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Which statements regarding HAZMAT spill control are TRUE?

1. All water systems should be protected 2. Prevent spilled products from entering sewer systems if at all possible

When responding to a flammable liquid spill, the product should be channeled where?

1. Away from potential ignition sources 2. Away from all exposures 3. Away from the incident site

Which statements regarding HAZMAT spill control are TRUE?

1. Before using any absorbent material, make sure it is compatible with the spilled prodcut 2. Organic materials can combust and cause a fire Additives like deodorizers in kitty litter can make the problem worse Organic materials such as straw can combust and cause a fire when in contact with some hazardous materials

What forms of absorbents and adsorbents might be used at a HAZMAT spill?

1. Booms 2. Sheets 3. Particulate 4. Pillows 5. Pads

When responding to a HAZMAT spill, what can generally be done to make clean-up and removal easier and less expensive?

1. Confine the prodcut as close to the source as pratical 2. Confine the prodcut to the smallest possible area

Which are "chemical" properties of a HAZMAT product?

1. Corrosivity 2. Reactivity 3. Flammable

Which are "physical" properties of a HAZMAT product? (NOT A VIDEO QUIZ QUESTION)

1. Density (whether is is lighter or heavier than water) 2. Misbibility (wheather it will mix with water) 3. Solubility (wheather is will dissolve in water)

What might normally be used to build a dike at a HAZMAT incident?

1. Dirt 2. Sandbags 3. Booms

How might you prepare a fire hose to be used in HAZMAT spill control?

1. Fill it with air 2. Wrap it in plastic 3. Fill it with water

Why is it important for responders to know the "chemical" properties of the product at a HAZMAT spill?

1. Give clues to what type of spill control techingues will work 2. Identifies the product's ability to undergo a change or reaction

Which could be used to describe the physical properties of a HAZMAT product?

1. Heavier than water 2. Lighter than water 3. Mixes with water 4. Dissolves in water

At a HAZMAT spill, if you do not have the equipment or training to shut off the source of the leak, where might you find technical assistance?

1. Industry resources such as CHEMTREC 2. Environmental protection agency 3. Public works department

Which statements regarding a large fuel oil spill are TRUE?

1. It may sometimes be more realistic to protect the storm drains and call for back-up rather than attempt to dike and retain the entire spill 2. Without PPE firefighters can easily be overcome by fumes or direct exposure

To create the foundation for a dike at a HAZMAT spill, what type of large, heavy, on-scene resources should you consider using?

1. Ladders 2. Bagged materials 3. Tree limbs

When responding to a HAZMAT spill, what should you know about the product before you proceed with your response?

1. Level of PPE needed 2. Name 3. Chemical properties 4. Physical properties

What should you consider when preparing for a HAZMAT spill control operation?

1. Number of responders needed 2. Air supply resources needed 3. Physical limitations of on-scene personnel 4. Rehabilitation resources needed

What can be used to slow seepage at a HAZMAT dike?

1. Plastic sheeting 2. Tarp 3. Dirt

What could be used to protect a storm drain from a small HAZMAT spill?

1. Plywood 2. Sand 3. Sorbent boom

Which are possible effects of applying water to a HAZMAT spill?

1. Spreads the product 2. Dilutes the product 3. Creates an expensive clean-up 4. Generates toxic vapors

Which of the following may be used for HAZMAT spill control?

1. Straw 2. Shovel 3. Hose 4. Backhoe 5. Bulldozer

What are the "disadvantages" of using a solid dirt dike at a HAZMAT spill?

1. Takes a lot of energy to prepare 2. Creates a greater waste removal and decontamination problem 3. Very time consuming for responders without mechanical equipment

Which should be considered when preparing a HAZMAT spill control kit for your department?

1. Types of hazardous materials that frequently travel through your jurisdiction 2. Types of hazardous materials present in your jurisdiction 3. Phone list of who to call for technical assistance 4. List of where to quickly get items not in your kit

Which statements regarding diking at a HAZMAT spill are TRUE?

1. Use whatever on-scene resources are available such as tree limbs, boards, ladders or bagged materials 2. Covering the dike with plastic sheeting or tarps can slow seepage 3. Applying an outer layer of dirt can slow seepage

Which common materials might be used to absorb spilled HAZMAT product?

1. Vermiculite 2. Peat moss 3. Clay granules AKA kitty litter

Which are TRUE regarding a HAZMAT spill incident?

1. When possible, attempt to control the release at the source 2. Be realistic about the amount of time needed for confinement operations

It is generally best to have at least BLANK responders work on preparing a diversion dike?


What angle should a diversion dike be in order to redirect a fast moving HAZMAT spill?

60 degress or more

To secure a storm drain or manhole cover from spilled product, lay a sheet of plywood or plastic over it, extending it at least BLANK around the outer edge of the manhole cover?

8 inches (20 CM)

BLANK materials soak up product and can become saturated?


At a HAZMAT spill, damming involves?

Constructing a barrier across a waterway to stop or control product flow

BLANK involves redirecting the flow of the spilled product to another area where less harm will result from contamination?


A flammable liquid spill should be contained to the smallest area and as close to the source as practical so any ignition will be contained in a small area to make extinguishment easier. T or F?


Circle dikes should never be used in retaining operations. T or F?


Containment operations should be performed by choosing only one method, diking, diverting, damming or retaining; a combination of methods is not practical. T or F?


Most HAZMAT spill control equipment is specialized and expensive to purchase. T or F?

False Most HAZMAT spill control equipment is neither specialized nor expensive. The equipment and materials include many items you already have as well as others you could easily acquire

Because of the risk of sparking, mechanical equipment should never be used at a HAZMAT spill. T or F?

False The risk of sparking should be taken into consideration, but use mechanical equipment whenever possible. Work smarter, not harder.

When responding to a HAZMAT spill, you should make sure that the spill is properly contained or diverted and then attempt to identify the product. T or F?

False When responding to a HAZMAT spill, you should idenity the product before attempting to divert or contain the spill

At a flowing HAZMAT spill, where should you perform confinement measures?

In advance of the leading edge of the spill

At a HAZMAT spill involving a waterway, how do you trap material heavier than water but allow uncontaminated water to flow?

Overflow dam

Combustibles should be removed from the vicinity of a corrosives spill or the spill should be diverted away from combustibles to limit the?

Risk of fire

The primary objective of hazardous material spill control is to?

Stop the flow of prodcut in order to protect life, property and the environement

What is the goal of retention operations?

Temporary confinement of the prodcut to an area where it can later be absorbed or vacuumed up after dilution or neutralization

At a HAZMAT spill, what does an underflow dam do?

Traps material lighter than water behind the dam, allowing uncontaminated water to flow undeneath the dam

Applying water to a HAZMAT spill can sometimes make the situation worse. T or F?


Some retention methods involve creating a basin to capture flowing product. T or F?


The circle dike completely encloses the material and it is usually used with slow-moving materials. T or F?


To divert a HAZMAT spill, position a diversion dike in advance of the spill so the product will flow in a different direction. This can be accomplished by shoveling dirt into a solid barrier. T or F?


As a general rule, a good first option at a HAZMAT spill may be to control the leak at the source instead of only trying to contain the spill by digging retention ponds. T or F?

True Attempt to control the release at the source. For example plugging a leak

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