Retracing certain traumas. Usually temporary. AKA armoring

Going Down The Wrong Road

Previously (SD) & now Ca/Mg is higher + L on the first 4 Worsening lifestyle imbalance, a warning

Supplement program design

Principles of supplement program design: 1. Every recommendation in NB always involves or corrects 10+ concepts below. 2. As each additional supplement is added, the program must be integrated so that all supplements act synergistically & not conflict with each other, or only minimal conflict. 3. Must nourish the body, not work via drug action. Sometimes hard to discern, but important since drugs often cause pushback or rebound effects. 4. Toxicity must be low or none. Hard to know, at times. 5. Must target different aspects of the 'whole system'. ASPECTS OF ALL NB SUPPLEMENT DESIGN: 1. Simple nutritional replacement. Addition or replacement of nutrients that one is deficient in. An important function, but often overdone. Correcting deeper imbalances will often take care of dozens of nutrient deficiencies. Others may require replacement, or are not available from food. 2. Correcting damaged biochemical pathways. Complex. The millions of pathways require certain doses of specific nutrients to drive chemical reactions in specific ways. Otherwise enzyme systems won't operate efficiently & health suffers. 3. Genetic aspects - To restore transcription, translation & biosynthesis. 4. Toxic metal removal. NB uses 17 methods to gently & safely do this in the body's own order. Chelation is a harsh & forced process. Other methods work at far deeper levels. 5. Nutrient synergists & antagonists. Antagonists are used to remove toxic metals. Antagonisms & synergisms goes far beyond this. Utilizing a mineral that will be inside the body, avoiding too much of a mineral, and other aspects of their metabolism. 6. Stage of stress & oxidation. Certain doses based upon one's stage of stress, to move to a healthier stage of stress or oxidation. 7. Correcting major ratios in the body. If balanced properly, one's vitality & energy increase dramatically. If this is ignored, one may obtain symptom relief, but vitality diminishes, leading to deeper problems. 8. Correcting hair patterns and progressions. 9. Getting rid of the need for adaptations. The body is always adapting to stress, no matter how odd or unusual symptoms may appear. Removing the reason for adaptations, symptoms often goes away quickly without remedy or intervention. Toxic metal removal, infection removal, lowering blood pressure & blood sugar, etc. 10. Building adaptive energy or vitality. Balance oxidation, yin & yang, autonomic nervous system, etc. 11. Balancing autonomic nervous system. 12. Balancing "mineral system". The ways minerals interact. The relationships are subtle but critical 13. Balancing yin & yang. Use macrobiotic concepts of yin & yang qualities of foods & supplements, not the Chinese medicine perspective. 14. Enhancing bioavailability of minerals. NB is often aimed at making a particular mineral more available by giving another mineral, food or other substance that makes it usable. 15. Balancing acid & alkaline qualities. Complex. Diet needs cooked vegetables to build up alkaline reserve minerals. Supplements & procedures may make the body more alkaline or acidic. 16. Hormonal effects of nutrients. Random use of supplements often ignores this. 17. Resonance & vibrational effects of some supplements. Specifically glandular products. One reason that hormone replacement therapy can harm the body. 18. Psychological effects. Certain foods & supplementary nutrients have effects such as sedation, excitation, alterations of mood, etc. 19. Developmental foods & supplements. Speed up the process of development. 20. Level at which supplements act, such as cellular, intercellular or cell membrane etc. Certain mineral transporters such as aspartates and orotates appear to work at different levels than other forms such as chelates, oxides, etc. 21. Orthomolecular concept of supplements. 22. Cost, convenience, & safety. 23. Downward motion of some supplements. 24. Masculine-feminine supplement actions. 25. Placeholder concept. 26. They can for symptomatic purposes or drug-like effects for a short time, if needed. HOW THESE ARE INTEGRATED: 1. Critical supplements. Very individualized. 3 or 4 supplement formulas to bring oxidation & vital mineral ratios into balance. Usually includes a multiple-vitamin-mineral product for one's oxidation type, maybe a glandular support product, zinc or Limcomin, & TMG. 2. Other basic supplements. Not quite as important as the critical supplements. Less individualized, can be though. Kelp, GB-3, Paramin, omega-3 fatty acids, & vitamin D3. 3. Optional products. Less important. Selenium or garlic, Endo-veggies, & Renamide. 4. Other products. Not common. Those with cancer always require an anti-cancer product such as Cantron or the Kelley pancreatic enzymes. Others include garlic, ICMN (inositol, choline, methionine and niacinamide), & rarely others such as K & Mg aspartate & others. PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS: Cost. Adults about $150/month. Based on consultant offering a 10-20% discount. Number of tablets. Keep program size as small as possible. Convenience. Do not require taking products between meals or complex meals. READ: Supplement Concepts and Products Used Commonly In Nutritional Balancing.

(3+ tests) Rocking Pattern

Progression pattern of shifts back & forth between F.O. & S.O. Often includes three lows, bowl, & low Na/K VARIATIONS: - Gentle: often men. Often 3 lows almost 4 lows. Shifts between mild fast bowl & mild slow bowl - Wild: men or women. Oxidation shifts in an extreme way, often between extremely slow & slightly fast. Na/K usually normal or elevated, especially when in very S.O. - Babies and children: May go between very F.O. & mild F.O. MEANING: Soul healing, intervention, updating & upgrading of these minerals at soul level: 1. Li 2. Cr 3. Rubidium 4. Others, such as Mn At a mental & physical level it's often about resolving marriage issues Calms the body allowing deep healing. Excellent pattern, may not have symptomatic changes & tests may not show much change. Eliminating amigos & replacing them with better forms occurs & is a big step in healing. IN THOSE WHO CAREFULLY FOLLOW NB: Rare, must be well nourished & stable lifestyle SUPPLEMENT DIFFICULTIES: Setting up the program isn't easy. Basic supplements, & may have change the Metabolic Pak time to time.

(3+ tests) Ca/Mg Worsening Or Improving On 3 Successive

Progressive worsening of Ca/Mg, lifestyle issue not handled If Ca/Mg slowly improves on 3+ successive tests, one's slowly handling lifestyle imbalance

Emotional Outbursts AKA Explosions

Several at once accentuates the pattern: - Increased Na/K especially .4 to > 5 - Increased oxidation especially large - Ca shell changing to no Ca shell - "Coming out of a four lows" Moreso if moved into F.O., 3 or 4 highs. - Release of toxic K. - Also P may increase These are positive, but can be upsetting. Unpredictable release of pent up emotions Retracing sequence over 3 or 4 tests. Begins with Na/K decreasing. If severe, Na/K may decrease to 0.3 - 0.4. A trauma point where they get stuck. Another is 0.9 - 1.0 but less severe. Next is the explosion, or jump in Na/K from very low to elevated, where the emotional outbursts occur. More common in men. In trauma cases, likely early childhood, the outburst is part of resolving the trauma. Getting used to living without the trauma may be difficult. Counseling can be helpful. Rarely, temporary sedative psychiatric meds until they stabilize.

Combination/sum Readings

Readings due to combinations of factors FACTORS THAT ELEVATE READINGS: 1. Retention, deposition or loss into the hair. Deposit for safety or excression 2. Kidney stress, raises Na & K 3. Elimination of biounavailable Ca & Mg 4. Elimination through hair & skin of toxic metals, amigos, Fe, Mn, Cu, B, Ni, Al, Se, Cr 5. Foods & drugs. Fruit irritates, raising Na & K. Medical drugs in kidneys, liver, etc. 6. Mental, emotional, lifestyle factors 7. Mineral loss through hair, rare. Can't hold on adequately, so some is excreted 8. Mental & spiritual development. Pre-development can elevate P on any test. Phases of mental development have variable effects. 9. Displacement. Ie. Cd can displace Zn causing higher Zn. Pb toxicity may cause higher P. Toxic metals, such as Hg, may cause higher Cr & Se. 10. Environment & occupation exposure. Water softener raises Na or K. Metal workers & mechanics often show high Fe, Mn, Ni, etc. Pools purified with Cu, hair dyes, rarely Selsun Blue & Head N Shoulders. Obvious & easy to compensate for. 11. Yang rising. Inflammatory stress pattern in acupuncture causing Na & K to rise. AKA secondary alarm reaction. 12. "Slow on crutches" Na & K are raised due to hidden Al, Cu, Fe, Mn. May be other factors. 13. Cu toxicity. Elevates Ca, usually Mg & maybe Zn. Cu is transmuted to Zn to reduce Cu burden FACTORS THAT REDUCE READINGS: 1. Retention, deposition or loss. Can't deposit in hair. Needed or deposited elsewhere, or lost through kidneys. In S.O., Na & K lowers as they're lost through the kidneys. Vital minerals such as Zn, Se or Cr are retained in enzyme binding sites or organs, replacing eliminated toxic metals. 2. Zn often lowers to defend Na/K 3. Release of certain toxic metals lowers Na & K. Cd lowers Na. May have fatigue or depression for a while. 4. Poor eliminators. Particularly on initial tests. 5. SD = lowered K 6. High Cu = low Na & K 7. Biounavailable Cu = low Na/K, at times, very low Cu 8. Four lows 9. Yin & blood deficiency patterns. Lower Na & Mg in relation to Ca & K RAISE OR LOWER READINGS: 1. Stress. Acute elevates Na, chronic & exhaustion lowers Na & Na/K 2. Drugs, supplements, herbs, diet & lifestyle. Stress factor, vary by chemical makeup & use 3. Biochemical phenomena. Transmutation & pleomorphism may have odd effects. 4. Illnesses, infections, traumas, body & mind imbalances. Important, quite variable.

(3+ tests) Steadies

Remain similar from test to test. Often doesn't follow NB well. Can occur if following NB

Making Progress In Four Lows

Remains in four lows + Ratios improve + Macrominerals improve + Or P improves


Requires most of these: Faster oxidation + Higher Na/K + Higher first four Doubling of the above: + Higher "oxidation" on second four + Higher Mn/Zn + Higher second four Higher increase or rise is better

Triangle Patterns

Research area, not confirmed. First 4 form a triangle. 2 of the lines must form a continuous straight line. Happier or more positive. Can occur on any test

Exiting The Cult

Rise in 3+ cult diet minerals. Another is a sharp rise(elimination) in K. More affected, & higher rise, more significant. Excellent, much better health A Joy Pattern. Getting your brain back.

In The World but Not Of It

Rise in Ca & Na + Coming alive + Step down + Elimination of other toxic metals Ca & Na elimination. Spiritual shift, detached & can handle life without toxic Ca & Na

Eliminating toxic potassium

Rise in K OR Na/K < 0.6 Sources of toxic K: male sexual fluid, fruit, & congenitally from the mother

Moving On Up

Rise in Na, K, Cu, Mn + Other macro/trace minerals stay similar + Looks like two steps moving up to the right on the first 4 & second 4 + Only involves 3 of the 4 minerals in each group, it's not a double step up, which would be negative. It usually involves 7 minerals. + Often a rise in toxic metal levels, elimination. Very positive, life is better as body chemistry improves

Everything Coming Out

Rise in most/all toxic metals & amigos Very good, better energy, often better elimination, or less SD

Amigo Dump

Rise or fall 30+% in Fe, or Mn, or Al

Dive Pattern

Sharp decline in all first 4 Special case of a crash or collapse

Up To No Good

S.O. + Ca/Mg > 11 + Na/K > 7 + Looks like steep step down Criminal Pattern

Burned Out Sympathetic Dominant

S.O. + K <= 4 + Na/K < 2.5 Chronic or extreme Exhausted adrenals, causing low Na/K Symptoms: Exhaustion, fatigue, depression, most chronic illnesses

Sympathetic Dominance

S.O. + K <= 4 OR S.O. + Na/K > 3 + If Ca/Mg > 9.5 =double pattern(severe) SEVERITY(add these up): ● K = 4: 1x ● K = 3: 2x ● K = 2: 3x ● K = 1: 4x ● K < 1 (Cannot be read): 5x ● K <= 4+ Na/K > 3 (may add 1 to 5 more markers) - 4 < Na/K < 8 = 1x - 8 < Na/K < 20 = 2x - 20 < Na/K < 40 = 3x - 40 < Na/K < 90 = 4 x - Na/K > 90 = 5x ● K <= 4 + Na/K > 3 + Ca/Mg > 9.5: adds another x, or more if the Na/K &/or Ca/Mg are very high ● Four Lows ● 3 highs or 4 highs + NaK >= 3: adds 1x or more depending on how high Na/K is ● 3 highs or 4 highs + Na/K >= 3 + Ca/Mg > 9.5 : adds another x or more depending on how high Na/K &/or Ca/Mg are ● Every 4 poor eliminators: +1x ● Every 4 very poor eliminators: +1x Test may reveal a borderline pattern, try: 1. Retest in 2 months with ½ inch hair at root 2. Try both a regular & SD program, ask which feels better. Begin with SD, it's milder & safer Autonomic nervous system imbalance Can occur when not enough recovery phase of stress wave SYMPTOMS: OCD, active mind, over-utilizing sympathetic nervous system, pushing too hard, worrying, tired, only feel it when relaxed, fearful & somewhat depressed Often Cu toxic(hidden sometimes) 1st & 2nd energy center problems Often intelligent, spiritual people CAUSES: Spiritual imbalances Excessive fearful emotions Told not to be lazy when young Repressed anger Cu imbalance 3 amigos always present Muscle tension VARIATIONS: Hunted = extreme pattern k <= 1 + Ca/K > 200 + Na/K >= 4 SD + Three highs SD + Four Highs

Victim Pattern

S.O. + Na/K < 2 Most extreme: Na = 1 & K = 1 or 2 Strong: Na = 2 & K = 1 or 2 Psychological state, not purely physical, one is 'playing the role'

Slow On Crutches

S.O., rate is propped up by toxic metals, slows on a retest + Usually 1 < Na/K < 2 Many other factors can cause this. SIGNS: - Elevated toxic metals - 1 < Na/K < 2 - Symptoms are more severe or don't match the oxidation - Low P with fairly good oxidation - No elevated toxic metals with multiple significant symptoms. Low vitality stops eliminate through skin & hair - Obvious lifestyle factor that may enhance oxidation MEANING: Very common, oxidation is often influenced by toxins stimulating adrenals &/or thyroid. Key to understanding why it may fluctuate, & often decline when on a program to enhance it, & why one's energy may rise & fall during NB. Explains transient symptoms, depression, exhaustion, euphoria, anxiety, irritability, hypoglycemia, allergies, cramps, etc. FOR BEST RESULTS IT MAY BE BEST TO ASSUME Na/K IS LOWER: In most cases the Na/K isn't that low, but may well be lower. Take into account when setting up the program.

Double Resolving Anger

Settling down + F.O. + Na/K > 2.5 + Visually repeats on second 4 Old anger towards father & men. Elevated Na/K = anger. Settling down = in touch with feelings. F.O. = expressing one's power

Falling or Falling Down

Settling down + Moving into a deep bowl or a low Na/K + May move to low 4 lows with low Na/K Elimination of toxic metals & amigos. Positive but nutritional deficiencies sink one into low Na/K

Coming In For A Landing

Settling down + Several high trace minerals &/or toxic metals decreasing Return to normal health, very positive

Settling In

Settling down + Step down Very positive, two joy patterns

Settling Into Four Lows

Settling down + Transition into low four lows Good sign, indicates fast healing


Significant coming alive + Most other mineral levels decrease + Zn may not decrease if helping remove toxic metals + Often F.O. with a good Na/K Another pattern: All toxic metals decrease + K may increase (usually toxic) Joy pattern

(3+ tests) Bouncers

Some people change a lot from test to test. Oxidation & major ratios can vary. A lot of stress may contribute

Extreme lifestyle stress

Spiritual Defensiveness + Ca Shell

Back To Work

Step down + Coming alive

Back To Life

Step down that wasn't on the previous

Efforting Patterns

Usually a high Na/K &/or S.O. Includes: ● SD ● Hard driver ● Step down ● Trying too hard ● Trying hard to stay afloat ● Trying to stay alive ● Workaholic

Movement pattern

The way in which a person is handling life One of the most basic concepts of life. It is composed of several parts: - Fulfilling one's genetic potential. - Fulfill desires of director souls & guide creatures that direct our lives. AN EBB & FLOW Life will flow easily & at other times is difficult. Moving quickly, at other times it's very slow. MOVEMENT AND HAIR MINERAL TESTING Ca shell: Suggish, or almost stopped. SD: Pushing too hard. Often leading to illness. Hill: An accomplishment Bowl: Stuck & feels stuck, in most cases. Read Chapter 22 of Nutritional Balancing For each mineral level, ratio and pattern, I have included a brief section about the movement pattern associated it. A useful part of the test interpretation & clients greatly appreciate knowing their movements & how to make them balanced & harmonious. MATH VECTORS: Movements may be thought of as vectors. An arrow describing direction & pace. Some major types of vectors: · Straight motion in any direction. Male energy, one direction & single-minded. · Circular motion. Female energy, social, loving, roundabout, surrounds & envelops. Felt by those with 'female' elements in their bodies such as Cu. Spacey, inclusive, & ungrounded. · Inward, absorbing or centripetal motion. Yang, penetrating, centering, focused, & powerful. · Outward-looking, centrifugal motion. Yin, soft, scattered, effective at filling all space & time. · Speed. Rapid, or sluggish. Always movement. · Movement that is 'stuck'. Complex movement can result in feeling stuck. · Toward life & away from life. Complex, seen in step down & step up. · Wave motion. All vibrate as they move. · Directionality upwards or downwards. In relation to forces or minerals nearby. Two primary directions are into & away from earth. · Other primary types of movement. Circling the planet, skipping along a surface like water. · Sexual pairs. Due to these qualities, minerals form "sexual pairs". A straighter-motion works closely with a circular-motion in the body. · Complex movements. Combine in many ways. Oscilatting speed, direction change, etc. MOVEMENT PATTERNS OF MINERALS: Minerals display interesting physics properties. Not the same as the spin of the atoms, or the spin of molecules due to their heat energy. Esoteric, but helpful in health, disease, & test interpretation. Movement has to do with the way energy moves in the vicinity of the mineral. The motion is basically in a particular direction, relative to gravity, the earth's magnetic fields, and other directional forces on earth. This movement is determined by physical mineral qualities & how it interacts in the body. To some degree, this motion is anthromorphic, meaning that one can attribute life-like qualities to an inanimate or lifeless substance such as a mineral. However, there is also a direct physics quality that is present in all minerals. Movement of minerals affects health. If minerals are in balance, health improves. Less preferred minerals create disharmonious movements in the body. EXAMPLES: Ca: Helps us move away from the earth, a yin direction, but Ca is not yin. A yang element, its motion slow & linear. Linear tend to be poorer conductors. Inward, tends to build up the body. It's also downward-moving, a grounding mineral Hard, dense, stalwart or heavy. Mg: Very fast. Circular(Female reproduction) Higher Mg in the organs makes some "feminine" qualities of mind, emotions & body. Sex has more to do with physics qualities than hormones. Hormones are mostly minerals. Female hormones have more Mg than male hormones. Minerals impart their energies. Ca & Mg are an important male-female or straight & circular pair. Na: Linear. Male. Solvent. Adrenal glands(fight-or-run is male). Faster than Ca & Mg. Ability to dissolve things is linked to fast movement. K: Circular. Female. Fast. Solvent. Thyroid. Women have more thyroid disease. Hair K is affected by the adrenals as well but less than the thyroid. Strong field, it radiates a clean, clear & obvious energy that helps one know they're alive & well. One reason low K indicates fatigue, but this is more subtle. Vegetables contain lots of K in a functional form. K radiates a present danger energy when things aren't right. This is its relation to Na, the fight-or-run mineral. Cu: One of the most important female minerals at this time. Very tight circular. This motion is enhancing female energy & spiritualizing the planet very quickly. Cu damages connective tissue, but makes way for certain brain centers that replace it. 2/3 of tests indicated too much Cu. Mostly biounavailable, but still exerts an energy on the body. Symptoms such as candida, infections, mental imbalances, connective tissue, all female organ disorders, cardiovascular, cancers, spaciness, brain fog, headaches, skin rashes, digestive upsets, liver diseases, brain diseases such as epilepsy, and more. Zn: Moderate speed. Very linear. Inward & downward moving. Very yang. Meats and eggs, to some degree, red meats are most yang and usually contain the most Zn. Male reporduction. Associated with gentle strength, steadiness and emotional stability. Very balancing in the body, like an adaptogen. Reduces that which is excessive and boosts that which is deficient. Few substances do this. A few herbs such as Rhodeola are able to. Modern elements: Zn & Cu are "modern" elements. Important in the modern world. Some are "older", they were important in the past. Some such as Se & silicon are "future-oriented". Cu & especially Zn are needed for nervous system development, growth, etc. at this time. Enough Zn is near impossible from food alone. The most serious problem with vegetarian diets is low Zn. Supplements, pumpkin seeds & vegetables do not provide enough or quality as found in animal products. Western food is seriously deficient due to refining, and high stress requiring more Zn. Soils are deficient. Zn & Cu both antagonize & work together. They should usually be supplemented together. Cr: Circular. Yin(less than Cu). Blood sugar regulation, cholesterol metabolism, etc. Needed in larger quantity by almost everyone. Diabetes could often be avoided if regularly supplemented. Decreases with age, a quality of vital minerals, more so with yin minerals, bodies get more yin over time & eliminate yin elements to stay balanced. May account for some age-related diabetes, cataracts, vision problems, cholesterol problems, etc. Se: Yin & yang, depending upon its compounds. Linear or circular depending upon what it's bound to. Complex in its effects on the body. Detoxification, which is yang. Thyroid activity, which is yang. Cell reproduction & other functions. Movement depends upon use. HEALING AND MOVEMENT: Movement has more to do with physics than medicine, but directly related to healing in ways. Some stuck in negative or slow movement from illness. Their life opens up, movement speeds up, & turns much more positive. A goal of NB is restoring healthy movement. COUNSELING BASED UPON MOVEMENT: Studying movement can give one extra insights, even if the client doen't desire to talk about it, or if the client is unaware. One can greatly assist clients to live better. SOCIETAL IMPLICATIONS: Some movements are more beneficial for a society. Voluntary movement tends to be much healthier & gives rise to greater soul movement.

Stalled transition pattern????

This is the meaning of a stalled transition pattern. Others are four highs, sympathetic dominance and fast oxidation with a very low sodium/potassium ratio.

Chronic Trauma

Three highs + Low Na + Normal Ca/Mg + Na/K < 1 Three high = inflammation Na/K = trauma, resentment, hostility

Calcium/Potassium Ratio

Thyroid glandular activity lowers Ca. K sensitizes the tissues to thyroid hormone. Ca/K > 4 shows reduced thyroid effect & part of criteria for S.O. Ca/K < 4 shows excessive thyroid effect & part of criteria for F.O. THYROID EFFECT - DIFFERENT THAN SERUM THYROID HORMONE LEVELS The hair test doesn't give the same info as blood tests for thyroid hormones, TSH, reverse T3 or anti-thyroid antibodies. The hair test is a cellular test, measuring the effect of the hormones at cellular level. Some have adequate or somewhat elevated thyroid hormones in the blood. But the effect is low as they have difficulty entering the cells. Quite common due to reduced cell membrane permeability. May be due to omega-3 deficiency, Ca buildup in tissues, etc. The opposite can occur as well. A blood test may reveal low hormones. However, the effect is excessive due to high permeability.. Occurs in F.O., a dangerous situation as doctors usually prescribe thyroid hormones.. This isn't what's needed & more can lead to fatal cancers. ARTIFACTS THAT CAN SKEW CA/K: - Kidney stress pattern. Rise in Na & K on a retest due to toxic metal/chemical elimination through the kidneys. - Toxic K elimination. - Water softener with K in it causes a higher false K reading

Double Joy

Two joy patterns together Most common is hill + coming alive Could involve an improved Na/K, improved Ca/Mg, or much higher P Could also be a hill or coming alive repeated on the second 4

Trauma Thresholds

When Na/K = 0.4 & when Na/K = 0.9 Often as one nears these ratios, traumas surface & deter one from continuing

Zinc settling

Zn decreases even if it gets too low + Other positive patterns present + Often P declines Good prognostic pattern: 1. Zn is retained to replace metals 2. Zn may begin to respond properly to Na/K. Example, when Na/K is low, Zn should be low to balance Na/K 3. Less need for elevated Zn, a protector against toxic metals

Adrenal burnout

duplicate of adrenal stress?

Burnout indicators

Flight analogy

· Oxidation: F.O. is flying high & fast, S.O. is slow and low. Flying too fast & high exceeds the aircraft's design. Very F.O. is extremely hard on one's airplane at any age. It's never the same due to the extreme stress. · Unlike a real airplane, in the body a very F.O. actually uses up vital minerals or parts of the body. When the correct nutrient materials are not present to repair the plane, repairs are made instead with inferior toxic metals. · Mineral deficiencies & toxicity develop forcing the plane to slow down. Either it can't fly as fast, or the damage makes it very unstable, like a person with ADHD, or panic attacks. · F.O. with a low Na/K. The plane begins to 'stall'. Na/K shape resembles a stalling aircraft wing · S.O. is flying too low & slower than it was designed to, making one feel sluggish & somewhat depressed. It's less maneuverable, so coping with stress is more difficult. · Ca rises. Smearing cement on damages to the aircraft. This protects it, but weighs it down, causing it to fly lower. · Ca shell. Smearing cement all over the plane, either to protect it from damage or to blend in better, or "fly under the radar". · SD. Revving the engines in a futile attempt to get back to flying high. The plane is damaged physically or psychologically, so it doesn't work. · Four highs: Speeding up the plane to some degree, purely temporary & often very unstable & unsafe for health. It's in really bad shape. They usually slow down easily with our help. · Four lows: The rudder/stabilizer is broken. It repeats endless rolls that are hard to stop. The plane goes nowhere & gets more damaged. · Hill: Feeling one's soaring on top of the world. · Three amigos, Cu, Cd & other toxic metals: Appear to support the plane, like little rocket thrusters. Since they're in the original design they further damage it in the process. · Double low ratio & double high ratio: A biplane with two wings that are either in stall (double low) or dive (double high). These patterns reinforce Na/K imbalances. · Step down or high Na/K are 'dive' positions. Can be successful attempts to pick up speed. Often can continue this way a while. · Step up is a dive upward, a dangerous maneuver that always fails & must be turned around fast. With low Na/K "stalled wings". · Spiritual defensiveness. Very high Ca/Mg. This seriously weighs down the plane. · P & Na/K are like fuel indicators. Plane is losing altitude to lowered energy or vitality. · Elevated toxic metals: Overloaded with heavy weights. It's never helpful & need to "lighten up" to help the plane gain altitude. Those flying high (F.O.) who are loaded with toxic metals are often throwing them off, like the pilot jettisoning extra weight to fly faster. · Any change can be traumatic. We get used to speed of flight. Anything that changes the rate of climb or fall, or the speed or altitude may feel odd and cause anxiety or fear. This slows one's progress on the healing journey. The goal is a safe & happy flight. Flying at an altitude & speed that is comfortable & safe for the aircraft condition. Your craft should be able to speed up to avoid obstacles, or slow way down to relax the crew. This condition of health & vitality is termed balanced & flexible oxidation.

Conflict Patterns

● 3 or 4 highs - exhausted but pushing hard to achieve ● SD - need to slow down. Enjoy high physical/mental activity & desires to continue ● 3 or 4 lows - Given up but keeps going at a fast pace ● Very high Na/K - very acute stress, similar to SD ● Double high ratio - Same as above ● Very low Na/K - Struggling to keep on ● Double low ratio - Same as above ● Bowl - Stuck emotionally or mentally One is being pulled in 2+ directions & can't or won't resolve the conflict & move in 1 direction. Many are unaware, identifying a pattern may help one realize a conflict, & take steps to resolve it. It may be between the mind & body, or 2 aspects of the mind.

Abuse and Trauma Indicators

● Ca shell ● SD ● Four lows ● Victim patterns ● Na/K < 1 ● Double low ratio on first four ● Double low ratio on second four ● Mn > 0.04 ● Cult or rape diet ● Severe bowl ● High number pattern ● Vampire patterns ● All poors ● Cu > 2.5

The Amigos Pattern

● Fe > 2 ● Mn > 0.04 ● Al > 0.4 Often Ni & Cr when at least 1 of 3 is elevated or is a poor eliminator If 1 is out of range, often all of them are, but hidden. Always oxides, highly irritating & do oxidant damage. Extremely common as they compensate for weak adrenals I. INTRODUCTION Definition of the amigos. These are toxic forms of common minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, aluminum, chromium, selenium, calcium, magnesium, boron and vanadium. Others are nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, potassium and lithium. There may be other minerals that can form these toxic compounds, as well. Sources. Today, most children are born with some of these mineral complexes from their mother's bodies. They are also found in all foods today due to chemical and industrial agricultural methods. In addition, some are found in common household products. Chemical structure. These chemical compounds are either oxides or carbonates. Both are highly alkaline compounds. Examples include MnO6, FeO2, FeO3, and AlO2. Toxicity. The amigos are quite toxic. They cause oxidant damage. This causes inflammation that irritates the tissues, and in some cases stimulates the glands. Positive roles in the body. Even though the amigos are toxic, they appear to have positive effects upon weakened, toxic and nutritionally depleted bodies. These are: 1. To stimulate adrenal glandular activity. This has a balancing effect upon the sodium level in the tissues, and upon the sodium/potassium ratio. 2. To balance the pH of the body when the body is too acidic. Most everyone today has a deficit of alkaline reserve minerals. This causes an acidic condition of the body tissues, which is very harmful. The amigos can help with this problem. 3. To act as stimulants in the brain. The amigos keep the brain functioning, to a degree, even though it is through stimulation, and not nutrition. Why call them amigos? One of our consultants noted that these minerals often leave the body together - like friends. The word in Spanish for friends is amigos. II. SYMPTOMS AND DETECTION SYMPTOMS The amigos contribute to many, if not most health conditions, both individually and collectively. Let us begin with the collective effect. COLLECTIVE OR GENERAL EFFECTS One of the main effects of the amigos is inflammation. This, in turn, can result in hundreds of symptoms and diseases from arthritis and headaches to PMS, high blood pressure, cataracts, kidney disease, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, arteriosclerosis and cancer. The list of conditions caused by inflammation is very lengthy. Another effect is infection in the body. This occurs, in part, because iron supports bacterial growth. It also occurs because an imbalanced pH supports damaging microorganisms in the body including parasites, bacteria, and fungi. Another effect is cancer due to iron accumulation. To help reduce iron when cancer is present, we suggest avoiding red meat and eggs until cancer is in remission. High iron is also associated with Type 1 diabetes. The amigos cause a reduction in aerobic metabolism because this requires the right forms of iron and copper, in particular. This causes fatigue, and can contribute to many other health conditions. The amigos can have a curious effect on the personality. There is a toughening of the personality, with more anger and less clarity of mind due to iron, manganese and aluminum toxicity. Excessive levels of aluminum and other toxins are also associated with dementia, a condition that is becoming far more common today. Copper and other minerals in amigo or oxide forms contribute a lot to scarring and adhesions. These conditions are related to inflammation of a certain type. Scars and adhesions tend to improve as one eliminates the amigos from the body. A more long-term effect is aging of the body. Inflammation through oxidant damage slowly destroys the tissues, dries out the body, and eventually kills it. INDIVIDUAL EFFECTS OF SOME OF THE AMIGOS POTASSIUM. This is one of the most important of the toxic forms of a vital mineral found in our food supply. It has various effects on the body. For details, read Toxic Potassium. IRON. Iron toxicity is very common today. It can deposit in the pancreas and contributes to many cases of diabetes and hypoglycemia. This is known in medical science, but doctors rarely look for it. They would need to biopsy the pancreas to find it. Iron is also known to deposit in the heart and the arteries leading to hemochromatosis and hemosiderosis, among other conditions. It can also build up in the joints, where it causes arthritis. It also favors the growth of certain bacteria and contributes to infections. In the brain, iron settles in the amygdala and is associated with the emotion of rage or anger. For more details, read Acquired Iron Toxicity and The Iron Personality Type. MANGANESE. Toxic manganese tends to settle in the brain. Symptoms may include dizziness, ringing in the ears, Meniere's syndrome, Parkinson's disease and dementia. Manganese toxicity may also contribute to skin disorders, emotional issues, joint problems, muscle twitching and disturbed sleep. As the manganese comes down, these often improve. A manganese personality type. Some people with high manganese have the following qualities: highly intelligent and sometimes quite intellectual, non-emotional or somewhat emotionally detached or even a schizoid, somewhat irritated or irritable, and perhaps somewhat arrogant. This, of course, will change as manganese is eliminated. Manganese madness. Very high manganese is associated with a form of schizophrenia or detachment if mild, and other anti-social and at times violent behaviors. Manganese miners are subject to a condition called manganese madness. Psychopathic murderers were found to have high levels of hair manganese, as reported in Toxic Metal Syndrome, by Casdorph and Walker. For more on manganese, read Introduction To The Minerals. Also, we have found one hair product, Phomollient Styling Foam by Aveda, that is high in manganese. Do not use this product, especially just before sampling hair for a hair mineral analysis. Manganese compounds are also found in gasoline. ALUMINUM. Aluminum compounds in the brain are known to interfere with cognitive activity, memory and other mentally-related functions. Aluminum also has an affinity for the skin, and can cause symptoms there. Aluminum can replace some calcium in the bones and is a cause of weak bones, fractures, osteopenia and osteoporosis. NICKEL. Nickel is often associated with feelings of anger, depression and, at times, suicidal thoughts. When the nickel is removed, these thoughts tend to go away. AMIGO COPPER. Copper can cause hundreds of symptoms. These are discussed in the article entitled Copper Toxicity Syndrome on this website. CHROMIUM AND SELENIUM. At times, chromium and selenium also accumulate in oxide forms. They can cause blood sugar problems, fatigue, weakness and other symptoms. PRINCIPLES OF DETECTION VIA HAIR MINERAL ANALYSIS 1. Most everyone has plenty of amigos. It does not matter if they appear elevated or not on a hair test. If they are not revealed on an initial hair mineral test, they are simply hidden within the organs of the body. In this case, if one embarks on a development program, the amigos will be revealed on a future test as they are removed from the body. 2. If one amigo is elevated on a hair mineral test, (iron, manganese or aluminum), the other two are present in excess, as well. The level of aluminum that I consider elevated is greater than 0.4 mg%. An elevated level of manganese is above 0.04 mg%, and an elevated level of iron is above 2 mg%. Hair must not be washed at the laboratory for accurate readings. 3. Many people have extremely low levels of the amigos on their initial hair mineral test. This pattern is called a poor eliminator. This means the body cannot eliminate the amigos properly. As a result, they build up inside the body. Animals and the soil can also have poor eliminator patterns of minerals. To learn more about this important indicator, please read Poor Eliminator Pattern. III. AMIGO REMOVAL REMOVAL IS NOT EASY The main reason is that the amigos are adaptive. This means they perform essential functions in a weakened body to support the adrenals, balance the pH, and assist the brain. To remove them, one must first balance the oxidation rate and the sodium/potassium ratio. This allows their removal. This is a principle of development science. A DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR AMIGO REMOVAL A complete development program is the only method of which I am aware, that can remove all the amigos safely and deeply. The way the program works is as follows: 1. The program makes the body more alkaline. This can only be done properly by replenishing the alkaline reserve minerals. These include zinc, chromium, selenium, manganese and perhaps a few others, in their proper forms. These are found in cooked vegetables, mainly, and nowhere else. It is the main reason why the diet we suggest is very high in cooked vegetables. The bodies must be made more alkaline because otherwise the amigos, all of which are somewhat alkaline, will remain in order to help balance an overly acidic body chemistry. 2. The program must improve the activity of the adrenal glands. The reason for this is that if this does not occur, the amigos will stay in the body to help balance the sodium level and the sodium/potassium ratio. This is necessary to maintain life in many people. The amigos are needed, in other words, if the adrenal glands are exhausted. To remove the amigos, one must get rid of the need for the amigos as a compensation for weakness of the adrenal glands. In many cases, sauna therapy or coffee enemas are required in addition to diet and nutrient therapy to release stored iron, manganese and aluminum. 3. The program uses antagonists. Calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese and perhaps other supplements appear to help antagonize and remove the amigos. 4. The program is designed to balance the key mineral ratios on a properly performed hair mineral analysis. This is also required in most cases to eliminate most of the amigos. Only development science focuses on this aspect of healing, that I am aware of. The healing described above begins as soon as one begins a development program. The amigos may start coming out quickly, or a few years may be required to rebuild the body and then the hair level of iron and/or manganese or other amigos will elevate for a while as deposits of these metals are eliminated from the body. THE NEED FOR REST The amigos are stimulants. When they come out of the body, the stimulation stops and one becomes very tired! If one continues to work too hard or run around too much, the process of amigo removal slows or even stops. This is an important reason why people become or may remain tired while on a development program. It is imperative to rest a lot more, and not to worry about feeling tired when on a development program. EXAMPLE: IRON Excess iron is not easy to eliminate from the human or animal body. Standard medical methods are bleeding the patient on a regular basis or the use of an iron chelating drug such as deferoxamine or Depen. Neither of these methods are totally satisfactory. Bleeding removes many other vital nutrients. It also removes a lot of bioavailable iron, which is not desirable. Deferoxamine has many toxic side effects, and for this reason, is rarely used. The toxic effects may stem from the fact that chelating agents always tend to remove vital minerals such as zinc, along with the iron. A development program can eliminate toxic iron fairly rapidly and deeply without any side effects. SHOULD ONE TAKE ANTI-OXIDANTS? Many doctors recommend taking anti-oxidants to counteract the effect of inflammatory substances such as the amigos. Development uses cooked vegetables as the main source of anti-oxidants. You will get plenty of them this way. We do not recommend taking most anti-oxidant supplements, however. The reasons are: 1. They are extremely yin in macrobiotic terminology. No matter how good they are to eliminate symptoms, they make the body too yin, and in the end this is very harmful. It stops development and can even shorten one's life. 2. They are a very partial solution, and not that good. They can reduce some inflammation and oxidant damage. However, they do not fix the problem at a deep level, so some damage continues. The real solution is to remove the amigos or oxidant forms of the minerals. SUPPLEMENTING WHEN THE HAIR LEVEL OF THE AMIGOS ARE ELEVATED At times, one must supplement manganese, iron, calcium, magnesium or other elements, even when the hair levels are high. The most common reason for this is that the high levels represent toxic forms of these elements. In fact, these need to be removed from the body with a development program. They do not represent high levels of bioavailable forms of the minerals, so supplementation may be needed for a time. IV. OTHER TOPICS VALENCE AND THE AMIGOS The amigos tend to have a valence of +2 and +3. This is important for the compounds they form. This topic is discussed more in the article entitled Valence Of Minerals And Development on this site. ELECTRON TRANSPORT AND THE AMIGOS The amigos tend to replace iron and copper in the electron transport system, and this always impairs biochemical energy production. This can cause fatigue, yeast and fungal problems, and may even play a role in the development of cancer. It also substitutes a more "stimulated" type of energy for the healthier natural energy a person should have. This has a lot to do with moving from a healthy fast oxidation rate to a more unhealthy and stimulated fast oxidation rate or a slow oxidation rate. For more on electron transport, read Electron Transport And The Work Of WF Koch, MD on this site. DEVELOPMENT AND THE AMIGOS The presence of a lot of the amigos in the body slows or entirely stops the process called development. This is a fascinating process that involves growth of the subtle human energy fields. It requires proper nutrition, but also a proper pH of the body and the right intestinal and other flora throughout the body. Hastening development is another reason to embark on a program to remove the amigos. For more about development, please read Introduction To Development and the many other articles about development on this website. TRANSMUTATION AND THE AMIGOS Transmutation of the elements within the body requires the presence of the correct intestinal flora. Also, certain microorganisms in other locations are also required, as they actually perform the transmutations. The amigos get in the way of the proliferation of these microorganisms by upsetting the pH and other aspects of body chemistry. For more about biological transmutation of the elements, please read Biological Transmutation on this site. GETTING HELP PATTERN AND THE AMIGOS A very favorable hair mineral analysis pattern is called getting help. It consists of a steep rise in the level of magnesium on a retest hair mineral analysis. This pattern has to do with elimination of an amigo form of magnesium. For more on this pattern, please read Controller Souls on this site. ELEVATED SERUM FERRITIN AND THE AMIGOS The level of ferritin in the blood often rises, at times, when a person follows a development program. The reason is that the body is eliminating excess iron and requires more ferritin to transport the toxic excess iron through the bloodstream. This serum imbalance during a development program is of no concern and can be ignored. In fact, it is a sign of healing. So far, in all cases, elevated serum ferritin imbalance corrects itself when the iron elimination is over.

Trauma Patterns

● High Mn (due to rape parties) ● Ca shell, especially a double or more ● Na/K < 1 ● Double low ratio on first or second 4 ● K = 1 ● cult diet pattern Other possible indicators: vampire victim vampire Extreme patterns like very S.O. or very F.O. More patterns, more likely one has trauma

Very good patterns

● New Person ● Death To Life ● New Start In Life ● Double Forward Flip ● Double & Triple Joy ● Overjoyed ● Triangles

Serious Patterns

● Very S.O. ● very low Na/K ● step up ● double low ratio ● double low ratio on the first & second four, & low four lows ● Very Ill "walking dead" THE SERIOUS PATTERNS (A, B, C & D) There are only 3 basic serious patterns: 1. Very S.O. 2. Four lows with certain conditions. 3. Low Na/K. A. F.O.: 1. Step Up 2. Fast oxidizer + Na/ K < 0.5. "burned out F.O." B. S.O.: 1. S.O. + Na/K < 1.5 2. Extreme S.O. + Ca > 350 + K < 3 C. FOUR LOWS: 1. Four lows + low Na/K 2. Low four lows 3. Four lows + step down D. LOW NA/K: 1. Na/K < 0.4 2. Double low ratio 2. Double double low ratio 3. Triple double low ratio Other add-ons that can add severity: c) High toxic metals d) Very poor eliminators e) More extreme levels or ratios QUALITIES: Many symptoms, depression, Cu symptoms, female organ problems, mental/emotional symptoms, infections, sensitive to stress, weak adrenals & thyroid, SD , panicky, anxious, brain fog, lowered awareness, hypoglycemic, sinus problems (fungal), & yeast overgrowth. May not show other imbalances on early tests, such as elevated Cu, high Ca/Mg, etc. May need a trauma program, slightly heavier supplementation. S.O. may need extra Megapan or Thyro-complex. Some need more Paramin.

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