HD: Chapter 10

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Socioemotional selectivity theory argues that older adults

deliberately withdraw from peripheral relationships, while increasing contact with close friends and family members that offer enjoyable relationships.

An infant's gradual development of the capacity to regulate emotions is associated with development of

frontal regions of the cerebral cortex.

Stranger anxiety is positively correlated with

unfamiliar settings.

Which of the following statements regarding adolescence is NOT true?

Adolescent boys are moodier than adolescent girls.

In order to be emotionally competent, one needs

All of these answers are correct.

Older adulthood emotional experience is characterized by _____ emotions.

All of these answers are correct.

Who is LEAST likely to have dated in the past 18 months?

Amy, a 16-year-old Asian American

Who is least likely to have dated in the past 18 months?

Amy, a 16-year-old Asian American

Which of the following is NOT a recommended parenting strategy to use in relation to a child's temperament?

Expose the child to situations that make them uncomfortable so they can work on overcoming their fears.

Adolescents are more likely than adults to report feeling

both very happy and very sad.

At what age do children start to show fear when a new person enters their environment?

by 6 months

A feeling or affect that occurs when a person is in a state or an interaction that is important to him/her, especially to his or her well-being, is labeled a(n)


Hannah and Sarah are arguing. Their mother sympathetically helps each girl manage her emotions while they talk about solutions. This is an example of

emotional coaching.

John does not recognize when, or understand why, his wife gets frustrated when he leaves his dirty socks and other laundry on the bathroom floor. John is lacking

emotional competence.

In a study of 102 married couples, what was ranked as the most important factor in enduring love across all age groups?

emotional security

Goodness of fit occurs when a child's temperament matches

environmental demands.

With increasing age, young children's sources of regulation of emotion shifts from being

external to internal.

Research suggests that secure attachment is related to all of the following EXCEPT

externalizing problems.

With which Rothbart and Bates' temperament classification does Kagan's uninhibited category most closely coincide?


Which of the following categories do Rothbart and Bates use to classify infant temperament?

extraversion/surgency, negative affectivity, and effortful control

Which of the following is more characteristic of love in a mature relationship than in a new relationship?


There is a growing belief that as love

matures, passion gives way to affection.

According to the studies reported in the textbook about falling out of love, ending a close relationship

may actually have many positive outcomes.

According to the studies reported in the textbook about falling out of love, ending a closed relationship

may actually have many positive outcomes.

Longitudinal research on attachment indicates a likelihood that attachment style

may be altered by negative factors such as parental death or unstable caregiving

Which of the following hormones is important in the formation of a mother-infant bond?


Three-month-old Elizabeth smiles whenever her mother smiles at her. Researchers call this a _____ smile.


Three-month-old Elizabeth smiles whenever her mother smiles at her. Researchers call this a __________ smile.


Secure attachment to parents in adolescence may facilitate

social competence.

Jackson checks his mother's expression before venturing toward the sidewalk. This is an example of

social referencing

Ellie wants to touch a plant she sees in the doctor's office. She moves toward the plant and looks for her mother's reaction. Her mother frowns and shakes her head. Ellie retreats and leaves the plant alone. This illustrates

social referencing.

Reading emotional cues from others to help determine how to act in a particular situation is known as

social referencing.

Infant Jay starts with a sudden long, initial loud cry, followed by a long period in which Jay holds his breath until the next crying sound comes out. This is a(n) _____ cry.


Infant Jay starts with a sudden long, initial loud cry, followed by a long period in which Jay holds his breath. This is a(n) __________ cry.


Romantic love emphasizes __________, while affectionate love emphasizes __________.

passion; companionship

Romantic love emphasizes _____, while affectionate love emphasizes

passion; companionship.

What type of emotions are surprise, interest, joy, anger, sadness, and fear?


Which emotion type develops in the first six months of life and is also present in animals?


Which type of emotions develops in the first 6 months of life and is also present in animals?


Freud believed that infants become attached to the person or object that

provides oral satisfaction.

Which type of emotions develops in the second half of the first year through the second year?


Children of emotion-coaching parents are more likely to

self-soothe, focus attention, and behave appropriately.

Fifteen-month-old Teri cries when her mother drops her off at day care. Baby Teri is displaying

separation protest.

Jenna cries when her mother leaves her with her babysitter. Jenna is showing

separation protest.

According to Ellen Berscheid, the most important ingredient in romantic love is

sexual desire

According to Chess and Thomas, a child who has a low activity level, is somewhat negative, and displays low intensity moods is characterized as


Which theory explains why older adults spend most of their time with familiar individuals and family?

socioemotional selectivity theory

Beth decides to socialize with fewer friends than she did when she was younger, but each relationship is deeply satisfying and enjoyable to her. This is an example of

socioemotional selectivity theory.

Which of the following represents the correct order of the developmental sequence of emotion regulation?

soothing by others, redirecting one's own attention, using language to communicate emotions

Now that Rosie is in late adulthood, socioemotional selectivity theory predicts she will

spend most of her time with familiar friends and family members.

Now that Rosie is in late adulthood, the socioemotional selectivity theory predicts she will

spend most of her time with familiar friends and family members.

According to Kagan, inhibition shows _____.

stability from infancy through early childhood.

Which of the following would MOST likely cause an infant to express fear?

stranger anxiety

Which of the following would most likely cause an infant to express fear?

stranger anxiety

The most frequent expression of an infant's fear involves

stranger anxiety.

The temperament category of ______ fits with Kagan's inhibited category, and the category of ________ fits with Kagan's uninhibited category.

surgency; negative affectivity

According to the NICHD longitudinal study, what percentage of the children studied experienced positive nonparental child care?

12 percent

Social smiling occurs as early as _____ of age in response to a caregiver's voice.

4 to 6 weeks

Social smiling occurs as early as __________ of age in response to a caregiver's voice.

4 to 6 weeks

Separation protest is typically displayed by infants at around

7-8 months.

Separation protest is initially displayed around _____ months and peaks at about _____ months.

7-8; 15

Separation protest is initially displayed around __________ months and peaks at about __________ months.

7-8; 15

Which theorist believed that during the first year of life responsive, sensitive parenting helps an infant to develop a lifelong trust that the world will be a pleasant place?

Erik Erikson

Hal is a great dad. Which of the following likely characterizes a typical interaction with his children?

Hal likes to tickle and wrestle with his children.

Sam is a great dad. Which of the following likely characterizes a typical interaction with his children?

Hal likes to tickle and wrestle with his children.

Which of the following is one conclusion of the NICHD longitudinal study?

High-quality day care influences cognitive ability.

What is the main problem with labeling children as "difficult"?

It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Regarding the appearance and sequence of emotions in infants, which of the following statements is TRUE?

It is complicated and difficult to determine the onset of some emotions, and researchers hold very different views and report different findings.

Baby Ryan is attached to his mother. Which of the following statements MOST likely is true?

Ryan expects his mother to provide relief from distress.

Which of the following demonstrates phase 3 in Bowlby's attachment theory?

Ryan follows his dad everywhere.

Shelby's best friend didn't run up to play with her at recess. Instead of getting upset, Shelby thought "Is she sick?" and went up to ask her. This is an example of

Shelby's ability to reframe a potentially stressful situation.

Which of the following would Erikson be MOST likely to recommend about soothing a crying infant?

Soothe the baby so he/she develops a healthy sense of trust.

Which of the following would Erikson be most likely to recommend, regarding soothing a crying infant?

Soothe the baby so that he or she develops a healthy sense of trust.

A recent study involved 1- and 2-year-olds in a simple cooperative task. Which of the following accurately describes the findings of the study?

The 2-year-olds engaged in more actively cooperative behavior.

Which of the following statements regarding individuals who are securely attached is TRUE?

They are not overly concerned about their romantic relationships.

Eleven-year-old Julie and 12-year-old David are dating. Which of the following is most likely true of this relationship?

They go out in group settings.

Twin and adoption studies have found that biology has _____ influence on temperament.

a moderate

The emotion of fear may appear earlier than normal in some infants due to

abuse or neglect

"While my husband and I were eating breakfast today, neither of us talked, but it was a comfortable silence. I love it!" What type of love does this illustrate?


Kristin and Greg have been dating each other for several years. Although much of the passion has faded from their relationship, Kristin explains that she feels a deep sense of caring for Greg and desires to have him near. According to Robert Sternberg, Kristin and Greg's love is


Baby Natalie is generally in a positive mood. She follows a regular daily routine and is calm during new situations. According to Chess and Thomas, Natalie is

an easy child.

Although Mic is ambivalent about his girlfriend, he is emotional, jealous, and possessive. According to Hazan and Shaver, what style of attachment is Mic displaying?


Joanie is unhappy unless she has a boyfriend. She is very possessive and demanding with her peer relationships and constantly seeks to make someone her new best friend. What type of attachment is Joanie displaying?


Joanie is unhappy unless she has a boyfriend. With peer relationships she is very possessive and demanding, and she constantly seeks to make someone her new best friend. What type of attachment is Joanie displaying?


A recent study of stay-at-home fathers indicates that they

are ostracized at playgrounds and parent groups.

Adam reacts to difficult or negative situations at such a high level that it affects his normal effective functioning. He has a high level of emotional


Kierra is a young, single parent who is emotionally distant to her children. When she does interact with them, she often gets frustrated and sends them away from her. What type of attachment are her children likely to form?


Baby Jonah is hungry. According to some infancy experts, he will most likely alert his mother with a(n)

basic cry.

Baby Jonah is hungry. He will alert his mother with a(n)

basic cry.

In one study, young adult lovers rated which of the following as more characteristic of their love than their older counterparts?


Which of the following is likely to be an important factor in connecting attachment style with later functioning?

consistency in positive caregiving over years

Glen and Margie are emotionally close, are committed to making their relationship work, and still maintain a passion not often found in long-lived marriages. According to Robert Sternberg, Glen and Margie's love is


Glen and Margie are emotionally close, committed to making their relationship work, and still maintain a passion not often found in long-lived marriages. According to Robert Sternberg, Glen and Margie's love is


What is an important factor in attachment as demonstrated by Harry Harlow's experiment with monkeys?

contact comfort

Which of the following accounts for our diversity of emotional experiences?


When Gehrig is left at preschool, he cries and will not play with the other children for some time. According to Chess and Thomas, what type of temperament does Gehrig exhibit?


Maria is pregnant. If her child fits one of the Chess and Thomas temperaments, statistically speaking, which temperament will her child most likely display?


Maria is pregnant. Statistically speaking, what Chess and Thomas temperament will her child most likely have?


Gayle insists that her daughter is being silly and should not be upset by a friend's insensitive comments. Gayle is practicing

emotion dismissing.

Cherilyn's parents often ignore her emotions or try to explain that her problems should not upset her. Cherilyn's parents can be described as ______.


Stranger anxiety is negatively correlated with

familiar settings.

By 10 years of age most children are able to use cognitive strategies to manage stress. In which of the following types of families would children best cope with stress?

families that reassure children of their safety and security

By 10 years of age, most children are able to use cognitive strategies to manage stress. In which of the following types of families would children BEST cope with stress?

families that reassure children of their safety and security

Alan's infant daughter begins to cry only minutes after she goes down for a nap. According to John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, Alan should

go immediately to his daughter to soothe her crying.

Jeniel is a very active, uninhibited little girl. Her parents provide her with a stimulating environment and allow her to run and explore whenever they can. This illustrates

goodness of fit

Recent research on adolescence showed that a high frequency of dating was linked to which of the following?

higher levels of social acceptance

Todd's infant daughter begins to cry only minutes after she goes down for a nap. According to John Watson, Todd should

ignore her so that her crying won't be reinforced

Which of the following behavioral styles best characterizes caregivers of insecure resistant babies?


According to socioemotional theory, for older adults, knowledge-related goals _____, whereas emotion-related goals _____.

increase; decline

"I'm physically attracted to him, but we aren't emotionally close. It's fun to be with him, but this probably won't be a long-lasting relationship." According to Robert Sternberg's triangle theory of love, this is an example of _____.


High cortisol levels, high activity in the right frontal brain lobe, and a high and stable heart rate are associated with a(n) _____ temperament.


Devon clings to his mother. When she leaves the room, he cries loudly, but when she returns to comfort him, he kicks and squirms. Mary Ainsworth would say he is

insecure resistant.

Caregiver research indicates that fathers

interact with their babies in different ways than mothers do.

Infants develop a simple mental model of the caregiver, their relationship, and the self as deserving of nurturing care. This is known as a(n)

internal working model of attachment.

Research shows that infants are

more socially sophisticated and insightful at early ages than previously thought.

Research shows that infants are _____.

more socially sophisticated and insightful at early ages than previously thought.

With which Rothbart and Bates' temperament classification does Kagan's inhibited category most closely coincide?

negative affectivity

Nora limits her socialization to that involving her neighbors, old friends, and family members, and has mostly positive emotions with them. Nora MOST likely is a(n)

older adult.

Socioemotional selectivity theory argues that

older adults deliberately withdraw from peripheral relationships, while increasing contact with close friends and family members that offer enjoyable relationships.

Five-month-old Michelle is especially fond of her mother. She exhibits stranger anxiety and fusses when left with a babysitter. This is an example of which of Bowlby's attachment phases?

phase 2

Tricia is independent, adventurous, and likes to explore new places. Her mother, however, is overly controlling and rigid. This is an example of

poor goodness of fit.

Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby stress that

quick attention to crying is important in the development of a strong bond between parent and child.

Infant Nathan is smiling and "talking" with short, loud noises. His mother responds each time Nathan expresses himself by smiling and talking. This interaction is described as


Three-week-old baby Alex smiles mostly during sleep and not in response to his mother's kind expressions. These smiles are


Although she is upset, Olivia controls her emotions during a heated discussion with a co-worker. Olivia has a high level of emotional


Although she is upset, Olivia controls her emotions during a heated discussion with a coworker. Olivia has a high level of emotional


East Asian parents encourage their children to be emotionally _____, whereas Western parents encourage their children to be emotionally _____.

reserved; expressive

What are the two major forms of love?

romantic and affectionate

From 1989 to 2012, the number of stay-at-home fathers in the United States

rose by close to 100 percent.

Janice is a sensitive and responsive caregiver. She anticipates her baby's needs and is available and flexible. What type of attachment is Janice's baby likely to form?


Even though the Strange Situation experiment elicits different responses depending on culture, the most frequent attachment classification across cultures is


When Kyle's mother is nearby, he explores a new environment and plays with the new toys present. Mary Ainsworth would say he is

securely attached.

What type of emotions are empathy, jealousy, and embarrassment?


The pediatrician warns a mother that responding to her baby's every cry will reward and increase crying. Which view does this doctor hold?

the behaviorist view

The frequency of face-to-face play decreases after 7 months of age due to which of the following?

the infant's increased mobility

Hannah is 3 months old. To which of the following would Hannah show the most positive emotion?

the smiling face of a caregiver

Kylie is 3 years old. At this age, she should be able to

use appropriate words to describe her emotions and what caused them.

Which of the following would inhibit an infant's ability to learn about the social world?

when caregivers show no facial expressions and are unresponsive to infants

Research on attachment indicates a likelihood that

young adults who had secure attachments to parents have secure attachments to romantic partners.

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